chapter 1-7 test review. grammar nouns are put into categories called.. declensions

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Chapter 1-7 Test Review


Nouns are put into categories called..• Declensions

What word is used to describe how a noun is used in a sentence?• Case

Infinitives are verbs that usually end in..• -re

Name verbs with which you see infinitives • Potest• Parat• Vult• Non vult• Timet• Necesse est

How do you translate infinitives?

• To___________• Ex. Amare = To love

When a noun is the subject of a verb, what is its case?• nominative

When a noun is the direct object, what is its case?• Accusative

What are the nominative endings?

-a -us -r -?-ae -i -es

What are the accusative endings?

-am -um -em-as -os -es

What’s the gender…

• Voces magnas• f

What’s the gender…

• Nuntius magnus• m

What’s the gender…

• Villas magnas• f

What’s the gender…

• Pueri magni• m

What’s the gender…

• Servos magnos• m

What’s the gender…

• Arborem magnam• f

What’s the gender…

• Fragorem magnum• m

What’s the gender…

• Puer magnus• m

What’s the gender…

• Servum magnum• m

What’s the gender…

• Ancillae magnae• f

What declension?

• Puer• 2

What declension?

• Arbor • 3

What declension?

• Ancillae• 1

What declension?

• Epistulas• 1

What declension?

• Pueros• 2

What are the feminine endings?


What are the masculine endings?

-us-r (sometimes..)*puer, ager, vir-i-os-um


Who is the founder of the LATIN race?• Aeneas

What is the title of the story describing the Trojan war and Aeneas’s journey?• The Aeneid

Who wrote that story?

• Vergil

Who founded Rome?

• Romulus and Remus

Who is the mother earth (according to creation)?• Gaia

Who were the two Titans to conceive the 12 Olympians?• Cronus and Rhea

Who was the Heavens, husband to Gaia, father to the Titans?• Uranus

Who are the original 6 Olympians, sons and daughters of Cronus and Rhea?• Zeus (Jupiter)• Hades (Pluto)• Poseidon (Neptune)• Hera (Juno)• Hestia (Vesta)• Demeter (Ceres)

Who is the mother of Artemis and Apollo?• Leto

Who is the father of Romulus and Remus?• Mars (Ares)

What is the title of the story of Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome?• Ab Urbe Condita

Who wrote it?

• Livy

Who were Aeneas’s parents

• Venus and Ascanius

What group of people did the Romans pillage to populate their city?• The Sabines

Who fought the Trojan war?

• Greece and Troy

Who won?

• Greece

Who was Helen’s husband?

• Menelaeus

Who was Aeneas’s first wife?

• Creusa

Who was the queen of Carthage, whom Aeneas left behind..• Dido

Who were Numitor and Amulius?

• Descendants of Aeneas, rules in Rome, uncle and father to Rhea Silva

Who was Rhea Silva?

• Mother to Romulus and Remus

Who was Aeneas’s second (official) wife?• Lavinia

Who devised the Trojan horse?

• Ulysses (Odysseus)

Which one of Zeus’s mistresses gave birth to Perseus?• Danae

Which of Zeus’s mistresses was turned into a cow?• Io

What monster watched over the cow?• Argus

Which mortal woman is the ONLY mortal to birth a god.• Semele

Who is that god?

• Dionysus

What strange occurrence happened during the pregnancy?• Semele died upon seeing Zeus’s true glory. He put Dionysus in his leg

until he was born.

Who is Zeus’s wife, and goddess of marriage?•

Hera/ (uno)


How do you pronounce “c” in Latin?

• ‘K’ sound, as in:• Car• Character• Crazy• Practice – canis princips

How do you pronounce “g” in Latin?

• Hard (throaty) “g” sound as in:• Golf• Gold• Glimmer• Gone• Practice – agris intellegit

How do you pronounce “i” at the beginning of a word?• “Y” as in • Yam• Yellow• Yo• Practice – iam iussu Iulius

How do you pronounce “i” at the end of a word?• “ee” as in• Flee• See• Machine • Practice – pueri servi consili

How do you pronounce “v” in Latin?

• “w” as in• Water• Wade• Want• Practice – civis servus vir

How do you pronounce “a” in Latin?

• “ah” as in”• Father• Par• Practice – pater agris ancilla

How do you pronounce “ae” in Latin?• “eye” as in• Try• Buy• Cry• Practice – laeta ancillae defessae

How do you pronounce “au” in Latin?• “ow” as in• Cow• How• Now• Practice – audire Aurelia caudex

How do you pronounce “ei” in Latin?

• “ay” as in • Reign• Main• Cane• Practice – deinde


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