club contacts - tasmanian rare breeds poultry club...the dutch poultry standards recognise black,...

Post on 28-Jun-2020






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Club Contacts:


Richard Poke

Phone: 03 6428 4177

Mobile: 0427 879 818

Secretary: Deanne Lance

Phone: 03 6239 9996 Email:

Club Website:


New Club Website: We would like to notify you that we now have a new website, as of the 2nd of

October. This new website can be found at:


The Tasmanian Rare Breeds Poultry Club would like to thank the following organizations and individuals for their sponsorship and support of the 2011 Annual Tasmanian Rare

Breeds Show and Auction weekend

• The Sebright Club of Australia for donating sashes for Champion Gold Sebright and

Champion Silver Sebright. • The Pekin Club of Australia for donating an award for Best Pekin Bantam.

• The Japanese Bantam Club of Australia for donating a rosette for Best Japanese Ban-tam.

• Trevor Hunt for donating $50 for Champion Waterfowl. • Isaac Walker for donating $20 for Best True Bantam.

• VIEW Real Estate, Tasmania for running auction and providing auctioneer. • Coffee Bean Frenzy for running and providing the coffee van.

• The Gypsy Chook for running and providing the food van.

• The Sandfly Art Group for painting club sign for pavilion entrance. • Chris Wisbey, Sally Dakis and ABC Radio for their coverage of the show.

Annual General Meeting: The Tasmanian Rare Breeds Poultry Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is to be held on the 27th of November, 2011. It will be held at the Poultry Pavilion, Royal Hobart Show-

grounds, Glenorchy.

Commencing at 10:00am, a short general meeting with be run, and then the AGM - The committee members for 2012 will be nominated, voted upon and then elected during the

meeting, and the schedule of rare breeds in Tasmania for 2012 will be tabled, among other important matters to take place.

We hope you can make it! E-mail us at if you have any


The Clubs exhibit at the Huon Agricultural Show.

The Rare Breeds Club was invited to promote rare poultry at the Huon Agricultural Show this year on the 12

th of No-

vember. A rare breeds feature was set up with several breeds rarely seen in public provided for the public display. These in-cluded a Houdan, a Frizzle bantam, a Malay game, Bantam Malay and Brahma. The number of rare breeds in the show was fabulous, with nearly 20 different rare breeds represented, and many peo-ple stopped by during the day to ask questions about rare poultry. The clubs Information Booklet raised much interest. Nearly two dozen people inquired as to how they could get set up with the rare breeds, and overall it was a great day with lots of interest in rare breeds on the day. Much thanks to the Huon Agricultural Show Poultry Section organizer Corinna Sloane for inviting the club to be there on the day. ~ Isaac Walker

Rare breeds at the Huon Show

The Naked Neck

The history of the naked neck is not well known, although they are documented to have existed in Europe since the beginning of the 18th century, having been men-tioned in an Austrian poultry book dated from 1701.Winkler and Bakoss presume that the ancestors were brought into the Carpanthian basin from Asia by the conquering Hun at the end of the ninth century. Other poultry historians cite the fact that the Malagache, one of the fighting breeds from the Malay Peninsula also have no feathers around their neck. This is a quote from Dean Shuck. “From what I have read the naked neck was origi-nally derived from the Madagascar and the Ga Noi game birds when crossed to com-mon chickens. They supposedly originated in Malasia and S.E. Asia and radiated out from there. The naked necks as a type have been around for several thousand years”. The name Transylvanian Naked Neck was given to this breed as it was claimed that the modern breed originated in the part of Hungary known as Transylvania. The breed received the name Turken or Churkey as it was also believed that it came about by crossing a chicken with a turkey. (This has long since been disproven. It is chicken through and through). A farmyard fowl known for its fast growth and good foraging abilities, its popularity spread quickly. They became birds of preference, not only for their relatively good year round laying but also their excellent meat quality; this said to be the result of their “seeking habit” scratching for food regardless of hot or cold weather. Also add-ing to their popularity was the fact they were very hardy, resistant to diseases and the costs of keeping them were very low. German fanciers are credited to have perfected the modern exhibition naked neck by taking the common farmyard variety and breeding it into a more consistent form de-void of any feathers on the neck. The first chicken seen at a show was in Vienna in 1875. The birds created quite a stir and the two women were recipients of awards of highest distinction. In 1911 post cards were commissioned illustrating Black, Cuckoo and White Naked Neck varieties. Naked Necks are documented to have been in Britain from the early 1870’s. They never became popular in Britain as fanciers considered it too much a common farm-yard fowl. Lewis Wright wrote in his book from 1890, “By this name is known a curi-ous variety imported from Austria, and in which the feathers are entirely absent from the neck, the head being feathered as usual. The effect is peculiar, but most un-pleasant. There is nothing fixed about the birds otherwise, the last pair we saw hav-ing the cock feather-legged and the hen bare-legged, and the plumage the common-est barnyard mongrel type.”

Naked Neck cont.

Naked Necks appeared in North America in the late 1800’s but never became popular, in part due to the myth they were an inter-species cross. The Depart-ment of Ag. declared it a breed and patented the name “Bare-Neck” and assigned it thus. The gene that causes the neck to be naked and a general reduction of the feather tracts had been iso

lated by Poultry Geneticist F.B. Hutt in 1949. This gene was designated “Na” as it is a dominant gene; a single dose will cause the offspring to display the bare neck and a re-duction in feathers. Many poultry breeders have since made great use of the dominant nature of the Na gene to achieve quick improvements in type or colour crossed to other dual purpose breeds. The Na gene has also been shown to increase breast size and to reduce heat stress. In tropical climates, lower body temperatures, better food conver-sion rates and increased weight gain are associated with the Na gene. The gene also effects egg size and has been used in Europe to increase egg size in industrial flocks. Transylvanian chickens are not the only birds to have naked necks. Various vultures have featherless necks, presumably to stop blood and gore getting on their plumage. Ostriches and emus, too, are bare-necked to radiate heat away from their necks when they run. The naked neck chicken’s distinctive feature is caused by a mutation in its DNA. It is ex-pressed in the chicken’s neck because the embryonic neck-skin of birds produces more retinoic acid (a derivative of vitamin A) which enhances a substance called BMP12. The obvious chief visual characteristic of the naked neck is an absence of feathers around the neck and the vent. The bare skin on the neck continues to the crop while on top of the head there is a small cap, of feathers. Naked necks have between 20% and 60% fewer feathers than breeds of a similar size, making them easier to pluck. They are similar to many other dual-purpose breeds in general shape. They are generally wide shouldered with wings being carried fairly high. The comb is single, of medium size with five well defined points; it is a rich red colour as is its wattles and ear lobes. Eye colour is a reddish brown with beak, shanks and toes being yellow in the lighter colours and slate blue in the darker colour varieties. Naked Neck hens are good layers of medium to large, light brown eggs. They have a reputation of laying throughout the coldest winter months. Not really known for their broodiness, those that do go broody make excellent mothers. Baby chicks are born with naked necks and are thus easy to recognise in mixed batches. As a breed they are con-sidered docile and very friendly and one of the easiest chickens to tame. They are well suited to hot weather and are surprisingly cold hardy. They have a reputation for ac-tively foraging. If kept outside under good sun exposure their skin will turn bright red. In confinement, the skin colour is usually yellowy-orange to light pink.

Bantam Naked Necks

The first bantam naked necks were created by Herr Karl Huth in Germany. This oc-curred in the early 1800”s. In 1898 Karl exhibited his bantam naked necks at the Ger-man National Poultry show in Frankfurt. Karl and Mr. Marhold spent over ten years breeding naked neck bantams in black, white, and partridge varieties. The creation of more colour varieties and the formation of breed clubs helped promote the bantam throughout Germany. Unfortunately W.W. 1 put an end to this and breeders and birds were lost .Mr. Marhold did manage to secure a few birds which became the foundation of the next generation of Bantam Naked Necks. Mr. Marhold was able to create and exhibit numerous bantam naked necks in various colours. Upon his death he ordered the slaughter of all of his birds and once again they disappeared. He kept a detailed account of his experiments and breeding secrets and these were published in the 1918 Yearbook of the Bantam Breeders Association. There were three other breeders of bantam naked necks and they all ordered the slaughter of their birds upon their deaths. In 1932 Bernhard Noack near Berlin, started the task of creating bantams that bred true to colour and size. He became one of the greatest promoters of naked necks in Europe. Once again the naked neck enjoyed a rise in popularity, but it was short-lived. At this time the political climate in Germany had radically changed. The Nazis were “racial cleansing” not only persons but animals associated with'' inferior races" It was declared the naked neck was not Germanic enough and removed from the eligible breeds list. By the time the disqualification was realised as a mistake it was too late and once again the breed disappeared. The Dutch Poultry Standards recognise Black, Cuckoo and White colour varieties of Bantam naked necks. Weights are cocks 750 – 800g. Hens 650 – 700g. The German Poultry Assoc. Recognise naked necks in both single comb and rose comb in the following colour varieties:- S.C. black, white blue-laced, red, buff, cuckoo, wild brown, silver pencilled, millefleur or jubilee. Throughout the late 1940’s, early 50’s various breeders experimented with the creation of the bantam naked neck. The breed was created by the late 1950’s. Currently Germany has the largest base of breeders and fanciers in both the standard and bantam.

Rare Breeds Poultry Club - 2011 Show Results Major Awards

Champion Bird in Show Champion Hard Feather Rare Variety Ban-tam Duckwing Modern Game bantam plt Alister Bradley

Champion Rare Breed in Show Champion Rare Breed SF Large Peter Shands

Reserve Champion Rare Breed in Show Champion Rare Breed SF Bantam Best True Bantam Belgian d’uccle Millefleur Tracey Cordwell

Champion Rare Variety SF Large Black Silkie plt Lily Cooper

Champion Rare Breed Waterfowl Champion Rare Variety Waterfowl TTT Farm

Champion Rare Breed HF Large Anthony Rowe Champion Rare Breed HF Bantam Australian Game black red ckrl Deanne Lance

Champion Rare Variety HF Large OEG Large black red L/L ckrl John Watson

Reserve Champion Rare Variety in Show White Langshan plt Colleen Shaw

Special Junior Award Phoenix Blue Tailed Wheaten Hen Sorell School

Best of Breed Awards

Best Belgian d’Anver

Quail pullet Emma-lee Sloane

Best Belgian d'uccle

Millefleur Tracey Cordwell

Best Belgian Overall Tracey Cordwell

Best Hamburgh

Gold penciled ckrl Matilda Hutt

Best Japanese

Birchen pullet Sorell School

Best Aylesbury Duck

Drakeling Peter Walker

Best Call

White duckling Emma-lee Sloane

Best Modern Game

Duckwing bantam plt Alister Bradley

Best Leghorn

Blue hen Kevy Watson

Best Silkie

Black pullet Lilly Cooper

Best Orpington Duck

Blue duck TTT Farm

Best Indian Runner

Fawn & White drakeling Dave Brown

Best Muscovy

Bronze & white drake TTT Farm

Best Goose

Emden gander Lyn Eden

Most Promising New Breed or Variety

Thai Aseel black red cockerel Stephen Jacobs

Best Turkey

Narragansett tom Craig and Jo Walters

Best Turkey and Guinea Fowl Overall

Guinea Fowl Pearl TTT Farm

Best Campine Gold

Gold pullet Peter Shands

Best Other Variety Large SF Rare Breed

Spanish cock Lyn Eden

Best Campine Silver

Silver cockerel Peter Shands

Best Campine Overall

Peter Shands

Best Barnevelder, Brahma or Croad Langshan

Brahma speckled plt Rob Wilson

Best Dorking

Silver grey cockerel Bert Tolley

Best Faverolles

Buff hen Aaron Shaw

Best Hamburgh

Black hen Lyn Eden

Best Phoenix

Duckwing Cockerel Bill Hyndes

Best Spanish Cockerel Lyn Eden

Best Orpington

Black cock James Allchin

Best Wyandotte

Partridge hen James Allchin

Best Other Variety Soft Feather Large

Rare Variety

Orpington black ck James Allchin

Best Australian Game Large

Black red pullet Ellis Dick

Best Aseel or Shamo

Shamo spangle cockerel Anthony Rowe

Best OEG

Large black red l/l ckrl John Watson

Best Ancona

Black pullet Rob Shaw

Best Naked Neck

Black pullet Merv Hutt

Best Rosecomb

Black pullet Max Moore

Best Sebright Silver

Silver Hen Eian Raynor

Best Sebright Gold

Gold pullet

Mackleay Vocational College

Best Sebright Overall

Eian Raynor

Best Langshan

White pullet Colleen Shaw

Best Pekin Blue Hen Brendan Cordwell

Best Pekin Brown Red

Hen Tracey Cordwell

Best Pekin Overall

Tracey Cordwell

Best Pekin AOV

Cuckoo hen Jayden Cord-


Best Wyandotte

Gold laced cockerel Peter Manning

Best OEG Overall

AORC L/L cockerel Corrina Sloane

Poultry Humour

A man decided to start a chicken farm and bought 24 to get started. A week later he bought another 24 and another 24 the week after


When his friend asked how his chicken farm was coming along the man replied, "Not one of them has grown yet. I wonder if I'm plant-

ing them too deep?"

Q: How do you stop a rooster from crowing on Sunday?

A: Eat him on Saturday!

Q: What happened to the chicken whose feathers were all pointing the wrong way?

A: She was tickled to death!

Q: What do you get when you cross a chicken and a Pit Bull?

A: Just the Pit Bull.

Q: When fruit comes from a fruit tree, what type of tree does chicken come from?

A: A Poul-Tree.

Word Finder:

Colouring In: Turkey and Babies


Thank you for applying to join the TRBPC Inc. Please complete this form and post it with your payment money

order or cheque made out to Tasmanian Rare Breeds Poultry Club Inc. to 17 Granary Place Sandford Tas 7020.

Age (Please tick box)

Adult (16 years or older)

Junior under 16 years old Junior date of birth_________________

Do you want your details registered on our TRBPC Breeders Register? Yes No (Please circle)

This information can be given out to people who are looking for the particular breed you have.

(Please circle what information you would like given out)

Mobile Home Phone Address E-mail Address All

Membership rates: Adult member $15 Junior member $4 Family/Non-for-profit $25

(Annual membership fees fall due on 30 June each year)

Please find enclosed a cheque/money order for $______________

Donation $__________________

What breeds do you currently keep?

All members of the TRBPC Inc. are asked to actively support the clubs activities and objectives and follow the

clubs constitution.

I agree to abide by the club’s constitution guidelines:


Date: ______________________



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