conversing with god by the sea

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/4/2019 Conversing With God by the Sea


    Conversing With God By the Sea A Collection of Prayerful Reflections

    Karin A. Searson

  • 8/4/2019 Conversing With God by the Sea



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  • 8/4/2019 Conversing With God by the Sea



    Remembering Who I Am

    Seeking God Perfectly

    Revelation on Le Point Vierge

    Traveling In Gods Strength

    Awaken In My Soul

    Perfectly Hidden In God

    Receive me

    Staying Found

    Our Smiling Mother

    Seaside Praises

    Closing Prayer


  • 8/4/2019 Conversing With God by the Sea


    There is an unspeakable secret: paradise is all around us and, and we donot understand.

    ~Thomas Merton

    As Jesus was praying in solitude

    ~Luke 9:18

  • 8/4/2019 Conversing With God by the Sea



    I did not set out with the intention of writing this small collection of reflections; they just seemed to come during my time of journaling. Theywere written during my annual silent retr eat by the sea in September 2011.

    My inspirations for these reflections, other than Almighty God Himself,were the prayers and poems of Thomas Merton and the beautiful backdropof the sea.

    As I said, much of the inspiration for t hese reflections came from myreading and prayerful meditation on the writings of Merton, but thethoughts, prayers and sentiments are my own~ the fruit of that prayer and meditation.

    My sharing them, in a somewhat limited capacity for righ t now is to drawthose who do read them into t heir own conversations with God. After all,that is what prayer truly is: conversation with our Creator.

    I have included some quotes and short prayers by T homas Merton in order to give some background and depth to my own thoughts. The specific worksof his from which they were t aken are cited at the end. I encourage you touse that list as a source for further reading.

    There is a Scripture verse before each reflection as a reminder that all prayer, no matter what for m it may take, is initiated by God.

    The photos~ well, I may have snapped the picture but once again the credit goes to God, the Divine Artist, who provided a week of breathtakingsunrises and sunsets.

    Merton refers to Le Point Vierge , the virgin point. It is that pla ce deepwithin our souls, a point of nothingness untouched by sin and illusion; a point of pure truth. This virgin point b elongs to God and is at His disposal in and for our lives.

    I pray that as you read these reflections, they will draw you a little deeper within to that place where God awaits you.

    Enjoy this time of prayer and solitud e. May God bless you abundantly.


  • 8/4/2019 Conversing With God by the Sea


    ~ 1 ~

    Jesus answered, and said to him: If any one love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will lo

    and we will come to him, and will make our abode with him. ~John 14:23 Remembering Who I Am

    Maybe this is why I return to this quiet place by the sea. Maybe this is whatI want You to do for me during our time here; help me to remember who Iam~ more specifically, who I am in You. The person You created me to bealways seems clearer and more understandable away from the goings on of the world. Out there it is too easy to get caught up in who I am in relation toeveryone and everything else. I need You to help me, always, throughprayer to stay who I am in You even in the day to day living of my life in the world.

    I need to stay with You and in You, the One who created me so as not to getlost in what the world thinks I should be.

    Draw me into Yourself and hold me there, do not let me leave, but if Ishould stray lead me back to where You are.

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    ~ 2 ~

    Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found: call upon him, while he is near.

    ~Isaias 55:6

    Seeking God Perfectly

    My desire is to seek You perfectly always and in all things, but what doesthis really mean?If I am to seek You, my Lord and God, perfectly I must

    have a will that is always ready to fold back within itself and to draw all the powers of my soul down from its deepest center.

    To seek You perfectly is to rest in the silent expectancy and anticipation of Your coming.

    I need to stand poised and ready in tranquil and effortlessconcentration on that point of my dependence on You. That point ismy nothingness, for to be who Youcreated me to be, I need You for everything and in everything. With Your grace, I need to gather all

    that I am, accept all that I canpossibly suffer, and all that I cando or be, and give it all to You in complete abandonment. I need to do this,in order to seek You perfectly, with a blind faith and complete trust in You,my God. It is only when I am able to do this that I can honestly say that Ihave sought You perfectly.

    I beg You for the grace to do this, and then having received it, may Icooperate with it in a state of complete love, humility and purity of heart.

    *This reflect ion was written in response to and greatly influenced by Mertons Kyrie for Saturdays prayer at Day. The Kyrie is excerpted from his work New Seeds of Contemplation(44-46) 1

    1 New Seeds of Contemplation 44-46 excerpted

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    ~ 3 ~

    To him that thirsteth, I will give of the fountain of the water of life, freely . ~Apocalypse 21:6

    Revelation of Le Point ViergeThat point of silence, a sacred silence that is at the deepest part of our being; it is what Thomas Merton refers to as Le Point Vierge (the virginpoint).

    This virgin point is perhaps where the spring of Living Water, which Youspoke of in the Gospel originates. You are this Living Water. When I dive tothose depths, entering the sacred silence, I encounter You. It is there that You invite me into prayerful contemplation and conversation with You. Itis ther e, like the woman You met at Jacobs well ( see John 4:1~30), that Iask You for Your Living Water~ the only water that can quench my thirsty soul.

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    ~ 4 ~

    The Lord God is my strength: and he will make my feet like the feet of harts: and he the conquero

    me upon my high places singing psalms. ~ Habakkuk 3:19

    Traveling in Gods Strength

    I am afraid to know my own strength. It is easier to turn from the Source of this strength and live in fear, guilt and shame. It is not better, but at times, just easier. This strength is not my own, and perhaps that is what instillsthe fear. The Source of this strength is You alone, my God~ the God andFather who reveals Himself in the person of Jesus Christ, yet still remains

    Mystery.I am stronger than I think I am, stronger than I want to admit. To admitthis strength in me is to admit God in me, the God who I barely understand.

    To be strong in Him whom I can never fully comprehend requires greatfaith and trust. Yes Lord, I do believe but help me in my unbelief. Jesus, Ido trust You, but I need to trust You even more with everything I am andhave. I want to trust in all that You have told me in Your Gospels. I have

    seen You at work in my life, and because I have seen You, I have seen theFather who loves me because I love and believe in You.

    I want to travel in Your strength~ in the grasp of Your Divine Love leadingme to live in Your Divine Life. Transform my life into Yours; may Your will be mine. Then I will know that I travel in Your strength.

    My Sweet Christ, You are my strength. May it be no longer I who live, but You who live in me. ( see Gal. 2:20 )

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    ~ 5 ~

    He hath converted my soul. He hath led me on the paths of justice, for his own name's sake.

    ~Psalm 22:3

    Awaken In My Soul

    O Christ, my Sweet Savior, Eternal High Priest awaken in my soul. 2 Awaken in its depths in silent majesty. Run Your course in Your way in Your time through the pathways of my soul.

    With Your gentle strength tear down the obstacles I place there~ theobstacles of fear,shame, mistrust,

    tepid love and weak faith~ all of whichseparate me from You.

    I know You will notdo anything againstmy free will, or without my consent.

    My desire id that my will be conformed to Yours. You have my consent to doanything You wish in my soul so that it may appear before You clean andunblemished.

    You are my High Priest, my King and my Lord~ do with me what You will.

    Awaken in my soul.

    2 *Based on Mondays Opening Verse at Dusk: A Book of HoursOpening Verse taken from Entering the Silence, 311

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    ~ 6 ~

    But the hidden man of the heart in the incorruptibility of a quiet and a meek spirit, which is rich in

    of God. ~1Peter 3:4

    Perfectly Hidden In GodI know You as Father only because You call me by name, the name knownonly to You in Your calling me Daughter. I am because You are. My identity,my true self, is hidden perfectly and completely in You.

    This is the secret we venerate in your saints. In their own lives, they wereprofoundly aware of this truth and they lived their lives accordingly.

    It is Your silence I share, Your silence in which I worship You. It is in thisshared silence where I receive and meet Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Itis through Him, with Him and in Him that I am brought to You, the One Idare to call Father.

    When You call me by name, out of darkness and into the Light which isChrist, You father are looking for Him in me. Your desire is to see His light,His life reflected in me.

    In this shared silence, You move and when You do, I also move. For it is in You I live and move and have my being. (see Acts 17:28)

    In the depths of this silence is my virgin point where I am who You createdme to be~ where my life, my identity is perfectly hidden in You.

    In this may You always be glorified.

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    ~ 7 ~

    He shall glorify me; because he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it to you.

    ~John 16:14

    Receive Me

    Receive Me, I hear You say to me. Yes, when I come to you and youapproach Me in My Most Blessed Sacrament.

    Receive me though at every moment. Receive My love, My peace, My truthfor these are the reflection of Me and My divine life in Your soul~ your soul

    as I created it in my image and likeness.

    Receive me into your very depths where I dwell in you and wait for you atall times.

    Receive Me knowing how infinite I Am and how finite you are. Receive Meas I reveal Myself to you in My perfect Way and time.

    By receiving Me in this way, you will be at peace and will always find rest inMe.

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    ~ 8 ~

    For you were as sheep going astray; but you are now converted to the shepherd and bishop of yo

    ~1Peter 2:25

    Staying Found

    I was one of the flock who strayed~ a rebellious sheep who no longerlistened to or recognized the Shepherds Voice. He called, begging me, warning me not to stray, but the louder He called, the farther I strayed untilone day I could no longer hear Him.

    But You, my Shepherd, knew thedangers which awaited me and so You set out in search of Your rebelsheep. You found me stuck in the brambles, thorns and thicket of my sins.

    My Gentle Shepherd Youloosened and freed me from thosesnares. You carried me, broken and bruised back to Your fold where Youtended to and healed my wounds.

    Your love sent You in search of me; Your love healed me.

    Now Your voice is the only one I want to hear.

    You found me and now all I want is to stay found .3

    3 Entering the Silence: 199

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    ~ 9 ~

    And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her fee

    her head a crown of twelve stars ~Apocalypse 12:1

    Our Smiling Mother

    As night falls and sleep will soon be here, I think of our Blessed Mother,Queen of Heaven, watching over us her children.

    I have often heard parents say how sweet and angelic their children look asthey lay sleeping. I think that maybe our Blessed Mother must often think the same of us. I can almost hear her whisper, as she smiles, to the Fatherand to Jesus: Look how peaceful they are! No trouble to be made or had by them, pure and seemingly sinless in this state. This is the reason for hersmile.

    Then there are the times when I have been her child who could not or would not sleep~ too troubled by the day just past. On those nights I go tomy Mother, taking her chain of roses in my hands, knowing this sweet andgentle prayer will bring me to her where I will find comfort and rest underthe protection of her mantle. She smiles on these nights as well~ glad that Ihave sought her comfort and protection.

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    ~ 10 ~

    All ye works of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever.

    ~Daniel 3:57

    Seaside Praises

    Darkness just before the dawn, bless the Lord.

    Waning moon and stars, bless the Lord.

    Night creatures who soon will sleep, bless the Lord.

    Rising seagulls in search of the days first meal, bless the Lord.

    Pale sky of faintest color, bless the Lord.

    Cool ocean breezes, bless the Lord.

    Gentle ocean waves, bless the Lord.

    Rising sun, bless the Lord.

    All creatures on land and in the sea, bless the Lord.

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  • 8/4/2019 Conversing With God by the Sea


    ~ 12 ~

    BibliographyMerton, T. (2007). Entering the Silence. In T. Merton, A Book of Hours (p. 147). Notre Dame: Sorin Books.

    Merton, T. (2007). New Seeds of Contemplation. In T. Merton, A Book of Hours (p. 149). Notre Dame:

    Sorin Books.

    All Scripture verses: Douay~Rheims Bible Translation. Fitszwilliam, NH 2004

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