by: allison hale. biomes are ecosystems that have certain plants and animals that live in that...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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By: Allison Hale

Biomes are ecosystems that have certain plants and animals that live in that certain spot. Here are some biomes, Rainforest, Taiga, Desert, Grassland, Deciduous Forest, and the Tundra.

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The Earth’s rainforests are located in hot, muggy weather. Some rainforests are located in Tokyo, Japan. If you ever look on a map, rainforest are usually represented by the color green.

Rainforests Ecosystems The Rainforest’s climate is very warm and wet, so it

is very easy for plants to grow. Most of the animals that live there are very dangerous. The puma, cougar, and the jaguar are consumers and carnivores. The earthworm, millipede and cockroaches are decomposers. There are many herbivores, like the capybara, the howler monkey, and the spider monkey. Then there are producers like Bamboo, the Zamia fern, and the Coconut tree. One omnivore that can be found in the Rainforests is the Toucan.

The rainforests have a lot of layers. In fact, they have four layers. There is the forest floor, then the understory layer, the canopy layer, and then the emergent layer.

The tropical rainforest is always wet. Then there are loggers, many species are becoming endangered and once their gone they will not come back. The types of leaves in the rainforests are broadleaf. The trees that live in the rainforest live for 50-100 years. The decomposition rate is rapid. Most trees have smooth bark so plants can’t grow on them.

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