capital culture magazine: spring 2006

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  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006




    What Is There

    To Do In


    FESTIVALSStar 98s

    Steve Christian

    Goes Worm


    Pfmi atsMsmsat gllisSppi

    PLUS...Pfmi atsMsmsat gllisSppi

    .And MUCH More




    Big Ben

    Spig 20




  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006


    Ocial Publication o theCultural Resurces Cmmss

    For Capital CultureMagazine Publisher Peggy Brady Editor Randi Goldstein CreativeDirector ony Archer


    ExecutiveDirector Peggy Bradyony ArcherRandi GoldsteinJanice Robinson Howard

    Leslie PuckettClint L.RileyAmanda Karioth TompsonHolly Tompson


    Chair Michael H.Sheridan ViceChair Ken Winker Treasurer Mark Hillis Secretary Margaret W.Lewis PastChair Sharon Press

    Valliere Richard AuzenneMargo H.BindhardtMickey BradyJerry KiddBeth LangordAnne MackenzieLongineu ParsonsNeil RambanaMark RavenscratSusan Stratton

    Ex-ofcios John Marks,MayorBobRackle,County CommissionMarge BanocyPayne,CCValencia E.Matthews,FAMUDonna H.McHugh,FSUPaula P.Smith,PACC Chair

    CapitalCultureMagazineispublishedquarterlybytheCulturalResurcesCmmss (addressbelow)withsupportromthe LeCutyurstDevelpmetCuclandin cooperationwithTallahasseesFamilyForumMagazine.

    Capital Culture Magazineisdistributedree o charge to visitorstoand residentso FloridasBigBend Area atthe Cultural ResourcesCommission,the ACVBsVisitorInormationCenter(06 E.JeersonSt.), theallahasseeRegionalAirport(300 Capital Circle SW),as well asother partnersin the hospitality industry.

    ReproductionoCapitalCultureMagazine inwholeorinpartispermittedonlywithwrittenpermissionrom theCultural ResourcesCommission.Reproductionwi thoutpermission isstrictlyprohibited.BackissuesoCapitalCultureMagazineareavailablebycallingtheCulturalResourcesCommissionat(80)400andaresubjecttoavailability.

    Editorial,art,andphotographysubmissionstoCapitalCultureMagazineareconsidered.However,thepublisherassumesnoresponsibilityorreturnounsolicitedmanuscriptsorart. CapitalCultureMagazinereservestheright topublishany lettersto theeditor.Allrightsreserved.

    CapitalCultureMagazineisavailable inlarge printuponrequest.Tis publicationisavailable ine lectronicormat atthe CRCswebsite

    Copyright 006 Cultural Resources Commission

    CapitalCultureMagazine Spring

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    2006 The St. Joe Company. St.Joe Community Sales,Inc., Licensed Real Estate Broker. St.Joe,JOE,SouthWood,and the SouthWood Leafand Taking Flightdesigns are service marks

    of The St.Joe Company. These materials,and all photos,renderings, plans,prices, land uses,improvements and amenities depicted or described herein are conceptual in nature and are subjectto changeor c ancellation (in whole or in part) without notice.Scenes may include artists renderings,and may be of locations or activities not on the property.St. Joe does not guarantee the

    obligations of unaffiliated builders who may build and sell homes in the SouthWood community. Ownership of a residence in the SouthWood community does not grant any use of or acce ss to any

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    Vol. 1 Spring 2006 Issue 1









    On the Cover:1,512 images o area artists, cultural &historical organizations, community events,and local art combine to create the oldand new Capitol Buildings located inDowntown allahassee.

    PhotomosaicbyTony Archer


    4 Mre Ta Yu Tutby Julie Hauserman

    18 Te Wrms Are Cmby Steve Christian


    6 EtertametFrom classical to contemporary, these concerts, plays, musical theatre,and dance events will entertain, amuse, and inspire you.

    9 AlteratveExpand your horizons with independent music, experimental theatregarde art, or obeat poetry readings.

    10 ExplrGet up, get out, and explore the incredible variety o art galleries, muhistoric sites, and more, right i n allahassees backyard.

    11 Dw te RadTink youve seen and done it all in allahassee? Well, theres another

    waiting just a ew miles in e very direction.

    12 SppCover your walls with ne art, brighten up your wardrobe with handmadput on some new dancing shoes,or buy what you need to make your own

    14 CldreHere or the summer visiting relatives? Give your kids a break and geaway rom the video games with these un and educational activities.

    16 Partcpat While in allahassee, discover the artist or perormer in yoursel. Wh

    your passion, theres something here or you.

    19 Festvals & Aual Evets

    rl Fts

    3 Letter frm te Publser

    3 Ctrbutrs

  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006










    Manor @ Midtown

    122-8 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee, FL 32303 Tel 850 224 1435 Cell 850 224 5458


    CapitalCultureMagazine Spring


    Steve Christian is the aradio announcer or Star9and has lived in the Talarea or some teen yeradio career has led himvariety o experiences: fown with the Blue Angdinner with Celine Dion,guest on both Larry Kinshow and MTV. Hes alsoa wide variety o conce

    live events, rubbing elbows with the likes o Peter JePaul Harvey, Dr. Phil, Donny Osmond, the Beach BoBerra, Bill Clinton, and many others. His passion or trled him to visit riends in London, Paris, Berlin, MoscoIreland. Although his avorite place to visit is Englmost memorable time on the road was a January trerozen tundra o Siberia. Steve also has a lielong love oand regularly writes movie reviews or the news

    Steve ChristianJulie Hauserman is a longtimeFlorida writer who lives in Tallahassee. She has twice beennominated or the Pulitzer Prize:in 1991 or her stories aboutpollution in Floridas FenhollowayRiver, and in 2001 or her storiesabout arsenic leaking out opressure-treated lumber all overAmerica. She won the ScrippsHoward National Journalism

    Awards top environmental prize or her work on the arsenicstories. Hauserman was a Capitol bureau reporter or the St.Petersburg Times in Tallahassee or seven years and has been acommentator or Florida Public Radios Capitol Report, NationalPublic Radios Weekend Edition-Sunday, and Minnesota PublicRadios The Splendid Table. Her essays are eatured in severalFlorida anthologies, including The Wild Heart of Florida, TheBook of the Everglades, and Between Two Rivers.

    Julie Hauserman

    I you think only big cities like New York and Chicago are brimming with artistic destinations, youre in or a pleasant surpridance to theatre to music, rom annual events you can plan your vacation around, to museums you can explore every day,urther than this premiere issue o the CRCs Capital Culture Magazine.

    Well be publishing quarterly, in March, May, August, and November, giving you an in-depth look at dierent aspects o local arts andeach time. Look orward to eature articles on arts opportunities or kids, alternative theatre, and the popular First Friday Gallery Hyou dont have to wait or the next issue to arrive to nd more inormation about each o these cultural organizations the completeare available all year round on our website at Looking or somewhere to go or something to see tonight? Try ouevents calendar at

    In this issue, native Tallahassean (and Pulitzer Prize nominated writer) Julie Hauserman gives you a rst hand glimpse o arts andin the region. Whats here that makes her and other nationally and internationally renowned artists choose Tallahassee as theiTurn the page and see.

    Also in this issue, radio station Star98s Steve Christian takes on the wonderul and sometimes quirky world o estivals in and aroregion. I youve never ventured out to one o these events, Steve shows you the truly unique experiences youve been missing

    O course, a publication like this can never be really complete. Theres always more to discover and explore. I weve missed aplace to visit or an event that brings you back year ater year, please drop us a line at and let us know. W

    love to hear your suggestions about what youd like to read about the Capital and its culture.

    See you out and about!

    Peggy Brady

    P.S. Find out more about the Cultural Resources Commission and what we do on the back cover o this magazine, or visit our




    Welcome to our premiere issue!

  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006



    Than YouThoughTI

    n this leay green place we call home, music wats into

    the at oak branches. Paint umes curl out o studio

    windows. I you are quiet, you can hear people singing,

    and the rhythmic pounding o dancing eet.

    allahassee doesnt have the reputation o being an artsy

    wn, but it is. Everybody knows this town is chock ull

    politicians, lobbyists and bureaucrats. Less evident at

    st glance is the other allahassee: a place crawling with

    usicians, painters, sculptors, dancers, photographers,

    oreographers, lmmakers, actors, and writers.You might go to a coee shop and nd yoursel sitting

    wo tables down rom a Pulitzer Prize winner or the woman

    ho wrote the guest column you read last week in Te New

    rk imes. You might hear someone order at a drive through

    indow and recognize the voice as one youve heard on

    ational Public Radio.

    Te man picked in a nationwide search to write the

    test sequel to Te Godfather, Mark Winegardner, lives in

    allahassee. So does the icon o the 970s unk movement,

    George Clinton, ounder o Par liament Funkadelic. He tours

    all over the world, but he lives and creates here.

    You might stop in to see a jazz saxophone player rom

    one o the universities play or ree, and the next summer

    youll notice hes touring with the Count Basie Orchestra.

    Soul singer Patti LaBelle came here or a concert, asked or

    a volunteer to come up and sing on stage, and let with a

    new backup singer rom allahassee.

    You might catch the great American jazz pianist, MarcusRoberts, playing in allahassee the night beore he plays in

    Carnegie Hall. Roberts studied music at Florida State in the

    980s beore he joined up with New Orleans jazz master

    Wynton Marsalis. Roberts lives here now. Hes teaching at

    Florida State.

    It is hard to say what draws artists to such an outo

    the way small city. Te universities are the initial magnet.

    But something else keeps artists coming back here. Even

    ater theyve let or the big cities,

    they oten come back. We even

    have a name or it: Te allahassee


    It is possible to live here

    and never witness the

    arts scene at all. Football

    tailgaters and political

    undraisers can more than

    occupy the average attentionspan. Some people only see

    allahassee as a historical

    ootnote: the place where

    America couldnt pick its


    he secret is that good art and

    culture is here in orce or those

    willing to make the eort. Its still

    Spring 2006 Capital Culture Magazine Capital Culture Magazine Spring


    cheap and theres always plenty o


    Im thinking about the astounding

    diversity o arts here: Ladysmith Black

    Mambazo, the South

    Arican band, giving a

    concert in an old A&P

    thats been converted into

    Te Moon nightclub. Te

    Wuang Clan rap groupplaying to a standing

    room only crowd in a

    batteredlooking club

    by the railroad tracks. A

    Balinese gamelan concert

    at FSU. Te Urban Bush Women

    dancers, an innovative troupe resh

    rom New York, who came to settle

    or a while in allahassee. C

    percussionists. Russian C

    dancers. Scottish Highland

    Whirling Dervishes, ibetan M

    Japanese psychedelic rock.

    dancers. Caribbean Carniv

    Halloween Howl in the

    swamp. Homegrown shor

    he al l ahas see Sym

    Orchestra. raveling Br

    shows. Experimental theatre.

    o recitals by emerging c

    masters. Opera. he swee

    o the Boys Choir o all

    Hundreds o rocking sh

    abulous homegrown bands w

    here because. because why

    I think creative people

    allahassee because it is a

    arts scene. Its not competit

    want one another to succe

    can see it when artists vi

    anothers studios at the First

    gallery art hop. Or at the

    readings at 6 Gallery a

    Warehouse. Or at recitals at

    State and FAMU. On sw

    summer nights, people pack

    warehouse in an old railroad

    watch the homegrown and w

    bawdy satire o the Micke

    Club while anning themselv

    oldedup programs.

    hese are audiences wi

    make the eort, to erret

    happenings, just to experie

    and culture. Maybe it is that g

    that makes us want to create h

    maybe the summer heat maklazy to go anywhere else.

    In any case, the citys riche

    can guarantee you that there

    to do here than you can pos

    into your schedule. For any ci

    a good thing.

    by Julie Hausermanby Julie Hauserman

    Image: Tallahassee Ballets production ofTh

    T is m

    t d t

    y c pssibly

    fit it y


    T is m

    t d t

    y c pssibly

    fit it y


  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006


    tickets ranging rom $3$. Also home to aPublic School Matinee Series, Teatre Unbound,and the Irene C. Edmonds Youth Teatre.

    FSU FiLM SChooL, University CenterBuilding A, Florida State University, 644043, ree public screenings o BFA lms eachDecember, and ree public screenings o MFAthesis lms each August. Seating is limited atall screenings. Film students produce more than0 complete sound lms each year, and thesislms have won more than 600 prizes, awards, andspecial screenings at national and internationallm estivals.

    FSU SChooL oF hEARE , Fine ArtsBuilding, 644600, topranked theatre training program thatannually produces plays and musicals in the FallonMainstage, the Lab Teatre, and the AugustaConradi Studio Teatre. Nationally recognizedor its undergraduate and graduate programs

    that produce theatre proessionals who go on todistinguished careers in television, lm, and theBroadway stage.

    i M A X h E A R E A h EChALLEngER LEARning CEnER,00 S. Duval Street, 64SAR, regions only IMAX Teatre, as well as one oonly alldigital Planetarium Teatres in NorthAmerica. Te IMAX Experience is as unique andpowerul as the technology behind it, with imageso immense size and striking clarity, and soundso clear and deep you can eel it. Te Digistar 3Planetarium Teatre is complete with DolbyDigital surround sound, and a 0oot dome.

    ALLAhASSEE FiLM SoCiEY, 3864404, oreign, independent, and documentaryilms on a limitedshowing basis. Regularscreenings at the Miracle heater, 8 homasville Road, plus special events at theR.A. Gray Building, 6 Gallery, and others.Annual memberships include discounts at somecommercial theatres.


    hE ARiS SERiES , 49934, artist classical music series eaturing nationally and internationallynowned perorming artists rom around the world. Te season o six to s evenncerts includes a wide variety o unusual and interesting artists. Season ticketassportsare available, with discounts or seniors and students. Concerts ared in various venues, including universities and local churches.

    AMU MUSiC DEPARMEn, Florida A&M University, 993334,

    ng known or its excellence, the departments annual events calendar includesdent perormances, aculty recitals, guest lecturers and artists o internationalutation,and estivals.Also eatures the highly acclaimed Marching 00band,

    ganized in 89 and credited with innovative techniques that have inuencedgh school and collegiate marching band programs throughout the nation.

    oRiDA SAE oPERA, FSU College o Music, 64448, box oce4600, the allahassee community with perormances and other activitiesigned to oster interest in opera and music theater, develop new audiences,

    mulate the current operagoing public, and introduce children to operas manywards. Presents three annual mainstage productions, plus a more intimaterkshop production. All events are held at Opperman Music Hall or Rubyamond Auditorium on the FSU campus.

    FSU CoLLEgE oF MUSiC, Florida State University, 4hour concert line6444774, box oce 644600, o the largest, best respected music institutions in the nation, enrollingover ,000 students in baccalaureate through doctorate programs, in virtuallyevery eld o music. Oers more than 430 aculty and student solo, chambermusic, choral, orchestral, band, jazz, world music, early music, and guest artistconcerts each year, many o which are ree. Concerts are held on the FSU campusin Ruby Diamond Auditorium, Opperman Music Hall, Lindsay Recital Hall,and others.

    MUSiC on hE LAWn, Chez Pierre Restaurant, homasvilleRoad, 0936, on Friday nights rom March through May, 60 pm. Call or reservationsto dine on the lawn, or just drop by with some riends and listen to some greatmusic. Primarily eatures jazz, with occasional other styles like swing, samba,latin, and pop. No cover charge.

    ALLAhASSEE BACh PARLEY, 94607, a three to our concert season o high quality perormances o the musico Johann Sebastian Bach, the Baroque period, and its musical heirs. Showcasesthe areas talented musicians, and sponsors perormances that eature baroquespecialists and guest artists o international renown. Concerts are Friday eveningsand Sunday aternoons at various venues around allahassee. Admission is ree,except or guest artist concerts. Free childcare provided at most concerts.

    ALLAhASSEE LEon CoUnY CiViCCEnER,0 West Pensacola Street,48769,box oce 0400, Box ocehours: MF 0 am:30 pm.A multipurpose convention and entertainmentacility eaturing a 3,00seat arena, ,000square eet o meeting and exhibition space,luxury suites, club seats, and the Spotlight Grille,an arenaview restaurant. Hosts a variety oevents including concerts by todays top musicalartists, amily shows, ice shows, allahasseeBroadway Series, and sporting events such asFSU Basketball.

    hE A LLA hA S S EE S Y M P honY oRChESRA,season tickets 4046,individualconcert tickets 644600, in its th season o providing the voiceo classical orchestral music to the allahasseecommunity. Features a Masterworks Series,exposing allahassee audiences to the wonderso classical music, as well as a holiday concert,young peoples concert, and pops concert. All

    events are held in Ruby Diamond Auditoriumon the FSU campus, and make or an excitingevening on the town.

    EAiME ConCER SERiES, BrokawMcDougall House,39 North Meridian Street,738, www.teatimeconcer tseries. com.A new twist to the classical perorming arts inallahassee: aternoon concerts paired with anartist/audience tea reception. Tis series allowsthe purposeully smaller audiences to becomeintimately involved with the perormance.

    VoCES AngELoRUM, 94607, choir dedicated to masterullyperorming classical music o excellence. Givesour all concerts and our spring concerts eachyear. Free childcare is provided at most concerts.A CD is now available, and excerpts can be heardon the web site.

    TheaTre & FILM

    CAPiAL CiY ShAkESPEARE in hEPARk, 3866476, and perorms Shakespeares plays or theenrichment o our allahassee community. Eachyear CCS chooses a Shakespeare play, spendsthe all sea son studying and oering workshopsand public readings, then mounts a ulllengthproduction in the spring. CCSs present home is

    the beautiul Zolton Farkas Teatre at the YoungActors Teatre and School or the PerormingArts on Glenview Drive.

    FAMU ESSEniAL hEARE, FloridaA&M University, Charles Winter Wood Teatre,993430, box oce 6846, a variety o classical and contemporaryplays, with major emphasis on AricanAmericanculture. Mounts approximately six productionsbetween the months o October and July, with

    ALLAhASSEE LiLE h86 Tomasville Road,4497,box 8474, provided quality theatrical expelocal artists and a udiences or more thaProductions range rom amily arePan, to groundbreaking dramas suchin America, to sheer entertainment likLady. Also produces intimate Coeehoon a second stage, collaborates with groups to present original work, and visual artists in its gallery. Parking iand the location is central to I0, dand many hotels.

    hEARE A LA CARE, Floridas premiere musical theatreoering all and summer musicals a allahassee Little heatre. Most pare allahassee premieres, and includassortment o contemporary musclassics, and Broadway hits. Has receive

    recognition or its commitment to proworks o Stephen Sondheim.

    hEARE CC!, allahassee CoCollege,444 Appleyard Drive,08608644600, quality theatre appropriate oamily at aordable prices in the beaspacious urner Auditorium.Te ourshranges rom musicals like Schoolhouse to classic comedies like Arsenic and Omore serious dramatic pieces such asAmOthello.ickets are generally $0 or tpublic and $7 or students and senistudents,aculty,and sta are admitted

    YoUngACoRShEARE, 609Drive,386660,www.youngactorsthea treA nonproit youth theatre and sthe perorming arts that has been quality entertainment to allahassesurrounding communities since 97a threeshow season that includes twand one drama.

    Spring2006 CapitalCultureMagazine CapitalCultureMagazine Spring


    imaes: Opposite page (from left to right) - Te allahassee Ballets Interlude,Teatre A La Cartes production ofSide Show,AfrCaribbean Dance Teatre.Tis page - allahassee Little Teatres production ofDamn Yankees.

    From classical to contemporary, romdowntown to midtown, on campusor o, these concerts, plays, musicaltheatre, lm, and dance events willentertain, amuse, and inspire you. Theres something new to do almostevery day o the year.

    Stick with the arts,and youll never be bored.


    et Usntertain

    r up-to-date schedules and event information, visit

  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006


    DanCeU DEPARMEn oF DAnCE, Florida

    ate University, 64403, a wide variety o dance concerts throughoute year in the Nancy Smith Fichter Danceeatre,which recently completed a 7 millionllar renovation, transorming its space into ateotheart dance acility, and Ruby Diamondditorium.Also sponsors Dance Repertory Teatre,

    erorming unit that presents an annual concert andormal perormances throughout allahassee andsoutheast region,and is open to students who are

    erested in touring company experience.

    A hogA nY DA nC E hEA RE,or ida A&M Universi ty , 638 , to create an awareness and appreciationdance as a ne art in the community at large.

    ahogany produces and perorms two yearly

    ncerts, participates in numerous public events,d has even stepped o its home tur, Florida&M University, to inner city stages throughoute southeast. Mahogany Dance heatresertoire includes Lindy Hop, Arican, modern

    nce, ballet, tap, jazz, and HipHop.

    RChESiS ConEMPoRARY DAnCEhEARE,F lorida A&M University,998678.esents a repertory encompassing a variety oovement styles, such as Arican derived andntemporary dance, tap, jazz, and ballet. Teseshowcased through an annual concert and innipresentations or university, civic and socialivities throughout the academic year. A majormponent o concert oerings is to presentments o the black experience through thedium o dance. Tis is accomplished throughexamination o specic elements o blackture, music, and movement style.

    hE ALLAhASSEE BALLE , 4697,x oce 644600, repertoire o classical and contemporaryrks. Each year, the allahassee Ballet presentso ulllength productions that eature thehness o our local talents, as well as exquisiterormances rom proessional guest artists,s a traditional production o the holidayssic, Te Nutcracker, in December with ullchestra. Perormances are at Ruby Diamondditorium.

    Spring2006 CapitalCultureMagazine







    & DANCE

    The Department of

    Dance, long-recognized

    as one of the countrys

    strongest & outstanding

    professional programs,

    offers an environment for

    the training and

    development of young

    artists while nurturing the

    art of dance.

    The increasingly

    ambitious research

    of the Museum

    assures that the scopeof programs ranges

    from national impact,

    scholarly exhibits and

    publications to

    showcases of

    regional artists works

    - always a vital and

    colorful mix.

    Consistently recognized as one of the finest

    theatre training programs in the nation, the

    School of Theatre emphasizes professional

    training and production opportunities side by

    side with rigorous classroom learning. Alumni

    are working throughout the world on stage,

    screen, and more.

    Museum of Fine Arts

    Department of Dance

    School of Theatre



    Your destination for the arts in Tallahas see

    Te allahassee Symphony Orchestra presents its Holiday Magic concert.

    621 gALLERY, 6 Industrial Drive, 4663, www.6gallery. com. Hours: WF am pm, SaSu 4 pm.

    A n h i n g A P R E S S P o E R Y READingS,, 44408.

    APALAChEE BLUES SoCiEY, 668863,

    BACk ALk PoERY RoUPE, 497399,

    BAnnERMAnS, 6800 Tomasville Road,6688800. Hours: MT ammidnight, FSa am am, Su noon7 pm.

    hE BEA BAR, 809 Railroad Avenue,4697,

    BRADFoRDViLLE BLUES CLUB ,7 Moses Lane, 9060766,

    CAFE CABERnE, 09 N. Monroe St.,468, Hours:MSa pm am.

    hE BRink, 8473,

    CLUB DoWnUnDER, Oglesby Union,Florida State University, 6446673,

    FiCion CoLLECiVE Wo (FC2)READingS, 64460,

    FLoYDS MUSiC SoRE, 666 Westennessee St.,,306.

    F S U o g L E S B Y g A L L E R Y ,FSU Oglesby Student Union, 6443898, Hours: MF 8am 0 pm, SaSu pm 0 pm.

    MAg g i E ALLES EE n A i o n ALCEnER FoR ChoREogRAPhY(MAnCC), Montgomery Hall, FSU Campus,64449,

    MiCkEE FAUS CLUB, 63 McDonnellDrive, 43089,

    hE Moon, 0 E. Laayette St.8786900, Box

    oce hours: MF 6 pm.

    oFF SREE PLAYERS, 907743,

    onCoMing RAFFiC,448076,

    on hE EDgE gALLERY,69 Industrial Drive in RailroadSquare Art Park, 9769, Hours: F70 pm, SaSu 4 pm or by


    PELiCAn PLACE gALLERY AnD EMPoRiUM, 07 W.Gaines Street, 770, www.

    r other performance groups, see pages 9, 16-17, &-20.

    less otherwise indicated, all area codes are 850.

    s may not be a complete listing of all organizations.see if your organization or event is eligible to be listed,se contact

    ALTERNAT Hours: SaT F am9 pm.

    RAiLRoAD SqUARE AR67 Industrial Drive,

    ALLAhASSEE FiLM SoCiE4404,

    ALLAhASSEE LiLE hC o F F E E h o U S E S E R i E S

    Tomasville Road, oces 4497,48474, www.tallahasseelittlethe

    ALLAh AS S EE P R o g RCEnER, 70 S. Gadsden St., Hours: MFpm, Sa pm.

    hE WAREhoUSE , 706 W. Gai688.

    WAERWoRkS, 33 Tomasv4887. Hours: MF pm am, Sam, Su 9 pm am.

    Tiredof th t& True?Expand your horizons withindependent music, experimentaltheatre, avant-garde art, or obeatpoetry readings. Expect to besurprised and delighted when youventure o the beaten path to theworld o the alternative.

    Mickee FausT, th fomoth, llgtmt both of tht btt nobtt goom toon

    Capital Culture Magazine Spring

  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006


    Dont just sit on the couch watchingDesperate Housewives! Get up, get out,and explore Tallahassees incrediblevariety o art galleries, museums,historic sites, and more. You never knowwhat youll discover all you have to dois look.

    1 gALLERY, 6 Industrial Drive, 4663, WF am pm, SaSu 4 pm.

    LFRED B. MACLAY gARDEnS SAE PARk, 340 Tomasvillead, 4874, Ranger Station 48746,

    ours: Daily 8 amsunset.

    RS MAgnA, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at FSU, 800Paul Dirac Drive, Innovation Park, 644803,

    ours: MF 9 am pm.

    R g ALLER i ES A ALLAh AS S EE Co MMUn i Y oLLEgE , 444 Appleyard Drive, 0873, Hours: MF, noon4 pm.

    RPoR gALLERY, allahassee Regional Airport, 3300 Capitalrcle SW, 400, Hours: Daily 8 am:30 pm.

    hE BLACk ARChiVES CAPioL CoMPLEX A hEiSoRiC Union BAnk, 9 Apalachee Pkwy., 6603, Hours: MF 9 am4 pm.

    APioL CoMPLEX gALLERiES, 46480,

    Y hALL AR gALLERY, City Hall, nd Floor, 300 South Adamseet, 400, Hours: MF 8 am:30 pm.

    CLAUDE PEPPER MUSEUM,636 W.Call Street,FSU Campus University,64493, Hours: MF 8:30 am pm.

    FoSER AnnER FinE ARS gALLERY, Florida A&MUniversity, Foster anner Fine Arts Building, 9936. Hours: MF 9amnoon, 4 pm.

    FSU inERnAionAL CEnER AR gALLERY, 07 South Wildwood Drive, FSU Campus, 644793, Hours: MF 8 am pm.

    FSU MUSEUM oF FinE AR , Florida State University Fine ArtsBuilding, 6444, Hours: MF 9 am4 pm, SaSu4 pm, closed weekends during the summer.

    gooDWooD MUSEUM & gARDEnS, 600 Miccosukee Road,87740, Hours: Main House ours MF 0am4 pm, Sa 0 am pm; Garden MF 9 am pm, Sa 0 am pm.

    John g. RiLEY CEnER / MUSEUM oF AFRiCAnAMERiCAn hiSoRY AnD CULURE, 49 E. Jeerson Street,68788, Hours: M, W, F 0 am4 pm, Saturdaysby appointment.

    hE kiRk CoLLECion, Te Public Broadcast Center, 600 RedBarber Plaza, Hours: MF 9 am pm.

    k n o h o US E MUS EUM , 30East Park Avenue, 949, Hours: WF4 pm, Sa 0 am4 pm.

    LEMoYnE AR FoUnDAion, N. Gadsden St., 8800, uSa 0 am pm, Su pm.

    LERoY CoLLinS LEon CoUnYPUBLiC LiBRARY, 00 West Park Avenue,60666, Hours:MT, 0 am9 pm, F 0 am6 pm, Sa 0 ampm, Su 6 pm.

    LiChgAE on high RoAD, LauraJepsen Institute, 40 High Road, 38366, Hours: u 0 am pm, F:30 am 3:30 pm and by appointment.

    hE MARY BRogAn MUSEUM oFAR & SCiEnCE, 30 South Duval Street,30700, Hours: MSa0 am pm, Su pm.

    MiSSion SAn LUiS, 0 W. MissionRoad, 48737, Su 0 am4 pm

    MUSEUM oF FLoRiDA hiSoRY,R.A. Gray Building, 00 S. Bronough Street,46400, MF 9 am4:30 pm, Sa 0 am4:30pm, Su 4:30 pm.

    hE oLD CAPioL, 400 South MonroeStreet,,48790. Hours: MF 9 am4:30 pm, Sa 0am4:30 pm, Su 4:30 pm.

    S o U h E A S E R n R E g i o n A LBLACk AR Ch i VES R ES EAR ChCEnER & MUSEUM, Carnegie Library,Florida A&M University,99300, Hours: MF 9 am pm.

    ALLAh AS S EE AU o Mo Bi LEMUSEUM, 30A Mahan Drive, 94037, Hours: MSa 0 ampm, Su noon pm.

    A L L A h A S S E E M U S E U M o FhiSoRY & nAURAL SCiEnCE,394 Museum Drive, 78684, Hours: MSa 9 ampm, Su :30 pm.

    A L L A h A S S E E R U S F o RhiSoRiC PRESERVAion, 43 E.Virginia Street, 488700, MF 9 am4 pm.

    | Spring2006 CapitalCultureMagazine CapitalCultureMagazine Spring2


    Think youve seen and

    done it all in Tallahassee?

    Well, theres another world

    waiting just a ew miles in

    every direction. Check out

    the arts in Quincy, Havana,

    Monticello, Apalachicola,

    Colquitt, Thomasville,

    Bainbridge, and all the

    rest, right down the road.

    BAinBRiDgE LiLE hEARE,0 roupe Street, Bainbridge, GA (42 milesfrom allahassee) , (9) 46834,

    BoniFAY gUiLD FoR hE ARS, 69Highway 77,Boniay(90 miles fro m allahassee),47330,

    D i Xi E h EA R E, Avenue E,Apalachicola (75 miles from allahassee), 63300,

    FiRS SREE gALLERY, 04 FirstStreet NW, Havana (15 miles from allahassee),390, FSa 0 am pm, Su pm.

    gADSDEn ARS CEnER, 3 NorthMadison, Quincy(25 miles f rom allahassee),874866, Hours: uSa 0 am pm, Su pm.

    iS A JEM FinE AR, 307 North MainSt., Havana (15 miles from allahassee), 39033, Hours: MSa 0am6 pm, Su 6 pm.


    MoniCELLo oPERA hoU W. Washington Street, Monticellofrom allahassee), 99744,

    PEBBLE hiLL PLAnAioHighway 39, Tomasville, GA (30allahassee) , (9) 6344, Hours: uSa 0 am pm, Su

    qUinCY MUSiC hEARE, Washington St., Quincy(25 mallahassee) , 879444, www.qmton

    S An MAR Co S D E AP ALhiSoRiC SAE PARk, 48Road, St. Marks (20 miles from a96007. Hours: TM 9 am pm

    SPiRi oF hE SUWAnnEEPARk, US 9 north o Live Oakfrom allahassee), (904)

    SWAMP gRAVY, Cotton Hall,GA (64 miles from allahassee), (40,

    hoMASViLLE CULURAL C600 E. Washington St., Tomasvillemiles from allahassee), (9) Gallery hours: MF 9

    SaSu pm.

    ET UP,et Out, &


    imaes: Opposite page (from left to right) - Artwork by JohnLytle Wilson,Napolon I Bust (,mastodon at the Museum of Florida History.

    For other places to explore, see pages 9, 12 &

    Unless otherwise indicated, all area codes ar

    Tis may not be a complete listing of all orgo see if your organization or event is eligiblplease contact

    r up-to-date schedules and event information, visit


  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006


  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006


    Here or the summer visiting relatives?Give your kids a break and get themaway rom the video games withthese un and educational activities.Dance classes, theatre, music, or art orvacations, ater school, summers, andmore. There are some great birthdayparty ideas here, too.FOR

    r up-to-date schedules and event information ,v isit www.morethanyouthought.c om.

    FRiCAn CARiBBEAn DAnCE hEARE, 394087, (C)

    oYSChoiR oF ALLAhASSEE, 8403, (C)

    RUSh AnD PALEE SUDio, 379 imberlane Road, 893960, (C, B)

    APiAL CiY ShAkESPEARES YoUng CoMPAnY, 38676, (C)

    hALLEngER LEARning CEnER, 00 S. Duval Street, 64

    AR, (P, B)

    oMMUniY SChooL oF hE PERFoRMing ARS AnDULURE, 64 Osceola Street, 7437. (C)

    Lo R i D A AR S An D Co MMUn i Y En R i Ch MEn A.C.E.), 644833, (C)

    U SChooL oF hEARE, Florida State University, Fine Artsilding, 644600, (P, SC)

    ADSDEn ARS CEnER, 3 North Madison, Quincy, 874866, (C, SC)

    goRDonS SRing MUSiC,903 N.Monroe Street,3867784. (C)

    in SEP SUDio, inC. , 609 Glover Road, 4, (C)

    JiMS PiAnoS, 69A Capital Circle N.E., 0467, (C)

    kiLLEARn PERFoRMing ARS, 400 W. Shannon Lakes #0,4437 or 8949364, (C)

    kno hoUSE MUSEUM, 30 East Park Avenue, 949, (SC)

    LAFAYEE PARk ARS & CRAFS CEnER, 403 InglesideDrive, 89394, (C)

    LEMoYnE AR FoUnDAion, N. Gadsden St., 8800, (C, SC)

    LERoY CoLLinS LEon CoUnY PUBLiC LiBRARY, 00 WestPark Avenue, 60666, www.leoncountylibrar Hours: MT, 0 am9pm, F 0 am6 pm, Sa 0 am pm, Su 6 pm. (C, P)

    hE MARY BRogAn MUSEUM oF AR & SCiEnCE , 30 SouthDuval Street,30700,,SC, B)

    MiSSion SAn LUiS,0 W.Mission Road,48737, (SC)

    MUSEUM oF FLoRiDA hiSoRY,R.A.Gray Building,00 S. Bronough Street,46400,www.museumoforidahist, SC)

    on hE WAY gALLERY, 603 FranklinCourt, 3, (B)

    P R o P h ECY S Ch o o L o F h EARS, 3 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 0,808, (C)RoSSiER PRoDUCionS, inC.(RPi), 4037, (C)

    SoUhERn ACADEMY oF BALLEARS, 704C Capital Circle NE,074.(C)

    S UBBS MUS i C CEn ER , 60imberlane Road, 893874, www.stubbs.

    org. (C) ALLAh AS S EE BACh P AR LEY ChiLDREnS ChoRUS,94607, (P)

    hE ALLAhASSEE BALLE, 4697, (C, P)

    ALLAhASSEE giRLS ChoiR oFChoiCE, 7670. (C)

    ALLAhASSEE LEon CoUnYCiViC CEnER, 0 West PensacolaStreet, 48769, box oce 0400, (P)

    A L L A h A S S E E M U S E U M o FhiSoRY & nAURAL SCiEnCE ,394 Museum Drive, 78684, (C, P, B, SC)

    A L L A h A S S E E S Y M P h o n Y YoUh oRChESRAS (SYo), 34Tomasville Road, 493, (C, P)

    YoUng ACoRS hEARE , 609Glenv iew Drive, 386660, www. (C, P)

    | Spring2006 CapitalCultureMagazine CapitalCultureMagazine Spring2



    Note: the preceding listings are for programs designedespecially for children. Many places in other sections,like the Get Up, Get Out, & Explore section, are greatfor kids, too.

    Unless otherwise indicated, all area codes are 850.

    Tis may not be a complete listing of all organizations.o see if your organization or event is eligible to be listed,please contact

    imaes: Opposite page (from left to right) - Te allahassee Museum,Field rip at Mission San Luis,childrens activities at the MMuseum of Art and Science.Tis page - Pottery Workshop at the Knott House.

    C Classes and/or Private Lessons P Perormances & Events to AttendB Birthday Parties SC Summer Camp

  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006


    While in Tallahassee, discover the artistor perormer in yoursel. Learn to paint,sculpt, bead, carve, or quilt. Tango thenight away bring your own partner,or meet someone new. Want to makemusic? Heres your chance to play inthe string section or sing with thetenors. Youd rather work backstage orwrite the script? Theres something oryou in here, too.

    &PERFORMPERFORMr up-to-date schedules and event information ,v isit www.morethanyouthought.c om.

    reaTe arT

    EADz, 690 Raymond Diehl Road, 333,

    RUSh AnD PALEE SUDio, 379 imberlane Road, 893960,

    U MUSEUM oF FinE ARS ARiSS LEAgUE , Florida Stateniversity School o Visual Arts and Dance, 64499,

    APiAL CiY CARVERS, 68460,

    LoRi DA S oC i EY oF goLDS M i hS , noRhWES hAPER, 00 North Monroe Street,

    ADSDEn ARS CEnER, 3 North Madison, Quincy, 874866,

    AREn MACkS gALLERY, 64 McDonnell Drive, Railroad Square Artrk, 9466,

    AFAYEE PARk ARS & CRAFS CEnER, 403 Ingleside Drive,394,

    EMoYnE AR FoUnDAion:CEnER FoR hE ViSUAL ARS , N. Gadsden Street, 76,

    ogLESBY Union AR CEnER, Florida State University OglesbyStudent Union, 6444737, Hours: MT 9 am9 pm,F 9 am6 pm, Sa 0 am6 pm, Su pm.

    oLD ARMoRY gALLERY,ALLAhASSEE SEnioR CEnER,400North Monroe Street, 894006, (Services, Senior Services).

    on hE WAY gALLERY, 603 S. Franklin Court at Franklin Boulevard andJeerson Street, 3,

    qUiLERS UnLiMiED,

    SWAMP BUDDhA SUMiE, 38604,


    ALLEoninDEPEnDEn ARiSS,386776,


    AFRiCAn CARiBBEAn DAnCE hEARE , 394087,

    ARgEninE Ango SoCiEY oF ALLAhASSEE, 3449,

    in SEP SUDio, 609 Glover Road,, 4.

    kiLLEARn PERFoRMing ARS, 400 W. Shannon Lakes #0, 443

    7 or 8949364,

    P R o P h E C Y S C h o o L o F h EARS, 3 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 0, 808,

    hE ALLAhASSEE BALLE, 4697,

    ALLAhASSEE CoMMUniY FRiEnDSoF oLD iME DAnCE, 49 or 4838,

    ALLAhASSEE SWing BAnD DAnCES ,8943789,

    USA DAnCE,64,

    MaKe MuSIC

    APALAChEE BLUES SoCiEY, 668863,

    B A R B E R S h o P h A R M o n Y SoCiEY, 63876,

    Big BEnD CoMMUniY oRChESRA,893467,

    CLASSiCAL gUiAR SoCiEY oFALLAhASSEE, 0700 or 668643,

    goRDonS SRing MUSiC, 903 NorthMonroe Street, 3867784.

    JiMS PiAnoS, 69A Capital Circle N.E.,0467,

    SoUhERn BLEnD,907034 or 3879,


    ALLAhASSEE CiViC ChoRALE,8787,

    ALLAhASSEE CoMMUniY ChoRUS,668394,

    A L L A h A S S E E C o M M U n i Y CoLLEgE JAzz BAnD, 676336 or08360.

    A L L A h A S S E E P i P E B A n D,760708,

    oCAMoS, Railroad Square Art Park, 03,

    VoCES AngELoRUM, 94607,

    aCT uP

    CURioUS ECho RADio hEAER, 8473,

    FSU FiLM SChooL, University CenterBuilding A, Florida State University, 644043,

    MiCkEE FAUS CLUB, 63 McDonnellDrive in Railroad Square, 43089,

    qUinCY MUSiC hEARE, 8 EastWashington St.,Quincy(25 miles from allahassee),879444,

    A L L A h A S S E E L i L EhEARE, 86 homasv i l le Road, w w w . t a l l a h a s s e e l i t t l e t h e a t r e . o r g ,4497.

    hEARE A LA CARE, 386700,

    hEARE CC!, allahassee CommunityCollege,444 Appleyard Drive,08608,box oce644600,

    | Spring2006 CapitalCultureMagazine CapitalCultureMagazine Spring2



    A P A LA C hEE P RES S, 9

    D i g i A L P U L P , 9

    LERoY CoLLinS LEon CPUBLiC LiBRARY, 00 West Par60666,

    SoCiEY oF ChiLDREnS W R i E R S & i L L U S R A94643,

    A L L A h A S S E E W R iASSoCiAion, 67373,www.twa



    Please note: listed here are activities for adFor Kids section on pages 14 and 15 foclasses and activities.

    Unless otherwise indicated, all area codes arTis may not be a complete listing of all orgo see if your organization or event is eligiblplease contact

    imaes: Opposite page (from left to right) - MANCCSSoundings,a community theatre production at allahassee Little Teatrephotography student gets focused.Tis page - students at the FSU Oglesby Union Art Center.

  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006



    ARiSS in BLooM FESiVAL, FloridaA&M University, 993430.Annual community eventthat celebrates the arts,promotes literacy,and encourageshealthy living.ABF displays the talents and skills o artistsand practitioners rom allahassee and the surroundingareas,as well as artists with state,regional, national,andinternational reputations.

    C i V i L W A R B A L E F i E L D R E EnACMEn , Natural Bridge Battleeld StateHistoric Site, 0 DeSoto Park Drive,Woodville,96007. Featuring authentic uniorms, Conederateand Union encampments,antique muskets,cannonrings,and costumed villagers.

    Pig gig, Deep South Fairgrounds, Pavo Road, Tomasville, GA,96088. Giant barbeque,pi g

    contests,music,arts and crats,and more.Hogwild,danceajig event with plenty o downhome un.

    RED hiLLS hoRSE RiALS, Elinor KlappPhipps Park, Miller Landing Road, 893497, Nationally recognized equestriancompetition and horse trials sanctioned by theU.S. Combined raining Association with over00 competitors rom the U.S. and abroad,manyo Olympic caliber. Includes avenue o shops,exhibitions,and ood court.

    RiVERSiDE ARSFES,Bainbridge,GA, 94300.Features evening entertainment,juried ne







    Ipicked up the phone to the strangest sound I had ever heard.

    Uun, ung, ung!was the snorting jingle.I replied with caution. Hello..?Ung, ung, ung

    I took a stab. Let me guess. Pig Latin?Ten the amiliar voice o my good riend Ruth responded, Close! Itse Worm GruntinFestival in S opchoppy. Wanna go?Worm grunting? Who knew?Now, I had been to estivals with Ruth beore. She loves the long list otivities available here in our area, and likes to drag me along. Like mostus, Ruth enjoys gearing up or the big annual events like the paradesd downtown activities celebrating springtime and the holidays. Betweenose, Seven Days o Opening Nights, the Scottish Highland Games,d the Chain o Parks Art Festival, the date book can ll up quickly. Bututh also has a particular anity or those outothe way events thatude cultural peculiarity.In January we tried the Rattlesnake RoundUp, that 40year old

    Whigham, GA event that has attracts some 0,000 visitors rom allound. Beore that, my only exposure to a rattlesnake was when I was ay o ten, stumbling upon a rattler staring me in the ace in a creek bed. Icked up slowly and ran or the hills. But this was dierent. Tese peoplerent araid o rattlers. In act, they eat them! Between the snake handlingmonstrations and snake hunting tips, not to mention the snake art andake ood, it was a thoroughly un and ullling day. Who knew?In February I was roped into the Romantic Readings at the Knottouse. Now, any selrespecting guy worth his sports jersey will, uponaring the words romantic and readings in the same sentence,

    art exhibit,student art show,liter ary contest,speakers,workshops,c hildrens activities,street dance and more.Each year the BainbridgeDecatur Chamber oCommerce eatures the art and culture o a dierentstate,culminating in a grand nale concert held witha nationally known recording artist on the banks othe Flint River.

    ALLAhASSEE JAzz & BLUES FESiVAL, allahassee Museum, 394 Museum Drive,78684, Featuresnonstop jazz, blues, and gospel. Showcases localmusicians.


    CARRABELLE RiVERFRon FESiVAL,Marine Street along the Carrabelle Riverwalk,6978, and award winning artists with original worksand prints, customdesigned pottery,stained glass,sculpture,unique metal art, wood carvings,and more.

    Join us or a weekend o sun and un with live music,seaood, and maritime exhibits.

    ChAin oF PARkS AR FESiVAL ,Chain o Parks,Park Avenue and Monroe Street,8800, outdoor juried neart estival eaturing nearly 00 proessional artistsselected rom across the country.A variety o mediaincluding ceramics,clay,ber,graphics, pastel,glass,metal, photography, sculpture, wood, watercolor,oil,and mixed media.Also eatures live music,oodand beverage vendors,a beer and wine garden, andhandson art activities or children. Sponsored byLeMoyne Art Foundation.

    FLoRiDA WinE FESiVAL, he MaryBrogan Museum o Art and Science, 30 S.DuvalStreet, 30700,

    Wine,wine,glorious winewhatever is your avoritekind,the best place to tantalize those taste buds isat the Florida Wine Festival.I sipping wine doesntsound like un,other events include grape stomping,cheese making,a wine auction,and live perormancesand educational programs. Preevent promotionsinclude wine seminars eaturing experts speaking ona broad range o topics.

    FSU FLYing high CiRCUS, Haskin CircusComplex, corner o West Pensacola Street &Chietan Way,6444874, TeGreatest Collegiate Show on Earth! Each spring,the FSU Circus presents nearly 90 ying,swinging,balancing, and juggling student perormers in atraditional American 3ring circus display...all underits own Big op tent.RoSE ShoW & FESiVAL, Tomasville, GA,977099,

    a bloominggood time celebrating over 7 yearso roses at Tomasvilles Grand Dame o estivals.Activities throughout the City o Roses includespecial rose displays, parades,historical home andmuseum tours,street dances,arts and crats show,car and truck show,nursery vendor displays,lectures,garden tours,walk/run races,ood and un galore.

    SPRingiME ALLAhASSEE, 40, www.springtimet More than 00,000attendees annually,eaturing vendors,gourmet oods,entertainment, and parade oats rom around thesoutheast. Parade begins at the intersection oMonroe Street and Tomasville Road and travels

    south on Monroe Street past the Floriending at Gaines Street.

    WoRM gRUnin FESiVAL, DSopchoppy, 809600, www.wakorg/worm_estival.htm. Handson demactivities,exhibits,ood,music and more, plu

    Worm GruntinBall. A wide assortment and other entertainment including games the Wakulla County Horseshoe Champion

    Worm Grunters K Race.


    BLUE CRAB FESiVAL,Wooley Par984CRAB,

    EMAnCiPAion CELEBRAioHouse Museum,30 E.Park Ave.,

    FLoRiDAFoLkFESiVAL ,StephenCulture Center State Park,White Springs,FOLK,

    hUMAnAEE FESiVAL, San MApalache State Historic Site,St.Marks, JAzz FoR JUSiCE, Chez Pierre R homasville Road, 3890

    qUinCYFES, Gadsden Arts Ccourthouse square, Quincy,

    ALLAhASSEE WiLDLiFE FE8083, www.allahasseeWildl ieFestival


    FLoRiDA AFRiCAn DAnCE FEallahassee Community College, 444Drive,394087,

    JEFFERSon CoUnY WAERFESiVAL,Downtown Monticello,99


    B A S i L L E D A Y C E L E B R AChez Pierre Restaurant, Tomas0936,

    CELEBRAE AMERiCA, om Bro Conner Blvd.,893866, celebrateamerica@

    SWAMP SoMP, allahassee MuseMuseum Drive,78684,www.tallahasseem

    auguSTCARiBBEAn CARniVAL, Dallahassee, 87848, www.carnivaltallah

    PoSSUM FESiVAL AnD FUn DAY77,Wausau,63878,


    DoWnoWn gEDoWnS, Adbetween Pensacola Street and Park Av8087,

    | Spring2006 CapitalCultureMagazine CapitalCultureMagazine Spring2


    by Steve Christian

    immediately run in the other direction.But I trusted Ruth and,sure enough,it was un! Te music was perect, and there was indeed some beautiulpoetry, plus an open mic or those wishing to read their avorite pieces. Ithought o the lm Four Weddings and a Funeralin which someone readsrom W. H. Audens poem, Stop All the Clocks. You are my north, south,east, and westI was inspired though not enough to get up and quotethe poem mysel. Aterwards I actually wished that I had done it, but hadto be content quoting it to Ruth on the way home.

    In March I tagged along to Tomasville or the Pig Gig, where everyonegoes hog wild.I had heard o gator gigging, but not a pig gig. I was aboutto be educated. Te Deep South Fairgrounds ll up with party revelers.Naturally theres a giant barbeque, but theres also arts and crats, music,and danceajig down home un. Id heard o pigs being slopped, turnedinto bacon, and even used as pets, but these pigs dont know just howpopular they are!

    Tere was the time that Ruth talked me into going to the MonarchButtery Festival in St. Marks. My rst instinct told me to buy a net ona stick; I had obviously seen too many o those old movies where theintellectual Victorian society gentlemen runs around the orest with aloyal emale o equal cultural breeding, looking or some lost species obuttery. But nothing could be urther rom the actual event! By the endo the day, ater seeing the exhibits, hearing tips on buttery gardening,and learning about their migrations, I was ready to ollow them o intothe wilderness. Who knew?

    Yes, Ruthie has slowly trained me to just accept that I will be surprisedand amazed at the interesting array o events available in our area. WormGruntinwas destined to be another surprise. Tis allday aair eatured

    with lots o live music, ood (what else?), theWakulla Country Horseshoe Championship,and nally, the Worm Grunters Ball with thecrowning o the Worm Monarch. (Tey sayMonarchbecause it could be either a manor a woman.)

    Oh yes, did I mention that there wasgenuine worm gruntin? Tey actually do itand demonstrate it. Gruntinturns out to bea devious way to get the worms out o theground. You place one goodsized stick intothe dirt, then rub another at stick across thetop o the rst one. Te resulting vibrationsdrive the worms to the surace. Really! Youhave to see it to believe it.

    So you see, without the prouddemonstrations o variety in our area notto mention my riend Ruth egging me on Iwould have never known about any o thesethings. I am enriched by it in ways I cant

    describe, and I eel closer and more a part omy community than ever beore.I urge you to get in touch with your inner

    worm. Be on a irst name basis with theMonarch buttery o your dreams. Or gowrangle a rattlesnake. Whether its the FloridaArican Dance Festival, the GoodwoodAntiques and reasures Show, or the SwampStomp, just get out there, stick a stick in theground and rub it or worms. Youll probablysee me standing right next to you, taking it allin. Who knew?

    te: Tis years Worm Gruntin Festival is April 9th.

  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006


    XPERiEnCEASiA FESiVAL, E.Peck Greenk,Park Ave. across rom the LeRoy Collins Leonunty Public Library,90693.


    niqUES AnD REASURES ShoW,odwood Museum & Gardens,600 Miccosukeead, 87740,

    ESSing oF hE AniMALS, Mission Sanis, 0 W. Mission Road, 48737,

    LL FEVER,Railroad Square Art Park,4308,

    REEk FooD FESiVAL, Holy Mother od Greek Orthodox Church,64 Phillips Road,


    A L L o W E E n h o W L , a l l a h a s s e euseum, 394 Museum Drive, 78684,

    A V A n A B E A D , J E W E L R Y & A R XRAVAgAnzA, he Planters Exchange,4 Second S treet, Havana, 396343,

    onARCh BUERFLY FESiVAL, St.arks National Wildlie Reuge, Lighthouse.,St. Marks,96,

    EX o hE LAS ARMAgEDDon

    hoW, 6 Gallery, 6 Industrial Drive, 463,

    MPkin FESiVAL,Downtown Havana,3944,

    ooBiLEE,allahassee Museum, 394 Museumive,78684,


    g B E n D F o L k L iF E F E S iV A L , llahassee Museum, 394 Museum Drive, 784,

    ookFES, LeRoy Collins Leon County Publicrary, 00 West Park Avenue, 60666,

    R A D L E Y S Co U n R Y F U n D A Y ,6 Centerville Road, 893647,

    oWn on hE FARM FESiVAL, Spanishoss Farm,300 Ball Farm Road,Quincy,80876,

    L o R i D A S E A F o o D F E S i V A L ,t t e r y P a r k , A p a l a c h i c h o l a , 6 3 9 , www.lo r ida sea oode s t iva l . com.

    ULE DAY,Calvary,GA,9377MULE,

    oRh FLoRiDA FAiR, North Floridargrounds, 44 Paul Russell Road,878347,

    L A n A i o n W i L D L i F E A R SSiVAL,Tomasville Cultural Center,600 Eastashington St., Tomasville,GA, 96088,

    PUnkinChUCkin ,Mickee Faust Clubhouse,63McDonnell Drive, 43089,

    SWinE iME FESiVAL, Climax,GA, 948880,


    AnnUAL oLD-FAShionED hoLiDAYoPEn hoUSE, Lichgate on High Road,40High Road,38366,

    ARSAnDAniqUESFAiR, FSU Museum oFine Arts,F lorida State University Fine Arts Building,6444,

    CAMELLiA ChRiSMAS, Maclay GardensState Park,340 Tomasville Road,4874,

    CAnDLELigh oUR oF gooDWooD,Goodwood Museum & Gardens,600 MiccosukeeRd.,87740,


    Mission San Luis,0 W.Mission Road,48737,

    ELF nigh, Dorothy B Oven Park, 30Tomasville Rd.,8939,

    hoLiDAY EXhiBiion AnD LighEDSCULPURE gARDEn, LeMoyne ArtFoundation, N.Gadsden St.,8800,

    hoLiDAY MAgiC ConCER , Ruby Diamond Auditorium, FSU Campus, 4046,tickets 644600,

    hoLiDAY oPEn hoUSE, Knott HouseMuseum,30 East Park Avenue,949,

    JUS onE MoRE inViAionAL ARFESiVAL ,Ponce de Leon and Bloxham Parks atMonroe Street, 980877,

    LAino FES, St.Tomas the Apostle CatholicChurch, 7 N. Shadow St., Quincy, 873806,


    MAking SPiRiS BRigh, GoodwoodMuseum & Gardens, 600 Miccosukee Rd., 87740,

    MARkE DAYS, North Florida Fairgrounds,44 Paul Russell Road, 78684, www. U S i C A h E o L D C A P i o L ,400 South Monroe Street, 48790,

    hE nUCRACkER, Ruby DiamondAuditorium, FSU Campus, 644600,

    R o C k - A - h o n , C U L U R E oCULURE,John G.Riley Center/Museum,49 E.

    Jeerson Street,68788,

    SUgARPLUM FAiR AnD nUCRACkERChARACER BREAkFAS, GoodwoodMuseum & Gardens,87,

    WinERFESiVAL: A CELEBRAionoF LighS, MUSiC, AnD hE ARS,Downtown allahassee,89 3860,


    ChiLDREnS DAY A hE MUSEUM ,Museum o Florida History,R.A. Gray Building,00 South Bronough Street, 46400,

    FREEDoM BLUES FESiVAL, 668863,

    RALESnAkE RoUnD-UP, WhighamFairgrounds,Whigham,GA,9763774.


    BLACk hiSoRY Monh FESiVAL,


    ohER WoRDS: A ConFEREnCE oFLiERARY MAgAzinES,inDEPEnDEnPUBLiShERS, AnD WRiERS, WilliamsBuilding,Florida State University,44408,

    RoMAniC READingS, Knott HouseMuseum,30 East Park Avenue,949,

    SEVEn DAYS oF oPEning nighS ,Florida State University,6447670,box oce 644600,

    ALLAhASSEE CELiC FESiVAL AnDSCoiSh highLAnD gAMES, SunnyHill Farm, 700 Roberts Road, 894670,

    VALEninES DAY DinnER, GoodwoodMuseum and Gardens, 600 Miccosukee Road,87740,

    V A L E n in E S E R E n A D E S B Y h EBARBERShoP hARMonY SoCiEY,63876,

    | Spring2006 CapitalCultureMagazine


    For up-to-date schedules and event information,

    Unless otherwise indicated, all area codes are 850.

    Tis may not be a complete listing of all organizations.o see if your organization or event is eligible to be listed,please contact

  • 8/14/2019 Capital Culture Magazine: Spring 2006


    cn,t waiT foyonxt of




    Cultural ResourcesCommissions

    EST. 1994


    Join us on the rst Friday o every month when museums and galleries stay open rom 6 p.m.until at least 9 p.m. with no admission charge, oten eaturing openings, receptions, andspecial events or the public. Check the allahassee Democrats Limelightor the CRCsweb site or a complete list o whos open each month.

    For an exciting and diverse season o exhibitions, visit the City Hall Art Gallery and the ArtPortGallery at the allahassee Regional Airport. Both galleries are ree and open to the public. Teexhibition season eatures painting, sculpture, collage, ber art, photography, and other ne crats.Additional group shows highlight youth art and ne art photography. For each exhibition, the CRCholds a ree reception or members o the public to meet the artists.


    fomthecultual resouescommission...

    For more inormation, contact the CRC at(850) 224 2500 i it li t t


    Looking to buy a piece o artwork or nd an artist? Check out the online Artist Directory avirtual listing o the allahassee areas talented visual artists, musicians, dancers, authors,and theatre personnel. People are listed both alphabetically and by discipline, many with

    sample images and links to their own web sites. Teres also an online orm you can use toget yoursel listed in the directory!

    What is there to do in allahassee? MoreTanYouTought.Com! Check ourcalendar or upcoming exhibits, shows, concerts, tours, lectures, auditions,rehearsals, meetings, lms, estivals, special events, and more. While youre there,add your organizations events!

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