copyri ght p oppy’ s p i cni c, 2017 · the...

Post on 03-Aug-2020






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Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 1




Welcome to Poppy’s Picnic and our RAW REVOLUTION!

It’s fair to say that Poppy has completely changed my life - and in turn the lives of

many dogs just like her. I first fed Poppy on a premium processed food, but I soon

started making raw meals for her because it was obvious she needed better quality,

healthier food. It took a long time, research and every utensil in my kitchen, but it was

worth all the effort. From this simple beginning, Poppy’s Picnic was born, and with it

an ever growing number of dogs across the country are now enjoying a healthier,

nutritionally balanced and tasty raw diet made from 100% natural ingredients.

By choosing a raw diet you have made the best feeding choice for your dog. This

biologically appropriate diet is the closest to what a dog would eat in the wild - quite

simply, it’s what they are designed to eat.

In this guide I wanted to provide you with a little bit more information about the many

benefits you will see from feeding raw and how to switch your dog to the best food

they’ll ever eat.

Happy feeding! Love,

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 2



Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 3

Proper Nutrition, the way nature intended

You have made an excellent decision: raw food is the best choice for feeding your


All animals should eat a diet which is biologically appropriate to provide them with

the full complement of essential healthy vitamins, minerals and natural oils that will

keep them in tip-top condition.

Poppy’s Picnic is Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (shortened to ‘BARF’... yes, we

had a little snigger too when we first read this), specifically created to mirror what

dogs would eat in the wild – raw meat, offal, bones and some raw vegetables.

Handmade, using locally sourced ingredients of the same quality as you and I would

eat, our food is free from artificial colours, preservatives and flavourings, and does

not contain any cereals, grains, fillers or chemicals.

And what does all this mean? It means Proper Nutrition, the way nature intended,

and happier, healthier dogs.

It’s simple, and obvious when you think about it.

Did you know? Many kibbles, made of ‘meat derivative’ proteins, fillers and

preservatives, have to be sprayed with fat and other substances to make it more

appealing for your dog. YUCK!!

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 4


There are many health benefits that come with a raw diet, but don’t just take our

word for it. If you look online for ‘raw feeding vet’ see what the experts have to say.

Some of the most obvious benefits include:

➔ Improved digestion

● Because your dog will digest the majority of the food they eat, it’s easier and more


➔ Better weight management

● No unnecessary wheat, grains or fillers means lower carb food. Plus there’s no sugar!

➔ Healthier skin and coat

● The full complement of nutrients and our added natural oils mean full glossy strong


➔ Reduced allergy symptoms

● Raw food not only contains no wheat or grains but it also contains no chemicals or

preservatives, all of which can contribute to allergies

➔ Better teeth and gums

● Again, there’s no sugar in raw food. No sugar means a big reduction in teeth and

gum issues

➔ Calmer happier dogs

● Many dog behavioural specialists endorse a raw diet as some dogs react, just the

way humans do, to sugar and additives

➔ Smaller and less odorous poops that biodegrade quickly

● We are obsessed with poo. Raw poo that is. This is because it’s smaller and easier to

pick up. Your dog also poos less frequently because they are digesting and using

almost everything they eat. And with no preservatives (yes, they preserve the poo

too!) they don’t smell and biodegrade naturally. What more could you ask for?

We all want our dogs to live a long, healthy and happy life. By providing them with

the best natural food nature can provide, you will be doing the best to ensure this.

Now you know why switching to raw was such a great decision

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 5


Adopting a new way of feeding may seem a little daunting. But actually changing

your dog’s diet to raw is easy and just takes a couple of tweaks to your daily

schedule. And in fact, feeding raw is no more difficult than other foods, so make a

cup of tea, put your feet up and read on:

Following is our guide to feeding raw, split into five steps:

1. Get the storage right

2. How much to feed

3. Make the switch

4. When to feed and what

5. Get into the rhythm

And if you have any questions just email and we will help!

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 6



*Unless you have a small dog :-)

Fact: your freezer becomes your best friend when it comes to feeding a raw diet.

You have possibly never given your freezer, or it’s contents, much more than a

passing thought, but it’s time you did. Freezing is great - it’s nature’s preserver.

Freezing food does not reduce the nutritional value and there are no health risks

associated with the process as the temperature brings the food down to minus 18

degrees, cold enough to kill off any bacteria. It is also nature’s natural preserver -

hence no reason for us to add any preservatives to Poppy’s Picnic.

Raw feeders quickly realise that one small freezer is not enough (unless you have a

very small dog). Most people track down a second freezer just for dog food and stash

it in the shed/garage/basement/cupboard… anywhere it will fit!

And you don’t have to pay out loads for a new freezer. Here are some ideas:

● Ask around: your friends, family or neighbours may have one they no longer


● Look on eBay or Gumtree: many bargains to be had!

● Look on a local community free trade site: people are giving away all sorts

● Look on Freecycle, Freegle, Trash Nothing and others

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 7


Adult dogs

As a rule, adult dogs fed raw need 2-3% of their body weight every day. So, a dog

weighing 10kg should be fed 200-300g per day. Our packs are 450g so for this dog

that would be half a pack per day.

However, the right amount to feed can depend on several factors – such as breed,

age and activity levels. If you have a working dog, an extremely active breed, or if

they are underweight, this amount can be increased. Just keep an eye on their

weight and adjust accordingly.

How heavy is your dog?

The best way to check how much your dog should be eating is to use our online

calculator - find it on our home page at . If you are not sure how

much your dog weighs, either call your vet or get on the scales with and without

the dog - the difference between each measurement is their weight

As an attentive owner you are already watching your dog’s weight and understand

that if they are becoming a little heavy you need to feed less, or if they are looking a

little lean, a bit more. That said, raw-fed dogs are leaner than kibble fed dogs simply

because they are processing all the food they eat!

These quantities might seem low if you are used to feeding processed commercial

foods, but a raw diet is 100% wholesome food which your dog’s system will digest

more readily and will produce very little waste (poo!) - a visual reassurance that your

dog is getting better quality nutrition.

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 8


It probably won’t surprise you to hear that many top dog breeders advocate raw

feeding. They hope that owners taking their pups will continue to feed raw once they

are in their new home.

At Poppy’s Picnic we firmly believe mothers on a nutritious raw diet will produce a

healthier litter of puppies. And if these puppies are weaned on a raw diet, they will

grow into active dogs who will lead happier, longer lives.

So now you have your puppy at home, here’s how much you need to feed:

Feeding plan from 8 weeks

8 weeks -4 months: 10-8% of their body weight

drop down to two meals a day

4-6 months: 8-6% of their body weight

6-8 months: 6-4% of their body weight

8-12 months: 4-3% of their body weight

12 + months: 2-3% of their body weight

Start at the higher amount, reducing if puppy is putting on too much weight. As

time passess the percentage changes should be made gradually over 4 days and

not in one serving.

Giant breeds can take as long as 16 months to reach adulthood

Don’t forget to weigh your puppy at each growth stage and check back on our

homepage Meal Calculator to get the feed amount right! Do remember that no two

dogs have the same metabolism and the above is for general guidance only.

Follow the advice of your breeder if they give different advice and email if you want to check you are doing it right.

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 9

Feeding newborn puppies

We believe that every puppy should have the best possible start in life. As it is the

case with human babies, puppies have very delicate and sensitive digestive systems,

so much so that the first few weeks and months really can establish the building

blocks for a healthier life. You can understand why feeding puppies processed foods

containing harmful ingredients, additives and chemicals is such a bad idea.

● For the first three weeks of their lives, your puppies need nothing more than

their mother’s milk - and they should keep having it for as long as possible

throughout weaning

● Weaning should be a gradual process starting at week three and finishing

around eight weeks, assuming that mum’s milk holds out. If mum starts to dry

up, which can happen, then you may need to speed things up a little

● To begin weaning at 3 weeks, start by slowly introduce our Poppy’s Picnic

Weaning paste (on a flat plate) and let the pups explore the food. Don’t leave

the food down for more than 20 minutes, no matter if they haven’t tried it

● Keep the pups on the weaning paste only for about a week and then slowly mix in the follow on paste. They stay on this stage until around 5-7 weeks. At this point start to mix in our COMPLETE food for all ages

● In week 6 it is a good idea to offer puppies cut-up bits of chicken wing for

them to lick and play with. It doesn’t matter if they eat anything. You just want

them to become familiar with the smell and taste. And if there are other foods

you want your puppies to eat when they are adults this is a good time to

introduce them.

● After six or seven weeks the puppies should be nearly weaned. They may still be drinking mum’s milk, but it won’t be their main source of nutrition

● They should be 100% on the COMPLETE range by the time they are fully weaned at 8 weeks

Why paste?

Puppies need to eat paste as it’s easier on their little mouths and gentler on the tummies, but very quickly they do need the COMPLETE or it’s such a strain on the mum (especially with big litters). If you have a small litter, so 2-4 for example, you

can get away with staying on the weaning for an extra week

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 10

Feeding plan 0 - 8 weeks

Week 0–3 weeks

Feed mother’s milk - can’t beat it!

Week 3-5 weeks

Our Poppy’’s Picnic Weaning Paste four times a day. Leave down for 20 minutes

Weeks 5-8

Poppy’s Picnic Follow-on Paste four times a day (feeding 8-10% of their body

weight). Use our online calculator to check this

They may still be drinking mums milk but the follow-on paste will now be their main

source of nutrition

Introduce chicken wings for them to taste and chew in Week 6 remembering to

supervise throughout. We want them to get a taste of the chicken, not actually


Week 8 onwards

See our Feeding Plan (above) from 8 weeks. Again, using our online calculator for

the quantities needed

Our COMPLETE range, introducing slowly our lamb and beef varieties.

Reduce to three meals a day

Remember, we are at the end of a telephone or email if you have any question.

Just email or call 01380 716 599

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 11


Old food today, raw tomorrow

Changing to a raw diet can be as easy as putting down a plate of food. However,

here are a few suggestions to help make the switch go easily:

1. Do a complete swap, dry/canned one day, raw the next - most dogs won’t

need encouragement to eat something new!

2. Start the switch on a new day - don’t mix foods on the same day

3. Match the protein they were eating before switching and keep them on this for

three days (e.g if they were eating Chicken Adult Pedigree or Lily’s Kitchen

Chicken and Duck then start off on our Chicken and Bone Complete for three

days). After this time you can introduce our other varieties

Is there anything I need to watch out for?

Like any change of diet - be it human or four legs - the body can take a little time to

adjust. If your dog is anything like Poppy she tucked in straight away without any

hesitation. Her poop was a little strange (a little mucusy) for the first couple of days as

she was detoxing, but this is completely normal. We know of other pups where their

poop can be very soft, but this will pass. Also your dog may seem sometimes to be

straining, again this is normal as your dog adjusts to the food - we don’t bulk our food

out so they have to truly expel their bowels, which in turn helps excrete the anal

glands. Lovely stuff!

What about fussy dogs?

Fussy dogs - no problem! It’s down to patience and a lot of love. You know your dog

better than anyone else. If they have a tendency to be fussy - and we know a lot of

previously fussy dogs - then you can take it more gradually. But try and ditch the

kibble or filler-based food as soon as possible.

For fussy dogs, there are a number of options:

1. Think Golden Globes! The Oscar’s! We need you to be the best actor ever.

Your dog needs to think that you have the food of the Gods! Make a fuss, be

dramatic and get that tail wagging

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 12

2. ‘Ooo! That’s cold!’ Your dog might not like the coldness of the food as it’s quite

a change from room temperature. Get it out of the fridge 20 minutes before

feeding and then serve

3. You can make a gradual change if the complete switch doesn’t work. Mix

Poppy’s Picnic in with their old food, increasing the proportion of it over three

days until the old food is completely eliminated from their diet

4. We’re sometimes asked if it’s best to stick to just one variety of Poppy’s Picnic

at a time. Normally we’d say “No, mix them up, your dog won’t mind and

variety is good!”. However, in the case of a fussy dog, if they are a fan of

chicken then start with the chicken. You can introduce the other varieties

once they have switched to raw

5. If you do decide to go ‘cold turkey’ and your dog does not seem keen, don’t

worry. Take away the bowl until the next meal time and offer it again - it won’t

do them any harm to miss a meal and it means they will be hungry. After a

couple of meals they will soon give it a nibble and then it should be


The cold turkey method is ok for most dogs, with the exception of any dog who

has (or could have - some breeds are prone to) issues with low blood sugar.

Puppies also need to feed regularly and should not go without. The Raw

Feeding Veterinary Society can offer advice on dogs with specific issues.

6. If nothing else is working, put yourself in the mindset of your dog… they are

used to stinky food with lots of complex added smells. Raw meat simply

doesn’t smell of much. To add some more smell and a bit more flavour, you


a. Get a tin of tuna in spring water and add the juice to the food

b. You can caramelise the meat to bring out the natural sugars. Get a

frying pan REALLY hot and then flash fry it for no more than 10

seconds. Our food contains bone so we don’t want to make this harden

- just bring out the sugars. As they get used to eating the food, you can

do it for less and less time until they are eating the raw food as it comes

Any new to raw feeder faced with a reluctant hound will feel guilty and will want to

give in when their dog gives them Those Eyes. Too often new to raw owners give up

on raw all together because their dog initially refused/whined/barked/looked

depressed. But you must remember that you are giving them the BEST food you can

possible give and they will be healthier and happier in the end. You are not depriving

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 13

them and they will not starve. It’s all about establishing who is right, who is in charge!

It’s you or the dog… you decide.

It is vital to remember that HOW you are will affect your dog too: how you behave

and what you feel will be reflected back at you. If you are unsure and nervous, as will

they be. If you are fretting that they are not eating, the likelihood is that they won’t.

And consider outside forces too.. If you are stressed with work or homelife, have just

moved house, changed jobs, anything that’s causing YOUR behaviour to change,

then you need to consider that your dog will know. Pick your time to switch when the

house and life is as calm as it can be. A calm, quiet environment and a calm, positive

owner is the best point to start.

Only dogs with a compromised immune system, those with inflammatory bowel conditions or who have undergone bowel surgery shouldn’t eat a 100% RAW diet. This is because they will have certain sensitivities and potential inflammations. It is

often advised to cook the food before feeding.

If your dog has medical issues relating to the gut or bowel, consult with your vet. If you vet is very anti raw, seek the advice of the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society

If you have any questions about any of this we are always happy to help! Just email or call 01380 716 599

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 14


We normally recommend feeding twice a day, morning and evening, but if your dog

is used to eating more regularly - or is a puppy - then feed them as they need.


It might not be obvious at first, but you have to look at ALL aspects of your dog’s diet

when switching to raw. Many owners start feeding raw without realising their dog’s

treats have wheat and sugar in the (dental sticks are the worse offenders!). For

treats or training aids we recommend dried liver, dried venison or fish skins - all

completely natural and containing 100% meat or fish. Don’t over-treat your dog… a

treat is exactly that and should not be a regular snack!


Bones are full of nutrients vital to a dog’s health - minerals such as calcium,

phosphorus and magnesium, glucosamine, fat-soluble vitamins (including A, D and

E) and essential amino acids – and the marrow contains blood-forming nutrients

such as iron and copper.

Bones are also nature’s toothbrush (no more sugar-filled dental sticks!) helping to

keep a dog’s teeth clean and their gums healthy by preventing the build-up of

plaque. They can also help prevent bad breath and provide a means of exercise for

your dog, strengthening their jaws and upper body. And of course, it’s fun!

If you have just made the switch to raw, leave it a few weeks before you introduce

bones. Give them a bone large enough not to be swallowed in one gulp but small

enough for them to manage in their mouths. They can have beef marrow bones and

chicken wings. Lamb ribs are nature’s toothbrushes, but they can get caught in the

mouth so are best given to experienced bone chewers.

The fundamental point to always remember is that bones must always be uncooked,

NEVER cooked. A cooked bone can easily shatter or splinter and if swallowed may

lodge in the throat or stomach. When you feed bones, you can reduce the quantity of

food in the evening meal to allow for the weight in the bones themselves.

Why’s my dogs poop crumbly and white after giving a bone? Your dog might experience a white or crumbly poop after feeding a bone. This is

because the bone content has been upped, the body is expelling and doing it’s job. It will get back to normal by the next poop

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 15


Raw feeding is all about rhythm. And we don’t mean you have to dance along to your

favourite tunes while you’re feeding your dog (although you can if you want). We

mean that it’s about getting into a new rhythm of defrosting and feeding, defrosting

and feeding…

You will quickly learn how fast the food defrosts in your house. Most people take out

a pack (or packs - for bigger dogs) one day and feed it the next. With very small dogs,

a pack might last several days. In this case you are best to defrost half a pack at a

time or feed our meatballs. Do whatever works best for you and your dog.

If you do forget to defrost the food (we’ve all done it!) then simply put a whole pack in

a bowl of warm water. Never be tempted to microwave it as the bone can harden

and this could cause irritation to your dog’s tummy!

It goes without saying that it is essential to take normal hygiene precautions for

handling any raw meat: cleaning utensils and surfaces it comes into contact with

carefully, store it in the bottom of the refrigerator away from other foods, and wash

your hands thoroughly after handling.

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 16


Your dog’s digestion explained

Dogs are descended from wolves and have very different digestive systems to

humans. We may have selectively bred dogs to develop specific looks and

behaviours, but their internal organs and functions remain the same as that (not so)

distant ancestor.

Dogs are carnivorous scavengers and their jaws do not move from side to side,

meaning they can’t grind food. So they simply swallow it. And there are no digestive

enzymes in their saliva - which, along with the ability to chew our food, enable us

humans to start the digestive process before we swallow.

We all worry that our dogs simply ‘wolf’ down their food, rather than savouring every

mouthful, but it’s simply the way they are designed.

In fact, a dog’s digestion is mainly facilitated by its large, expandable stomach filled

with really strong acids to break down flesh and bone… and anything else they

happen to pick up. The truth is, with stomach acid like this it’s very hard for a dog to

get food poisoning!

What they would eat in the wild - meat, bones, bits of vegetation - is what they are

built to consume and digest. Raw food is as close to this natural diet as possible and

therefore easy on their digestive system.

Commercial foods - the unhealthy facts

We know a diet of highly processed foods is bad for humans, so why should it be any

different for our dogs?

Why do so many people feed their dogs mass-produced processed foods? The

simple answer is convenience… oh, and decades of very expensive, persuasive

marketing from the global pet food companies.

Mass-produced dog foods might say balanced die t on the label, but that’s really just

a technicality. Yes, they contain all the required nutrients a dog needs, but HOW they

have got there and WHAT they are is the real question.

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 17

In truth they are high-carb, low animal protein foods full of fillers, sugars and ‘meat

derivatives’ (which basically means the makers don’t have to specify where the meat

comes from). They also contain a high percentage ‘crude fibre’, low quality stuff like

empty grain or peanut hulls, or almond shells, which offer no nutritional value


Any natural vitamins in the very small quantities of meat are destroyed by the

cooking process - up to 70% of a food’s nutritional value is lost, from the point of view

of a dog’s diet – and all these have to be replaced with chemically produced

‘nutrients’ along with colouring, preservatives and binders to make a finished ‘food’


All of that sounds pretty revolting if you ask us.

But we have been peddled this stuff for the last 60 years to the point that even many

of our vets believe that dried kibble is best. Remember, it was only a few years back

that we were told that low fat was good for us - now the experts have unravelled

what twaddle this was.

POO!! Ever wondered why dogs so often produce such big poos? It’s simply

because of all the indigestible content in the ‘foods’ that they don’t actually need -

and what goes in, must come out. Essentially, you are paying for poo. Personally I’d

prefer to pay for food. But maybe that’s just me!

What is the result of all this processed junk?

Right now In the UK, over 50% of dogs are obese. And it’s about the same

percentage for dogs with diabetes. Over the years a direct link between canine

health and diet has become apparent as more and more people find themselves

making regular trips to the vet with dogs suffering from digestive issues, behavioural

problems, and allergies that can usually be linked to diet. So, arguably, raw feeding

should result in lower veterinary bills. It’s what many of our customers are telling us


Don’t feel bad if you have fed your dog processed food up till now. It’s likely you had

no idea about all of this - it’s kept pretty quiet after all. Now you do we hope you’ll

help spread the word on raw feeding and help other owners make the switch too.

I’m sure you’ll now understand why we call it our RAW REVOLUTION :-)

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 18


We have spent a lot of time and effort developing our recipes. We work with

specialist, local people to ensure we use the best ingredients we can buy. We’ve also

worked with vets to develop COMPLETE meals, offering your dog all the nutrition it

needs. If you are wondering exactly what goes into our food, then here is a quick



All our meat is sourced locally in Wiltshire and prepared by 4th generation butchers.

It is minced by hand, then packed and frozen to keep it perfectly fresh until it’s ready

to be eaten.

Commercial dog food manufacturers suggest raw meat contains dangerous

parasites – this is part of their negative marketing agenda to discredit a growing

threat to their market dominance. In fact raw food for dogs is the same as raw meat

for humans… keeping it safe is simply a matter of proper storage, handling and



In the wild almost 1/3 of a dog’s nutrition (calcium, magnesium, complex fats and

vitamins, amongst other things, come from bones) Bones also help to clean teeth

and promote healthy gums, also exercising the jaw – must be uncooked (cooked

bones splinter). Our bone grinding plate is 8mm, so the meals we produce are

suitable for dogs of all ages… and all sizes.


We add beef liver and kidney to our meals as they contain many essential minerals

and vitamins.


Green tripe is a superfood for dogs - nothing else provides such a rich variety of

digestible proteins. But it has a bad reputation with some raw feeders mainly

because of the smell. But we only add a little green tripe to our ‘With Tripe’ varieties -

enough to do the work of a superfood but not enough to make it unpleasant to be


Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 19

The raw, unbleached stomach which we use is simply rinsed in cold water – it’s

called green because it has a slight green fluorescent shine, not because anything

has been added.


We only use locally grown, seasonal vegetables in our meals. And when we say local,

we can actually see some of the fields out of our windows. Some raw feeders don’t

believe that vegetables are necessary, but for a complete BARF model diet we think

they are a vital addition, adding essential fibre and a host of vitamins and minerals

not present in meat.

Added extras

We also add in a few things, just because we can and they make for a super healthy


 Wheatgrass powder

● Helps to boost immunity and stimulate metabolism

● Containing chlorophyll, vitamins A, C and E, iron, calcium and magnesium, wheatgrass can increase red blood cells in the body

Spirulina powder

● Supports the immune system and prevent inflammation

● Rich in nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and essential amino acids, spirulina can ward off inflammation and other diseases in the body, being excellent for protecting the immune system, and helps to reduce the risk of heart disease

Sea kelp powder

● Supports the immune system and maintains optimum coat and skin condition

● Packed with nutrients to support a strong and healthy immune system, sea kelp contains an abundance of vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes which are absorbed by the digestive tract and provide benefits inside and out and can help maintain optimum coat and skin condition as well as healthy gums

Coconut oil

● Helps fight off viruses and in the treatment of skin conditions

● Increasingly regarded for its health potential, coconut oil contains high levels of antioxidants which can reduce inflammation and help alleviate arthritis, can help heal urinary and kidney infections, contains lauric acid which helps create a hostile environment for viruses and is also helpful in treating many skin conditions

Flaxseed oil

● Promotes healthier heart, skin and hair

● Rich in omega-3, flaxseed oil can promote healthier heart function, calmer moods, decreased inflammation, while also helping healthier skin and hair

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 20

Further advice

Please check our website

if you have any questions email or call 01380 716 599

You can also find us on

©2017 1.3 Poppy’s Picnic ™

Copyright Poppy’s Picnic, 2017 21

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