brilliant beginnings michelle berkshire kristine davi jennie hossack janifer haddock jen mellow

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Brilliant Beginnings

Michelle Berkshire Kristine Davi

Jennie HossackJanifer Haddock

Jen Mellow

Adopted Curriculum Materials

Includes:Big Books

Story BooksVocabulary Cards

Visual AidesSing-a-longs

Math manipulatives

Splash Themes: Each last 4 weeks• My School and Me

• My Family and Friends

• Giants

• Choices

• Stories and Rhymes

• I Build! I Create!

• Things that Move

• Animals

• Changes

Letter and Word Knowledge• Letter names and sounds• Identify letters in words

Written Expression• Copy letters• Write name• Draw pictures

o Fluency• Speak with proper tone• Listen to fluent reading

Literacy and Language • Phonological Awareness

• Syllables

• Rhyming

• Same/different Words

• Identify sounds in words

• Comprehension• Compare and contrast

• Connection to text

• Identify and retell information

• Predict

• Discuss/retell a story

• Oral Language/ Vocabulary• Follow directions

• Name objects

• Interpret illustrations

• Develop vocabulary

• Book/Print Awareness• Count words in a sentence

• Directionality of print

• Roles of author and illustrator

Math Concepts• Geometry and Spatial Sense

• Shapes• Positional words

• Patterns

• Measurement• Compare

• Numbers and Operations• Compare sets• Count to 20 or higher• Count objects and sets• Identify numerals 1-10• 1-1 correspondence

• Problem Solving

• Data Collection

• Sorting by attribute(s)

Social Studies

• Habitats

• Communities

• Families

• Cultures

Science• Science Process

• Building

• Observing

• Investigating

• Science concepts• Patterns in nature

• Growing up

• Sun, moon, and stars

• Animals

• Plants

• Matter

• Senses

Physical Development

• Gross motor

• Awareness of body parts

• Follow sequence of movements

• Coordination and balance

• Fine motor

• Cutting with scissors

• Gripping pencil/crayons correctly

• Eye hand coordination

Dramatic Play

• We will be changing our dramatic play approximately every 4 weeks to follow the theme

• We will need your help in borrowing theme related materials

Fine Arts and music• Draw pictures

• Create artwork

• Clap patterns

• Explore rhythm

• Singing songs

Not all concepts will be taught to mastery

We use the early Learning standards set forth by Arizona Dept. of Education

Social/Emotional Development

• Discuss emotions

• Express opinions

• Cooperate with others

• Care for classroom

• Respect and share with others

Conscious discipline• Community of learners

• Focuses on social/emotional development

• Promotes positive behaviors

• Teaches various strategies

• Parent classes offered once a month

Parent Helpers

• If interested in volunteering in class or help with parties, please fill out a volunteer packet.

• Stephanie has packets in the office.

• Siblings under 18 cannot come to volunteer.

Newsletters and communication

• Newsletters are sent home weekly via email.

• Email is the best way to reach us!

• Parent boards outside each classroom to give updates.

CBDM: Testing

• Online assessments done to monitor progress of skills

• Baseline assessments done at beginning of year on letter identification

Conferences and Progress

• We will meet for parent/teacher conferences twice: October and March

• We will be sharing data with you via portfolios, data sheets, and checklists at these times.

Pick up

• Please be prompt in picking children up.

• This time is our prep/lunch time.


• Please fill out and return:

• Yellow Emergency card

• Student code of conduct form

**See classroom teacher if you need new ones


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