campaign finance legal framework pap launch

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    Campaign Finance in thePhilippines:

    Legal Framework

    Perat Pulitika


  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    Campaign Finance Laws

    The Constitution

    The Omnibus Election Code [BP 881]

    Republic Act No. 6646 Republic Act No. 7166

    Republic Act No. 9006

    Pertinent COMELEC Resolutions

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 2

  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    What does the Constitution say?

    Equal Access to Opportunities for PublicService [Art. II, Sec. 26, Phil. Const.]

    Accountability of Public Officers [Art. XISec. 1 Phil. Const.]

    Preserving National Sovereignty andIndependence [Art. IX-C, Sec. 2(5), Phil.Const.)

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 3

  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    ElectionDonations or Contributions

    Election Donations or CampaignContributions are those made ...for the

    purpose of influencing the results of the

    elections [Sec. 94 (a), OEC]

    Donations for Campaigns are generally

    allowed except if sourced from certainindividuals and entities.

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 4

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    Donations from the following areprohibited:

    Public or private financial institutions,

    Public utilities and those exploiting anynatural resources of the nation;

    Those who hold contracts or sub-contracts with government

    Those who have been grantedfranchises, or similar privileges orconcessions by the government;

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 5

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    Those who, within one year prior to thedate of the election, have been grantedloans in excess of P100,000 by thegovernment;

    Educational institutions which havereceived grants of public fundsamounting to no less than P100,000.00;

    Officials or employees in the Civil

    Service, or members of the Armed Forcesof the Philippines; and

    Foreigners and foreign corporations.[Sec. 95, 81, 96 OEC]

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 6

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    CANDIDATES cannot solicit fromthe above


    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 7

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    Election Expenditures

    payment or delivery of money oranything of value, or

    a contract, promise or agreement to

    make an expenditure, use of facilities personally owned by the

    candidate, the money value of the useof which can be assessed based on the

    rates prevailing in the area.

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 8

  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    Expenditure Limits(per registered voter in a

    constituency) Php 3.00 individual candidate

    supported by political party

    Php 5.00 individual candidate notsupported or nominated by politicalparty

    Php 5.00 Political Parties Php 10.00 Candidates for President or

    Vice President.

    [Sec. 13, RA 7166]Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 9

  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    Items included in computing theexpenses for determining

    compliance with limits

    Expenditure in cash and in kind

    Use of equipments, facilities andother paraphernalia owned bycandidate, and contributor, the value

    of which would be assessed by theCOMELEC.

    [Section 100, 101, 102, OEC]

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 10

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    Items NOT included in thecomputation:

    copying and classifying list ofvoters, investigating andchallenging right to vote; or

    printing sample ballots. [Sec.102, OEC]

    employment of counsel;

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 11

  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    Prohibited Expense

    Vote Buying [Sec. 261[a] OEC] Donation by Candidates during campaign

    period up to election day, except tithes andhabitual contributions to scholarships

    Giving transportation, food or drinks orthings of value during public meeting, daybefore election, and on election the day of

    the election [Sec. 89, OEC] Bribery

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 12

  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    Soliciting Donations fromCandidates Prohibited!

    For gifts, food, transportation,contribution or donation in cash or in

    kind from the commencement of theelection period up to andincluding election day. [Sec. 97,

    OEC] Vote Selling is also punished. [Sec.

    261 (b) OEC]

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 13

  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    Use of Public Funds/StateResources

    for any election campaign PROHIBITED - 45 daysbefore up to 30 days after election

    Usually committed by Incumbents

    Public Money

    Printing press, radio, or television station or audio-visualequipment

    Equipment, vehicle, facility, apparatus, or paraphernalia

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 14

  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    Release, Disbursement andExpenditure of Public Funds

    PROHIBITED - 45 days before up to 30 days afterelection on public works, except:

    Maintenance of existing and/or completed publicwork projects;

    Works undertaken by contract through publicbidding held, or by negotiated contractawarded,45 days before election;

    Payment for procedures done preparatory toactual construction and wages of watchmen;

    Emergency Works because of public calamity.

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 15

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    Also Unlawful to release public fundsfor:

    Department of Social Welfare andDevelopment and the like, except

    for salaries and routine expenses.Housing agencies, except salaries

    and administrative expenses.

    [Sec. 261 (v) OEC].

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 16

  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    Documentation Requirements

    Candidates and Treasurers must keep full anddetailed records

    Candidates and Treasurers to preserve therecords for at least three years [Sec. 106, OEC]

    Written authority to incur expenses, includingcontracts, vouchers, invoices and other recordsand documents relative to said expenditures,to be kept and preserved for 3 years. [Sec. 112OEC]

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 17

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    Reporting Requirements

    Candidates to report itemized statement ofcontributions and expenditures within 30 days afterelections [Sec 14 RA 7166]

    Donors to report their donation within the sameperiod of 30 days [Secs 98, 99, OEC]

    Contractors and Firms to whom electionexpenditure is incurred to submit a report of allthose who paid him within 30 days [Sec. 112 OEC]

    Contracts for Advertising to be submitted to

    COMELEC within five (5) days after its signing. [Sec6.3 RA 9006]

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 18

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    Reporting Requirements

    Written acceptance of Donation to beattached to the advertising contract andshall be submitted to the COMELEC within

    5 days from signing [Sec. 4.3, RA 9006] Political Parties and Candidates are

    mandated to submit to the electionregistrar a statement of expenses incurred

    in rallies [SECTION 88, OEC]

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 19

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    Duty of COMELEC to examine allstatements of contributions andexpenditures of candidates and politicalparties to determine compliance [Sec 110OEC]

    COMELEC to Prosecute Criminal Offenses

    COMELEC to Disqualify Candidates under

    Section 68 of the Omnibus Election Code

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 20

  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    State of Campaign Finance in thePhilippines

    Not given enough importance, unlikevoting and counting procedures.

    Rules are largely ignored

    Laws are comprehensive but outdated.

    Insufficient Enforcement Capability andMechanism

    Official Reports Difficult to Obtain.

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 21

  • 8/14/2019 Campaign Finance Legal Framework PAP Launch


    What Can Be Done? Sustained Advocacy for Public Awareness of

    Campaign Finance Issues Effective and Vigilant Civil Society

    Monitoring of Campaign Finance Practicesand Enforcement.

    Media Focus on Campaign Finance Reforms

    Rationalizing and updating existing campaignfinance laws like expenditure limits

    Mandatory Publication of Reports

    Strengthen COMELECs enforcement capability

    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 22

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    Luie Tito F. Guia, Libertas 23

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