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C MPASSClear water Yacht Club

June 2019

See pages 8 & 9 for more ARC Fun Day photos

See page 10 for more Kentucky Derby Party photos


See page 11 for more Cinco de Mayo Party photosSee page 7 for more Spring Fling photos

Arc Fun Day brings in record donations—THANKS cYc!

Viva cinco de Mayo!Derby Party

Spring Fling Dock Party

CYC Compass June 20192

commodore’s corner

2019 Officers, DirectOrs,AppOintments & trustees

CYC OfficersPhil Beauchamp Commodore Greg Garner Vice CommodoreMary Kay Delk Rear CommodoreDennis Sheehan TreasurerCurtis Wold SecretaryDick Nordman Fleet CaptainCollin Heimensen Immediate Past CommodoreBoard of DirectorsDan Callahan Amie CrosbyJim Coats Charles GeraciGreg Crist Richard Libonate Board of TrusteesPC David Billing Harry Jamieson PC Dick Boblenz PC Hoyt Nichols Wayne Huneke PC Gary StrohauerAppointmentsFr. Bob Wagenseil Fleet ChaplainDr. Don Collins Fleet Surgeon

The Club’s tradition of giving back to our community continued in many ways in May.

Thanks to PC Tish Wold and Khris Turpin for bringing us a wonderful “Spring Fling” event to benefit the Haven, a non-profit organization in Clearwater that directs resources to people facing hunger, homelessness, domestic violence and the lack of basic needs. Our members donated hundreds of items, as well as funds, to make this another wonderfully new and success-ful event that we hope to continue each year.

Our 26th Annual ‘Bee Bee’ ARC Fun Day was Spectacular! Our CYC staff and membership worked together to make this event a success. Huge thanks to PC Roland Milam, for heading up the donation effort; PC Johnny Cardosi, who handled food prep and serving; Helen and Joe Correia, for donating the guests shirts, Lynne Shackelford, who organized shirt distribution; the Clearwa-ter aquarium for supplying boat rides; and JR, who kept our guests dancing. Thanks as well to every member who donated time and money to make the ARC Fun Day the best ever! I was honored, as your Commodore, to present a check on behalf of CYC to The ARC of Tampa Bay for $15,000. That’s a record for us!

We finished out the month with Troop Rewards. This not-for-profit organization started after a local Clearwater Beach suite owner, Tom Burkett, got an overseas call in 2009 from an Army private inquir-ing about renting a suite on Clearwater Beach to celebrate a belated honeymoon and re-entry into society after a long, stressful time from his overseas deployment. Burkett arranged everything for the reunion for free as a thank you for defending our country’s freedom.

Troop Rewards started in 2009. Since 2015, CYC has participated by putting on two farewell barbecues at the Tiki each year for Troop Rewards families. Other businesses and luxury hotels on Clearwater Beach are also contributing to the program.

We all should take pride in CYC’s involvement and leadership by giving back to charitable organizations in our community. Let’s keep it growing!

See you around the club!

CommodorePhil Beauchamp

lasT monTh saw the start of our Summer Membership drive. This is an excel-lent opportunity for people to try out the club before joining.

Do you have a place of business in the area? If so, would you be willing to display some brochures for the Summer Membership promotion? If yes, please let Virginia know so that copies can be made for you. Use something to “stamp” the brochure with your name. For every summer member who signs up from your busi-ness, you will receive a free drink or Tiki token. If that summer member becomes a member at the end of the promotion, you will receive $100 in CYC gift certificates.

For all our new summer members, welcome! Please be on the lookout for Summer Membership Sundays! I believe that we have the best club around, and I take every opportunity to share that with people I meet. I hope that all of us, as members of CYC are ambassadors who share the great attributes that CYC has to offer. Please encourage people to come visit.

If you ever have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me at AmieAMC@icloud.com. Also, think about joining the Membership Committee. We meet the first Wednesday of every month in the Board Room. Our next meeting is June 5 at 6:30 p.m.

by amie Crosby, membership Chairman

If you enjoy:l Sailingl Imbibingl Dining l Telling sea storiesl Cruising in company with other sailboats

We’re gathering in the Grille on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. for drinks and blather, 7 p.m. for dinner. The next Sailors’ Table will be June 26.

CYC member Mario Andretti was recently in-terviewed by Fox News celebrating his 50th year anniversary Indy 500 win. Watch it at: https://www.foxnews.com/auto/proud- american-mario-andretti-indy-500

3June 2019 CYC Compass

cYc Board Highlights

At the May 16 Board of Directors meeting, the fol-lowing actions were taken:l Approved replacement of the walk-in chiller and freez er and outside doors to the kitchen that will be in stalled during a club shutdown in mid-August.l Heard an update from the Indian Rocks Sailing Association Program Director on the great enrollment for youth sailing sessions this summer and request for volunteers as able.l Approved Dress Code change for the Dining Room and Grille Room. l Discussed action items from the Long-Term Planning Committee. To gain some traction on these items, they will be discussed next month and every 3 months at the Board of Directors meetings.The next board meeting will be held June 20.

hello from waTersIde! With the weather and water heating up, more of us are using our boats and the club. It’s great to see members sprucing up their boats and getting out more often. Some needed repairs will be made in the upcoming days to some of our docks and pilings, and a long-range plan is in the early stages.If you’re looking for more ways to enjoy CYC, try joining us for occasional sunset cruises, as well as adventures at the sailing center. Check out its summer camp programs. Act fast on those as they are nearly sold out. Also, the Sailing Center can use volunteer help if anyone’s interested.That’s it for now. See you at the Tiki Hut!

Watersideby dick nordmanfleet Captain

by steve mcnallyYachting Chairman



June 29 8:32 p.m. July 27 8:25 p.m. August 24 8:02 p.m. September 21 7:30 p.m.

Boaters should meet at the Tiki Bar one hour before sunset. If you want to go but do not have a boat, or if you will be joining us, please contact Reinhard Opitz at ropitz@mindspring.com

The laser Class Association has invited CYC to host the 2020 Laser Midwin-ter East regatta, February 19-23, 2020. We readily accepted their invitation.

Youth Sailing: The Indian Rocks Family Sailing Association will, once again, be operating its summer Youth Sailing camps at CYC. Please see Sailing Activities on page 5 for more information.

Clearwater Community Sailing Center is holding Wednes-day night racing at 6 p.m. beginning June 5. It is a great opportunity to hone those racing skills and a wonderful opportunity for volunteers interested in Race Committee and Race Management to get out on the water and get some practical experience. The Wednesday night races will con-tinue through August. Hot water sailing!

We’re also continuing Beer Can Racing in concert with the Dunedin Boat Club. The race schedule is as follows:

Gulf series September 28 Dunedin Cup

October 26November 23

bay seriesJune 21 2:41p High Tide 2.8 9:56p Low Tide 0.2June 28 3:18p Low Tide 0.7 9:25p High Tide 2.1All Bay Series races start at 6:45 p.m. with the attempt

to get two races in per date. Signal will be located at the Dunedin boat clubhouse floating dock.

Skippers can register for the Gulf races online at http://dunedinboatclub.org/racing-2 . NOR is posted there as well. Only the P-A-G Run and Dunedin Cup have a registration fee. For CYC participants, the Gulf Race results will count toward the Robert Word award.

2019 Hurricane Season: June 1-November 30. Get your Hurricane Plan in order!

God Save the Poor Sailor.

At the May 16 Board of Directors meeting, the following memberships were approved:

Full:Tony and lorie FaulknerSuMMeR:Harold Hawkins and liudmilla DmitrievAubrey and Steven HitchcockRobert JasonSam and Patrice JohnsonRichard longden and Maryanne DiMeoJason and Heather SandersSteve and linda VitaleKen and Heather Wint

If you see the pineapple flag on a table, please introduce yourself and give them a warm CYC welcome!

cYc New Members

CYC Compass June 20194

are You readY for a fun, new event? We have just the evening for you Sat-urday, June 15—the Catalina Wine Mixer. What is a Catalina Wine Mixer, you ask? Think back to one of the funniest Will Ferrell movies ever, “Stepbrothers.” Remember the great party at the end of the film and you’ll be ready for our very own Catalina Wine Mixer on the Tiki Deck. We’ll have wine and drink specials (that’s right, a Catalina Wine Mixer is about all kinds of fun, not just wine), dinner and danc-ing. Our very own and very talented member, Paul Greenhalgh, will be spinning the tunes to keep us on the dance floor.

Castaway Day Away…Imagine the enjoyment you’ll have on Three Rooker Island with all your CYC buddies. Join us for food, games, music and all out fantastic day June 22. No member will be left behind, so if you don’t have a boat, let the CYC office know, and we will find you a way to travel in style to Three Rooker. Our fleet might just have to gather on land at the Tiki Bar after our Castaway Day Away because, after all, it’s thirsty work being a castaway.

Mark your calendar for Smooth Jazz Sunday June 9. Phone in your reservations in advance because this crowd pleaser is a sell-out event.

Featured Band Friday will be a real treat June 28. For the first time, dueling pianos take the stage at CYC. Be ready to sing along, laugh, request your favorite tunes, laugh—and then laugh some more.

May was certainly a good time month. We kicked it off back-to-back events: the Kentucky Derby Party followed the next day by our Cinco de Mayo Fiesta. The Hot Rod Hor-nets were a great start to the Memorial Day weekend Friday, May 24. Everyone enjoyed recognizing the Pinellas County landmarks as we watched “Summer Rental” at the pool Sat-urday, May 25. We finished the holiday weekend with our traditional BBQ Memorial Day, May 27.

Check out this column every month to find out how to have fun at CYC!

by Greg Garner, Vice Commodore

HouSe and GrouNDSYour house & Grounds Committee continues to work in the background to keep our “Lady” ready for members. The new phones and TV cov-erage for the docks are installed—and by all feedback—working to everyone’s satisfaction. We are still having problems but working with Spectrum to deliver the consistent Wi-fi we need for our members and visitors. The board has confi-dence we will achieve this.

This major project has many moving parts and will require the club be closed between August 19-26. The club will reopen, Tuesday, August 27. While the club is closed, the Tiki bar and pool will be open during normal operating hours. However, the kitchen will not be open. Plans are being hatched for the weekends involved; we will keep everyone up to date as the renovation gets closer.

We hope to be visually moving forward in our landscaping efforts within weeks of you reading this Compass edition. Plants and costs still need to be determined, but with the efforts of Cheryl Schulz and the University of Florida Extension, we continue in our efforts to beautify and add curb appeal to CYC.

A problem we have been dealing with is a persis-tently high water bill. We have finally been able to narrow the problem down to the pool area. We have hired a professional to find and repair the leak. We continue to work on the “touch up” list, trying to stay ahead of the necessary small items that always need attention.

Many of you have helped by emailing me, letting me know about problems as you see them. I encourage you to continue—the more eyes on the problems, the better chance we will get them resolved.

The same is true about our service and restaurant. Most of the comment cards are very positive, but I know we have problems from time to time. I encour-age all members to speak out, use the comment cards or email me. Please let us know what we are doing wrong or what can be improved. It’s your club, and we are here to serve you as a member.

House and Grounds meets at 6:00 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month. Our next meeting is June 4. All members are not only welcome but encouraged to attend. Please join us!

It’s your club…. don’t be a stranger!

entertainmentby mary Kay delk, rear Commodore

Gulls Tracksby lynne shackelford

Gulls President

IT’s ThaT TIme of year again when many of our Gulls leave the Nest for the summer. Some of us will still meet in the Nest every Wednesday around 10:30-11:00 a.m. to socialize, maybe play dominoes and then have lunch in the Main Dining Room at noon. Please feel free to join us early or just come for lunch.

Watch for next season’s news in the fall.

5June 2019 CYC Compass

ThIs summer the Indian Rocks Family Sailing Association (IRFSA), based at CYC, is offering four full day sailing sessions. We offer a high quality, yet afford-able, program aimed at teaching the basics of small boat sailing with an intentional focus on the virtues of teamwork, compassion, patience and perseverance. All sessions are full day with graduation at 11 a.m. on the last day of each session.

Session dates are as follows: Summer Youth Sailing Session 1: June 3-14 Race 101: Intro to Sailboat Racing: June 24-28 Summer Youth Sailing Session 2: July 8-19 Advanced Sailing: July 22-August 2We are a volunteer-run organization and always look-

ing for help. No specific skills are required; any amount of time that you can provide is valuable. It can be as simple as stopping by at lunchtime and telling some sailing stories or helping with learning knots.

If you are out on the water or at CYC and see our Intrepid Sailors, please give them a wave or shout of encouragement.

For more information about volunteering or pro-grams, contact us at FamilySailingFun@gmail.com. follow us on facebook www.facebook.com/indian-rocksfamilysailing to get updates and see photos and videos of our sailors.

Sailing Activitiesby Claire english

cYc BooK cluBby diane switalski

The booK Club meets the third Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. in the Board Room. All members and their guests are welcome to join our stimulating and fun discussions. If you enjoy reading, this is the place to be!

Many of us stay for dinner. If you do plan to do so, please make reservations with Virginia or Mary at 727-447-6000.

All books are selected by the members prior to discussion. Our upcoming meetings will feature the following:


by elena ferrante

July 16 MORNINGS IN JENIN by susan abulhawa

Summers are HOT at Clearwater Yacht Club!

Heated and chilled Pool

Annual ARC Fun Day!

Warm friendly people

Monthly parties

Outdoor dining and bar

Annual Dinghy Poker Run

Clearwater Yacht Club is pleased to offer a summer 2019 mem-bership program, with details as follows:

Effective from May 1–Sept 30, 2019

No initiation fee (Summer member must provide a credit card to be on file. It will not be charged, so long as the summer member pays their invoices.)

Dues of $150/month.

No monthly minimum

Use of CYC only

Daytime dockage only

At the close of the sum-mer membership, the summer member in good standing may be offered membership in a class of their choice (Full, Social, or Junior) at the then current of-fer rates for dues and initiation (not eligible to join under refer-a -friend program.)

Prospective members can only take advantage of one such Summer membership program.

Call or email the office for more details! 727-447-6000 or


CYC Compass June 20196

cruisersby don and Joan Carter Cruising Chairpersons

maY’s rePorT from the Cruisers was missing because we were on our cruise to St. Petersburg at the deadline for the Compass. So—let’s get everyone up to date. The Cruisers, 16 boats total, spent four fun-filled days at the St. Petersburg Yacht Club in downtown St. Pete April 25-28. Festivities began shortly after we docked on Thursday with a Dock Party, good food and good times! Afterward some members attended a Broadway production of “Mama Mia” outdoors in the park. Friday the activities started with an afternoon of shuffleboard at one of the oldest and largest clubs in the country, followed by happy hour and a wonder-ful dinner put on by the St. Petersburg Yacht Club. Saturday consisted of the downtown St. Pete Farmers Market with din-ner that night at 400 Beach Seafood and Tap House. Sunday concluded our weekend activities with a beautiful brunch at the St. Petersburg Yacht Club. Many thanks to our hostess for the weekend, Joan Carter.

By the time you will be reading this, our group will be off on our longest trip of the year, a three-week voyage to the Keys, staying in Marathon and Key West, May 23-June 13.

The next Cruisers meeting is June 18 at 6:30 p.m. Please join us!Bon voyage and keep it between the navigational beacons!

2019 CruIse sChedule remaInInGAugust 22-25 Tampa Yacht ClubSeptember 26-29 Commodore’s Cruise

7June 2019 CYC Compass


L-R: Deb Mattson, Abbey Heimensen, Amie Crosby, Khris Turpin, PC Tish Wold, Haven Executive Director, Lola Blevins

by PC Tish woldThe ParTY’s tagline was “Drop (off) your Drawers” and boy did we!

A beautiful late April evening downstairs on the Tiki deck--with a great band to get us dancing the night away—set the scene for CYC’s Spring Fling party April 28. The night was a blast, including a drink contest with our own favorite bartenders, Christian and Gage.

Most of all, our members came out to offer a HUGE amount of support to The Haven, a local shelter for victims of domes-tic violence. Our very generous members and friends donated auction items, $2,000 in cash, over $200 in gift cards, along with $8,000 worth of underwear, clothing and toiletries for women and children. All of these were delivered May 1. The Haven staff was amazed at the donations given to their program.

Big thanks to everyone who supported this party, espe-cially to the Haven Angels: Christy Crist, Amie Crosby, Abbey Heimensen, Deb Mattson, Olivia Prince, Khris Turpin, and PC Tish Wold, for organiz-ing the event!

Look for this party to become a CYC tradi-tion in years to come!

CYC Compass June 20198


9June 2019 CYC Compass


CYC Compass June 201910

Andrew Tipton

Cathy O’Brien and friend

Karen and charles Sachs

cYc Member Terry campbell with Debbie Kurland and Juli Moulton

11June 2019 CYC Compass

CYC Compass June 201912

bow Chasers Change of watchThe Bow Chasers Annual Change of Watch was held May 7.

Judy Umeck and Theresa Haverkamp decorated the luncheon tables with sailboats and red and blue accents.

Race Captain Mary Lou Dean presented the sailing awards:Fall Series: 1st, Cathy McNally, 2nd, Mary Lou Dean and 3rd,

Karen WatsonWinter & Spring Series: 1st, Cathy McNally, 2nd Mary Lou

Dean and 3rd, Mary Kay DelkBankston Most Improved sailor: Anita CaffertyHarris Perpetual Pram Trophy for best racing results: Cathy

McNallyCaptain Judy umeck presented the annual awards:Harris #1 Participant Award: Cathy McNallyBrown Distinguished Service Award: Ned CovelSteadfast Award: Theresa HaverkampDottie Olsen Sportsmanship Trophy: Mary Lou DeanItty-Bitty Boat Award for social activities: Lynne McCaskillAppreciation gifts were given to Ned Covel, Steve McNally and

Rich White for their assistance with our Race Committee and edu-cation. Special recognition gifts were given to Mary Lou Dean for her Rainbow Regatta accomplishment and Theresa Haverkamp for her work this year with the Bow Chasers and FWSA.Mitzie France installed the new Advisory Board for 2019-20:

Captain linda DornCo-Captain lynne McCaskillSecretary Judy umeckTreasurer Terry RadfordRace Captain Mary lou DeanAssistant Race Captain Cathy McNallyCruise Captain Phyllis NordmanAssistant Cruise Captain Sherril YoderEducation Cheryl SchulzFleet Captain Anita CaffertyMembership Terry BrusiniPublicity/Historian PC Sandie RamsdenFWSA Delegates: 1st, Theresa Haverkamp,

2nd, PC Sandie Ramsden and Alternate, linda Dorn

by PC sandie ramsden, bow Chasers Publicity

florida women’s sailing associationThe Salty Sisters of St. Petersburg Yacht Club hosted the

FWSA Annual Meeting May 16. PC Sandie Ramsden, FWSA 2nd Delegate; Cathy McNally, Interclub Chairman; Mary Lou Dean, Race Captain; Judy Umeck, Immediate Past Captain; Lynne McCaskill, new Co-Captain; and Mary Kay Delk, past Secretary, enjoyed the annual awards and Change of Watch before the buf-fet luncheon.service

Proceeds from our 2019 50/50 raffles netted more than enough to make a $100 donation to Sailability, a nonprofit organization that provides affordable, accessible sailing activi-ties and training toadults and children of all abilities. Proceeds from silent raffles for a nautical jewelry set and Columbia shirt also added to our fund for next year’s donations.see You in september

The Bow Chasers are on hiatus until next fall. However, a planning meeting for next year’s activities is scheduled for June 4. Over the summer months, you can join many of us for water

13June 2019 CYC Compass

Chaplain’s Log

oVer The PasT 40 years, P.T. and I have sailed the waters from Maine to Bermuda, and Long Island to Clear-water. Along the way, we’ve experienced the awesome power of the Atlantic Ocean, and we’ve learned to enjoy the beauty of a seemingly endless horizon for days on end.

Those sailing days are over now, at least for the time be-ing, but we have discovered that opportunities to voyage far away and experience that seemingly endless horizon are still waiting for us.

As I write my Chaplain’s Log this month, my wife and I are sitting onboard our RV located in the Arizona desert roughly 2,000 feet above sea level. This is a layover day due to high winds (approx 40 knots). We have just returned from three days at the Grand Canyon more than 7000 feet above sea level with humidity levels as low as 12%.

We’ve experienced an amazing change of scenery on that route which has taken us from desert and cactus to a snow-capped mountain and pine forests. The topography has changed, and we’ve voyaged to locations we never would have thought possible twenty years ago—one im-portant aspect remains unchanged and that is the wonder-ful people we meet along the way.

Indeed, whether at anchor or an RV Park, long distance voyaging is a metaphor for life itself, reminding us in countless ways that what matters most remains the same: it is the family, friends and fellow travelers we meet along the way who always make the voyage worth the effort. May your life’s voyage continue to be filled with the bless-ings of nothing less!

Wishing you “fair winds” and “happy trails!”Fr Bob frbob.wagenseil@gmail.com

by fleet Chaplain father bob wagenseil

CYC Compass June 201914

Club dining hoursTuesday-Thursday 11:30 am - 9:00 pmFriday & Saturday 11:30 am - 9:30 pmSunday Breakfast 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Tiki hut hoursTuesday-Thursday 6:00 -10:00 pmFriday 2:00 pm - closingSaturday & Sunday 11:00 am - closing

June events

saturday 1st

Private MDrsunday 2ndNew Member Orientation 11:30 p.m.Tuesday 4thHouse and Grounds Meeting 6:00 p.m.wednesday 5thMembership Meeting 6:30 p.m.saturday 8thApril-May-June Birthday and Anniversary Karaoke Nightsunday 9th

Smooth Jazz Breakfast Buffet 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.Tuesday 11th

Entertainment Meeting 6:30 p.m.wednesday 12th

Cruisers Meeting 6:30 p.m.Thursday 13thTeam Triviasaturday 15thCatalina Wine Mixer with DJsunday 16thhaPPY faTher’s daY!!Father’s Day Breakfast 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.Dads Eat Free (Members)Free Hot Dogs for Dads at TikiTuesday 18th

Book Club 6:00 p.m.Yachting Meeting 6:00 p.m.wednesday 19th

Finance Meeting 6:00 p.m.Jazz Night 7:00 p.m.Thursday 20th

Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 p.m.Bingo Nightsaturday 22nd

Castaway Three Rooker Bar (island) Dayaway TripTuesday 25th

Trustees Meeting 5:30 p.m.wednesday 26th

Sailors’ Table 7:00 p.m.

saturday 30th

red, white & blue Party

July events

Tuesday 2ndHouse and Grounds Meeting 6:00 p.m.wednesday 3rdMembership Meeting 6:30 p.m.Thursday 4thhaPPY 4Th of JulY!Independence Day Cook-outfriday 5thNo Lunch—Club opens at 5:00 p.m.saturday 6thDinner & Vegas Magic Showsunday 7thNew Member Orientation 11:30 a.m.Tuesday 9thEntertainment Meeting 6:30 p.m.Private DDwednesday 10thFinance Meeting 6:00 p.m.Cruisers Meeting 6:30 p.m.Thursday 11thTeam Trivia 7:00 p.m.friday 12thDinghy Poker run Hat Partysaturday 13thDinghy Poker runsunday 14thSmooth Jazz Breakfast Buffet 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.Tuesday 16thYachting Meeting 6:00 p.m.Book Club 6:00 p.m.Thursday 18thBoard of Directors Meeting 6:00 p.m.Bingo 7:30 p.m.Tuesday 23rdTrustees Meeting 5:30 p.m.wednesday 31stSailors’ Table 7:00 p.m.

CYC committees and organizationsCommITTeesentertainment, rc Mary Kay Delk finance, richard libonatehouse & Grounds, Vc Greg Garnermembership, Amie crosby nominating Committee, Pc collin HeimensenPolicy, commodore Phil Beauchampsailing activities, Ned Covel, Jim Englishwaterside, Dick NordmanYachting, Steve McNallyCYC orGanIzaTIonsbow Chasers, linda Dorn and lynne MccaskillCruising, Don and Joan carterGulls, Lynne Shackelfordip’s store, ComPasseditors: Janis Howard, PC Sandie Rams-den, Judy Umeck Photo Credits: Terry Campbell, Jim Hannigan, Kathy O’Brien, Sandee Pfister, PC Sandie Ramsden, Karen Sachs, Judy Umeck, PC Tish WoldThe deadline for all copy, ads and photos is the Friday following the Board of Directors’ meeting each month.

cYc eVeNTS save These dates

Sunday, June 9

15June 2019 CYC Compass

General manager’s letterby Tom brusini, General managerwelCome To June! The best place to escape the summer heat is right here at CYC—whether in the air conditioning upstairs or down or relaxing in our chilled swimming pool with a refreshing adult beverage!SUMMER MUSIC SUNDAYS! We’re once again featuring live music on the Tiki Deck every Sunday afternoon during the summer months—WOW!

Speaking of summer, have you introduced a friend to our Summer Membership promotion? No initiation, dues of $150 monthly, enjoy the club until the end of September, then decide if you’d like to join our family for good!

Sunday, June 16 Happy Father’s Day! We treat all our great dads to a complimentary breakfast buffet upstairs (open from 9-1) with free hotdogs and draft beer on the Tiki Deck or poolside!Saturday, June 22 Castaway Day at Three Rooker Bar! Join hosts Todd & Amie Crosby and Tom & Misha Kelly for another fantastic day on the island! Think cook-out, sunshine, music and friends!

dId You Know? Members’ children, 12 & under, eat free from the

Junior Commodores menu! The Tiki Hut is never closed to members Happy Hour Tuesday through Thursday, 5:00-7:00

p.m., ALL drinks ½ price Members are responsible to tell their guests about

appropriate dress codes and behavior Men may wear shorts in the dining room on Friday

nights or any night during the summer Hats off for gentlemen upstairs, please! We host great private parties for all occasions, either

upstairs or down! Chef John uses fresh herbs from the CYC herb garden,

picked daily Refer a friend to join and receive $100 in din ing


Chicken wings are ½ price all day Saturday at the Tiki Hut & Patio

Our beautiful swimming pool is both heated and chilled! All beverages consumed here must be purchased

here—no personal coolers The prime rib is aged in-house for five weeks, served

only on friday evenings Half-price Bloody Mary’s & Mimosas with Sunday

breakfast from 9:00-10:00! All sauces and soups are made fresh daily by Rosendo! Our fine Office Manager, Virginia, is a Notary Public—

no charge! Free bags of ice are available in the boaters’ freezer

under the rampAs always, reservations are highly recommended any

time you want to come in, and details will follow for ev-ery party we have planned!

At your service, I remainTom Brusini

april Team Trivia winners

Dress code changesThe Board of Directors approved the following changes to CYC’s dress code:l Except for formal functions or as otherwise noted, men may wear dress shorts and collared shirts in the dining room year round.l Men may wear shorts at all times in the Grille Room. Tee shirts may only be worn until 5:00 p.m.l Formal dress uniform includes a suit and tie for men.Dress code changes will be posted at the club. Please contact the office if you have any comments.

The first 4th Friday

Fourth Friday Band Scott Koffman

CYC Compass June 201916

Clearwater Yacht Club830 S. Bayway Blvd.Clearwater, FL 33767Phone: 727 447 6000

Email: office@clearwateryachtclub.org

Website: www.clearwateryachtclub.org

CYC StaffTom Brusini General ManagerJohn Yingling Executive ChefVirginia Vollenweider Office ManagerMichelle Geis Accounting ManagerDan Geis Maintenance SupervisorLinda Carter Dockmaster

wednesday June 19thsaturday June 8th

Thursday June 20th

birthday & anniversary Karaoke night

don’T mIss These uPComInG eVenTs

CYCRed White

& BlueDock Party live Music at the Tiki Deck

saturday June 30th

$44 per person for an entire evening of brand new entertainment!6:00 p.m. Cocktails & butler-passed apps on the Dry Dock7:00 p.m. Sit down dinner: Entrée choice: Filet Mignon or Chilean Sea Bass8:00 p.m. Magic show starts

saturday, July 6 featuring

faTher’s daY fesTIVITIes

sunday June 16 father’s day breakfast 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Dads eat free (members)free hot dogs and beer for dads at the Tiki deck

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