configuring cme additional features

Post on 19-Feb-2018






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  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    1 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Configuring CME Additional Features

    Cisco Networking Academy Program

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    2 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Cisco CME GUI Features

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    3 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    User Classes

    Cisco CME proides t!ree leels of "##P basedGUI access$

    %ystem Administrator

    Customer AdministratorP!one User

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    ! 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    %ystem and CustomerAdministrator &eb'based GUI interface

    User Classes (Cont)*


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    5 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    P!one User

    GUI &ebinterface

    User Classes (Cont)*

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    " 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Cisco CallManager E,press GUIPrere-uisites

    Ensure t!e proper files are in flas! on t!e Cisco

    CallManager router

    Configure and enable t!e "##P serer on t!e router

    "##P %erer Aut!entication Met!od (.ptional*

    Configure %ystem Administrator Credentials

    #!e following tasks s!ould be completed beforet!e GUI is aailable

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    7/62# 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    ip http serverip http server


    ip http path flash:ip http path flash:


    ip http authentication{aaa | enable | local | tacacs}ip http authentication{aaa | enable | local | tacacs}


    Cisco CallManager E,press GUIPrere-uisites (Cont)*

    Enables t!e "##P serer on t!e router

    %ets t!e !ttp serer pat! to t!e flas! memory

    /etermines t!e met!od type of aut!entication used by t!e "##P%erer

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    8/62$ 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony



    web admin system name username {password string | secret

    {0 | 5 string}

    web admin system name username {password string | secret

    {0 | 5 string}


    Cisco CallManager E,press GUIPrere-uisites (Cont)*

    Enters telep!ony'serice configuration mode

    %ets a username and password for t!e GUI system administrator

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    9/62% 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony



    (.ptional* Enables t!e ability to add ep!one directorynumbers t!roug! t!e CallManager E,press GUI



    (.ptional* Enables t!e ability to set t!e system timet!roug! t!e CallManager E,press GUI

    Cisco CallManager E,press GUIPrere-uisites (Cont)*

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    10/6210 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Accessing t!e GUI

    #!e GUI in CallManager E,press is &eb'based

    Use IE 0)1 or greater

    Use t!e U23

    "yperlink$ http://router_ipaddr/ccme.html

    Enter eit!er system admin4 customer admin orp!one user credentials w!en prompted

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    11/6211 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Configuring Administratie User Classes

    Create and load a custom 5M3 configuration file

    /efine t!e customer administrator credentials

    #o configure a customer administrator wit! asubset of t!e system administrator access4 twosteps must be taken$

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    12/6212 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Configuring Administratie User Classes(Cont)*

    %tep 6 ' .pen a copy of t!e ,ml)template file in a

    te,t editor %tep 7 ' Edit t!e file wit! desired c!anges to access

    %tep 8 ' %ae t!e file wit! a desired name

    %tep 9 ' Upload to flas! on t!e CallManagerE,press router ia #F#P or F#P

    %tep : ' 3oad t!e template from flas! to t!e 2AM ont!e CallManager E,press router

    Creating and loading an 5M3 configuration file isa fie step process

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    13/6213 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Configuring Administratie User Classes(Cont)* ; /emonstration

    %tep 6 ; Copy of ,ml)template in te,t editor!"resentation !$ain$enu

    !%-- &a'e igher "recedence over *+ ,dn-web-edit, --!dd./tension ide | 1how2 !3dd./tension!4elete./tension ide | 1how2 !34elete./tension!dd"hone ide | 1how2 !3dd"hone

    !4elete"hone ide | 1how2 !34elete"hone !3$ain$enu

    !./tension!%--ontrol both view and change and possible add or delete--!1e6uence7umber ide | 1how2 !31e6uence7umber!&ype ide | 1how2 !3&ype!untstop ide | 1how2 !3untstop!"reference ide | 1how2 !3"reference!oldlert ide | 1how2 !3oldlert

    !&ranslation8ules ide | 1how2 !3&ranslation8ules!"aging ide | 1how2 !3"aging!+ntercom ide | 1how2 !3+ntercom!$9+ ide | 1how2 !3$9+!$o ide | 1how2 !3$o!*47 ide | 1how2 !3*47!4ual*ine ide | 1how2 !34ual*ine!8eg ide | 1how2 !38eg!";roup ide | 1how2 !3";roup

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    14/621! 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Configuring Administratie User Classes(Cont)* ; /emonstration

    %tep 7 ' ,ml)template in te,t editor!"resentation !$ain$enu

    !dd./tension ide!3dd./tension!4elete./tension ide!34elete./tension!dd"hone 1how!3dd"hone!4elete"hone 1how!34elete"hone


    !./tension!1e6uence7umber ide!31e6uence7umber!&ype ide!3&ype!untstop ide!3untstop!"reference ide!3"reference!oldlert ide!3oldlert!&ranslation8ule ide!3&ranslation8ule!"aging 1how!3"aging

    !+ntercom ide!3+ntercom!$9+ ide!3$9+!$o ide!3$o!*47 ide!3*47!4ual*ine ide!34ual*ine!8eg ide!38eg!";roup ide!3";roup

    !3./tension555>??? blind

    #o allow transfer of telep!one calls from Cisco IPp!ones to p!ones ot!er t!an Cisco IP p!ones

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    2$ 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Call ForwardingForwarding a Call from an IP p!one

    User forwardsall calls to a/N

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    2% 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Call Forwarding (Cont)*Forwarding a Call from an IP p!one

    Forward all4 busy4and no answer all int!e p!one user &ebpages

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    30 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Call Forwarding (Cont)*Configuring

    Call Forwarding Commands

    Call forward all

    Call forward busy

    Call forward no answer

    Call forward ma,'lengt!

    Call forward pattern

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    31 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    call-forward all directory-numbercall-forward all directory-number


    Forwards all calls to t!e /irectory Number specified

    call-forward busy directory-numbercall-forward busy directory-number


    Forwards incoming calls w!en t!e /N is busy to

    anot!er /N

    Call Forwarding (Cont)*Configuring

    call-forward noan directory-number timeout secondscall-forward noan directory-number timeout seconds


    Forwards calls t!at are not answered in t!e time

    specified to anot!er /N

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    32 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    call-forward ma/-length lengthcall-forward ma/-length length


    2estricts t!e number of digits t!at can be used wit!

    call forward

    call-forward patternpatterncall-forward patternpattern


    #o specify a pattern for calling'party numbers t!at

    support ")9:1)8

    Call Forwarding (Cont)*Configuring

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    33 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    IP P!one /isplayConfiguring

    IP P!one "eader

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    3! 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    IP P!one /isplay (Cont)*

    %ystem #e,t Message

    IP P!one"eader

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    35 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    ephone-dn dn-tagephone-dn dn-tag


    Enters ep!one'dn configuration mode

    description display-textdescription display-text


    Enters t!e !eader bar for t!e IP P!one

    IP P!one /isplay (Cont)*

    IP P!one "eader

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    3" 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    system message text-messagesystem message text-message


    %ets t!e te,t message to play w!en t!e p!one is idle

    url idle url idle-timeout secondsurl idle url idle-timeout seconds


    %ets a url to be displayed on t!e IP p!one w!en idlefor t!e set number of seconds

    IP P!one /isplay (Cont)*

    %ystem /isplay Message (Idle U23*

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    3# 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    url {directory | servicesurlurl {directory | servicesurl


    %ets t!e url t!at will be used w!en t!e correspondingfunction button is pressed

    IP P!one /isplay (Cont)*

    Proisioning U23 for customi=ed function buttons


    url directories http:33@0?A?=@=?@@3localdirectory

    url services http:33@0?A?=@=?A3$Bser3@=CA5D3urltest?html

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    3$ 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Calling and /irectory Features

    /irectorycan beaccessed by

    pressing t!edirectorybutton

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    3% 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Calling and /irectory Features (Cont)*

    #!e directorycan beaccessedt!roug! t!e

    p!one user&eb page


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    !0 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Calling and /irectory Features (Cont)*

    Adding a user to t!edirectory of CallManagerE,press

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    !1 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Calling and /irectory Features (Cont)*

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    !2 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    directory {first-name-first | last-name-firstdirectory {first-name-first | last-name-first


    %ets t!e order t!at t!e directory will be listed in

    directory entry {entry-tag numbername name2 | cleardirectory entry {entry-tag numbername name2 | clear


    %ets t!e order t!at t!e directory will be listed in

    Calling and /irectory Features (Cont)*

    /irectory order and entry

    name namename name


    Associates a name wit! an e,tension (ep!one'dn*

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    !3 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Productiity tools for Cisco CME include$

    Flas! softkey for !ookflas! functionality



    Productiity #ools

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    !! 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    f/o hoo'-flashf/o hoo'-flash


    Enables t!e flas! softkey button on t!e IP p!ones

    Productiity #ools (Cont)*

    Flas! %oftkey for "ookflas! Functionality

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    !5 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Productiity #ools (Cont)*

    ephone-dn @0

    number @@00

    name Edmin ssistantF

    ephone-dn =0

    number @@>>

    name E&he ossFephone-dn 5@

    number 5000

    name Edmin ssistantF

    intercom A>>> label Edmin ssistF

    ephone-dn 5=

    number A>>>

    name E&he ossFintercom 5000 label E&he ossF

    ephone D

    button @:@0 =:5@

    ephone G

    button @:=0 =:5=

    P!one A ; #!e >

    3ine 7 ; #!e

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    !" 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    intercom extension-number barge-in | no-auto-answer2

    label label2

    intercom extension-number barge-in | no-auto-answer2

    label label2


    Programs an e,tension to call anot!er intercom


    Productiity #ools (Cont)*


  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    !# 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Paging Function

    Creates a one way oice pat!

    Unicast or Multicast

    %ingle Group

    Multiple Groups

    Productiity #ools (Cont)*

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    !$ 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Productiity #ools (Cont)*

    %ingle Paging Group

    ep!one 6

    paging Group 9

    ep!one 7

    paging Group 9

    P!one dials 9999

    ephone-dn A

    number AAAA

    name "aging 1hipping

    paging ip =C>?0?@?=0 port =000ephone-dn =@

    number =@=@

    ephone-dn ==

    number ====

    ephone @

    mac-address CDD=?0=CA?Dae=

    button @:=@

    paging-dn A

    ephone =

    mac-address >CHG?DGCH?=HGC

    button @:==

    paging-dn A

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    !% 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Productiity #ools (Cont)*

    Paging /N setup by adding anew e,tensiont!roug! t!eGUI

    Assign t!epaginge,tension tot!e p!one

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    50 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    paging ipmulticast-addressport udp-port2paging ipmulticast-addressport udp-port2


    Configures t!e ep!one'dn as paging e,tension usingeit!er unicast or multicast

    paging-dnpaging-dn-tag unicast2paging-dnpaging-dn-tag unicast2


    Creates a paging e,tension to receie audio pages ont!e ep!one

    Productiity #ools (Cont)*

    Paging Commands

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    51 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Productiity #ools (Cont)*

    ephone-dn @0

    number =000

    name &ech 1upport

    paging ip =C>?0?@?=0 port =000ephone-dn =0

    number =00@

    name 1ales 4ept

    paging ip =C>?0?@?=@ port =000

    ephone-dn ==

    number =00=

    paging ip =C>?0?=?== port =000

    paging group @0=0

    ephone @

    paging-group @0

    ephone =

    paging-group @0

    ephone C

    paging-group =0

    ephone A

    paging-group =0

    ep!one 6

    paging Group 61

    ep!one 7

    paging Group 61

    ep!one 8

    paging Group 71

    ep!one 9

    paging Group 71

    P!one dials 711147116 or 7117

    Combined Paging Group P!one dials 7111 and p!one 6 and p!one 7 get page

    P!one dials 7116 and p!one 8 and p!one 9 get page

    P!one dials 7117 and all 9 p!ones get page

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    52 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    paging-grouppaging-dn-tag, paging-dn-tag,paging-grouppaging-dn-tag, paging-dn-tag,


    Creates a combined paging group from two or more

    preiously defined paging directory numbers

    Productiity #ools (Cont)*

    Paging Group

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    53 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Custom IP P!one 2ings

    #o create custom rings for IP p!ones follow t!esesteps$

    %tep 6 ' Create a ring in t!e form of a raw PCM file

    %tep 7 ' Create a 2ing3ist),ml file using a te,t editorto point to t!e arious rings t!at are desired

    %tep 8 ' 3oad t!e rings and 2ing3ist),ml file to flas!on t!e CallManager E,press router

    %tep 9 ' Configure t!e tftp serer to sere up t!erings and 2ing3ist),ml

    %tep : ' 2eboot t!e p!ones

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    5! 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Music on "old (Mo"* can be deried from twosources$

    Audio file in )wa or )au format

    3ie audio source ia a feed

    Music on "old

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    55 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Music on "old (Cont)*

    P!one on "old

    P!one on "old



    unicast or multicast

    Configuring Mo" from file

    telephony-servicemoh $y$ofile?wav

    multicast moh =C>?=C?A?@0 port =000

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    5" 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    moh filenamemoh filename


    Configures Mo" using t!e file specified in flas!

    multicast moh ip-addressport port-numberroute ip-


    multicast moh ip-addressport port-numberroute ip-



    (.ptional* %pecifies t!at t!e Mo" file s!ould be

    multicast using t!e parameters specified

    Music on "old (Cont)*

    Configuring Mo" from file

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    5# 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    Music on "old (Cont)*

    P!one on "old

    P!one on "old

    unicast or multicast

    E?M port ' 9'wire4immediate start4auto'cut t!roug!

    Configuring Mo" from a lie source

    voice-port @3@3@


    operation A-wire

    signal immediatedial-peer GGGG voice pots

    destination-pattern GGGG

    port @3@3@

    ephone-dn @=

    number >>>>

    moh out-call GGGG

    E?M port6+6+6

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    5$ 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony



    Enters oice port config mode for t!e E?M port

    input gain decibelsinput gain decibels


    (.ptional* sets gain on t!e Mo" signal

    Music on "old (Cont)*

    Configuring Mo" from a lie source


    $.8outer(config-voice port)#

    Enables call completion w!en no M'lead response is


  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    5% 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    operation A-wireoperation A-wire


    %ets t!e E?M port to use a 9'wire sc!eme

    signal immediatesignal immediate


    /irects calling side to sei=e t!e E'lead and send

    /#MF digits

    Music on "old (Cont)*

    Configuring Mo" from a lie source

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    "0 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    dial-peer voice tagpotsdial-peer voice tagpots


    Creates t!e dial peer for t!e M." connection



    Associates t!e oice port to t!e dial peer

    Music on "old (Cont)*

    Configuring Mo" from a lie source

    destination-pattern stringdestination-pattern string


    %pecifies t!e /N of t!e Mo" source

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


    "1 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicIP Telephony

    ephone-dn tagephone-dn tag


    Creates an ep!one'dn

    number numbernumber number


    Configures a dummy /N for t!is ep!one'dn instance

    Music on "old (Cont)*

    Configuring Mo" from a lie source

    moh out-call outcall-number2moh out-call outcall-number2


    %pecifies t!is ep!one'dn is used for an incoming or

    outgoing call t!at is to be t!e source for a M." stream

  • 7/23/2019 Configuring CME Additional Features


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