capstone project(final submission)

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Option 2: Providing Health Services in a Rural Community: A Report on Project Feasibility

Report for the Redemption project to open a comprehensive Satellite Clinic

Capstone Project (Final Submission)

Michael Ashu

Organizational Management: Strategy and Execution: HCM 580

Colorado State University-Global Campus

Dr. Arletta Wallace

March 27, 2016


Report for the Redemption project to open a comprehensive Satellite Clinic


It is not uncommon that the rural dwellers are usually sidelined in very essential

developments or amenities that those in the metropolitan areas are enjoying, one of which is

healthcare. Pocahontas Memorial Hospital located at Duncan Road in Buckeye of West Virginia

is the only hospital available to the people of Pocahontas County with a population of more than

nine thousand, one hundred and thirty one people from ten towns, located in the south east region

of Western Virginia ( The hospital accommodates twenty five beds and it is

typical for level- four trauma cases ( The cost of care is skyrocketing and its

accessibility becoming difficult especially with the poor economy that characterizes the county.

Moreover, health professionals usually do not like working in rural areas which is the case with

this county.

Owing to these lapses, PMH desires to tender a complete satellite clinic inside the county

and a report for the viability of a project is crucial to give the Board of Directors guidance on

how to launch the clinic which would serve as part of a tactical idea for their yearly tactical

executive planning procedure. This health project that has been named as Redemption Health

Project would require a committee to be set up to oversee, act as well as coordinate its affairs.

The committee would consist of people of specific competencies, some who would be required

from the start of the project and others incorporated as the project proceeds. As a nonprofit

business focused on providing quality healthcare and furthering healthful life forms to the people

of the county and whose vision is equally directed towards leadership training (,

PMH is in good standing to carry on with this project. Even its numerous goals, two of which to:

utilize dimension to identify troubles as well as enhance procedures; and to match conducts with

objectives plus principles are in support of this project(



Internal and external stakeholders and their buy-in for this project

Both categories of stakeholders including investors are fully in agreement with this

project because PMH has long been the lone hospital existing in Pocahontas County; has been

plagued by many calamities such as financial crisis, fires and floods etc. It had its origin from the

very first hospital: Marlinton Hospital which was finally swept by flood still in West Virginia as

far back as 1906, over one hundred years ago. Though there is a nursing home in the county and

a health clinic built within PMH, these facilities put together cannot still deliver the services that

would meet the needs of the people of this county considering its present populace earlier stated.

Also, with a ratio of 1 primary doctor to 8,508 people and 1 dentist to 8,851 people, it is clear

that this county needs more health professionals and facilities as well.

Given the fact that cost of care is going up and accessibility is also limited, there are many in this

county who have been without care for long some without health insurance and still others with

health insurance who may have been seeking healthcare out of the county because the present

one is so expensive for them.

Choudhary (2012) explains that the case study presented examines the confused

societal, lawful, technical matters that are confronting nowadays suburban community hospitals

in United States. The towering health care charges, escalating population of the sick without

health insurance or else insufficient health insurance, decreased remunerations by government

bureaus, with rising quantity of medical doctor possessed outpatient care set-ups are crushing the

sustenance of community hospitals whose conventional assignment has been primary care.

Additionally, by means of the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in

March 2010, community hospitals are confronting fresh contests whose complete effect is



Duarte, Goodson and Dougherty’s (2014) article on the Malcolm Baldrige National

Quality Award Winners (MBNQA) is focused on healthcare organizations embarking on

modernizations as a way of improving performance. PMH only accommodates 25 beds meaning,

it has limited space for inpatients. So many of the MBNQA winners run healthcare facilities that

have capacities ranging from 150 beds and above, besides the sophisticated equipments they use

that promote efficiency. Therefore, this project for a satellite clinic would be much appreciated to

decongest the PMH and give opportunities for innovations and more health care professionals to

work in this county.

Internal and external environmental challenges (e.g., consumer access, medical equipment,

community involvement required).

Of course, the challenges that health care organizations experience from both internal

and external environment in this day and age are enormous. The passing of the Affordable Care

Act of 2010 has injected into the health care system some changes which place more demand on

healthcare professionals in the way of practicing health care. For example, there is emphasis on

performance as opposed to quantity of the number of patients examined by a physician. Increase

in the number of patients because of expansion of Medicaid by the Center for Medicare and

Medicaid Services (Shi & Singh, 2012) has highlighted the theory of doing a little with less. This

involves both internal and external environments and is one challenge that PMH, the pioneer for

this new project would have to deal with. It can also be seen that the induction of accountable

care organizations (ACOs) is another test to healthcare organizations because it involves them

losing financially when they perform poorly in their practice and gaining when they provide

efficient healthcare services(Balgrosky,2015).

The concept of consumerism that gives the consumer an upper hand in the decision

making of his or her health care needs has also caused healthcare organizations to be alert and


be up and doing towards the supply of healthcare services because a consumer would conduct

a search online, follow advertisements over the television, the radio and even in magazines and

newspapers just to locate a precise health care facility, physician or medication that would

provide cure for his or her health issues. In this perspective, competition sets in as every

healthcare organization wants to be reckoned as the best. This would be another challenge to

confront the new project.

Medical equipment has become a source of winning many patients because the latter

believe that such equipment facilitates services and enhances efficiency. For the new satellite

health clinic to strive and compete favorably in the healthcare market, it would have to procure

the necessary medical equipment. Duarte et al (2014) relate cases of certain healthcare

organizations that make use of special technology to become winners of the MBNQA. The

authors mention that Bronson Methodist Hospital in Michigan applies a number of changes

involving the inauguration as well as web-facilitation of computer schemes; inside advancement

of software in order to assist medical doctors provide treatment to new born babies, apparatus to

accelerate the release of sick people hospitalized and at the same time preventing patients’

security mistakes (Duarte et al, (2014).

Community involvement in this project is awesome as not only are the construction

workers of the satellite clinic people from Pocahontas County but young men and women from

high school and college and even folks out of school from this county have been engaged in

different services of the project. Putting of posters in different areas of the county, on buses, and

distribution of flyers carrying the name of the project and activities concerning it have all been

done by these folks. There are even some very influential members of this county involved in the

committee overseeing the entire project. It is also very likely that some healthcare professionals

who are residents or people born and bred in this county would be stakeholders of the


Comprehensive Satellite Clinic. Farmer and Nemegeer (2014) write that community involvement

has been defined as societal connections in order to persuade as well as confine results; a societal

procedure as well as an accomplishment. It has equally been conferred as a state on a range amid

community willingness and also community “empowerment” (Farmer and Nemegeer (2014).

Market Analysis

A market analysis is necessary to supply the BODs with data for the market trend

of health care products and services. In the analysis conducted, much about Pocahontas County

unfolds. The county’s age groups are specified as follows: Age 0-4: 4.58%, 5-7: 13.48%, 18-

24:6.57%, 25-34: 10.37, 35- 44: 12.43%, 45-54:16.84%, 55-64:16.02%, 65; 18.72% (PMH

Health Need Assessment, 2013). It is important to understand that the “age group that consumes

the largest health care services, age 65+ years stands for the highest percentage of inhabitants in

the county” (Health Needs Assessment, 2013). Further, these are various segmentation of

different diseases or health outcomes: breast cancer incidence/one hundred thousand population:

110.40, cancer mortality /100,000 inhabitants: 184.20 and colon/rectal cancer incidence/100,000

population: 39.90 (PMH Health Needs Assessment, 2013).

Other cases are proportion of adults with “diabetes: 10.80%, infant mortality

for 1000 births: 17.19, heart disease deaths per one hundred thousand populace: 140.28 and low

births weight: 9.32%” (PMH Health Needs Assessment, 2013). Lung Cancer incidence for every

one hundred thousand populace: 84.90, adult obesity: 30.90% and adult reporting poor general

health: 22 % (PMH Health Needs Assessment, 2013).There is also prostate cancer incidence/one

hundred thousand populace: 91.80, stroke deaths/one hundred thousand inhabitants: 60.37 and

suicide deaths/100,000 population: 20.54 (PMH Health Needs Assessment, 2013).

Some information about rural areas reveals the following:


Rural residents are likely to be less financially viable. Averagely, earnings for every head

in the rural area are “$7,417” less than in a metropolitan place (NRHA, 2007-16).Besides

this, Americans residing in the rural environment are more likely to live lower the

poverty level. Meanwhile, almost twenty four percent of rural kids live in financial lack.

Rural inhabitants have fewer chances of having employer- offered health care protection

or else “prescription drug coverage” plus they have less chance of being protected by

Medicaid than their colleagues in metropolitan areas (NRHA, 2007-16).

People who live in rural America depend a great deal on the federal Food Stamp, as

revealed by “The Carsey Institute of the University of New Hampshire” (NRHA, 2014).

However, the ACA promises to expand Medicaid coverage to people with very little

income to a certain level who meet the Medicaid requirement; meaning that, rural dwellers can

now benefit from this provision. Also children from age 19-26 can share health insurance with

their parents’ employment or personal health insurance policies. Because of smaller earnings in

the rural areas, a bigger section of the rural populace is going to be qualified for subsidies by

way of the Insurance Market places (Remember, getting America’s rural communities covered

begins with You! 2013).This might make the demand for healthcare more favorable unlike when

this was not the case.

The people in Pocahontas County are living in an area with eight rivers (www.pmhwv.

Org). The high incidence of cancer cases would be a target market for the satellite clinic.

Another target market would be Medicare and Medicaid patients and the baby boomers that are

aging and their many health needs should be a course of concern. Then you also have kids who

mostly exhibit some types of illnesses peculiar to them. Given the fact that PMH is the lone

hospital in the county, it shows, the satellite clinic is going to have support from many clients.

In particular, as the market analysis reveals, there are sixteen providers in Pocahontas


County in the areas: General Surgery: 1, Emergency Medicine:4, Family Practice:6, Nurse

Practitioner and Family Practitioner:1, Physician Assistance and Family Practitioner:2 and

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine:2 (PMH Health Needs Assessment, 2013). Some folks are

troubled because the medical experts in the county are inadequate, the reason why these essential

health care services are absent: “OB/GYN, mammography, PAP tests, MRI, Non-emergency

transportation, Dialysis, Pediatrics (Health Needs Assessment, 2013) and so on. The clinic might

not be able to employ healthcare professionals who have so many years of experiences because

of high cost. It might be preferable to recruit fresh doctors who have just finished training and

mix with few that have been in medical practice for a good number of years. This new doctors

can begin to gather experience as they work and also do some additional training.

Competition is not something to be ignored even though there are few health facilities in

this county. The satellite clinic has to make sure that pricing is moderate because in the first

place, this people do not have a lot of money. There is a tendency of comparing prices of

healthcare services and products of the clinic with those in nearby counties and where those

others are cheaper, there is the likelihood to go for the cheaper ones. Also, doing a SWOT

analysis for one’s competitors would be helpful because it enables the organization to know the

strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats of its counterpart. If the strategy is

known, the better. This would equip the clinic on how they should plan and strategize also.

A SWOT Analysis

Doing a SWOT analysis for this new project might be necessary to reveal the external

opportunities and threats that would confront internal strengths and weaknesses of the new

comprehensive satellite clinic. Wijngaarden V, Scholton and Wijk (2010) write that the SWOT-

analysis is an instrument created for strategic analysis which embraces an argument amid

exterior advancement and interior abilities. These authors say that depending on the varience


between both strategic choices or else still a current strategic route is likely to be recognized for

the company. Watching the video where Erica Olsen explained how SWOT analysis is

performed, sheds more light to it (CSU-Global, 2016).

Erica specified the type of data to be collected for internal strengths and weaknesses to

include consumer reaction like the one from surveys and focus groups, worker information,

abilities, resources which include money, building and assets and the other is procedure such as

interaction (CSU-Global, 2016). For external opportunities and threats, she categorizes the sort

of data to include as secondary data that informs us about our environment for example,

mortgage rate, interest rate; competitive data and customer’s data as well. She mentions that this

would be gathered and a list of ideas created and dropped in a goal statement or prioritized or

flushed to be developed as goals (CSU-Global, 2016).

Now, to talk of the strength of this project, one could begin to think of the many

Pocahontas County patients going to receive treatment or put another way, the many lives that

would be safe. The project would be an instrument of fighting the diseases in this county.

There is a saying that two are better than one. With more health professionals employed to

work in the new clinic, a more serious and violent attack would be launched against health

problems affecting the people of this county. The ability for the project to cater for the needs of

patients, generate revenue, train and retain staff, operate the business under government rules

would also be strength. The project can also be a training ground to develop skills and expertise

for some health practitioners. This would also bring development in the county. Healthcare is

one of those amenities that people wanting to undertake businesses consider before launching

them in the place.

There are a number of weaknesses in a project such as this one. Undertaking a project to

open a comprehensive satellite health clinic requires enormous financial resources to procure


and install the necessary machines, computers, software, medical equipment or technology. For

example, adopting an EHR is very expensive and also requires a long period of waiting when

from experiences it might not generate the sort of profit that would justify the whole struggle,

except that with subsidies from HITECH it is a bit compensating. Employing, training and

paying staff also place a heavy financial demand and responsibility on the management of the

project. Treating and accommodating so many people infested with different diseases can also

post a danger to others and even to the people around, if proper care and expertise in risk

management techniques are not taken. What about medical malpractice that is likely to come

from the inefficiency of the healthcare expert which could attract litigation leading to paying

huge damages? This is also a big weakness.

Though opening such a project usually involves various people with different capabilities

and talents, there is a need to place these folks in their rightful positions to do that which they

can do very well. Otherwise, it could be a total failure when wrong individuals are positioned in

areas they are not very competent in. For example, a wrong person with inadequate foresight

selected to coordinate a project such as this, might end up crashing only after a huge amount of

money including time has been expended.

More health care professionals are to have the opportunity to work in this county who

previously would not have come into the county. The project would generally provide jobs for

other species of workers who are not necessarily healthcare savvy. With the new project, PMH

might have the opportunity to seek for grant from the Health Resources and Services

Administration (HRSA), the federal agency for improving access to health care services. Recall

that PMH is a non-profit healthcare organization. Opening a new project for a satellite clinic is a

demonstration that the hospital has concerns for the health care needs of the people of this county

which does not only run in line with its mission, vision and values but also conforms with the


demands of this government agency. The government is very stern with healthcare organizations

that present themselves as nonprofit to get loans and not abide to their promises. There are also

chances to receive patronage from specific groups such as clubs, schools, football teams,

companies and associations etcetera which would bring in regular income to the clinic.

External threats for this organization are inevitable. An outbreak of a new disease can

swallow-up funds and endanger the lives of healthcare professionals and residents or patients.

For example, imagine the threat that Ebola posted to most healthcare facilities that treated

victims and even the fear that it instilled in other health facilities and their healthcare

professionals such as clinicians (nurses, doctors, and specialists etc.). Having heard and watched

on the television the surprises and threats posted by terrorists to schools, churches, offices and

even healthcare facilities, it would be improper to ignore terrorism as being a threat to a project

such as this one even though at the bottom of one’s heart, one would not wish such to be the

case. Cyber attack has been sweeping across the globe in the recent past and even presently their

tactical and destructive nature cannot be ignored. These hackers are out to steal and damage

valuable information; they attack without any notice and should not be taken lightly.

Recommendation and Implementation

Despite the much publicity of having many people of meager earnings get health

insurance through exchange where they can be subsidized, there are still many people in the rural

areas who probably need assistance to follow up with this provision of ACA. My commendation

is that as part of commitment to meet the healthcare needs of the people of Pocahontas County,

PMH should assist to have such individuals have health insurance. This is going to be useful not

only to those individuals but even to PMH as well.

Another recommendation is that even though, it is necessary to have all the sophisticated

technology to do all the good healthcare jobs plus retain many customers, at this initial stage,


PMH should avoid investing in very expensive equipment except they are just too necessary.

Rather, they should endeavor to borrow some of them. Another way is to spend on a few very

expensive and necessary medical equipments and borrow many of the cheap ones.

PMH has a capacity for 25 beds only in a county with 9,131 people since 2010 as dictated

by that year’s census. These numbers of beds are too few especially as it is long past 2010 and

this is 2016 which means the population of this county should have increased by now. My

recommendation is that this comprehensive satellite clinic should not be limited to an outpatient

or ambulatory clinic alone but a section be created for inpatients carrying a wider space that can

accommodate four times the size of PMH: 100-beds.

Strategy for encouraging health professionals and staff

One way to inspire healthcare professionals to work in the county is to advertise in the

television where the new project as well as the county can seldom be featured, besides the major

newspapers and I am suggesting that this media be used for advertisement frequently. It is vital

to recognize that to be able to attract healthcare professionals in a rural area, something extra has

to be done that would entice them; being that, most of them might not want to work in a rural

environment that do not have the types of amenities available in the urban settings. These lapses

sometime make working hard in rural places. McCann, Ryan and McKenna (2005) explain an

encounter by some healthcare experts who were sent to work in some rural areas in Northern

Ireland. They complained that proper budgeting for their services were not done and even those

rural dwellers they were meant to serve there were not so receptive to the services.

For this reason, the strategy appropriate for use should be an incentive strategy. This

would include providing free housing for the healthcare professionals and staff for the first six

months to enable them settle and become familiar with the area after which they can then foot

the bills for their housing. Physicians can be equipped with management skills so that besides


examining patients, they can also involve in managing certain aspects of the healthcare business.

This is the practice of Kaiser Permanente. But before then, advertisements for vacancies would

be made in the internet, Washington Post, LinkedIn, Indeed and some universities through career

and job fairs. This process could take about a year. When enough applications have come in, an

interview would be conducted and those selected would be the ones to benefit from the housing


Feasibility for development of satellite clinic

As earlier stated in the second paragraph about the committee that would be in charge of the

project, the first task for members is to carry out a survey of where to site the clinic. The clinic is

said to be located some distance away from PMH and it should be in an unlike town entirely.

The committee members have to study all the other towns before agreeing on the actual one they

deem fit. It would be proper that team members include the local heads of all the towns in

Pocahontas County and the Mayor of the county should be consulted. Some other team members

could be officials from the Ministry of public health in addition to members from PMH etc.

There is quite a lot of work to be done here. This same team has to constitute itself, map out a

plan and formulate various strategies on how to follow-up with it.

Value-adding support and resources (e.g. equipment and technology)

Value-adding support and resources may denote improving the value of services by way of

procuring durable and efficient medical equipment; providing decent logistics such as a free

parking space for consumers to park their cars, rather than going somewhere else to park;

ensuring that the entire surrounding of the facility of the healthcare organization is non

hazardous, so as not to endanger visitors, employees and patients etc.; properly and clearly

inscribing the name and address of the organization on a board and putting this at the front of the

organizational building so that any visitor or stranger would clearly identify where this


organization is located in the event he or she is searching for the organization and many more.

The fact is that all of these activities serve as support to the main activities of the organization

and they enhance the value of the services as well.

Regarding the enhancement of the value of equipment and technology, it is already well

known that healthcare organizations are big consumers of technology because generally, it eases

services besides providing efficiency as well. They are all types of appliances used medically. A

few of them used for screening are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and CT scanners. Others

are Machines for X-rays, mobile apps, bar-code scanner, pharmacy information systems, medical

imaging and radiology information systems, clinical decision-support systems (CDS) etc.

Develop Strategic Initiative

Workman (2012) defines strategic initiative as “a product development or service

activity that is used to gain competitive advantage and requires “long-term”commitment in time

and resources to produce or provide. Workman says strategic initiative therefore differs from

“tactics and operations” in that the former is a blend of various analysis, behavioral techniques,

and the use of power and organizational politics to bring about broadly conceived outcomes,

whereas tactics are managerial actions that enact a strategy, and operations are the daily routines

that result from managerial actions” (p.23).

Based on the above definitions the strategic initiatives should be thus:

To create a phone line where people can get information concerning the project and put

someone to be in charge

An account should be opened with a good bank(Bank of America) and donations

requested from the public to raise funds for the project so as to facilitate its construction

Have bill boards and flyers with the inscription Redemption Health Project for the

construction of a comprehensive satellite clinic on them including the location of the


clinic and the owners: PMH. The bill boards will be posted at street junctions, public

buildings and on buses and the flyers distributed to people in all the ten towns.

Short and long term plans for the implementations of strategic initiatives

Both plans would be to connect with a reputable phone company, register and let the

company create the phone line and have someone be in charge.

It would be proper to go ahead and open an account with the Bank of America and then

call for donations by first of all setting up an occasion where people comprising of

stakeholders of PMH, government bureaucrats and some members of the general public

will be invited in which case some soft drinks and snacks will be served. It is in this

meeting that this donation issue can be launched.

Call for assistance from some higher school pupils and college students as well as out of

school volunteer folks and have them post bill boards at public buildings and major street

junctions and on buses. They would have to distribute flyers to the public: friends, school

mates, co-workers, commuters, football fans, job seekers and family members etc.

Printing of these materials would be done by a special printing company in the county.

There are buses provided by PMH that would drive the school pupils, students and

volunteers around to do the tasks. This would be done under the supervision of an

employee of PMH.

Brief discussion of how you will evaluate and benchmark this project

I see that the success of this project would first depend on the committee that would be set

up to oversee, act and coordinate its affairs. If the right persons are positioned appropriately,

and even when replacement is obvious and that is equally done accordingly. The committee

would need to follow-up with the plan and strategies that are made and formulated respectively.

This same team would be in charge of the builders to construct the clinic, be it a fresh building or


refurbishing an old one provided an old building could be located that would meet the

requirements. Renovating an old building might be less expensive but where it does not meet the

requirements, it would be a waste.

Another key success area of the project would be based on the resources needed, be it

financial resources or the materials that would be required for the construction plus all the

equipments and items that the clinic would also require starting the operation. It means, PMH

has to mobilize its team, not the committee overseeing the project anywhere, to be prepared in

advance as the work progresses to get whatever is necessary. Recruitment also needs intelligent

and proactive personnel. Perhaps, the initial Human Resources Officers who would be able to

employ the right professionals to take off with the work of this clinic. Normally, some few

members of staff from PMH will work in this new clinic but as of now, PMH even has shortage

of staff, so not many employees can come from the hospital.


The truth is that health care is the most important service that every individual needs

whether poor or rich and every American agrees to this claim as there is no politics in this. Yet,

the expensiveness of care makes one feels as though some people are not entitled to enjoy it

because they cannot afford to foot the bills. The passing of the ACA is one of the greatest

achievements in the history of Healthcare the U.S. can boast of, owing to all of the relieving

provisions associated with it. Perhaps, at this juncture, one would say, it is high time the rural

dwellers join the metropolitan inhabitants to enjoy all the amenities that the government and God

has for this nation and no longer should they be sidelined or forgotten in the distribution of

valuable services.



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Shi, L., & Singh, D.A.(2012). Delivering health care in America: A system approach

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Appendix Section A.

Strategy Thinking Map

Mission: The mission of the Comprehensive Satellite Clinic is to enhance and expand the

provision of quality healthcare delivery to the people of Pocahontas County.

Vision: Its vision is to be a strong instrument of healthy living to the people of Pocahontas


Values: Values are teamwork, service and quality

Goals: To promote or encourage the practice of exercise or physical education To assist in ensuring that folks in the county visit the clinic for consultation when they

become sick.


To grant incentives to healthcare professionals living out of the county and are

interested in working in the county.

To retain hardworking healthcare professionals who are ready to learn, take refresher

courses to be more skillful.

To strive for excellence in the provision of healthcare.

Adaptive Strategy: Vertical Integration----Type— Forward vertical integration:

growing towards

the consumers or patients (downstream). Services offered: pre-acute, acute

and post-acute

“Adding new members along the distribution channel (towards an earlier

stage) for present products and services or controlling the flow of patients

from one institution to another”

(Ginter, Duncan, Swayne,2013)

Market Entry Strategy Development: The type of strategy where products and services are

created inside the mother organization using the latter’s financial and material resources. But in

this particular case the clinic will be opened some distance away from the mother organization.

Competitive Strategy: The Defender Strategic Posture will be suitable for this clinic even though

it maintains the market entry strategy. What is good about this strategy is that it spends time

enhancing the effectiveness of present activities which helps in reducing cost as well. It also

involves in vertical integration in order to safeguard the surge of market control for sick persons

as well as improve stability.

Implementation Strategy: Pre-Service, Point-of-Service, After-Service


Pre-Service: Market research – Embark on market research, did the analysis and obtains data

Target market: Different markets actually exist in Pocahontas County. Some of them are market

for different Cancer diseases, heart disease, Medicare/Medicaid, and stroke etc.

Services offered/Branding: pre-acute, acute and post-acute; surgeries, screening, test, X-Rays,

consultation, prescription, dialysis, and others

Pricing : Moderate within affordable means

Distribution of logistics: Sign board to guide patients and visitors, plus free parking

Promotion: Advertisements on TV, radio and internet, Social media, Washington Post, places

posters at public buildings and major street junctions etc.

Point-of-Service: Clinical operations: give injections, conduct test, do eye surgery and carry out

other laboratory operations, take BP and measure heart beat etc

Quality: Health care services are yielding tremendous results as patients receive cure

for their diseases, medical errors are minimized, no physician sued yet for

medical malpractice. Register with MBNQA also, HIPAA and HITECH Privacy

Rules and Health Information System instructions respectively are highlighted

Process Innovation: Mobile applications introduced, patient information even in the mobile app

Is (encrypted) converted to a form that cannot be read by an unauthorized

user, Some sophisticated X-ray machines are installed, customer service is

transformed. PMH introduces a program to offer free medical service to

Pocahontas inhabitants who do not have incomes, for a particular disease

at special period of the year.

Marketing: Marketing manager embarks on extensive advertisement using the media,

carries out research and consults various healthcare quality associations,


introduces a new website where health information searchers can gather

certain health information about the clinic.

Patients Satisfaction: More patients are coming into the clinic being referred by older patients

because of their satisfaction, CMS expresses satisfaction with the new clinic

because of the quality service offered to Medicare and Medicaid

beneficiaries etc., Some Pocahontas County folks without health insurance

are still being offered free medical care.

After-Service: Follow-up: Physicians introduce a procedure where they contact patients under

medication in their homes to find out how they are doing by phone.

Meanwhile, patients have the clinic’s website where they can

communicate with their doctors at after hours.

Clinical: Some emergency cases requiring clinical procedures receive attention.

Marketing: There are stakeholders who receive calls from outsiders who want to

know about the clinic.

Billing: Payments are made through credit cards, cash or having an account in the

Clinic’s website and payment made on a monthly interval.

Follow-on: Patients are reached out to introduce certain new programs of the clinic

they do not know about already

Clinical: Certain operations are carried out during this time.

Marketing Is an ongoing thing

Map of Selected Strategies for long-term organization (Ginter, Duncan and Swayne, 2013)App B

Adaptive Strategy Market Entry Strategies Competitive Str.

Expansion of Scope Cooperation Strategies Strategic Posture


Vertical Integration: Originally operating Mergers in order to: Analyzer Strategic Pos.

an acute care hospital 1. Improve efficiency & effectiveness in order to:

Downward Stream to control 2. Increase entry 1.Become stable

flow of patients 3. Improve earnings or revenue 2. Look for more

Forward Vertical Integration 4. Rise above worries of enduring openings

Acquisition of the following: 3. Modify

A skilled nursing unit 4. Make good use

Assisted living, home health, hospices etc of others strategies

Appendix C Total Population, Age Groups Diagram for Market AnalysisArea Reported Age Age Age Age Age Age Age Age PMHPocahontas C 0-4 5-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ HNA, 4.58% 13.98% 6.57% 10.87% 12.43% 16.84% 16.02% 18.72% 2013West Virginia 5.64% 15.52% 9.17% 11.94% 13.20% 15.15% 13.57% 15.82 % Disease Segmentation Incidence per 100,000 populace in Pocahontas County

Lung Cancer: 84.90 Breast Cancer: 110.40

Colon/Rectal Cancer: 39.90

Prostrate C. 90.40

Death rate for every disease per 100,000 in Pocahontas County

Suicide Death: 20.54 Stroke Death: 60.37


Cancer Mortality:

184.20 Heart Disease Death: 140.28

Data from Appendix C is from PMH Health Needs Assessment, 2013 and not diagrams

Other Health Issues in percentage

Low Birth Weights: 9.80% Adult with Diabetes: 10.80%

Adult reporting poor

general health: 22% Adult Obesity: 30%

SWOT Analysis Diagram for the Redemption Project to build a Satellite Clinic

Strengths march these two Opportunities

We capitalize strengths. We invest opportunities -Many healthcare professionals from other Instrument to treat many diseases, put up states and this county will be able to work in violent attack against diseases, meet health care the clinic. There will be opportunity to get needs, ability to train, retain and pay staff and grants from HRSA. There could also be abide by government regulations. This project patronage from clubs, schools, companies, will also be a training ground for health experts and associations etc. to develop skills and expertise

Internal Strengths and Weaknesses External Opportunities and Threats

Weaknesses Threats

We show up weaknesses We identify threats

The project requires much spending on New disease just like Ebola will endanger equipment and other appliances e.g. spending in healthcare professionals and facilities. EHR is usually not so profitable but for incentive Terrorism and cyber attack are very dread from HITECH. Employing, training and paying dreadful and should be taken seriously. staff puts another financial weight on the mgmt. Any malpractice may attract litigation and huge damages. Treating and accommodating folks infested with so many diseases may affect


neighbors except there is assistance from risk management merged with clinical services

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