calibration service - flowmeters - endress+hauser · since 1994, endress+hauser has been accredited...

Post on 06-Aug-2020






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Products Solutions Services

Calibration Service - Flowmeters

Cost-effective, reliable calibration as and when needed

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Welcome – Introduction

• Yang Feh Fan

• Senior Engineer –

(Service and Solution)

Marketing Dept.

• 2.5 years in E+H

• Contacts :


• 03 – 7843 3872

• 012 – 661 0219

Xperience The Future

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• E+H Global Calibration Concept

• Our Service at Glance – Flow Calibration Rig at E+H MY

• Traceability and Accreditation

• Flow Calibration Rig (Coming soon in Malaysia)

• Features: Flow Calibration System

• Best practices for flow calibration management

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E+H Global Calibration Concept

• Worldwide accreditation of our flow calibration rigs

• Complete traceability of test equipment back to national and

international standards (ISO/IEC 17025)

• Periodic inspection by national accreditation bodies

• Calibration service in more than 40 countries

• Comprehensive calibration equipment: factory and onsite calibration

facilities, software applications, test instruments and documentation

• Since 1977, over 2.9 million calibrated flowmeters

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Calibration Facilities Worldwide

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Flow Calibration in Endress+Hauser Malaysia (NEW!)

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Terminology Overview - Calibration

Paraphrasing the formal definition defined by the International

Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM).

Calibration is the procedure to establish a relationship between the

quantity value given by the flowmeter (i.e., mass flowrate for the unit

under test), and the reference quantity value obtained by a calibration

reference (e.g., rig), with its associated measurement uncertainty.

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Our Service at Glance – Flow Calibration Rig at E+H MY

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Calibration Method

• Comparison with in series master meter

• Mobile calibration with Coriolis flowmeter as reference

Calibration Range and Flowmeter Size

• Small pump: 0.20 to 30 m3/h (depend on UUT pressure loss)

• Big pump: 0.20 to 60 m3/h (depend on UUT pressure loss)

• DN8 to DN100

Calibration Points

• 3 or 5 points

• Others on request

Time required (per device)

• 2 to 3 hours (depending on calibration points, process condition/connection, etc)

• Cleaning has to be performed before calibration


Our Service at Glance – Flow Calibration Rig at E+H MY

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Equipment Concerned

• Electromagnetic

• Vortex

• Coriolis

• Thermal

• Ultrasonic

• Mechanical

• Others upon request

Documents Issued

• Calibration Certificate (example 1 and example 2)

• On request, copy of the proof of conformity to the national/international standard`


• Calibration can be conducted on-site or in E+H Malaysia workshop

• Reduce downtime

• Save cost


100% Traceability

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• The Endress+Hauser approach is accredited calibration rigs

based on ISO/IEC 17025 as the traceability foundation.

• This means full traceability with an uninterrupted chain of

proof regarding the test equipment, from the test device to

the hierarchically highest standard in each country

“national standard”, confirmed by an accreditation.

Calibration rig

Testing equipment

National standard

Global reference

±0.000001% ±0.0001% ±0.0016% ±0.015%

Example: Promass F is calibrated with a measurement uncertainty of ±0.025% as a master meter and Maximum Permissible Error (MPE) of ±0.05% (in customer’s production plant).

The calibration rig (Endress+Hauser) • PremiumCal calibration rig for testing Promass 83F/84F (as an example) • Measuring uncertainty: ±0.015% • Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS) • Annual SAS audits of the facility

The gravimetric scales (Endress+Hauser) • Gravimetric scales of the PremiumCal calibration rig for measuring the reference flow values • Regular verification of the scales every 2 weeks with calibrated reference weights (= internal reference standard) • Measuring uncertainty of the reference weights (class F2): ±0.0016%

The national standard (national institute of metrology) • Verification of the reference weights used by Endress+Hauser every 5 years by the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology METAS using a mass comparator and national reference weights (national reference standards) • Measuring uncertainty of the METAS 500 kg reference weight (set 502, class E2): ±0.0001% (0.5 gram to 500 kg) • Periodic comparison of the reference weights to Switzerland’s replica No. 38 of the IPK every 10 years

The International Prototype Kilogram (at BIPM, France) • International Prototype Kilogram (IPK) = global reference and basic unit of mass. The Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), founded in 1875, keeps the IPK under lock and key in a vault on its premises in Sèvres near Paris (France). • In 1950, 1991 and 2003 comparison measurements for verification took place between the IPK and Switzerland’s replica No. 38. • Measuring uncertainty: ±0.000001% (±10 micrograms)


Accreditation by Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)

Since 1994, Endress+Hauser has been

accredited as a calibration provider for

flowmeters by the Swiss Accreditation

Service (SAS) in accordance with ISO/IEC

17025. The very good results of the

comparative verification measurements

carried out by both the Swiss Federal

Institute of Metrology (METAS) and

Endress+Hauser confirm the high reliability

of the flow calibration rigs accredited by

SAS at Endress+ Hauser.

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Accreditation by A2LA and CNAS

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ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001

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Flow Calibration Rig (Coming Soon to Malaysia)

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Flow Calibration Rig Diagram

• Flow rate: • Best uncertainty:

Small pump: 0.20 to 30 m3/h (depend on UUT pressure loss) Big pump: 0.20 to 60 m3/h (depend on UUT pressure loss) 0.11%


Flow Calibration Rig – Workflow

Xperience The Future

Step Screen Description





A Work Order can be imported from a file or the data can be entered by hand (this covers data for all screens used). Enter basic information for the Work Order such as address data.

1 .

Enter data for the devices used in the flow rig such as reference (master) flow meters, and temperature and pressure sensors.


Enter data relevant for the UUT (Unit Under Test). Enter data for the fluid used for the calibration.




Enter flow ranges, units for measured signals and basic setup data for the calibration. This data influences the calibration.




3 .

Enter and edit setpoints for the calibration. Start and stop the calibration. View and handle the results from the calibration. View device values during the calibration.





Save calibration data to a file. Printout a certificate as a PDF document. Optional: save the data to a database (CompuCal).

Work Order












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Flowcal Xpert

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Features : Flowmeter Calibration System

• The Flow Calibration System comprises the Flowcal Xpert

software, the control module and one of two different flow rig


Flow Rig Control Module

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Flowcal Xpert

The main features of Flowcal Xpert are:

• Up to 5 measuring points can be selected per calibration

• Intuitive guided calibration procedure steps

• Adaptable to local language and standards

• Unit selections

• XML Interface to Report Generator

• On-site printing of calibration certificates

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Flowcal Xpert, the calibration execution software can run on a standard Windows PC,

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Flowcal Xpert – Setup screen

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Flowcal Xpert - Calibration Screen

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Flowcal Xpert - Certificates

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Flowcal Xpert offers five certificate template styles in various languages to suit your customers requirements

• English • German • French • Dutch • Italian • Spanish • Portuguese • Czech • Polish • Russian • Slovenes • Turkish • Hungarian • Japanese • others on request

• Easy

• Instant printout on-site possible

• Layouts compliant to ISO 17025

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The Benefits for Endress+Hauser Customers

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Sustainable Excellence in Flow Calibration

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Consultation for Calibration


Easy Calibration SOP

Traceability of Test Equipment

Trained Specialist

Calibration Documentation


Best Practice for Flow Calibration Management

Common myth: My flowmeter needs to be calibrated annually because.... (you

are not so sure)

Calibrate at an optimum frequency and save cost!

Fail to plan for flow calibration? Fail to save cost...

What we recommend:

Yearly calibrations are not necessary, as some flowmeters require calibration

only once every 3 or 4 years depending on the process fluid, operation, and

criticality. In other cases, a flowmeter may require calibration much more

frequently, to maintain a safe, efficient, or regulatory compliant operation. It’s

also important to realize that calibration intervals are not always fixed,

meaning that they might fluctuate based on usage or historical performance.

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Start Now? Don’t Wait Further...

1) Difficulty with compliance and audit? Afraid of failing an audit?

2) Ask for support from E+H

3) Assessment over all flowmeters

(environment condition, criticality, risk of maintainability)

4) Setting up calibration plan

5) Storing information in an effective way (W@M portal)

6) Continuous improvement plan

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Flow Calibration Rig in Endress+Hauser Malaysia

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You are all welcome to see the live demo in Q3 in Endress+Hauser Malaysia!


Q & A

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Thank You

Coming soon Q3 in Endress+Hauser Malaysia! See you there!

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