by: taylor currin, jamie steckler & bailey gibbons period 4

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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By: Taylor Currin, Jamie Steckler & Bailey Gibbons

Period 4

The Urinary System

To remove liquid waste from the blood in the form of urine

Keep a stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood


Function Continued:

Produce erythropoietin

The kidneys remove urea from the blood

Function Continued:

Maintains normal concentrations of electrolytes within body fluids

Regulates pH and volume of body fluids

Major Organs:



Concave on medial side, convex on lateral side

The Kidneys:

Kidneys Continued:

Renal Sinus

Renal PelvisMajor CalycesMinor CalycesRenal Papillae

Kidneys Continued:

Renal MedullaRenal Pyramids

Renal CortexNephronsRenal Columns

Function of the Kidneys:

Maintain homeostasis Regulates composition volume and the pH of

extracellular fluid

Function of the Kidneys:

Secretes erythropoietin Plays a role in activating Vitamin D Maintains blood volume and blood pressure

Location of Kidneys:

Lie on either side of the vertebral column In a depression Retroperitoneally

Function: tube that carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder

Location: extends downward behind the parietal peritoneum


Ureters Continued:

25 cm longContains 3 layers:

Mucous coat (inner layer)Muscular coat (middle layer)Fibrous coat (outer layer)

Location:Behind symphysis pubisBeneath the parietal peritoneum

Function:Stores urineForces it into urethra

Urinary Bladder:

Urinary Bladder: Hollow, distensible, muscular organ Trigon 4 layers:

Mucous coat (inner layer)Submucous coat (second layer)Muscular coat (third layer)

Detrusor muscleInternal urethra sphincter

Serious coat (outer layer)

Function: Conveys urine to outside of body

Location: below the bladder (connected) and leads to outside of body


Urethra Continued:

Lined with mucous membraneThick layer of smooth muscle tissueMucous Glands

Urethral glands

Renal Arteries Interlobar Arteries Afferent Arterioles Renal Vein

Renal Blood Vessels:

Pathway of Blood within the Kidney: 1. Renal artery

2. Interlobar Artery

3. Arcuate Artery

4. Cortical Radiate Artery

5. Afferent Arteriole

6. Glomerular Capillaries

7. Efferent Arteriole

8. Peritubular Capillaries

9. Cortical Radiate Vein

10. Arcuate Vein

11. Interlobar Vein

12. Renal Vein

Nephron Structure- What is a Nephron?

Renal CorpuscleGlomerulusGlomerular Capsule

Renal Tubule


1. Filtration

2. Reabsorption

3. Secretion

Urine; a collection of substances that has not been reabsorbed during glomerular filtration or tubular reabsorption

Formation of Urine:

Video on Filtration:

95% water Contains urea and uric acid Amino acids & variety of electrolytes

Reflects on ones dietary intake and physical activity

Composition of Urine:

Urea Source: By-product of amino acid catabolismEnters the renal tubule by filtration

Uric Acid Source: product of the metabolism of certain organic bases in nucleic acidsActive transport reabsorbs all the uric acid

present in glomerular filtrate

Urea & Uric Acid:

Nephrons, Collecting Ducts, Calyces of Kidney , Renal Pelvis, Ureter, Urinary Bladder, Urethra

Urine Elimination:


Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome


Kidney Stones(Chronic Kidney Disease)


"Kidney." <i>Function, Location & Area</i>. Healthline Networks Inc, 21 Apr. 2005. Web. 15 Mar. 2015. &lt; body-maps/kidney&gt;.

"How Your Kidneys Work." <i>The National Kidney Foundation</i>. 6 Jan. 2015. Web. 15 Mar. 2015. &lt;>

"Kidney." <i>Wikipedia</i>. Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Mar. 2015. Web. 15 Mar. 2015. &lt;>

“Overview of Urine Transport, Storage, and Elimination System.” Boundless Anatomy and Physiology. Boundless, 02 Jul. 2014. 16 Mar. 2015. < physiology-textbook/the-urinary-system-25/urine-transport- storage-and-elimination-242/overview-of-urine-transport-storage- and-elimination-system>

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