contentscontents rajyoga in the present age...

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32 April, 2017

The World Renewal

Perhaps, the most important feature that distinguishes thepresent era from all the preceding eras is that there istension all around in the atmosphere. The great hub-

bub in the ever-growing cities, the noise of motor vehicles,factories and jostling crowds in market places – all these tellbadly on man’s nerves and cause him irritation. Never beforewere the cities so big, vehicles and factories so many or noise-pollution so much as today.

Again, the ways of living and earning one’s livelihood haverapidly and enormously changed too. Science has made somany things of comfort, convenience and enjoyment availableto man that his dependence on them and the number of hisneeds has greatly multiplied too. Thus, modern man needs moregadgets; his life has become more mechanical; he is more inhurry, and his worries have alarmingly increased. As such,man is placed in a situation of constant stress and strain. Hetakes most of the decisions in this state of tension and hurryand, thus, puts himself in further trouble. This state is as trueof nations as of individuals.

In such a situation, a little practice of Rajyoga gives to manan inner tranquil. It gives him mental relaxation and, thus,enhances his capacity to judge things calmly anddispassionately. It enables him to live in peace and to let otherslive in peace too. This state of mind contributes greatly towardsthe betterment of the society, which is heading towardslawlessness; which currently thinks in terms of having morehospitals and doctors rather than having people who arepractically healthy, and which also thinks more of law-books,law colleges, lawyers and law courts rather than of havingpeople who, by their nature, are law-abiding or righteous.Rajyoga Meditation brings about a society, which is based onmutual love and regard, and where strife of all kinds is unknownand everyone enjoys the fruits of Nature. It creates a culturein which people, by their very nature, are peaceful, loving andlawful. They are holy, happy and healthy. They are active and

(.....Contd. on page no. 34)

From the mighty pen of Sanjay



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Rajyoga in the PresentAge....(From the mighty pen ofSanjay) .................................. 3

The Enthusiastic Spirit ofBrahma Kumaris (Editorial) 4

News Report of theInternational Conference-cum-Cultural Festival ................... 8

The Incorporeal Baba isTransforming the Souls now17

The Mysterious Enigma of Lifeand Death ............................ 19

Practise Soul-Consciousnessfor Stress-Free Living ........ 20

Rajyoga: The Only way totransform Bharat into theWonderland of Deities ........ 22

Power of Positive Thought .. 23

World History Repeats Itself inEvery Kalpa ......................... 24

The Journey of Self-Discoveryand Attainment of Divinity .. 27

The Virtue of Contentment 31

The World Renewal4 April, 2017



On seeing the youngsisters and brothersin the age range of

20 to 45, clad in spotlesswhites and actively involvedin organising some or theother programmes of theSpiritual Dialogue, MassMeditations and SpiritualAwakening public events, thequestion arises: How comesuch a big number of Youthare so involved in uniqueservices to humankind? Incontrast, when one looks atthe daily newspapers of anyregion or country, one findssurprises but not of thepleasant kind; we arebombarded with mostlyshocking events becausehuman psychology hasdegraded to its lowest level,and people are behavingunthinkingly, egoistically andviolently with much anger andgreed in their hearts. We arereminded of the mythologicalstory of Sage Narada goingaround the world to see ifanyone is experiencing realhappiness and peace;similarly, even if the entireglobe is surveyed today, it is

quite difficult to capture happyand peaceful moments. TheGovernments in power aretrying their best to bring abouta lot of economic benefits tothe poor, including a refinedvariety of digital gadgets forBanking and PropertyTransactions, etc. No doubt,it does save a lot of time foreveryone, and those who haveaccepted these new systemsin their daily lives, feel quitesat isf ied, but the GrossHappiness Index (GHI) thatwas recently monitoredthrough Electronic and Printmedia tells us that mostcountries display verydepressing figures in theirGHI.

In order to reverse thisdepressing scenario and bringback the natural smiles andhappiness in everyone’s face,the Brahma Kumaris havebeen busy exploring manydimensions of human activitywith course-correction, on thebasis of God’s wisdom andRajyoga Meditation. The year2017 marks the completionof 80 fulfilling years of Self-Empowerment, Spiritual

Rejuvenation of Society,and Service to theHumanity; so, the BrahmaKumaris organised anInternational Conference-cum-Cultural Festival tohonour this special 80thAnniversary on the theme,“God’s Wisdom for WorldTransformation” from 26-30th March, 2017 at itsShantivan Campus, AbuRoad, Rajasthan.

The Conference was wellorganised with participation ofvery high-level personalities fromthe Government and fields ofMedia, Administration, Art &Culture, Industry andEntrepreneurship and SocialServices. It was a matter ofpride that Hon’ble PrimeMinister of India, MrNarendra Modiji, consented toaddress the Inaugural Sessionof this great event via video-conferencing on 26th Marchevening, between 6-7 p.m. HisSpeech was based on the deepunderstanding of SpiritualWisdom connected with ourgreat country, Mother India.Simultaneously, his greatconcern for the upliftment ofthe poor and backwardclasses of society wasreflected emphatically, whenhe invited members of theBrahma Kumaris SpiritualFamily to cooperate inspreading the message and

The World RenewalApril, 2017 5contribute towards a few ofhis favourite schemes. Theessence of his guidelines andspeech is shared below for thebenefi t of our esteemedreaders:

P.M. Modiji spoke of howthis large network of BrahmaKumaris Centres and theirvolunteers can be used tobring about major changes inthe country by the year 2022,when India will be celebrating75th year of its gloriousindependence.

“Is it not our responsibilityto do something to fulfil thedreams of the founders of thisnation?” he asked. “Under theleadership of the BrahmaKumaris, we can bring aboutan energy revolution and arevolution in human lives”, healso added.

Noting the extensive use ofsolar power by the BrahmaKumaris, including a 1 MWsolar thermal power plant setup by the institution, and itsuse of solar steam cookingsystems to prepare up to30,000 meals three times aday, he said India had set thetarget of producing 175gigawatts of energy from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030.

In addition, 22 crore LEDbulbs had been supplied bymunicipalities and other localbodies all over the country,

resulting in savings of Rs11,000 crore. He urged theBrahma Kumaris to spreadawareness about LEDbulbs all over the countryto help reduce thecountry’s dependence onfuel imports.

Referring to the demone-t isat ion move of thegovernment, he also askedthe Brahma Kumaris to asktheir volunteers to use theBhim App and help smalltraders in their locality dothe same in order to speedthe transition to a cashlesseconomy.

Turning to health, the PMsaid that women volunteersfrom the Brahma Kumariscan aid the government’simmunisation programmeto ensure a healthy futurefor the millions of children,who, otherwise, fall victimto serious illnesses. This,he said, was a part of theGoverments’s aim ofempowering women.

He also suggested thatthe Institution shouldlaunch an Online CertificateCourse on Nutrition(OCCN), about which thereis little awareness in thecountry. All universities in thecountry could be made a partof this effort , he said.Students in classes 9th to 12th

would particularly benefitfrom better nutrition, whichwould help them when theylater start their families orcareers, he noted.

P.M. Modiji then gave apatient hearing to Dadi Jankiji,the 101-year old Adminis-trative Head of the BrahmaKumaris, and the suggestionsof B.K. Nirwair, theSecretary-General of theOrganisation.

Our hats off to theOrganising Committee of thisgrand Conference!! True to itsmain theme, the Conferenceattracted number of illustriousand influential Guests, thenames of some of whom arelisted below:

Mr L K Advani, formerUnion Home Minister andSenior BJP leaderGovernor of Assam, HisExcellency Mr BanwarilalPurohitGovernor of Gujarat, HisExcellency Mr O P Kohli Lieutenant Governor ofPuducherry, Her ExcellencyMs Kiran BediHon’ble Mr P J Kurien,Deputy Chairman of RajyaSabhaHon’ble Mr Kalraj Mishra,Union Minister for Micro,Small and MediumEnterprisesHon’ble Mr Ramdas Bandu

The World Renewal6 April, 2017Athawale, Union Ministerof State for Social Justiceand EmpowermentHon’ble Mr MahadevJankar, Minister for AnimalHusbandry, DairyDevelopment and FisheryDevelopment, Govt ofMaharashtraMr Amara Ram, RevenueMinister of RajasthanMr Deep KumarUpadhyay, Ambassador ofNepal to IndiaMr Kavinder Gupta,Speaker of the Jammu andKashmir Legislat iveAssemblyHon’ble Just ice ShriShahibul Hasnain, SeniorJudge, High Court ofAllahabad, Luchnow BenchH.H. Swami ChidanandSwami Saraswati j i ,President of ParmarthNiketan AshramAcharya Dr. Lokesh Muni,Social Reformer, Writer andPoetMr Gulab Kothari, Editor-in-Chief, Rajasthan PatrikaMr Deepak Chaurasia,Editor-in-Chief, India NewsMr Sudhir Chaudhary,Editor-in-Chief, Zee MediaGroupMr Sanjay Kulshreshtha,Editor-in-Chief , NewsNation.Mr K Vaidhyanathan, Chief

Editor, DinamaniMr Reghu Ramachandran,Channel Head, AsianetMr R Bhagwan Singh,Executive Editor, DeccanChronicleMs Anuradha Prasad,Editor-in-Chief, News 24Mr Santosh Bhart iya,Editor-in-Chief of ChauthiDuniyaMr Anurag Batra,Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, Business WorldMr R.C. Raina, CEO,Navgraha TVMr Kanak Sen Deka, ChiefEditor of Dainik Agradoot,GuwahatiMr Wajood Sajid, Editor-in-Chief, VNIDr. Archika, MD, Disha TVMs Raveena Tandon,Bollywood ActressMs Gracy Singh, BollywoodActressProf. Radhamadhab Dash,Vice-Chancellor of ShriJagannath Sanskri tVishvavidyalaya, OdishaMr Rajiv Ranjan Nag,Veteran JournalistH.H. Bhikku Sanghsena,Founder of MahabodhiInternational MeditationCentre, Ladakh,Mr Nawab Jafar MirAbdullah, President ,Imamia Educational TrustDr. A.K. Merchant ,

National Trustee andSecretary General, LotusTemple and BahaiCommunityMr Ernesto Castellanos,Former Member ofParliament & Economist,MexicoJust ice V. Eswaraiah,former chairperson,National Commission forBackward ClassesThis was the first time in

the history of BrahmaKumaris Godly Serviceprogrammes that a hugenumber of leading lightsand well-respectedmembers of Politics, Print-Electronic-Social Media,IAS, IFS came together onone platform to honour, inparticular, the sacrifice,tapasya, and commitmentto service of PitashriBrahma Baba, FoundingSpiritual Father of theBrahma Kumaris, ourRespected Dadis, andother Senior BKs.

Part icipation fromRespected Rajyogini DadiJankiji, Rajyogini Dadi HirdayMohiniji, Rajyogini DadiRatan Mohiniji , Br. BrijMohanji and Senior BK ZonalHead Sisters and Brothersadded spiritual flavour toevery event addressed bythem.

The World RenewalApril, 2017 7We are very thankful to

those Brahma Kumar i sSisters the instruments whoguided the guests throughdeep Meditation sessionsevery evening, which werevery much appreciated bythe gathering, which totalledabout 10,000.

The Organ is ingCommit tee headed byExecu t ive Secre ta ry o fPBKIVV, Bro .Mruthyunjaya, needs to beapplauded for the Team’stireless and loving servicesin accompl i sh ing th i swonderful, well-organised,gigantic event!

A very e labora teexhibition about the Historyof the Ins t i tu t ion , andactivities of different ServiceWings, was set up in theback portion of the DiamondHall, which attracted theattention of all participants.

We express many, manythanks to the S ta terepresented by Hon’bleMinisters and AdministrativePersonnel represented bythe Collector, SDM, DYSP,Chairman of UIT, Tahsildar,Chairpersons of Mount Abuand Abu Road Municipalitiesand o ther p rominen tmembers o f soc ia lorganisations.

We would also like to give

special mention to the veryh igh-qua l i ty Cul tu ra lProgrammes presented by avariety of groups from EastIndia, South India, Mumbaiand of course the BrahmaKumar i s ’ Div ine L igh tCul tural Group f rom StPetersburg, Russia.

The Inaugural, Plenaryand Valedictory Sessionsreached a l l co rners o fBharat and abroad throughthe Brahma Kumaris Peaceof Mind Channel, and forth i s our Mass MediaChairperson Bro. Karunaji,Execu t ive Di rec to r o fGodlywood Studio, B.K.Har i l a lbha i , h i s TeamMembers, and of courseB.K. Ravibhai f rom theUplinking Station in Delhideserve special applause!

All these programmeswould surely inspire millionsof people through Television,Newspapers and Soc ia lMedia, and definitely helperadicate many social evils.

Radio Madhuban, based atShantivan Campus, playedan impor tan t ro le inbroadcasting the Sessions,as well as interviewing theVIPs, thereby serving thecitizens around Mount Abu,Abu Road and neighbouringareas.

Al l the Madhuban

Depar tments inc lud ingKitchen, Dining, Transport(Air, Rail, Road), Security,Electricity, Medical StaffMembers of Global Hospitaland Trauma Centre , areappreciated enormously fortheir tireless services.

As a mark of respect tothe participating VVIPS,VIPs and other renownedSpeaker Guests, the BrahmaKumaris presented themwith a specially designedMomento and e legan tInsignia/Plaque.

May our honourab leGuests , and a l l BrahmaKumar i s and BrahmaKumars, continue to moveahead and attain greaterfeats in the Divine Being’swork o f wor ldtransformation based on Hisown wisdom! One of themost pleasing moments ofthe Conference was thehoist ing of a very largeIncorporeal God Shiva’s flagat a prominent height of 100ft. in front of the ConferenceHall, which will remain as apermanent symbol of ourp ledge to be ever -enlightened and occupied insharing God’s wisdom andspiritual inheritance with theworld!

– B.K. Nirwair

The World Renewal

8 April, 2017

Abu Road, March 26: Prime MinisterNarendra Modi today urged the Brahma Kumaristo use their large network of centres andvolunteers to aid the Government’s efforts in theareas of renewable energy, nutrition and health,and for ushering in a cashless economy.

Inaugurating the 80th anniversary celebrationsits Shantivan campus in Abu Road, Rajasthan,through video conference from Delhi, the PMlauded the institution for working with unity anddedication over eight decades to spread the lightof India’s spiritual knowledge all over the world.

Addressing more than 8,000 prominent personsfrom India and abroad who have gathered forthe five-day celebrations, the PM stated that theBrahma Kumaris have more than 8,500meditation centres all over the world. This largenetwork of Brahma Kumaris Centres and theirvolunteers, he said, can be used to bring aboutmajor change in the country by the year 2022,when India will be celebrating 75 years ofindependence.

“Is it not our responsibility to do something tofulfil the dreams of the founders of this nation?”,he asked.

“Under the leadership of the Brahma Kumaris,

The International-cum-Cultural Festival held on the occasion of the 80th Anniversary of the BrahmaKumaris organization commenced at 10.00 a.m. on 26th March, 2017 and ended on 30th March,2017 with the enthusiastic participation of eminent personalities like P.M. Modi, L.K. Advani, formerHome Minister and senior BJP leader, several Governors of State, important media personalities,politicians, industrialists, entrepreneurs, artists, etc. PM Modi addressed the Conference throughVideo Conferencing from New Delhi.

we can bring about an energy revolution and arevolution in human lives”, he added.

Noting the extensive use of solar power by theBrahma Kumaris, including a 1 MW solar thermalpower plant set up by the institution, and its useof solar steam cooking systems to prepare up to30,000 meals three times a day, he said India hadset the target of producing 175 gigawatts ofenergy from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030.

In addition, 22 crore LED bulbs had beensupplied by municipalities and other local bodiesall over the country, resulting in savings of Rs11,000 crore. He urged the Brahma Kumaris tospread awareness about LED bulbs all over the

Those, who came last, have the extra bonus of God’s blessing.





The World Renewal

9April, 2017

country to help reduce the country’s dependenceon fuel imports.

Referring to the demonetisation move of thegovernment, he also asked the Brahma Kumaristo ask their volunteers to use the Bhim App andhelp small traders in their locality do the same inorder to speed the transition to a cashless economy.

Turning to health, the PM said womenvolunteers from the Brahma Kumaris can aid thegovernment’s immunisation programme to ensurea healthy future for the millions of children who,otherwise, fall victim to serious illnesses.

This, he said, was a part of empowering women,and added that India had recently become one ofthe few countries in the world to grant 26 weeksof maternity leave, up from 12 weeks previously.

He also suggested that the institution shouldlaunch an online certificate course on nutrition,about which there is little awareness in thecountry. All universities in the country could bemade a part of this effort, he said. Students inclasses 9th to 12th would particularly benefit frombetter nutrition, which would help them when theylater start families or their careers, he noted.

Just after the address of PM Modi, Dadi Janki,the present Chief of the Brahma Kumaris,thanked and praised him for rendering theyeoman’s service to the nation and for urging theBrahma Kumaris Organization to help in thegovernment programmes. She also addressedhim as ‘my brother’ and urged him to come toBaba’s Madhuban sweet home by setting asidesome time from his busy schedule.

B.K. Nirwair, the Secretary General of theBrahma Kumaris, showered praises on the PMModi for his highly inspiring speech, and gavehim the assurance of support and collaboration inthe various government programmes suggestedby him. He also invited him to come to B.K. HeadQuarters to discuss on these matters for theirpractical implementation.


MATERIALISTIC MODERN WORLDAbu Road, March 26: Senior BJP leader L.K.

Advani led a host of luminaries in paying tributeto the work of the Brahma Kumaris. Rajya SabhaDeputy Chairman P. J. Kurien and Bollywoodstar Mrs. Raveena Tandon were among the otherdignitaries who lauded the Brahma Kumaris forserving society and setting an example ofwomen’s empowerment.

Members of Parliament, state legislators, seniorjudges, industrialists and media personalities whowere attending the celebrations opined that theBrahma Kumaris is a spiritual beacon in thematerialistic Modern World.

Speaking during the reception session insidethe cavernous Diamond Hall, Asia’s largest pillar-free hall, Advani said the Brahma Kumaris wasthe only institution of its kind in the world thathad been founded and expanded by women.

“Just as the mother plays the key role in a family,women have played the main role in the growthof the Brahma Kumaris”, he said.

Recalling how he had seen the institutiongrowing since its early days in Karachi, beforethe partition of the subcontinent, Advani said theBrahma Kumaris were a source of moralguidance for the world and everyone could learnhonesty and discipline from them.

Speaking of his association with the RashtriyaA knowledgeful soul cannot be defeated by the Devil.

The World Renewal

10 April, 2017

Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Advani said the RSShad helped mould his character, and he hadlearned discipline from the Sangh.

“I learned from the RSS never to be dishonestin my dealings with anyone. This may be a smallthing, but it has helped me serve society,” theBJP leader said.

Praising the idealism of the Brahma Kumaris,he noted that behind it were the ideal qualities ofthe institution’s members. Pointing to Dadi Janki,the 101-year-old head of the Brahma Kumaris,he said her long and active life was no ordinaryachievement; it was a divine gift received onlyby those who lead exemplary lives.

Besides Dadi Janki, Dadi Hirdaya Mohini, theadditional head, and Dadi Ratan Mohini, the jointhead of the Brahma Kumaris, were present onthe occasion, as were Mr. Devjibhai Patel, MPfrom Jalore, and Mr. Amara Ram, RevenueMinister of Rajasthan.

Dadi Janki was earlier extolled by Mr. P. J.Kurien as an example of women’s empowerment.He said the progress of the country should bemeasured by Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH),but not by Gross Domestic Product, and theBrahma Kumaris were contributing to India’sGDH.

“Brahma Kumaris epitomize India’s greatculture and their message is a beacon of light intoday’s world of extremism and terrorism”, hesaid.

Noting the leading role played by women inthe Brahma Kumaris, Mrs. Raveena Tandon saidthat it was an institution full of maternal love andcare. “We sometimes worry about what kind ofworld our children will live in, but there are stillorganizations such as the Brahma Kumaris thatare spreading love in the world, and this gives ushope”, she said.

A highlight of the proceedings was thefelicitation of several prominent media figures for

their services to society. They included Mr. GulabKothari, Editor-in-Chief, Rajasthan Patrika; MrDeepak Chaurasia, Editor-in-Chief, India News;Mr. Sudhir Chaudhary, Editor-in-Chief, Zee MediaGroup; and Mr. Sanjay Kulshreshtha, Editor-in-Chief, News Nation.

Mr. K Vaidhyanathan, Chief Editor, Dinamani;Mr. Reghu Ramachandran, Channel Head,Asianet; and Mr. R Bhagwan Singh, ExecutiveEditor, Deccan Chronicle, were also felicitated.


GUJARAT GOVERNORPositive social change can be brought about

only by a movement based on values and spiritualprinciples, and the Brahma Kumaris are workingfor this, Gujarat Governor, Hon’ble O. P. Kohlisaid.

Addressing thousands of dignitaries who havegathered at the Shantivan campus of the institution

for its 80th anniversary celebrations, Kohli saidthat many current social problems were the resultof society turning away from spirituality towardsa materialistic ethos.

“After we gained independence, there wasno strong movement for social and culturaldevelopment, and, as a result, we see many

Those, who constantly stay in remembrance, remain constant, steady and ready.

The World Renewal

11April, 2017

flaws in society”, Kohli said, adding thatselfishness and lack of harmony were amongthe problems.

Spirituality and universality were the twospecial features of Indian culture, he said,adding that there was need for a movementfor social change, which would come fromchange in individuals, for which a belief in aSupreme Power was needed.

Asserting that moral values were based onspirituality, he called for a positive and value-based perspective to bring about change inyouth.

Brahma Kumaris, he noted, were workingto change people from within and give their lifethe right direction. He lauded the institution’swork in the areas of women’s empowermentand ecological conservation, and its role in theSwachh Bharat Abhiyan.

Earlier, Shree V. K. Saraswat, formerDirector General of DRDO, said that man wasthe link between the material and the naturalworld, and elevating human consciousness wasnecessary to create harmony between the two.

H.H. Bhikku Sanghsena, Founder ofMahabodhi International Meditation Centre,Ladakh, said that Brahma Kumaris providedgreat inspiration for women’s empowerment.“Somehow it is believed that women can’t doas well as men, which is absolutely wrong.”He sought collaboration with such like-mindedorganisations for making the world a betterplace.


KALRAJ MISHRAHolistic progress can come about only when

material and spiritual development go hand inhand, Shree Kalraj Mishra, Union Minister forMicro, Small and Medium Enterprises, said whileaddressing dignitaries who had gathered here to

mark the Brahma Kumaris’ 80th anniversary.He said that with the powerful spiritual

leadership of 101-year-old Dadi Janki, theorganisation was capable of showing the rightdirection to the country and the world.

On the second day of the five-day celebrations,

a host of prominent speakers lauded the BrahmaKumaris for setting an example of women’sempowerment and said that its message of peacewas much needed in the world today.

Mr. Lalit Kumar, an outstanding scientist ofDRDO, said that though scientific advances hadmade technology more accessible, people werebecoming addicted to gadgets, so moral educationwas essential in the current times.

He also said that while science was proventhrough logic, spirituality could only be felt bypersonal experience, and congratulated theBrahma Kumaris on running their managementsmoothly with the help of self-motivatedvolunteers.

Veteran journalist Mr. Rajiv Ranjan Nag saidthat the fourth pillar of democracy was seeing adownfall in values as media groups were nowbecoming handmaids of business houses. He alsosaid that the Brahma Kumaris was the onlyorganisation of its kind in the world run by womenon such a large scale, and added that societyneeded the mantra of Om Shanti more than everbefore because it was under extreme stress.

All opposition, insult and defamation will work like fertilizers to produce fruits for you.

The World Renewal

12 April, 2017

Mr. Mahadev Jankar, Minister for AnimalHusbandry, Dairy Development and FisheryDevelopment, Maharashtra, said that theknowledge given at the Brahma Kumaris couldbring about great transformation, and suggestedthat the organisation should also look into the fieldof animal welfare.

Dr. M H Ghazali, Editor, United NewsNetwork, said that India was the only countrythat could become a world guru because it hadalways given the message of peace. He urgedthe BKs to take the initiative to make valueeducation a part of school curricula and alsoconduct an awareness campaign in rural areasabout the role of right nutrition in good health.

Prof. Radhamadhab Dash, Vice-Chancellor ofJagannath Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya in Puri,Odisha, said that the mantra of Om Shanti wasmeant to bring back peace into the world.

Earlier in the day, H.H. Swami ChidanandSwami Saraswati, president of ParmarathNiketan Ashram, said the Brahma Kumaris hadshown how the world could be one family. “Chaosdoes not happen outside; it happens inside of us,”he said, asking everyone to participate in buildinga culture of trust.

BK. Karuna, Head of Multimedia at theBrahma Kumaris, apprised every one of the latestmedia collaborations of the organisation. He saidTata Sky had launched a channel to show thedaily activities of Brahma Kumaris centres.

B.K. Marcelo Bulk, Director of the BrahmaKumaris centres in Colombia, said that in the fastpaced urban culture, where the only certainty wasuncertainty, the loss of one’s real, spiritual identitywas a big crisis. This is where India, with its richtradition and spiritual heritage, was making adifference by bringing peace and meaning to life.Referring to the decades of war in Colombia, hesaid: “Peace is not something that you can get bysigning a treaty, but through deep reflection.”

G.V.S.R. Anjaneyulu, MLA and Chairman ofShivshakthi Group, Hyderabad, said that practisingRajyoga meditation as taught at the BrahmaKumaris had given him a great deal of internalsatisfaction. He also said that knowledge of peaceand happiness could not be received from topuniversities, but from spiritual organisations likethe BK.

Asserting that spirituality had answers tocurrent challenges, Dr. G. Vivekanand, Advisor,Telangana Government, proposed that theBrahma Kumaris should work to spread theirknowledge in the rural areas of his state.

Applauding the selfless service of the BrahmaKumaris, Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni, socialreformer and writer, said that the organisation wasworking tirelessly for creating a new society.

Ms. Anuradha Prasad, Editor-in-Chief, News24, congratulated the organisation fordemonstrating the values of purity and simplicity.She urged the BKs to help in converting Rajniti(politics) into Rashtraniti (inclusive governance).

Mr. R.C. Raina, CEO, Navgraha TV, said thatthe Brahma Kumaris had taken woman powerforward. He said that to bring about socialtransformation, the country’s education system,politics, and structure of family, religion andspirituality needed to be revamped.

Giving her inspirations, Dadi Ratan Mohini, JointChief of the Brahma Kumaris, said that spiritualityshould be manifest in our speech and conduct. “Imay consider myself good, but what do othersfeel from my words and behavior?” she asked.

Prof. Ramesh Mittal, Chancellor, Medi-CapsUniversity, Indore, said that the Brahma Kumariswere upholding moral values which, werevanishing fast from society. He requested theinstitution to seek the government’s help and startcourses in educational institutions to impart moraleducation.

Mr. Anurag Batra, Chairman and Editor-in-

The more people insult you now, the more they will sing your praises later.

The World Renewal

13April, 2017

Chief, Business World, said that the BrahmaKumaris had done more for others than any otherinstitution in the country. At a time when peoplewere more interested in physical fitness, he said,mental disorders were on the rise, and theteachings of the Brahma Kumaris is helping tobuild one’s mental muscle.

Mr. Sankar Laskar, Chief Editor of AsomiyaKhabar, published from Guwahati, said that afterhaving visited the Brahma Kumaris campus, hebelieved he would be able to change hisperspective from a material to a spiritual one.

Kanak Sen Deka, Chief Editor of DainikAgradoot, published from Guwahati, appreciatedthe work being done by the Brahma Kumaris anddrew a parallel between their teachings and theteachings of Mahatma Gandhi and SrimantaSankardev, the 15th Century saint and socialreformer from Assam.

Mr. Atul Agarwal, Editor-in-Chief of HindiKhabar, said he had received soul energy in theBrahma Kumaris campus and wondered howeveryone here remained happy and every momentseemed to be festive.

Ms. Shivani Aggarwal, Channel Head ofPragya TV, said her life had been changed byher association with the Brahma Kumaris, andemphasised on the need to see events and newsin a detached manner, without their affecting one’slife.

Mr. Bishabhar Newar, Chief Editor, ChhapteChhapte, Kolkata, said that with science at itspeak, we may know what is happening acrossthe world but we are moving away from eachother and do not know what is happening in ourneighbourhood. Without spiritual power, sciencecannot solve our problems, he said.

The highlight of the morning session was a‘royal’ felicitation of senior members who haveplayed a pivotal role in the Brahma Kumaris’services for several decades.



“The country is being divided on the lines ofcaste and religion, but these divisions are not apart of our culture, and they should be removed”,Assam Governor Banwarilal Purohit said here.

Speaking during the 80th anniversarycelebrations of the Brahma Kumaris, Purohit saidthat Indian civilisation had survived because it wasbased on dharma, and the Brahma Kumaris werekeeping the roots of dharma healthy and strong.

“There is no institution as pure and great asthe Brahma Kumaris in this country”, the AssamGovernor declared, adding that he had been“mesmerised” by his visit to the institution’sShantivan campus.

Recalling the ‘seven social sins’ mentioned byMahatma Gandhi, he said he saw total sacrificein the Brahma Kumaris. “You are doing God’swork”, he said, and urged people to connect withthe organisation.

Seeing the use of solar energy by the BrahmaKumaris, including a solar steam cooking systemused to prepare meals for up to 40,000 people,had been an eye-opener for him, the governorsaid.

Applauding the work of the Brahma Kumaris,Mr. Kavinder Gupta, Speaker of the Jammu andKashmir Legislative Assembly, said that

Never discard your feelings of mercy even for one who opposes you.

The World Renewal

14 April, 2017

development needed to be holistic.Prof. Prafulla Kumar Mishra, the Vice

Chancellor of North-Odisha University, Baripada,Mayurbhanj, Odisha, India, conferred on DadiHridaya Mohini, the Additional Chief of BrahmaKumaris, the degree of Doctor of Literature(Honoris Causa) for her contributions towardsspreading the message of values, spirituality andsocial service in her unique role as a messengerof the Incorporeal God.

While conferring the degree Prof. Mishra saidpraising highly the noble contributions of DadiHridaya Mohini: “It is a matter of glory for theUniversity to confer the degree on her. Ipersonally feel great and glorious in conferringthis here on this grand celebration of 80th

Anniversary Celebration of the Brahma KumarisOrganization, which is engaged whole-hearte inits exemplary work of spreading the message oflove, universal brotherhood, values, spirituality andworld peace.”

In addition, several journalists were felicitatedfor their services to society. They included seniorjournalist Bhavya Srivastava, K. Jaya Prasad,Chairman and MD, Metro TV and Mega TV,Sreeraj Menon, Director, Sakhi TV,Thiruvananthapuram, Santosh Bhartiya, Editor-in-Chief, ChauthiDuniya, Ajay Dave, GroupEditor, S Live Channel, P P Wangchuk, Editor-at-Large, The Hindustan Times.

Several dignitaries from Nepal also attendedevent. Speaking on their behalf, Justice MohanBahadur Karki, Chief Justice, High Court, Nepal,said: “When there is no peace, life is meaningless,even if one has all the wealth in the world.” Healso added that the wandering of the human mindwas a big problem of our times and one couldlearn the art of training it through Rajyogameditation.

Mr. Markandeya Adhikari, Vice-Chairman andManaging Director, SAB Group, said that in the

present time of insecurity and instability, theBrahma Kumaris was doing great service throughits centres round the world. He urged mediahouses to highlight its work, noting that TVchannels are inundated with negative images.

Mr. Kailash Adhikari, Director, GovernanceNow, said that in the fast-paced modern life,people were missing the experience of happiness,peace, and contentment, which reside in one’sheart.

Mr. Shailesh Kumar, Group Editor, PTC News,said that in a world where even religious placeshad been commercialised, and where extremismand war were pushing humanity to the edge, theBrahma Kumaris is a beacon of hope. Heapplauded the organisation for taking up the causeof peace.

Dr. Archika, MD, Disha TV, said that peacewas a pre-requisite to progress; it begins fromthe self and spreads to the world. “Peace is gainedwhen we organise and manage our life, especiallywhen there are challenges, and fill ourselves withgratitude and forgiveness”, she said.

Justice V. Eswaraiah, former Chairperson,National Commission for Backward Classes, saidthat behind the expanse of the services of theBrahma Kumaris was knowledge given by theAlmighty Himself. It was a thing to beexperienced personally, he said. BKAmirchand, Vice-Chairperson, Brahma Kumaris’Social Service Wing, said what was drawing moreand more people to the organisation and itsteachings was its core value of purity.

Congratulating Brahma Kumaris on putting ona grand show for the 80th anniversary, KondalRao, Chairman of Lamco Group of Industries,Hyderabad, said the organisation was nowwinning praise for its work everywhere.

Mr. P.P. Wangchuk, Editor-at-Large atHindustan Times, New Delhi, said: “Theatmosphere here is filled with peace and love.

Go on sowing the seeds of pure feelings without waiting for the fruit to emerge.

The World Renewal

15April, 2017

All of us will be returning home happier and moresatisfied.”

Rajyogini BK Godavri, Sub-zone Incharge,Mulund, Mumbai, said that people often askedher to share with them her secret to happiness.“Learning spiritual knowledge changed my life,”she answered.



“The Brahma Kumaris is empowering peopleto lead a life of peace, and it will soon turn into asocio-spiritual revolution” Deep KumarUpadhyay, Ambassador of Nepal to India, saidhere.

Bhimsen Das Pradhan, an MP from Nepal, saidthat Brahma Kumaris was not a religion but ‘asecular fold’ that included people of all faiths, andit was giving light to the whole world. “Had itbeen a religion, it would have been fragmentedby now,” he said.

Recalling his experiences of serving the nationabroad, former Indian diplomat, Shree AshokKumar Attri said, “In whichever country wework, we try to present India in good light.Brahma Kumaris are the real and trueambassadors of our country because theyrepresent our culture.”

He was impressed by the smooth managementat the Brahma Kumaris campus. “Nobody isbeing told anything here; everything seems to begoing on effortlessly,” he said.

Mr. Wajood Sajid, Editor-in-Chief, VNI, saidthat the Muslim greeting ‘assalam alekum’ wasthe translated version of ‘Om Shanti’ and viceversa. He said that the founder of the BrahmaKumaris did a great job by handing over itsadministration to women because the universe isbeautiful because of mothers and sisters.

Mr. Nawab Jafar Mir Abdullah, President,Imamia Educational Trust, said that thefoundational pillars of Islam and the BrahmaKumaris were the same; both believed in theoneness of God.

Mr. Rajiv Nishaana, Group Editor, SamacharVarta, urged the Brahma Kumaris to initiate andorganize more workshops for journalists so thatthey could experience peace of mind, as it was ararity in the profession.

Senior Rajyogi B.K. Surya said that if Indiacombined its political and spiritual powers, it couldbecome a lighthouse for the rest of the world.“We are citizens of a great country. Let us take itback to its original glory,” he said.

B.K. Shukla, National Coordinator, B.K.Security Services Wing, said that the three thingsare essential to bring about a change in the selfare knowledge, will power and the art oftransformation. Faith in the self and in God formedthe foundation of a good life.

Dr. Savita, Coordinator, Women’s Wing, RERF,said that spirituality gave us a mirror in which wecould see ourselves and our shortcomings, andRajyoga meditation was the means to changeone’s thinking.

The conference-cum-festival ended with agrand success giving the message of values,spirituality and world transformation.

Those, who are close to God and divine family, smile with contentment.

The World Renewal

16 April, 2017



The Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry, Mrs.Kiran Bedi, called the youth with values andcharacter to join public service in order to bringabout positive change in the country.

Speaking during the valedictory session of theBrahma Kumaris’ 80th anniversary celebrations,she put forth three suggestions to promote socialtransformation and to improve the lot of the elderlyand the terminally ill.

She said that instead of putting pressure onchildren to succeed in a particular profession,parents need to teach them human values. Oncechildren acquired such values, they were boundto become good engineers, doctors or politicians,she said.

“This is why the Prime Minister is promotingyoga”, she said, adding that the Puducherrygovernment had decided to make yoga an integralpart of school education in the union territory.

She then said that the country would changeonly when government officials, who influenceand implement policies, changed. She suggestedthat the Brahma Kumaris should help to providecoaching to youth associated with the institutionso that they could join public administration.

“When these youth join public services, theywill bring their values with them…. Public servicemust not become a business; a public servantshould have the spirit of service”, she said.

Become a great donor by donating treasures of peace, bliss and happiness.

She also suggested that the Brahma Kumarisshould help to provide palliative care to the elderlyand the terminally ill, as there was a severeshortage of such care in the country. “No onecan give better palliative care than our BrahmaKumari sisters…. It needs no money, onlycompassion”, she said.

Earlier, Dr. A.K. Merchant, National Trusteeand Secretary General, Lotus Temple and BahaiCommunity of India, said there was need toreflect on the five macro-level challenges facedby humanity, including climate change, financialupheavals, proliferation of nuclear weapons,human rights violations, and mismanagement ofcritical natural resources. All current problems,he said, must be resolved with a combination ofscience and spirituality.

Apprising the audience of the India One SolarThermal Power Project in Abu Road, its ProjectHead, B.K. Golo Pilz, said that an initiative thatstarted 25 years ago was now a source of energyat the Brahma Kumaris’ Shantivan campus.

He said that he had benefitted a great deal fromhis connection with the organisation, and firmlybelieved that the way to resolving global issueslike climate change was to transform humanconsciousness because the physical world is themanifestation of the inner world.


BHARTIYAUnion Minister of State for Social Justice and

Empowerment Ramdas Bandu Athawale hasassured government support for a suggestion tomake Mount Abu in Rajasthan a world spiritualcity.

Speaking during the valedictory session of theBrahma Kumaris’ 80th anniversary celebrations,he applauded the organisation for its noble work

(Contd. on page no. 18)

The World Renewal

17April, 2017

Nowhere in the worldduring the whole cycleof Time, will you find

people as happy as we BKs are. Now, we realise the value ofwhat Shiv Baba is teaching andgiving us. In the eveningsespecially, we get the answersand feelings of ‘who am I’ and‘who is mine?’. Do we ever getupset? No, we are those whoremain stable, healthy and happyin the mind. When the mind ishealthy, the body also follows tobecome healthy. We can stayever happy and healthy byimbibing the wealth ofknowledge. No matter whathappens in the world; in fact,even at the time of destruction,if we stay in His remembrance,we will, undoubtedly, remainvery happy.

From the day Sakar Babahad the vision of destruction, heknew that it would take placebut, now, everyone is wonderingwhen it will happen. God knowseverything. Baba says that theestablishment of Heaven is Hisunique role in the drama. It isBaba’s part to create the new



world. It is also Baba’s part toadopt the children who will goto Heaven. We are the childrenof the Supreme Soul. We allBrahma Kumaris and Kumarshere are all brothers and sisters.We are all souls.

Our soul-conscious stageneeds to be such that those, whoare body-conscious, also startunderstanding that they are alsosouls. In the kingdom of Lakshmiand Narayan, there is so muchroyalty that the thought –‘this ismine’ – never arises in themind. Take care that you don’thave such kind of arrogance as:I am this one. I have my ownshop; my own house,etc. Whenever you listen to theMurli, experience the newness.Whatever Baba says, happenspractically. Baba says:“Wherever you live, take the 7day course and study the Murlievery day. Make Amrit Velapowerful every day; prepare andalso serve food in Baba’sremembrance.” When theHistory Hall and PandavBhawan were being built, wewere eating there. We sat in four

lines and Baba was observingthe faces of those serving thefood and of those eating also. Hewas telling us that nothing shouldbe left on the plate.

We have received a lot oflove and affection from Baba.We receive love, because weare Baba’s beloved, long-lost andnow-found children. Baba’slove attracts us and weautomatically go beyond body-consciousness. There is magicin the Murli; it transforms ourlives. Baba says that theintellect is locked by Maya andonly He has the power to openit. We are the gopas and gopiswho have a lot of love for Baba. What is soul? What is body? The soul is imperishable the bodyis made up of the five elements.The soul has the three subtlefaculties of mind, intellect andsanskar. The mind – thethinking faculty – has comeunder the influence of senseorgans. The intellect – thejudging faculty – has the abilityto change everything, and all our

Self-contended souls who make others contented are the beads of rosary.

– Rajyogini Dadi Janki,Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Shantivan

The World Renewal

18 April, 2017

actions are recorded in the form of sanskar, therecording faculty. Baba explains this to us. Baba,who is Incorporeal, is very sweetly transformingus now from corporeal to incorporeal, fromvicious to viceless and from egotistic to egoless. First, we receive love and affection and, then,we develop a faithful intellect to connect withthe Father.

This is the only time in the whole cycle whenwe make effort to die whilst alive - and there ismuch happiness in this dying from the old andvicious sanskars. Even if we die now, there isno sorrow, as we realise that we are just sheddingour outer body. Mamma was never subservientto anything. If we spread negative vibrations,the soul will be sorrowful as it moves on. At theConfluence Age, Baba says: “You are Brahminsouls; so, with a faithful intellect conquer Mayaand be the destroyers of attachment. Have love,affection and mutual understanding; and maintainthe aim of attaining perfection”. We get togetherevery day to bring changes in ourselves. We haveto change our drishti and attitude. Let usmaintain the fortune of the treasures receivedfrom Baba and have a big heart to distribute theseto others. Leave the sense of the limited. Babais unlimited; He gives us the unlimited kingdom. Dadi always feels great when Baba says, “Youare Godly students. Do you consider yourself tobe Godly students?” Elevate your intellect as Godis Truth and the colour of His Company willdefinitely colour us. Whatever He speaks is truthand His teachings make our intellect peaceful andpure.

By doing service to humanity we become kings.By accumulating service with empty hands, wedevelop the intoxication of where we are nowand where we are moving to. It is through Rajyogaeducation that Baba has given us the fortune tobecome the king of kings. The picture of the three

If a master orders a power, it will present itself before him in a second.

worlds should be brought to the notice of all souls,as we have to move to Paramdham – theSupreme Abode of Peace. As instruments, weare playing our parts here. So, with love, affectionand a faithful intellect, we come into the rosaryof victory. Whatever Baba wants, He will get itdone and we just have to be His ever readyinstruments.

(Contd. from page no. 16)

in several fields, including women’sempowerment and environment, and said no

progress was possible without peace.Earlier, addressing the dignitaries Mr. Santosh

Bhartiya, Editor-in-Chief of Chauthi Duniya, readthe proposal to declare Mount Abu, an abode ofholy men for centuries, a Global Spiritual City.

B.K. Mruthyunjay, Executive Secretary ofthe Brahma Kumaris, said that there were manyreligious cities in the world, but there was nocity of spirituality on the international map. Hesaid that the organisation would make all effortsto make India a spiritual “lighthouse and might-house” for the world.

B.K. Nirwair expressed his utmost pleasurefor the suggested proposal to showcase Mt. Abuas the “the Global Spiritual City” and assured allnecessary help and collaboration in this regard.

Bro. Ramdas Bandu Athawale ji

The World Renewal

19April, 2017

The opposite of life isdeath. What is death?We can easily answer it

as ‘the cessation of life’ thoughit is not so easy to answer whatlife is. And how does onedescribe the term ‘cessation’?The teachings of the SupremeFather God Shiva help us toponder over this issue. Baba tellsthat all of us will pass awayeventually as part of the naturalprocess of karmic accountbetween body and soul.Therefore, he advises us toalways remember the fact of theimpermanence of life.

Death is not the end of life; itis merely the end of the physicalbody in which we, souls, inhabitin this life. Our fear of deathcomes from the fear of ceasingto exist and losing our identityand existence in the physicalworld we are familiar with.Death of the body may be agreat shock to the soul,especially if there is someattachment with the body, and


AND DEATH– B.K. Sujoy, Durgapur (W.B.)

the thought of new set ofcircumstances in the new bodymay seem quite bewildering. Asthe body and brain are not quitedeveloped in early childhood, thesoul cannot express the thoughtsappearing in its mind or memory;so, it only laughs and cries whenit wishes to express itself. Bythe time the organs of body aredeveloped, the soul forgetseverything and becomesaccustomed to the newconditions of life and newparents and relatives. Thepredominant sanskarsdeveloped during the past livessoon begin to manifestthemselves with new details.

Actually, death occurs whenthe body becomes unserviceabledue to old age or disease, orwhen it suffers a fatal injury, asa result of which the soul leavesthe body which sheltered it. Now,the question arises: when will mybody be unserviceable? or whenshall I encounter a fatal injury?The most possible answer may

be that it is the result of one’ssetting of karmic accounts withother souls. At the moment ofdeath, the soul withdraws itsenergy from the organs of thebody and vacates its seat in themiddle of the forehead. Like abird, it leaves the cage of bodymade of skins, bloods and bones;and taking its accumulatedsanskars, it, then, enters into afoetus in the womb of the newmother, which develops into anew body. From the very birth,the past sanskars of a soul areapparent; as we see the “newborn” in the state of its beinghappy, sad, shy, mischievous,quiet, violent or agitated.

The Bhagwad Gita presentsthis eternal truth in a differentmanner as it states, “There is nodeath as such because nothingdies, only the form changes. Lifeis a continuum.” This indicatesthat death happens many timesin the long journey of acontinuous life. Death is merelyincidental and it is somethingthat happens in between duringthe long continuum of life.

Time is understood to bemoving in eternal cycles that goon repeating for ever. It is butnatural for the souls to gothrough these time cycles. We,the souls, begin our life uponearth with an era of completepeace and happiness, called theGolden Age; and, then go

Those, who have God merged in their eyes, are the lights of the world.

“Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how helived and how he died that distinguishes one from another.”- ErnestHemingway.

(Contd. on page no. 30)

The World Renewal

20 April, 2017

The world, now, is reelingunder multifarious typesof stress. From children

to elders all are suffering fromstress. Due to stress manypeople are afflicted with varioustypes of diseases. All thediseases, in general, are theconsequence of stress. Similarly,diabetes is a silent killer, whichis spreading like wild fire in theworld.

The turbulence and turmoil inthe world are the result of body-consciousness. When one isbody-conscious, he is infectedwith vices such as sex lust,anger, greed, attachment, egoand their various manifestations.When these vices aremanifested in people throughtheir thoughts, actions,interactions and relationships,they create havoc in the lives ofpeople and its consequences areclearly seen in the world. Theseevils are the vices, which areresponsible for most of the stressin the people of the world.

But, it is unfortunate thatmany of us do not identify these

–B. K. Surendran, Bengaluru

vices as our enemies. If thesevices were natural, people wouldhave liked them and accepted allkinds of violence triggering fromthese vices as natural. All typesof discrimination particularlysubjugation, inferiority andsuperiority complexes are theresult of rampant body-consciousness. Relationships arebreaking up and the institution offamily is disintegrating. Familylife is a bigger casualty due tostress. The root cause of stressis body-consciousness.

Soul-ConsciousnessWe seem to have forgotten

our true spiritual identity. We areall spiritual beings inhabiting inphysical bodies in this world. Wedeal with people looking at theirbodies and discriminating themas white, black, tall, short, andso on. We forget that the outerbody is the apparel or the mask.The soul manifests its presencethrough the mask of the body.But people get attracted to themask, getting trapped in thebody-consciousness. If we arealways in the awareness that I

am a soul, manifesting throughthe body, I can be a master ofmy sense organs, mind andintellect. Then, I, the soul, canregulate and control my feelingsand emotions. I can always bein my real ‘I’ sense.

Body-consciousness pollutesour mind and intellect. As aresult, our relationships becomeselfish, as these are based onsome self-interests andexpectations. Soul-consciousness, on the contrary,gives us spiritual energy to enjoylife and maintain balance in life.It gives us an opportunity tobecome aware of our essentialqualities of wisdom, purity,peace, love, happiness, bliss andpower. We can engage in activelife by stabilizing on the platformof these seven wonderfulqualities of the self. Soul-consciousness helps us to havepositive thoughts, attitudes anddo positive actions. It gives usextra strength to put a full stopto past events and also thoseevents, which are of no use tous.

It helps us to become egoless,humble and simple. It also helpsus to inculcate and maintainpurity in life and to look ateveryone with a pure outlook.Our interactions with othersbecome selfless without anyattachment while we givehappiness to others. Basically, ithelps us to practise meditation

A dark cloud comes over the sun only to go away and reveal it.



The World Renewal

21April, 2017

in a natural way. It helps us to maintain self-respectand self-dignity while we give respect to others. Ithelps us to handle stressful situations with ease andpeace.

When we interact with people duly understandingthat we are dealing with souls, it gives us utmostsatisfaction. Accordingly, our relationship anddealings become smooth and sincere, free from anykind of stress. Soul-consciousness itself gives usinner strength and silence; it makes our words sweet,soft and brief. We can withdraw our attention fromothers’ bodies and also the world of sound and furywhile being very much in the world. We can alwaysbe stabilized in soul-consciousness and travel to theworld of silence. Our early morning meditation isvery powerful and natural and we enjoy meditationwith super-sensuous joy. It gives us extra strengthto handle any kind of adverse situations andproblematic people successfully. We can focus ourattention on ourselves to make corrections fromtime to time and avoid any kind of sinful thoughts,words and deeds.

We all know that we all are actors playing ourrespective roles on the stage of the world. We canmaintain an attitude of witness and enjoy the partplayed by every soul as it unfolds. This makes easierfor us to connect with God at any moment,anywhere and everywhere. Thus, we becomeconstant yogis. This gives us a natural ability to beaway from the attractions of Karma Indriyan –organs of actions and also sense organs. If we wantto enjoy solitude and introversion, it is necessaryfor us to be soul-conscious. We can be self sovereignand rule over our mind and intellect and sanskarsand also the five sense organs. We become fearlessunder all circumstances. Most of the mental andbodily diseases can be cured by the practice of soul-consciousness. It also gives us a chance to attainour Karmateet stage in a natural way. So, let uspractise soul-consciousness for stress-free living.

The instant fruit of service you receive is happiness.

OVERCOMING THE FEAR OFINTERACTING OR SOCIALIZINGThere are various activities that you are

perhaps afraid of doing, but you know that theyare very useful activities to indulge in, e.g., theact of socializing or interacting with people, eitheron a one-to-one basis or in a group. In a partyor a situation where lots are people are enjoyingthe company of each other or in a meeting withyour boss you feel out of place anduncomfortable. The problem might lie in anegative image of the self or low self-esteem,lack of confidence, fear of the other’s opinionabout you, lack of spiritual strength, past failurein having done so, being influenced by the otherperson’s role or position etc. How do youovercome this fear? By interacting with moreand more people. The more you interact andmix up with them and express your viewpointfearlessly, you realize that it is not a problem.Even if you make a mistake or you feel unsure,with practice you will see that there is noproblem.

Most of our fears are overcome with thepractice of doing what we are afraid of. If youdo not take a brave step forward in order toovercome the fear of expressing yourself, youwill continue to be the victim of this fear. Thisfear is then a negative energy that paralysesyour intellect as a result of which yourconcentration and your decision-making powerreduces. It also disorganizes your ideas andconfuses you whenever you express yourselfin front of a person. More over fear producesclumsiness in your words, body movements andactions and makes you lose your image ofcredibility. It gives an impression of nervousnessand low self-respect to the other. You have toovercome it, and you will manage to do it withpractice and by changing the vision that youhave of others: they are not a threat, they arenot judges who are going to pass a judgmentagainst you, they are offering you theopportunity to express yourself. If you valueyourself, you will not be afraid of not beingappreciated by them and others will finallyappreciate you. If you do not value yourself, theopposite will happen.

The World Renewal

22 April, 2017

We humans beings, thehighest creationamong all other

living beings, can view, observe,learn and apprehend that alltypes of studies, novelties andsubjects like science, technology,medicine, arts and craftsincluding spirituality are on aprogressive move towards apoint of destination which may,otherwise, be called perfection.Hitherto, none except the subtleBrahma Baba has attained thatstage of perfection or excellencein Godly studies. All scholars inthe mundane world are onlypractitioners in their respectivefields of worldly studies. Noresearch scholar knows wherethe point of culmination exists,i.e., perfection, completenessor comprehensiveness. On theother hand, Rajyoga research,the spiritual study or the nobleversions uttered by God FatherShiva are completely distinctfrom the contents and methodsof teachings and preachingsadopted by religious heads orleaders of different faiths andfollowers over the entire globe.But, the Rajyogis are aware of



–B.K. Subramanian, Avadi, Chennai

their ultimate stage as they havea clear, vivid and comprehensiveidea about their goals, targets,aims and objectives and how toachieve them by regularpractice of Rajyoga meditation.The predominating aim of theRajyogi is to become completelyviceless, devoid of any type offlaw or bad quality, and torelease themselves from thebondages of lust, anger, greed,arrogance, jealousy, attachment,etc., which are harmful to theself as well as to humanity as awhole. At the same time, theymake constant endeavours toachieve their ultimate goal andambition, i.e., to become like SriLakshmi and Sri Narayan byinculcating all sterling divinequalities, Godly attributes,powers, divine knowledge, etc.,Thus, they are very clear in theiraims and objectives where bothends meet, i.e., annihilation ofviciousness and acquisition ofvirtuousness in the self.

In Kaliyuga, all humanattempts and efforts towardsknowing the truth about the soul,God and the World Drama (i.e.,the cycle of birth death and

rebirth), had failed due to utterignorance and misapprehensionof the true spiritual knowledge.

But, the most thrilling fact andincredible secret divulged byGod Father Shiva through thelotus mouth of PrajapitaBrahma, the human medium(Chariot) of Incorporeal God,the Supreme Divine, is thatBharat had been reigned overby deities (elevated humanbeings) for a period of two andhalf millennium during theGolden Age of Satyuga andTretayuga which is called thewonderland of deities and alsoknown as Paradise or Heaven.During those two eras, thedeities enjoyed andexperienced a heavenly life for21 births in the same ancientland of Bharat. There wasinfinite bliss and the deitiesenjoyed the most wealthy,healthy, happy and holy life andtime in each era.

When the deities fell downfrom the top of the ladder ofpurity, they birth after birthtouched the last step at theclosure of Tretayuga, and theCrown of Purity they were

A true Gopi forgets the consciousness of oneself and body as she listens to Murli.

The World Renewal

23April, 2017

adorned with faded and finally disappeared.At this point of time, a new era, i.e.,Dwaparyuga came into existence. During thisera, the earlier pure, sovereign and potentiallifestyle of the deities changed into impurelifestyle in which vices such as sex lust, anger,greed, ego, attachment, etc. crept into the soulsof human beings the evil impact of whichcontinued for over a period of 2500 years bothin Dwapar Yuga and Kaliyuga. The elevatedhuman beings (deities), who were onceworship-worthy by nature, turned toworshippers as common ordinary human beings.Their virtuous characters turned to be viciouscharacters that paved the way forunprecedented sorrows, sufferings, anguish,disquiet, poverty and paucity, etc. in their life.

There are two epical poems in the Englishliterature written by John Milton, who describesin his The Paradise Lost and The ParadiseRegained how man lost and regained his Pardisethat was offered to him by God. In fact, it is theinhabitants of Bharat (Bharatvasis) who losttheir Paradise that existed in Satyuga andTretayuga. The same, old Bharatvasis, whooriginally belonged to Adi Sanatan DeityReligion, are destined to regain their original landof pure Bharat, called Heaven.

Rajyoga meditation is the only effectivemethod and righteous way that can transformordinary and impure human beings intoextraordinary and pure deities. Such divine actis now being performed by God Father ShivaHimself in a subtle manner, who impartsspiritual knowledge and training of Rajyogapractice to the human souls, His prodigalspiritual children, in order to rejuvenate themagain. This is how the Paradise that was lostis being regained now.

Loving children receive the blessing of a constantly flying stage from God.


– B.K. Usha, Kampli (Karnataka)

Apply “3 P” rule to your thoughts:Make them PURE, POSITIVE andPOWERFUL.

– Dadi Janki jiThoughts are the foundation of ouractions; while actions decide ourcharacter. It is important to beginwith a positive thought.In order to have positive thoughts, weshould be aware of ourselves and forthat we need to question: who arewe? What is our original nature? Thisself-realization helps us to connectwith our original nature of PEACE.When we practise soul-consciousness, our positivequalities and powers becomeaccessible and we learn to escapefrom the vicious cycle of negativethoughts, feelings, actions andsanskars that pull us down.In Rajyoga meditation, we visualizethe self as a tiny point of light,emanating rays of peace, love andpurity and this brings out the innategoodness lying deep within. Thisopens up our keen understandingand perception and we begin to seethings, situations and people withmuch more positivity.

The World Renewal

24 April, 2017

There is somethingcommon betweenscience and scriptures –

both teach that entropy operatesin the material world. Entropy isa measure of the disorder orrandomness of a system. Simplyput, things move from order todisorder during the passing oftime. Take, for example, theroom we live in; it needs aregular cleaning and regularmaintenance; it simply doesn’tstay neat on its own. So is thecase with system of things onearth – it starts in virtue andends in vices.

Scriptures say that humanhistory had a perfect start witheach one treating the other asa child of God. But, during thepassage of time, this true andgreat view was contracted tofalse and limited me-and-my-family attitude; and thisresulted in decline anddeterioration of values. Suchdecline in values would finallyreach a stage where humanitywould find itself in greatdanger necessitating divineintervention to restore original


– B.K. Rose Mary

purity of earth and itsinhabitants. Now, thequestions are: At whatfrequency does suchrestoration take place? andwhy do we find differentopinions about the duration ofeach cycle?

Scriptures in India say thateach cycle of Kalpa – a periodof 5,000 years – consists of fourAges – Satyayuga (GoldenAge), Tretayuga (Silver Age),Dwaparyuga (Copper Age)and Kaliyuga (Iron Age). Inthe Golden and Silver Ages, noone wrote history or scripturesbecause occupants wererighteous by nature! Besides,these people had theexperience of living virtuouslyin a hostile environment, i.e.,in the concluding phase of theKaliyuga. Such ones do notneed scriptural guidance tomanifest virtues in the mostfavourable environment of theGolden and Silver Ages!

When people fell into egoism(me-first attitude), purity andperfection which they hadbeen enjoying in their physical

bodies, minds and environmentgot lost; and cataclysmicchanges marked the beginningof the Copper Age. Thus, it isin the Copper Age thatscriptures and histories beganto be written, which wouldnaturally be done dependingon various factors such as theknowledge of their previousbirths, the degree of their loveof truth and the requirementsof the time and circumstancesof the writers, etc. This pavesthe way for truth and untruthto get mixed up as it happensin a dream. Suppose, you wentto a shop in a commercialstreet in the evening, and, then,were having a dream of it laterin the night. And in the dream,you correctly read the nameboard of the shop you visited.However, name boards of thenearby shop you see in yourdream may not match withreality! This means that themind simply recalled what itcould and completed thepicture with imaginary details.Not only in dream but also evenin real life, mind acts in thesame manner. For example, tryto remember a big gatheringyou attended in the past, andyour mind will supply both thetruth and fabricatedinformation – picture of somepeople around you in thegathering will be correct andothers will be mind’s own

Ask yourself: “Have my mind and intellect become completely clean?”

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25April, 2017

creation. Something similaralso happens when details arewritten depending on the past-life memories – some thingswill be true and some thingswill be of mind’s own creation!Hence, details about theprevious switchover from theIron Age to Golden Age wouldvary from culture to cultureeven though the essence wouldremain the same.

In different cultures aroundthe world, we have about 175flood myths. Myths are truthsconveyed in story-setting. Allof them say that the forces ofNature destroyed a morallydeprived world, and a newworld started thereafter witha few people. The Bible statesthat after the dissolution of theold world through the Deluge(a huge flood) the new worldwill start with 8 persons. InIndia, it is said that the wickedold world ended with theMahabharat War in whichweapons of mass-destructionwere lavishly used withcataclysmic effects, and a newsystem of things startedthereafter. Beneath all thedetails, both the Western andEastern scriptures states thisimplied truth: An Old WorldOrder that became extremelydecadent was destroyedthrough some means, and aNew World Order was brought

Every thought, word and deed of a karmayogi is constantly elevated.

in. In other words, the Worldhistory repeats itself in everyKalpa.

The fact that the cycle of theworld is becoming old and new,is hinted by Jesus in The Bibleas follows:

1. According to SeptuagintBible [Greek version of theOld Testament that was in useat the time of Jesus], Theancient world ended and a newworld started in the year in3134 BC ( cathen/04702a.htm of CatholicEncyclopedia; 2 Peter 2:5;3:5-7) Interestingly, this ancientBible account of a global floodis common to three majorreligions – Jews, Christiansand Muslims. The parallelsecular history of SumerianKings that begins immediatelyafter the Flood “suggests aFlood date close to 3000 BC.”In contrast, books that supporttheory of evolution may claimthat history is linear andmillions of years old whichthey state depending on thedating methods such asCarbon-14. But, carbon datinghas its problem. Its results varyaccording to the objects thatare made subject to it. It mayshow the shell of a livingfreshwater mussel to be agedover two thousand years, andcoal, oil, and natural gas that

are supposed to be millions ofyears old may show as agedin the tens of thousands ofyears. Problems are many withthis carbon dating method. Oneof the problems is that C-14 isforming today faster than it isdecaying. And another problemis that earth’s magnetic field isdecaying exponentially whichwould affect influx of cosmicrays, which, in turn, affect C-14 formation rates also.Willard Libby, who inventedthe C-14 dating method todetermine the age of biologicalmaterials by measuring theirCarbon-14 activity, found thatthis method has provensomewhat accurate back onlyin about 2000 BC, and wrote,“History extended back only to5000 years.” (Libby 1958:531) (

2. In India, it is taught thateach Kalpa (a cycle of 5000years) ends with MahabharatWar and a Golden Age willstart thereafter. (TheBhagavat Gita 4:7)Aryabhatta, the greatmathematician and astronomerof India in the 5th century CE,examined the astronomicalpositions recorded in TheMahabharat, and wrote in hiswork, the Aryabhattiya, that

The World Renewal

26 April, 2017

the approximate date for theprevious Mahabharat Warwas to be 3100 BCE.

3. Inscription found in theJain Temple at Aihole preparedby Chalukya King Pulakeshisays that the temple wasconstructed 3735 years afterthe Mhabharat War, and 556years of the Saka Era. (Today,the Saka Era is 1939 whileChristian Era is 2017). Hence,(1939 - 556 = 1383) 1383 yearsago, the temple wasconstructed. 1383 yearsbackward from the presentyear of 2017, we reach 634AD which is the year ofinscribing this. That means in634 AD, 3735 years hadalready passed from the timeof happening of theMhabharat War. So, the dateof the Mahabharat War datesback (3735 – 634) to 3101 BC.( /research/ meguti; http://www.kerurtown.

4. Dr. E. Vedavyas, whosurveyed the researches onastronomical dating of TheMahabharat War done by 120scholars over the past hundredyears, says that 61 of themfixed the Mahabharat War tohave occurred between 3000and 3200 B.C. (AstronomicalDating of the Mahabharat

INTROVERSIONThe ability to enjoy one’s own company is one of the greatestgifts life has to offer. Learning to turn my thoughts away from allmy responsibilities at the day’s end and take my mind into astate of peace and benevolence enables me to carry greaterand greater loads without feeling the burden. When my innerlandscape is full of beautiful thoughts, everything I do is apleasure. Then, gently I calm down the chaotic situations inlife; and I am able to offer solace to the troubled minds.

War , written by . Dr.E Vedavyas, Agam KalaPrakashan, Delhi)

Thus, all the abovereferences clearly show thatthe previous Kalpa endedaround 5000 years ago. Goingfor earlier date would not makesense; because populationalmost doubles about 50 years[the projected world populationfor the year 2026 is 8 Billion;it was 4 Billion in 1974, and 2Billion in 1927, according toUnited States CensusBureau]. If we make a chartbackward like 1 Billion in 1874,½ Billion in 1827, we will verysoon reach the number ofpopulation as just two in lessthan a few thousand years!People simply do not think ofthe implication of saying thathuman history is linear andmillions of years old. Instead

of actual 50 years in whichpopulation doubles, try giving500 years – even then presentpopulation would be reached inless than just 16,500 years!

Thus, all evidence points tothe fact that the presentKalpa is very close to itsexpiry date (which is alsoconfirmed by such majorthreats as climate change,sea-level rise, acceleratedrate of species becomingextinct, increasing number ofcountries developing nuclearweapons, etc.). The greattransformation will take placethrough the combined eventsof atomic wars, civil warsand natura l ca lamit ies ,following which the nextcycle of 5000 years will startwith the commencement ofthe Golden Age in its firstphase.

No obstacle can come if you remain under the canopy of God’s protection.

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27April, 2017

When we talk aboutthe soul, SupremeSoul, divinity, rebirth,

karma, salvation, etc., we,generally, get confused andmany questions crop up in mindsuch as: Why is worshipnecessary? Does the soul workas the manager of the body? Isthe soul beyond gender identity?,etc. The answers are plenty butnone is satisfying as one needsto be enriched with spiritualknowledge to understand theeternal truths of life. Theconcepts of life need not beanalysed and understood onlywith a logical mind as thescientists use the knowledge ofthe Big Bang theory to say thatthe universe has a beginning, thateverything started at some pointof time, and that the worlddrama is not eternal. This is agood example of how the mindcan only understand things likethe existence of the universewith a beginning and an end. But,the truth is that it is eternal, andit has always been here in someform or the other without any



–B.K. C.M. Bindal, Jaipur

beginning and end.The Journey ofSelf-discovery

Spirituality not only givesanswers to the deeper secretsof life but also helps to liveconsciously with a meaning andpurpose. One should understandthat life is not about acquiring orderiving material benefits butabout constant giving andsharing. There is always aquestion in the mind: Why shouldone always be good? Thepresent life is seen as full ofhatred and problems, and eachone of us wants to be smartenough, competitive,manipulative and ambitious, andtries to get the benefits at thecost of others. But theawareness of real self bringsone real understanding, peaceand power. When weunderstand that ‘I am a soul andthat each one is a soul’; then,we develop a spiritual vision andunderstand and empathise withothers. The other secret is tounderstand God as our SupremeSpiritual Father, our Shiva Baba,

who has deep and enduring lovefor us. When we remember Himand hold Him in our awareness,we naturally put a full stop to theflood of wasteful and negativethoughts.

In the culmination of thejourney of self-discovery, we arenothing but the selves with noego, no pride and no self-centredness and selfishness.From this self-realization springsthe fountain of selfless love forall. This journey is easy as wellas an arduous one. It is anarduous task for those who areseeking their preconceivedgoals. But, when one keepstreading the spiritual path, thedestination becomes clearer forthe seeker to whom the heavenfinally opens up. Take thejourney within and you will findthat it is much more of fun, morethrilling, exciting and mysteriousthan a story book or drama. Themore you travel within, the moredark corners you encounter getenlightened and the morestrengths you develop tosurmount the psychologicalmalaise of greed, envy, desire,ambition, anger, brutality,jealousy, arrogance, undueanxiety and sorrow. When youtravel deeper within, there is acomplete draining out ofnegativities, and a spontaneousfreshness develops, which isqualitatively different, therebybringing about a qualitative

With your flying stage, you can reach God in the flash of a second.

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28 April, 2017

change in action that brings care,affection, responsibility,sensitivity, love and compassion.This brings clearestconsciousness and freedomfrom bondage, thereby leadingto discovery of truth. The truthis moving, living, eternal anddynamic. This journey enablesone to attain the divinity andstage of liberation, peace andbliss.

The Soul to Work asManager

Sanity determines the normalworking of mind. When it is so,each one learns to be joyful andlight-hearted. The function of thebody becomes easy and makesit healthy and strong. So, we tellthe body to be so. Secondly, wetell the mind to be positive andcreative and, thus, it pursues thelearning. However, we limit ourpossibilities to planning in orderto be disciplined in public life.But, planning is alwayssubordinate to the nature.Thirdly, we tell the emotion tobe compassionate and not to getinto the affairs of others. Asnature has a plan for everybody,no other person can think to plansomebody else’s life. If we allowemotions to take over suchimpermissible aspect, we may bedefeated and becomedepressed. So, if the soul worksas the manager, it will ensure

Always remain in the intoxication of “Wah me!” Wah God! and “Wah drama!”

that there is no inertia in body,mind and emotion. Generally, allphilosophical books guide us toadopt the practice of yoga,meditation and such otherpractices for self-improvementand liberation in life. Some learnquickly, some may take time andsome may advance to thelearning stage. We always learnthrough experience and fromphilosophical masters aboutwhich things to be repeated andwhich things not to be repeatedagain and again. This is a taskof human control and providesbrakes in life. There can be novehicle without brake and, if itis without brake, it becomesdangerous. The same is the casewith the mind, body and emotion,if they are without brake.Remember, there are twoimportant qualities of the soul towork as manager; one is faith inyourself and nature, secondly,the patience through which theresults manifest. Now, howshould you connect to the soul?Every morning, you greet thesoul when you wake up, andkeep connecting with the soul asyou connect with any otherperson. Respect it with whole-heartedness and acknowledgeits two qualities; then, it maydefinitely respond. Feel that thesoul is the “manager” of yourlife. Then, you do not have to

go to The Himalayas toapproach the soul.Whether Ritual Worship is

Necessary?We, generally, take recourse

to a lot of rituals whileworshiping a deity and offervaried sets of worshippingmaterials on different religiousoccasions and festivals. TheHindus, Christians, Muslims andother religious people followtheir respective ways ofworship. If one wants to post aletter, he has to go to post office;if he/she wants to spend a fewmoments with God, he/she willhave go to the designated placeof God. And, in that sense, it isnot bad on any score. If we thinkdeeply and ask: “What doesworship give us?” The answeris satisfaction. What does He(God) get out of our worship?Does He need our worship? Herequires no validation of worship,praise and genuflection, whichwere and are the need of theearthly rulers. So, what might bethe need of Him (God)? He islooking for a true devotee. Allphilosophical scholars have said,“Unless you feel love for God, itis all useless”. Love alonesurpasses the most arduoussadhana. How does one showone’s love towards God? Itcannot be possible by singing anytype of song, bhajan, etc.

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There must be Divine love whichcannot be narrowed down. It isexpansive and covers allcreations, seeing the underlyingunity of all, and such love isspontaneous and permanent. Itengenders bliss and promotespeace and harmony. Thus, adevotee should have suchcredentials of universal love,which can be manifested with aspiritual vision and eye ofwisdom. The underlyingprinciple is that when you hurtany person, you are hurting theDivine Being; and this is thebasic principle of all religions.Even if you worship, its value isto you and not to God. Itspurpose is to cleanse you andbring forth the gems of universallove, the adornment of humanlife. As spoken by all saints, loveknows no caste, colour, creed ornationality. “Love should beembracing the entire humanityand the world. Translating thethought of “Love all, serve all”into action is the real worship,which pleases God.

Soul is beyond GenderIdentity

The “soul” or “atma” isneither a male, nor a female. Itis beyond such genderidentification. According to theaccumulated sanskaras, onegets reborn in the body of awoman or man or of a human-

being having characteristics ofboth the sexes. The soul, whichhas the three faculties of mind,intellect and sanskar is called a“point-of-light” or “bindu”which resides in the middle ofthe forehead. Depending uponthe nature of sanskaras, it haseither “samayojanishakti”(power or tendency to attract)or “vibhajanishakti” (power ortendency to be attracted). Whenthere is dominance ofsamayojinishakti in one’s latentsanskaras, the disembodiedsoul attains the body of awoman. When there isdominance of vibhajanishakti,it attains a male body. Wherethere is an approximate balancebetween the two, the soul attainsa body having characteristics ofboth the sexes. Such sexualdifferences hardly have anyvalue. In fact, there is no sexualdifference in atma (the soul).There is only psychological andglandular difference in bodies ofman and woman, despiteharmonious functioning of bodyand mind in both. Therefore, soulor atma is beyond the genderidentity.

Every Moment to BeSpiritual

Everyone is so busy in life thathe/she is not able to think ofspirituality. Our mind is our ownenemy. Gautam Buddha said,

“Your worst enemy cannotharm you so much as your ownunguarded thoughts do”. Now,the question arises: How toconvert the mind from being anenemy to becoming a friend?One has to be strong and humbleso that there can be no deviationfrom the path of spirituality.Even a small activity like eatingor washing becomes anindispensable part of spiritualactivity. While doing everyactivity every now and then, ifevery moment’s work isdedicated to Him, anger andjealousy disappear, and peaceprevails. All our unguardedthoughts would becomeautomatically disciplined. Whena person decided to dedicate hisentire time to spirituality, he wasgiven an office work. Hewondered, “How will I performthe spiritual work!” So, he methis Master and asked him toexplain the question: What is thedifference between me andothers? I am doing only theoffice work while others aredoing the work of worship and,thus, they are engaged inspirituality.” The Master repliedthat what one does everymoment is not important, butwhat is important is that whiledoing any job, whether he isconnected with the Eternity ornot. If he is connected; this

Constantly remain set in your soul-conscious position to upset all oppositions.

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30 April, 2017

enables him to get detached from the effect or bondageof activity he is doing. When we pursue something as aservice, we are able to give our full effort withoutexpecting any personal gain. When you carry withyourself the desire for gain or victory, there is always achance of loss or defeat too. However, if you remaindetached after you have done your task or made yourpoint thoughtfully, you remain in freedom, peace andeternal joy. When you forget the sense of detachment,you may be in pain. So, work must be done not only withsincerity but also remembering the Eternity or remainingconnected with it every moment.

Incorporeal God Father ShivaWe learn the true basic knowledge of spirituality only

through the acquisition of spiritual qualities in life, therebyreaching to greater heights of peace, humanity andharmony. The nectar of spiritual knowledge alleviatessufferings. We receive this nectar of knowledge from theteachings of Murli, flowing straight from Incorporeal ShivBaba through the mouth of Brahma Baba at the BrahmaKumaris. Acquisition of the whole Rudra knowledge(Rudragyan) is based on the pillars of purity, peace,humanity and perfection in divinity. The soul is presentin each of us and it becomes elevated to sattopradhanfrom tamopradhan stage on the basis of our elevatedactions. Each of us has a karmic account. Every personis benefited with the fruit or the result of his own action(karma). Only when we recall that we are soul (atma),which is the embodiment of seven qualities of knowledge,purity, bliss, love, peace, happiness and power, we comeback to the truth. Resultantly, we do not feel that we aremore important than others; rather we feel that we all arethe spiritual brothers as the children of one and the sameGod. We have to kill our ego, pride, jealousy, anger, brutality,and all other negative thoughts and ill wills. We will, then,remain guided by the Universal and Cosmic Mind anddriven by the dictates of of Rudragyan. The karma isthe chief factor in every one’s life, which determines one’sdestiny and rebirth. The Rudragyan says, “True humility

An intense effort–maker understands the value of time; he goes fast and comes first.

through the Silver Age, Copper Age,and finally Iron Age, which is thestage of complete corruption wherewe find ourselves at the presentmoment. This is the only transitionalSangam time at which we can createa meaningful life through theacquisition of spiritual knowledge,practice of Rajyoga meditation andinculcation of divine virtues. Thiscontemplation creates such anawareness in us that we, the souls,should live our life happily andpeacefully. It helps in empowering thesouls to accept the natural ebb andflow of the state of human existencein the form of death (ebb) and life(flow). The further reality of suchawareness is the non-existence ofdeath. The soul is ever immortal; then,as a soul, how can I die? I can onlyenter or leave a body in ‘birth’ or‘death’, respectively but my subtleform of spiritual light can never beextinguished at all. This is a matterof soul- consciousness. I, the soul, livein the mortal coil of the body, calledJeeva. The soul, called Atma, iseternal and fearless. So, the humanbeing, who is called Jeevatma, shouldnever fear death.

(Contd. from page no. 19)

is surrendering your mind and heart toGod, but not your hands”. By purifyingour karma and having attained alldignified qualities, we can easily rise tothe sattopradhan stage and becometrue Brahmins.

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31April, 2017

In modern days of rankmaterialism (Vastuvad) andconsumerism (Upbho-

gvad), most people are seenspending most of their time andlife in accumulating wealth ofvarious kinds like money, landedproperties, flats, ornaments,metals like gold and silver, etc.There a is rat race among thepeople to achieve more andmore of these things, but stillthey are not satisfied at allbecause they are caught up in avicious circle: “The more theyare satisfied, the more they arefamished.” The hunger for thesethings, which is born out of thevices of body-consciousness andmad possessiveness, goes onincreasing in them and famishingthem more. Thus, the more theyhave, the more they want. Thestudy of Economics says:“Human wants are unlimited.After one want is satisfied, theother one takes its place.” In thisway, contentment, peace andhappiness elude from the peoplewho are possessive in nature andhungry for material wealth andare mad after consumption of


–Dr. Brahma Kumar Yudhisthir,Ph.D., Shantivan, Associate Editor

things. Voluptuousness is,therefore, called a vice/sin.Concept of Contentment:The Oxford Advanced

Learners’ Dictionary of CurrentEnglish defines the term‘contentment’ as “the state ofbeing contented; satisfaction;ease of mind; a feeling offulfilment.” Thus, ‘contentment’refers to contentment orsatisfaction of all aspects ofhuman personality, be it mental,emotional, intellectual, financial,moral and spiritual for leading aholistic and contented life insociety while coming in mutualinteraction with various peoplein the global environment atpresent.

Contentment is both aValue and Virtue:

The term ‘values’ inSociology refers to the ideals,customs, institutions, etc., of asociety toward which the peopleof the group have an affectiveregard. These values may bepositive such as cleanliness,freedom, love, mercy, truth,charity, peace, contentment,forgiveness or education; or

negative such as hatred, falsity,cruelty, crime, or blasphemy, etc.Contentment is a socio-spiritualvalue in the sense that people inthe society respect a contentedperson who is self-satisfied withhis limited means of living andnever hankers for possession ofexcessive money and materials.

The term ‘virtue’ refers tomoral excellence; goodness;righteousness; conformity ofone’s life and conduct to moraland ethical principles; a good oradmirable quality; uprightness;rectitude. Contentment is avirtue in the sense that acontented person in his personal,social and spiritual life conformsto the moral and ethicalprinciples of thrift, economy andstill remains happy, peaceful andcheerful with whatever he/shehas at his/her disposal, and withthe abundant belief and faith inthe grace of God Father.

There is no Wealth likeContentment:

A contented person feelshimself as the richest of all ashis/her needs are limited incomparison to others in thesociety. In this way, he/shenever feels any lack of anythingwhatsoever. He/she remainsinwardly satisfied; and that iswhy he/she never desires moreof any outside material things.In fact, he/she reallyexperiences that less is more.

With God’s blessings, you can feel a mountain to be like a cotton-wool.

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32 April, 2017

Such a person never asks foranything or being; he/she is giventhe things or beings before he/she asks for the same. He/shefeels wealthy in his/her mentaland moral disposition. Thus, it is

appropriately said, “There is nowealth like Contentment.”

I Got what I Wanted:Contented person is inwardly

and spiritually tuned with God,the Creator, the Giver andBestower of boons andblessings. With this tuning andconnection of soul with theSupreme Soul, he/she is linkedto the Ultimate Source of allvalues, virtues, powers andqualities, and gets automaticallyrecharged thereby getting allthese from Him as a birthrightfrom the Supreme SpiritualFather of all souls of the wholeMankind as a soul. With Godas his/her strength, support andbackbone, such a personrealizes that He is with him/herat all times and also feels his/her basic, fundamental, vital,socio-spiritual needs fulfilledand satisfied. He/she never

With a honest heart, you can please God, the Bestower of Fortune.

remains in a dream world ofwilderness but lives on theground realities and feels thefountain of seven essentialqualities of soul and SupremeSouls such as knowledge,peace, love, happiness, purity,energy/power and blisspractically being showeredupon him/her by the Merciful,Benevolent and Blissful God,the Bountiful and AbsoluteAlmighty Authority. Thoughsuch a God-loving person feelsthat his/her body remains in thismundane, material and physicalworld, yet his consciousnessremains far above (beyondphysical world of gross matter)in the metaphysical world ofincorporeal spirit. Thus, such aspiritually-oriented personremains oblivious of the hungerfor the needs and desires ofmaterial things and beings as he/she is busy in drinking the nectarof spiritual love and bliss byfixing his/her consciousness inthe Supreme Consciousnessthat resides in samemetaphysical world Above. He/she finds himself/herself quitemerged in Him and the divineoneness of the spirits beingtwo-in-One. In such mergedstate of bliss and beatitude, thehuman soul in its utter divinebewitchment spontaneously

speaks out automatically in itssoulful moment: “I Got what Iwanted (Jo Pana Tha So PaaLiya). Also in this deeper stateof keen engrossment in God,the human soul declaresreferring to God: “Wherever Iam seeing, you are there.”(Jidhar Dekhta Hun, Tu HiTu). In this way, the contentedperson feels enriched,impressed, elevated, sublimed,self-realized as well as self-enlightened.One who is contented can

make others so:In order to change

themselves people wish to seethe ideal examples before themso that they can easily changetheir lifestyles. The contentedperson becomes an idealexample for these people tofollow and imitate him/her easilyand practically like him/her.That is why it is rightly said,“Example is better than aprecept.” By seeing a personwho is embodiment ofcontentment, and throughpersonal interaction, discussionand exchange of views andopinions with him/her, onelearns the practical ways,manners, behaviours andlifestyles of ideal contentedperson and tries to mould one’smodus operandi of living in the

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like manner. In this way, thecontented person becomes apractical mould for the learnersto set themselves in that mould.One original mould produces somany like itself. Thus, thesaying goes, “One who iscontented can make others so.”

The contented person isloved by all including God:

People also like to love thecontented person because he/shedoes not become a problem forthe family members, neighboursand others in society. He does notdemand anything extra fromanybody and from society like thepossessive persons who are madafter money, properties, positions,fame, prestige, etc. and therebybecome problems for all in thesociety. The contented personserves as a lighthouse ofknowledge and experience forothers who are ignorant of livinga life of contentment with limitedwants and necessities.

Not only people in this worldlove the contented person, butGod, the Above One, also equallyloves such a person, as he/shehas acquired one of His qualitiesand thereby becomes an exampleand divine representative of thequality or attribute ofcontentment. The contentedperson creates an aura aroundhim and an atmosphere of divinityin the environment and the

atmosphere which attracts otherstowards him and God.

The contented one isworship-worthy:

In India, as our traditions andcustoms held it, the Indian godsand goddesses are worshippeddue to each of their specialembodied qualities and/orattributes. In the same way,worship of goddess ofcontentment (Santoshi Devi) inall parts of India is quite famous.She is worshipped by many onFriday, a special day earmarkedfor her worship and offeredjaggery (Gud) and gram(Chana) only as offerings,which shows her as theembodiment of contentmentwhereas other gods andgoddesses are worshipped withofferings of expensiveingredients like flowers, fruits,sweets, ignited incense sticks,etc. It is also believed that wherethe goddess of contentment,Santoshi Mata, goes, all othergods and goddesses follow afterher. In other words, if in aparticular house the membersare quite contented, they neverfeel the lack of riches (whichgoddess Lakshmi symbolizes) asthey themselves feel enricheddue to their economic lifestyle;neither they feel the lack ofknowledge and intellect (whichgoddess Saraswati symbolizes);

nor also they feel the lack ofpower/energy (which goddessDurga symbolizes). Thus, theyachieve the blessings andbenedictions of the mostfavoured and cherishedworship-worthy gods andgoddesses and live an exemplarylife of peace, happiness andcontentment. So, in this way, thepersons are regarded as blessedand worship-worthy due to theirfeeling and realization of divineassociation with these gods andgoddesses whom they love, prayand worship most devotedly andreverently in their lives. In otherwords, they become worship-worthy by worshipping theworship-worthy gods andgoddesses, just as a piece of irongets magnetized by coming incontact and association with themagnet.

The contented ones aredestined to live in Heaven:

The Heaven or Paradise - theKingdom of God - which isotherwise known as Shivalaya,is established by God FatherShiva and meant for thecontented ones who aredestined to live in it. Those whoare the role models of thevirtues of renunciation andcontentment here at present willbe in very near future thedenizens of the Paradise – theRoyal Place of Plenty and

Only those, who serve with cheers, are the real servers.

The World Renewal

34 April, 2017

Edited and published by B.K. Atam Prakash for Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Mount Abuand printed at: Om Shanti Printing Press, Gyanamrit Bhawan, Shantivan - 307 510, Abu Road (Rajasthan).Chief Editor: B.K. Nirwair, Pandav Bhawan, Mount Abu.Associate Editors: Dr. B.K. Ranjit Fuliya, Delhi and B.K. Ved Guliani, Hisar and Dr. B.K. Yudhisthir, Shantivan.Phone: (0091) 02974-228125 E-mail:,

effective, alert and efficientand elastic andaccommodating. It improveshuman relations; increasesman’s stamina; frees himfrom worries; saves him fromwastage of ‘Thought Power’and brings about anatmosphere of good will. Inother words, it brings aboutthe Golden Age or the Worldof Deities and the DivineSovereignty upon the planetEarth.

(.....Contd. from page no. 3)

Bounties, Joy and Pleasure,Bliss and Beatitude, naturalBeauty and Nicety, allPerfection and Excellence.

The Nature, which is fullthere, will serve them voluntarilyfor their pleasure and merrimentwith all sorts of natural songsand music, fruits and flowers ofvaried beauties and fragrances,being completely at the beck andcall of their thoughts and wishes.They will be served there with56 kinds of menu, all sorts offunctions and festivities for theirfull and utmost satisfaction andfulfillment. They will swingthere in the supra-mental andcelestial joy in the state ofhighest elevation andsublimation. In fact, the soledivine prize of the Paradise isdeservingly made and meant forthe contented ones.

The contented souls willtake rebirth in the Royal

Family:The contented souls are very

fortunate to take their rebirth inthe Royal Family in theforthcoming Golden Age ofSatyuga. Being the natural heir,they will inherit the royal thronesof the first Emperor andEmpress birth after birth afterthe expiry of the period of their

reign. The subjects will remainpleased with the contented heirsas they will follow theirforefathers completely, therebykeeping a fine balance in the ruleof love and law. The divineforces and natural forces willcooperate and coordinate withthem during the period of theirreign in perfect unison accordingto the cosmic scheme of theEternal World Drama (EWD) oflife. There will be the reign ofpeace and happiness throughoutthe Kingdom, and all will livetheir life in perfect order underthe vast canopy of God’sunlimited Grace and Bliss. Theirpaths of life will be strewn withflowers; and beautiful fairies intheir utmost love and respectwill garland them in and out inall occasions of ceremonies,functions and festivities to theirfullest mirth and pleasure.

There will be natural safetyand security for all without anypolice force and judicial system ofthis Kaliyugi world as there willbe complete and naturaldemonstration and implementationof the professional ethics andetiquette, which the deities of theParadise will have in the alreadymerged sanskars of their puresouls.

There will be completephysical and mental healthwithout the current network ofmedicals and doctors as allheavenly deities will be perfectwith their sound mind in soundbody. They will have the goldenbody (Kanchan Kaya) andtheir inner souls will alwaysradiate their refined glitter,thereby reflecting it throughtheir gleeful features of face andcountenance, and also with theirdazzling gaze.

Let the contented souls livetheir lives forever for 21 birthsin the span of 2,500 years totheir fullest with their voluntarilyearned virtue of contentment. *

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