by: alex s 1/17/2013. francisco pizarro was a very good man he was sent by the ruler of spain for...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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by: Alex S1/17/2013

Francisco Pizarro was a very good man he was sent by the ruler of Spain for both of his trips and his second trip he founded lima the capital of Peru and he was the king of lima until he died he fought a 2000 man army with his army only 200 man and won he is a great leader and a great explorer too.

He found a lot of treasure it made lima a lot richer. He was the mayor of lima in Peru that was the city he found on his second trip. His first trip was a small one he went the coast of Europe Spain to London. His exploration year were from 1524-1535 he stop after that because he was getting to old and he wanted to stay with his family

He was born Around 1474 in Trujillo, Spain. He died June 26, 1541 in Lima, Peru he got assinated by his x- crew man and he died as a leader and a hero to the pepole of lima. He had 2 kids but when his

I learned a lot about lima and Peru. I learned about his route to Peru from panama and Spain to panama. He is a great man and a great explorer! Did you know that he snuck on to a big ship when he was 5 and they almost sailed away with him on it. So it was meant to be a explorer from a small age

 Donaldson-Forbes, Jeff. "Expolraction." Francisco Pizarro. New York: PowerKids, 2002. N. pag. Print

"Explorers for Kids: Francisco Pizarro." Ducksters. Technological Solutions, Inc. (TSI), Jan. 2013. Web. 22 Jan. 2013. <>.

"Francisco Pizarro: Explorer -" Francisco Pizarro: Explorer - N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2013. <>.

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