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Post on 08-Aug-2015






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enterprise asset management solutions

innovate your business

Since 1983 IB has been exclusively dealing with the development and the implementation of computerised maintenance management systems, as well as the complementary specialist consultancy.

IB offers specific software solutions and tools to satisfy the widest needs of technical management, in different industries: Facility & Provider (management of the real-estate assets and the annexed technological plants), Transportation & Logistics (fleet management including trains), Healthcare (technical management of hospitals, clinics and nursing homes, etc…) Maritime (ship technical management), Process & Manufacturing (management of industrial plants in general), Utilities & Power Generation (the management of the technical processes within waste disposal, water and gas distribution, production and distribution of energy).

What IB offers: software solutions and technological tools for an adequate maintenance management, energy efficiency and specialist consultancy on “Maintenance and Operation” processes and all the complementary services.

Our PLUSes:IB can support the client in the definition and achievement of an improvement path in the assets management.

IB distinguishes itself from other suppliers of Assets Management solutions present on the market because:

• IB is not only a software and technological company: the activity carried out on a daily basis by IB’s consultants for more than 300 national and international clients is defined as a technical, continuative and operative consultancy, rather than a mere supply of technology;

• IB shares with the client the entrepreneur’s risk: IB applies special fees for their products, tools and services, in order to share the entrepreneur’s risk with its clients;

• IB integrates its expertise with products and vertical solutions partner companies to create added value to what they offer.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change”. C. Darwin

In this sense the solutions suggested by IB are always combined with the different needs of the client company or partner: one of the points of strength of our intervention is to share all the common experiences.

IB represents an ever expanding reality, which today counts about 70 members of staff, both workers and consultants.

1983 from an intuition of Mario Bottazzi company, a hardware provider, Bottazzi Computer was set up for the design and implementation of software solutions1986 birth of InfoSHIP® product supporting the first ship technical management for the customer Micoperi 7000 and gradual penetration of IB in the maritime world 1990-1995 consolidation of presence in the marine industry with the acquisition of important customers such as Costa Cruises, Coeclerici1996 tthe experience in ship technical management was transfer red to the industry and transportation world with the product InfoPMS®1998 InfoPMS® implementation in the industry of Waste disposal with the acquisition of the company AMIU (Genoa) for plants and fleet management1999 the first hospital customer is equipped with InfoPMS® and IB starts developing the vertical platform for Healthcare2000 InfoSHIP® is adopted by Carnival Cruise Lines extending the platform already in use in Costa Cruises. In the same year the company becomes IB Informatica srl2002 new premises are built: the group is growing in terms of staff and turnover2003 birth of IB Facility Ltd, a company owned by IB Informatica Ltd aimed at Healthcare and Real Estate in general. New brands InfoHEALTH® and InfoFACILITY® are designed and in the same year InfoPMS® is acquired by significant industrial and manufacturing companies who enhance the features of the software 2005-2009 IB Informatica and IB Facility Ltd consolidate their market presence, strengthening leadership in software for Enterprise Asset Management2009 by the merging of IB Informatica and IB Facility IB Ltd is founded with the structure and resources to face new market challenges, getting organized for business units targeted at different areas2010 IB sets up significant partnerships with manufacturers of medical equipment and providers of integrated clinical engineering and energy services2011 publication of the first Sustainability Report. IB becomes more and more international with its participation in important projects of EU research and innovation2013 birth of InfoSHIP EGO and InfoSHIP ELB, software solutions for the continuous monitoring of the energy cycle on board and the electronic management of Ship Formalities.


IB has an important role in the innovation process for the Asset Management market. The deep evaluation of the real meaning of the “innovation processes” may help to understand also the role which can be played by a company strongly focused on the technical management software production.

“The innovation is not a process which only leaps forward periodically, but an incremental process ”H. Simon (2001)

“Lasting success is mainly built by concentrating with perseverance on the right things, and to strive at promoting a great number of apparently modest and insignificant improvements every day” T. Levitt (1988)

IB doesn’t intend to be successful by targeting a single element or innovative solution; on the contrary it continuously realises some “small initiatives" to slowly and continuously improve the overall performance of organizations which take care of technical/maintenance activities in accordance with their mission.

The Marine industry is where IB has made the first steps for the creation of software solutions for maintenance management. The activity was then standardized and, over time, has been extended to other sectors which are active today. This aspect has also created a significant " return wave ", thanks to which the experience accumulated in each sector has been transferred to the others, acting as a stimulus for best performance and growth.The offer designed by IB in this area consists of organizational and methodological tools (including software systems, which play a decisive role) that contribute to effective and efficient technical management regarding plant availability and reduction of risks and costs, in accordance with proper maintenance of Assets and Rules of the different Authorities (and related laws) that regulate the sector

InfoSHIP® is an extremely flexible modular software platform, integrated with popular automation and diagnostics systems and leading ERPs on the market.It's a suite of programmes, designed and built for shipping companies, which covers the entire operational requirements and management of the Technical Management (maintenance, purchasing, inventory, quality and safety, cost control and performance analysis, energy efficiency, ...). The aim is to supply the customer’s organization with a complete system, in terms of product, project and support, and at the same time to provide a simple, comprehensive, and integrated solution to Problem Solving for the daily needs of technical and operational management.

InfoSHIP® is more than a software: it is a real "Management Model" aimed at improving and enhancing business efficiency.This approach has contributed to consider InfoSHIP® as the system of reference in the Marine market in Italy and in other countries.

Together with the reliability of the system, IB stands out because it acts as a strategic partner for the optimization of the clients’ operational, technical and decision-making processes. A technical management software, alone, is not sufficient to solve the problems of asset management, especially in case of critical and complex units such as ships. The components involved for the proper management are many - and often related to each other - and only by knowing in depth the planning, the technology, the standards with their implications and, finally, the organizational processes, can we establish and confirm ourselves in the market as a really competitive company. The role of integrated systems in these environments (human intensive, with a high turn-over and multicultural) goes far beyond the normal practice, making them become fundamental for the Change and Knowledge Management.

Andromeda Shipping SAM

Augusta Due

Carnival Cruise Lines

Caronte & Tourist

Corsica & Sardinia Ferries

Costa Crociere

Elbana di Navigazione


Grandi Navi Veloci

Grimaldi Holding

LGR di Navigazione



Ottavio Novella

Pietro Barbaro

Prime Shipping

Customer References

Maurizio Ricci, IB President

The constant relationship with our customers, which in some cases has lasted for nearly 20 years, is based on the mutual exchange of ideas and experiences and has allowed us to grow, consolidate, qualify and present ourselves to other areas in which today, as in the marine industry, we are recognized as a reference point.

In Healthcare industry IB has prepared a series of solutions and services destined to fully support those who deal with the asset management in hospital buildings, medical equipment, energy services and technological plants.

IB’s offering is composed mainly by The technological platform InfoHEALTH® which has become with time the reference point in Italy and derives from IB’s experience in fields historically more inclined towards the efficient and effective management of the technical services (maritime, transport, process industry sector, etc..). InfoHEALTH®, able to run every aspect of the health structure, regardless of the existing managerial assets and the existing organizational models, is aimed at:

• Public Hospitals;• Private Hospitals/Clinics;• Maintenance and management facility services providers;• Manufacturers of electro medical equipments and/or dedicated to their technical assistance service (SAT);• Management consulting companies operating mainly in healthcare.

The proposal is therefore formed by the following complementary and synergic elements:

• software management in data centre service;• data entry, control and monitoring of data; • inventory survey and construction of technical database of buildings, of machinery, of IT technologies and of electro medical equipment;• analysis, planning and development of customized software, to satisfy technical maintenance management needs.

AO Brotzu (CA)

AO Città della Salute (TO)

AO Lecco(LC)

AO Padova

AOU Policlinico Tor Vergata (ROMA)

AOU P. Giaccone (PA)


Esaote (GE)

Gruppo Multimedica (MI)

Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Rozzano (MI)

Istituto G. Gaslini (GE)

Policlinico Abano Terme (PD)


Regione Piemonte

SOL Medical

Tecnologie Avanzate (TA)

Università Campus Bio-Medico (ROMA)

Customer References

We were looking for a complete and flexible solution. InfoHEALTH ® immediately met our needs. The platform is used both for simple reporting of maintenance and for advanced analysis and reporting. One of the benefits experienced in the use of these tools is the interpretation of the data, resulting in improved decision-making by top management.

Giancarlo Burdese, in charge of Integrated management of medical equipment, ESAOTE (Genova)

IB designs and distributes technological tools and organizational solutions for the management of the assets and of the annexed technological equipment. IB provides the following technological solutions and consultancy services to managing and maintenance companies such as:

• shopping centres, outlets• cash points• tourist villages• office buildings;

• motorways and infrastructures in general• industrial complexes• private and public residential buildings• school buildings;

• theatres, fairs structures, museums• sports establishments• other real estates in general.

In the last few years IB and its tools have been contributing to the cultural growth process of the market, for an efficient and effective management of the properties. Starting from a correct survey and updating of the property and equipment inventory, IB supports its clients in the organic and integrated organisation of technical, maintenance and energy service of properties.

The accurate collection of detailed data on activities performed has enabled our customers to control the service level, through the calculation of performance indicators of the activity, to ensure proper, safe and economic management of properties, to monitor the perfomance of energy consumption, to improve management of relationships with third parties (suppliers and end users) and anticipate the management difficulties linked to asset management.

IB provides innovative commercial formulas for providers of maintenance and facility management. In fact, depending on the type of service offered by the provider, on the sector they operate in, on the applications they needs and on service level agreement, IB configures and scales a a customized business proposal to obtain a partnership with its clients, to share the risk in the management of Facility Services offered.

ABP Nocivelli, Castegnato (BS)

Acquario di Genova - (GE)


Arpal (GE)

Cofely GDF Suez (MI)

Ecosfera (RM)

Gruppo Olicar, Bra (CN)


Novacoop, Galliate (NO)

Primavera (MI)

Rivoira (TO)

Siram (MI)

Tecnoservice (LU)

Termigas (BG)

Customer References

We needed a control room for centralized management of technical maintenance, the administrative and economic management of technological subsystems in the stores of the property. The project has revolutionized the management logic improving the performance, slowly showing all the potential of the systems implemented, with further possibilities of implementation.

Patrizio Dettoni, in charge of real estate management in (Novacoop)

IB is always paying attention to the evolution of its solutions in terms of constant technological innovation, increase in the functional coverage and introduction of new organizational models. The vocation to analyze the market, anticipate trends, create new business opportunities and strengthen relationships with customers and prospects is the thread that links all the activities of IB’s consultants.

In particular, in the field of manufacturing and process (a mixed area including engineering , chemical, food, pharmaceutical, oil & gas firms, etc. ), IB proposes specific solutions and consultants that take into account specific peculiarities of each sub-sector, thanks to the experience gained in 30 years of activity. IB has its expertise of specialists that can approach the issue of computerization of maintenance through the re-engineering of organizational processes, the support for strengthening the Engineering Maintenance and for the introduction of new methodologies, conscious that the system is one of the key factors, but not the only one, to undertake a process of improving in the asset management. Particular attention is paid to equipment manufacturers who provide the service of their assets and evolve from the sale to the management of their life cycle, with all the crucial implications on their business. In this case IB supports those who provide the service in the configuration, processing and optimization of the processes involved and the organizational models of their core business.

InfoPMS®, the solution fully developed and produced by IB, accompanies the client in the daily management of processes and technical maintenance, logistics, security and supply chain. Dedicated functions have been developed to support engineering, maintenance, monitoring external contracts and its cost control. InfoPMS® interfaces with market leading ERP systems.

The immediate benefits that the software application can offer are:

• control of technical-economic processes to support the decision-making; • facilitate change management and supervise the know-how; • govern all aspects of security (from equipment and safety equipment to the most bureaucratic document management).

Boario (Gruppo Ferrarelle)



Cogne Acciai Speciali


Eurallumina - Gruppo Rusal

Flint Group

Gruppo Sfir - Raff. Brindisi

Italiana Coke



PPG Industries

Sapio industrie

Siderurgica Gabrielli

Sol Group


Vedani Metalli

VM Motori

Customer References

The need to improve the monitoring of costs and the efficiency of materials purchasing drove us to look for an enterprise management software that would support the maintenance process, the inventory and procurement in an integrated way. InfoPMS® proved to be the best system to meet our needs and to prepare the basis for the new scenarios of improvement.

Alessandro Frondella, Boario Manager Director, Ferrarelle Group

IIB offers expertise and specific software solutions to the fleet and transportation management world, to make the maintenance and workshop management processes efficient, to optimize the planning of materials and warehouse stock, to bring efficacy and control in delegating activities to third parties. IB supports the creation of the best scheduling of all technical activities by implementing tools to constantly monitor the use of materials, of technical resources and of work planning.

In cooperation with the main trade associations, IB constantly promotes and organizes events and meetings, to continuously spread competence and experience amongst the various transportation firms, and to divulge news and updates regarding scientific and cultural research in this field. IB relies on top Italian experts in maintenance management of public transportation (road and rail) and in maintenance engineering.

IB’s software solution InfoPMS® has become the platform of daily work for many transportation companies. Thanks to InfoPMS® companies are able to implement a computerized management of scheduled and of extraordinary maintenance, which is extremely modular and customizable to suit everybody’s requirements. Additional InfoPMS® modules enable the management of warehouse and purchasing, claims, maintenance contracts, documentation and technical control management.

The main features of InfoPMS® are:

• easy to use; • wide functional coverage; • modularity of the solution; • management of activities by processes; • presence of specific modules for maintenance engineering; • flexibility and configurability; • continuous technological and functional upgrades; • integrations with leading ERP present on the market.

The availability of a Computerized Management Maintenance Software is a prerequisite in order to carry out a Change Management project in maintenance. With the implementation of InfoPMS® we have also obtained the guarantee of instant data visibility and congruity of information, the possibility to follow the changes of the state of the vehicle (available or unavailable for transportation service). InfoPMS® is the fundamental element for daily analysis process through which the company can reach efficiency.

Andrea Bottazzi, in charge of vehicles and plants management in TPER Bologna

ACTV Venezia

ANM Napoli

APAM Mantova

APS Padova

ARPA Chieti

ATN Carrara

ATV Verona

CLAP Lucca

Compagnia Toscana Trasporti

Gruppo Fagioli

Metro Napoli

Officina 2000

Sepsa Napoli

Serfer Genova

STP Brindisi

TEP Parma

TPER Bologna

Trentino Trasporti (TN)

Customer References

The companies operating in power generation and utilities are IB’s key customers, in terms of strategy and prospectively, considering the outstanding growing trend of this business segment and also the number of customers using IB solutions.

Having worked with public utilities since the beginning of its activity, IB has set up specific software and expertise centres for the assets management in utilities and power generation companies. IB is now operating for the improvement of the maintenance management processes for companies dealing with waste disposal and street sweeping, plant engineering, aqueducts, gas supply, water purifying plants, incinerators, energy production (power stations) and energy distribution.

InfoPMS® is IB’s modular software solution for maintenance management, logistics and passive cycle of the utilities and power generation companies. Thanks to its extreme flexibility and adaptability, InfoPMS® is considered as the leading software of the market and it is fundamental for an optimized management of the organization and of technical and economical performances. InfoPMS® interfaces with the main ERP systems of the market.

InfoGREEN® is the software solution specifically created for the renewable energy world. InfoGREEN® includes functional coverage of the operation & maintenance, connectivity with the equipment on site, supervision of plants and maintenance and safety management.

We were looking for solutions that would simplify the recording of jobs done, in order to safeguard the need of having exact analytical and prompt data, and to improve the daily work of the users. With InfoPMS® we achieved the target, in fact thanks to the installation of badge readers, bar-code readers and keypads, the operator is able to carry out performance analysis of the activities and to record information avoiding post data entry

Mauro Cerulli, in charge of management and maintenance of vehicles in AMIU Genova

ABB Energy - Centr. Scandale

Acqua Latina

AMA Roma

AMIAT Torino

AMIU Genova

ASIA Napoli

ASSA Novara

Edipower - Centrale Turbigo

Endesa - Centrale Scandale

Sorgenia - Centrale Turano Lodigiano


Customer References

IB S.r.l.

Via Cerisola 37 - 16035 Rapallo (GE)Phone +39 0185 273088 Fax +39 0185 273589

Via Melisurgo 44 - 80133 NapoliPhone & Fax +39 081 5516329

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