chapter 5: learning theories related to educationa technology

Post on 21-Mar-2017






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Presented by: Osorio, Christine S.Bsed-Physics3Instructor: Sir James Paglinawan PhD.School: Central Mindanao University

What is learning?

How do we learn?

Technology Utilization

What is Learning?It is a process of

acquiring, remembering, and applying skills, knowledge, attitudes and other modes of response.It involves relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge as a result of an experience or practice.

How do we Learn?





BehaviorismTheory of animal and human learning that focuses on objectively observable behaviors and discount mental abilities.1. Classical Conditioning2. Behavioral Operant Conditioning

Pavlov observation that dogs salivate when they eat or even see food.

The following are relevant educational technology which can be used:

•Observation of learners

•Selecting stimulus

•Can help elicit the outcomes

•Can be used in behavioral approaches

•Technology to promote motivation, classroom management, and special education

Possible learning activities in behaviorism: Instructional cues to elicit

correct response

Reinforcement for correct responses.

Building proficiency


•Focuses on the "brain".•It involves processing and storing information which are very in important in the process of learning.

Relevance of Cognitivism to Educational Technology

•Conduct task analysis and learner analysis.•Creates tests•Create learning materials according to any of the Instructional Design Models.


Learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge, social interactions, and motivation which affect the construction of knowledge, social interactions, and motivation.


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Principles of Effective InstructionAs educators, it is important to consider how to engage learners in their. •Assess prior knowledge•Consider individual differences•State the objective•Develop metacognitive skills•Provide social interaction

Principles of Effective Instruction

•Incorporate realistic contexts•Engage students in relevant practice•Offer frequent, timely, and constructive feedback

Principles of Effective Technology Utilization

•Teachers are expected to be competent in the use of technology in their teaching.•As a teacher, you will be expected to enhance students abilities to engage in the use of technology to support their learning.

Principles of Effective Media Utilization•Your teaching approach should provide students with opportunities to explore how to use these media resources to communicate their knowledge.

Principles of Effective Text utilization•Text is everywhere in students learning.

Designing good text-based materials involves a few basic elements:•Font choice. Remember to select a clear font that helps learners to read the information.

Background and patterns. When putting a text, use backgrounds that are not busy with distracting images.

•Arrangement. Use space, text styles, and heading to help your learners find information quickly and easily.•Check and revise. Always be sure to proofread your materials.

As a teacher, you will want to consider all the types of text based materials your students will be encountering in your classroom as well as their individual reading abilities.

Using Text materialsGet learners actively involved with the materials. One technique is to have students use the "SQ3R" method: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review.

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