chat 150412

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 Chat 150412


    (18:55:38) Willie: Eileen enters the channel.

    (18:55:49) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.

    (18:55:55) Eileen: Hello KC, sorry I'm doing my laundry brb!

    (18:55:56) Kinkyclawz: *nudges Eileen*Halo there suesse! How goes it?

    (18:56:01) Kinkyclawz: hehe, hb!

    (19:01:11) Kinkyclawz: Hee, hallo there my chatmates! How goes it?

    (19:01:47) Kinkyclawz: *****

    (20:03:59) Eileen: god i have too many socks and those are only the dark ones *runs

    off again*

    (20:04:28) Kinkyclawz: *stunned by the sudden update.* Hehe, got it, lots of dark

    socks, hard to match them up?

    (20:06:01) Eileen: lol no to hang them

    (20:06:03) Eileen: back(20:06:15) Eileen: how are you?

    (20:06:16) Eileen: im fine

    (20:06:23) Eileen: found another obsession

    (20:06:31) Eileen: what are you brits doing to me???

    (20:06:42) Kinkyclawz: Another one? Do tell?

    (20:06:42) Kinkyclawz: And WB!

    (20:06:52) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, not sure, what's your pbsession?

    (20:06:58) Eileen: Whitechapel

    (20:07:13) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, awesome!!!!! The show or the Ripper?

    (20:07:15) Kinkyclawz: or both?

    (20:07:32) Eileen: the show

    (20:07:33) Eileen: lol

    (20:07:44) Eileen: i seem to have a heart for ocd cases

    (20:07:44) Eileen: lol

    (20:08:19) Eileen: and he's not bad looking either

    (20:08:20) Eileen:

    (20:08:23) Kinkyclawz: Heh, just checking. And yep, you do seem to like the OCD's.

    (20:08:31) Eileen: lol

    (20:08:33) Kinkyclawz: Rupert Penry-Jones?

    (20:08:46) Kinkyclawz: I think that's his name.

    (20:09:08) Eileen: yes

    (20:09:23) Eileen: btw i have invited a friend of mine

    (20:09:35) Eileen: met her on a damien molony forum

    (20:10:01) Kinkyclawz: YAY the more the merrier. Now.. you have prewarned her

    that we're not sane, haven't you?(19:10:45) Kinkyclawz: Or is she as mad as we are?

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    (19:11:34) Kinkyclawz: Have you seem Whitechapel form series 1?

    (19:12:21) Kinkyclawz: Damnit! Got booted out... Eileen could you please throw the

    chatlog my way, suesse?

    (19:15:58) Eileen: oh damn i just wrote her a pm on the other forum telling her how

    to get in here and that we had started

    (19:16:09) Eileen: i totally forgot to mention that we are insane. OH nO!!

    (19:16:28) Eileen: LOL But I told her that you all are very very lovely people. LOL

    (19:16:43) Eileen: I'm in the middle of Series 1 episode 3

    (19:17:05) Eileen: now you know what i will do tonight after the chat. and then there

    is also game of thrones tomorrow after work.

    (19:17:07) Eileen: hehe

    (19:17:20) Eileen: will send oyu the log now! Duck!

    (19:18:13) Kinkyclawz: *ducks*(19:18:38) Eileen: Sent!

    (19:19:29) Kinkyclawz: Oh, if you like series 1, then you'll adore Series3. It's the

    BEST yet! I found S2 a bit.. meh... but if youu're enjoying R P-J you'll not worry too


    (19:19:34) Kinkyclawz: YAY, thankyou! MWAH!

    (19:19:56) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, are you finishong off S1 or are you catching up on S2

    of GoT now?

    (19:20:00) Eileen: Muah!

    (19:20:57) Eileen: i'm finishing S1 and will prob start S2, but i also still have to watch

    GoT epi 3. damn lol where is the time? I only watched the jon snow bits from last

    weeks epi

    (19:22:28) Kinkyclawz: lmao if there were a lot fo them, that\s good.

    (19:22:40) Kinkyclawz: Jon Snow bits, that is. WEll, Jon and Ghost.

    (19:25:15) Eileen: lol

    (19:25:24) Eileen: ghost has grown so much

    (19:25:28) Eileen: love the cgi

    (19:26:17) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, series 2 is being slow to warm up but there WAS a lot

    of loose ends to sort out at the end ... as you'll find.

    (19:26:36) Kinkyclawz: I was about to ask something but I'm not certain where you're

    up to.

    (19:28:51) Kinkyclawz: Oh, Fang says he'll be a bit late tongiht :d

    (19:29:22) Eileen: i see

    (19:29:29) Eileen: what did you want to ask?

    (19:29:49) Eileen: I think my friend will be in later too

    (19:29:57) Eileen: just realized i forgot the time diff(19:29:58) Eileen: lol

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    (19:30:04) Eileen: around 9

    (19:30:07) Eileen: my time

    (19:30:26) Eileen: or nineish

    (19:31:32) Willie: Aubergine enters the channel.

    (19:31:49) Aubergine: Hello Twiaters!!

    (19:32:37) Aubergine: or Twisters Lol. Damn typos will be the death of me

    (19:33:16) Eileen: lol hello Genie! How are you tonight/noon?

    (19:33:46) Aubergine: I'm dong well, but it only half past 11

    (19:34:28) Aubergine: How about yourselves?

    (19:34:51) Kinkyclawz: Hallo there! Sorry, miles away.

    (19:35:41) Kinkyclawz: LOL No prob with the time difference for your friend. We

    should be here.

    Aww, I'm find thanks Genie, how are you?(19:35:54) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, Typos make things more interesting!

    (19:36:28) Eileen: I'm great

    (19:36:37) Kinkyclawz: Oh, cheers for the heads up about script frenzy Genie!

    (19:36:39) Aubergine: or more insulting

    (19:36:48) Eileen: just talking about my new (among several other) obsession and a

    friend i invited

    (19:36:49) Eileen: lol

    (19:36:53) Kinkyclawz: Ah, but we know you don't mean it.

    (19:37:01) Kinkyclawz: Heehee

    (19:37:13) Aubergine: Yeah I just found that today myself. So we only get 15 days

    instead of 30

    (19:37:36) Eileen: what do you mean?

    (19:37:46) Kinkyclawz: Will this be of interest, Eileen?

    (19:37:53) Aubergine: you have a new obsession, Eileen. Other than Hal

    (19:38:04) Kinkyclawz: Eep! Are you having a go too?

    (19:38:05) Eileen: lol yes and spn

    (19:38:21) Eileen: what do you mean with the 15 days instead of 30?

    (19:38:32) Kinkyclawz: There's a scrptwriting competition, 15 days left to the closing


    (19:38:41) Kinkyclawz:

    (19:38:57) Eileen: ah i see

    (19:38:58) Eileen: thanks

    (19:38:59) Eileen: lol

    (19:39:08) Aubergine: I'd thought I'd give it a shot(19:39:21) Kinkyclawz: Why not. Have you any ideas?

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    (19:39:23) Eileen: thanks for the link, i saw it before but as im not in the uk i might

    not be able to see the videos

    (19:39:40) Aubergine: Oh new Whitechapel. I like that show.

    (19:39:46) Kinkyclawz: Hmm... you could try Youtube for the videos, there should be

    a few on there methinks.

    (19:40:00) Kinkyclawz: Hee, another lady with great taste.

    (19:40:09) Kinkyclawz: Which series' did you see?

    (19:40:34) Aubergine: I've seen one and two I think. My sister sends them to me.

    (19:40:43) Kinkyclawz:



    (19:40:58) Kinkyclawz: The third was easily the best of them all.

    (19:41:13) Aubergine: oh something to look forward to them(19:41:20) Aubergine: or then

    (19:41:23) Kinkyclawz: That link might help, Eileen... though tehre might be some

    clips from S2 and S3

    (19:41:34) Kinkyclawz: Heehee. Typos again, huh?

    (19:42:27) Aubergine: brain maybe moving faster than the fingers can type

    (19:42:37) Aubergine: eyes not catching the errors

    (19:42:47) Eileen: thank you for the link

    (19:43:04) Eileen: please no spoilers! I'm still on series 1 just started watching

    tonight lol

    (19:43:54) Kinkyclawz: might be worth saving that list then until you're sure. :d

    (19:44:05) Kinkyclawz: ahem, until you're ready, not sure.

    (19:44:13) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, I know that feeling Genie.

    (19:44:44) Eileen: yeah, sometimes i have typos in my posts and never see them

    (19:45:09) Eileen: the eyes just dont register them. lol would be great if the eyes of

    the readers would do the same.

    (19:45:24) Kinkyclawz: Ah, we can mostly understand them between us can't we?

    (19:45:46) Aubergine: some typos never get caught because people are just reading

    it as if it the right word

    (19:45:54) Eileen: will save the list or fav. lol

    (19:46:06) Eileen: we can

    (19:46:12) Eileen: YES, we CAN! rofl

    (19:47:33) Kinkyclawz: hehe

    (19:47:43) Kinkyclawz: Hoep that floor's clean that your rolling on, laughing.

    (19:49:13) Eileen: it is

    (19:49:19) Eileen: Hal cleaned it before i came in(19:49:21) Kinkyclawz: good, good.

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    (19:49:51) Aubergine: oh you have Hal cleaning up after you.

    (19:49:51) Kinkyclawz: Now then, since Fang will be late and our new friend won't be

    here til 9, what should we discuss?

    (19:49:54) Kinkyclawz: Oh, BRB

    (19:49:59) Aubergine: How did you manage that

    (19:52:19) Kinkyclawz: Hal and Chandler.

    (19:52:58) Eileen: lol no i have Hal cleaning up before me. And then I tied him to the

    chair again

    (19:53:19) Eileen: Hal and Chandler

    (19:53:30) Eileen: lol but i dont have Chandler tied to a chair sadly

    (19:53:44) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, that could be remedied...

    (19:54:07) Kinkyclawz: I think Hal's getting to liek the whole being tied up thing.

    (19:54:14) Kinkyclawz: So long as the rope is clean.(19:54:28) Aubergine: a little too much, lol

    (19:54:31) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Hal and George would ahve been a tidy team.

    (19:54:47) Kinkyclawz: YEah, hmmmm. Makes you wonder.

    (19:54:59) Aubergine: I think Hal would have annoyed George with his cleanliness

    (19:55:30) Aubergine: OCD can be tiring

    (19:55:30) Kinkyclawz: I dunno, George might have relished a tidy roommate. LOL

    (19:56:10) Kinkyclawz: One who uses napkins and coasters

    (19:56:39) Kinkyclawz: George had a touch of OCD too, though not anywhere near

    Hal's level. LOL

    (19:56:54) Aubergine: Anything is a step up from Mitchell

    (19:57:13) Eileen: lol so true

    (19:57:15) Aubergine: Hal could have taught him a thing or two.

    (19:57:18) Kinkyclawz: In the cleanlines stakes, (pardon the pun) definitely.

    (19:57:26) Eileen: at least in respect to showers and cleaning up

    (19:57:35) Eileen: lol

    (19:57:50) Kinkyclawz: Hal doesn't use the scented pages in magazines as

    bodyspray. LOL

    (19:58:19) Eileen: most def not

    (19:58:20) Eileen: lol

    (19:58:22) Aubergine: Hal could have also taught Mitchell about the binge purge

    vampire relapses

    (19:58:49) Kinkyclawz: indeed. Mitchell was a bit too young to know how the cycle


    (19:59:03) Aubergine: I don't think Mitchell could have done the dominoes.

    (19:59:20) Kinkyclawz: though he did suspect he was heading back to "the darkside" so maybe on a primal level he thought it might happen.

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    (19:59:28) Willie: Fang enters the channel.

    (19:59:37) Fang: Is that me your talking about?

    (19:59:39) Kinkyclawz: LMAO He'd misplace them in all the mess!!

    (19:59:43) Fang: Oh and hello

    (19:59:45) Aubergine: Fang!! Howdy

    (19:59:48) Kinkyclawz: FAANG!

    (20:00:00) Kinkyclawz: howsya?

    (20:00:49) Fang: not too bad, hows everybody else, Eileen seems a bit quiet

    (20:00:52) Aubergine: Hal seemed to be on a fifty year cycle. He could stay clean for

    fifty, but he'd lose and have to start all over again

    (20:01:05) Kinkyclawz: Ah, not you dear Twrother.

    (20:01:49) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, Mitchell also seemed ot be on a more or less 50 year

    cycle(20:02:15) Eileen: Hello Fang! Sorry, had to get my Letscho first

    (20:02:16) Fang: Is that a true cycle though or just Hal's way of excusing his


    (20:02:29) Kinkyclawz: Letscho?

    (20:02:31) Fang: I have no idea what your talking about Eileen

    (20:03:13) Kinkyclawz: It seemed to be backed up by something Mr Snow said-erm,

    just can't rememebr it right now. >

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    (20:04:50) Fang: Carl must have been on a similar cycle

    (20:04:54) Fang: woah big link

    (20:05:08) Eileen: its paprika pieces in tomato sauce

    (20:05:10) Eileen: lol

    (20:05:14) Aubergine: massive link

    (20:05:17) Eileen: yeah, carl!

    (20:05:20) Eileen: lol

    (20:05:30) Aubergine: anyone read German?

    (20:05:37) Fang: you lick it straight from the jar?

    (20:05:40) Eileen:

    (20:05:44) Kinkyclawz: Tomato sauce

    (20:05:54) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, sounds nice

    (20:05:54) Eileen: lol I'm gonna out me now and say ME!(20:06:16) Aubergine: lol

    (20:06:29) Fang: Freshness, middle Paprikastcke in a strongly peppered

    Tomatensauce eingelegt." Our products manufactured since 4 generations after old

    prescriptions with the finest added and make delicious and schmackhaft" from there

    our genuine Lbbenauer Spreewald canned goods so; Source: Product label

    (20:06:37) Kinkyclawz: And yep, Fang, I suspect Carl probably was.

    (20:06:43) Aubergine: so you're just having tomato sauce

    (20:07:05) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, the picture has messed up my chat. Gimme a sec to

    save and restart.

    (20:07:12) Kinkyclawz: *****

    (20:07:16) Fang: so the seven year itch is fifty in vampire years?

    (20:07:23) Eileen: with pepper and paprika

    (20:07:24) Eileen: lol

    (20:07:51) Eileen: oh KC!!! come back!!!

    (20:07:54) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.

    (20:07:58) Kinkyclawz: BAck.

    (20:08:00) Eileen: wb!

    (20:08:03) Fang: KC got back

    (20:08:09) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, had to restart, the picture essed up my chat.

    (20:08:13) Kinkyclawz: Not that ti works properly tp begin with.

    (20:08:18) Kinkyclawz: Thankies!

    (20:08:20) Aubergine: no more pictures

    (20:08:39) Kinkyclawz: Links to 'em should be ok.

    (20:09:23) Eileen: okay

    (20:09:24) Eileen: lol(20:09:28) Kinkyclawz: I did got back. Erm, get back even.

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    (20:09:32) Eileen: do you need the chatlog?

    (20:09:36) Fang: no more being saucy Eileen

    (20:09:47) Eileen: awwwwwwwww

    (20:09:54) Aubergine: was MItchell clean since the 60's. If so he would have been on

    his 50 year cycle when he did the box tunnel

    (20:10:13) Kinkyclawz: I'm ok this time, thanks hunny.

    (20:10:16) Eileen: no i think since 2000

    (20:10:29) Eileen: carl tied him to a chair in vienna

    (20:10:30) Eileen: lol

    (20:10:44) Aubergine: sorry no excuse for bad behavior then.

    (20:11:01) Eileen: people were celebrating the new millenium outside the house i

    think. lol dancing on cars

    (20:11:12) Aubergine: vampires may truly enjoy being tied down(20:11:25) Kinkyclawz: Hmm... maybe not. Maybe the 50 years isn;t a hard anf fast

    rule? Perhaps the cycle can be different for different vampries?

    (20:11:32) Aubergine: but they save the cages for the werewolves

    (20:11:39) Eileen: lol sorry, hal being tied down brought back that scene in great


    (20:12:01) Eileen: yeah maybe it depends on how old the vampire is

    (20:12:07) Eileen: maybe its 9 years for Mitchell

    (20:12:12) Eileen: as he was 90 right?

    (20:12:14) Eileen: or older?

    (20:12:21) Kinkyclawz: And who their maker was?

    (20:12:37) Kinkyclawz: or perhaps the cycle is short at first and lengthens with age?

    (20:12:52) Aubergine: Herrick never stopped the bloodlust

    (20:12:52) Eileen: lol KC get out of my head!

    (20:13:04) Aubergine: so we'll never know about his cycle

    (20:13:10) Fang: Herrick didn't see the point in trying

    (20:13:10) Eileen: maybe he never bothered

    (20:13:15) Kinkyclawz: Not that we know of, Genie. We never got told if he ever had

    those lulls?

    (20:13:16) Eileen: lol

    (20:13:30) Fang: nah TOby mentioned that on the blog....hold on

    (20:13:34) Kinkyclawz: No, maybe he never truly wanted to give up the kill.

    (20:13:35) Aubergine: he didn't strike as the lull type

    (20:13:41) Kinkyclawz: He did?

    (20:13:43) Eileen: we are in each others heads tonight

    (20:13:49) Eileen: its quite roomy in here FAng(20:14:14) Kinkyclawz: Maybe his egotism (Herrick's) was stronger than his

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    (20:14:24) Eileen: you have a big head

    (20:14:37) Willie: conflicted_domino enters the channel.

    (20:14:43) Fang: Apart from Mitchell and Hal, we have seen other vampires, such as

    Carl, try to abstain from blood. Are these cycles as described by Hal something that

    a lot of vampires go through or was it always meant to be something that only very

    few vampires have ever attempted? Will we ever see any vampire accomplish to

    overcome their addiction entirely?

    I guess it depends on the Vampire. Hal, Mitchell and Carl are all vampires who wish

    to reform and part of that reformation is abstaining from blood but I cant imagine

    someone like Herrick or Cutler or Fergus going through that process because they

    have no intention of converting to the side of the angels.(20:14:47) Eileen: dominooooooooooooooooo

    (20:14:47) Kinkyclawz: HEHE, Surely that's not the case?

    (20:14:55) Eileen: Welcome!!!

    (20:14:58) Eileen: *hugs her*

    (20:15:06) Aubergine: Hello

    (20:15:07) Fang: these walls fall like dominoes

    (20:15:11) Eileen: Guys, let me introduce you to domino

    (20:15:16) conflicted_domino: Hi! phew I found you! got a bit lost there!

    (20:15:23) Kinkyclawz: Ah, so they might get the prick of conscience but ignore it


    (20:15:36) Kinkyclawz: Hi Domino!! Welcome to the forum!

    (20:15:45) Eileen: Glad you found your way!

    (20:15:45) Kinkyclawz: Erm, sorry, no, not the forum. This is the chat room. >

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    (21:53:35) Eileen: lol

    (21:53:45) Kinkyclawz: Erm, from the last lot of saving stars if you can please Eileen.

    (21:53:48) Kinkyclawz: Thanks suese1

    (21:53:49) Kinkyclawz: suesse also

    (21:53:52) Aubergine: snowy screen lets in poltergeist

    (21:54:18) Kinkyclawz: The receptionist isn't being friendly to you these days, Fang?

    (20:54:32) Kinkyclawz: And letting on poltergeists is not good.

    (20:54:33) Fang: we need to see a prequal of Hal in battle, or playing a lute, or

    playing a lute while in battle

    (20:54:38) Kinkyclawz: They're Noisy Spirits.

    (20:54:48) Kinkyclawz: and drinking Kia-Ora?

    (20:54:57) Fang: nah she says that she has a perfectly good front door for me to use

    (20:55:04) conflicted_domino: and dancing tango(20:55:12) Fang: one that was designed for visitors

    (20:55:16) Eileen: sent!

    (20:55:17) Kinkyclawz: Oh, and thankyou for your manly outrage, Twrother, but I

    think with Eileen's help, I'll be fine.

    (20:55:23) Fang: I'm making less and less sense

    (20:55:28) Aubergine: I'm not sure I want to see him after he's had some Kia-Ora

    (20:55:43) Kinkyclawz: Oh, I see, so you're invited through the front door but the rear

    entrance isn't welcome.

    (20:56:01) Eileen: sent, KC!

    (20:56:28) Eileen: maybe he cant stop piggling?

    (20:56:29) Kinkyclawz: Heh, I'm curious to see what ahppens with him, Genie, I ahve

    to say. S5 might clear that one up for us.

    (20:56:37) Eileen: GIGGLING! My god

    (20:56:40) Kinkyclawz: I'm understanding you just fine right now, Fang. :d That's...

    not really encouraging, is it?

    (20:56:45) Aubergine: maybe he's a nasty drunk

    (20:56:45) Eileen: awwwwwwww

    (20:56:52) Fang: Hal's your god?

    (20:56:52) Kinkyclawz: Mucho gracias, senorita! MWAH!

    (20:57:02) Fang: I bet Hal has a manly giggle

    (20:57:08) Eileen: lol

    (20:57:13) Aubergine: I don't think Leo was afraid of his giggling

    (20:57:31) Eileen: you dont know that

    (20:57:38) Eileen: maybe he has a very strange giggle

    (20:57:55) conflicted_domino: i do and I don't, i like wondering and the suspense(Hal / Kia-ora)

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    (20:58:04) Fang: goodnight again

    (20:58:18) Eileen: good niiiiiiiiiiight

    (20:58:18) Aubergine: goodnight Fang

    (20:58:20) Fang: try to spend two minutes on something other than Hal, it's healthy

    (20:58:24) Fang:

    (20:58:25) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat.

    (20:58:26) Aubergine: sleep tight

    (20:58:40) conflicted_domino: Goodnight Fang nice to meet you (how english do i


    (20:58:48) Aubergine: oh no Tardis today

    (20:59:05) Kinkyclawz: Aww, goodnight Fang! Sorry, I was sorting out the chatlog!

    (20:59:26) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, you sound very proper and ladylike there Domino.

    (20:59:36) conflicted_domino: Oh I do, I switch from Hal, to... Damien Molony!(21:00:05) Eileen: ok i will take Fang's advice and spend my 2 min on Joe Chandler


    (21:00:05) Eileen: lol

    (21:00:17) Aubergine: good so you're not fixated on the one topic

    (21:00:25) Kinkyclawz: *****

    (21:00:26) conflicted_domino: KC dead proper

    (21:00:26) Eileen: lol right

    (21:00:46) Kinkyclawz: LMAO

    (21:00:57) Kinkyclawz: No, definitely two topics minimum.

    (21:01:07) Eileen: ok will have to do my laundry in a few min again

    (21:01:12) conflicted_domino: should i be chooseing a colour for chat text?

    (21:01:55) Kinkyclawz: so you're sharing your time between Chandler and Hal?

    (21:02:07) Eileen: i am

    (21:02:11) Eileen: and jared P. lol

    (21:02:16) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, Laundry again?

    (21:02:21) Kinkyclawz: Oh, indeed, yes!

    (21:02:30) conflicted_domino: how could you Eileen!

    (21:03:02) Aubergine: yellow looks good on you

    (21:03:09) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, JD uses red when he is able to get here... and Ranger

    uses yellow but I think all otehr colours are fair game as the folks who used ot use

    them no longer join us on sundays.

    (21:03:31) Eileen: lol domino

    (21:03:36) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, how could I forget Jard P Eileen, my mistake. *bows her

    head in shame*

    (21:03:44) Eileen: dont worry Hal and Damien still take over the main part(21:03:44) conflicted_domino: why thankee and yellow..I look like

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    a bee

    (21:03:59) Eileen: and I like bees

    (21:04:05) Kinkyclawz: Yellow looks good!

    (21:04:22) Kinkyclawz: I'll buzz you, Domino. LMAO

    (21:04:27) Kinkyclawz: Me too, bees are cool!

    (21:04:28) Kinkyclawz: Ahem, I have a tatoo of one so I must like 'em.

    (21:04:16) conflicted_domino: are you coming on to me?

    (21:04:34) conflicted_domino: hahaha

    (21:04:38) Aubergine: sort of like Micheal's tights

    (21:04:43) Eileen: rofl

    (21:04:55) conflicted_domino: thats quite cool KC, whereabouts is your tatt?

    (21:04:59) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Fear not, I only do that to my Twusband JD.

    (21:05:15) Kinkyclawz: Whose tights?(21:05:49) Kinkyclawz: My bee is with my dodo chick on my right forearm. I also

    have a dragon on my left upper arm. .

    (21:05:50) conflicted_domino: it's a nice look you've got going on there

    (21:06:06) Aubergine: Micheala's the girl from the diner

    (21:06:07) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, not sure if I have pics available, One sec.

    (21:06:23) Aubergine: the one the boys tried to chat up

    (21:07:02) conflicted_domino: i mean bad Eileen

    (21:07:53) Aubergine: oh so you're the girl with the dragon tattoo, and the girl who

    kicked the hornets nest

    (21:07:59) conflicted_domino: i think that was my favourite episode Aubergine

    (21:08:03) Eileen: lol

    (21:08:15) Eileen: yeah mine too and the one with alex

    (21:08:25) Aubergine: it was a funny one

    (21:08:42) conflicted_domino: hilarious so many lines!!!

    (21:08:58) Aubergine: my friends and I use to play a game called next guy that walks

    into the bar is going to be your husband

    (21:09:13) Aubergine: that so reminded me of that

    (21:09:28) conflicted_domino: hal singing in the Alex one (sorry Hal again)

    (21:09:30) Kinkyclawz: Oh, I'm with you now Genie, sorry. I forgot her name.


    (21:09:59) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Ohh, clever Genie! Did Steig Larsson have a girl to

    cuddles a dodo, too?

    (21:10:04) Kinkyclawz: LOL

    (21:10:35) Aubergine: first he refused to sign happy birthday, but the next thing we

    see his signing while doing the dishes(21:10:54) Aubergine: He might have but he died before he finished

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    (21:11:21) Aubergine: well sing^^^

    (21:11:39) Aubergine: and singing not sign

    (21:11:48) Aubergine: typos are back

    (21:12:34) conflicted_domino: I have to go in a min, thanks for the invite Eileen!

    (21:12:46) Eileen: awww

    (21:12:52) Eileen: i loved shy Hal

    (21:12:54) Eileen:

    (21:13:08) Eileen: thanks for coming, domino! *hugs*

    (21:13:14) Eileen: will you come next week, too?

    (21:13:16) Aubergine: Thanks for stopping in. Now that you know where we are don't

    be strange.

    (21:13:24) Kinkyclawz: Typos are always waiting in the wings.

    Aww, so soon Domino?(21:13:25) Aubergine: or a stranger

    (21:13:25) conflicted_domino: great to meet you all!

    (21:13:37) Eileen: a strange stranger

    (21:13:45) Kinkyclawz: Lovely meeting you too, hunny. I hope you'll come and play

    out again with us soon.

    (21:14:08) Kinkyclawz: you can be strange but not a stranger? Awesome, no wonder

    I'm so at home. LOL

    (21:14:18) conflicted_domino: I can't promise i won't be strange but i'll try not to be a

    stranger !

    (21:14:21) Eileen: lol

    (21:14:26) Eileen: yay!

    (21:14:53) Aubergine: Nice to meet you

    (21:14:58) Eileen: byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye!

    (21:15:06) conflicted_domino: it fills that Being Human shaped hole on a sunday


    (21:15:11) Aubergine: I think you'll be a nice addition to the asylum

    (21:15:25) conflicted_domino: nice to meet you too aubergine *curtsies*

    (21:15:40) Eileen: so true

    (21:15:52) Kinkyclawz: Aww, so polite! *loves the curtsey*

    (21:16:01) Aubergine: Most just call me Genie. Easier to type

    (21:16:03) conflicted_domino: thanks everyone!

    (21:16:20) conflicted_domino: ok genie

    (21:16:21) Eileen: thank you!

    (21:16:36) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight and sleep tight, Domino, and take care until you

    come again.(21:16:41) Eileen: oh and come visit the damienmolonyforum!!!

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    (21:17:02) Eileen: sorry forgot to advertise before

    (21:17:05) Eileen: *blushes*

    (21:17:05) conflicted_domino: the courtsey was followed by a Jim Carrey type crazy

    dance KC!

    (21:17:08) Kinkyclawz: This.. sounds like...a re we winding up for the night?

    (21:17:29) Kinkyclawz: It sounded liek everyone was deciding to wander off.

    (21:17:45) Eileen: wouldnt be against it still have to do my 30 min jog

    (21:17:46) Eileen: lol

    (21:17:48) Kinkyclawz: LMAO You forgot to advertise Damien Moloney? Baaad

    Eileen. *cuddles*

    (21:17:56) Eileen: i knoooooooooooooooow

    (21:17:58) Eileen: *sobs*

    (21:18:07) Kinkyclawz: Nothing wrong with that, Domino! LOL(21:18:35) Kinkyclawz: Oh heck, your fitness regime is working though, isn't it?

    (21:18:41) Eileen: and i meant the ad for you not for domino. she is the wonderful

    owner after all

    (21:18:41) Eileen:

    (21:18:49) Kinkyclawz: Do you want to stay a little longer, Genie?

    (21:18:50) Eileen: it is! ^_^

    (21:19:09) Aubergine: I can stay or I can go pull weeds

    (21:19:18) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, now THAT makes sense! *waves to the wbemistress*

    (21:19:20) conflicted_domino: Yes come join the rest of us Damien molony stalkers

    at our new forum (it is tiny compared to this) but I would love to come back here


    (21:19:42) Kinkyclawz: Heh, which would you prefer, Genie? LMAO

    (21:19:55) conflicted_domino: *waves*

    (21:20:12) Aubergine: not really looking forward to pulling weeds

    (21:20:18) Kinkyclawz: And you're more than welcome to join us whenever you like.

    And I'll be sure to stop by. I'm not a Moloney Maniac but I like to show support.

    (21:20:32) Aubergine: they'll get done someday

    (21:20:40) Eileen: *waves*

    (21:20:58) Kinkyclawz: Well, we can carry on chatting for a bit longer, stave off the


    (21:21:02) Aubergine: *waves*

    (21:21:10) Aubergine: sounds good

    (21:21:18) Kinkyclawz: And hey, Domino, all site ahve to begin somewhere. :d

    (21:21:20) conflicted_domino: i like this chat room, would love to return! have a great

    night everyone (s it night where you all are?)(21:21:40) Kinkyclawz: Its night for Eileen and I, afternoon now for Genie, right?

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    (21:21:41) conflicted_domino: thanks Kc!

    (21:21:46) Aubergine: Good night domino

    (21:21:56) Aubergine: Yep

    (21:22:13) Kinkyclawz: Are you about 7 hours behind us, Genie? Its 9.22pm

    (21:22:20) Aubergine: only 1:20 or so

    (21:22:30) Kinkyclawz: You're more than welcome D!

    (21:23:11) Kinkyclawz: ooh, so only just afternoon then.

    (21:23:22) conflicted_domino: have a good afternoon Genie! byee all *waves* and

    buzzes off x

    (21:23:31) Willie: conflicted_domino logs out of the Chat.

    (21:23:33) Kinkyclawz: I'll only be able to stay on for another half an hour ro so but

    it'll help, I'm sure.

    (21:23:33) Aubergine: bye(21:23:57) Aubergine: yes the half hour will stave off weeding

    (21:24:13) Kinkyclawz: Night night and "buzz off" safely, Domino! LOL

    (21:24:46) Aubergine: although I think my chat is slowing down

    (21:25:03) Kinkyclawz: That sounds good. And goodnight Eileen, if you've not

    already gone suesse. Happy exercising and slep well with sweet Damien dreams.

    (21:25:24) Aubergine: hot Damien dreams

    (21:25:28) Kinkyclawz: YEah.. weirdly mine seems to be ok right now but ususally it

    does slow down at around this time.

    (21:25:34) Aubergine: that's what I vote for

    (21:26:05) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, and you can have them. *sprinkles magic "Hot Damien

    Dreams" powder on you.

    (21:26:22) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, and thanksoyu for Sasha Roiz's Twitter name.

    (21:26:31) Aubergine: thanks Twister

    (21:26:39) Aubergine: sure my pleasure

    (21:26:46) Eileen: oh im still here

    (21:26:54) Kinkyclawz: Did you see what @nbcgrimm were doing for Friday 13th?

    (21:26:56) Eileen: are you talking about grimm?

    (21:27:02) Kinkyclawz: ^^

    (21:27:15) Kinkyclawz: We are! Sorry, i thought you'd left lovey.

    (21:27:18) Eileen: what were they doing?

    (21:27:24) Eileen: no didnt see it

    (21:27:35) Eileen: dont tell me i missed you talking about grimm last week

    (21:27:38) Eileen: *sobs*

    (21:28:04) Aubergine: we can do a quick Grimm chat now Twister

    (21:28:12) Eileen: yes please(21:28:13) Kinkyclawz: They were Tweeting all kinds of "superstitions" the cast have

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    on Friday 13th, some might ahve been real but I thought they were funny. Gimme a

    sec to find 'em.

    (21:28:14) Eileen: very quick

    (21:28:15) Eileen: lol

    (21:28:19) Eileen: what did you talk about?

    (21:28:35) Aubergine: just Sasha

    (21:28:41) Eileen: i still need to finish epi 3

    (21:28:46) Eileen: of whitechapel

    (21:28:48) Eileen: lol

    (21:28:54) Eileen: i see

    (21:29:05) Eileen: im more of a david giuntoli fan anyway

    (21:29:29) Aubergine: Well I lean towards tall dark and handsome

    (21:29:44) Aubergine: he stands head and shoulders abouve the rest of the cast(21:29:48) Kinkyclawz:!/NBCGrimm They're all pretty near the

    top of the screen.

    (21:30:04) Kinkyclawz: We can indeed do a quick Grimm chat

    (21:30:21) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, mostly Sasha Roiz, this is true., him and his rather

    tasty torso.

    (21:30:44) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, give me the wolf guys any time. *wants ot pet Monroe*

    (21:30:56) Eileen: lol

    (21:31:01) Eileen: no david all the way

    (21:31:07) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, that is true, he's a tall chap is Mr Roiz.

    (21:31:25) Eileen: what do you want to chat about

    (21:31:37) Kinkyclawz: But... he's not OCD Eileen? What are you thinking?

    (21:32:01) Aubergine: I guess he could develop OCD

    (21:32:21) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, he could!

    (21:32:36) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, now then, where are you lovely ladies up to on


    (21:32:50) Kinkyclawz: WE're getting episode ... erm... *counts on ehr fingers*

    (21:32:57) Aubergine: I'm a couple of episode back so I haven't watched the Friday

    the 13th episode yet

    (21:33:33) Eileen: im up to the new ones

    (21:33:39) Eileen: up to date

    (21:33:47) Eileen: it was excellent

    (21:33:54) Eileen: i think they have found their way now

    (21:33:57) Kinkyclawz: We've got Episode 10 tomorrow, Organ Grinder (based on

    Hansel and Gretel I believe)

    (21:34:17) Aubergine: I think I last saw 14(21:34:19) Eileen: that one is awesome, too

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    (21:34:20) Eileen:

    (21:34:23) Kinkyclawz: So I'm a bit behind you both.

    (21:34:33) Aubergine: Hansel and Gretal was a good one

    (21:34:58) Kinkyclawz: There's one I'm really looking forward to, Last Grimm

    Standing. Not sure if that's #14 or not.

    (21:35:13) Kinkyclawz: Oh, nope, thats #12

    (21:35:39) Kinkyclawz: So long as my wolf boy is in 'em, I'm a happy lil fangirl.

    (21:36:02) Aubergine: Last Grimm Standing was 12

    (21:36:06) Kinkyclawz: wolf man, rather, he's not a kid.

    (21:36:31) Kinkyclawz: Was it as good as it looks from the stills?

    (21:36:31) Aubergine: no he's not a kid

    (21:36:47) Aubergine: it was a very satisfying one

    (21:36:56) Kinkyclawz: ^^ I'm torturing myself 'casue we won't get em for a couplemore weeks yet.. LoL

    (21:37:07) Kinkyclawz: YAY!

    (21:37:08) Eileen: Blutbad

    (21:37:10) Eileen:

    (21:37:13) Aubergine: patience

    (21:37:27) Kinkyclawz: Ah, gotta love the Bludbaden.

    (21:37:35) Eileen: yes its worth it

    (21:38:07) Aubergine: blutbad, wolfman, you say potato I say potat-o

    (21:38:22) Eileen: i love the fuchsbau

    (21:38:31) Eileen: rosalee is cute and also as a fuchsbau

    (21:38:36) Kinkyclawz: patience a virtue. I'm not particularly virtuous, Hehe.

    (21:38:40) Aubergine: you do?

    (21:39:03) Kinkyclawz: fuchsbau? is that the dragon episode?

    (21:39:22) Kinkyclawz: I've read the write ups but can't quite remember

    (21:40:04) Aubergine: no the dragon was 14

    (21:40:05) Eileen: no

    (21:40:19) Eileen: the fuchsbox are the fox wesen

    (21:40:47) Kinkyclawz: Oh no, The Plumed Serpent is the dragon one.

    (21:41:10) Aubergine: dragons are a myth

    (21:41:15) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, cheers.

    Ohh, the fox wesen... what does wesen mean Eileen? Does it mean creature?

    (21:41:44) Kinkyclawz: Is that a spoiler Genie?

    (21:41:45) Kinkyclawz:

    (21:41:55) Aubergine: little one

    (21:42:06) Eileen: wesen are beings(21:42:10) Aubergine: oh but everyone knows that

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    (21:42:41) Kinkyclawz: Oh you mean a myth rather than a Grimm tale?

    (21:42:49) Eileen: Lebewesen = living beings

    (21:42:49) Eileen: lol

    (21:43:12) Kinkyclawz: Wesen are beings, right! Thanks. I was trying to work it out.

    google translate didn;t help.

    (21:43:13) Eileen: or living creatures

    (21:43:28) Aubergine: yes there a myth there's no such thing as dragons

    (21:44:05) Kinkyclawz: Komodos might disagree with you. LOL

    (21:44:22) Aubergine: well fire breathing dragons

    (21:45:11) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, the fire breathing variety are the stuff of legend.

    (21:45:28) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou for that eileen.

    (21:46:20) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, sorry to keep using you as a dictionary, but when

    Monroe describes himself as a wieder-blutbad, what does the wieder mean?(21:46:35) Kinkyclawz: doe sit mean reformed? Changed?

    (21:47:10) Eileen: I'm not sure. "Wider" means Anti

    (21:47:34) Eileen: but it could also come from "Wiedergeburt" Rebirth

    (21:47:37) Eileen: not sure

    (21:48:09) Eileen: if you watch the organ grinder try to check the wall of the clinic

    (21:48:11) Eileen:

    (21:48:17) Aubergine: could be they are creating their own jargon

    (21:48:19) Eileen: i can explain it.

    (21:48:22) Kinkyclawz: so it could be a slightly changed version meaning Anti-

    bloodbath ro something on those lines, I guess?

    (21:48:33) Eileen: i think so

    (21:48:55) Kinkyclawz: Awesome, prepare to be pestered about the wall of the clinic

    next week then.

    (21:49:13) Kinkyclawz: They could, Genie. Based in German but twisted a little?

    (21:49:34) Aubergine: exactly

    (21:49:50) Kinkyclawz: To fit their own needs.

    (21:50:18) Aubergine: so people can get the gist, but not really know the origin

    (21:50:48) Eileen: lol yeah

    (21:50:55) Eileen: but it helps to know german

    (21:51:00) Kinkyclawz: Or so the exact meaning is obscured perhaps.

    (21:51:49) Aubergine: could be

    (21:51:57) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, all of it seems to have its roots in German so a little

    applied knowledge can root out the rough meaning

    (21:53:25) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, and here's me who doesn't liek spoilers, but are we

    goign to find out what Cpn Reynard is? He seems ot be the Boss of Weser Portland(21:53:52) Kinkyclawz: And I wonder why he wants Nick on his side and is protecting

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    him. Fondness or anthoer reason?

    (21:54:04) Aubergine: patience

    (21:54:09) Eileen: no we still havent found out

    (21:54:10) Eileen: lol

    (21:55:35) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, there's that patience thing again. Heehee.

    Looking forward to finding out. I mean, the man has a hexenbiest's loyalty and drove

    away a Reaper wihout breaking a seat, he's very powerful.

    (21:55:53) Kinkyclawz: sweat not a seat, though he didn't break a seat either.

    (21:55:57) Aubergine: we do get a little insight in episode in the three coins in a


    (21:56:13) Kinkyclawz: Aha. Good to know.

    (21:56:29) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, its not a bad thing eing so curious, is it? ^^

    (21:56:30) Aubergine: and that is your last spoiler(21:57:05) Kinkyclawz: Okie dokei. *files the small spoilers away for analysis*

    (21:57:29) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou for the hints. Hehe.

    (21:57:45) Aubergine: sure I can't resist

    (21:58:04) Aubergine: I mean it's Sasha after all

    (21:58:14) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, espeically when I'm pressing for them which I don;t

    normally do.

    (21:59:01) Kinkyclawz: hehe, well, there are worse gents to talk about than Sasha,

    David and Silas.

    (21:59:16) Aubergine: oh just got a tweet from @lycurious. Thought his account was

    shut down

    (21:59:39) Aubergine: the men in grey are watching us

    (22:00:16) Kinkyclawz: I thought his account was too but ... hmm.. Tweeting from

    beyond the grave?

    (22:01:03) Aubergine: well if the men in grey have taken over to spy on us then it

    makes sense

    (22:01:16) Kinkyclawz: Heh, he must ahve left his account logged in and the Men In

    Grey found it.

    (22:01:54) Aubergine: maybe they found his phone

    (22:02:06) Eileen: im sorry guys

    (22:02:07) Aubergine: just started tweeting with it

    (22:02:08) Kinkyclawz: Maybe so. Eek!

    (22:02:15) Eileen: lol this little chat turned into a big chat

    (22:02:17) Eileen: i gtg

    (22:02:49) Eileen: its after 11 pm here and i need to get my jogging done

    (22:02:53) Eileen: was nice to chat(22:02:53) Aubergine: okay Eileen see ya next time. Although I just remembered I

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    won't be here next week

    (22:02:57) Eileen: bye!!!

    (22:03:01) Kinkyclawz: Ohh! LMAO

    werewolf-zombie-guidebook/ This looks fun. It came via @CuriosityQuills and


    (22:03:05) Aubergine: byeeeeeeeee

    (22:03:05) Eileen: okay

    (22:03:12) Eileen: see you the week after!

    (22:03:23) Aubergine: yep

    (22:03:34) Eileen: and feel free to send me interesting stuff about Grimm

    (22:03:35) Kinkyclawz: Aww, bless ya. I'm sorry. I'll have to go too.

    *hugz Eileen and Genie* Goodnight and sleep tight my Twisters, and have a safe

    week!(22:03:35) Eileen:

    (22:03:45) Eileen: did you check out the podcasts Genie?

    (22:03:48) Eileen: they are awesome

    (22:03:51) Kinkyclawz: Aww, no... nothign bad keepign you from us I hoep

    (22:04:08) Aubergine: see ya in two weeks

    (22:04:19) Eileen: see you in two weeks

    (22:04:24) Aubergine: I have a convention to go to

    (22:04:32) Aubergine: one of my clubs

    (22:04:50) Aubergine: will be driving home on Sunday

    (22:05:24) Aubergine: ok god PMSing immortals

    (22:05:47) Aubergine: that doesn't seem fair to us poor mortals

    (22:06:07) Aubergine: so long!!!!

    (22:06:24) Kinkyclawz: Will do, Eileen! I'll send info when I find it out.

    I hope you enjoy what you're doing next week lovely!

    (22:06:38) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, conventions are gooood! :d

    (22:08:07) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight and take care lovelies! Time for me to bail out too

    now. *biiiig KC cuddles*

    (22:08:11) Willie: Aubergine logs out of the Chat.

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