cost volume profit analysis -cvp exmaples

Post on 16-Nov-2014






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1 Gross C.M. = Sales - Variable COGM 2 Net C.M. = Sales - Variable COGM - Variable operating expenses

Net C. M. = Gross C.M. - Variable operating expenses

Example No.1: Total Per unit

Sale (400 Speakers) 100,000 250 Less: Variable Cost (60,000) (150)

Contribution Margin 40,000 100 Less: Fixed Cost (35,000) Net Operating Income 5,000

Explaination of change in activity affect Contribution Margin & Net Operating Income:

On Sale of 1 Speaker: Total Per unit

Sale (1 Speaker) 250 250 Less: Variable Cost (150) (150)

Contribution Margin 100 100 Less: Fixed Cost (35,000)

Net Operating Loss (34,900)

On Sale of 2 Speakers: Total Per unit

Sale (2 Speakers) 500 250 Less: Variable Cost (300) (150)

Contribution Margin 200 100 Less: Fixed Cost (35,000)

Net Operating Loss (34,800)

On Sale of 350 Speakers: Total Per unit

Sale (350 Speakers) 87,500 250 Less: Variable Cost (52,500) (150)

Contribution Margin 35,000 100 Less: Fixed Cost (35,000)

Net Operating Income -

On Sale of 351 Speakers: Total Per unit

Sale (351 Speakers) 87,750 250 Less: Variable Cost (52,650) (150)

Contribution Margin 35,100 100 Less: Fixed Cost (35,000)

Net Operating Income 100

Increased in numbers of speakers sold 25 Contribution margin per speaker x $ 100

Increase in Net Operating Income 2,500


C. M. Ratio = TotalContribution Margin 40,000 Total Sales 100,000

Or: C. M. Ratio = Contribution Margin Per unit 100 Sales price Per unit 250

Impact on Net Operating Income on changes in Sales, by C.M. ratio: Calculation of changes in net income, with the changes in sales, without I/S

Increase in Sales 30,000 C.M. ratio 40%

Increase in Net operating Income 12,000

Decrease in Sales 40,000

C.M. ratio 40%

Decrease in Net operating Income 16,000

There is a direct relationship or proportion between sales and contribution margin as well as net income

Proof: Present Expected Changes Percentage

Sales 100,000 130,000 30,000 100% Less: Variable Cost (60,000) (78,000) (18,000) 60%

Contribution Margin 40,000 52,000 12,000 40%

Less: Fixed Cost (35,000) (35,000) -

Net Operating Income 5,000 17,000 12,000

Some Applications of CVP Analysis:

Consider the following example:

Selling Price per unit 250 Variable Cost per unit 150 C. M. (in amount) 100 C.M. Ratio 40% Fixed Cost 35,000 per month. Current Sales (in units) 400

Concept No.1: (Change in Fixed Cost and Sales Volume):

Sales manager feels that by increase in $10,000 fixed cost i.e, advertising budget, then the sale will increase by $30,000 to a total 520 units. Should the advertising budget increase,

Expected total contribution margin ($130,000 x 40%) 52,000

Present total contribution margin ($100,000 x 40%) 40,000

Increase in Contribution Margin 12,000 Increase in fixed cost 10,000

Increase in Net Operating Income 2,000

OR Increase in sales 30,000 Contribution Margin ratio 40%

Increase in Contribution Margin 12,000 Increase in fixed cost 10,000

Increase in Net Operating Income 2,000


Proof: Present Expected Changes Percentage

Sales 100,000 130,000 30,000 100% Less: Variable Cost (60,000) (78,000) (18,000) 60%

Contribution Margin 40,000 52,000 12,000 40%

Less: Fixed Cost (35,000) (45,000) (10,000)

Net Operating Income 5,000 7,000 2,000

Concept No.2: (Change in Variable Cost and Sales Volume): Assumption:

Management consider to change the part with more high quality part. This will increase the variable cost by $10 which decrease the contribution margin by $ 10. It increases the sales to 480 speakers. Should this changes incorporated:

Expected total contribution margin (480 Speakers x $ 90) 43,200

Present total contribution margin (400 speakers x $100) 40,000

Increase in Contribution Margin 3,200


Proof: Present Expected Changes

Sales 100,000 120,000 20,000 Less: Variable Cost (60,000) (76,800) (16,800)

Contribution Margin 40,000 43,200 3,200

Less: Fixed Cost (35,000) (35,000)

Net Operating Income 5,000 8,200 3,200

Concept No.3: (Change in Fixed Cost, Sales Price and Sales Volume):


Management consider to cut the selling price by $20 per speaker, increases fixed cost by $15,000 in advertising budget per month, these changes increases the sales by 50% i.e. 600 speakers. Should this changes incorporated:

Expected total contribution margin (600 speakers x $80) 48,000

Present total contribution margin (400 speakers x $ 100) 40,000

Increase in Contribution Margin 8,000 Increase in fixed cost 15,000

Decrease in Net Operating Income (7,000)

OR Proof: Present Expected

Sales 100,000 250 138,000 230 Less: Variable Cost (60,000) (150) (90,000) (150)

Contribution Margin 40,000 100 48,000 80

Less: Fixed Cost (35,000) (50,000)

Net Operating Income 5,000 (2,000)

Concept No.4: (Change in Variable Cost, Fixed Cost and Sales Volume):

Assumption: Management decided to pay $15 per speaker commission to Sales person and stop payment of $6,000 fixed amount of salaries, this change will increase the monthly sales by 15%

i.e. to 400 speakers to 460 speakers per month. Should this changes incorporated:

Expected total contribution margin (460 speakers x $85) 39,100

Present total contribution margin (400 speakers x $100) 40,000

Decrease in Contribution Margin (900) Decrease in fixed cost 6,000

Increase in Net Operating Income 5,100


Proof: Present Expected

Sales 100,000 250 115,000 250 Less: Variable Cost (60,000) (150) (75,900) (165)

Contribution Margin 40,000 100 39,100 85

Less: Fixed Cost (35,000) (29,000)

Net Operating Income 5,000 10,100

Explaination of change in activity affect Contribution Margin & Net Operating Income:



There is a direct relationship or proportion between sales and contribution margin




38,000 (30,000)





15,000 (15,900)




Break even Analysis:

### Computation of Break even analysis by Equation method:

Break even point (in amount)

Sale = Variable cost + Fixed Cost + Desired Profit

### Computation of Break even analysis by Formula:

Break even point (in amount) = Fixed Cost C.M. Ratio

Break even point (in units) = Fixed Cost C.M. per unit

Target Profit Analysis: It is also done by break even analysis (equation method)

Margin of Safety: Margin of safety is the excess of budgeted (or actual) sales over the break even sales. BEP provided the line below which company suffered loss. Higher the margin of safety, the lower the risk of not breaking even.

a) Margin of Safety = Total Sales (actual) - Break even sales

b) Margin of Safety (in Percentage) = Margin of Safety (in amount) Total budeted (or actual) sales

c) In a single product firm, the margin of safety can also be expressed in terms of number of units.

Margin of Safety (in units) = Margin of Safety (in amount) Sales price per unit

Or Margin of Safety (in units) = Actual units sold - BEP (in units)

Example: ### MOS = $100,000 - $87,500 $ 12,500

### MOS (%) = $ 12,500 12.5% $100,000

### MOS (in units) = $ 12,500 50 units $250

MOS (in units) = 400 speakers - 350 speakers

MOS (in units) = 50 units

Operating Leverage: It is a measure of how sensitive net operating income is to percentage changes in sales. It means that if operating leverage is high then the small percentage change can produce large increasein net income and vice versa.

Example: Farm A Farm B Sales 100,000 100,000 Less: Variable cost (60,000) (30,000)

Contribution Margin 40,000 70,000 Less: Fixed Cost (30,000) (60,000)

Net Operating Income 10,000 10,000

Degree of operating leverage = Contribution Margin Net operating Income

DOL (A)= 40,000 4 times 10,000

DOL (B)= 70,000 7 times 10,000

Consider the impact of change of 10% increase in sales of two companies

Farm A Farm B 10%

Sales 100,000 110,000 100,000 Less: Variable cost (60,000) (66,000) (30,000)

Contribution Margin 40,000 44,000 70,000 Less: Fixed Cost (30,000) (30,000) (60,000)

Net Operating Income 10,000 14,000 10,000

Change in Net Operating Income (in amount) 4,000

Change in Net Operating Income (in times) 4,000 10,000

Changes in Percentage 40

Consider the impact of change of 12% decrease in sales of two companies

Farm A Farm B 12%

Sales 100,000 88,000 100,000 Less: Variable cost (60,000) (52,800) (30,000)

Contribution Margin 40,000 35,200 70,000 Less: Fixed Cost (30,000) (30,000) (60,000)

Net Operating Income 10,000 5,200 10,000

Change in Net Operating Income (in amount) (4,800)

Change in Net Operating Income (in times) (4,800) 10,000

Changes in Percentage (48)

BEP provided the line below which company suffered loss. Higher the margin of safety, the

It is a measure of how sensitive net operating income is to percentage changes in sales. It means that if operating leverage is high then the small percentage change can produce

Farm B 10% 110,000 (33,000)

77,000 (60,000) 17,000


7,000 10,000


Farm B 12% 88,000 (26,400)

61,600 (60,000) 1,600


(8,400) 10,000


Review Problem Total Per unit Percentage

of Sales Sales 1,200,000 60 100% Less: Variable cost (900,000) (45)

Contribution Margin 300,000 15 Less: Fixed Cost (240,000) Net Operating Income 60,000

Required: 1 Compute Company's C. M ratio and Variable expense ratio.

2 Compute the company's break even point (in units) and (in dollars), by equation method.

3 Assume that sales increase by $400,000 next year. If cost behaviour pattern remain constant, by how much will the company net operating income increase? Use the C.M. ratio to determine your answer.

4 Refer to the original data. Assume that next year management wants the company earn a min. profit of $ 90,000. How much units will have to be sold to meet this target profit figure?

5 Refer, to the original data, Compute the company's margin of safety (in dollar) and (in percentage)

6 a Compute the company degree of operating leverage at the present level of sale

b Assume that through a more intense effort by the sales staff the company sale increase by 8% next year. By what percentage would you expect ner operating income increases? Use the operating leverage concept.

c Verify your answer through Income Statement.

7 In an effort to increase the sales and profit, management is considering the use of a higher quality speaker. The higher quality speaker would increase the variable cost by $3 per unit, but management could eliminate one quality inspector who is paid a salary of #30,000 per year. The sales manager estimate that the higher quality speaker would increase annual sales by atleast 20%.

a) Assuming that chanes are made as described above, prepare projected income statement for next year. Show a data on a total, per unit and percentage basis.

b) Compute the company's new breakeven point in both units and dollar of sales.

Use C.M method.

c) Would you recommend that the change be made?

Compute the company's break even point (in units) and (in dollars), by equation method.

Assume that sales increase by $400,000 next year. If cost behaviour pattern remain constant, by how much will the company net operating income increase? Use the C.M. ratio to

Refer to the original data. Assume that next year management wants the company earn a min. profit of $ 90,000. How much units will have to be sold to meet

Refer, to the original data, Compute the company's margin of safety (in dollar)

Compute the company degree of operating leverage at the present level of sale

Assume that through a more intense effort by the sales staff the company sale increase by 8% next year. By what percentage would you expect ner operating income increases?

In an effort to increase the sales and profit, management is considering the use of a higher quality speaker. The higher quality speaker would increase the variable cost by $3 per unit, but management could eliminate one quality inspector who is paid a salary of #30,000 per year. The sales manager estimate that the higher quality speaker

a) Assuming that chanes are made as described above, prepare projected income statement for next year. Show a data on a total, per unit and percentage basis.

b) Compute the company's new breakeven point in both units and dollar of sales.

Req (I) ContributionMargin Ratio and Variable cost ratio:


C. M. Ratio = TotalContribution Margin Total Sales

Or: C. M. Ratio = Contribution Margin Per unit Sales price Per unit


Variable Cost ratio = Variable Cost Sales

Req (II) Computation of Break even analysis by Equation method:

Break even point (in amount)

Sale = Variable cost + Fixed Cost + Desired Profit X = 0.75X +240,000 + 0 0.25 X = 240,000 X = 240,000 / 0.25 X = Sales = 960,000

Break even point (in units)

= Amount of BEP (in Amount) Sales price per unit

Req (III) Impact on Net Operating Income on changes in Sales, by C.M. ratio:

Calculation of changes in net income, with the changes in sales, without I/S Increase in Sales 400,000 C.M. ratio 25%

Increase in Net operating Income

Req (IV) Target Profit of $ 90,000

Sale = Variable cost + Fixed Cost + Desired Profit X = 0.75X +240,000 + 90,000 0.25 X = 330,000 X = 330,000 / 0.25 X = Sales = 1,320,000

Nos. of units to be sold to earn $ 90,000:

= Amount of Sales Sales price per unit

Req (V) Margin of Safety (in amount) and (in percentage)

a) Margin of Safety = Total Sales (actual) - Break even sales

Margin of Safety = 1,200,000 - 960,000

Margin of Safety = 240,000

b) Margin of Safety (in Percentage) = Margin of Safety (in amount) Total budeted (or actual) sales

Margin of Safety (in Percentage) = 240,000 1,200,000

Req (VI) a) Degree of Operating Leverage

Degree of operating leverage = Contribution Margin Net operating Income

DOL = 300,000 60,000

DOL = 5

b) Impact on Net Income, When Sales increases 8% by the help of DOL

Increase in Sales 8%

DOL = 5 times

Increase in Net Operating Income = 8% x 5 times

Increase in Net Operating Income = 40%

c) Verify the answer by Income Statement:

Sales 1,200,000 Less: Variable cost (900,000)

Contribution Margin 300,000 Less: Fixed Cost (240,000)

Net Operating Income 60,000

Change in Net Operating Income (in amount)

Change in Net Operating Income (in times)

Changes in Percentage

Req (VII) a) Changes in Variable Cost, Sales and Fixed Cost:

Present Rate Sales 1,200,000 60 Less: Variable cost (900,000) (45)

Contribution Margin 300,000 15 Less: Fixed Cost (240,000) Net Operating Income 60,000

b) Break even Sales (in amount) and (in units) by CM Ratio:

Computation of Break even analysis by Formula:

Break even point (in amount) = Fixed Cost C.M. Ratio

Break even point (in units) = Fixed Cost C.M. per unit

c) Yes, the proposed changes will incorporate because from these changes company earn $18,000 more than Present level.

300,000 25 1,200,000

15 25 60

900,000 75 1,200,000

960,000 16,000 units 60

Impact on Net Operating Income on changes in Sales, by C.M. ratio:

Calculation of changes in net income, with the changes in sales, without I/S


1,320,000 22,000 units 60

Margin of Safety = Total Sales (actual) - Break even sales

Margin of Safety (in amount) Total budeted (or actual) sales


Contribution Margin Net operating Income


Impact on Net Income, When Sales increases 8% by the help of DOL

8% x 5 times

Increase by 8%

1,296,000 (972,000)

324,000 (240,000) 84,000


24,000 60,000


Expected Rate Percent 1,440,000 60 100 (1,152,000) (48) (80)

288,000 12 20 (210,000) 78,000

Break even Sales (in amount) and (in units) by CM Ratio:

210,000 1,050,000 20%

210,000 17,500 12

Yes, the proposed changes will incorporate because from these changes company

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