comert indrumar afaceri turcia

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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BPCE Ankara Republica Turcia

Introducere Turcia este membru al Organizaiei Mondiale a Comerului (OMC) din anul 1995 i al Organizaiei pentru Cooperare Economica si Dezvoltare (OCDE). n anul 1996, Acordul de Uniune vamal cu UE, dup care a adoptat tariful vamal comun al UE (TARIC). Acordul prevede alinierea politicii tarifare n relaiile cu rile membre UE, rile tere i cu rile SGP. Turcia a semnat acorduri de comer liber cu tarile membre EFTA, Muntenegru, Albania, Israel, Macedonia, Croaia, Bosnia Heregovina, Maroc, Autoritatea Palestinian, Siria, Tunisia, Egipt, Georgia, Iordania i continu negocierile cu Liban, Insulele Feroe, Africa de Sud, Mexic, Chile i Rep. Coreea. La comisia mixt pe probleme de Uniune Vamal, Turcia a menionat c ncheierea de acorduri de comer liber cu Republica Coreea, India i Canada prezint unele riscuri. Turcia este parte a Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, care prevede stabilirea unei zone de comer liber n regiunea Mrii Mediterane. Turcia dezvolta relaii cu tarile islamice sub tutela Organizaiei Islamice de Cooperare, in cadrul creia deine secretariatul general. n 1997, a semnat Acordul Developing Eight Countries (D8), cu Iran, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Egipt, Indonezia, Malaiezia, Pakistan avnd ca obiectiv dezvoltarea cooperarii economice ntre rile islamice. n septembrie 2010, a ncheiat un Acord cu Siria, Iordania i Liban pentru crearea unei zone ce comer liber (Mideast Free Trade Zone). Turcia promoveaz o politic susinut pentru dezvoltarea relaiilor economice si politice cu tarile turkofone i islamice din Balcanii de Vest, zona Marii Caspice (Azerbaidjan, Georgia), Asia Central (Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Krgstan, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan), Orientul Mijlociu (Iran, Irak, Siria, Iordania, Liban i Egipt) i Africa.

BPCE Ankara Republica Turcia DATE GENERALE 1. Date eseniale 2. Consideraii generale 3. Relaii comerciale si investiionale Anexa 1. Investitii de succes ale companiilor din UE n Turcia (EU-TURKEY INVESTMENT SUCCESS STORIES) 1. Date esenialeDenumirea oficiala Structura de stat


Republica Turcia Preedintele Republicii Abdullah GUL Marea Adunare Naional (parlament unicameral) Consiliul de Minitri, condus de Prim-ministru, Recep Tayyip ERDOGAN 7 regiuni i 80 de provincii conduse de guvernatori Democraie parlamentar sud-estul Europei si sud-vestul Asiei, ar aezat pe 2 continente (Europa i Asia) vecini: Marea Neagra, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Iran, Irak, Siria, Grecia si Bulgaria 780.580 Kmp, din care 9.820 Kmp reprezint suprafaa acoperita de ape 30,93% suprafaa arabila, din care: 3% culturi permanente si 62% alte destinaii Bor (70% din rezervele mondiale), marmur (40% din rezervele mondiale), crbune (lignit), minereu de fier, cupru, crom, antimoniu, mercur, aur, barit, argile i calcar

Organizarea teritoriala Forma de guvernmnt Poziia geografica



Resurse naturale


- 73.722.988 milioane locuitori (2010)


vrsta medie a populaiei: 28,5 ani durata medie de viata: 68,9 ani la brbai si 73,8 ani la femei compoziia pe vrste :


37,2% 15-24 ani, 51,5% peste 25 ani


- 52,9 milioane persoane peste 15 ani - 25,6 milioane persoane, populaia activ - 22,7 milioane persoane, populaia angajat - 2,9 milioane omeri (11,7%) - 9,5 milioane populatia nagajata, neinregistrata - Ankara (4.467 mii locuitori). Al doilea mare centru industrial i comercial, dupIstanbul. In Ankara au sediu principalele asociaii si organizaii ale oamenilor de afaceri i principalele societi de construcii Istanbul, cel mai important centru industrial, comercial si financiar Bursa, 13 zone industriale cu peste 950 companii (textile, auto, maini si pentru prelucrarea metalelor etc.) Izmir, al doilea port pentru export, zona libera Gaziantep, 3 zone industriale, 22 de baraje care iriga 1,5 milioane hectare Konya, principala zona agricola a Turciei, agro-industrie Kayseri, una din cele mai mari zone industriale (300 companii), specializata in principal in industria textila

Principalele centre industriale si comerciale


Produsul Intern Brut PIB/locuitor Comertul exterior

Eskiehir, centru industrial in dezvoltare, fabrica de avioane Adana, port, zona industriala cu peste 220 companii (textile, confectii, prelucrarea metalelor, alimentare, plastic, maini etc.) Ceyhan, hub energetic in dezvoltare, terminalul oleoductelor Baku-TbilisiCeyhan si Kikuk-Ceyhan, rafinrie Antalya, centru turistic, zona agricola (legume, citrice) Samsun, port la Marea Neagra, terminal pentru gazoductul Blue Stream, turism termal Mersin, Balikesir, Diyarbakir, Hatay, Kocaeli, Manisa, Trabzon, anliurfa 735,8 miliarde dolari n 2010 (8,9% fata de 2009), 618 miliarde dolari, n 2009 (-4,7% fata de 2008) 10.079 dolari n 2010, 8.590 dolari n 2009, Export: 114 miliarde USD n 2010, 102 miliarde USD n 2009 si 132 miliarde USD n 2008 Import: 185 miliarde USD n 2010, 141 miliarde USD n 2009 i 202 miliarde USD n 2008 Numar turisti: 33 milioane turiti strini n 2010, 32 milioane turiti strini n 2009 Incasari din turism: 20,8 miliarde doali n 2010, 21,2 miliarde dolari n 2009 8,9 miliarde dolari in 2010, 8,4 miliarde dolari n 2009, 19,5 miliarde dolari n 2008 5,4% n 2010, 6,53%, n 2009 47,64 miliarde dolari n 2010, 13,99 miliarde dolari n 2009 2 ore fa de GMT (ora Romniei) 8.30-123.00 / 13.30-17.00 bnci 9.00 17.30 / 9.00 - 18.00 firme 8.30-12.30 / 13.30-17.30 instituii publice turca in afaceri se folosete in principal limba engleza si parial germana, franceza i rusa 31 mai 2011: USD =1,5859 TL Euro = 2,2844 TL TL = 0,5494 RON




Investiiile straine directe (nete) Rata inflatiei Deficitul contului curent Fusul orar Programul de lucru

Limba oficiala

Moneda: Lira turca (TL)

Prefix telefonic

+90 312 ........... Ankara +90 212 ............Istanbul (Europa) +90 216 ............Istanbul (Asia) 01 Ianuarie - Anul Nou 23 Aprilie - Suveranitatea naionala si Ziua Copilului 19 Mai - Ziua Tineretului si Sportului 30 August - Ziua Victoriei 29 Octombrie - Ziua Naionala Ramazan: 2011: 1 - 29 august 2012: 20 iulie - 18 august 2013: 9 iulie - 7 august 2011: 30 august - 1 septembrie 2012: 19 - 21 august 2013: 8 - 10 august

Srbtori legale

- Bayram:



Islam 98%, restul de 2% fiind ortodoci, gregorieni, catolici, protestani, evrei

2. Consideraii generale Turcia este membru al OCDE i G20. In 2010, a fost a 16-a economie din lume si a 6-a din Europa. Dei, n 2009, sub impactul crizei financiare internaionale rata de cretere a sczut cu 4,7%, n 2010 a consemnat o cretere semnificativa, cu 8,9% mai mare fa de 2009. Turcia are o pia intern mare, in continu dezvoltare, att d.p.d.v al numrului de

consumatori (73,7 milioane consumatori), ct si d.p.d.v al ritmului de cretere. Relaiile comerciale cu rile UE se deruleaz n baza Acordului de Uniune Vamala, semnat in 1995. Din 2005, Turcia este tara candidata la UE si, in perioada de pregtire, primete importante fonduri de la UE. Turcia este un important nod comercial n zon. Firmele romaneti pot folosi partenerii turci pentru a participa ca subfurnizori/subcontractori la proiecte de interes pe pieele din Orientul Mijlociu (Irak, Iran, Siria), Caucaz (Azerbaidjan, Georgia), Asia Centrala (Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan etc.) si Africa. Turcia are o industrie moderna, n continu expansiune, cu un potenial de import, in valoare de 185 miliarde dolari (2010), care ofer importante oportunitati de export, cooperare si investitii firmelor romanesti. Turcia este o piata complexa, in continua schimbare, care cere adaptabilitate si perseverenta. Exportatorii romani se pot confrunta pe aceasta piaa cu politici comerciale contradictorii, decizii juridice, legi i reglementri imprevizibile, masuri de aprare comercial, inclusiv msuri administrative (licene, standarde, certificate etc.), neconforme cu prevederile Acordului de Uniune Vamala, lipsa de transparenta la adjudecarea licitaiilor. Cunoaterea reglementarilor si a modului de a face afaceri este foarte dificila fara sprijinul unui partener local, experimentat, de ncredere, care cunoaste reglementarile, legile, limba si are contacte/relatii in mediul de afaceri. Pentru intrarea pe piat se recomand n prima faz cooperarea cu un reprezentant/agent/distribuitor local i pe msura dezvoltarii afacerilor, permanentizarea prezentei pe piat prin nfiinarea unui birou de reprezentare comercial (liaison office) sau a unei filiale/sucursale locale. Potrivit practicii locale, relaiile personale cu potenialii parteneri pot contribui definitoriu la stabilirea ncrederii i la succesul n afaceri. 3. Relaii comerciale si investiionale 3.1. Relaiile comerciale i investiionale bilaterale Dup aderarea Romniei la UE, la 1 ianuarie 2007, relaiile comerciale dintre Romnia i Turcia se deruleaz n baza Acordului de Uniune Vamal dintre EU i Turcia. Evoluia comerului bilateral:Anul TOTAL schimburi comerciale -mil. euro4.015 4.835 4.980 2.910 4.284 Cretere fa de anul anterior + 20,0% + 20,4% +3,0% -41,6% +47,2% EXPORT mil.euro1.995 2.071 2.204 1.451 2.563 Cretere fa de anul anterior +13,2% +3,8% +6,4% -34,2% +76,8% IMPORT -mil.eur2.020 2.764 2.776 1.459 1.721 Cretere fa de anul anterior +27,6% +36,8% +0,4% -47,4% +17,8% Balana comercial -mil. euro-25 -693 -571 -8 +872

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

n 2008, s-a realizat nivelul record al schimburilor bilaterale, cnd au nsumat 5 miliarde euro (7,4 mild. USD). n 2009, n contextul crizei financiare internaionale, schimburile bilaterale au sczut cu 41,6%, fa de anul 2008. n 2010, Turcia a fost primul partener comercial al Romniei din afara UE i din cadrul OCEMN, al 5-lea partener n cadrul schimburilor internaionale totale, respectiv al 4-lea la export i al 9-lea la import. Pentru prima dat n ultimii 5 ani, balana comercial a nregistrat un sold net n favoarea Romniei de 872 milioane euro. Structura exportului i importului Romniei in Turcia (2010)Grupa de produse Metale comune si articole metalice Maini, aparate, echipamente electrice Produse minerale Vehicule, aeronave si echipamente transport Produse ale industriei chimice si conexe Produse ale regnului vegetal Mase plastice si articole, cauciuc Lemn, crbune lemn, pluta, mpletituri Materii textile si art. din acestea Articole piatra, ipsos, ciment, sticla, ceramica Produse alimentare, buturi, tutun Export (%) 45.5% 13.3% 15.2% 11.5% 7.0% 4.9% 3.2% 3.0% 1.2% 0.8% 0.6% Import (%) 20.1% 19.8% 22.0% 13.2% 4.6% 4.9% 9.3% 0.2% 12.8% 2.6% 1.4%


Pasta lemn, hrtie, carton si articole conexe Piei crude/tabacite, blanuri si art. din acesteaAparate optice, foto si de msura Alte marfuri : Mobila, mobilier medical, articole de pat

0.2% 0.1%0.1% 0.2%

1.9% 0.3%0.3% 1.6%

Potrivit statisticii turce i Romnia este unul din partenerii comerciali importani ai Turciei, fiind pe locul 11 la exportul Turciei (cu 2,28% din totalul exportului turc) i pe locul 12 la importul turc (cu 1,86% din totalul importului). Turcia ocup locul 15 n topul investitorilor directi in Romania. La 31 dec. 2010, erau nregistrate in Romania 12036 societati comerciale cu participare turca, cu o valoare a capitalului subscris de 433,1 milioane euro (531,3 milioane dolari). Dac se iau in considerare si investitiile turce prin firme offshore, valoarea totala a investitiilor turce in Romania este estimata la peste 4,5 miliarde dolari. Principalele domenii n care au investit firmele turce n Romnia, sunt: servicii bancare i de asigurri, industria prelucrtoare i alimentar, complexe comerciale (Bucureti Mall, Plaza Romnia, Titan Outlet), parcuri logistice (Romta Transport and Logistic Center, Omsan Romania Bucureti i Mioveni, Romglob Invest SRL Orastie jud. Hunedoara, Galaxy Center - Cheia Dmboviei), hoteluri (Ramada-Majestic, Lido, Hotel Duke, Romta Hotel), birouri i construcii rezideniale (Anchor Plaza, Romta Business Center, InCity Residences, Bneasa Residential Park, Cozmopolis-Stefanesti), ferme agricole (Banvit n Agrofood Urziceni i Banvit Aliments Brila). Investiiile firmelor romneti n Turcia, efectuate de firme i persoane fizice, nsumeaz circa 15 milioane dolari, n 99 de societi mixte, din care: 31 din domeniul comerului cu ridicata i cu amnuntul, 18 n industria prelucrtoare, 10 transport, depozitare i comunicaii, 10 servicii sociale i de personal, 8 societi de construcii, 8 servicii hoteluri i restaurante, 8 imobiliare, 3 n domeniul electricitii, gazelor i aprovizionrii cu ap, 2 n agricultur i o societate n domeniul mineritului i carier. Oportuniti de investiii de interes pentru firmele romne: turism (hoteluri pentru turitii romni pe litoralul Mrii Egee i la Mediteran), industria prelucrtoare (echipamente energetice, prelucrarea metalelor, componente pentru autovehicule, textile-confectii), producia de energie (hidraulic, lignit) etc. Relaiile comerciale i investiionale UE-TurciaIndicatori TOTAL EXPORT Turcia UE (27) Alte ri Alte ri europene TOTAL IMPORT Turcia UE (27) Alte ri Alte ri europene 2009 Mild.USD 102,1 47,0 53,2 11,3 140,9 56,6 83,4 25,9 % 100.0 46.0 52.1 11.1 100.0 40.2 59.2 18.4 2010 Mild USD 113,9 52,7 59,2 11,4 185,5 72,2 112,4 30,3 % 100.0 46.2 51.9 10.0 100.0 38.9 60.6 16.3 Cretere % 11.5 12.0 11.3 0.6 31.6 27.6 34.8 17.1

Principalii parteneri la exportul Turciei, au fost: Germania (cu 10,05% din totalul exportului), Marea Britanie (6,34%), Italia (5,71%), Frana (5,3%), Irak (5,3%) i Federaia Rus (4,07%). Principalii parteneri la importul Turciei, au fost: Federaia Rus (cu 11,64% din totalul importului), Germania (9,45%), China (9,26%), SUA (6,64%), Italia (5,5%), Frana (4,41%) i Iran (4,12%).UE este principalul investitor n Turcia - milioane dolari 2006 Total ISD n Turcia din care: UE (27) din care: Germania Franta 357 439 954 367 1.237 679 497 617 498 589 14.489 12.601 11.076 4.927 4.762 17.639 2007 19.137 2008 14.747 2009 6.250 2010 6.260

Olanda Marea Britanie Italia

5.069 628 189

5.442 703 74

1.343 1.335 249

718 350 314

501 233 54

Principalele companii transnaionale prezente in Turcia: - Cisco, Mictrosoft, Nortel, Vodafone, Motorola, Telecom Italia, Citybank, BNP Paribas, JP Morgan Chase, AEG, Mobil, Shell, BP, ExxonMobile, General Electric, Siemens, Castrol, Toyota, FIAT, Renault, Hyundai, Ford Motor Co, Daimler Chrysler, Bosch, Pirelli Tire, Bridgestone-Firestone, Goodyear, Unilever, RJR Nabisco, Philip Morris, United Defense, Cargill, Novartis, Coca Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Lockheed Martin, Gillette, Hilton International, Aventis, McDonald's, Nestle, Pepsi, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, InterGen, Abbot Laboratories etc. Domenii in care au investit firmele strine in Turcia Majoritatea companiile straine au investit n comertul cu ridicata si cu amanuntul, industria prelucratoare (textile, pindustria chimica, industria alimentara si bauturi racoritaoare) i imobiliare. Red.: Dumitru Radoi Actualizat: iunie 2011

Anexa 1. Investitii de succes ale companiilor din UE n Turcia (EU-TURKEY INVESTMENT SUCCESS STORIES) 1. A number of EU-Turkish investment success stories have arguably paid a significant contribution to economic integration in several sectors. The overview that follows hereafter highlights the significance of investments realised on important projects and the potential of given sectors for future investment operations. This survey has been realised also based on interviews with a number of Member states and companies, to all of which go our thanks. Financial services 2. The banking sector is well-capitalised in Turkey with a wide branch network, but the overall volume of the sector is still relatively small offering potential for further development. Total banking sector assets, representing 86% of the GDP, reached some 370 billion as of September 2009. The sector has strong fundamentals, largely based on the extensive reforms realised after the severe financial crisis in 2001. The sectors capital adequacy ratio (20%) is well above the regulatory minimum of 8%. Finally, the banking sector increased its total profits by 41.1% between December 2008 and September 2009, particularly because of the positive impact of declining interest rates on existing government debt portfolios. There are 49 banks in the sector, of which 17 have been established by international investors. The share of international banks in the banking sector (taking into account the majority shareholders only) is less than 15%. Major European banks that are present in Turkey are Dexia (Denizbank), Deutsche Bank, the National Bank of Greece (Finansbank), Fortisbank, HSBC Bank, ING Bank, and Eurobank Tekfen1. BNP Paribas (Turk Ekonomi Bank) and UniCredit (Yap ve Kredi Bankasi) have also equal shares with their local partners in two major private banks. In addition, ABN Amro, Societe Generale and Westdeutsche Landesbank have branches established in the country. The takeovers in the financial sector have changed the FDI composition of Turkey in terms of source of FDI. Countries like


Portuguese Millenium BCP recently decided to leave the Turkish market.

Belgium and Greece have achieved a high proportion within Turkeys FDI portfolio through these mega purchases. Finansbank is one of the medium-sized private banks in Turkey, with 461 branches and more than 10.000 employees. Finansbanks share in total banking sector assets was 3.4% as of September 2009. In 2006, the National Bank of Greece acquired 46% of Finansbank for USD 2.7 billion ( 2.24 billion, implying 4.87 billion market value). As of 11 January 2010, total market capitalisation of the bank was almost the same ( 4.8 billion). The bank was quite profitable in 2009, as net profits increased by 42% between 2008Q3 and 2009Q3, reaching TL 437 million ( 202 million). At the time of acquisition, the management of both banks had said that the Turkish banking sector was expected to be one of the most dynamic banking sectors in Europe. National Bank of Greece (NBG) added that it would benefit from a revamped banking sector in Turkey with low penetration levels as compared to that of Western Europe. A Greek publication on European integration had indicated at the time that the acquisition was the demonstration of the fact that the national, the regional and the global are intertwined to an unprecedented degree eliminating taboos and NBGs acquisition rendered credible the prospect of Greece benefiting from Turkeys EU accession path, thus contributing to sustain a foreign policy supportive of Turkeys EU destination.2 3. The Turkish insurance sector has great potential, given the countrys large population and the still untapped market. With a population of more than 72 million, the countrys private pension system is a promising field. The Turkish insurance sector is still relatively small, with a very low penetration rate. Total insurance premium per capita was only USD 89.2 in 2006, the lowest figure in Europe after Bulgaria (USD 100.9) and Romania (USD 94.5). The sector has significant growth potential, as the share of insurance (including private pensions) sector in the Turkish financial sector was only 3% as of September 2009. The sector is quite open to foreign investors. The number of insurance companies with foreign capital increased significantly in recent years, from 16 (2004) to 41 (2008). The share of insurance companies with foreign capital in the total premium volume of the sector has increased from 19% (2004) to 53% (2008). Major European investors in the sector are Aviva (British), Axa (French), Allianz (German), Unicredito (Italian) with local Yap Kredi, Groupama (French), BNP Paribas (French) with local Teb Sigorta, and Eureko (Dutch). French Groupama entered the Turkish insurance market in 1991, by purchasing 30% stake in local Gunes Sigorta. In 2006, Groupama extended its insurance activities by purchasing majority shares in Basak Sigorta (insurance) and Basak Emeklilik (private pension) companies by paying 222 million at the privatisation tender. In 2008, Groupama acquired Guven Sigorta for 185 million and further strengthened its presence in Turkey by creating the third largest insurance company in Turkey, with almost 9% market share. According to Groupama, Turkey is of strategic importance for insurance sector due to its growth potential and exciting market dynamics3. Groupama expects a total of 562 million revenue from its operations in Turkey in 2009, aiming to reach 1 billion in revenues over the next 3 years. Energy 4. Turkeys energy market is one of the fastest growing energy markets in the world. With its growing population and no significant change in its policy, Turkey has a huge potential for further growth (official projection figures for 2030 are yet to be announced) in the coming decades. According to CIA World factbook, Turkey ranked 20th in the world in terms of electricity production (more than Poland, less than Italy) with 198.4 tWh production in 20084. More than 26 million subscribers benefit from the countrys extensive electricity distribution network. Turkey is a major natural gas importer, importing 35.8 bcm in 20095, which is slightly more than Spains total demand for natural gas in the same year6. Turkeys favourable location due to its proximity to the worlds largest oil and gas reserves is already a fundamental element for Turkey to meet its growing demand but also to position itself as aThe Bridge Magazine, 2,10945# 4 5 6

transit country and energy hub. In this respect, Turkey is a key component of Europes energy security and its policy of diversification of gas supplies and routes. In light of the above, foreign energy companies have a strong interest in Turkey's energy market, which resulted in concrete investment decisions. However, there are some issues, particularly in the area of natural gas, that require Turkeys further efforts to be able to play a key role in this area and to attract more foreign investments. Accordingly, market structure needs to be improved including unbundling of activities of the dominant actor BOTAS. Secondly, it is essential that a transparent, non-discriminatory, cost-based transit regime is introduced in order to attract transit investments. Turkeys success in promoting itself as a transit country will largely rely on its ability to manage these challenges. Also, transparency in the general investment climate will be a crucial factor for private investors, key to the development of additional infrastructure both in electricity and natural gas markets. The liberalisation of the Turkish electricity market provides ample opportunities for new investments. Turkish authorities recently accelerated the privatisation of the electricity distribution network and launched tenders for the sale of Turkeys 21 distribution regions. As of February 2010, the Privatisation Administration launched tender procedures for twelve distribution regions. In July 2008, a joint venture led by local Sabanci Holding, Enerjisa and Austrian Verbund won the tender for the privatisation of Baskent region (Ankara) for USD 1,225 million ( 786 million). The region is home for more than three million subscribers, serving the capital city Ankara and six surrounding provinces. Again in 2008, the largest power producer in central Europe, Czech CEZ and local Akenerji acquired the license for Sakarya region for USD 600 million ( 384 million), serving to an industrialised region with more than 1.3 million customers. CEZ joined forces with the Akkk Group in order to establish Akenerji in the same year. Akkk and CEZ Group retain together the majority 75% stake in Akenerji with equal participation of 37.4 %, which CEZ bought for 224 million. Spains Essentium Group is committed to invest 400 million in Turkey in the field of energy. The company specialised in energy, cement and mining, signed a loan agreement amounting to 42 million with the Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (TSKB) in September 2009 for four new hydroelectric plants in Turkey. The hydroelectric plants will be built in Giresun, Ardahan, Duzce, and Kayseri with the sponsorship of TSKB. These hydroelectric plants are planned to cost 56 million with 42 MW installed capacity and generate 130 million kWh energy per year. The Groups aim is also to increase the renewable energy portfolio with the diversion of solar and wind power energies where Spain has a lot of expertise. French Gaz de France Suez acquired the natural gas distribution company IZGAZ for $ 232 million ( 177 million) in January 2009, following a successful privatisation deal. In June 2009, the EBRD Board decided to provide debt financing to IZGAZ (now owned by GDF Suez) for up to 65 million, with a view to supporting privatisations in Turkey. IZGAZ owns and operates a 2900 km long gas distribution network in the Kocaeli region, one of the most industrialized regions of Turkey. In 2008, the company supplied 1.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas, mainly to industries and also to 200.000 residential customers. 5. Turkey has great potential for investments in renewables. Thanks to its location climate and geology, Turkey has abundant clean energy resources. Rivers flowing from the western parts of the country are an important source of hydroelectric energy. According to a study realised by Price Waterhouse and Coopers in 2009, almost two-third of the countrys hydropower potential is still to be tapped. The installed hydroelectric capacity of 13.8 GW corresponds to just 38% of the countrys technical hydroelectricity capacity of 37.1GW. Similarly, prevailing westerly winds and a broad sweep of accessible hill ranges in Anatolia create ideal conditions for wind farms. The southern and western parts of Turkey enjoy a substantial number of sunny days a year, making them a natural choice for solar energy plants. Finally Turkey is estimated to be ranking in the first place in Europe and seventh in the world in terms of geothermal energy sources. What is lacking seems to be insufficient long term finance opportunities, as well as the absence of a clear and stable regulatory framework with the right incentives. As for long term financing, EIB, EBRD, KfW and AFD might play an important role in filling the gap. As an example, the Agence Franaise de Dveloppement (AFD) financed the first private wind project in Bandirma, which became operational in 2006.

UK-based RES announced in October 2009 that it would realise various wind power projects in Turkey, representing close to 500 MW capacities, equivalent of a large hydro power plant. RES is planning to invest nearly 750 million in Turkey. RES Mediterranean identified the Turkish market as one of the major growth areas for business and the company sees that Turkey can make use of its enormous wind and solar energy resources in order to meet the demand for electricity combined with the need to reduce carbon emissions.7 Telecommunications 6. Total telecommunications revenue in Turkey (fixed and mobile) was 10 billion in 2008, and it is thought to have reached about 13 billion in 2009. In 2008, 67% of that revenue consisted of mobile line revenues. Total investment in the fixed and mobile networks amounted to 1.98 billion in 2008. According to the Information and Communication Technologies Authority, in December 2009 Turkey counted 62.8 million mobile subscribers, i.e. a penetration rate of about 88 %. The mobile segment, which is liberalised, is expected to grow further to reach EU levels (120%). Mobile number portability was introduced in 2008, and 3G licenses were awarded in the same year to the three licensed operators: Turkcell, Vodafone Turkey and Avea. The broadband segment counts 6.4 million subscribers. As PC usage and ownership increase, that segment is expected to become the main revenue growth driver for fixed line operators. According to the Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey (ISPAT), the markets development owes much to the countrys relative economic stability, to its sound regulatory framework, and to the EU accession process. Vodafone Group Plc, incorporated in the United Kingdom, is one of the worlds leading telecommunications companies and has the highest number of 3G subscribers in the world. It owns 100% of Vofadone Turkey. Its presence on the Turkish market dates back to 2006, when it bought Telsim, a firm then counting about 2400 employees, from the states Savings Deposit and Insurance Fund, in a public auction for 3.3 billion, as well as R&D company O2 Oksijen Teknoloji. Today, Vodafone Turkey is the countrys second largest mobile operator, with about 25% of the market and more than 15 million subscribers, and investments in Turkey exceeding 5 billion, including about 11,000 base stations. It offers a wide variety of services including video conferencing, mobile TV and modem services, and high-speed Internet access from mobile devices. At the end of 2009, the company acquired a 100% stake in Borusan Telekom, the Turkish leader in the corporate fixed-line telecoms market (over 3000 corporate customers, 150 employees, 2008 gross assets of USD 18 million, 2008 net revenues of USD 70 million). The sale includes the transfer to Vodafone Turkey of Borusans extensive optic fiber network, thus lessening Vodafones dependence on the network of the incumbent, Trk Telekom. This acquisition will enable Vodafone Turkey to strengthen its position on the corporate communications market, offering high-quality combined fixed-line and mobile services, on both the voice and data (Internet) segments. According to Vodafone Turkeys Regulatory and Corporate Affairs Director, the company continues to pursue an assertive expansion strategy in the country. Vodafone Turkey indicates that the countrys 72 million-strong population, which grows fast and enjoys increasing disposable income levels, is one of its main assets. Much of that population is young, and hungry for high-tech products (e.g. smart phones), services and applications. For instance, Turkey is the 3rd user of Facebook in the world, and young people often have 2 to 3 mobile lines. The 3G market, which counted 5.4 million subscribers in September 2009, is expected to grow further, as the number of handsets increases, more contents are provided, and the network expands to cover country more extensively. In the 80 city centers already covered by 3G network, capacity is considerable and speed higher than in the EU. New technologies such as WiMax, IPTV are expected to constitute a growth opportunity, as will 4G in the longer term. Vodafone largely outsources R&D, and is able to bring to bear strong relations with global suppliers of hard- and software. The firm has been able to adapt to the Turkish market thanks to the insertion of local managers in the executive board; its first Turkish CEO was nominated in January 2009. Vodafone Turkeys strong

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regulatory department, with 18 persons operating in both Istanbul and Ankara, is also an element of its adaptation to the Turkish environment. Retail Trade 7. In 2009, the size of the Turkish retail sector as a whole exceeded 103.5 billion. With this figure, Turkish retail turnover in 2009 was equivalent to about 24 % of Turkish GDP for 2008 (USD 628.2 billion). The sector provides direct employment for about half a million people. It was recently estimated that, for the period 2007-2013, the overall retail market will grow at an average rate of 18%. A very dynamic segment of the retail sector is grocery, which accounts for approximately 60% of total retail sales (up from 47.7% in 2007), i.e. over 62.1 billion. This does not mean that non-food sectors (consumer electronics, DYI, cosmetics and toiletries, textiles and clothing) are not an attractive investment, as the recent entry of Debenhams, Harvey Nichols, Douglas, Bebe (clothing and footwear) and Sephora (cosmetics and toiletries) shows. The Swedish chain IKEA has become very popular with younger generations in Turkey. The first IKEA shop was opened in 2005 in Istanbul which was followed by a second one in the same city, a third in Izmir and a fourth shop in Bursa in 2008 with a 50 million investment. The company had printed 1.3 million copies of its catalogue when it came to Turkey in 2005. The number of copies increased to 5 million for the 2009 catalogue showing an expansionary reach-out trend. The potential of the food retailing sector is considerable. It results from a number of factors. Economy-wide factors include a large and growing population, endowed with an increasing disposable income and aspiring to a western lifestyle. This, together with urbanisation (stanbul, Ankara and zmir are expected to be amongst the largest city economies of Europe by 2020), entails greater supermarket and fast-food spending, increasing demand for higherquality products, hence strong growth in 2008 in spite of the crisis. The development of car ownership only reinforces the trend, since consumers take the car to reach out-of-town, larger-scale formats. Sector-specific factors are many. Non-organised traditional district retailers (small grocers or bakkals, bazars) still account for 60% of the food-retailing segment, hence a considerable market share is still in the informal sector but up for grabs for professional, modern outlet retailers (domestic and foreign). That potential is already partly being realised: since 2000 supermarkets and hard-discount retail stores (and to a lesser extent hypermarkets) have conquered market shares over convenience stores, independent grocers, food specialists; hard-discount retail stores are the major growth format in the country (cf Migros Trks ok, Carrefours Dia, Gimas Endi). Carrefour is said to plan to open about 100 new hypermarkets and supermarkets in Turkey in 2010. The absolute size of the market displays a considerable growth potential, as was shown by its relatively good resilience in the face of the 2008 crisis. There are approximately 3 hypermarkets and 17 supermarkets per million inhabitants, compared to 15 hypermarkets and 150 supermarkets in the EU. There is a vast potential for spreading modern outlets and retail shopping centres, particularly in most provinces, which have no modern centres. The product range on offer is currently limited compared to EU Member States, hence a real potential for product diversification. 8. Given the sectors consolidation, European players have much to gain in further penetrating Turkeys grocery retail market. On that market, the big foreign players are already European: Carrefour (French), Metro/Real (German), and British groups Tesco and BC Partners (after acquisition of Migros-Trk). But the market structure is still highly fragmented, with the top 5 players holding a market share of only about 25% of modern grocery distribution. This fragmentation means there is a potential for nationwide and international M&As. A degree of concentration involving European players has already taken place: Tesco acquired a majority stake in Kipa in 2003; Carrefour SA, which resulted from a joint venture between Carrefour and Sabanci Holding in 1996, bought a 60% equity stake in Gima in 2005, and acquired the supermarkets of Pinar Marketcilik, an owner and operator of groceries, in January 2009. Migros Turk is a major chain of 1,585 retail stores employing 14,800 people. In February 2008, it was acquired by the international private equity firm Moonlight Capital, which is

controlled by the BC Partners based in the UK. The Moonlight Capital paid TL 1,977 million ( 1,115 million) for 50.8% share in Migros, then gradually increased its total stake to 97.92% through purchases from the stock market. In 2008 prices, this implied a total market value of 2.2 billion. The sale was one of the largest FDI inflows for 2008. Migros is the fifth largest retailer in the Middle East Africa region, ranking at the 199th place in the Top 250 retailers of 2008 list of Deloitte. Migros total revenues reached USD 3,942 million in 2008, with a net income figure of USD 203 million. It also operates 16 stores in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Kyrgyzstan. At the time of acquisition, the Financial Times reported that private equity has been drawn to Migros because of the recent strong growth in retail spending in Turkey and the emergence of a more urbanised consumer culture among the country's younger generation. The case was presented as yet another case of private equitys ability to finance bigger deals in emerging markets, while the contraction of credit markets continued in Europe and the US. The BC Partners aims to double the number of Migros stores in the next five years. Food 9. Turkeys food industry has registered a steady growth in recent years, with increasing demand from Turkish consumers, driven by the multitude of choices offered by mass grocery retail outlets (see above). The total production capacity of food and beverage industry accounted for 32% of Turkeys total GDP in 2008 and the number of people employed in the sector is approximately 471,000. The number of companies with foreign investment in the Food and Beverage Industry between 1954 and 2002 was cumulatively 144 and it reached up to 420 in 2009.8 In 2008, the share of foreign investment in the food and beverage industry within the manufacturing industry increased to 31.8 % while it was 18.2% in 2007. 2008 was the year with maximum foreign investments with 918 million (USD 1.3 billion) since 2004 while the latter was the best year with respect to number of companies established (52 companies). Several multinational food companies have been operating in Turkey for many years. The leading home countries are Germany, Netherlands, France, Italy and USA. The major European investors are Unilever, Nestle, Danone, Dr. Oetker, Carlsberg Breweries and so on. Companies with foreign capital are operational in 85 different segments of production. Thirty of them are operating in fruit and vegetables, 9 in processed bakery products, 7 in non-alcoholic beverages, 6 in candies, cocoa and chocolate segments and 12 of them fall under the non-categorized food products segment. Unilever is a Dutch-British multinational corporation that owns many global consumer product brands in foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. Since Unilever's creation in 1930 by the merger of British and Dutch soap and margarine companies, it has ranked as one of Europe's, and the world's largest consumer-goods companies. The company reaches 160 million people in 150 countries. Unilever, which is one of the most long-established companies in Turkey, entered the Turkish market in 1953. Unilever Turkey is the first company which introduced many products categories and concepts to Turkish households. Their main investments in food sector are the first margarine (1953-Sana), the first private investment on tea (1984- Lipton), Algida ice-cream (1990) and Knorr soups (2000). Today, Unilever operates in Turkey with a total number of 7 production facilities: margarine and ice-cream factories in orlu, tea packaging, spreads and savoury factory in ayrova, and fabric cleaning home and personal care factory in Gebze and 3 tea production factories in Rize. The company produces brands Sana, Becel, Knorr, Lipton, Algida, Max, Carte dOr, Ben&Jerrys in food and ice-cream sectors and with its Unilever Foodsolutions brand, it targets the food professionals. In 2009 with its revenue of nearly TL 2.7 billion and employees exceeding 4000, Unilever Turkey maintained its market leading position in 80% of its brands. Unilever Turkey ranks 10th within the global Unilever system which operates in 100 countries8

Source: Undersecretariat of Treasury, International Direct Investment Information Bulletin, February 2010

and Unilever Turkey showed much higher growth rates in food sector compared to other countries. As a developing export centre, Unilever Turkey export to 31 countries9 with its total export value of 91.3 million (USD 131 million). Also as a management centre several Middle Asian countries10 and Iran are being managed from Istanbul. Furthermore, Turkey is responsible for production and management of ice-cream for many countries from the Balkans, Middle East to Kazakhstan. As a regional centre with its location Unilever Turkey provides services to Asian and African countries in several categories such as research and development, product development, marketing strategies, sales support systems, regional procurement, financial and production strategies and development of operating systems. Another contribution of the company to the Turkish industry is to supply raw materials, packaging materials and other intermediate goods from the domestic market as much as possible and promote those productions. As a successful example to this the ice-cream cabins are produced in Turkey and exported to the other countries where Unilever is operating. Also chocolate for the Algida Magnum ice-cream are produced in Turkey and exported to other countries. Automotive 10. Turkey hosts a well-developed and competitive automotive industry. The transport vehicles and components industry was the largest source of exports for 2009 with 11.8 billion (USD 17 billion, 17% of all exports) followed by ready wear and confection, iron and steel products, chemicals and electric-electronics and machinery. About 72 % of these exports were made to the EU, with France, Germany and Italy taking the lead. There are currently 15 passenger and commercial vehicle manufacturers in Turkey in addition to 6 tractor producers. The sector employs about 300,000 workers. Turkey is the 5th largest manufacturer of motor vehicles in Europe and 15th in the world. It is the biggest producer of buses, second biggest producer of light commercial vehicles, the sixth for heavy trucks and ninth for passenger cars in Europe. Turkey was the second largest exporter of vehicles to Europe after Japan with total exports of 17.4 billion (USD 24.7 billion) in 2008. About 72 % of production in 2007 was carried out by companies owned by or in joint venture with European manufacturers such as Fiat Group, MAN, Mercedes Benz, Renault, Rover Group and Peugeot. According to 2008 data, the highest production capacity in terms of passenger cars belong to Fiat (400,000 cars/year) followed by Renault (360,000) and Toyota (150,000). In terms of commercial vehicles, Ford Otosan has a large dominating position with 350,000 vehicles a year out of 380,000 vehicles in total. Turkish domestic market is still not saturated considering the size of the population and offers major potential for further motorisation. There are 138 cars per 1000 persons in Turkey compared with around 500 cars per 1000 in countries such as France and Germany or 361 in Bulgaria. In terms of total production in 2009, the top three companies for the overall automotive market were Ford, Fiat and Renault. In terms of passenger cars, the top three companies were Hyundai, Renault and Ford. Oyak-Renault was established in Bursa in 1969. It is the largest plant of Renault outside Western Europe. The company employs 6016 workers out of which 1336 employees are white-collars. Oyak-Renault manufactures Clio, Clio Estate (sole production site), Megane Sedan Symbol and Fluence and is the leader in terms of exports of passenger cars by providing 85 % of Turkish car exports. The company is highly specialised in process engineering manufacturing on the same assembly line four different models according to customers specific requests. Oyak-Renault is capable of manufacturing with a 10 % price

Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Armenia, Palestine, France, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Kirghizstan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Hungary, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan , Jordan and Greece. These Unilever statistics include Northern Cyprus as a country.10


Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kirghizstan

advantage as compared to Western Europe. The company relates this not only to competitive wages but also to the quality of work force, labour productivity and well-developed system of suppliers. The plant is at a benchmark level in terms of productivity within the Renault family and is at equivalent levels to Japanese and Korean productivity rates. The design and product engineering input comes from Renault-France. Renault has announced in November 2009 that the electric version of Fluence will be manufactured at the OYAK-Renault Bursa plant in Turkey. Production will start in the first half of 2011. Unveiled as Fluence Z.E. Concept, the electric vehicle (EV) will be produced on the same production line as the conventionally-powered versions of Fluence. Producing the future EV at Bursa allows Renault to benefit from the site's excellent performance on quality, cost and lead times, along with local sourcing. As a result, the Group will be able to market the zero-emission saloon at the same attractive price as internal combustion models. Fiat is another successful investment story which started in 1968 in partnership with TOFA from Ko Group. It is now one of the three strategic production bases of FIAT. Tofa-Fiat employs about 6859 workers, out of which 1127 are white-collars. Fiat-Tofa manufactures the Fiorino series under the brand names Fiat Fiorino, Peugeot Bipper and Citroen Nemo also known as Mini Cargo Vans (MCVs). MCVs are great commercial success in terms of design and marketing in Europe as well as in Turkey. They address the needs of small and medium sized enterprises for business/cargo transportation, which can turn at weekends into family cars with folding back seats. What is unique to MCVs is that they are produced entirely in Turkey including major input on product engineering developed in the R&D Centre of FIATTofa. FIAT-Tofa hosts a well-developed R&D centre in three different locations. It has benefited greatly from states R&D incentive schemes facilitated through the Scientific and Research Council of Turkey, TUBITAK. The company aims at creating technology itself by 2020. FIAT-Tofa also produces Doblo (with the new model being entirely conceived in Turkey), Albea, Linea and Palio. Their new project is 263 (the electric version of Doblo), which will replace Doblo and two third of this new model will be exported. Like in the case of Renault, the high productivity rate of the workers is considered to be a key factor for the companys competitiveness. In terms of productivity, according to the company, Tofa-Fiat is at par with the Polish Fiat plant and is performing better than the plants in Italy. For both companies, the labour productivity and the reliability of an advanced and wellintegrated suppliers system are crucial. Both companies have de-localised the production up to 65 -70 % to local suppliers. Exploiting an unsaturated domestic market and relying on exports to the EU, diversification to third and developing countries towards the East proves to be difficult for both Fiat-Tofa and Oyak-Renault for the time-being. They both produce according to EU standards with advanced technological input whereas the demand on these markets is more towards the cheaper end. In order to justify manufacturing separate and cheaper brand names geared towards these countries, the companies need to have a critical mass of demand. For instance, there are no cars manufactured without ABS anymore in Turkey, whereas such cars can still be on the market in some third countries. The potential at the doorstep such as Iran, Egypt, Iraq is, however, borne in mind. In the automotive sector, logistics and transportation are important cost factors. Clearly, Turkey bases of European automotive investors will be highly instrumental once neighbouring markets reach a certain economic maturity, prosperity and political stability. The automotive sector has been very well integrated into the European economy starting from mid 1980s, even before the Customs Union. The CU was instrumental for lifting duties and facilitating further integration. It also helped harmonisation of technical legislation. Clearly, Turkish automotive industry already operates within/from the EU economic framework and there is little accession would add to their success. Access to finance and researchers/ white collars mobility (difficult to get visas for our engineers, says Fiats R&D director who needs to join forces with his counterparts in Italy) for joint projects were mentioned as further improvements which could come with Turkeys accession. The question of EUs free trade agreements (FTA's) with third countries and Turkeys preferential stance to those markets is

an issue that the industry is keen on, both in the context of the Customs Union and, more comprehensively, through accession. 11. There are about 1000 component suppliers in Turkey, 350 of which are also global suppliers. Out of these local suppliers, some also have a strong European character, like the well-known Bosch and the more recently established ELDOR. The German giant in the manufacturing industry, Bosch, holds a diversified and wellestablished investment structure in Turkey from white goods to industrial technology, from boilers, water heaters and climatisation systems to building security. Bosch Trkiye reached 1.6 billion sales in 2008 with more than 8000 associates and 7 plants in Bursa, Istanbul, Manisa and Tekirda. An important part of Bosch Trkiye, less well-known to Turkish consumers, is Bosch Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (STA) specializing on automotive technology. Bosch STA has invested a total of 850 million in its operations in Turkey during the last 10 years and created about 4700 jobs. It operates two plants in Bursa where it manufactures components for injection and brake systems. In 2003 and 2008, the company received the European Quality Award in operative units category. Since 2005 it was awarded each year the TAYSAD (Turkish Automotive Suppliers Association) Best Exporter of the Automotive Supplying Sector Award. Another striking example is the company ELDOR in Izmir which is an Italian investment that provides ignition coils to Ferrari, Renault, Volkswagen, Seat, Audi, Skoda and BMW. ELDOR started with a modest investment of 10 million and 50 workers in 2004 and reached 700 workers and 60 million investments in 2009 and considers further expansion with the strength of a 40 % increase in their turnover in 2009, despite the crisis. The company enlists low labour costs, skilled labour force, excellent suppliers system, well-developed finance infrastructure and proximity to European automotive investors in Turkey as reasons for its choice for Izmir. Aviation industry 12. Another success story in the high value-added echelon of the economy comes from the aviation industry in Turkey. Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) was established in 1984 by the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation, the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries and Turkish Aeronautical Association. It works in the in the design, development, manufacturing, integration of aerospace systems and their modernization. In 2009, TAI had a portfolio of USD 100 million worth of European projects. In the past, it has co-operated in several European initiatives such as the production of Cougar general purpose helicopters (with Eurocopter), the Augusta training aircrafts and CN-235 light transport aircrafts (with CASA). Out of the 52 CASA aircrafts in the project, fuselages were made 100% in Turkey for about 38 aircraft. TAI also provides a good deal of aerostructures for the popular A320 passenger planes. It participates in the EUs 7th framework programme on science and research. TAI has worked in U.S. based projects and is in partnership with American companies such as Boeing. It sold 46 F16 fighters to Egypt and modified F16s owned by Jordan and Pakistan and the market in third countries presents further potential. TAI reached about 278 million (USD 400 million) turnover in 2009 and employs 3050 people, 50 % of which are white-collars. There are 1400 aeronautic engineers in TAI and about 850 of them are design engineers. TAI operates in three business units consisting of aircraft, helicopter and aerostructures/satellite. These units accommodate engineering departments which operate as R&D centres. TAI subcontracts about 15-17 % of its work to local industry mostly concentrated in Ankara. The ratio is expected to increase in the coming years as the suppliers get better-developed and as TAI gets more concentrated on product development. TAIs export last year was about 123 million (USD 177 million) and about 39 million (USD 56 million) of this was to European countries such as Spain, Italy and Germany. The export figure does not exactly reflect what TAI is in reality providing to other countries and is underestimated due to different timelines between project development and accounting. TAI also develops its own projects such as training aircrafts and the unmanned aerial vehicle which attracted a lot of press attention in Turkey. It has invested largely a few

years ago in the production of high technology composite structures for aircraft bodies and the investment is yielding good results. TEI (TUSAS Engine Industries), a joint venture between TAI, General Electric of USA and two domestic non-profit institutions in Eskiehir, has become a worldwide producer and a design centre for aerospace industry. TEI has a workforce of 1030 employees, with total sales exceeding 200 million in 2008. TEI manufactures and assembles engines for F16 fighter aircraft, NATO Awacs and Cougar helicopters in its Eskisehir plant. It is the sole manufacturer of new ejectors used by NASA and USAF T-38 and F-5 aircrafts. In A400M programme, TEI assumed the design and development responsibilities for front bearing structure, primary nozzle and special test equipment modules of the aircraft. Finally, TEI participates in the design and development phase of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) project, together with the USA, Canada, Australia, Norway, UK, Netherlands, Italy and Denmark. 13. TAI and Airbus signed a new partnership agreement to produce ailerons, a key piece of airplane wings, for A350 aircraft in December 2008. The agreement was worth 353 million (USD 500 million). Speaking at the signing ceremony, French Transportation Minister said with the agreement signed today, TAI has joined the Airbus family. German State Minister for Europe said this step, made between Europe and Turkey, shows the confidence in Turkish technology and added that Turkey has come closer to integration with the European Union after todays agreement.11 TAI is clearly well-integrated to the European economy in its sector and provides high- quality technological input in a sector where defects would not be tolerated. TAI officials feel themselves already a part of the European aviation system and, when asked about accession, they underline the importance of visa-facilitation for their engineers and researchers who have to work in project integration teams in Europe like the automotive industry, and the importance of participating in decision-making mechanisms in European science, research and technology platforms. Besides TAI, there are European direct investments in the aeronautics sector. A good example is the French company LISI in Izmir which expanded from a small 50 workers facility in 2001 to 300 employees in 2009, fully integrated and delivering to all major original equipment manufacturers except Boeing. LISI produces standard aerospace bolts and screws, nuts, bushings, critical parts and sheet metal forming products. It started from a modest initial investment 1.6 million in 2002 and reached about 14 million in 2009. Turkish success stories 14. Finally, building on the favourable trading and investment conditions provided by the Customs Union, some dynamics seem to have triggered Turkish investments to the EU as well. Although the market expansion policy of lker is tarnished with serious abuse of intellectual property rights in respect of trademarks, the acquisition of Godiva in 2008, a leading manufacturer of premium chocolates and related products on the Belgian market, by lkers parent company Yildiz Holding can be regarded as a significant investment story on the EU market. Arelik, owned by Ko Group, is one of the largest household appliances manufacturers serving the EU market, exporting refrigerators, TV sets and other electrical appliances under different brand names such as Beko in the UK, Grundig in Germany, Elektrabregenz in Austria, and Blomberg. Arelik also produces refrigerators in Romania, since its acquisition of the countrys leading manufacturer Arctic in 2002. In Romania and Bulgaria, one can quote other successful Turkish investments in banking (Credit Europe Bank Romania, by Turkish FIBA group Credit Europe Bank N.V.) and in glassware (Trakya Glass Bulgaria, by Trakya Cam Isbank subsidiary). Prospective operations continue hitting the headlines, such as the envisaged takeover of the French car parts manufacturer Heuliez by a Turkish investor, or Arelik's recent announcement to produce LCD TV sets for Sony United Kingdom.11

Sursa: Delegatia UE Ankara

******Red.: Dumitru Radoi Actualizat: iunie 2011

BPCE Ankara Republica Turcia Factori importaniFusul orar Programul de lucru 2 ore fa de GMT (ora Romniei) 8.30-123.00 / 13.30-17.00 bnci 9.00 17.30 / 9.00 - 18.00 firme 8.30-12.30 / 13.30-17.30 instituii publice turca in afaceri se folosete in principal limba engleza si parial germana, franceza i rusa 31 mai 2011: USD =1,5859 TL Euro = 2,2844 TL TL = 0,5494 RON

Limba oficiala


Moneda: Lira turca (TL)

Prefix telefonic

+90 312 ........... Ankara +90 212 ............Istanbul (Europa) +90 216 ............Istanbul (Asia) 735,8 miliarde dolari n 2010 (8,9% fata de 2009), 618 miliarde dolari, n 2009 (-4,7% fata de 2008) 10.079 dolari n 2010, 8.590 dolari n 2009,

Produsul Intern Brut PIB/locuitor

BPCE Ankara NDRUMAR DE AFACERI 2011 - REPUBLICA TURCIA Continut 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Consideraii generale Dimensiunea si importanta pietei Cum se fac afaceri in Turcia Regimul comertului Regimul investitiilor straine Regimul fiscal Oportunitati de export Surse pentru identificare oportuniti de export Firme de avocatura si consultanta Contacte utile

Anexe Anexa 1 - Non-Paper privind problemele in discuie ntre UE i Turcia pe tema Acordului de Uniune vamal Anexa 2 - Lista principalelor bariere comerciale la importul de produse n Turcia

1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4.

CONSIDERATII GENERALE Principalii indicatori economici i sociali Importanta pietei Oportunitati Important de stiut

1.1. Principalii Indicatori economici i socialiDenumirea oficiala Structura de stat


Republica Turcia Preedintele Republicii Abdullah GUL Marea Adunare Naional (parlament unicameral) Consiliul de Minitri, condus de Prim-ministru, Recep Tayyip ERDOGAN 7 regiuni i 80 de provincii conduse de guvernatori Democraie parlamentar sud-estul Europei si sud-vestul Asiei, ar aezat pe 2 continente (Europa i Asia) vecini: Marea Neagra, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Iran, Irak, Siria, Grecia si Bulgaria 780.580 Kmp, din care 9.820 Kmp reprezint suprafaa acoperita de ape 30,93% suprafaa arabila, din care: 3% culturi permanente si 62% alte destinaii Bor (70% din rezervele mondiale), marmur (40% din rezervele mondiale), crbune (lignit), minereu de fier, cupru, crom, antimoniu, mercur, aur, barit, argile i calcar

Organizarea teritoriala Forma de guvernmnt Poziia geografica


Resurse naturale Populaia

- 73.722.988 milioane locuitori (2010) vrsta medie a populaiei: 28,5 ani durata medie de viata: 68,9 ani la brbai si 73,8 ani la femei compoziia pe vrste :


37,2% 15-24 ani, 51,5% peste 25 ani



52,9 milioane persoane peste 15 ani 25,6 milioane persoane, populaia activ 22,7 milioane persoane, populaia angajat 2,9 milioane omeri (11,7%) 9,5 milioane populatia nagajata, neinregistrata Ankara (4.467 mii locuitori). Al doilea mare centru industrial i comercial, dup Istanbul. In Ankara au sediu principalele asociaii si organizaii ale oamenilor de afaceri i principalele societi de construcii Istanbul, cel mai important centru industrial, comercial si financiar Bursa, 13 zone industriale cu peste 950 companii (textile, auto, maini si pentru prelucrarea metalelor etc.) Izmir, al doilea port pentru export, zona libera Gaziantep, 3 zone industriale, 22 de baraje care iriga 1,5 milioane hectare Konya, principala zona agricola a Turciei, agro-industrie Kayseri, una din cele mai mari zone industriale (300 companii), specializata in principal in industria textila Eskiehir, centru industrial in dezvoltare, fabrica de avioane Adana, port, zona industriala cu peste 220 companii (textile, confectii, prelucrarea metalelor, alimentare, plastic, maini etc.) Ceyhan, hub energetic in dezvoltare, terminalul oleoductelor Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan si Kikuk-Ceyhan, rafinrie Antalya, centru turistic, zona agricola (legume, citrice) Samsun, port la Marea Neagra, terminal pentru gazoductul Blue Stream, turism termal Mersin, Balikesir, Diyarbakir, Hatay, Kocaeli, Manisa, Trabzon, anliurfa 735,8 miliarde dolari n 2010 (8,9% fata de 2009), 618 miliarde dolari, n 2009 (-4,7% fata de 2008) 10.079 dolari n 2010, 8.590 dolari n 2009, Export: 114 miliarde USD n 2010, 102 miliarde USD n 2009 si 132 miliarde USD n 2008 Import: 185 miliarde USD n 2010, 141 miliarde USD n 2009 i 202 miliarde USD n 2008 Numar turisti: 33 milioane turiti strini n 2010, 32 milioane turiti strini n 2009 Incasari din turism: 20,8 miliarde doali n 2010, 21,2 miliarde dolari n 2009 8,9 miliarde dolari in 2010, 8,4 miliarde dolari n 2009, 19,5 miliarde dolari n 2008 5,4% n 2010, 6,53%, n 2009 47,64 miliarde dolari n 2010, 13,99 miliarde dolari n 2009 2 ore fa de GMT (ora Romniei) 8.30-123.00 / 13.30-17.00 bnci 9.00 17.30 / 9.00 - 18.00 firme 8.30-12.30 / 13.30-17.30 instituii publice turca in afaceri se folosete in principal limba engleza si parial germana, franceza i rusa 31 mai 2011: USD =1,5859 TL Euro = 2,2844 TL TL = 0,5494 RON

Principalele centre industriale si comerciale

Produsul Intern Brut PIB/locuitor Comertul exterior


Investiiile straine directe (nete) Rata inflatiei Deficitul contului curent Fusul orar Programul de lucru

Limba oficiala

Moneda: Lira turca (TL)


Prefix telefonic

+90 312 ........... Ankara +90 212 ............Istanbul (Europa) +90 216 ............Istanbul (Asia) 01 Ianuarie - Anul Nou 23 Aprilie - Suveranitatea naionala si Ziua Copilului 19 Mai - Ziua Tineretului si Sportului 30 August - Ziua Victoriei 29 Octombrie - Ziua Naionala Ramazan: 2011: 1 - 29 august 2012: 20 iulie - 18 august

Srbtori legale

- Bayram:

2013: 9 iulie - 7 august 2011: 30 august - 1 septembrie 2012: 19 - 21 august 2013: 8 - 10 august



Islam 98%, restul de 2% fiind ortodoci, gregorieni, catolici, protestani, evrei

1.2. Importanta pietei Turcia este membru al OCDE i G20. In 2010, a fost a 16-a economie din lume si a 6-a din Europa. Dei, n 2009, sub impactul crizei financiare internationale rata de crestere a sczut cu 4,7%, n 2010 a consemnat o cretere semnificativa, cu 8,9% mai mare fa de 2009. Turcia are o piata intern mare, in continu dezvoltare, att d.p.d.v al numarului de consumatori (73,7 milioane consumatori), ct si d.p.d.v al ritmului de cretere. Relaiile comerciale cu rile UE se deruleaz n baza Acordului de Uniune Vamala, semnat in 1995. Din 2005, Turcia este tara candidata la UE si, in perioada de pregtire, primete importante fonduri de la UE. Turcia este un important nod comercial n zon. Firmele romanesti pot folosi partenerii turci pentru a participa ca subfurnizori/subcontractori la proiecte de interes pe pieele din Orientul Mijlociu (Irak, Iran, Siria), Caucaz (Azerbaidjan, Georgia), Asia Centrala (Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan etc.) si Africa. 1.3. Oportunitati Turcia are o industrie moderna, n continu expansiune, cu un potenial de import, in valoare de 185 miliarde dolari (2010), care ofer importante oportunitati de export, cooperare si investitii firmelor romanesti. 1.4. Important de stiut Turcia este o piata complexa, in continua schimbare, care cere adaptabilitate si perseverenta. Exportatorii romani se pot confrunta pe aceasta piaa cu politici comerciale contradictorii, decizii juridice, legi i reglementri imprevizibile, masuri de aparare comercial, inclusiv msuri administrative (licene, standarde, certificate etc.), neconforme cu prevederile Acordului de Uniune Vamala, lipsa de transparenta la adjudecarea licitaiilor. Cunoaterea reglementarilor si a modului de a face afaceri este foarte dificila fara sprijinul unui partener local, experimentat, de incredere, care cunoaste reglementarile, legile, limba si are contacte/relatii in mediul de afaceri. Pentru intrarea pe piat se recomand n prima faz cooperarea cu un reprezentant/agent/distribuitor local i pe msura dezvoltarii afacerilor, permanentizarea prezentei pe piat prin nfiinarea unui birou de reprezentare comercial (liaison office) sau a unei filiale/sucursale locale. Potrivit practicii locale, relaiile personale cu potenialii parteneri pot contribui definitoriu la stabilirea ncrederii i la succesul n afaceri. 2. DIMENSIUNEA PIETEI, CARACTERISTICI SI IMPORTANTA 2.1. Structura exportului i importului Romniei in Turcia (2010) 2.2. Principalele produse la importul Turciei, in 2009 i 2010 2.3. Principalii exportatori de mrfuri in Turcia, in 2009 i 2010 Turcia este membru al OCDE, G20 i una din rile fondatoare a Organizaiei de Cooperare Economic la Marea Neagr (care are sediul n Turcia). In 2010, Turcia a continuat sa fie a 16-a economie din lume si a 6-a din Europa. Dei, n 2009, PIB-ul a sczut cu 4,7%, n 2010 a crescut cu 8,9% fa de 2009. Turcia are o piata intern mare (73,7 milioane consumatori), in continu dezvoltare. Turcia dispune de resurse energetice limitate : 43 milioane tone rezerve confirmate de titei i 6,2 miliarde mc rezerve confirmate de gaze. Resurse importante : 40% din rezervele mondiale de marmur (n peste 100 varieti), 66% din rezervele mondiale de bor, 50% din rezervele de pirit, 20% din resursele de bentonit, 6,9% din resursele de bariu, 4,9% din resursele de azbest, 2,5% din resursele de wolfram i antimoniu i 1.1% bauxit, mercur i zinc. Turcia ocupa locul 3 mondial n privina consumului de aur (peste 80 tone) dup China i India, fiind urmat de SUA. n 2010, Turcia a continuat s fie principalul partener comercial extracomunitar al Romniei i al 5-lea partener n cadrul schimburilor comerciale totale, respectiv: a 4-a pia de export i al 9-lea furnizor la import.

In acelasi timp si Romania este un partener comercial important al Turciei. Potrivit statisticii turce, n 2010, Romnia a fost a 12-a pia pentru exportul Turciei i al 15-lea furnizor de mrfuri. 2.1. Structura exportului i importului Romniei in Turcia (2010)Grupa de produse Metale comune si articole metalice Maini, aparate, echipamente electrice Produse minerale Vehicule, aeronave si echipamente transport Produse ale industriei chimice si conexe Produse ale regnului vegetal Mase plastice si articole, cauciuc Lemn, crbune lemn, pluta, mpletituri Materii textile si art. din acestea Articole piatra, ipsos, ciment, sticla, ceramica Produse alimentare, buturi, tutun Pasta lemn, hrtie, carton si articole conexe Piei crude/tabacite, blanuri si art. din acestea Aparate optice, foto si de msura Alte marfuri : Mobila, mobilier medical, articole de pat Export (%) 45.5% 13.3% 15.2% 11.5% 7.0% 4.9% 3.2% 3.0% 1.2% 0.8% 0.6% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% Import (%) 20.1% 19.8% 22.0% 13.2% 4.6% 4.9% 9.3% 0.2% 12.8% 2.6% 1.4% 1.9% 0.3% 0.3% 1.6%

Potenialul de import al Turciei a fost de 185 miliarde dolari n 2010 (n crestere cu 31% fa de 2009). UE este primul partener comercial al Turciei, iar Turcia este al aptelea partener la importul UE i al aselea la exportul UE. Turcia este un important partener al Romniei si pe linia cooperrii economice. Firmele romneti au participat la realizarea unor obiective energetice de referin n Turcia, cum sunt: furnizor de echipamente pentru 10 hidrocentrale i la Rafinria Krkkale, explorri petroliere n Marea Neagr i Marea Marmara, construirea a 2 staii de uscare la Silivri. In prezent, se afl n diverse faze de negociere noi proiecte de cooperare pentru foraje petroliere in marile din vecinatatea Turciei, construirea unui cablu electric submarin ntre Constana i Istanbul etc. Turcia ocup locul 15 n topul investitorilor directi in Romania. La 31 dec. 2010, erau nregistrate in Romania 12036 societati comerciale cu participare turca, cu o valoare a capitalului subscris de 433,1 milioane euro (531,3 milioane dolari). Dac se iau in considerare si investitiile turce prin firme offshore, valoarea totala a investitiilor turce in Romania este estimata la peste 4,5 miliarde dolari. Principalele domenii n care au investit firmele turce n Romnia, sunt: servicii bancare i de asigurri, industria prelucrtoare i alimentar, complexe comerciale (Bucureti Mall, Plaza Romnia, Titan Outlet), parcuri logistice (Romta Transport and Logistic Center, Omsan Romania Bucureti i Mioveni, Romglob Invest SRL Orastie jud. Hunedoara, Galaxy Center - Cheia Dmboviei), hoteluri (Ramada-Majestic, Lido, Hotel Duke, Romta Hotel), birouri i construcii rezideniale (Anchor Plaza, Romta Business Center, InCity Residences, Bneasa Residential Park, Cozmopolis-Stefanesti), ferme agricole (Banvit n Agrofood Urziceni i Banvit Aliments Brila). Investiiile firmelor romneti n Turcia, efectuate de firme i persoane fizice, nsumeaz circa 15 milioane dolari, n 99 de societi mixte, din care: 31 din domeniul comerului cu ridicata i cu amnuntul, 18 n industria prelucrtoare, 10 transport, depozitare i comunicaii, 10 servicii sociale i de personal, 8 societi de construcii, 8 servicii hoteluri i restaurante, 8 imobiliare, 3 n domeniul electricitii, gazelor i aprovizionrii cu ap, 2 n agricultur i o societate n domeniul mineritului i carier. Oportuniti de investiii de interes pentru firmele romne: turism (hoteluri pentru turitii romni pe litoralul Mrii Egee i la Mediteran), industria prelucrtoare (echipamente energetice, prelucrarea metalelor, componente pentru autovehicule, textile-confectii), producia de energie (hidraulic, lignit) etc. Guvernul turc exercit o puternic influen asupra economiei prin controlul asupra ntreprinderilor de stat, prin stimulente acordate firmelor productoare i exportatoare (reducerii/reealonari de impozite i taxe, subsidii, asisten pentru marketing i promovare) i prin impunerea de msuri pentru protejarea industriei naionale de concurena produselor din import (standarde, licene, sisteme de nregistrare, control de calitate, salvgardare si antidumping). Lista principalelor msuri de aprarea comercial, n vigoare, este disponibil la capitolul Regimul Comerului. Pentru orientarea exportatorilor romni cu privire la oportunitile de export pe piaa turc prezentm, mai jos, principalele produse la importului Turciei. 2.2. Principalele produse la importul Turciei, in 2009 i 2010Capitolul Total import 01 04 animale vii si produse ale regnului animal lapte, produse lactate, oua; miere; produse 2009 - Mii dolari 140.928.421 33.664 117.049 % 100,0 0,0 0,1 2010 - Mii dolari 185.492.859 333.293 128.277 % 100,0 0,2 0,1 Cretere (%) 31,6 890,1 9,6

07 08 10 12 15 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 78 79 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 94 95

comestibile de origine animal legume, plante, rdcini si tuberculi alimentari fructe comestibile; coji de citrice si de pepeni cereale (gru, porumb, orz) semine si fructe; plante ind. si medicinale; furaje grsimi si uleiuri de origine animala sau vegetala preparate de cereale, faina, amidon, lapte; patiserie preparate alimentare diverse buturi, lichide alcoolice si oeturi reziduuri si deeuri ale industriei alimentare tutun si nlocuitori de tutun sare; sulf, pmnturi si pietre; ipsos, var si ciment minereuri, zgura si cenua combustibili; uleiuri minerale; materii bituminoase produse chimice anorganice produse chimice organice produse farmaceutice ngrminte extracte tanante sau colorante uleiuri eseniale si rezinoide; produse de parfumerie spun, produse organice tensio-active substane albuminoidale; amidon modificat; cleiuri; produse fotografice sau cinematografice produse diverse ale industriei chimice materiale plastice si articole din material plastic cauciuc si articole din cauciuc piei brute (altele dect blnurile) si piei tbcite obiecte din piele; articole de curelrie lemn, crbune de lemn si articole de lemn pasta de lemn sau din alte materiale fibrolemnoase hrtie si carton; articole din pasta de celuloza cri, ziare, ilustrate, imprimate, manuscrise etc. lina, par de animale; fire si esturi din par de cal bumbac alte fibre textile vegetale; fire si esturi din hrtie filamente sintetice sau artificiale fibre sintetice sau artificiale discontinue vata, psl; fire speciale; sfoara, cordoane, frnghii covoare si alte acoperitoare de podea din mat. textile esturi speciale; dantele, tapiserie; pasmanterie esturi impregnate, cauciucate, acoperite, stratificate esturi tricotate sau croetate articole si accesorii de mbrcminte din tricotaje articole de mbrcminte si accesorii alte articole textile confecionate nclminte, ghete si articole similare articole din piatra, ipsos, ciment, azbest, mica produse ceramice sticla si articole din sticla perle, pietre pretioase, monede fonta, fier si otel produse din fonta, fier sau otel cupru si articole din cupru nichel si articole din nichel aluminiu si articole din aluminiu plumb si articole din plumb zinc si articole din zinc unelte si scule, tacmuri din metale comune articole diverse din metale comune boilere, maini si dispozitive mecanice maini, aparate si materiale electrice si componente vehicule si echipamente pentru caile ferate automobile, tractoare, biciclete, alte vehicule navigaia aeriana sau spaiala navigaia maritima sau fluviala instrumente si aparate optice, fotografice, cinema ceasornicrie mobila; mobilier medico-chirurgical; articole de pat jucrii, jocuri, echipament sportiv

246.209 312.392 1.202.124 1.054.493 1.094.195 147.458 329.422 128.229 556.349 400.124 259.647 962.310 29.905.305 1.091.697 3.341.722 4.080.491 1.057.507 1.276.064 839.860 521.366 366.536 217.268 1.473.007 6.944.490 1.555.423 296.794 366.088 731.506 342.629 2.214.106 127.847 308.114 2.098.707 146.315 1.243.638 1.519.976 373.035 141.494 129.442 218.698 230.459 752.858 1.157.344 110.793 539.468 326.666 274.524 474.579 2.003.646 11.351.640 1.526.071 1.985.367 121.598 1.602.482 145.019 252.243 398.040 500.458 17.131.962 12.243.100 742.838 8.975.864 1.049.721 1.202.471 2.833.287 180.076 789.849 336.318

0,2 0,2 0,9 0,7 0,8 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,7 21,2 0,8 2,4 2,9 0,8 0,9 0,6 0,4 0,3 0,2 1,0 4,9 1,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 0,2 1,6 0,1 0,2 1,5 0,1 0,9 1,1 0,3 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,5 0,8 0,1 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,3 1,4 8,1 1,1 1,4 0,1 1,1 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 12,2 8,7 0,5 6,4 0,7 0,9 2,0 0,1 0,6 0,2

315.380 315.147 1.056.747 1.558.753 990.266 169.328 375.926 138.990 739.079 368.274 314.261 998.513 38.488.949 1.423.788 4.400.320 4.410.043 1.016.777 1.544.969 984.291 625.525 429.274 223.838 1.795.440 9.730.407 2.321.569 473.295 408.842 1.098.395 544.970 2.819.707 138.059 369.946 3.385.670 256.953 1.685.919 2.088.920 420.354 181.415 173.846 285.182 372.156 1.007.291 1.549.812 146.877 659.674 427.958 390.126 616.460 3.036.958 16.114.736 1.966.561 3.291.265 168.362 2.487.566 179.709 433.671 583.014 673.968 21.241.733 14.637.191 526.476 13.422.060 3.156.117 1.040.619 3.437.245 253.280 1.080.841 471.801

0,2 0,2 0,6 0,8 0,5 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,5 20,7 0,8 2,4 2,4 0,5 0,8 0,5 0,3 0,2 0,1 1,0 5,2 1,3 0,3 0,2 0,6 0,3 1,5 0,1 0,2 1,8 0,1 0,9 1,1 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,5 0,8 0,1 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,3 1,6 8,7 1,1 1,8 0,1 1,3 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 11,5 7,9 0,3 7,2 1,7 0,6 1,9 0,1 0,6 0,3

28,1 0,9 -12,1 47,8 -9,5 14,8 14,1 8,4 32,8 -8,0 21,0 3,8 28,7 30,4 31,7 8,1 -3,9 21,1 17,2 20,0 17,1 3,0 21,9 40,1 49,3 59,5 11,7 50,2 59,1 27,4 8,0 20,1 61,3 75,6 35,6 37,4 12,7 28,2 34,3 30,4 61,5 33,8 33,9 32,6 22,3 31,0 42,1 29,9 51,6 42,0 28,9 65,8 38,5 55,2 23,9 71,9 46,5 34,7 24,0 19,6 -29,1 49,5 200,7 -13,5 21,3 40,7 36,8 40,3

2.3. Principalii exportatori de mrfuri in Turcia, in 2009 i 2010- milioane USD-

Nr. crt.

2009 Tara - mil. USD140.928 56.588 965 % 100,0 40,2 0,7

2010 - mil. USD185.493 72.215 875 % 100,0 38,9 0,5

Crestere (%) 31,6 27,6 -9,3

TOTAL IMPORT din care: PE ZONE GEOGRAFICE EU (27) B- Zone libere din Turcia

C- alte tari Alte tari europene Africa America Asia Australia and Noua Zeelanda din care: PE TARI 1 Federatia Rusa 2 Germania 3 China 4 SUA 5 Italia 6 Franta 7 Iran 8 Spania 9 Coreea 10 Marea Britanie 11 Ucraina 12 Romnia 13 India 14 Japonia 15 Belgia 16 Olanda 17 Elvetia 18 Polonia 19 Kazakhstan 20 Arabia Saudit 21 Algeria

83.375 25.886 5.700 12.275 38.733 648 19.450 14.097 12.677 8.576 7.673 7.092 3.406 3.777 3.118 3.473 3.157 2.258 1.903 2.782 2.372 2.543 1.999 1.817 1.349 1.687 2.028

59,2 18,4 4,0 8,7 27,5 0,5 13,80 10,00 9,00 6,09 5,44 5,03 2,42 2,68 2,21 2,46 2,24 1,60 1,35 1,97 1,68 1,80 1,42 1,29 0,96 1,20 1,44

112.403 30.301 6.412 16.798 57.508 493 21.592 17.530 17.180 12.318 10.203 8.176 7.645 4.840 4.764 4.677 3.830 3.448 3.410 3.298 3.214 3.156 3.154 2.621 2.464 2.440 2.275

60,6 16,3 3,5 9,1 31,0 0,3 11,64 9,45 9,26 6,64 5,50 4,41 4,12 2,61 2,57 2,52 2,06 1,86 1,84 1,78 1,73 1,70 1,70 1,41 1,33 1,32 1,23

34,8 17,1 12,5 36,8 48,5 -23,9 11,01 24,35 35,53 43,64 32,96 15,29 124,45 28,15 52,78 34,64 21,34 52,72 79,22 18,54 35,51 24,10 57,73 44,24 82,69 44,68 12,17

3. CUM SE FAC AFACERI IN TURCIA 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. 3.10. 3.11. 3.12. 3.13. Canalele de distribuie i de vnzare pe pia Alegerea unui agent local Angajarea de personal local Angajarea de personal strin n Turcia Deschiderea unui birou de reprezentare (liaison office) nregistrarea unei firme n Turcia Vnzarea direct Vnzarea la sectorul public (participarea la licitaii internaionale) Comerul electronic Deschiderea unui cont n valut Reclama i publicitatea comercial Obiceiuri, protocol Regimul de vize

3.1. Canalele de distribuie i de vnzare pe pia Cunoaterea reglementrilor si a modului de a face afaceri este foarte dificila fara sprijinul unui partener local. De aceea, pentru a depi cerinele complicate ale birocraiei, obstacolele de limb i specificul actelor de vnzare-cumprare, firmele strine angajeaz un agent/reprezentant sau un distribuitor local. Potrivit uzanelor locale, construirea de relaii personale cu potenialii parteneri turci este foarte important pentru succesul afacerilor. Cele mai utilizate metode de intrare pe piaa sunt: angajarea unui agent/reprezentant local sau a unui distribuitor, nfiinarea unui birou de reprezentare comercial (liaison office) si, pe msura creterii exportului, nfiinarea unei filiale/sucursale locale. Istanbulul i zona urban din jurul Mrii Maramara este cel mai important centru de distributie/vnzare din Turcia. 3.2. Alegerea unui agent local Cine poate s fie agent? Candidatul trebuie s fie cercetat atent pe baza CV-ului i a scrisorilor de referin de la locurile de munc ocupate anterior. Dac agentul nu este de ncredere, mputernicirea legal poate deveni un instrument legal periculos n mna acestuia. Agentul trebuie s acioneze n baza indicaiilor proprietarului i este de preferat s nu fie lsat s ia decizii de unul singur. Se recomand ca agentul local s fie solicitat s prezinte periodic rapoarte. Pentru securitatea proprietarului, banii trebuie depui n conturi separate. Agentul trebuie s prezinte n scris activitatea financiar i s furnizeze situaii financiare periodice privind banii cheltuii i ncasai n contul proprietarului.

Este foarte important ca agentul s fie de ncredere pentru a nu utiliza banii sau afacerea n scop personal. Elemente obligatorii ale contractului de agent: tipul de agent (unic sau exclusiv, recomandabil nonexclusiv), produsele, piaa de desfacere, teritoriul, cifra de afaceri, nivelul comisionului, limite de negociere, banca comerciala, modul de efectuare a controlului, termene de raportare, condiii de terminare a contractului i modul de rezolvare a disputelor. mputernicirea agentului local Delegarea de autoritate agentui local se face prin mputernicire legal (Power of Attorney), n limba turc, nregistrat la notar, care trebuie s defineasc clar limitele de responsabilitate, data intrrii n vigoare i data expirrii. Sugestii pentru atribuiile unui agent local: - s cumpere, s vnd sau s nchirieze o proprietate sau un spaiu lucrativ; - s conduc o afacere i tranzaciile bancare; - s investeasc sau s utilizeze banii n scopul afacerii, conform atribuiilor delegate; - s fac reclamaii i s reprezinte proprietarul n cazul unor litigii comerciale; - s rezolve problemele fiscale. n caz de abuz, agentul poate s fie reclamat la asociaia profesional din care face parte sau poate s fie deferit curii de justiie ('Adliye Sarayi' in Turkish), numai pentru cazurile n care frauda poate s fie justificat cu documente. Agentul poate s fie revocat n orice moment prin notificarea scris a acestuia, a bncii i a instituiilor financiare. 3.3. Angajarea de personal local Contractul de munc este reglementat prin negocierile dintre pri. Contribuia la asigurrile sociale este de: 19,5% angajatorul i 14% angajatul. Timpul legal de lucru: 45 ore/sptmn. Salariul minim:Salariul minim brut n USD - Total deduceri (14% CAS, 1% omaj, 15% impozit pe venit, alte) Salariul minim net Costuri pentru angajator (19,5% CAS, 2% omaj) Soursa: Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey Valabil pentru semestrul I 2011 De la 1 iulie 2011, salariul minim va crete cu 5,1% Rata de schimb: USD = 1,6 TL 506,7 105,9 400,7 615,6

Vrsta de pensionare: brbaii se pensioneaz la 65 de ani si femeile la 60 de ani. Info costuri servicii: 3.4. Angajarea de personal strin n Turcia Modul de transmitere a cererii i documentele necesare pentru obtinerea aprobrii pentru viza de lucru i permis de munc de la Ministerul Muncii: a) La Ambasada/Consulatul din tara de resedinta (persoane fizice) - pasaport - cerere de viza, tip permis de munc - una fotografie tip pasaport - copie dup contractul de angajare Documente pentru obtinerea permisiului de munca si aprobarea pentru viza de lucru de la Emniyet Mudurlugu Yabancilar Subesi, dupa obtinerea aprobarii de la Ministerul Muncii: taxa de procesare a vizei, taxa de procesare a permisului de munca i pasaportul in original. b) Direct la Ministerul Muncii de persoanele straine care au viza valabil cel putin 6 luni - cerere pentru permis de munca - cerere tip pentru personal expatriat - copie a pasaportului, in limba turca, certificat de un notar public - copie a diplomei de studii, in limba turca, certificata de un notar public - Curriculum Vitae - cerere scrisa pentru permis de munca de la angajator - balanta de venituri si pierderi pentru anul precedent, certificata de autoritatea fiscala

investitorii, structura actionariatului, originalul sau copia certificata de la Registrul Comertului pentru ingineri si arhitecti, Ministerul Muncii va cere avizul naltului Consiliu pentru Educatie (Higher Education Council) i a Uniunii Camerelor Inginerilor i Arhitectilor din Turcia (Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects). Criterii de evaluare a cererilor pentru acordarea permisului de munca de ctre Ministerul Muncii: - angajarea a cel putin 5 cetateni turci, la un cetatean strain. Aceasta cerinta nu se aplica peroanelor angajate in invatamant sau servicii casnice, - capitalul varsat al copmaniei sa fie de cel putin 100.000 TL sau vanzarile brute anuale sa fie de cel putin 800.000 TL sau exportul din ultimul an sa fie de minim 250.000 dolari. Aceasta cerinta nu se aplica personalului angajat la asociatii, fundatii, in invatamant, servicii casnice si reprezentantilor companiilor aeriene, - copartenerii in copmanii trebuie sa detina cel putin 20% din actiunile companiei, in valoare de minim 40.000 TL - nivelul salariului platit de angajator trebuie sa fie in concordanta cu functia si competentele profesionale. In functie de salariul minim de la data angajarii, salariul persoanei straine angajate trebuie sa fie minim: de 6,5 ori mai mare decat salariul minim pentru senior executives, piloti, ingineri si arhitecti de 4 ori mai mare decat salariul minim pentru branch manager, ingineri si arhitecti de 3 ori mai mare decat salariul minim pentru persoanele straine care urmeraza sa fie angajate ca profesor, expertiz i competen de1,5 ori mai mare decat salariul minim pentru persoanele straine care urmeraza sa fie angajate in servicii casnice si alte ocupatii. - evaluarea salonului de masaj si a licentei obtinut de la Ministerul Turismului pentru hotelurile de minim 4 stele, care doresc sa angajeze masori, masoze sau terapiti in saloanele SPA - anagajarea a cel putin 10 peroane turce, in cazul firmelor care solicita permis de munca pentru persoanal strain specializat n activitati distractive, animatie turistica cu inalta expertiza si competenta in domeniu. 3.5. Deschiderea unui birou de reprezentare comercial n Turcia (liaison office) Birourile de reprezentare de tipul liaison office, sunt birouri speciale, prin care firmele strine au dreptul s realizeze studii de pia, studii de fezabilitate i s identifice oportuniti pentru investiii, dar nu au dreptul s realizeze activiti comerciale. Pentru deschiderea unui birou de reprezentare, firmele strine trebuie s obin aprobarea Direciei Generale pentru Investiii Strine din cadrul Subsecretariatului turc pentru Trezoreie. Aprobarea iniial se da pentru 3 ani i se poate extinde n funcie de activitile desfurate n ultimii 3 ani i a planului de activitate pentru perioada urmtoare. 3.6. nregistrarea unei firme n Turcia Potrivit legii investiiilor strine, investitorii strini beneficiaz de acelai tratament ca i firmele locale. Tipuri de societati: - societate pe actiuni (A. .) - societate cu raspundele limitata (Ltd.) - societate in comandita - societate in nume colectiv Procedura de inregistrare a companiei: - listarea i validarea la notar a articolului de asociere din contractul de societate, declaratia sub semnatura a managerilor, copii dupa CI sa pasaportul fiecarui manager si documentele comerciale - transferul unui procent din capital la Autoritatea de Competiie - constituirea depozitului bancar i obtinerea certificatului de capital vrsat - copletarea formularului de inregistrare i obtinerea declaratiei de inregistrare de la Registrul comertului - certificarea documentelor la notar - inregistrarea fiscal si notificarea numarului la Registrul Comertului Informaii documente si costul de nregistrare pentru inregistrarea unei societi comerciale n Turcia i sunt disponibile pe saiturile: ; ; 3.7. Vnzarea direct


Avnd n vedere complexitatea cerinelor birocratice i barierele de limb, vnzare direct fr un agent/ reprezentant sau distribuitor local, nu se recomand. 3.8. Vnzarea la sectorul public (participarea la licitaii internaionale) Legea achiziiilor publice prevede ca toate documentele in legtura cu organizarea licitaiilor finanate de la bugetul de stat sa fie redactate in limba turca i apostilate. In limba engleza sunt redactate numai documentele privind licitaiile pentru achiziii publice finanate din programe internaionale de asistenta acordate Turciei. Firmele romnesti care doresc sa participe la licitaiile pentru achiziii publice finanate din bugetul statului, trebuie depun documentele solicitate prin caietul de sarcini (company establishment certificate, letter of authorizations, job completion certificates si alte certificate specificate in caietul de sarcini) si ofertele cu care participa la licitatie, traduse n limba turc i apostilate. Participanii la licitaii pot sa fie descalificai pentru lipsa de conformitate. Tipurile de licitaii practicate la achiziiile guvernamentale sunt: - licitaii deschise, la care anunul se public cu cel puin 40 de zile nainte de data licitaiei i la care pot participa toate firmele interesate; - licitaii cu participare restns, la care anunul este deschis, iar invitaia de participare se transmite numai firmelor precalificate; - licitaie cu negociere, care se aplic n cazul n care la licitaiile deschise sau restrnse nu s-au nscris participani i n cazul n care nu se pot defini aspectele tehnice i financiare. Achiziiile directe sunt practicate n cazul furnizorilor unici sau cnd valoarea achiziiei nu depete sum

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