bvp cet-bbt

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  • 8/10/2019 BVP CET-BBT




    Bharat i VidyapeethDeemed University, Pune (India)







    CET BBT 2 15CET-BBT-2015For Admission to theFor Admission to the

    B.Sc. Biotechnology

    B.Sc. Biotechnology


    Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed UniversityBharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University

    Rajiv Gandhi Institute of

    Information Technology and Biotechnology Pune

    Rajiv Gandhi Institute of

    Information Technology and Biotechnology, Pune

  • 8/10/2019 BVP CET-BBT


  • 8/10/2019 BVP CET-BBT


    Information Brochure | 2015-16

    Dr. Patangrao Kadam

    As the C hancellor of Bharati Vidyapeeth U niversity reaccreditation. An approval by the U G C under

    I extend a very w arm welcom e to the students who Section 12B of its Act w hich our U niversity has

    are desirous of seeking adm issions in our different received by another feather in the cap of the

    C onstituent units. U niversity.B ha rati V id ya p eeth, the p a rent W e at this U niversity are com m itted to

    organization of this U niversity is celebrating this m ake available to our students a w ide spectrum of

    year as its G olden Jubilee Year. At this m om ent m y academ ic options to choose from .

    m ind goes back over a period of five decades. It has also been our endeavour to provideBharati Vidyapeeth initiated its academ ic journey continuously updated education in a congenialw ith a single school. N ow it is one of the prem ier environm ent to our students. I am very happy that aeducational institutions in the country, having very large num ber of our past students haveunder its um brella m ore that 180 educational units established their reputation as M edicalincluding 80 colleges of 12 faculties. They include Practitioners, Engineers, Pharm acy Industrialistscolleges of M edicine, D entistry, Engineering, and the like not only at the national level but also atPharm acy, H otel M anagem ent and the like. There the international level. Research is a focal area ofm ay not be any disciplines either conventional or activities of our U niversity. W e have three Researchem erging for which Bharati Vidyapeeth has not Institutes as constituent units of U niversity. They areestablished its institution. doing rem arkable w ork. H ow ever, our aim is to

    W ithin a short period of 19 years or so, develop this U niversity as a Research U niversity.

    Bharati Vidyapeeth U niversity has established its I again w elcom e all of you and w ish you aacadem ic reputation even across the national very successful academ ic career as students of thisborders. Its high level of academ ic excellence is U niversity.

    underscored by the fact that the M inistry of H um anResource D evelopm ent, G overnm ent of India has

    given 'A' grade status to this U niversity. The

    U niversity's another rem arkable achievem ent is

    that it has been aw arded a prestigious 'A' grade by

    the N AAC both in its first accreditation and also in


    Hon'ble Dr. Patangrao KadamM .A. L.L.B., Ph.D.


    From the Chancellor's Office

  • 8/10/2019 BVP CET-BBT


    Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University

    Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity

    Katraj, Pune 411 046.

    Tel. N o.: 020-24379013, 24365713

    Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity

    A-4, Rohtak Road, O pp. O rdnance

    D epot, Paschim Vihar Extension,

    N ew D elhi - 110063.

    Tel. N o. : 011-25285808 / 25250120 / 25284396

    Bharati Vidyapeeth's

    Sector 7, O pp. Kharghar Railway Station,

    C .B.D., Belpada,

    N avi M um bai 400 614.

    Tel. N o. : 022-27571074 / 27572140

    Rajiv Gandhi Institute of InformationTechnology And Biotechnology

    Institute of Management & Research

    College of Engineering

    Designated Centres CET-BBT-2015


  • 8/10/2019 BVP CET-BBT


    Information Brochure | 2015-16


    A) Last date for subm itting the :

    com pleted application form to upto 1700 hrs.

    Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity

    C .E.T. D ept., Second Floor,

    Bharati Vidyapeeth Bhavan,

    L.B.S. M arg, Pune-30

    B) D ate and tim e of :

    C om m on Entrance Test (W ritten) 11.00 am to 12.30 pm

    C ) D eclaration of Result on :

    D ) C ounseling and spot adm ission

    Venue for C ounseling Rajiv G andhi Institute IT & Biotechnology, Pune

    E) Places where the Test will be held : Pune, N ew D elhi, N avi M um bai

    G ) C olleges to open :

    16th June 2015

    19th June 2015

    24th June 2015

    25th June 2015

    1st July 2015

    At a Glance

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    Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University


  • 8/10/2019 BVP CET-BBT


  • 8/10/2019 BVP CET-BBT


    Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University

    Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune

    Bharati Vidyapeeth, the parent organization of this U niversity is one of the largest educational organizations inthe country. It has 171 educational units under its um brella including 67 C olleges and Institutes of conventional andprofessional education.

    The D epartm ent of H um an Resource D evelopm ent, G overnm ent of India on the recom m endations of the U niversityG rants C om m ission accorded the status of "D eem ed to be U niversity" initially to a cluster of 12 units of BharatiVidyapeeth. Subsequently, 17 additional colleges / institutes were brought within the am bit of Bharati VidyapeethD eem ed U niversity wide various notifications of the G overnm ent of India. Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversitycom m enced its functioning on 26th April, 1996.

    1. BVD U M edical C ollege, Pune.

    2. BVD U D ental C ollege & H ospital, Pune

    3. BVD U C ollege of Ayurved, Pune

    4. BVD U H om oeopathic M edical C ollege, Pune

    5. BVD U C ollege of N ursing, Pune

    6. BVD U Yashw antrao M ohite C ollege of Arts, Science & C om m erce, Pune.

    7. BVDU N ew Law C ollege, Pune

    8. BVD U Social Sciences C entre (M .S.W .), Pune

    9. BVD U Yashwantrao C havan Institute of Social Science Studies & Research, Pune.

    10. BVD U C entre for Research & D evelopm ent in Pharm aceutical Sciences & Applied C hem istry, Pune

    11. BVD U C ollege of Physical Education, Pune.

    12. BVD U Institute of Environm ent Education & Research, Pune

    13. BVD U Institute of M anagem ent & Entrepreneurship D evelopm ent, Pune

    14. BVD U Poona C ollege of Pharm acy, Pune

    15. BVD U C ollege of Engineering, Pune

    16. BVD U Interactive Research School in H ealth Affairs (IRSH A), Pune

    17. BVD U Rajiv G andhi Institute of Inform ation Technology & Biotechnology, Pune

    18. BVD U C ollege of Architecture, Pune

    19. BVD U Abhijit Kadam Institute of M anagem ent & Social Sciences, Solapur

    20. BVD U Institute of M anagem ent, Kolhapur

    21. BVD U Institute of M anagem ent & Rural D evelopm ent adm inistration, Sangli22. BVD U Institute of M anagem ent & Research, N ew D elhi

    23. BVD U Institute of H otel M anagem ent & C atering Technology, Pune

    24. BVD U Yashw antrao M ohite Institute of M anagem ent, M alakapur-Karad

    25. BVD U M edical C ollege & H ospital, Sangli

    26. BVD U D ental C ollege & H ospital, M um bai

    27. BVD U D ental C ollege & H ospital, Sangli

    Constituent Units of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University


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    Information Brochure | 2015-16

    Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity


    28. BVD U C ollege of N ursing, Sangli

    29. BVD U C ollege of N ursing, N avi M um bai

    The status of U niversity was given to a cluster of these colleges and institutes in appreciation of the high level of

    their academ ic excellence and for their potential for further growth.

    D uring the last 19 years or so, the U niversity has achieved higher pinnacles of academ ic excellence and has

    established its reputation to such an extent that it attracts students not only from various parts of India but also from

    abroad. According to a survey conducted by Association of Indian U niversities, this University is one am ong the top ten

    U niversities in the country preferred by the overseas students for adm issions. At present, there are m ore than 750

    overseas students from 47 countries on the rolls of constituent units of this U niversity.

    D uring the last 19 years, there has been trem endous academ ic expansion of the U niversity. It now conducts in all305 courses in its constituent units, of them 108 are Post G raduate, 45 are U nder G raduate and 55 D iplom a level

    courses. 12 Fellowship and 5 certificate courses. All the professional courses which the U niversity conducts such as

    those of M edicine, D entistry, Engineering etc., have approval of the respective statutory councils, viz., M edical C ouncil

    of India, D ental C ouncil of India, All India C ouncil for Technical Education etc.

    The U niversity is a throbbing center of research activities and has launched Ph.D. program m es in 77 subjects and

    M .Phil in 3 subjects. It has also introduced quite few innovative academ ic program m es such as M asters in C linical

    O ptom etry, M .Tech. in N ano Technology etc.

    The U niversity's perform ance and achievem ents were assessed by the "N ational Assessm ent and Accreditation

    C ouncil" and it was reaccredited with a prestigious "A" grade in 2011. Som e program m es of the constituent units such

    as College of Engineering at Pune, M anagem ent Institute in D elhi and others have also been accredited by "N ational

    Board of Accreditation". Three constituent units of Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity are also the recipients of ISO

    9001-2001 certifications.

    The University

    The U niversity has been awarded AG rade by M inistry of H um an Resources G ovt. of India.

    Is one of the largest U niversities in term s of C onstituent U nits established u/s. 3 of the U G C Act, 1956.

    Is a m ulti-faculty U niversity with Twelve Faculties :

    (1) Arts, Social Sciences and C om m erce, (2) Science, (3) Law, (4) M edical Sciences, (5) D entistry, (6) Ayurveda, (7)H om oeopathy, (8) N ursing, (9) Pharm aceutical Sciences, (10) M anagem ent Studies (11) Engineering andTechnology, (12) Interdisciplinary Studies

    O ffers a w ide range of academ ic program m es to the students. The num ber of U ndergraduate, Postgraduate, and

    D iplom a Program m es are 44, 104, 37 respectively.

    Accredited by the N AAC with prestigious 'A' grade (2004) and reaccredited with 'A' grade(2011).

    Distinct Features of this University:

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    Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University

    Is according to a survey conducted by the Association of Indian U niversities, N ew D elhi, am ong the top tenuniversities and preferred by the overseas students for adm issions. D uring the year 2009-10 there are 800overseas students from 32 countries enrolled with constituent units.

    H as eight cam puses located in different cities including N ew D elhi.

    Is probably the only U niversity having three self-financing research institutes devoted exclusively for researches inhealth related sciences, pharm aceutical sciences and social sciences.

    H as established a separate Sports Departm ent to prom ote sports activities.

    H as established a C entre for Perform ing Arts, which runs graduate program m es in various perform ing artsincluding dance, dram a, m usic.

    Three C onstituent U nits of the U niversity are assessed by the N ational Board of Accreditation and are accreditedwith prestigious grades.

    Its three C onstituent U nits have also obtained ISO 2001-2009 certification.

    H as organized several international and national level Sem inars, C onferences, etc.

    Is a U niversity which academ ically and intellectually very productive w hose faculty m em bers have very laudablerecord of research publications and patents.

    H as digitalized libraries of its constituent units.

    H as created excellent infrastructure for all its constituent units, including well structured specious buildingscontinuously updated laboratories and libraries and hostels with all the necessary am enities and facilities for bothboys and girls.

    H as built a specialized research institute accom m odating 18 laboratories for the researches in pharm aceuticalsciences.

    H as launched laudable outreach program m es through N SS units.

    Is proud of its Institute of Environm ent Science and Research Education, which has been identified as a nodalagency by the G overnm ent of India for its program m es of biodiversity and environm ental products. It has adoptedseveral prim ary schools with a view to create environm ental consciousness am ong their students.

    H as established W om en's Creativity D evelopm ent C entre to undertake researches regarding wom en, particularly,those of disadvantage groups and to prom ote creativity am ong them .


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    Information Brochure | 2015-16

    Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity has cam puses in Pune, M um bai, Solapur, Kolhapur, Sangli, Karad and

    N ew D elhi, the capital city of India. Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity has two cam puses in Pune, one is on Pune-

    Satara Road and another in Erandwane, in the heart of the city.


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    Information Brochure | 2015-16




    The biotechnology graduate and post-graduate program m e is designed to provide fundam ental knowledge of

    the basic subjects with special em phasis on the hands-on practical training. W ith a m odest beginning of two faculty

    m em bers in 2003, the institute today has 19 highly experienced faculty m em bers and over 10 visiting faculty. O ur

    expertise include M icrobial Biotechnology, M olecular Biology, Recom binant D N A Technology, Plant Biotechnology,

    Plant and Anim al Tissue C ulture, Enzym e Technology and Bioinform atics. The coursework is essentially fram ed to

    acquaint the students with recent advances in the field. Sem inars, research projects, presentations, and industrial visits

    are integral part of the curriculum . In addition, guest lectures by em inent scientists from different disciplines of

    Biotechnology and allied industry are regularly organized. The institute also encourages and supports sports, cultural

    and social activities of students.

    } H ighly qualified and experienced faculty in each departm ent.

    } Infrastructural facilities to run all academ ic program s.

    } Knowledge and job-oriented syllabi, Subject-wise specialized faculty as per U G C norm s.

    } D igitalized library with internet connectivity.

    } All classroom s are equipped with LC D projectors connected to LAN , for sim ultaneous conduct of theory classes.

    } Subject-wise separate U G and PG laboratories for different program s.

    } Research laboratories focused for research in nutrigenom ics, ferm entation technology and herbal biotechnology


    } A/c auditorium with 140 seating capacity for sem inars

    } C onference / exhibition hall, adm inistrative/ students' guidance office

    } Practicals oriented for industrial applications to groom students for industry placem ent.

    } H ands-on training for every student to work independently in laboratories to handle different research equipm ents

    & gain practical skills.

    } D edicated 125 kVA generator for uninterrupted power supply

    } Poly-house and shade-net facility for hardening banana plants

    It is our endeavor to im part training to our students to m ake them desirable candidates in various sectors. O ver the years

    m any of our students have qualified for various PG courses at N ational institutes like JN U, N ew D elhi and IISc,

    Bangalore. O ur U G students have also qualified for M S program s in institutes like M aastricht U niversity, The

    N etherlands, U niversity of W arwick, U K, U niversity of M elbourne, Australia East Anglia U niversity, U K, State U niversity

    of N ew York, Buffolo, U S, Indiana - Purdue U niversity, Indiana, Pollis, U S.

    PG students have been placed as Project Assistants in funded projects at N ational Institutes such as N C L, IRSH A, ARI and

    for Ph.D. in (i) International U niversities such as U niversity of G loucestershire and Texas U niversity, (ii) C entral U niversities

    in India. M any students are placed in prestigious industries like Serum Institute of India, Pvt. Ltd, M ahiC o, Pune, Reliance

    Life Sciences, M um bai, Zydus H ospira O ncology, H yderabad, Zelle Biotechnology Pvt Ltd, M um bai, ToxIndia, Pune,

    N ovartis Pharm a, Ankleshw ar, Tarson Products Pune, G lenm ar, Pune, M C ure Pune, Venkys C hicken Pune, M ind Enviro

    Biom atrix Pvt Ltd M alaysia, etc.


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    Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University





    A Spacious architecture built up in an area of 58,000 square ft. house five departm ents. D epartm ent of M icrobialBiotechnology, D epartm ent of Biochem ical Sciences, D epartm ent of Agricultural Biotechnology, D epartm ent of C elland M olecular Biology and D epartm ent of Bioinform atics. Each departm ent has well equipped laboratories to

    conduct practicals of graduate, post-graduate as well as research students. Adequate library facility with over 2000books and num ber of periodicals is presently provided to students. Efforts are being m ade to avail latest knowledge inthe form of periodicals and journals. Library is also equipped with internet searching facility and D ELN ET. Acollaboration with British C ouncil Library has also been m ade for periodical and journals.

    A special em phasis is given to the com puter training of the students. M odern com puter laboratory equipped withbioinform atics software and Internet connectivity is developed. U se of com puter at every step of learning andlaboratory exercise is encouraged. Internet facility is provided to students to undertake literature survey and prom oteinnovative ideas. The institute has started a Advance D iplom a in Bioinform atics. Every class room is equipped withLCD projectors & Internet connection.

    Bharati Vidyapeeth provides unique opportunity to work in collaboration w ith allied disciplines of Biotechnology suchas Pharm acy, Ayurveda, M edicine, Environm ental, Pure Science, M edicine, D entistry etc. C ollaborative researchprojects with college of Ayurveda, Pharm acy, Agriculture and Interactive Research School for H ealth Affairs (IRSH A)are conceived. The academ ic program m e of Rajiv G andhi Institute has a strong support of scientists from prestigiousInstitutes such as Interactive Research School of H ealth Affairs (IRSH A), Bharati Vidyapeeth and N ational C hem icalLaboratory (N C L). Recently Rajiv G andhi Institute has signed M O U 's with Jay Biotech & LabIndia Ltd. for research &conducting workshops respectively.

    Biotechnology is an em erging inter disciplinary branch of science that applies the principles of biology andengineering and offers scientists all the background m aterial, indispensable for the developm ent of biotechnologicalprocesses and products. It also offers a unique collection of current inform ation on all aspects in biotechnology

    research and genom ics, bioinform atics, special processes, m etabolism and legal, econom ic and ethical dim ensions.

    Advances in science and technology have transform ed traditional biotechnology techniques, such as selectivebreeding, hybridization and m utagenesis, into m odern ones such as recom binant D N A techniques and tissue culture.This transform ation has opened the door to m ore varied applications in areas such as health care, the environm ent,forestry, industrial processes and others.

    D iscoveries in genetics have led to novel strategies for treating disease. D ecades ago, scientists learned that D N A ism ainly the archive of genetic inform ation. Its orders are translated into action by segm ents of ribonucleic acid (RN A),which serve as the working blueprints for all proteins. Today , chem ists are beginning to create valuable new drugs byfabricating anti-sensesegm ents of RN A, whose sequence is the exact opposite of an unwanted sequence, tocom bine w ith certain existing strands of RN A and thus block the action of specific genes.

    Agriculture clearly needs new and safer tools to m anage a range of insects and plant diseases. Fortunately, thepesticide industry has discovered and brought to m arket som e very effective, safer and selective biopesticides andclosely related synthetic analogues. These reduced riskpesticides are key new tools for farm ers. W ithin a few years,m illions of farm ers worldwide will use these biopesticides to reduce their reliance on risky, disruptive broad spectruminsecticides.

    Exciting prospects are likely to result from industrial scale plant tissue culture. This m ay soon obviate the need forrearing whole plants in order to generate valuable com m odities such as dyes, flavorings, drugs, and chem icals.C loning techniques could prove to be the w ay to tackle som e of the acute problem s of reforesting in sem i-desert areas.Plants frown from the cells of m ature trees could greatly speed up the process. C om bination of advantageous genes


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    Information Brochure | 2015-16

    could bring about a new era in plant protection. The crop can be treated safely with m ore effective does of weed killer,and it is also engineered to be less susceptible to insect dam age.

    Sem inar on industry-academ y collaboration- a need of the hour (D ec., 2008) Refresher course on anim al tissueculture for teachers by Indian Academ y of Sciences, N ew D elhi (M ay, 2009)

    N ational Refresher C ourse on Anim al Tissue C ulture, sponsored jointly by Indian Academ y of Sciences, Bangalore;Indian N ational Science Academ y, N ew D elhi; and N ational Academ y of Sciences, India, Allahabad. (11-23 M ay,2009).

    W orkshop on Batch & Bio-process M odeling, C ost Analysis, Production Scheduling and D ebottlenecking wasorganized in collaboration w ith O PTEAM ATES, Pune & Intelligen, U SA (22-23 Feb, 10).

    W orkshop on Advanced Training in M icroscopy organized in collaboration with LabIndia Ltd., Thane (8-10 M ar, 10).

    Advanced Biotechnology workshop for college ,RG ITBT and LabIndia Ltd.(21-28 N ovem ber, 2010).

    Advanced Training on Fluorescence M icroscopy and its software analysis for faculty of RG ITBT organized by

    LabIndia and Leic), Thane (14 O ctober, 2010).

    Advanced Training in C om pound andStereom icroscope for the faculty ofRG ITBT organized by LabIndia Ltd.,Thane (6 O ctober, 2010)

    Sem inar and hands-on dem ons-tration on the use of RT PC R byApplied Biosciences, Thane (06 - 07O ct, 2010).

    S e m in a r a n d h a n d s -o ndem onstration on the use of m icro-

    scopes for photography organized byLabIndia (5 O ctober, 10).

    International W orkshop on N extG eneration Sequencing: Equity Bullsby RG ITBT and Persistent System s(O ctober 19 - 22, 2011)


    Collaborative activities: N ational C hem ical Laboratory, Pune Biochem ical & m olecular profiling of wine spoilage yeasts N ational center for Research on O m ega-3-fatty acid

    ocean research, G oa

    N ational institute of Virology, Pune Viral D ata analysis BVU -M edical C ollege, Pune/ Sangli C ancer M olecular Biology Research

    BVU -IRSH A, Pune M icropropagation and com m ercialization of few m edicinally

    im portant plants N utrigenom ics

    Jay Biotech, Pune Agro-industrial collaboration

    BVU-C ollege of Engineering N anotechnology course developm ent

    antartic and


    Thrust areasfor research



    Nutrigenomics, Diabetes,

    Waste Utilization, Industrial




    Marine Biotechnology,

    Health and Nutrition



    Herbal Biotechnology,

    Commercial Micro-propagation

    Of Fruit Crops, Ornamental

    and Medicinal Plants

    Cell and Molecular

    BiologyIn vitro Toxicity Assays

    Molecular Diagnostics,


    Genomics, Proteomics, Next

    Generation Sequencing Data


  • 8/10/2019 BVP CET-BBT


    Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University



    Semester Subject No. Subject Titles Marks

    I BBT 111 Botany (T) 100

    BBT 112 Zoology (T) 100

    BBT 113 Biophysical C hem istry (T) 100

    BBT 101 Practicals in Botany 100

    BBT 102 Practicals in Zoology 100

    II BBT 211 M icrobiology I (T) 100

    BBT 212 Biochem istry - I (T) 100

    BBT 213 C ell Biology (T) 100

    BBT 201 Practicals in M icrobiology 100

    BBT 202 Practicals in Biochem istry 100

    BBT 203 Principles and Practices in C om puter Science (P) 100

    III BBT 311 M icrobiology II (T) 100 BBT 312 Biochem istry II (T) 100

    BBT 313 M olecular Biology I (T) 100

    BBT 314 Environm ental Biotechnology (T) 100

    BBT 301 Practicals in M icrobiology II 100

    BBT 302 Practicals in Biochem istry- II 100

    IV BBT 411 M olecular Biology-II (T) 100

    BBT 412 Plant Biotechnology (T) 100

    BBT 413 Analytical Techniques (T) 100

    BBT 401 Practicals in M olecular Biology 100

    BBT 402 Practicals in Plant Biotechnology 100

    V BBT 511 G enetics (T) 100

    BBT 512 Recom binant D N A Technology (RD T)(T) 100

    BBT 513 Introduction to Anim al Tissue C ulture (ATC ) (T) 100

    BBT 514 Biom etrics and Q uality Control (Q C) (T) 100

    BBT 501 Practicals in RD T & ATC 100

    BBT 502 Practicals in Analytical Techniques 100

    VI BBT 611 Industrial Biotechnology (T) 100

    BBT 612 Applied Biotechnology (T) 100

    BBT 613 C linical Biotechnology (T) 100 BBT 601 Practicals in Applied & C linical Biotechnology 100

    BBT 602 Scientific Review W riting 100

    T = Theory; TO TAL - 3300

    P = Practicals

    N ote : Syllabus for academ ic year 2015-16 is being revised in accordance with C hoice Based C redit System and

    shall be duly notified

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    Information Brochure | 2015-16





    4. Eligibility for appearing in CET-BBT-2015 and subsequent admission



    1. Students will be adm itted to B.Sc Biotech courses in Rajiv G andhi Institute of IT & Biotech Bharati Vidyapeeth

    D eem ed U niversity on the basis of the m erit obtained by them in the All India C om m on Entrance Test(CET-BBT -2015)

    2. CET-BBT - 2015will be conducted on from 11.00 a.m . to 12.30 p.m . at the exam inationcentres in the following cities : Pune, N avi M um bai, N ew D elhi.

    3. The CET-BBT - 2015will consists of one question paper, set in English and will contain 100 m ultiple choiceobjective-type questions, 25 each on Physics, C hem istry, Biology and M athem atics. Q uestion N o. 1-25 Physics

    (C om pulsory), Q uestion N o. 26-50 C hem istry (C om pulsory), Q uestion N o. 51-75 Biology (O ptional), Q uestion

    N o. 76-100 M athem atics (O ptional). Q uestion N o. 1 to 50 are com pulsory. The candidate has to solve

    questions 51 to 75 (Biology) or 76-100 (M athem atics). The candidate should not solve both the optional sets or

    parts thereof. H ence each candidate w ill solve 75 questions. These questions will be set on the detailed syllabus

    given on pages 24 onw ards. Each correct answer will get one m ark. There is no negative m arking.

    C ourse N o. of seats

    B.Sc. Biotechnology 60

    N ote : O ut of the sanctioned intake, 15% seats are reserved for Foreign / N RI / PIO / O C I / M anagem ent M erit

    category students. C andidates desirous of seeking adm issions through this category will have to apply to the

    Registrar, Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity Pune. The last date for subm ission of the form for this category is

    before 1700 hrs. Any seats rem aining vacant after allotm ent to Foreign / N RI / PIO / O C I M erit

    students, will be allotted to Indian students in M anagem ent M erit category on the basis of m arks obtained by theminCET-BBT - 2015.

    C andidate w ho have successfully passed the H igher Secondary Exam ination (10+ 2course) or equivalent

    exam ination w ith m inim um 45% (40% for SC /ST) m arks in Physics, C hem istry, Biology and /or M athem atics and

    passed in English, from a recognized board is eligible for adm ission to the First year of the B.Sc. Biotechnology


    A candidate desirous of appearing in the CET-BBT - 2015 is required to com plete the prescribed application formappended at the end of this brochure and subm it the sam e to the U niversity, on or before by


    6. The candidates should avoid overwriting, cutting, erasures on the form . Any discrepancies in the statem ents and/or

    subm ission of incom plete form will lead to its rejection / cancellation of adm ission.

    6.1 Blue/Black Ink pen should be used for filling in the application form . ALL THE EN TRIES IN TH E FO RM


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    A AC orrect Incorrect

    0 5 0 1 1 89 0

    D D MM Y YY Y

    S H R I K A R M U K U N D M A T E

    1 99 0

    1 6 1 / B , D L . W . C O O N Y. L

    0 1


    6.2 Squares provided in the application form are only for writing alphabets in capitals for indicating nam e,

    address etc. or for appropriate num bers. The alphabet or the num ber written in the square m ust not touch

    the edge of the square.

    6.3 N am e m entioned in the form by the candidate should be the sam e as in the docum ents of 10+ 2

    exam ination. O ne square should be used only for one alphabet. Please leave one blank square between

    adjacent words. For exam ple, the nam e SH RIKAR M U KU N D M ATE should be w ritten as follow s :

    6.4 If the num ber of a date or m onth of birth is a single digit, it should be prefixed with a zero. For exam ple, 5th

    January, 1980 should be w ritten as :-

    6.5 The candidate should indicate clearly the exam ination centre at which he/she wishes to appear for

    exam ination by ticking off the appropriate one.

    6.6 A passport size photograph should be affixed at the appropriate place in the application form . The

    photograph is to be firm ly affixed by using gum . It should not be pinned or stapled. The photograph is to be

    attested by the Principal/H ead of the Institution where the candidate has studied or by a G azetted officer.

    The attestation of the photograph should be done in such a way that the photograph is not defaced.

    6.7 The declaration in the application form is to be signed both by the applicant and the m other / father /

    guardian of the applicant.

    6.8 Address should be written in capital letters U se "," "" "/" "." w herever required as shown in the exam ple. For

    exam ple if the address is 161/B, D.L.W colony write as

    6.9 C olum ns for the year of passing 10th and 12th exam ination. For exam ple if the year is 1990 fill as -

    6.10 For selecting choice of centre to appear for the entrance exam ination, write the corresponding num ber of

    the centre as shown in the table below :

    01 Pune

    02 N ew D elhi

    03 N avi M um bai

    For exam ple if the center is Pune fill as



    Center No. Center

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    Information Brochure | 2015-16

    8. C om pleted application form m ust be accom panied byCET-BBT - 2015fee of Rs. 900/-. If subm itted in person

    the fee can be paid in cash or by Dem and D raft. If m ailed the fee should be paid by Dem and D raft of Rs. 900/-

    only draw n on any nationalised bank payable at Pune, or Bharati Sahakari Bank Ltd. only in favour of Registrar,

    Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity, Pune to the following address :CET Off ice:

    Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University

    C .E.T. D epartm ent, 2nd floor,

    Bharati Vidyapeeth Bhavan,

    Lal Bahadur Shastri M arg, Pune - 411 030.

    (C andidates are advised to obtain and m aintain proof of draft and of dispatch of the application form . This m ay

    be useful for obtaining duplicate adm ission card if required)

    8.1 The C andidate should invariably m ention the num ber of his application form (as printed on it) and his

    nam e on the back of his D em and D raft.

    8.2 The application sent by m ail m ust be sent by registered post / speed post / courier.

    8.3 The application m ust reach either by hand or by m ail to the above address on or before

    by 1700 hrs.

    An incom plete application form and an application form which is not accom panied by a dem and draft of the

    prescribedCET-BBT - 2015fee of Rs. 900/- will not be entertained and processed. This fee should not be sent by

    m oney order. Please note that this fee is non-refundable.

    9. This University will not be responsible for any delay or loss of the Application/Adm ission C ard/any other

    com m unication in transit. Such a delay will not be condoned.

    10. The applicant him self has to ascertain from the U niversity office w hether his application has reached the U niversity

    office or not.

    11. Adm ission C ards forCET-BBT - 2015will be dispatched by post to candidates under certificate of posting. TheAdm ission C ard will indicate the Roll N um ber and Exam ination C entre allotted to the candidate w ith its address.

    12. The C andidate m ust not m utilate the Adm ission C ard or change any entry m ade therein after it has been

    authenticated by the U niversity authorities.

    13. In case the Adm ission C ard is not received by a candidate by he/she should contact the

    concerned D esignated C entres at Pune, N avi M um bai and N ew D elhi (addresses given on page C over 3). In

    such a situation, the candidate should bring two copies of his/her authenticated photograph along with him /her

    and a proof of subm ission/m ailing of application form . In case no proof is subm itted, duplicate adm ission card

    will not be issued. M ere purchase of application form will not be considered as a proof of sending the com pletedapplication form .

    14. The exam ination w ill be conducted at the different locations in the designated exam ination centres at 11.00

    hours on The candidates m ust report at the centre at least 30 m inutes before the scheduled tim e

    of com m encem ent of test.

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    16. A candidate w ill not be allowed to appear for the Test if he/she is late by 30 m inutes or m ore to reach the

    exam ination hall.

    17. The candidate m ust bring his Adm ission card w ith him and show the sam e on dem and for adm ission to the

    exam ination hall. A candidate w ho does not have the Adm ission C ard issued by the Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed

    U niversity will not be adm itted to the exam ination hall under any circum stances by the C entre Superintendent.

    18. A seat with a num ber will be allotted to each candidate in the exam ination hall.

    19. A candidate w ill not be allowed to carry any textual m aterial, printed or hand written chits or any other m aterial

    except the Adm ission C ard inside the exam ination hall. C andidates w ill not be perm itted to bring calculators,

    slide rules, clerk tables, electronic watches w ith facilities of calculators, laptop com puters, personal stereo

    system s, walkie-talkie sets, paging devices, m obile telephones and any other objects/devices in the exam inationhall. Possession or use of such devices during the exam ination is prohibited and candidate is liable to be expelled

    if found using or possessing them .

    20. N o candidate, will be allowed to go outside the exam ination hall till the com pletion of the entire duration of test.

    O nce the candidate leaves the hall (even for answering a call of nature) he/she will not be readm itted to

    exam ination hall. N o exception w ill be m ade in this regard.

    21. Parents, relatives, or friends of the candidates w ill not be allowed to enter into the prem ises of the centre. N o

    arrangem ent will be m ade for tea, snacks etc. for the students or parents.

    22. C andidates are advised to bring with them a card board or a clip board, on w hich nothing should have been

    written. This board will be useful to them while writing their responses in the answer sheet in case tables in the

    exam ination hall do not have sm ooth surface.23. Sm oking in the exam ination centre is strictly prohibited. Beverages or snacks of any kind are not allowed to be

    taken into the exam ination halls during exam ination hours.

    24. C andidates should m aintain perfect silence and discipline in the exam ination hall. Any conversation,

    gesticulation or disturbance in the exam ination hall shall be considered as m isbehaviour and the candidates

    involved in such a behaviour will be expelled from the exam ination hall. Sim ilarly, if any candidate is found using

    unfair m eans or allowing som eone else to im personate him / her, his/her candidature at the exam ination will be

    instantenously cancelled.

    25. D uring the test tim e, the invigilator will check the Adm ission C ards of the candidates to satisfy him self/herself

    about the identity of each candidate. The invigilator will also put his/her signature in the place provided in the

    Answer Sheet on SID E-1.

    26. After com pleting the test and before handing over the Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet back to the invigilator,

    the candidate should check once again to see w hether all the particulars required in the Test Booklet and the

    Answer Sheet have been correctly written. H e should ensure that the Roll N um ber, C entre C ode and the Test

    Booklet num ber are correctly written on the answer sheet.

    27. A warning bell will be given at the beginning of the test and also to m ark the half-tim e of the test tim e. A bell will

    also be given before the closing tim e when the candidate m ust stop m arking the responses or writing.


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    Information Brochure | 2015-16




    28. The CET-BBT - 2015 will consists of one question paper, set in English and will contain 100 m ultiple choiceobjective-type questions, 25 each on Physics, C hem istry, Biology and M athem atics. C andidate m ust attem pt 75

    questions in all, 25 each from Physics and C hem istry as com pulsory questions and 25 questions from Biology. orM athem atics Each correct answer will get one m ark. There is no negative m arking.

    29. Test Booklet : The candidate w ill be provided with a sealed Test Booklet with an answer sheet. The candidate w ill

    write w ith ball point pen the required inform ation regarding : Roll N um ber, N am e, Test Form num ber and C entre

    of exam ination and Test booklet num ber in the colum ns on the answer sheet. H e should also w rite inform ation

    on the front page of Test Booklet without opening the seal.

    The candidates are advised not to open/break the seal of the sam e before they are instructed to do so by the


    30. In the Test Booklet, there w ill be 100 item s/questions serially num bered from 001 to 100. Each question w ill befollowed by four responses m arked (A), (B), (C ) and (D ). O ut of these four responses only one w ill be correct

    which needs to be selected and m arked on the answer sheet. D epending on the candidate's choice, the

    candidate has to attem pt 25 questions of Physics and C hem istry each and 25 questions of Biology or

    M athem atics. There is no negative m arking.

    31. An answer sheet will be given to the candidates along with Test Booklet at the tim e of test.

    31.1 This answer sheet will be of special type which w ill be scanned m echanically by O ptical M ark Scanner.

    So the candidate should handle the answer sheet very carefully.

    There w ill be two sides of the answer sheet.

    31.2 Side 1 -

    This side of the answer sheet begins with instructions for m arking the responses. The following

    inform ation is to be filled in with a blue or black ball point pen only, neatly and accurately :

    l N am e of the C andidate

    l Roll N um ber

    l C entre of Exam ination (nam e of the city)

    lSignature of the C andidate

    This side of the answer sheet also contains the following colum ns which are to be written/filled in with blue or

    black ball point pen only (Please study the specim en answer sheet appended at Annexure-V):

    lRoll N um ber : W rite in the squares and darken (com pletely filling in) the

    appropriate circles corresponding to Roll N um ber.

    lTest Booklet N um ber : Each test booklet has a num ber. W rite it at appropriate place.

    lTest Form N um ber : W rite in the squares and darken the appropriate circles

    corresponding to Test Form N um ber m entioned on the Test Booklet.


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    31.3 Side-2 :

    This side is to be used for m arking responses to questions num bered 001 to 100. After every question num ber, four

    circles num bered (A), (B), (C ) and (D ) are provided for this purpose.

    The candidate m ust indicate his/her response to the question by darkening the appropriate circle com pletely witha blue or black ball point pen or H B Pencil. For exam ple :

    Q . 003 M um bai is the capital city of the state of :

    (A) Tam ilnadu (B) Karnataka (C ) O rissa (D ) M aharashtra

    The correct response is (D ). The candidate w ill locate question num ber in the answer sheet and darken the circle(D ) as shown below :

    A) (B) (C ) (D )

    001 O O O O

    002 O O O O

    003 O O O

    004 O O O O

    If the candidate darkens m ore than one circles or if he does not m ark his response as shown above and m arks his

    response as shown below, his response w ill be treated as wrong and will not be given m arks.

    N ote : Please use blue or black ball point pen or H B Pencil only for writing/m arking particulars on Side-2 of the answersheet.

    32. The candidates are advised to decide about the answer before they m ark it on the answer sheets. H e/She m ustensure that the circle is com pletely darkened with a blue or black ball point pen or H B Pencil only. A lightly or faintlydarkened circle is a w rong m ethod of m arking and will be rejected by the O ptical Scanner.

    33. If the candidate does not want to attem pt any particular question he/she is advised not to touch any of the circlesgiven against that question.

    34. The candidate m ust not fold the answer sheet and should not m ake any stray m arks on it.

    35. A specim en copy of the answer sheet is given at Annexure V. C andidates are advised to go through it and getconversant with it. The candidate w ill learn from this answer sheet as to how to fill in the inform ation asked for andhow to m ark the answers. This will help the candidates to do the things correctly and save their tim e.

    36. If a candidate w ants to change any answer m arked by him /her on the answer sheet, he/she m ust com pletely erasethe existing ball point pen or pencil m ark and then darken the appropriate circle with a ball point pen or H B Pencil.C andidate m ust not leave any visible m ark in the circle after erasing. O therwise the response w ill be rejected by theoptical m ark scanner. Such erasing should be avoided as far as possible.

    001 O O O O

    002 O O O O

    003 O O

    004 O O O O

    (A) (B) (C ) (D )



    (A) (B) (C ) (D )




















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    Information Brochure | 2015-16

    37. Test Booklet num ber as filled in by the candidate in the answer sheet will be accepted as final for the purpose of

    evaluation. W hen the booklet num ber is left blank or m ore than one booklet num ber is indicated on the answer

    sheet it will be deem ed as incorrect booklet num ber and the answer sheet will not be evaluated.

    38. The candidate m ust bring his/her own m aterials such as blue or black ball point pen and H B pencil (any other

    pencil H H , H H H etc. should not to be used). In case any pencil other than H B pencil is used, the answer sheet will

    be possibly rejected by the O ptical m ark Scanner. The candidate m ust also bring his/her own sharpner and erasers

    of good quality.






    Please note that there will not be negative m arking for the w rong answers chosen by the candidate.

    44. The candidate will not do any rough w ork or writing w ork on the answer sheet. All rough w ork is to be done in the

    Test Booklet itself.

    45. The U niversity will prepare M erit lists for Regular M erit category and Foreign / N RI / PIO / O C I/ M anagem ent

    C ategory candidates who have appeared forCET-BBT-2015in accordance w ith the total m arks obtained by themin CET-BBT-2015

    46. C opies of m erit lists of Regular M erit and Foreign / N RI / PIO / O C I/M anagem ent M erit C ategory will be displayed

    for inform ation at the offices of Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity in Pune, N avi M um bai, D elhi and Sangli by

    17.00 hrs. on the date declared in the calendar of events.The merit list will be also available on our Websites: http// or http//

    It shall be responsibility of the candidate to see the result displayed on website or notice board andappear for the interview on the date and time mentioned in "at a glance" page or cover page 3. Noseparate letter of invitation will be sent.

    47. In case two or m ore candidates obtaining equal m arks in the CET-BBT-2015the inter-se-m erit of such candidates

    shall be determ ined in order of preference as under:47.1 C andidate obtaining higher m arks in Biology (Botany & Zoology) in the entrance exam ination, if equal

    47.2 C andidate obtaining higher m arks in C hem istry in the entrance exam ination, if equal

    47.3 C andidate obtaining higher total m arks in subjects of Biology, C hem istry, Physics in the 12th stan d a rd

    qualifying exam ination. (Such a tie will be settled at the tim e of counselling), if equal

    47.4 C andidate obtaining higher percentage of total m arks in the 10th standard exam ination, if equal

    47.5 In case of tie at this level, com puterised random selection of candidate w ill be carried out.






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    53. Schedule of Counseling

    56. Annual Fee Structure

    48. The counseling session for B.Sc. Biotech will be conducted at Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity, Rajiv G andhi

    Institute of IT & Biotechnology, Pune 411 046 as per the schedule given in calendar events. FAILURE TO REPO RT

    FO R C O U N SELIN G O N TH E SC H ED U LED D ATE AN D TIM E W ILL RESU LT IN IN STAN TAN EO U S C AN C ELLATIO NO F A C LAIM O F TH E C AN D ID ATE TO TH E SEAT. It shall be candidates responsibility to see the result ofCET-BBT-2015C andidate w ill be allotted seat as per his/her m erit and choice, based on the availability of seats.

    49. The candidate should rem ain present for the personal interview (counseling) and for on the spot adm ission, as per

    the schedule.

    50. O nly the candidate and one of his parents/guardian will be allowed into the hall where counseling is held. The

    candidates will be called in the order of their ranking in the m erit list and offered the seats to the various courses

    available at that point of tim e. The candidate will be allowed to choose adm ission to any of the courses if a seat is

    available when his/her turn com es.

    51. The candidate m ust note that appearance for the exam ination and inclusion of nam e in the m erit list does not

    necessarily m ean that he/she will get adm ission to any course or the courses of his/her choice. His adm ission to aparticular course w ill depend upon the availability of seats for that particular course at the tim e of his counseling.

    52. At the tim e of reporting for the counseling, the candidate is required to produce the docum ents (original and two sets

    of photocopies) listed in Annexure - I. If the candidate is adm itted to any of the courses, these docum ents will be

    retained by the U niversity till he/she com pletes the course. If the candidate fails to produce all or any of the

    docum ents listed in Annexure - I, he/she will instantaneously forfeit his / her claim for a seat.

    The nam e of candidates in the m erit list prepared on the basis ofCET-BBT-2015will be called in as per their ranksfor counseling and on the spot adm ission to the various courses in the respective colleges. Adm ission will be given

    provided the candidate also fulfills the other eligibility conditions prescribed for that course.

    54. If any candidate finds it im possible to be physically present for the counseling due to unavoidable circum stances,

    he/she m ay authorise any other responsible individual to represent him /her at the counseling. This representative

    m ust carry with him /her the letter of authorization in the form at given in Annexure IIIas well as all the docum ents

    listed in Annexure I. If the candidate or his representative fails to report for the counseling on the date and the tim e

    m entioned in the schedule of counseling, his claim for adm ission to any of the courses will be forfeited. The choice of

    course m ade by the candidate / his / her representative will be final and binding and will not be altered later.

    55. The selected candidate w ill be required to pay the entire am ount of annual fee on the day of counselling itself. (In

    cash or through Bank D raft drawn in the nam e ofRegistrar,'Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University'payable atPune). In case the candidate fails to rem it the entire am ount of fees, he/she is likely to lose his/her claim for adm ission

    to that seat.

    B.Sc. Biotech ` 65,000/- ` 75,000/- U S $ 3,500

    Course Regular Management Foreign / NRI /

    Merit Category Merit Category PIO / OCI Merit Students

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    Information Brochure | 2015-16


    In case of cancellation of Adm ission, the Refund policy will be as follows :

    (1) In the event of student withdrawing before the starting of the particular course, the entire fee collected from

    the student, after a deduction of the processing fee of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees O ne thousand only) shall be


    (2) If a student subm its his application for cancellation of adm ission in a prescribed form (duly com pleted) within

    15 calendar days from the date of com m encem ent of the particular course, 10 percent of total am ount of

    tuition fees prescribed for the course w ill be deducted from the am ount of tuition fee paid by him and the

    balance am ount will be refunded.

    (3) If a student subm its his application for cancellation of adm ission in a prescribed form (duly com pleted) within

    30 calendar days from the date of com m encem ent of the particular course, 20 percent of the total am ount of

    tuition fees prescribed for the course w ill be deducted from the am ount of tuition fee paid by him and the

    balance am ount will be refunded.

    (4) If a student subm its an application for cancellation of adm ission after 30 calendar days from the date of

    com m encem ent of the particular course, no refund will be m ade and Rule (5) m ay also be invoked. H owever,

    if the application for cancellation of adm ission is subm itted before the last date prescribed for adm ission, and

    if the vacated seat is filled by another candidate, 25% of the am ount of tuition fees prescribed for the course

    will be deducted from the am ount of tuition fee paid and the balance am ount will be refunded.

    (5) If any student adm itted to any course leaves the course after the prescribed last date for adm ission of the

    particular course, no refund will be m ade and he will be required to pay full am ount of tuition fees for the

    rem aining entire duration of the course.

    58. H ostel facility is available both for boys and girls.

    59. D ifferences of opinion and disputes arising in the interpretation and im plem entation of the clauses in this Brochure,

    if any, will be referred to the Vice-C hancellor of the Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity, Pune and his decision

    shall be final and binding on all the concerned.

    60. U nder no circum stances a change in exam ination centre once selected by the candidate w ill be allowed.

    61. Any legal m atters arising out of the total adm ission process of B.Sc Biotech through All India C om m on Entrance

    Test of Bharati Vidyapeeth D eem ed U niversity, Pune - 30 i.e. CET-BBT-2015will be in the courts of Pune,M aharashtra State.


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    Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University

    Recommended Syllabus For Common Entrance Test (CET)




    1. Physical world and m easurem ent Electrostatics

    2. Kinem atics C urrent Electricity

    3. Laws of M otion M agnetic Effects of C urrent and M agnetism

    4. W ork, Energy and Power Electrom agnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

    5. M otion of System of Particles and Rigid Body Electrom agnetic W aves

    6. G ravitation O ptics

    7. Properties of Bulk M atter Dual N ature of M atter and Radiation

    8. Therm odynam ics Atom s and N uclei

    9. Behaviour of Perfect G as and Kinetic Theory Electronic Devices

    10. O scillations and W aves

    1. Som e Basic C oncepts of C hem istry Solid State

    2. Structure of Atom Solutions

    3. C lassification of Elem ents & Periodicity in Properties Electrochem istry

    4. C hem ical Bonding and M olecular Structure C hem ical Kinetics

    5. States of M atter: G ases and Liquids Surface C hem istry

    6. Therm odynam ics G eneral Principles & Processes of Isolation of Elem ents

    7. Equilibrium p- Block Elem ents

    8. Redox Reactions dand fBlock Elem ents9. H ydrogen C oordination C om pounds

    10. s-Block Elem ent (Alkali & Alkaline earth m etals) H aloalkanes and H aloarenes

    11. Som e p-Block Elem ents Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

    12. O rganic C hem istry- Som e Basic Principles & Techniques Aldehydes, Ketones and C arboxylic Acids

    13. H ydrocarbons O rganic C om pounds C ontaining N itrogen

    14. Environm ental C hem istry Biom olecules

    15. Polym ers

    16. C hem istry in Everyday Life

    1. D iversity in Living W orld Reproduction

    2. Structural O rganisation in Anim als and Plants G enetics and Evolution

    3. C ell Structure and Function Biology and H um an W elfare

    4. Plant Physiology Biotechnology and Its Applications

    5. H um an physiology Ecology and environm ent





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    Information Brochure | 2015-16


    UNIT I: Physical World and Measurement

    Physics:Scope and excitem ent; nature of physical laws; Physics, technology and society.

    Need for measurement: U nits of m easurem ent; system s of units; SI units, fundam ental and derived units.Length, m ass and tim e m easurem ents; accuracy and precision of m easuring instrum ents; errors inm easurem ent; significant figures.

    D im ensions of physical quantities, dim ensional analysis and its applications.

    UNIT II: Kinematics

    Fram e of reference, M otion in a straight line; Position-tim e graph, speed and velocity. U niform and non-uniform m otion, average speed and instantaneous velocity. U niform ly accelerated m otion, velocity-tim eand position-tim e graphs, for uniform ly accelerated m otion (graphical treatm ent).

    Elem entary concepts of differentiation and integration for describing m otion.Scalar and vector quantities:

    Position and displacem ent vectors, general vectors, general vectors and notation, equality of vectors,m ultiplication of vectors by a real num ber; addition and subtraction of vectors. Relative velocity.

    U nit vectors. Resolution of a vector in a plane-rectangular com ponents.

    Scalar and Vector products of Vectors. M otion in a plane. C ases of uniform velocity and uniformacceleration- projectile m otion. U niform circular m otion.

    UNIT III: Laws of Motion

    Intuitive concept of force. Inertia, N ew tons first law of m otion; m om entum and N ew tons second law ofm otion; im pulse; N ew tons third law of m otion. Law of conservation of linear m om entum and itsapplications.

    Equilibrium of concurrent forces. Static and Kinetic friction, law s of friction, rolling friction, lubrication.

    Dynamics of uniform circular motion.C entripetal force, exam ples of circular m otion (vehicle on level

    circular road, vehicle on banked road).

    UNIT IV: Work, Energy and Power

    W ork done by a constant force and variable force; kinetic energy, w ork-energy theorem , power.

    N otion of potential energy, potential energy of a spring, conservative forces; conservation of m echanicalenergy (kinetic and potential energies); non-conservative forces; m otion in a vertical circle, elastic andinelastic collisions in one and two dim ensions.

    UNIT V: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body

    C entre of m ass of a two-particle system , m om entum conservation and centre of m ass m otion. C entre ofm ass of a rigid body; centre of m ass of uniform rod.

    M om ent of a force,-torque, angular m om entum , conservation of angular m om entum w ith som e exam ples.

    Equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body rotation and equation of rotational m otion, com parison of linear androtational m otions; m om ent of inertia, radius of gyration. Values of M .I. for sim ple geom etrical objects (noderivation). Statem ent of parallel and perpendicular axes theorem s and their applications.

    UNIT VI: Gravitation

    Keplers law s of planetary m otion. The universal law of gravitation. Acceleration due to gravity and itsvariation with altitude and depth.

    G ravitational potential energy; gravitational potential. Escape velocity, orbital velocity of a satellite.G eostationary satellites.



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    UNIT VII: Properties of Bulk Matter

    Elastic behavior, Stress-strain relationship. H ookes law, Youngs m odulus, bulk m odulus, shear,m odulus of rigidity, poissons ratio; elastic energy.

    Viscosity, Stokeslaw, term inal velocity, Reynolds num ber, stream line and turbulent flow. C ritical

    velocity, Bernoullis theorem and its applications.

    Surface energy and surface tension, angle of contact, excess of pressure, application of surface tensionideas to drops, bubbles and capillary rise.

    H eat, tem perature, therm al expansion; therm al expansion of solids, liquids, and gases. Anom alousexpansion. Specific heat capacity: C p, C v- calorim etry; change of state latent heat.

    H eat transfer- conduction and therm al conductivity, convection and radiation. Q ualitative ideas ofBlack Body Radiation, W eins displacem ent law, and G reen H ouse effect.

    N ew tons law of cooling and Stefans law.

    UNIT VIII: Thermodynamics

    Therm al equilibrium and definition of tem perature (zeroth law of Therm odynam ics). H eat, work and

    internal energy. First law of therm odynam ics. Isotherm al and adiabatic processes. Second law of the thermodynamics: Reversible and irreversible processes. H eat engines and


    UNIT IX: Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory

    Equation of state of a perfect gas, work done on com pressing a gas.

    Kinetic theory of gases:Assum ptions, concept of pressure. Kinetic energy and tem perature; degrees offreedom , law of equipartition of energy (statem ent only) and application to specific heat capacities ofgases; concept of m ean free path.

    UNIT X: Oscillations and Waves

    Periodic m otion-period, frequency, displacem ent as a function of tim e. Periodic functions. Sim ple

    harm onic m otion(SH M ) and its equation; phase; oscillations of a spring-restoring force and forceconstant; energy in SH M Kinetic and potential energies; sim ple pendulum -derivation of expression forits tim e period; free, forced and dam ped oscillations (qualitative ideas only), resonance.

    W ave m otion. Longitudinal and transverse w aves, speed of wave m otion. D isplacem ent relation for aprogressive w ave. Principle of superposition of waves, reflection of waves, standing waves in strings andorgan pipes, fundam ental m ode and harm onics. Beats. D oppler effect.

    UNIT I: Electrostatics

    Electric charges and their conservation. C oulom bs law -force between two point charges, forces

    between m ultiple charges; superposition principle and continuous charge distribution. Electric field, electric field due to a point charge, electric field lines; electric dipole, electric field due to a

    dipole; torque on a dipole in a uniform electric field.

    Electric flux, statem ent of G ausss theorem and its applications to find field due to infinitely long straightwire, uniform ly charged infinite plane sheet and uniform ly charged thin spherical shell (field inside andoutside)

    Electric potential, potential difference, electric potential due to a point charge, a dipole and system ofcharges:equipotential surfaces, electrical potential energy of a system of two point charges and ofelectric diploes in an electrostatic field.


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    C onductors and insulators, free charges and bound charges inside a conductor. D ielectrics and electricpolarization, capacitors and capacitance, com bination of capacitors in series and in parallel,capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric m edium between the plates, energystored in a capacitor, Van de G raaff generator.

    UNIT II: Current Electricity

    Electric current, flow of electric charges in a m etallic conductor, drift velocity and m obility, and theirrelation with elec tric current; O hm s law, electrical resistance,V-Icharacteristics (liner and non-linear),electrical energy and power, electrical resistivity and conductivity.

    C arbon resistors, colour code for carbon resistors; series and parallel com binations of resistors;tem perature dependence of resistance.

    Internal resistance of a cell, potential difference and em f of a cell, com bination of cells in series and inparallel.

    Kirchhoffs laws and sim ple applications. W heatstone bridge, m etre bridge.

    Potentiom eter-principle and applications to m easure potential difference, and for com paring em f of two

    cells; m easurem ent of internal resistance of a cell.

    UNIT III: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

    C oncept of m agnetic field, O ersteds experim ent. Biot-Savart law and its application to current carryingcircular loop.

    Am peres law and its applications to infinitely long straight wire, straight and toroidal solenoids. Forceon a m oving charge in uniform m agnetic and electric fields. C yclotron.

    Force on a current-carrying conductor in a uniform m agnetic field. Force between two parallel current-carrying conductors-definition of am pere. Torque experienced by a current loop in a m agnetic field;m oving coil galvanom eter-its current sensitivity and conversion to am m eter and voltm eter.

    C urrent loop as a m agnetic dipole and its m agnetic dipole m om ent. M agnetic dipole m om ent of arevolving electron. M agnetic field intensity due to a m agnetic dipole (bar m agnet) along its axis andperpendicular to its axis. Torque on a m agnetic dipole (bar m agnet) in a uniform m agnetic field; barm agnet as an equivalent solenoid, m agnetic field lines; Earths m agnetic field and m agnetic elem ents.

    Para-, dia-and ferro-m agnetic substances, with exam ples.

    Electrom agnetic and factors affecting their strengths. Perm anent m agnets.

    UNIT IV: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

    Electrom agnetic induction; Faradays law, induced em f and current; Lenzs Law, Eddy currents. Self andm utual inductance.

    Alternating currents, peak and rm s value of alternating current/ voltage; reactance and im pedance; LCoscillations (qualitative treatm ent only), LC R series circuit, resonance; power in AC circuits, wattlescurrent.

    AC generator and transform er.

    UNIT V: Electromagnetic Waves

    N eed for displacem ent current.

    Electrom agnetic waves and their characteristics (qualitative ideas only). Transverse nature ofelectrom agnetic waves.

    Electrom agnetic spectrum (radio waves, m icrowaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-rays, gam m a rays)including elem entary facts about their uses.


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    UNIT VI: Opt ics

    Reflection of light, spherical m irrors, m irror form ula. Refraction of light, total internal reflection and itsapplications optical fibres, refraction at spherical surfaces, lenses, thin lens form ula, lens-m akers

    form ula. M agnification, power of a lens, com bination of thin lenses in contact com bination of a lens anda m irror. Refraction and dispersion of light through a prism .

    Scattering of light- blue colour of the sky and reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset.

    Optical instruments:H um an eye, im age form ation and accom m odation, correction of eye defects(m yopia and hyperm etropia) using lenses.

    M icroscopes and astronom ical telescopes (reflecting and refracting) and their m agnifying powers.

    Wave optics: W avefront and H uygensprinciple, reflection and refraction of plane w ave at a planesurface using wavefronts.

    Proof of laws of reflection and refraction using H uygensprinciple.

    Interference, Youngs double hole experim ent and expression for fringe width, coherent sources andsustained interference of light.

    D iffraction due to a single slit, width of central m axim um .

    Resolving power of m icroscopes and astronom ical telescopes. Polarisation, plane polarized light;Brewsters law, uses of plane polarized light and Polaroids.

    UNIT VII: Dual N ature of Matter and Radiation

    Photoelectric effect, H ertz and Lenards observations; Einsteins photoelectric equation- particle natureof light.

    M atter waves- wave nature of particles, de Broglie relation. D avisson-G erm er experim ent (experim entaldetails should be om itted; only conclusion should be explained).

    UNIT VIII: Atoms and Nuclei

    Alpha- particle scattering experim ents; Rutherfords m odel of atom ; Bohr m odel, energy levels,

    hydrogen spectrum . C om position and size of nucleus, atom ic m asses, isotopes, isobars; isotones.

    Radioactivity- alpha, beta and gam m a particles/ rays and their properties decay law. M ass-energyrelation, m ass defect; binding energy per nucleon and its variation with m ass num ber, nuclear fissionand fusion.

    UNIT IX: Electronic Devices

    Energy bands in solids (qualitative ideas only), conductors, insulators and sem iconductors;sem iconductor diode- I-V characteristics in forward and reverse bias, diode as a rectifier; I-Vcharacteristics of LED , photodiode, solar cell, and Zener diode; Zener diode as a voltage regulator.Junction transistor, transistor action, characteristics of a transistor; transistor as an am plifier (com m onem itter configuration) and oscillator. Logic gates (O R, AN D, N O T, N AN D and N O R). Transistor as aswitch.


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    UNIT I: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry G eneral Introduction: Im portant and scope of chem istry.

    Laws of chem ical com bination, D altons atom ic theory: concept of elem ents, atom s and m olecules.

    Atom ic and m olecular m asses. M ole concept and m olar m ass; percentage com position and em pirical andm olecular form ula; chem ical reactions, stoichiom etry and calculations based on stoichiom etry.

    UNIT II: Structure of Atom

    Atom ic num ber, isotopes and isobars. C oncept of shells and subshells, dual nature of m atter and light, deBroglies relationship, H eisenberg uncertainty principle, concept of orbital, quantum num bers, shapes of s,pand d orbitals, rules for filling electrons in orbitals- Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principles and H unds rule,electronic configuration of atom s, stability of half filled and com pletely filled orbitals.

    UNIT III: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties M odern periodic law and long form of periodic table, periodic trends in properties of elem ents- atom ic radii,

    ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, electronegativity, valence.

    UNIT IV: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

    Valence electrons, ionic bond, covalent bond, bond param eters, Lewis structure, polar character of covalentbond, valence bond theory, resonance, geom etry of m olecules, VSEPR theory, concept of hybridization involvings, p and d orbitals and shapes of som e sim ple m olecules, m olecular orbital theory of hom onuclear diatom icm olecules (qualitative idea only). H ydrogen bond.

    UNITV: States of Matter: Gases and Liquids

    Three states of m atter, interm olecular interactions, types of bonding, m elting and boiling points, role of gas laws

    of elucidating the concept of the m olecule, Boyles law, C harles law, G ay Lussacs law, Avogadros law, idealbehaviour of gases, em pirical derivation of gas equation. Avogadro num ber, ideal gas equation. Kinetic energyand m olecular speeds (elem entary idea), deviation from ideal behaviour, liquefaction of gases, criticaltem perature.

    Liquid State- Vapour pressure, viscosity and surface tension (qualitative idea only, no m athem atical derivations).

    UNITVI : Thermodynamics

    First law of therm odynam ics-internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity and specific heat, m easurem ent of Uand H , H esss law of constant heat sum m ation, enthalpy of : bond dissociation, com bustion, form ation,atom ization, sublim ation, phase transition, ionization, solution and dilution.

    Introduction of entropy as state function, Second law of therm odynam ics, G ibbs energy change for spontaneousand non- spontaneous process, criteria for equilibrium and spontaneity.

    Third law of therm odynam ics- Brief introduction.

    UNIT VII: Equilibrium

    Equilibrium in physical and chem ical processes, dynam ic nature of equilibrium , law of chem ical equilibrium ,equilibrium constant, factors affecting equilibrium -Le C hateliers principle; ionic equilibrium - ionization of acidsand bases, strong and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, ionization of polybasic acids, acid strength,concept of pH ., H ydrolysis of salts (elem entary idea)., buffer solutions, H enderson equation, solubility product,com m on ion effect (with illustrative exam ples).



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    UNIT VIII: Redox Reactions

    C oncept of oxidation and oxidation and reduction, redox reactions oxidation num ber, balancing redoxreactions in term s of loss and gain of electron and change in oxidation num bers.

    UNIT IX: Hydrogen O ccurrence, isotopes, preparation, properties and uses of hydrogen; hydrides-ionic, covalent and interstitial;

    physical and chem ical properties of water, heavy water; hydrogen peroxide-preparation, reactions, uses andstructure;

    UNIT X: s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)

    G roup I and group 2 elem ents:

    G eneral introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, anom alous properties of the first elem ent of eachgroup, diagonal relationship, trends in the variation of properties (such as ionization enthalpy, atom ic and ionicradii), trends in chem ical reactivity with oxygen, water, hydrogen and halogens; uses.

    Preparation and Properties of Som e im portant C om pounds:

    Sodium carbonate, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide and sodium hydrogencarbonate, biological

    im portance of sodium and potassium . Industrial use of lim e and lim estone, biological im portance of M g and C a.

    UNIT XI: Some p-Block Elements

    G eneral Introduction to p-Block Elem ents.

    G roup 13 elem ents: G eneral introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, variation of properties,oxidation states, trends in chem ical reactivity, anom alous properties of first elem ent of the group; Boron, som eim portant com pounds: borax, boric acids, boron hydrides. Alum inium : uses, reactions with acids and alkalies.

    G eneral 14 elem ents: G eneral introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, variation of properties,oxidation states, trends in chem ical reactivity, anom alous behaviour of first elem ent. C arbon, allotropic form s,physical and chem ical properties: uses of som e im portant com pounds: oxides.

    Im portant com pounds of silicon and a few uses: silicon tetrachloride, silicones, silicates and zeolites, their uses.

    UNIT XII: Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques

    G eneral introduction, m ethods of purification qualitative and quantitative analysis, classification and IU PACnom enclature of organic com pounds.

    Electronic displacem ents in a covalent bond: inductive effect, electrom eric effect, resonance and hyperconjugation.

    H om olytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond: free radials, carbocations, carbanions; electrophiles andnucleophiles, types of organic reactions.

    UNIT XIII: Hydrocarbons

    Alkanes- N om enclature, isom erism , conform ations (ethane only), physical properties, chem ical reactionsincluding free radical m echanism of halogenation, com bustion and pyrolysis.

    Alkanes-N om enclature, structure of double bond (ethene), geom etrical isom erism , physical properties,m ethods of preparation: chem ical reactions: addition of hydrogen, halogen, water, hydrogen halides(M arkovnikovs addition and peroxide effect), ozonolysis, oxidation, m echanism of electrophilic addition.

    Alkynes-N om enclature, structure of triple bond (ethyne), physical properties, m ethods of preparation, chem icalreactions:acidic character of alkynes, addition reaction of- hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides and water.

    Arom atic hydrocarbons- Introduction, IU PAC nom enclature; Benzene; resonance, arom aticity; chem icalproperties: m echanism of electrophilic substitution- N itration sulphonation, halogenation, Friedel C raftsalkylation and acylation; directive influence of functional group in m ono-substituted benzene; carcinogenicityand toxicity.


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    UNIT XIV: Environmental Chemistry

    Environm ental pollution: Air, water and soil pollution, chem ical reactions in atm osphere, sm ogs, m ajoratm ospheric pollutants; acid rain ozone and its reactions, effects of depletion of ozone layer, greenhouse effect

    and global warm ing- pollution due to industrial wastes; green chem istry as an alternative tool for reducingpollution, strategy for control of environm ental pollution.

    UNIT I: Solid State

    C lassification of solids based on different binding forces; m olecular, ionic covalent and m etallic solids,

    am orphous and crystalline solids (elem entary idea), unit cell in two dim ensional and three dim ensional lattices,

    calculation of density of unit cell, packing in solids, packing efficiency, voids, num ber of atom s per unit cell in a

    cubic unit cell, point defects, electr ical and m agnetic properties, Band theory of m etals, conductors,

    sem iconductors and insulators.

    UNIT II: Solutions

    Types of solutions, expression of concentration of solutions of solids in liquids, solubility of gases in liquids, solid

    solutions, colligative properties- relative lowering of vapour pressure, Raoults law, elevation of boiling point,

    depression of freezing point, osm otic pressure, determ ination of m olecular m asses using colligative properties

    abnorm al m olecular m ass. Van H off factor.

    UNIT III: Electrochemistry

    Redox reactions, conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and m olar conductivity variation of conductivity

    with concentration, kohlrauschs Law, electrolysis and Laws of electrolysis (elem entary idea), dry cell- electrolytic

    cells and G alvanic cells; lead accum ulator, EM F of a cell, standard electrode potential, Relation between

    G ibbs energy change and EM F of a cell, fuel cells; corrosion.UNIT IV: Chemical Kinetics

    Rate of a reaction (average and instantaneous), factors affecting rates of reaction; concentration, tem perature,

    catalyst; order and m olecularity of a reaction; rate law and specific rate constant, integrated rate equations and

    half life (only for zero and first order reactions); concept of collision theory ( elem entary idea, no m athem atical

    treatm ent). Activation energy, Arrhenious equation.

    UNIT V: Surface Chemistry

    Adsorption-physisorption and chem isorption; factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids, catalysis

    hom ogeneous and heterogeneous, activity and selectivity: enzym e catalysis; colloidal state: distinction

    between true solutions, colloids and suspensions; lyophillic, lyophobic m ultim olecular and m acrom olecular

    colloids; properties of colloids; Tyndall effect, Brownian m ovem ent, electrophoresis, coagulation; em ulsions-

    types of em ulsions.

    UNIT VI: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

    Principles and m ethods of extraction- concentration, oxidation, reduction electrolytic m ethod and refining;

    occurrence and principles of extraction of alum inium , copper, zinc and iron.


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    G roup 15 elem ents: G eneral introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, oxidation states, trends in

    physical and chem ical properties; preparation and properties of am m onia and nitric acid, oxides of nitrogen

    (structure only); Phosphorous- allotropic form s; com pounds of phosphorous: preparation and properties of

    phosphine, halides (PC I3, PC I5) and oxoacids (elem entary idea only).

    G roup 16 elem ents: G eneral introduction, electronic configuration, oxidation states, occurrence, trends in

    physical and chem ical properties; dioxygen: preparation, properties and uses; classification of oxides; ozone.

    Sulphur allotropic form s; com pounds of sulphur: preparation, preparation, properties and uses of sulphur

    dioxide; sulphuric acid: industrial process of m anufacture, properties and uses, oxoacids of sulphur (structures


    G roup 17 elem ents: G eneral introduction, electronic configuration, oxidation states, occurrence, trends in

    physical and chem ical properties; com pounds of halogens: preparation, properties and uses of chlorine and

    hydrochloric acid, interhalogen com pounds oxoacids of halogens (structures only).

    G roup 18 elem ents: G eneral introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, trends in physical and

    chem ical properties, uses.

    UNIT VIII: d and f Block Elements

    G eneral introduction, electronic configuration, characteristics of transition m etals, general trends in

    properties of the first row transition m etals- m etallic character, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, ionic radii,

    colour, catalytic property, m agnetic properties, interstitial com pounds, alloy form ation. Preparation and

    properties of K2C r2O 7 and KM nO 4.

    Lanthanoids- electronic configuration, oxidation states, chem ical reactivity, and lanthanoid contraction and its


    Actinoids: Electronic configuration, oxidation states and com parison with lanthanoids.

    UNIT IX: Coordination Compounds

    C oordination com pounds: Introduction, ligands, coordination num ber, colour, m agnetic properties and

    shapes, IU PAC nom enclature of m ononuclear coordination com pounds, isom erism (structural and stereo)

    bonding, W erners theory VBT,C FT; im portance of coordination com pounds (in qualitative analysis, biological

    system s).

    UNIT X: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

    H aloalkanes: N om enclature, nature of C X bond, physical and chem ical properties, m echanism of

    substitution reactions.

    Optical rotation.

    H aloarenes: N ature of C -X bond, substitution reactions (directive influence of halogen for m onosubstituted

    com pounds only).

    U ses and environm ent effects of dichlorom ethane, trichlorom ethane, tetrachlorom ethane, iodoform ,

    freons, D D T.

    UNIT XI: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

    Alcohols: N om enclature, m ethods of preparation, physical and chem ical properties (of prim ary alcohols


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    only); identification of prim ary, secondary and tertiary alcohols; m echanism of dehydration, uses with special

    reference to m ethanol and ethanol.

    Phenols: N om enclature, m ethods of preparation, physical and chem ical properties, acidic nature of phenol,

    electrophillic substitution reactions, uses of phenols.

    Ethers: N om enclature, m ethods of preparation, physical and chem ical properties uses.

    UNIT XII: Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

    Aldehydes and Ketones: N om enclature, nature of carbonyl group, m ethods of preparation, physical and

    chem ical properties; and m echanism of nucleophilic addition, reactivity of alpha hydrogen in aldehydes;


    C arboxylic Acids: N om enclature, acidic nature, m ethods of preparation, physical and chem ical properties;


    Am ines: N om enclature, classification, structure, m ethods of preparation, physical and chem ical properties,

    uses, identification of prim ary secondary and tertiary am ines.

    C yanides and Isocyanides- will be m entioned at relevant places.

    D iazonium salts: Preparation, chem ical reactions and im portance in synthetic organic chem istry.

    UNIT XIV: Biomolecules

    C arbohydrates- C lassification (aldoses and ketoses), m onosaccharide (glucose and fructose), D.L.

    configuration, oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose, m altose), polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen):

    im portance.

    Proteins- Elem entary idea of am ino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides, proteins, prim ary structure,

    secondary structure, tertiary structure and quaternary structure (qualitative idea only), denaturation ofproteins; enzym es.

    H orm ones- Elem entary idea (excluding structure).

    Vitam ins- C lassification and function.

    N ucleic Acids: D N A and RN A

    UNIT XV: Polymers

    C lassification- N atural and synthetic, m ethods of polym erization (addition and condensation),

    copolym erization. Som e im portant polym ers: natural and synthetic like polyesters, bakelite; rubber,

    Biodegradable and non-biodegradable polym ers.

    UNIT XVI: Chemistry in Everyday Life

    C hem icals in m edicines- analgesics, tranquilizers, antiseptics, disinfectants, antim icrobials, antifertility drugs,

    antibiotics, antacids, antihistam ines.

    C hem icals in food- preservatives, artificial sweetening agents, elem entary idea of antioxidants.

    C leansing agents- soaps and detergents, cleansing action.


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    UNIT I: Diversity in Living World W hat is living? ; Biodiversity; N eed for classification; Three dom ains of life; Taxonom y & System atics; C oncept of

    species and taxonom ical hierarchy; Binom ial nom enclature; Tools for study of Taxonom y M useum s, Zoos,

    H erbaria, Botanical gardens.

    Five kingdom classification; salient features and classification of M onera; Protista and Fungi into m ajor groups;

    Lichens; Viruses and Viroids.

    Salient features and classification of plants into m ajor groups-Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, G ym nosperm s

    and Angiosperm s (three to five salient and distinguishing features and at least two exam ples of each category);

    Angiosperm s- classification up to class, characteristic features and exam

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