content isn't king - culture is

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Content Isn’t King,Culture Is @R_Nash

We appreciate your interest in Soft Skull Press and would like to assure you that someone did read your submission. Unfortunately, we receive many more manuscripts than we are able to publish and reject most of what we receive, even very promising works. For this reason, we will have to pass on your manuscript. We would like to wish you the best of luck in further pursuit of publication.

Best regards,Soft Skull Press

“Authors and readers aren’t types of people, they are behaviors, which we all manifest at some point or another, sometimes together.”

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Un/Bundled Reading

Un/Bundled Publishing

• New ways to monetize existing author relationships

• Publishing stories for non-book publishers, a.k.a. Custom Publishing

• Selling value-add publishing services to individuals and businesses

• Generating context & narrative from non-book cultural phenomena

• Reading as a Service

I’m Richard Nash. You can email me anytime at I mean it. (It’s the freemium consulting model.)There’s also Twitter: I’m @R_Nash. And my website is (And my secret project is

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