camp 2014 newsletter, week 1

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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June 30-July 3


MDS Summer Camp Newsletter

Hello Families!

Our first week of camp was a blast. We did so many fun things! In art we made different 4th of July projects with Morah Debbie. The children used paint, crayons,

stickers, and tissue paper to create their red, white, and blue masterpieces. The Prachim and Kochavim also got to make the all American chocolate chip cookie in

Baking with Morah Sharie. What a yummy treat!

Everyday has been amazing, since all the friends were able to cool off in the sprinklers and have a ball with beach balls in the gym! Starting in science, we

learned about bubbles and even got to pop them. The children loved practicing blowing bubbles, as well as exploring the bubble solution with their hands. Later in the yard, the children were able to play with more bubbles out in the yard. We can’t

wait to see what’s in store for next week!


Morah Talya, Morah Stephanie, Jenny, Talia, Nadav, and Hannah

Kochavim & P’rachim

Bunks Parparim and Devorim

What an incredible time we had the first week at MDS Summer Camp

2014! We met our new Morot and made many new friends! We enjoyed

many new activities such as art, baking, gym and music!

This week we learned all about the Fourth of July!

During our Art classes we decorated our very own American Flags using

sponges and even clothes pins as paint brushes! We only used the three

colors on the American Flag; Red, white and blue! The colors on the

American Flag also inspired us to bake red, white, and blue cupcakes.

Yum, Yum!

We continued our exciting camp activities by conducting Science

experiments with Morah Simona. We blew bubbles, made bubbles, and

even painted with bubbles. On Thursday, we enjoyed a picnic in the lob-

by of MDS! We sang songs, played outside and even spent time in the

FUN Zone dressing up, playing with Tubations and having a blast!

We can’t wait to see what is in store for next week!

Happy Fourth of July!

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Sarah and Morah Temima Morah Yona and Morah Rachel

D’vorim & Parparim

D’vorim & Parparim


Wow! The Dagim’s first week of camp really flew by,

We did fun activities related to the 4th of July!

In Kinderdance we learned how to move our bodies this way and that,

With “pointe and flex” and keeping our backs so straight and flat.

In gym Coach Leora taught us about exercise and more,

We “cleaned up the house” with the colored balls on the floor.

We made chocolate chip cookies by baking, decorated red white and blue.

In art with Morah Debbie we made fireworks and the statue of liberty too.

But wait! The Dagim did so much more

Swimjim, and music with Yoni galore!

Science with Morah Simona was filled with

bubbly fun!

We can’t believe the first week is already done!

We got so wet in the sprinklers but that’s not all,

We went to the roof and played basketball.

Off to the Jewish Museum we did go,

We saw Miss Liberty and Torah’s and learned

things we didn’t know!

We’ll see you next week for a lot more fun!

The Dagim are the best! We are number one!


Morah Shira and Morah Tali

Tziporim It is so good to be back, summer is finally here,

get ready to play, laugh, sing, and cheer.

We are the tziporim, or the birds if you prefer.

We are the cheeriest and chirpiest bunk, I can assure.

We fly down the halls with our arms spread like wings,

while we quickly got into the full swing of things.

From swimming to roof, and arts and crafts.

To science, dance, and gym, where we run really fast.

To baking, where we made a very special treat.

Our very own red, white, and blue cupcake for us to enjoy and eat.

In art we used pom poms to paint a flag, and made a Statue of Liberty too,

we then decorated cut out hearts red, white, and blue.

All this and much more done to honor July 4th,

Which we learned is America’s birthday, of course. In science we learned that bubbles are made up of air,

we then got to blow some of our own, which we did gently and with care.

In gym we practiced how to listen for the whistle, which tells us when to

stop and go,

and learned the correct motion when getting ready to throw.

On Thursday we went on a trip to the Jewish Museum, it was so much fun.

We then had a picnic lunch in the park under the sun.

Please rest up and get ready for week number 2,

there are so many more fun and exciting things to do!

Have a happy 4th of July and a Shabbat Shalom!

Morah Karen, Morah Ariella , and Moreh Ariel

Wow! We cannot believe that the first week of camp has already ended! It must be true that time flies

while having fun! Our focus in camp this week has been all about July 4th, and in all of our specialties

we have been making projects by incorporating the colors of the American flag, red, white, and blue!

In art this week each of the girls decorated their own Statue of Liberty. They received a cut out of the

Statue and painted around it on another paper, using a variety of colors. Once the cut out was removed

from the paper the girls saw how great their projects turned out! We also made American flags in the

shape of a heart, using red, white, and blue tissue paper. each project came out beautiful and unique!

In baking we made delicious cupcakes also in the colors of red, white, and blue. We started off by mix-

ing together a bunch of ingredients to make a regular cake. We mixed in the eggs, oil, water, etc. Once

the cake batter was ready we split it into three bowls. In one bowl we added blue food coloring, in the

second bowl we added red food coloring, and the third bowl we left as is. Then each girl added all

three colors into their personal pans. The next day we decorated our baked cupcakes with white frost-

ing, red licorice, and blue sprinkles. The girls are so excited to taste the delicious cupcakes, and could

hardly wait to take them home!

Swimming has been a blast this past week! The girls love splishing and

splashing in the pool, as well as getting airplane rides from the swim-

ming instructors. They have also been learning how to float on their

backs, breath under water, and make bubbles in the water as well. Hope-

fully by the end of the summer and with a little more practice the

Malkot girls will become expert swimmers!!

In science this week we learned how to make our own straws out of pa-

per and tape. Once we completed that part, we blew bubbles using our

straws. We didn't only blow bubbles in cups, but we blew bubbles on

the table!! We also tried blowing bubbles with salt, hon-

ey, oil, and food coloring added to the bubble mixture,

and tested out which one worked the best! The Malkot

decided that the mixture with the food coloring worked

the best, and the science teacher, Morah Simona ex-

plained to use that since food coloring is pretty much

plain liquid this was why it didn’t make a difference to

the bubble blowing!

It has truly been a fun filled week, and we cannot wait

for more to come!

Happy Independence Day, and Shabbat Shalom!!!


Wow! We cannot believe that the first week of camp has already ended! It must be true that time flies

while having fun! Our focus in camp this week has been all about July 4th, and in all of our specialties

we have been making projects by incorporating the colors of the American flag, red, white, and blue!

In art this week each of the girls decorated their own Statue of Liberty. They received a cut out of the

Statue and painted around it on another paper, using a variety of colors. Once the cut out was removed

from the paper the girls saw how great their projects turned out! We also made American flags in the

shape of a heart, using red, white, and blue tissue paper. each project came out beautiful and unique!

In baking we made delicious cupcakes also in the colors of red, white, and blue. We started off by mix-

ing together a bunch of ingredients to make a regular cake. We mixed in the eggs, oil, water, etc. Once

the cake batter was ready we split it into three bowls. In one bowl we added blue food coloring, in the

second bowl we added red food coloring, and the third bowl we left as is. Then each girl added all

three colors into their personal pans. The next day we decorated our baked cupcakes with white frost-

ing, red licorice, and blue sprinkles. The girls are so excited to taste the delicious cupcakes, and could

hardly wait to take them home!

Swimming has been a blast this past week! The girls love splishing and

splashing in the pool, as well as getting airplane rides from the swim-

ming instructors. They have also been learning how to float on their

backs, breath under water, and make bubbles in the water as well. Hope-

fully by the end of the summer and with a little more practice the

Malkot girls will become expert swimmers!!

In science this week we learned how to make our own straws out of pa-

per and tape. Once we completed that part, we blew bubbles using our

straws. We didn't only blow bubbles in cups, but we blew bubbles on

the table!! We also tried blowing bubbles with salt, hon-

ey, oil, and food coloring added to the bubble mixture,

and tested out which one worked the best! The Malkot

decided that the mixture with the food coloring worked

the best, and the science teacher, Morah Simona ex-

plained to use that since food coloring is pretty much

plain liquid this was why it didn’t make a difference to

the bubble blowing!

It has truly been a fun filled week, and we cannot wait

for more to come!

Happy Independence Day, and Shabbat Shalom!!!

Dear Giborim Parents,

The first week of camp has flown by! The Giborim have had a fun filled week with lots of ex-

citing activities. In music, Yoni taught everyone about the different parts of a guitar; he even

let each child touch the guitar strings! The Giborim had plenty of opportunities to run

around on the roof, in the yard, and in the gym with Coach Leora.

In excitement for July 4th we enjoyed many American themed activities. In baking, we added

red, white, and blue food coloring to our cake batter. We then decorated our cupcakes with

Twizzlers and blue sprinkles to look like the stripes and stars of the American flag. In Art,

Morah Debbie helped us create many different July 4th projects. We painted fireworks using

forks and straws. We also decorated hearts with red, white, and blue tissue paper because

we love America!

In science this week we learned all about bubbles! We discovered that bubble solution is

made from soap and water. We experimented with different ingredients in our bubble solu-

tion. We discovered that honey makes bubbles last longer, while oil and salt make it more

difficult to blow bubbles. We also made bubble paintings by adding food coloring to the

bubble solution, blowing bubbles, and then popping the bubbles on white paper.

On Thursday we went on an exciting trip to the Jewish Museum. We saw beautiful artwork

from all over the world and had a chance to make our own artwork as well. We had a blast!

Looking forward to next week.

Shabbat Shalom!

Morah Rena and Matin


A Message from Morah Marsha

There are many exciting activities happening at camp every week . Our

counselors take pictures of the children having fun and keeping busy

throughout the day. While we can’t include all pictures in the Newsletter,

the pictures are uploaded every week to Dropbox, a private photo-

sharing website. (These pictures cannot be accessed without a direct

link.) Links to the photos are below - click the link to your child’s bunk to

see their pictures. More pictures will be added on an ongoing basis but

the link will stay the same, so you can save it for future viewing. We hope

you enjoy!









See You Next Week!


Thursday July 10th is Purim in July - all campers

should bring/come in a costume.

Monday July 14th picture day - campers should wear

their camp shirts

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