certified horticultural retailer training in vegetable pest management (fall 2013)

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This presentation was provided to small retailers that participated at the CHR training courses statewide in Alabama in 2013. It includes research highlights of conventional and organic insecticides suitable for retailers and small producers.


Introduction to Vegetable Insect Pests & Insecticides

Dr. Ayanava Majumdar (Dr. A)Ext. Entomologist &

State SARE CoordinatorAuburn, AL 36849

Tel: (251) 331-8416bugdoctor@auburn.edu

CHR Training Program, Fall 2013


Know the IPM Campaign!

Campaign items: Display magnets, bookmarks (4 designs), IPM exhibitions


Vegetable IPM Website



IPM Training Videos: ACES Fresh From the Field


Alabama SARE Website


Join Vegetable IPM on Facebook!

Advantages: Live updates, interact with researchers, videos and photos, IPM contest


Join Commercial Horticulture on Facebook!

Advantages: Live updates, interact with researchers, videos and photos, IPM contest


The IPM Communicator(A FREE electronic newsletter)

To signup: Email bugdoctor@auburn.eduOr sign up today on the sheet provided!




Prefer cucumber, squash, gourd.

Females are clear wing moths.

Females lay 150-200 eggs singly.

Larvae burrow inside the stem & feed inside the stem.

Abundance of excreta.

Larvae overwinter in soil.

Row covers & field sanitation.

Hubbard trap crop on perimeter

Squash vine borer(Mellitia cucurbitae)


Cucurbit yellow vine disease• Transmitted by SqBs• Can be misdiagnosed as

bacterial wilt• Caused by Serratia

marcescens.• Survives in SqBs• Young seedlings more

susceptible• Sudden wilting of vines mid-

season or after fruiting

CYVD in Addison, AL, 2013


What is it?Potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Green peach aphid, Myzus persicae

Monitoring/scouting techniques:Sample ten plants in several locationsYellow sticky traps at edge of fieldLike cool, dry weatherWatch for ants and lady beetlesET = 50% leaves with aphids

Host range: 40 host plants


What is it?Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci

Tobacco thrips, Frankliniella fusca

Monitoring/scouting techniques:Use sticky cards (yellow, blue)Bag and shake techniqueNo action thresholdUse resistant varieties (BHN 444, 589, 640, Bella Rosa)

Tomato spotted wilt destroys plantsHost plants: tomato, peanuts, cotton, beans


What is it?Monitoring/scouting techniques:

Monitor level of defoliation

Sample small plants with sweep net during morning hours

Observe activity of parasitoids, predators (sweep net)

ET = 5-10% defoliation early season, 25-30% defoliation mid-season

Flea beetles (many species)

Host plants: potato, tomato, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, okra, etc.


What is it?Monitoring/scouting techniques:

Examine green fruit, stem terminals

Scout for egg masses or larvae

Use pheromone traps to detect first flight; ET = 5-10 moths per night when temp. is <85F

ET is ½ if temp. is >85F

Tomato fruitworm, Helicoverpa zea

Tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens

Host plants: tomato, cotton, soybean, corn (16 host plants)


What is it?• Caterpillars have an inverted Y

mark on head

• 4 black warts on 8th abdominal segment

• Curl up when disturbed

• Eats leaves and fruits

• Moths can be detected using pheromone traps

• Overwinters in Gulf coast

• Host range: sweet corn, tomato, peppers

• Premature drop & fruit rot

Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda


• Polyphagous insect (tomato, pepper, cotton, soybean, alfalfa)

• Have many wild hosts – lambsquarter & pigweed

• Creamish or light-green caterpillar, 4 pairs of prolegs

• Black spot on thorax just above the leg

• Early instars feed voraciously

• Moths are attracted to weak plants

What is it?

Damage to pepper plant

Beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua


What is it?• Overwinter as pupae in soil

• Adults are hawk moths – rapid flyers

• Larva has 8 white stripes on side

• Larvae feed on foliage, then attack fruit

• Host range: tomato, pepper, eggplant, potato

• Repelled by marigold

• ET = >1 larva per plant

Tomato hornworm, Manduca quinquemaculata


What is it?Monitoring/scouting techniques:

Use a sweep net

Use pheromone trap (expensive? cumbersome?)

Intensify scouting at fruit setting

ET = 0.25 bugs per 10 plants (green fruit stage)

Southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula

Brown stink bug, Euschistus servus Lygus bug, Lygus

lineolarisStink bug feeding injury

Host: >52 plants


Leaffooted bugs

Leptoglossus phyllopusLeptoglossus gonagra

Leptoglossus zonatus

Mass feeding causes fruit drop


Spider mites

• Major pest of open field & high tunnel crops• Extensive webbing on leaves/stems• Rapid buildup in hot dry weather• Difficult to control with approved pesticides


Emerging Crop Pests: Invasive Insects

Brown marmorated stink bug, Hyalomorpha halys

Bean plataspid, Megacopta cribrariaDetected in AL in 2010Seeks shelter in homesInfests kudzu, soybean, kidney beans, lima beans, etc. UGA Photos


What is IPM?• “Integrated pest management (IPM) is a threshold based decision management system which leads to judicious use of multiple pest control tactics.”

• IPM is currently insecticide-intensive…

• Major losses occur due to:

• Lack of early detection of insects

• Insecticide resistance by misuse

• Loss of natural control with insecticides


Decision making in IPM…

• Insect detection & monitoring• Insect identification• Population pressure• Economic threshold• Make treatment decision• Choosing right insecticide


USDA Crop Pest Management Practice Standard (NOP)

• Level 1: Systems-based practices (cultural

practices, sanitation, crop rotation, trap crops)

• Level 2: Mechanical and physical practices

(barriers, lures/traps, repellents, hand-picking)

• Level 3: Biorational & other material (OMRI

approved insecticides)




Use of product names does not mean endorsement by university!

Use cultural, mechanical, and other pest management tactics first

Insecticide use should be last resort!

Read pesticide labels – LABEL IS THE LAW.


Insecticide Mode of Action (MoA)

Receiving neuron

Sensory neuron

Neonicotinoids, Spinosyn (mimic neurotransmitter)

Cyclodienes, Pyrethroids (act on receiving neuron)

Carbamates, OP (act in the synaptic gap)

Inhibit enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitter

Flow of info

Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC): 28 MoA classification


Trends in synthetic chemistries

• Early insecticides were short chain>>quick activation• New insecticides: need “activation” by insect enzyme

systems (target-specific)


Zeta-cypermethrin Imidacloprid




Step-by-step handbook use• Pest confirmed >> locate crop page• Think about IPM – start with cultural control tactics• E.g., brown stink bug confirmed on tomato, then…

Synthetic pyrethroids are listed in Table 2-26, Page 165 (details on next slide)

Table 2-22, page 159


Check the efficacy table (Table 2-25, Page 164)

+++ Very effective++ Effective+ Somewhat effective- Ineffective/insufficient data

Chemical classes (rotate!) Major pests on top of page



/H. b



Step-by-step handbook use• Identify the pest by traveling to the site • Misidentification is common!• E.g., predatory stink bug (A) vs. phytophagous stink

bug (B)

Source: Clement Akotsen-Mensah, Alabama IPM Communicator newsletter, 2011, Vol. 2, Issue 3


Common name Product Pesticide type OralLD50 (mg/kg)

Best against

Carbaryl Sevin D/S In, Ac (St, Co) 300 FB, FAW, SVB

Methamidophos Monitor 4L In, Ac(Sys) 16 Aph, Thr, BAW

Methomyl Lannate 40SP

In, Ac (Sys, Co)

17 Thr, BAW

IRAC Chemical class: 1A (Carbamates)

MoA: inhibitor of enzyme (AChE), hyperexcites insects, nonselective


Updates for Class 1A, 1B

• Inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme…NERVE ACTION• Lower control efficacy than other new insecticides (+, ++) – APPLY EARLY• Methomyl (Lannate) – good against loopers, hornworm, fruitworm,

pinworm• Malathion (50-55% generic) – effective against small loopers;

• very short residual against cucumber beetles, stink bugs in AL (2010, 2012 study)


Common name

Product Pesticide type OralLD50 (mg/kg)

Best against

Malathion Malathion In (Co) 1000+ FB, CB, SqB, SB??

Acephate Orthene In (Sys) 800+ FAW, Aph, Thr

Diazinon Diazinon (RUP) I (Co) 400 WW, MGT, SqB

Chlorpyrifos Lorsban 15G In (Co) 95 MGT, CW, WW, FAW

Dimethoate Dimethoate IN (Sys) Aph, leafhoppers, psyllids, thrips

IRAC Chemical class: 1B (Organophosphates) MoA: inhibitor of enzyme (AChE), hyperexcites insects


Common name Product Pesticide type

Oral LD50 (mg/kg)

Best against

Cyfluthrin Baythroid XL In (Co, St) 1200+ ImCW, SqVB, CW, SB

Gamma cyhalo Proaxis 0.5EC In (Co) - FB, CB, ECB, ImCW, SqVB, CW

Fenpropathrin Danitol 2.4EC In, Ac (Co, St)

450 ImCW, SqVB, SqB

Zeta-cyper Mustang Max 0.8 EC

In (Co) 150-400 FB, CW, CB, SB, ImCW, SqVB

Bifenthrin Brigade 2EC In, Ac (Co) 54 FB, CB, ImCW, SqVB, CW

IRAC Chemical class: 3A (Pyrethroids) MoA: Act on sodium channels (receiving neuron)Contact/stomach: use for quick knock-down, nonselective

Asana® XL insecticide


Synthetic pyrethroid insecticides3rd gen.4th gen.

Table 2-26


Fruit quality with Sniper (Bifenthrin) Late season treatment, Cullman, 2012

Check plots Sniper (bifenthrin)


Updates for Class 4A

• Neonicotinoid insecticides against sucking pests• Most can be applied to soil (transplant drench, drip irri.) or foliar spray• Systemic & contact action depending on application method• Imidacloprid (Admire):

• Aphid, Colorado potato beetle, thrips control in tomatoes• Soil application @ 7 oz (21 d PHI)• Foliar application @ 1.2 oz (0 PHI)• Transplant water @ 2 oz per 10,000 plants (21 d)

• Sulfoxaflor (Closer): For aphid control, 2 applications/season• Dinotefuran (Venom 70SG, Scorpion 35SL):

• Cucumber beetle & squash bugs – Venom @ 4 oz , 21 d PHI• Stink bugs, whitefly in tomato – Scorpion @ 2 to 7 oz, 1 d PHI• Good action against stink bugs (tested in AL, 2012)


Common name Product Pesticide type OralLD50 (mg/kg)

Best against

Thiamethoxam Platinum SC In (Sys) >5000 Aph, FB, CB, SB

Dinotefuran Venom 70SG In (Sys) >5000 FB, CPB, CB, SB, WF

Clothianidin Belay 3G In (Sys) 4700 FB, CPB, SqB, CB

Imidacloprid Admire 1.6F

Provado F

In (Sys, Co, St)

450 FB, CPB, Aph, SB

CPB, CB, Aph, ThrAcetamiprid Assail 30SG In (Sys) - Aph, CPB, Thr

IRAC Chemical class: 4A (Neonicotinoids) MoA: Mimic neurotransmitter at neuromuscular joints, hyperactivity Systemic action: many weeks of protection against pests, apply early

Assail® insecticide


Master Gardeners IPM Project (2010): Efficacy of Imidacloprid


• Imidacloprid provides early season protection

• Promotes plant establishment & growth

• Earlier fruit harvest

• Less buildup of insects


Results of 1999 tomato test at Tifton, GA in terms of main plot (BHN444 resistance and silver reflective mulch) and subplot (different length periods of insecticide control of

thrips) effects on number of thrips, % TSWV, and $ yield per acre, respectively.

BHN444-silver mulch 47 b 28% b $7,233 a

Sunny Hyb.-silver mulch 49 b 57% a $4,721 ab

Sunny Hyb.-black mulch 64 a 67% a $3,602 b

Admire + four weeks of foliar sprays 53 b 28% c $6,685 a

Admire + two weeks of foliar sprays 57 b 56% ab $6,102 a

Admire + eight weeks of foliar sprays 13 c 44% ab $5,781 a

Admire + one week of foliar sprays 70 a 58% ab $3,777 b

Untreated check 73 a 67% a $3,580 b

David Riley, UGA, http://wiki.bugwood.org/Thrips_and_Spotted_Wilt_Management_in_Tomato

Systemic insecticide (imidacloprid) reduces virus transmission in tomatoes


Common name Product Pesticide type OralLD50 (mg/kg)

Best against

Sulfoxaflor Closer In Aph, leafhopper, scale insects

IRAC Chemical class: 4C MoA: Nerve poison, primarily by ingestion Limited to 2 applications/season


Common name Product Pesticide type

OralLD50 (mg/kg)

Best against

Spinosyn A, D Entrust (SpinTor phase out)

In (St) >5000 CPB, ImCW, CEW, FAW, BAW, CL, DBM

Spinetoram Radiant 1SC In (St) >5000 CPB, CEW, ECB, ImCW, CL, Thr

IRAC Chemical class: 5 (Spinosyns) MoA: Mimic neurotransmitter, hyperexcite insects

Spinetoram (Radiant 1SC):• Microbial fermentation derivate• Application rate = 6-8 oz• Preharvest interval (PHI) = 1-3 days• Registered for many leafy veg., fruit crops, root crops, etc.

Entrust: for ORGANIC producers


Updates for Class 5


• 2nd generation spisosyn with long residual (10-14 d)

• Strong contact poison (nicotinic acetylcholine receptor activators)

• Foliar application, overhead chemigation

• Excellent against thrips, CEW, ICW, loopers, armyworms

• In AL, provides 7-10 d relief against cabbage loopers & armyworms

• 1 d PHI

• Great fruit quality


Fruit quality with Radiant (spinetoram)Late season treatment, Cullman, 2012

Check plots Radiant foliar treatment


Updates for Class 7Pyriproxyfen (Knack/Distance):Insect growth regulatorVery good against whiteflies (immatures only)Some delay in actionGet absorbed in eggs

Updates for Class 16Buprofezin (Courier, Talus):Insect growth regulator (disrupts cuticle formation)Very good against whiteflies (immatures only)3-7 d delay in actionTalus for greenhouse tomatoes

Whiteflies Biotype Q


Growth Regulator Insecticides

Common name Product Pesticide type

OralLD50 (mg/kg)

Best against Less effective

Methoxyfenozide Intrepid 2F I (Co) >5000 CL, FAW, ImCW DBM, SqVB

Buprofezin Courier I, Mi (Co) >5000 WF

Pyriproxifen Knack I (Co) >5000 WF

IRAC Chemical class: 7C, 16, 17, 18

Growth regulators:• Methoxyfenozide forces molting, long-lasting, 4-10 oz, 1 day PHI

• Buprofezin inhibits chitin biosynthesis (homopteran), 9-13 oz, 7 day PHI

• Pyriproxifen mimics juvenile hormone (homop.), 8-10 oz, 14 day PHI


Updates for Class 9Pymetrozine (9B, Fulfill)Flonicamid (9C, Beleaf)

• Selective homopteran feeding blockers (50% AI)

• Specific to aphids (over 19 sp, incl. green peach aphid)

• Suppression of whiteflies

• Applied through spray or chemigation

• 0 d PHI in tomatoes, 14 d PHI in watermelon

• Excellent rotation partner


Common name Product Pesticide type OralLD50 (mg/kg)

Best against

Pymetrozine (9B) Fulfill 50WDG In (St) >5000 Aph, WF

Flonicamid (9C) Beleaf 50SG In(St) >2000 Aph

IRAC Chemical class: 9 (new chemistry)

MoA: Unknown; selective homopteran feeding blockers

Fulfill 50WDG (Syngenta):

• Selective insecticide for aphid control

• Good residual, rainfast

• Application rates low: 2-2.8 oz/acre product

• PHI = 0 days


Spirotetramat (Movento)• New lipid biosynthesis inhibitor• Foliar systemic movement in plants (7 d

activation time)• Good aphid, whitefly control• Alternative to neonicotinoids• Needs a surfactant• Residual action for 21 d (leaf surfaces)• 1 d PHI

Updates for Class 23


Updates for Class 28

Chlorantraniliprole (Coragen)

Flubendiamide (Synapse 24WG/Belt 4SC)• Ryanodine receptor modulators (nerve/muscle action)• Rapid cessation of feeding• Belt 4SC against armyworms @1.5 fl. oz.• Synapse 24WG against loopers, hornworms, fruitworms @ 2-3 oz• Apply early for small caterpillars• Foliar application• 1 d PHI• Excellent rotation partner


Common name Product Pesticide type OralLD50 (mg/kg)

Best against

Chlorantraniliprole Coragen 1.67SC In (St, Co, Sys) >5000 CPB, CEW, ECB, FAW, BAW, CL, SqVB, SB

Flubendiamide Synapse 24WG In (Sys) >2000 CEW, ECB, CL, ImCW, BAW, FAW

IRAC Chemical class: 28 (new chemistry-diamides) MoA: Ryanodine receptor modulators (acts inside muscles)

Diamides:• Rapid inhibition of feeding, paralysis• Selective insecticides, contact/stomach action• No aphid or mite flaring• Appl. rate = 3-5 oz (Coragen), 2-3 oz (Synapse)• 1 day PHI


Fruit quality with Coragen (chlorantraniliprole)Late season treatment, Cullman, 2012

Check plots Coragen foliar treatment

90% fruit damage

20% fruit damage


Fruit quality with Belt (flubendiamide)Cullman, 2012

Untreated check


90% fruit damage <10% fruit



Insecticides for Organic Vegetable Production


Organic Approved Insecticides


Insecticide Mode of Action (MoA)Physical dessicant – kaolin clay, ash

Contact action – vegetable oils, horticultural oils, neem, pyrethrin, insecticidal soap, spinosyn, Beauveria, Metarhizium

Stomach action – Bt (Dipel), botanicals

Volatile action – Garlic Barrier, Cinnamite


Friend of friends – Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)

• Bt kurstaki acts on small caterpillars

• Caterpillars in cool-season crops, tomatoes, pepper

• Bt tenebrionis for beetles

• Frequent appl., thorough coverage needed

• Prefer the liquid than concentrate

• 0 Pre Harvest Interval (PHI)


Fruit quality with Xentari (Bt aizawai)(Late season treatment, Cullman, 2012)

Untreated crop with 90% caterpillar damage

Xentari foliar treatment with 20% damage



• Broad-spectrum insect control

• Pyganic 1.4EC, 5 EC – OMRI approved

•Pyrethrin + piperonyl butoxide (PBO-synergist) not organic

• Insects may recover

6% AI6o% PBO

Permethrin – NOT organic insecticide!


Fruit quality with Pyganic (pyrethrum)(Cullman, 2012)

Untreated check Pyganic foliar

90% fruit damage

30% fruit damage


Fruit quality with Xentari (Bta) + Pyganic(Late season treatment, Cullman, 2012)

Check plots Xentari + Pyganic foliar


Insect pathogen: Beauveria bassiana• Contact action• Slow acting but effective• Target pests: nymphs & adults of

whiteflies, thrips, aphids, mealy bugs, scarab beetles

• Check label for OMRI

OMRI approved


Neem-based Insecticides

Neem (oil)OMRI approved

Neem II (oil + pyrethrin)

• Contact action, controls immature insects!

• Look for azadirachtin on label (Molt-X, Neemix)

• Target pests: aphids, armyworms, scales, thrips, WF

• Clarified hydrophobic extract of neem oil may have no azadirachtin

For commercial producers


Fruit quality with GOS Neem Foliar SprayClanton, AL 2013

Neem foliar (7DAT3)Untr. Check: 45-70% crop loss with live caterpillars (Aug 12)

20-30% fruit loss.


Fruit quality with GOS Neem Foliar SprayCullman, 2013

Untreated crop with caterpillar damage &

irregular fruit size

Untr. Check Neem Oil Foliar(7DAT2)


Common name Product Pesticide type

OralLD50 (mg/kg)

Best against

Spinosyn A, D Entrust (SpinTor phase out)

In (St) >5000 CPB, ImCW, CEW, FAW, BAW, CL, DBM

Spinetoram Radiant 1SC In (St) >5000 CPB, CEW, ECB, ImCW, CL, Thr

MoA: Mimic neurotransmitter, hyperexcite insects

Entrust: for ORGANIC producers



Spinosyn…a good rotation partner

• Excellent for thrips, leafminers, looper, DBM, CPB, control

• Monterey product is OMRI approved

• 1 day PHI


Insecticidal Soap• Potassium salt of fatty acids• Control soft-bodied insects (aphids, whiteflies)• Some short-chain fatty acids are herbicides

(household detergent)• No residual action, not rain fast

OMRI Approved

Not OMRI Approved


Kaolin Clay• Present naturally in soil in tropical countries• Foliar spray at high rate (25 lb/A)• OMRI approved – Surround WP (95% clay)• Natural desiccant, feeding deterrent

Vegetable Oils• Physical poisons• Short residue• Effective against soft-bodied insects• Do not use if temps are >90F• May not be OMRI approved

Canola oil (96%)

Soybean oil (93%)

Sesame oil 5%Fish oil 92%

Pyola Insect Spray = vegetable oil + pyrethrin



Pyola• Pyrethrin 0.5% + canola oil 89.5%• Contact insecticide• Controls aphids, caterpillars,

mites, flea beetles


Fruit quality with Pyola applications Clanton, AL 2013

Pyola (Pyrethrin + canola oil, 7DAT3)

Untr. Check: 45-70% crop loss with live caterpillars (Aug 12)

20% fruit loss. Good fruit quality.


• Microbial pesticide derived from Chromobacterium subsugae strain PRAA4-1 (30% AI)

• Can be used in open field and greenhouse – OMRI appr.

• Complex and broad mode of action against caterpillars & small sucking insects (aphids, thrips, WFs) + mites

• Doesn’t interfere with beneficial insects

• Use a surfactant

• Good activity against BAW and SAW on tomato applied at 2 lb/A, 2 to 4 weekly treatments (UFL & UC 2011 studies)

• Reduced ACP nymphs and adults at 2lb/A after 1 to 2 weekly treatments.


Insecticide PremixesAzera (MGK): • OMRI approved• Mix of azadirachtin + pyrethrin• Interferes with molting, rapid knock-down• Contact, stomach action, IGR• Effective against stink bugs (brown

marmorated stink bug)

Mix of neem + pyrethrin (Green Light)


Fruit quality with Azera Thomaston, AL (2013)

Untr. Check

Wet year with abundant rainLow to moderate caterpillar & stink bug pressureUneven fruit size

Azera, 2 appl. (4 oz/Ga)

Consistent fruit size, good qualityGood caterpillar control Weak on stink bugs

Dr. Ayanava Majumdar (Dr. A)Tel: (251) 331-8416



Introduction to Vegetable Insect Pests & Insecticides

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