colorado newsletter september, 2010 - us merchant marine academy

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Colorado Newsletter September, 2010

Admiral Greene is Welcomed Aboard!

Members of the USMMA National Par-ents Association Executive Board greet new Kings Point Superintendent Admi-ral Phil Greene and his wife, Debby, during the opening reception of the annual President’s Conference in Mel-ville, Sept. 1, 2010. From left are Na-tional Parent Association Director Shirley Anthony, Debby Greene, Terry Gray, Suzanne Graboski, Rocco Fuschetto, Admiral Greene, Mary Jane Fuschetto, and Pete Meyers.

Hurricane Earl didn’t dis-rupt a well-attended Par-ents Weekend that offered excellent weather, visits from Maritime officials, the introduction of a new Su-perintendent, plenty of food, successful athletic contests, an exciting Beat Retreat with the Regimen-tal Band, an Acceptance Day Ceremony, and most important of all, time for parents from all across the nation to visit with their midshipmen.

Colors on Friday 9/3/2010, with Colorado Plebes Anthony Gallozzi in front, and Marie Marrow in rear. (Kirk Skogen photo.)


Colorado Website

Thanks to Carol Smith for doing such a great job of keeping the Colorado Website up and looking so wonderful! Send all info for the website to Carol at Grandparents and friends can be supporting members, too, and receive all the communications with becoming associate m e m b e r s o n t h e w e b s i t e : h t t p : / / Be sure to check out the new photos Carol has added for the 2010 Indoc and Parents' Weekend.

All Academy Ball

Want to follow your midshipman’s travels? is a site that shows Ship locations worldwide. Also, shows worldwide weather info to watch where your mid is while on sea year.

Carol B. Smith, USMMA Colorado Parents’ Association Parent of Midshipman Sarah Smith, USMMA Class of 2012



MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2010 The 28th Annual Colorado All Service Academy Ball (CASAB) will be held on Monday, December

27, 2010 at The Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs. This is an exceptional opportunity to

honor Colorado’s service academy cadets and midshipmen. On behalf of the West Point Parents Club of Colorado, we take this opportunity to notify you of the event. The CASAB Committee requests you reserve this important date. A formal invitation will be mailed in November. The Broadmoor Hotel has generously given attendees to the ball a

reduced room rate. You may reserve your room at any time once you receive the invitation. Please mention that you will be a guest at the Colorado All Service Academy Ball.

We sincerely hope you will be able to attend this memorable event and visit with these young men and women of our nation’s service academies. Please contact the persons listed on this no-

tice with any questions. We look forward to seeing you at the Ball! Sarah Benson. 2010 CASAB Chairperson

Parent of 2LT Jordan Benson, USMA Class of 2010 303.388.4495;

Distinguished Chapter Award for Colorado

Due to an unfortunate technology problem on the USMMA campus, Colorado’s Distinguished Chapter Award points were not received in the National Parent Association office. The mistake was discovered and the USMMA National Parent Association Executive Board awarded the Colorado Chapter their Distinguished Chapter Award shortly afterward. The USMMA Parent Associa-tion apologizes for any inconvenience and will be announcing the award in the upcoming national newsletter. Thanks to Colorado for

all their hard work on behalf of our academy and our midshipmen.

Save the Date for the October Meeting!

October 23 is the tentative date for the An-nual October meeting. Time and location will be announced via e-mail soon.

Please consider making cookies for Cookie Cafe. See Colorado has Oct. 7th and they would like to have the cookies arrive before Oct. 1. If you haven't done it in the past, the US Postal Service large flat rate Priority Mail box ($14) is a great way to go. You can get about 10 - 15 dozen in the box, depending on the size of the cookies.They will arrive 2-3 days from when you mail them. The preferred way to package them and where to send the cookies is on http://kpcook ieca fe . com/sh ipp ing .h tml . P lease le t Ch r is t ine Neil ( ) know how many dozen cookies you will send. We need about 12 people to make 10 dozen cookies. If we send more than this goal, the extra cookies are saved frozen, for future Cookie Cafe days when something happens with the postage or baking--they are never wasted (and the plebe class is larger this year, too!) Today we got an email saying there is also a need this year for donations to pay for the milk, paper supplies and other things. A complete explanation is on the first page of the web site. A $6 -10 contribution from each family will cover the needs for the year. Please read the site about the situation http://


President’s Conference report from the USMMA Parent’s Association

Regional VP’s for Colorado, Wyoming and Utah

Mike and I had the pleasure of attending the Parent’s Association President’s Conference on Weds. Sept. 1, 2010 for Colorado, Wyoming and Utah. Though there were warnings of trouble with Hurricane Earl, the day and Parent’s Weekend weather was perfect.

We also had the pleasure of meeting Rear Admiral Phillip H. Greene, Jr., the new USMMA superintendent. Phil is a classmate of Mike’s, both alumni from the KP Class of 1978. Follow this link to read the distinguished biography of Rear Adm iral Greene. h t tp : / / t .gov /news_room_land ing_page /news_re leases_summary /news_re lease/MARAD_15_10USMMA_Superintendant_release.htm. The Admiral feels called to be at Kings Point. Not only is he articulate, he was very prepared to meet the challenges at Kings Point. Although he had only been on duty for two days at the time of the President’s conference, his research of the issues at KP was evident.

Admiral Greene cites three executive priorities: 1) Efforts for modernization, sustainability and renovation at KP. 2) No op-eration in a silo – working with Washington to appropriate funds; 3) Rebuild our identity within the Maritime industry. His moderniza-tion and renovation goals include: 1) Update labs, classrooms, simulators, fieldhouse – Mallory Pier, Cleveland Hall, Rogers Hall, Delano Galley; 2) Attract the best faculty; 3) Remain on the leading edge; 4) Catch up on deferred maintenance; 5) Improve infra-structure; 6) Get a bigger budget from MARAD which means building credibility, trust and confidence with MARAD; 7) Enrichment of programs through private funds; 8) Core learning enhanced through properly appropriated public funds

Kings Point suffers from an identity problem and goals to correct that include: 1) Ensure a tough, vigorous academic program; 2) Development KP as the preeminent institution for maritime leaders; 3) Develop economic vitality for KP; 4) Link KP di-rectly to the maritime industry; 5) Develop KP as the National treasure or Crown Jewell it is (this term was used by MARAD many times throughout the weekend); 6) Communicate who we are by leveraging Blogs, YouTube, Webcast; 7) Support institutional re-search by faculty – do not have this now.

Budget goals for Kings Point include the enrichment of program through private funds and to institutionalize process change. Challenges that exist at Kings Point include: There is Governance Board which is supposed to visit KP annually but has not for 14 years; the Advisory Board, meets annually but the charter is unknown; the GMAT’s professional program and athletics are both issues for funding because USMMA is federally regulated so they cannot currently accept private funds in the manner most academic institutions can.

In spite of challenges, there are now opportunities available for improvement at KP. For the first time, KP now has an as-signed lawyer to help the superintendent. For the first time ever, there is funding for recruitment. There is now a separate equipment budget and the Parent’s Page link is moved to the alumni site to allow more freedom with what can be posted.

Dr. Shashi Kumar was thanked for his efforts as the interim superintendent during the past two superintendent searches. In his remarks regarding retention he stated: The average institutional grade point average is 2.89m up from 2008; Helping students who need academic assistance is key to retention and improved GPA; There were fewer setbacks in 2010 (5% versus 7% in 2008); There were fewer students on academic alert in 2010 (409 versus 445 in 2008); Disenrollment – 2010 – Less than 1% (versus 2% in 2009.) Dr. Kumar also gave these statistics for placement: All but five students in the class of 2010 have found employment as follows: 2 – Shore side industry jobs; 2- Ashore jobs; 0 – Grad school; 29% - Active armed forces; 59% - Sailing; 1% - Foreign flag ships; 1% - Shipyard. By the year 2015, there will be a shortage of 27,000 officers and 32,000 by the year 2020. There were 30 students in the Class of 2010 who had deficiencies for graduation. More than half of those have cleared the deficiencies. For some, the deficiency is as minor as needing to complete a two page internship report.

Faculty hiring – Last June, some faculty hires were made after a long dry spell. There have been several retirements. Sal-ary is OK for an educational institution but low to attract a mariner. Also, the area around Kings Point is an expensive one to live in.

Mel Tublin (USMMA ’49), National Alumni Foundation Legislative Action Chair spoke on efforts to secure a Profes-sional Liaison for Kings Point to gain access to congressman and senators to speak about Kings Point. Secretary La Hood supports Kings Point and $100 M is earmarked for KP.

USAA insurance representative M.J. Sweeney gave these tips. Your Kings Point student can be taken off your USAA auto insurance but will still be covered when home on school breaks. She also talked about “The Loan” from USAA ($32,000 at 1.5 % interest rate). This signature loan is designed to help officers start their career without debt. Repayment starts the August after graduation. Navy Federal Credit Union has a similar program. USAA offers a renter’s policy at a low premium that covers losses while attending Kings Point.

By Mike and Jan Mussler


Welcome Aboard, Class of 2014!

Colorado once again welcomed aboard a large class of 17 qualified plebe candidates for the Class of 2014. The incoming plebe candidates came from all regions of Colorado. A warm welcome was extended to the incoming class and their families during the annual Wel-come Aboard Luncheon on June 26, 2010. Welcome Aboard to the following new members of the Class of 2014! Kelly Hodges, Christopher Lucero, Tyler McDaniel, Marie Morrow, Bryson Newhall, Krzysztof Nowacki, Neve Savelli, Nicholas Skogen, Donald Dodge, Anthony Gallozzi, Christo-pher Gill, Thomas Gooding, Matthew Allen, Christopher Maloney, Lynae Harvey, C a s s an d ra Walter, Logan Dean.

Ring Dance, Class of 2011

Clockwise, Derien Jastrzebski and Janelle Kibler-Silengo. Ana Fuschetto and Kate O’Connor. Proudly showing off their rings, Ana Fuschetto, Derien Jastrzebski, Alex Whitaker, Jesselyn LaValley, Lind-say Watkins. Alex Whitaker and Ana Fuschetto.

Ana Fuschetto and Derien Jastrzebski.


Proud Colorado Dad Stuart Neil submitted these photographs of son, Glenn S. Neil, (2012) on the USMMA "Growler" at right, in the barracks at far right, and one with his Mom, Colorado Cookie Cafe Lady Christine Neil. (Thanks for all the cookie work you do, Christine!)

Proud Colorado plebe Mom Cheryl Newhall submitted the photos above and at left for son, Bryson, (2014), who is pictured in the back of the photograph at top left.

Notes from our Mids

Proud plebe parents Jen-nifer and Max Harvey, submitted this photo above of daughter, Lynae Harvey, 2014, as she gets her eagle pinned on.


Notes from our Mids

Proud Colorado mother Donna Dodge, submitted these photos of her son, Donald, a plebe in Band CO, and of campus scenes from Parents Weekend.

Proud Colorado mother Carol Smith submitted these pho-tos at left, of her daughter Sarah. At top, Carol’s mother, Mable Bigelow from Green Valley AZ, and Sarah on their third Parents Weekend to-gether. Center left, Steven Thatcher (Holy Family High School, Broomfield, 2008) and Sarah (Faith Christian High School, Arvada, 2008) have been classmates at US-MMA (2012) since IN-DOC. They knew they were both from Colorado but re-cently through a mutual Face-book friend, they discovered they were serious high school rivals - especially (2A) football, (3A) basketball (boys & girls), (3A) baseball, (3A) softball, etc. This year Holy Family moved up to 3A for football so the rivalry has c o o l e d a b i t . Bottom, Sharon and Molly (2011) King at the Melville lunch.

Colorado Parents Association Co-Chair Chris Nicholl and Commandant William Fell enjoy Parents Weekend festivities.

Debby Greene, Admiral Greene and M/N Ana Fuschetto 1/C.


Notes from our Mids

M/N LTJG, Derien Jastrzebski 1/C, 1st Company Pla-toon Commander Main Deck, supplied the photos of the Luau, ring dance, and Indoc below.

Plebe Cassie Walter

For the first time in history, Maritime Ad-ministration officials addressed the Na-tional Parents Asso-ciation’s annual Presi-dent’s Conference on Sept. 2, in Melville Hall. From left are Maritime Administra-tor David Matsuda; Chief Legal Counsel, Denise Krepp; Deputy Administrator Orlando Gotay; and new US-MMA Superintendent, Admiral Philip Greene.


Notes from our Mids

The other side of Class 2014 INDOC: Senior Drill Instruc-tor, MN 2/C Kendall Lloyd (Wetmore), Platoon 401 and Senior Drill Instructor MN Casey Cannon, 3/C (Poncha Springs), Platoon 402, put on their game faces prior to meeting their INDOC charges. At right, Casey puts on a different face as he prepares to participate in a Sept. 11 memorial wreath laying in Baltimore Harbor aboard the USS Savannah.

A notice to the Regiment Regiment,

I want to commend you all for superior performance at the various events this past week. It was a busy schedule for the Regiment

and you executed across the board smartly. At each and every event I was impressed by your presentation, decorum and energized

spirit. Many thanks to the USMMA Band and others from the Regiment for your tremendous "Beat Retreat" performance. Your

hard work and hours of practice were evident by the quality of the performance. It was a highlight for our visiting parents! Addi-

tionally, I know that VADM Debbink, Chief of the Navy Reserve, enjoyed his first visit to KP and left with a clear sense of the

value of Kings Point and its talented midshipmen. I was honored he could swear our Plebes into the Navy Reserve and serve as the

reviewing officer for Saturday's Formal Parade. You made me proud. Finally, USMMA had a clean sweep in sports this weekend

with our Soccer, Volleyball and Football teams achieving victory. All our teams played with passion, stamina and fierce determina-

tion to win...from start to finish. Our Mariner football team clinched their victory in the final seconds of the game proving that it's

never over until the clock runs out. There is no doubt that you made the Parents' Weekend experience a meaningful and memorable

one for our many visitors. I know Mrs. Greene joins me in expressing to all a hearty "Well Done!"


Rear Admiral Greene,


Colorado was well represented in Baltimore Harbor as three Colorado midshipmen served on the Color Guard. From left are plebes Anthony Gallozzi and Marie Mor-row, both of Aurora, and M/N Casey Cannon, Salida.

The Regimental Color Guard were guests of the USMMA Alumni Chapter Presidents Alliance aboard the USS Sa-vannah in Baltimore Harbor on Sept. 10 where they took part in a memorial wreath laying in honor of Sept. 11.


Notes from our Mids

Well, all I can say is it has been a very exciting ride! Twelve months ago our son Nicholas Skogen (2014) was entrenched in

the application process for Academy nominations. My wife Chris and I can’t say enough about how grateful we are for all the direc-

tion, guidance, encouragement and support Nick received from Dick and Tricia Sargent. Without them, I’m convinced we would be

in a very different situation today. Nick was born to attend the USMMA and that was evident this summer as we were fortunate

enough to attend Acceptance Weekend with our entire family.

Nick’s fascination with the Marines began when he was about ten years old. He wanted us to send him off to some Military

School he found on the internet in Kansas! About that same time we heard about the Young Marines, a Youth Organization that fo-

cuses on leadership, leading a drug free lifestyle and service to others. There was an active unit right in our hometown of Aurora, the

Buckley Field Young Marines. Over the next seven years, Nick excelled in the YM’s obtaining the highest rank in his unit and was

even selected as Young Marine of the Year for Division Four in 2008-2009. Only six are chosen for this honor nationally each year,

one for each of the six divisions.

Over the Acceptance Weekend we basked in exceptionally, and as I understand, unusually dry weather despite traveling to

the east coast just hours prior to the anticipated arrival of Hurricane Earl! I have to say I was a bit disappointed to say the least in my

first ever hurricane experience!

We enjoyed touring the scenic USMMA campus and sitting in on Nick’s first period Maritime Prof Studies class with Pro-

fessor Arain. Who would have known there is such a thing as ladder etiquette for boarding a vessel! Kudos to all the students for

standing up through the entire period so the more mature learners could occupy your seats.

The football against Gallaudet was one of the most exciting finishes I’ve ever witnessed and we had a lot of fun at the

Plebes expense as they stood for the entire game and made several dashes to the end zone to push. On Saturday we proceeded di-

rectly to Benihana’s in Manhasset for a “good meal” and encountered several other snowy white Plebes all brimming with hope and

a bit of relief.

Chris and I especially want to express our gratitude to the Parents Association for all the valuable tips we took from all of

you who have gone before us and graciously shared your experiences. We found we were well prepared for the weekend’s events

and what to expect, it truly put us at ease from the start.

Kirk and Christine Skogen (Nick 2014), Aurora Colorado

Mom (Christine) pining the new Plebe Nicholas Skogen.

With younger brothers Brandon and Matthew

Skogen Family (Dad Kirk, Mom Chris-tine, Nickolas, and younger brothers Brandon and Matthew)

With fellow Plebe and Grandview High School friend Anthony Gallozzi, (Chris Nowacki) was also a Grandview grad, but we did not see him over the weekend.

At the Benihana’s in Manhasset Long Island Saturday 9/4/2010

Acceptance Day 2010 Football game against Gallaudet


Sea Year is the exciting mystery of Kings Point. No two midshipmen have the same experience. My daughter,

Katie, is a “deckie.” She was SO EXCITED to be assigned to her

container ship, MV Maunawili, from the Matson Company, on the route from Long Beach, CA to Hono-

lulu, Hawaii to Guam to 3 ports in China (Xiamen, Ningbo, Shanghai) and express (10 days) back to California. As a B-splitter, she spent this summer and first trimester at sea, and will come back for second trimester (in time for swim-ming and diving season). She will get a new assignment(s) for 3/c third trimester, summer, and first trimester of2/c year. From 4 July to 30 October she has a berth on this ship with her own shower and bathroom. No worries

about finding lodging in any port—she just goes back to the ship to sleep when she is ready. The port hole of the berth is in the middle of the ship, right above the pink covered lifeboat. We mostly communicate by email, as the ship sends and receives it while in open waters twice daily.

USMMA Engineer Ben Baitcher from IL with Deckie Katie Schmidt from CO

On Left in front of the Intrepid in NYC, posing as the muscle for their voyage: ) On Right, Cadets in their first port of Honolulu, HI. Ben is in his movie star, surfer-dude role. Katie is updating friends.

Below: Left, Raising the flags. Middle, View from Bridge approaching Honolulu. Right, Diamond Head, in Hawaii in the distance.

They got to be in this port for 2 full days. They are leaving for their third time right now. So, they spent 6 days total in Hawaii. The crew is small for this ship, so everyone gets to know one another. They had one crew for their first trip and a completely new one for the next trip (except for the electrician who has been on all three). They had 2 captains to work under. Katie gets her directions mainly from the Chief Mate, and she has had three different bosses!

Sea Year by Linda Schmidt (Kathryn, 2013B) of Colorado Springs, CO

MV Maunawili at port in Long Beach, CA.


Guam This is a small island with only one slip for commercial ships. Guam has a US Naval Base and US Air Force base. Last

trip Katie visited both. She and Ben rented a car and explored a lot. They got 1 day each trip in this port. Katie and Ben’s Route is

shown above in yellow arrows. Ports they visit include: Honolulu, Guam, Xiamen, Ningbo, Shanghai.

Sea Year (con’t. from previous page)

Hong Kong On the second trip they got a bonus trip to Hong Kong, to pick up some empty containers.

They sailed into Hong Kong at night. Photo on left is view from the Bridge. Katie thought the ship in the middle looked

like a pirate ship. Hong Kong has exciting nightlife, elegant Asian cuisine and is an extremely clean city.

They had enough time to hike up Victoria Peak overlooking the city. Above: Window shopping. Front sculp-

tures are ivory. Red silk cloth is on the left. Jewelry is in the back of this window.


Sea Year (con’t. from previous page)

CHINA! Xiamen, Ningbo and Shanghai

Xiamen, China is above. Many people said “Hi” in English to Katie on

the streets and she spoke back in Chinese both “How are you” and “Thank

you”. She had fun! Negotiating prices for tea was a highlight.


Sea Project takes up spare time on the ship. The first Captain helped Katie with some assign-ments on the bridge for navigation using the sex-tant. He showed her tips and tricks of using it. Her second Captain really helped her understand the crew interrelationships and dynamics. The second Chief Mate was nearing retirement and allowed Katie to do ALL of the deck jobs. He even let her prepare for and participate in a com-pany internal inspection! The Matson company inspectors were both KP grads who let Katie shadow nearly the entire inspection. She was thankful for that experience. A definite highlight was steering the ship. She said, “A mile at sea seems a lot closer than a mile on land,” when go-ing around another vessel. The Chief Mate said the goal was “not to let the Captain’s coffee slide off his desk!” J Katie and Ben will have 111 Sea Days.


It is vast and beauti-

ful. Katie was ad-

miring the shoreline

of Korea as the ship

passed through some

Straits near Japan.

Tug Boat to push Ship to dock. Sea lions on buoys outside Long Beach, CA. The Queen Mary from the Bridge on the way home, docked in Long Beach, CA.


Roster of Board members and committee chairs for 2010-2011


Co-Presidents: Scott and Susan Jerlow (Adam, 2012) / Chris & Mary Nicholl (Preston, 2012); Co-Vice Presidents - Mike & Karen Piper (Michelle, 2013) / Sue Cirocco (Ryan Moorman, 2013); Treasurer - Jolene Johnson (Grant, 2013); Secretary - Linda Schmidt (Kathryn, 2013) NATIONAL OFFICERS: National Co-Chairs: (2009-2011) Rocco and Mary Jane Fuschetto,, P.O. Box 456, Ignacio, CO, 81137; 970-563-1262; NATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD: Ann Hall,, Mary Silva,, Mary Jane Fuschetto,; Peter Meyers,; Suzanne Graboski,; Jerry Hajduk,; Terry Gray, COLORADO COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Web:Jim & Carol Smith (Sarah, 2012); Newsletter - Mary Jane Fuschetto (Ana, 2011); Cookie Cafe - Christine Neil (Glenn, 2012); ASAB - Carol Smith (Sarah, 2012); Senior Gift - Mike & Alesia Schirber (Jacob, 2012); Cards - Shannon O'Connell (Derien Jastrzebski, 2011); Alumnae Liaison - Mike Mussler (Robert, 2011); Hospitality - Dan & Julie Tulenko (Andrew, 2012); Fundraising - Russ Johnson (Grant, 2013); Boodle Bags - Paul & Bonnie Diamond (Philip, 2011); Mentoring/Membership - Open; Class of 2011 Parents - Mike & Jan Mussler (Robert, 2011); Class of 2012 Parents - Mike & Alesia Schirber (Jacob, 2012); Class of 2130 Parents - James & Lisa Ensz (Jim, 2013).

Reminders and general notes of interest for Plebe Parents

The Colorado Parents Association was given a “2010 Distinguished Chapter” Award from the USMMA National Parents Association. Points that accumulate to receive this award include local newspaper articles about your midshipmen, USMMA presentations at college fairs or school career events, meeting with local high school guidance counselors and distributing USMMA information, or presenting appointments at local honors programs. If you participate in any of these activities make sure and notify your state president so your points can be included in the state total. Colorado wants another Distinguished Chapter Award for 2011!

Log on to to learn all about our very popular all-volunteer program that provides homemade cookies to our mids on a weekly basis. We will need your help baking in the coming months, (we send 140 dozen cookies at a time!) so learn all about how the cookie program works.

Please pay your membership dues if you haven’t already done so. You can ask treasurer Russ Johnson if you are current. It is possible to use PayPal from the website . Remember, these dues cover the ticket for your mid to attend the Colorado All Service Academy Ball each year, as well as Boodle Bags, special occasion cards and other goodies for our midship-men. Don’t know what a Boodle Bag is? Don’t worry, Plebe Parents. Within a few weeks all this USMMA lingo will be familiar and you’ll under-stand what a Boodle Bag is. We send a big thanks to Bonnie Diamond, from Larkspur, who coordinated the Boodle Bags. If you would like to contribute homemade cookies or help package these next time, please contact Bonnie at

Cards are mailed for birthdays, or special occasions. Thanks to Shannon O’Connell for doing this great service. If you hear of any special needs, please contact Shannon at

Helpful information and contacts for USMMA can be found in the pdf publication at: PLEASE send updates/stories of your midshipmen (pictures with identities noted) and list of ships/places, notes from your midship-

men, their successes, their humorous stories to: Mary Jane Fuschetto for the Colorado and National newsletter and to Carol Smith for the web site. News and photos are ALWAYS NEEDED!

Above all, if you have questions or concerns, be sure and call any of your fellow USMMA Parent Association officers. We are here to help you through this new and won-derful experience. We have all been in your situation and we hope to use our ex-perience to help you through also. Wel-come Aboard!

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