community building -doing it from scratch in a stress free way

Post on 19-Jan-2017






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Community Building: Doing it from scratch in a stress free way

Scott OserScott Oser Associates

Who Are You?

Poll about trade vs. individual vs. hybrid

Who Are You?

Poll about role in organizationMembershipMarketingC-levelOther

2016 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report, Marketing General, Inc.

2016 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report, Marketing General, Inc.

2016 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report, Marketing General, Inc.

Poll: Do you believe that face-to-face connections and local community are something your organization should be offering?YesNoAlready offering

Washington, DC Area Activities•Background•Description

Is There A Need?

Options:1.Research2.Listen to your members3.Watch what others are doing

Is There A Need?

Based on what you know about your organization, is there are a need for more community development and if so what is the opportunity?YesNo

What Are the Objectives?

Offer regular, consistent, low barrier to entry events that bring people together for networking and educational connections.

What Are the Objectives?

If you were to launch something today, based on what you know, what would be the primary objective?

What Resources are Needed?

1.Humana. Staffb. Members

i. Boardii. Components

2.Technicala. Registration?

i. Internalii. External

b. Marketing3.Financial

How Do you Define Success?

1.Attendance numbers2.Feedback3.Event revenue4.Increased engagement leading to increased renewal rates5.New members

Tracking is critical!

2 Minute Activity

Based on the information here what can you do at your association to grow your local community connection?

Lessons Learned

1.Determine the need2.Determine goals and outcomes--what is success?3.Schedule in advance and be consistent with events and communications4.Maximize use of resources and do not be afraid to recruit help5.Track results and adjust and adapt


Scott D. OserScott Oser Associates

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