communication in today’s turbulent environment, communication is at the top of everyone’s...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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CommunicationIn today’s turbulent environment,

communication is at the top of everyone’s needed-skills list.

Effective communication, both within the organization and with people outside the company, is a major challenge and responsibility for managers.


What is Communication?Process by which information is exchanged

and understood by two or more people, usually with the intent to motivate or influence behavior

Manager = 80% every working day in direct communication with others – 48 min/hour

Manager = 20% every work day in communication in the form of reading and writing -12 min/hour


What is Communication?The transfer and understanding of meaning

if no information has been conveyed, communication has not occurred

everything that a manager does involves communicatingeffective communication does not equal agreementineffective communication is the basis for many

managerial problems

The Manager as Communication Champion


interpersonal communication - occurs between people

organizational communication - all the patterns, networks, and systems of communication in an organization


Process Of Communication

Elements of the Processmessage - expresses the purpose of the

communicationencoding - converting the message in symbolic form

affected by the skills, attitudes, and knowledge of the sender, and by the culture of the organization

channel - medium for conveying the messagedecoding - retranslating symbols into a message

affected by personal characteristics of the receivernoise - disturbances that interfere with the

transmission, receipt, or feedback of a message message itself and channel can distort communications feedback also subject to same sources of noise

The Communication Process


Message Medium Receiver






Channel Richness


nonverbal communication - communication without words types

body language - gestures, facial expressions, and other body movements that convey meaning

verbal intonation - emphasis someone gives to words or phrases that conveys meaning

every oral communication is accompanied by a nonverbal message

nonverbal component usually carries the greatest impact

Nonverbal Communications

Messages transmitted human actions and behaviors rather than through words

Occurs mostly face-to-faceVerbal Impact = 7 %Vocal Impact = 38 %Facial Impact = 55 %


Most nonverbal communication is unconscious or subconscious

Facial Expressions Convey Emotions

Barriers to Effective Interpersonal CommunicationFiltering - the deliberate manipulation of

information to make it appear more favorable to the receiver upward communication is condensed by senders to avoid

information overload by top-level receivers extent of filtering affected by:

the number of vertical levels in the organization culture of the organization

Selective Perception - what people see and hear influenced by their attitudes, background, and experience

Emotions - interpretation of a message affected by the way the receiver feelsextreme emotions likely to hinder effective communication

Information Overload - information available exceeds processing capacityfrequent complaint of executives

Defensiveness - behaviors that result from feeling threatened hinders effective communication

Language - meaning of words differs among people with diverse backgrounds jargon - specialized terminology used by a

group even those who speak the same language

may use it quite differentlyNational Culture - cultural values

affect the way people communicate

Overcoming the Barriers to Effective Interpersonal CommunicationUse Feedback -Simplify Language – Listen Actively -

Active Listening Behaviors

Don’t overtalk

Be empathetic Make eye contact

Exhibit affirmativehead nods and

appropriatefacial expressions


Avoid distractingactions orgestures

Avoid interruptingthe speaker

Ask questions

ListeningOne of the most important tools of

manager communication – both to employees and to customers

Listening = skill of receiving messages to accurately grasp facts and feelings to interpret the genuine meaning

75% of effective communication is listening – most people spend only 30-40% listening


Keys to Effective Listening Listen activelyFind areas of

interestResist distractionsCapitalize on the

fact that thought is faster tan speech

Be responsive

Judge content, not delivery

Hold one’s fireListen for ideasWork at listeningExercise one’s



Constrain Emotions - emotions severely cloud and distort the transference of meaningrefrain from communicating until one regains her/his composure

Watch Nonverbal Cues - actions should be aligned with wordsnonverbal message should reinforce verbal message

Organizational CommunicationFormal Communication

communication that follows the official chain of command or is communication required to do one’s job

takes place within prescribed organizational work arrangements

Informal Communicationnot defined by the organization’s

structural hierarchyfulfills two purposes

permits employees to satisfy their needs for social interaction

creates alternative, and frequently faster and more efficient, channels of communication


Direction of Communication FlowDownward - flows from a manager to subordinates

used to inform, direct, coordinate, and evaluate employeesUpward - flows from subordinates to managers

keeps managers aware of employees’ feelings source for ideas on improving operations amount of upward communication affected by the culture

of the organization trust and empowerment increase upward flow mechanistic and authoritarian environment decrease

upward flow

Diagonal - cuts across both work areas and organizational levelsbenefits efficiency and speede-mail facilitates diagonal communication

Horizontal Communications

Lateral or diagonal exchange of messages among peers or coworkers

Horizontal communications categories 1. Intradepartmental problem solving 2. Interdepartmental coordination 3. Change initiatives and improvement


Inform and request support as well as coordinate activities

Particularly important in learning organizations

Team Communication Channels

Organizational Implications

With complex and difficult team activities, all members should share information in a decentralized structure – all information with all members

With simple problems, centralized communication structure – communicating through one individual to solve problems or make decisions


Organizational Communication NetworksOrganizational Communication Networks

combination of vertical and horizontal flows into a variety of patterns

Types of Networks chain - communication flows according to

the formal chain of command wheel - flows between a clearly identifiable

and strong leader and others in a work group or team

all-channel - flows freely among all members of a work team

no single network is best for all situations

Three Common Organizations Communication Networks and How They Rate on Effectiveness Criteria

Personal Communication Channels

Exist outside formal authorized channels

Do not adhere to organization’s hierarchy of authority

Primary way information spreads and work gets accomplished


Coexist with formal communication channels

Developing Personal Communication Networks

Build it before you need it

Never eat lunch alone

Make it win-win

Focus on diversity


Personal Communication ChannelsThree important types of


1.Personal Networks

2.Grapevine-rumour is undesirable feature of grapevine

3.Management By Wondering Around


Communicating during turbulent timesOpen Communication

Sharing all types of information throughout the company, across functional and hierarchical levels

Recent trend - reflects manager’s increased emphasis onEmpowering employeesBuilding trust and commitmentEnhancing collaboration


Crisis CommunicationPrimary Skills

Maintain your focusBe visibleGet the awful truth outCommunicate a vision for the



Feedback and Learning

Feedback – Enables managers to determine whether they have

been successful in communicating with othersIs often neglectedGiving & receiving feedback is typically difficult –

both for managers & employeesSuccessful managers focus their feedback

To help develop the capacities of subordinatesTo teach the organization how to better reach its



Managers use evaluation & communication to help individuals

SemanticsMeaning of words and

the way they are used


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