brighton power - ontario...brighton beach power focility is a rolling plnnt, whose economic well...

Post on 26-Jul-2020






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BRIGHTON BEACH POWER LIMITED (BBPL) Hereinafter referred to as The Company


and the


Hereinafter referred to as The Union

November 161 2017 to November 15, 20ZO


Aft1'1CLI: 1 - Purpose .......................................................................................................... 1

ARTICLE 2 - Union Recognition ........... " .. """'""""'""""""" ......... " ........ " ...................... l

ARTICLE 3 - Management Rights ...................................................................... .,,. .... _.,,, .. I

ARTICLE 4 - Union. Representative!! .................................................................................. 2

ARTLCl..E 5 - Uoion SecurJty ·········~·········---·········• .... H•• ·· .. ·-·· .. ···· ·1· •· ·· ··••\ •••,,,,,,,,. ,, , ,,, ,, ,, ..•..•. . 2

ART!CLE 6-Su<:cessor Right:i '""'"""""" ................... " .................................................... 2

.ARTICLE 7 -No Strikes and Lockouts ............................................................................... 3

ARTICLE 8 - No Dis11:rimination ........... ........................................................................... .. . 3

.A.RT.ICLE 9- Mid·Tertn Ag-reemePt .~ ..... ,, ,,,,,,,, ... .. ........... ........ ~~.,.~······•·...-... , .h .. ~~··········~···'· ' · 3

ARTICLE I 0- Grievances/Arbitration ........................................................... .. ................... 3

ARTICLE 11 -Seniority anti ServiceCredil, ...................................................................... 4

ARTICLE !2 - Selection to Vacancies ........ - .............................................................. " ...... 4

ARTICLE 13 - Employee Categories .................................................................................. 5

AR11CLE 14-Vacation ...................................................................................................... S

ARTICLE. 15- 12-Hour Shift Handover ............................................................................. 6

ARTICLE 16-Srallilory Holidays ..................................................................................... 6

ARTICLE 17 - Hoµrs of work, Shift Change Notice, Overtime, ........................................ 7 Premlums 11nd Shift Differential

ARTICL.Ei 18 - Lunch and Rest Bceuks ............................................................................... 9

ARTICLE 19-Staodby/Callout ........................................................................................... 9

ARTICLE 20-R~.duction uf Staff ..................................................................................... iO

/\Iti:1cu:. 21 - Pension nnd Llfo !nsur:mce. Extended Health BenefiL~ .............. ,, ....... ,,., IO

/\RTICLE 2.2-Bnnked Tt1ne ............ , .. _l·•······•- 1 .... .... H ........ .-H ............. ........ ~··········· ····· ······· • 12

BBPL Col iei:clve Bargalnhig Agreement. 1017-2020

ARTICI.£ 23 - Solnry and Pjly Procedure. ............................... , ....................................... 13

\RTICU: 14- Clotl\iug ond Sofety Equipment .......... " .................................................. . 13

AR'rtCLE 25 - Sick LeiweJShOn Term Sick Leuvc:/Long Term Disability ...................... 14

ARTICLE :26 - Pregmmcy/Pnrc:ntol/Adoption Leave ........................................................ 15

A.Rl'!CLE 7.7 - Leave of AbSence .......................................................... ............................ 17

.l\RTICLE 2S- Tr11 vet nnd Expenses to Other Work Locations ........................................ 18

ARTICLE 29 - Joint.Corrunitlee...; ..... u_.. •• , ................. _ .,, ... ........................ ......... 1.1i1 ············ l 8

ARTICLE 30 - Cer1ificate/Liccncc Renewals u11d Professional Due.~ .......................... _ ... 20

ARTICU:. 31 - Term of Agreement ................................................................................... 2()

SAL.AR'' SCHEDULES .. .. . ••••••••••••••••• ...•..•.•.•.....• ...•.....•.•.... ••.•.••.•.......... .2J & 2::!

BBP Collective Bargnining Agri:~meni. 2017-2010 II


The Company und lhc Unioo recognize. that u well-gioUnded rcln1ionship based on lrust, ro-opermiou nod commilmcnt is the cornerstone of aU successful organiz:uion~. The Brighton Beach Power focility is a rolling plnnt, whose economic well being depends on U1c s1:11ion') ability to meel &he ever changing de01nnds of the power .l<Cl"tor in both Jong 1U"td shon terms. The Company and Union arc conunilled lo developing and maintaining nccnuntnble, knowledgeable and healthy employees, alignell wlth rhc business objectives. to achieve succci;.s. To lhese ends, it is ln lbe best interests of the Company and the Uoio1t to direct their rcspertiv~ ef:fons towru:d& lite Sllte, e1111ironmen1ally diligent, efnclent and economlcru operotion of Lhe Company's bus1M.~~-

'!1ii~ ngreemetit recognizes and accept~ the pnm:iples nnd spirll of teamwork, accou111111>ility, re~pect , inlcgrity and loyalty. II is !'ecognlzed U1ot succei;sful employer­employee rclotions must be n1utunlly a.dv.a111ugcous, foir,JUSI and of the same .spirit or o.11opernlion and friendliness wjch wh1dt this ugreen1cnt was renched.


The Compil!lY recogai:ies &he Union as the sole 11nd exdu.sive collective bnrguiniog ogenl ror nit employet!!i t1f lho. Compwiy in Omo11o save ~nd except Facility Mun~er. Production Mnonger. Molncenance uoa Engmeuring Mnauger, Coin1oerci:1l M1111ager, Operution~ Co-ordin:1tor. one Administnnive/Accouoting Associa1e, Unpaid Co-op 5mdems, nnd Profe!lsiounl Engirtee!'1'{E!Ts/Enginet:nng Co-op Studenlli . Mnimconnce Coo1·diun1or, and Commercial Coordinator-

furthermore, ~hould the Compuny ln iJ:; discretion require ib employees 10 perform comuuction or maintenonce work; ~uch elnployee~ sh~U l:le members of the PWU.

Ernployee!I of conlrnC1ors perfomiing eooslruclion or supplemental rnaiorcnnnce work •vhich is derined as major plonned-0utagcs based on the Long TennServiceAgrccmt:nt fLTSA) schedule which e1(cecds in boui;e cop:ibi.lities 11re noc covered by tlti8 Collecrlve '\greemen1.

All work of an ongoing nnture lo be performed for Brighton Brach Power wUI be performed by rcgvl11r employees.


The Union recvgnlzes Uic righl of the Compruty lo hire. promote, transfer, oiscbargc. ;;uspend, or ollierwise di>clpline any employee for just cause, subject lo the righl of th~ Union to chnllenge sud! decision lhrougho1.11 \l)e gricvMce/arbilnitton procedurt.. Tbe Union further recogniz~ the right. of Ilic Company 10 operate and munagc iu; bUS'iness in :ill rcsp~cts in uceordo.occ with its cornmiuncnts 1md re~-ponslbiJities.

BBPL C:oll~clive Bnrg~ining Agrel!ment. 2017-2020 P:ige I

ARTICLE 4 - UNl(,lN ll£:PIUlSJ1N'l'A11VE.S

The Union will designute Accredited Uninn Representative!\ to handle the nJministralioo or this Agreement. Such representatives will b¢ free to visit BrighlOo Beach Power iutd co condui:I oonnal Uniou bl1sincss usi;ociared with the ad111inistratioo of thi..- AgreemenL. Tue Union undertake:; thaL these representatives will nor unduly interfere Wllh work 111 Bligbton Bench Power.

The Union will designfilC :md the Complllly shaU recognlzc n Principal Steward and nhecnme. who shoU be from the bnrJ?nioing unit. The Unitlll reserves the right lo remove 01\Y Prioc:ip;il S1cward or olremiu.e. The Union will notify the Company of the names of s1tch Princi\)111 St¢word and 11ltem111e.

The Prindpnl Stcwnrd and oltenime sh nil be allowed reasonatlle nnd sufficiertt 1Jm.s wilh no loss of puy to sec tltm the provi.~ions of this Agreement are observed.

Prom time to lime the Pf'incip11I Steward and alremnte mny be required to nuend Union 1neetings or11•nlning courses not relo•·ed to Brighton Bench Power directly. 111 theseca.~r.s, lhe Compnny will, subject to bu~inei;s condltions, upot1 rca.~onable Md ~ufficieot notice fi'om the Uuion, relenl\e the iod.ividunls und die Vnion Will be 1csponsible for wnges Jnd cxpen511s.

rhe Principal Ste\V11td and alre.mnte will be responsit>le for their regularly a~lgned work. on behalf Qf tJ1c Coropuny.

j\llTICL! 5- Ul'/ION .SECUIU'I'\'

All employees, as pel' Anicle 1, ~ball be members oflhe Ur\iOtl tmd. sh:ill n~ u condltlou (•I' employment. malnrnin such membership. In 1111 cases, for 111 du: Bargnioing Unit os defined in Anlclc 2, the Co!llpnny sholl be responsible for the signing of dues outhorization and shall cledllct from the sem.i-moathly wages of eodJ employee, rut nmounl ¢qual to the weekly union dues time~ ,'52 divided by 24 in effect at tli{I 1ime nod ~billl tr:msmil the monies so deducted lll rhe Finnncinl Offieer of th~ Ullion nl the time~ de<;igoaied by the Union including a 11~\ of employee., for whom dues 11re being 1-emincd.


In1he event thut 1he Co111puny s~lls c;>t merges or umalgatnates with any other body. or trnnsfors any part Qf alt of its business 111 nnother bcxly,.lhe Compnoy undertakes ro ensure Utru the Employer(.~) 10 whom the bu.~u1ess is lran~rerred (New Emplo)1er} will be bound by rhis Collective Agreement and thnL Ille Onion will conti11ue lo be the Barg,1ining Agent for Ille employees or the Employet(~) to Wh(')m the business is lmru;t'errl!d.

BBPL Collective Bargaining Ai:reernenl, 20 I 7· '2020 Page2

Should any \Inion file any applicanon nt the. Onhltio Labour Rellllions Board in an eftO(I lO gnio 1cpresent111ive rights for employee:" of the New Employer, neither 11\e Company nor the New Etnployer ~holl tuke any pu~il!on In soch proceedings other lh:m to rceogniie tights ol' llie PWU to represent the employee:..


·n1e IJmon agreos that neither it, oor iL~ representanvcs will, during U1e corm o[ tbis Agreement, nU\horire, cnuse, condone, saoctioo or 1ake pnn in :my :;trike, nnd tJ1e Compnoy agrees thot lt wil l l!Ot t'l\~1se or direct uny lockout of it~ cmp)oyeu for 1he duri,1tion of this Agrcemem.


there shnll be no discriminntlon, interfereiwe, rc~tmint or coercion by, or on beh~lf of 1nr. ('.omplUly regnrding any employee because of membership in the Union.

The C;;impany and ~he lfnion further agree there shall be no discriniinution ngaln~i n11y ..!mpfoyee for any rensoa pres,•ribed by the Ontario Human Rigl1lls CO<le.

Allegn1ions of viobitions of the Ontario H11mru1 Rigbts Code nresu\Jject ro the grle\'11J1C\!

1rrocedure Arl!cle JO,


This Coll~tlve Agreement may be amended at uny Lime wtth tbeagreemont of the: Ullt>pany and the Union.


IL is tl1e rnutual desire of lhe that any cornpll\fnl. !>hall he de;ift wi1h M quickly II) practicnble, with full discussion ~1nu <Hsclo!\ure in no nltempl ro avoid the. need for a funnal g1·invo.nce.

A forrunl gr1evu11c11 may Ix: submitted by lhe Union to the Facility 1vfor1ager. or lus/ber de~lgnatc. within 15 business d:iy~ ufter \he unresolved \~~ue Ito." bren i.deo\Uied. The Fncility M:mager orde~ignate, wi!I meet With tltc IJ,Uon, and if applicable, rheemployee Involved, lo discuss and resolve ll1e issue. Tbe P-11dl'ily Manager. or deslgnme wiU reoder n decis100 witbio 5 business dnys fuUowing the duy on wlllch the written grievwice wus ptesentcd to ltlm/her.

Failing 8etUemeut, grievance. tnay bi: Submiued to n formnl Joint Grievance. CommiUee including the Facility M:uwgcr or bis/her designate nnrl th~ Vice Pre.~ident <lf Lhe Un(on or his/her designate within 5 business days aflcr 1he initial decision ol"t.he F11cility "Mlnager. TI1c employee. ini1iaiing tlie grievance !lOd lhe employee's Sllpervif.Qr :ire 001 eliglhte to sit on the grievruice committee~ Subsequcnl to \he meecing tJ1e Joint Grievance Co01mlrtce will render n decision within 5 b~lness days.

BBPL Collective Bnwlnln!I Agreement, 2017-2020

f'niling ~tlemc1Jt1 lh~grlevance moy proceed to Arbitrolioa, if reque$ted by cilher party. The parties shnll jointly name 11 ~lngle atbitrnlol'. In the eve.i1l thnt the panr~ cannot agree on tbe numi11g of an Arbllrn~or. \11¢ Onturio Lllbour Relat.ions Board sholl Qppoim nn Arblt1'111or. The 1\rbi~rlltor shnll hear and decide the cnse within 30 days ofter ret:e1p1 of notice 10 Arbitrnte. The parties sbull each puy one·hulf of !he expenses ofU1e nrbil.rntor. The reg\1Jar JOa.lary lbrthe loc;il Union Steward and tbeempJoyee rclu1cd to steps l l\11d 2 wlll bellte re~nsibility of the Company. ·

No t!Tlployee- shall be disciplined in 1111y manner. demoted. suspended or discharged cxcepl for just cou~e.

The time limii..; of d1c gl'ieV11noes/nrbitn1tion pro<;.e~s ;Is (!e~cribcd in this Article mny be ex1endcd by 1nutu11l agreement.


Seniority is bl!rg11in1ng unit wide nnd uc:cumulnuon of seriiorlly sllall begin on the .:lute or c:omrnencement of employment iu 1be Bnrgalning U11it n.c; defined in Aniclc '..?, The parties recegnlze that acc11mulittion of seniority for e~iscing employees beginSl. wllh !lie time of rute with the Corupnny.

Senion!}' shull ccn.~e for any o( I.he foUowmg reaS(lns:

If lf)e employee qujl!;, reclres, orb terminated for just cnu~-en.mJ the lermmation !$not reversed lhrough llie grievance procedUie.


All rtglJlnr poi;it.ions, mcludlng Umse within one level above lhe U11ion'~ jurisd1ct1on, will be 11dvertised witJlin Ure burgnining unit when they becotne vacant.

t\11 vacancies i.hnll be postecl in o timely fa"hlon nuJ sh.ill be po~tetl internal lo the b11rgaining unit prior to e11teroal posting, for 11 mintmum pericid ilf 1wo weeks, this rn11y be waived or .shorlruted witb lhe Princlpal' i Steward's ttgreemcot.

Sele~:[ ion will be mad~ to a vacnncy within four monlhs of the dale tbe job is posted.

f'or vacnncies, firtt con.sidtm1tfon will be given to re,gular employees who snlll\fllctotil} t'llL'er die perfurmaiice rcqoiremenls of their prcscmt position. meet the minimum qualificnrioos QJld )Juve lhe ;ibility to pecfoffi\ Ulc work oftbe po~led posi1ion.

Jn tbe event thnl quallftc:ition and nbility to perform the work are relatively equul, seniority in the bllrg;iioing llnit sh<ill govem selections.

Qualifietl t~mpor:iry employees 'Viii be given fuir nitd objective considerallon [o.­vnc11t1cies 11fler r~gulnr employe¢5 aod before e;\tenl11111pplicaots.

BBl'l.. Collocti\•e Bnrgnining Agreemenl.2017-2020


Regular Employees: Regular einploye~ ure lllose employees whn havestlccessfully completed lhcir 1nvbalionary period. Ongoing work will be performed by Rcgulnr Employees,

Proba1ionary Em11loyees: Uc11h p11t'tiru1 1tgree lluit the bu.~iness requires highly motivated n11d .~killed employees working~ part of a team. To ll1ni end, new employee$ ~hall be reqt1ired co i;ervc a probntion11ry period Qf 6 mooths. A probation:iry employee I~ always lured with 1he ln1e11tion of mo.king him/her 11 rogular employee nt the s:u\sfa..:lory oonclusion of the 6 inonth probationary periCld. During rhol period, the Company will ns~~ Whether on employee is sui1nble to be l'etained. Any decision not to retain n probntio!lllry e111ployce i.; litlbjecr ro cbulle11ge under the griev1mce/nrt~itra tlon pmcedure..

fem1J()~l'Y Employees: lcmpol'ary employees m:iy be hired fot periods up to 9 months to pcrf'onn work. u•hlch W1Juhi ttormally be performed by the regular employees, At the 1'equest of the Company, ,he U11lo11 may gnmt ex.rensions lo tf>c tempomry wo1k period beyond 9 mond1~.

fn tba uvcnl thut u ternpomry employee i:; selected ns 11 probuliol'lnry employee. 50% of !he time \~orked as a temporary employee will count townrd~ their proualionory period.

Students; A student is nn employee h.lred for <1 specific P\'flod of time wlto intend~ on returning Jo High School, University or College following their Lenn of employmon1,


Paid vacation entitlement Is earned Crom Janu.ury I IO Oi::aember 31. An empto.vcc may tnke oil of lhe enti1kd vac:uion at any time lo 1he yenr II ls given. An el\:ception u;i thls Is a nowly hir<'d employee, who must wait 11L l(!jjs1 6 rnanthb rrom the employment s~nrt diue 10 be eligible to tuke lhe full vacation given irl 1hC yc!lr. RequClilS for vucation from ~mployee.<1 with lo lhis 6 morlth wiodow will be t·onsidered on nn individual basi&.

In Lite even\ thnl nn employee ceases employment at some time during tbe c.o]endur yenr, he/i;he ~haU be entitled 10 tbC" pro•rnted amount eamcd to the date of iermhuulon.

Leog(lr of vacation will be ltv<Drded ba"l:d on the follnwmg. years of service:

O - 4 years of continuous ~eiv ice

S - 10 yellls of cantiouous service 11 - 18 years of continuous servke 19 plus, ye11r:; ofwntlnuous sefl!ice

120 bours 160 ht!Ur.I

200 ho\l(S 240houra

An employee m:iy c:ircy oven vilth Compnny app(oval , up lo 60 hours of vocation to be taken in the rollowtng year.

BBPL CoUectiVe Bnrg~i11ing Agrecmc111. 2017-107.U Puge5

Up 10 80-bour~ Qfvncation m11y be ltie Co111paoy on ll\eempluyec request, given thal he/~hl: l:lke a mini mom of 80-hours Vi!Callon in the fil·st 4 Ye<!P: ol' employment and a minimum of75% of theirvncacion entitlement IJ\ereafter in 1111y given yenr. An exception to dtis would b<: an employ¢ whose sum date begin~ at mid-year. in which cnse the maximum bU)' back is 40 hours given !.lint he/~hc rakes a minimum of 4() hl)Ul's vacation in th<1t same yco.r

Vncatlons may be. token al MY time during.the cnlendtlr year by mu1u11l 11greemcnt hetwoon 1he employee and Ille Complllly wid will not be uorea~onably denied, providi.!<l. howevet, that the scheduling is nrr;mgecl (t:> suh the Work ~cheduies of the Compnay,

With lhe l'JtCeption of utilizing an available sp11re 01>eralor, the employee can elect vi use their 36-hour overtime 111J<>bnent coverg_ge (or a v11c11tlon requ~!il ill <"'<lc·r to

prl!venl a shift from being ~tatfed with twu Opllrators.

AR1'1CLE 15- 12-H oua SHIFT HAl'IDOV~I!

Employee.~ who ~gulnrly work o continuous J 2-hour ~bifl schedule will Jt!Ceive an tlddilio1111I 24 llours paid time off J)er calendllr ye;ir. This time off will l:ie ~cheduled, a.pprovcd nnd h<1V¢ \he snllle prioril y n.~ vncmion time. If shif1 handover exceeds lhe un1icjpa1ed timefrnmes lhe panies will mnke npproprjate ndjuslmenl~ to shift handove( cnmpensnlfon. These oplions would include 11ddi1ional paid lime off ;1nd ovcnJme paymcms.


11tc Compony reuogn1z.cs and pny!> ror following Statutory Holidays for each employee:

New Year' s Day, Family Day, Good Fridoy, Easler Monday, Vicloria Day. Canndn.D:;iy, Civic Holiduy. Lall\lur Dny. Tbuoksglvlng Doy, Chrbtm~~ D11y, Box.fog t>ny uncl IJ1rcc (3) flo01in.g holidon. Floating holicmys may be [nkeJt on such day.; as the employee nnd h1slher:.upervisor mutually ngrecd upoo, folllrn1i11~ reasonable advance notice on.the purt of the employee.

Employees who rogulnrly work 11 cmtlinuous ! 2-hour Shili sclle<:lule and are scheduled Gff on uny of l.lte Si.nrutory Holidays shall receive u11 a1)ditionnl 12 ltours p:iy. E011.1loyees who 11re scheduled on vacation when D StalUUlry Holidny occur~ wlll ool hJ1ve their vncahon bill mice 1-edu~ed for th al day.

Remembronco D:iy

lo nddition to the Stalucory Holiduy~ nnmed above. those emplnyccs who on: 5erving nr 11uve i;ervcd in the Canadian Armed F'Orces, sh:tll be em hied IO Remembmnae Duy us a puid duy Qff if they llJ'e scheduled to work tbut d11y.

BBPL Coikct.ivc Dilrg11lninlt A6fee111ent, 2017-:?020

A.RTICLE 17 - ffouns OF' ''\'ORK, SHIFT ~.\NGE NOTICE, Ovi;;RTIME, PM~Ul.IMS.AND S Hll"T Dlf'FER£Nl'l "1.

17. t Hours or Work

'!'be Compuny and the Union agnie tbar flcxib!Hty In Wt1tk scb!Xlul~ b¢nefus biJth llie employee and llle Company. The nature Qflhe b\Jsine!ls-rtquircs regular penodk muinteQllflce sh.utdowns- l11a1 .are geoert11ly ~cheduled on weekend~.

Employ~s Itlt\Y be a~sigoed to either work a coolinuou~ sl1ift schedule cumprised of l '.2 -fj(lurshifts or a wmi:.. week. consi~ting of 4x lO ho11r d11y shifts ln the Monday 10 FrH.la_y Winduw (40) hours or n 5x8 hour day shift to focilirati; truioblg. vacation and any olhe.r 1ihsencC). Start and stop lime.11 ura as IJexiblo :1~ drcumsrnnces permit.

The Adrnioistrative As.>ociate may ul~o wotk Sx9 wid 4x9 hour nhernnting duy Slllfl~ with Cornpnoy npprovol.

When the planl i& av11ilable to operate u minimum of .3 Operating Techniciun~ will statr the: plant, excep1 lo permit employee reque,1ed i;hlfr d1onges or short notice (3 days or less) lime off. if upproved,

file portles 11grec: thot onJy during Ene1•gy Conversion Agreement {ECA} ofT-pe11lc­pedods.,.the Company will b~ allowed lo 11ta1T OpeCJtions with two Operators 011

~hift accm'<ling to.the following caiileria;

1. No ~1>vera1,tc will be re<1uired fur sbort notke sick l~>tn nlief WMn tite plant iB cold 11nd Ifie n'itrogc:ll ~p ls ol\.

? . A jltird operator will be called in if Shell courirms a rim.

3. If the Company moves an lndivlduol olTwe~lwnds hc/!ibe will.still receive lheir ,.,cekend premium.

4. Statutory holidays will be st.offed ' vlth three Operators unless 1\11 Operator wbo is· normally scheduled requesls flmc o!T.

'5, U8\\ or the nuxlltory bvller will not be impacted (sporging, start preparalioal),

17.l.1 Paid Rt>St Time

Jf nn employee, works ovenime prior to hi"s/her regularly scheduled ~l\il'l, he/she shnll be. perruil.led \o work bis/her R-gulnrly .~cbeduled sbifl, unle~~ 111 t11c opinion of his/her ~upervisOl',.he/she is llOl fit for work. 1r thef1flployee works four to eight (4 - 8} haurs ut the eighr {8) hour periotl immediately. preCl!ding the coniuiencement of his/tier regularly !ir.:heduled '>bi ft, he/she ~n11il be al lowed eight (8) hl'lurs 1ime off for resl, wllh pay nl h\s/her regular r~te.. Upon request, the empJoyee may (uke unpaid tlme·off for l'.he balance of hisYher regulru:ly sch..eduled .>hill .. The supervisor wil1 decide when 11ie

llBPL Col!ect\Ve Birrgafrung Agre=cnt. 2017-2020 l'oge 7

1'.tnployee oin be r(!lensed from the job. Time l\pem on Ute float me.'ll ·shall couru as pnn l1r Ilic res1 period.

17 .2 Shift Schedules llli<l Shift Chunge Notice

!liegvesrs to chnnge;iny employee's regula1"work .schedule. (from sltift rn:w Ui'6hift crcv.', between 8 :i11d l 2 bom») wlll be discussed wilh Ille .iffec1ed employee(:;) :it least 12 calendar duys in ndvaoc.-e.

The ftr~t shift or the Olleted work scbetfule will be paid at ovenlme rmes if there was Insufficient notice. ·

Shift schedules ~hall be 11stnblished wilh the npproycil 75'11> i;if the offec:ted employees, unles~ il IJ; dclcrminect lo be detruneatal 10 Ille cos1 or efficiency of llte plmtt operntion, or the henhh or s11foty of lbe shm workers. Tbe Company will provide the Uoien wilh business reasons w)\y !he desired schedule cannot be tmplenmnred.

When the company rei;chedules nn employee's ~pare days to a Sunday, the employee will ltn. puid tin1e and one holf for all houl:l! workc<l, e11cl111.llrt~ during pfanned outtigc~.

Opernllons wm not be required to work oul~ide their regular individual work 1vttk.

(7.3 Overtime

All overtime iocluding cull-ins lllld crnvel Hrne (lin1i1ed lo one hour) will be paid al

double time.

Ille co1npany will t11111'e ber.1 ~ !Tons ro tli~ltibltle the ovt:nirne equilably nioongst all quolifLed, n:gulnr employees. Tempornry employees will bo offered ove.nfrne after aU Teglllnr employee~ hi.Ive been offered Ole ovcnlnie, Overrime hours offered to nnd 1umed down by tlte employee will be con$idere:d ~~ hours worked for the calculation of ovenimc distribution .equity

17.~ Ptemhlms and ·Shift Dilftrential

Employee!i llll o regulnr f2-hourcontlnuous shlf\ schedule will be paid timu and one quarter for nll haurs worked on SatVl'dny~ and Sundays. Fur tJ1ose scheduled 10 wo1•k <'111 n Sta(UlOl'Y Holiday all hours will be paid Ul double time. A ~hifl rufferemi:il of 5% of ~ad Techniciao's .role wlll Madded 10 lhe bn~e rate.

17..5 Pl11nned and Major M11in1enance

To .issist in the effe-cli>'e :111d cfficieot completion of planned itnd tnnJor mnintenam:e project~ the Compony will be 11ble 10 reschedule mni1ne11a1111e employee:. from ! 0 hour sliifts to 12 hour shifts with ;I days notice. Failure lo give ~uch notice will re~Ult !11 the 11pptopriate premium rare for tbe first 12 hour shift. All nigl:'ltsliifl hour~ worked by maintenance employees wlll be paid 1.1n additio11nl JO% premium uf the Lead Technician·~ rate.

BBPL Cotl~rive Bargaining Agreement, Wl7·2020 PugeS

All work on Sa1urd11yi;, Sundnys 111111 Stotutory Holidays ond scheduled doys oft sbnll be paid nt ~oublc time.


Por llOn-opcr~tion~ em[!loyees. ~thirty (30) mim11e pall! !lloch brcnk ~hnil be pro11ided ;n thn nppra.(fmaLc midpoint of an 8 or 10 hour shift. A Fifteen ( 15) minme rest period sJmJI he provided ul the 111idpoml o( 1.he first hn)f und secoru:I half of eacb schcduleJ work day.

Shill worker1< ( l2 hour dnys) shun be provided a thirty (30} minut(: p111cl lu11d1 perio<l ofter every four houu of work und :i fifteen 115) tninulc re~t period nl the midpoint of ent:h four hour ~egmcm of the shift.

Ou e.xtension ovc11ime, a 11'1rty (JOJ nunute paid meal bre:ik sholl be provided nner l'"O 12) hours of overthru:, :ind every four (4) hour~ thcre:ifler.

A i:l hour overtime ~hifi Ql1 :i regular day off will reqvire a paid me11l break !lpproximo1ely every four (4) hours. An 8 or LO J1our overtime shift on a regulllt'dny off will require a pmd menl break Ill the npproximnle mid-poim·of Ute sbifi. Ao overtime shill ~h<lrterUmn elghl hours on n r~gular day off will 1·equlre a paid meul bN:uk afler four 141 ltouri;,

All Company paid re~l brmiksaod meal break~ sh11l1 be Oexible and lnt1!rrup1ible ln accordance with varying doily business requite1nents.

When an employee works more than 1wo houri; beyond U1eir normal daily sd1eduletl hours tlley slrnll be puid n nic.ol allowance of lwenty-seven dollnrs unU fjfiy cents ($27.50) for each lunch peood.

On -"cheduled dnys off, and providlru.~ tJw employee was notified of !he overtime the previou~ day, au employee shall be entltl~ Lo lh.e snrrt(i 111coJ allownnce a.~ tbey would have 00.<1 ~chedUJcd Wmk dny. II' the employee ii; not notifle<l oflhc oven.l()le the p(evious dny, lhe employee h eiitltlcd ro meal allowance for \he nonnal lunch periods.


The Trnrle!rechnlcnl Spedulists will provide ;i4.J1our sumdhy covcr11ge. Schedul111g for stun<lby employees will be mu1vally ci;roblished between the Company and the employees.

The eruployee on swndby mu,;1 be nvn\luhle and nble to be 011 !iile 111itltin o rcn~onabk time from being Cl\lled.

BBPJ...Cplle<:11vc Borg;iini11g Agreemo:nt. 2017-2010

The employee on stnndby will eam l regult111l0Ut of pay for e.ach day of coverage Mond11y to Friday and 2 ho1110 of regular poy for eacb day of coverc1ge for Soturdqy and Sundoy and three (3) hours of regulllt' pay for e~cb day of co\'ornge {including 111e Holidny Day) for all Starutory holiday weekends where the Holiday Day is actjiwent to the weekend day- otherwise J hours of regular stund\Jy is p;iynllle fo( tbe Holiday Day only.

An employee, responding ton cn1lout will earn cwo Limes lhe regular rme for ull lime worked including reasonable t.ravdl time,. to a maximum of 2 bours. 11.1 and from the '<•orkplnce. Employees will receive a 111i11imum of 4 huur~ regular -pay wl1en called ou\:,

/\RTJCLE.20-R.eOUC'flON Of ST /\ff

No regular employee shall be luid off 0$ a n::solt of the oontrocting ou1 (If work.

Reduction11 of stuff will be ncl\leved through uurition or volUmMrn to lb.: e~teot possible..

N<) regular employee shall be invtilun1nrlly laid off until lhe Company um.I lhe Uniou cs111blish !:hi! nppropnnle proccdurc:s with re.~pect 10 Issue~ li"e sevcrooce, recnll, u:nns(er 10 other Compnny fnciJities and any other nlternfliWes.

i\llTICL£ 11 - l'ENSlON AND Lttt INSU!t.\Nt'E, EXTllNfll\ll H EAL 'l'H lJCNEFIT!I

Definition or Pensioners:

Pensio11ers are lhose emP,loyecs who have remaiaecl in BB P employmenl up ~o .Ole Nomml Retire111cm Dute ~e.~crlbcd in lhe '"Pensloo Pl~n for \he Employeci; of Brighton Buch Power L.P!' Member Booklet, or those who l\;>\le rDJ:en ently retiremem after 1urning age55.

21..l l'ension and Life Insurance

T.he presetU Pension and IJ1su11111ce Pl:in of BBPL fo1m~ partaf this Collei;tive Agreemeut. The ren~iou nod llfe insurance plons are gcoernlly desc1ibed in !he broc}1un: "Pens1v111111d Life lnsurm1oe • B BPL"'. C11aogc!! lo the plan nffectmg employee~ wiUtin the junsdiction of the Union shall be subject to Lhe followiag:

1. Changes ()(her thun legislative chonges .~hall be nmde only upon ru111u:il consenl.

2. BBPL shall not legislation or Orde.r·in-Counc1I npprovaf for· proposed rcguluhom> Or make mies which would change employee: benefits unle~~ upon mUtunl con~ent. Moreover, BBPL will not unibnernlly seek lcg1sl~tion to chMge 11cces~ to surplu:!! unle$~ u~1on mutual consent.

3. ltl the event ol" Ute enactment of lll1Y geoernl* pension legislation upplk~Qb\e to rhe employees of BBPL, amongst other~. BBPL may. ~Iler notllicntion lo tile Union, rvffect amendment of the Plan provided ll\at the combi.onlion of benefits resulting

BBPL Coll~otlve Bmgninang Agt"l!i!menr, 2017 ~1020 Pngc.10

from 1be Phm lr.l .~o nrocnded aod ~uch Lt:gislaJ ion will not be less in the aggregate than 1.he benefir.s now providlld.

t As opposed~ legislmion iniliuted by the Comp;u;y ns hi p:m1gn1plt Z.

Pension llt1d insuratJce !terns wlll be trubrnitted ill. the time that regular amendmenr~ m lite Collective Agreement are submiued nod will be negotiated ot lhe time of regull.u t>argi'lining.

Pension Contnliullons

The company will contribute 9% l'!f base salary. Empfoyee contributions will be a oninimum ()f 2% of bnse sulnry 111ilh the mnximum al Lhe aireclion of till! clnployee,

~1.2 ExU!nded tleaUh Benefits - Regular Employee.s, Pro&atlonury Emptuyees, Pen.sinners 11nd Regular EmployeeR Recelvfog W1}rkplm:e Snfel}' and lrisurnnce Board PayfllClllS

Si1bj¢et to !he condit ion thlll employees enroll their svou~e :md dependent, the Company agrees to pay 100 percent (100%) 1>fthe premium~ for

I. OHIP . Cover~ medical and stMdnrd ward ho:;pital 5erv1ccs.

i. Supplementary Pion · Coveri semi-private hospital ·servioeli.

3. Exicndcd Health f.lenefit/Oroup Deneal Plon • Covel'agedell!il~ ore conu1ined in Lhc joimly agreed lo brochure entitled "Extended Henltb Benefit• for, BBLP".

Effective !anuary I <if ~ch yeac of 1.hc collective agreement, di:ntist feel; will be paid up lo the nrnollnts sliown in the current. ODA Fee Guide.

f'est Rc1iremen1. Benefits:

All post-rettrcmeat benefits under thrll colleccive.ngrc:emen1 Shall be funded by a Trust (ur .:moth~ mutually ugreenble vehicle) lo be etitubll.~hed by1he Compuny, in c:on:1ult:ilion will' rnePWU. -[ti un orderl_y manner consistent wilh the employee and pe11siol'ler age demogr;iphic and die Shell Energy Conversion Agreement lifespnn the Compnny .~haU contrib1.1tc ~-uf'1clen1 fonds lo fund the required po~l retiremenr benefjls ooverago for ull acuve members of the PWU bargaining unit nod all employees that hnve rtlired from the PWU nnil Col'llrlbutions sb11ll be made os req1.1ired nnd sbnll be calculated 011 lhe ac111arfal co~r of providing bl!ocfits. for the live~ of BB? pi!ll~inners.

The Tnisl (vr mu1ually agreeable vcl1icle) shill! be cslnblished and rundcd based on lhe acmnrial estinmle..~ lo provide tl\~ ogrced beoefus coverage during the existe11ce of the Company At wind Ufl of tlie Company tha Trust (or n'IUtulllly agreeable vehicle) will be lrionbf~rred lo n rnutunlly agrccoble third pany w ndminister.

BBPt. Coll~c1lve B~rg;a inini t\grecment, 10 l 7· '.!0211

The Tru~1 will providt ror benefits equal to lhO$e of nccive.employee.s. wltb the following rxceptions:

• .Shon Tenn Dl~;ibiliry and Term Di~11bility will termmme upon retirement.

• Employee Basic lif~ Employee Optional Llfe, Bnsic Dependent Life. and Spouse Optionul Ufe ii1rurnnce will terminate upon rclirerrteJ\t,

• Accl<Jental Dei1th llncl Dl>membermenl will terminate upon retirement

• Post Retirement Out of Country· Travel Coverage will be llmiterl to $50.000 liferimc mmc.1mum.

• Priv11le Duty Nursing services will oo limited lq $100.000.00 lifetimemu~imurr'"

for employee-. stnt1ing after Nov 15, 2008: Post Rttiremem Benefits are only available to employees who have work·ed for l:lrightOll Bench Power for u cominuous period of l 0< and retire ~hil$t 1n die emptoymen1 of tne Cc;impany.

n1e followlng B<1nked Time io Lieu Of Overtime agreement sh~ll apply ro all PWlJ rep~eseoted e11'\ployccs os follews:

An employee who has accumulorcd overti111e hours shall receive. thi:1 ii\ e;1roing;;, caJculnl.ed 01 theappropri01c premiu111 rule uncl curu101 be required lo take rime off in lieu ofpayineot. However. tire employcQ may instear.I elect to :iccrue lieu time credit calC\tfoted oL Lh.c appropnan: premium rme ln ploce of payment.

If no rcquesl is niade. priClt to the ovenirne being wcrked, payment 111 the .npproptia~ overtime rutc~ IVill be amomntU: ancJ paW. Anic;fe I 7 will condnue m apply.

The ucCPUOd lieu lime wllj ll¢ taken Qt o time whlch is. umtu:illy ngreeuble to botb partie~ Banked lime cnnnot be taken When overtime is required 10 cover the sblft thut lhe individual is requesting off.

Tbe employee can bonlc 1.1p lo 60 luaurs, nod cnn oJlly renew the 60 ltourn or i1 ponion thereof :ifler it hos been scheduled o!T ur paid our. If the emplvyee cancels schedule-ti banked lime ii will be. pilid 011( iind cnnuot be pul back fo die bnnk. If un \\'lnpl.oyec:' s scheduled batik time ti: cancelled by man~gernem, 1h11t bnnl«!d time will be tetumed to lh~ employee',. bnnk, regardll!ss of the balun(e rc1n.a11ling in the bank.

An employee may cnrry over up \o 8i'l!lY {60) !lour; efbonked time ihr.o thefollow1ng yt!lll',

iodudlng lime ~lready s1;hedu!ed in tbe followlngycru-. Any bnnk-e<l tlrne in cxoess or sixty {60) ho\Jrs will be pnid our us of December 31 of each year.

BBPL eoiteclivc B11rgo.imng A_greem:!nL.1017-2020

Snlnrle~ :ire us per SAiary Schedule 2011 - 2010. Bo~e rates will incre;i.~e by 2.0% on N()vember 16, 2017. Bu~e nues will lncrense by 2.0% on November l 6, 2£118-. Base ro.te.~ will increase by 2.0% on November 16, 2019. II is rccognii.ed ihnt Opcrarlng Technicians wilh .a i;ecor\O (J:u;s ticket cun nb1aln th~ m1ixfmu m le:id rnte.

Relief Rnles.

An employee relieving 1n 11 big.her roted PWU classi(icalion will l'eceivc the first ( l"'! Mep on the wage schcdol:! for lhe higher posilion which provides no increai;e over the ~mployee' s current rntc. -

An en1p.Joyce wbo ls fomully a~kcd 10 :ict in a higher rared nnn-PWtJ po~ition, shall bi;­prud :i premium of fifteen pen:em ( 15%) above their normlll rate,

l;scall!tor Clause

bl lhe chird yeur ofu1c Collective Agreemom1 namely November 16,, :201910-Nuvcmbl.l{ 15. J()20 I.he followin& foonufa shnll :ipply:

+1) An incr(lu~e of more Umn 2.0% in lhe Onrorio All Hern~ ftidcx (2001"" LOO) (lllblishc:d l>y siarl.~Lic~ Cnnadn in November- 2020 over !he iodcx_ for October '?Ol!> wiU ac~iv:u~ the esc11llltor clause.

b) On November 15, 2020, base rn1e11 will be iucrensed by nn amount equivoJeo~ lo !he amounL which the inc reuse IO lhe index. eiweeds 2.0 % in the 12 !r)Olllh pcrjod specified in (a) obove.

Employees v;il! be paid oy direct depo~lt to the financial ins~itutio11 of t!Jdr clwlae. l'o~ •vill be depo~iled bi-weekly 011 Frirlny_

/\ltTICLE l4 - Ct.01'HING Al'll> SAFETY EQUll'MENT

.\n employee. shall be reimbursed for the µun:tia.~e Qf uppropri:ile 5•\fe1y footwenr annually ton maitimum of two hul'ldred ond ~evenly-five (.$275.00) dotlnrs. In d1e ·eveot dwt llll employee' s footwel!r is dumagcd or suffeni exce..~sive wcm to the eAtent dtey require repfo~emeill dllring tbe course ol' the. year du: emplt1yee will be reimbur~ed up 10 a fUnher two hundred nnd seventy-five ($275.00) dollars.

Clean WOl' shall be supplied to ull production and tnniorennnce employees by tJ1e Compmiy. Replacement WQrkwear Will be provided whenever r~_nson.1bly required.

lttlPL Colttlctiv~ Bnrguining Agr~cmcnl. 2017~2020 Page 13

'M\e Coinp:tny ·a~t'l!as· to supply 1111proprinte out(loor dothing for employees w~o nre 1·equired lo work ou(dool'li. TJ1e Company sb:ill supplv ml required persoonl protecrive equipmem lo employees.

Approvetl eye protecUon *llnll tie supplied ;\S perin,livid1,1<1l vresqiption !o all employees -who no.nnolly wenr glnsse~ nod ure required to \>1ear eye protection for :m :ippreaiable amount of lime in die perfqrmam:e of their duties.


'?S.OJ Sick Le;n-e

The benefits of the Compiul}''• Sick Le11v~ Pfa11 shnll be considered as pan of 01!& ,Agreement. However~ it is recognized that its provisions ure not no automntit tic,lu of 1111 1?mployco and ihc administration of d1is plan and nil ·deci~ions· regarding the t\pproprllll.llnei;,~ ot clegree-nf!L\ ~pplication ffhnll be ve~iecl $Olely in the Compuny_

The Company's Sick U;aye Plan ,viii ptovide piobationaryo.nd rngufor employees with ·su1;>s1Mtial u1co1ne protecl1011 regori;lles.~ (>f their .~eniorlty. ·

For enth.nnrelated requiremenJ for sick le.ave the. first fifteen cale11d11r days of oach 11bR.ence shall be paid nt 100% bv the Cim1pnny.

Nonnblly employees Will be expected. to armnge rout.ine Medical ot dental :ippointincn~ rluring non.working hoots. Wbt:ro sttd1 nppC1immcnlJi c:innor ~e arronge£l dUri1)~ !\OJ\·

Wurking huur.~ and the·emp.loyee can he relea~ed from hi~lher duties, the time ·sbull be t>nid ut 100% by the-Company

25,()~ S!iorl Term DisabilitylLo!ll; Term Oisabilit.v

Cover11ge details rl'lr Short Term Di$ub.iiity nnd Long Term Dis~bUity :ire contained in the jointly ugreed. to broc.htire entitled "Short Term Disability and Long Temi Disahillty Plllh"_

for p_er!od~ of sic~ leave longct than I; day~ Shon Tenn Oi~ubillly oenefit~ will be ],'f0Yi~¢d µ~ 66 ~of n1e bil$C iooome. The premium;~ puynble by the employee to u mmdmum of .5% of bnse income. Sbort Term Dls:ibili1 y benefits :>J'e non.ta't:lb!c. Long Term .Disability bBneflts will be 66 2/3% of base income nod will lie tiuuhle. The Long Tenn Dlsal>ilily premium i~ nayabl~ by (he employer.

In the event of denial of the LTD benefits the employee will contuiUo to rccolyl! STD nco~fits ulitil colltpJctlo11 of an LTD .nppeul process.

Extended heullh benef1t c<Jvernge. life in..,unmc.e coveruge untl employer/emplcyec pensioo·CO!llributioos (employee conlriburions to be 01ru11lnined at the same level lhey \\'91'0 nt commencement 9f the m~ical absence'} will be pruvlded by lhr. Compaey· f<Jr thl! ~erlod of medical nb~ence ii•'tl set'Vlce credil/se.oioritY contim1¢s to a1:1:rue.

BB.Pt C olleclive Bargaining ~gretm1enl, 2011 .. 2020

All major 01eilical ub~ence fonn~ will be completed Cot any ubsen~e 0£ .S contif'IU(l\.lS' Jj\ys. 4/t morn or wit en requested by ro;1n11gement. Tue Company ·wi IJ con,pen~nte r.he employee for ti\¢· t;Q~l n.~~ocintcd with corrtph;tiog these forms.

Employees will be. required io submi1 ~H formi; l'equirerl by mnongement thm14gb their per~ooal pbysidon.

Any discipline reh1ted to sic:J<. leave d1lil Is imposed.nod grieved by tho uniqn will br. 1'cfe1red directly to anArbltrntor. for resolutjon after. thn Fncjlj.ty Mannger bns u re;tsonable oppartunity 10 resolve lhe i'ssue ..

Employees who nre 011 .sick leave f1,1r 30 dayJ\.or laore mny be eligible to pnrliclpate· in n Voc~tional rchabil itation program in llC<;tordance Wllli Ute Compon / s policy.


/\,female employee may ot work during ~er nonnal p1e:g11ru1.Cy until ~uch time a~ the dutje~ of her position oanllot. be per.focme:d reasonabl~ by 11 pre.gnnni wotnan or the pe1fotmonce of her worK is ma1erl11lly affected by1ne preg1111J1oy.

lf''>he ha~ been en1p!oycd by the Cornpnny for ll p11rjod. (lf1tllne~n (l3J Vleeki> l.111mediately pre~iji1'i l)\e:esdron!M d!ly of her de.livery, she will, on niqlle~L he gr:mted :i pregnancy ICDl"e.


Nonna! Leave: An rligit;ile (emule emplQy~ (rij\,J' .. !if)pli,t fo1• not1ttnl preg11nocy leuve/pjU'enuil le~vt>. of up to fifty-1wo.S2 week9,au1·11ti'o11, c0mmeqdng no earlier thnn eleven 111} weeks {lrior 10 the ~pected confinement date. She ~hall give.the Employer two (2) weeb' notice in wtitlng o.f (he <;lay upon which she intends to commence Iler leave or nbsence. Ahemntively. the employee. roay terrninnte her employment nt this time; if she prel'ers.

Wb~u the :ietu:il d:ire of delivery is Jaier than the e~t11m11cd day af delivery, lhe. 001111ul leave of obscuce shall not end befure the e.xpiti1ti<'IO of !;ix (6) weeks following the netunl <dille of delivery.

Discontinued Pregnancy Leuve: An eJliplo)iee 111'10 delivcrl" prematurely :ind Wht>S!! cbild is consequenrryboil{iitalized is ent.itled to Ji~contimted prefi.nruu:y Je:ive. Sbc·can rntum 10 work bef<i>e the encl of tier prcgunncy lenve :md complett- it wfiert the child no longer reqpire1! hospi.tnl cure.

l?hyslcian's Ccrtificnte: When an ernploye~ upplies (or pregnancy lenve, she mus1 pro\l\ue·the Eitlp!oyer wilh a ccnificote :from ber physici<ii1 stnting Umt ~he is pregnant. nnd givmg tbeeslimated date

BBPL.Collec11Vii! Bnrg~iniogA~ement. 2017..:2020

t<etum to Wotlc Prior ro commencing, any pregnancy/pare11tallndoptlo11 leave, tlie 1.!.mployce must 'indicate in. Writing their de~ire l<;> return to VJork foUoWing Ille leave. The Cotnpil"Y WU( glVM10 employee their previous job upon re111m to work witil()\JI lo~s rili .Y.:niorit )'.

Pregnancy Leave Payment: Employees who :ire-eligil>Je for pregunncy lea~e shall be pai(l a pr~gnuncy leave bf;!nefl.( in accord1U1cc witl! the Supple01eptary Unemplo)llrnmt Beqefit (SUB) P!1m. ln wder 10 receive this benefit, Liie einploycc must provide the Einpfoyer \~(itl1 P,toof tliat ·.she Jws applied for anc.l i~ eligible 10 rec.el ve unemployment insurance benefit~ pnrsuant to the Employ.meat Insurance. Act.

J•areotal Le:ive/Adoption Leave: Employee~; WI\(} are.eligible f9r leav9/ad9ph<1u leave shall b<l paid in aqcordance· with !he Sav.plementnry Un'#rrlploym¢m Benel\l (SUBJ Piao, E;acll par~nt wbo hos betm empJo~ed by au employer for ut titirtee11 (13) weeb is entilied to a paren!lll leave/~dopti<m leave of UP. Lo thirty-~cvett ('37) weeks maximum. foUowing tl1e birth of a child :or when.the eh\ld lln;t.come• imo cusrudy and Cllre.ofthe parent. The employee shall. where pr:icticable, p1·ovide the Comp<tny eight (8) week!\ notiee in wrillng of the t.argeted aay·upon whitli. die.h;ave of 11bsence·commenc;Q,

Legnl.Adopri1ms.- Prfmnry Cnre-Giver~ In cnses tlflegnl ndoplion Where the.child is raised in fhe home 1he following will opply ·after n:ceipt of t.h.e child.

1. Wl1erc the child is less t!Jun elementncy ~cllool 11,ge. the primary cnregiver ~viii be grnntetl leave.of up lo 17 weeks.

~- Where Lhecbild is elementary scbotll n.gentnlller and I.he primUFy caregiv0r request.I. leave, die duzation will be IJased on the recammendnti0n of 1he·11dop1ion agency wi\h '\hc ilnul deciffion t>eing mMle by Jlie Company.

J. The: prima~y caregiver iS lllso entiUed to porenfal leuve,

Acc9r<,ling 10 t11e SupplemenLary Uni!ntploymcm Benefit (SUB) Pfan, pJy.rnem will c:onsist of:



l!IRTI i MOTHER ~lw~• m•X J "'i;e~~ Gt 93\< . 3 )\/Co.4.EI .. S!Jll=9;l'ill

• .. 1$ w~•k• - El...-SlJI!~ ~.! . .,'l!cl:s E!I \13\1'

BIOLOOICAL 37wk1 max lWA 3 Wl!C~sEf + SUB~!I'''' fATHl!RSJADQPTlON + LEAVE 34 <v,-C~• El ( •J11ch1®s l we<1:·" ·1tttloi;

-·lod if required) LEGAL, ADOl"fiON - 52'WkSIUil.'> 2 w~h0193.'t 3 v,~eh El t SOB; 93% (f'cim"'¥ Care·Oiwt) ... ..

Is Weclc<-EI +sua = 34 w<¢ks E( <"lii.cludos,Z Wt>Ck w·•itro.w 9JI;~ ~riod lf reouircdl

BBPL Colleeiive Barg~in1ng Agr!.'ellU!m, :!.()l 7"2020 Page 16

Tbc~c pnymcms wlll only be made if the employee signs an agreement with the· JE1nploycr providing:

la) !liar lliey will return IO work una remoirr 'in lhe Company employ fur a period of ~l" I q) months ftum the date of return '!O work

rb) that tbey will :return to work on the. d:itC>Of tJ1e el(p.iry of the pregmmcy Jeuve, unless Ute ontploycc is entitled to another leove provided for in this agreement;

l"C) Omt theemployee recognizes tbut she i8 imlebted lo Ute En1pJoyer for the pnjments reo;;ived if she fails. to re!Unt to work as per the ·pr.ovistons of~iib­sacuon!'(a}.aod (13).

Benefits: The 13mployer will pay 100% of tbe premluma fo!"OHIP, EKB,. Supplemenlury Plan :md tJemnl PJnp for cmpleyees granted oorrnnl or pnrentnl/ndQption leave, The Employer will alsq continue to pay il'\ pen~ion plan contribution. There w'il! not be any loss.of v~ca\lOll or $ick l¢uve ~lititlemenl during· normal Or rrarenutlfadopiion )eaves,


17.! \Vltl1 ruy

Occa~iom1lly, an en1ployee wilt be i11 n :<iituntiou where there is no1·e11~onnble nlternncive ro heutg absent from work for perscmal reason~;. Sometimes Che empl<iyee will, nL \he same lime, l>e committed to considerable;' additional ex~nse. Pmvision is mnde so flip.\ lhe Co1opnny riiay :irocliorote rhe hardship to !tr~ employe\! which runy result.

27.1.1 General

When In tile Company'~ juagmel'lt ilia olrcurnstimccs W'll'l'fmt such action, a limiwd !cU'Ve uf <1\\ser1ce wall ~ay 1vtl1 ~otmally·be .gr~ 111e<l,

This le.ave is based upon n:nson> of personal emergency, such as illness u1 the hnoiecliate famil.y· which wouW ucccs.silale remaining home until adequate ;irrang~mc.t11r, i.:ould be rnnde for ouisldi;l help, or being in close at[e11druweat a ho:~piral. Also, jn .ca~es

>•here an emj1]0yee is f'ai;ed w'ilh the effec\$ l'Jf a ~evere ~lOf'fJ), fire Of nood.

27 !2 Funeral Leave

A regulnr employee will be relensed from duty for u peri<xl (hree (3} days without reducing bu~e earnings iri U1e event of the deatlt of ~ member of tl]e 1mmedi11tt family including patem, pnrei1t-io-la.w, brother, brotbcr·io-lnw, ~lstcc, sisrer, in-law,.spoosc, sQo,'law, duughter. grnnd· parents, niece. nephew, grandpuren1s-i11-lnw 1u1cl grandchildren, s\ep-mothcr, 8lep·father, s\ep-.bro<her.llt!ip-sister,_~tep-·son, or s1ep-dm1gh1er or any other ~ignifil!:lnt fmnily·member.

llBPL O>I lccti ve llan;aining. Agrccnw.111. 2017 ·2020

NOTE Article 'is a guide applicnbk under ordinary drcum;:tnnces, en the distinct undel'!ltnndlng lhar it tloes 11ot .~e.t a rig.!(! l1mi1.

27.3 Jury Dutyi'Wilness Du~y

Ba.~e earnings· will be mnlnllllned when nnemployee is cnlledJor jury duty or is5ubpoenacd I\) appear. in coun ns a witness.

'1.'J .4 Annual Training for· Rese1•ve ll'oi:ce

/\.regular employee wito serves '\Vttlt the Reserve Foree of the Canadian A rroed Force...; i11l<I ~'Un be spared from work may, be gramctd loave of 11b~enJ:~ in order to nuend nnnual trnining.

l'lre employee will be paitl the difference between tbe grnss :imoum received fro.m the Depiir1men1 of !'l:.itional Defence for tbi,: full ttllinitig.,period und base earnings fort he period of .nbscocc. The employee will be required io fumi$h hiMtter Sl\peryisor with a statement from the comm11ndi11g office1' of tlte reserve unlt, sl1owi1Jg lhe amount .received from lite Depunment of National Defence for che training period,


When required to report to other work lo~tions, n1l 1'l!nsonnblf.' ·ex1wm~e.~ for 1mvel. melll& und lod$ing shall be paid by die Coo1pa11y. Reasonable tnr.vel t ime $}11111 be p.uid :it ~trnlghL ii roe m1e up to U\e norroul dail~ :tched~1led bow~ rmd tl\e.:ippropriate premil.lm nite. beyond f\OmJllf d;iily sched1,1led hours.


l'J,l J~int Pe11siun and fntmrancl! Trust.

I, Scope: To ,govern IJl.e ndminislrution and Utl! fina11clul i;t11tu\i C>r the Pen~ion :ind 1"$urance Plan cdverlng all plan memberi> und lo n:;commend changes o~ set O!J! helOWl

1. Personnel: 1'bei "joint Pcosi<:>o and Insurance Commille~" shnll meel ot least ooee a year ora.~ 1equcstcd by either pnny und shall c1msi~1 of the following membe~

- 1 PWU member.~. mie being lhe PWIJ VP, or his/Iler designate. - 2 BBPL m11nagement membei·s

I BBP.L nou•PWU non-managemcnL 01e111be1· (-0s .a nort-VO(lng oommittec!r)

Ench pn11y· will have \he rrgl\~ lO h<ive ll reusonnble number of re~ource:por5ont11!I ·~t!end !he JTieetlug.

IIBPL Collt!cti\le Bargaining Agnlentenl, 2U 17,2020 P,age18

Every effun win be m:ide to reach ummimous decisions:. ln tlu: event thm a uhnllimoull dNis(o11 cntinot be. rcnclmd, decisions will be by a vote of n lll'<,\jtutll}' ~f members represem1og t•olJ1 rwu ~1\\d Bl3PL.

3. .Function: In governance-capacity wiUu1cccss m the r1cccsr,nry udum1uwm:


(o) Govern BBPL lhe udministrntioo of tlte Pensfoo Pino asesrnblished u1itler tfii;-nssoqlated n:guhltlons and nl!es, and other uppl!cablc logishmon.

(h) M~ reco11imendatio11s rcspec1iog the adminls1ration.of' Ille Pem:ioo Plan,

( c) Promote awareoe5S and Hode,r.stnnding of the Pension Plan on the pnn of Plan uicmbers.

Life Insurnm:e

(11) Review !he financial nositi<111. premiums-imd tuxnble beneflts of the life insllfllnQe prov 1s1ons of the Plan.

(b) lcle11tify potencial b.enefit changes and discus~ coi:L nnd olhei: iinplic:itioos. Commiuee reeornmend1U.l:ons for benefl\ level chnn_&e~ will be subject to raHfia:ition of tbe1espective pnrem bodies.

'Ihe pnnies will wosult regularly nn·croploycehoald1 llflll s afety tnmtar!I'. The follnwlng joim committee will be e~tablished to foclli111~. 1his,con~uhntion.

I . OQlll

, -·

To pacticiparc !tJ tbc· (ol's!tmion of heaJr.h. anil sbl'e1y strq!eg~ nn\l p~)llC:.V bY (1Nri<ling· Information ID1d op'in1on from lhe Union \6 lhe Co1npnny1s exei:utive-0n employee h6allh and safe~y,


(u) Two representatives of the Company.

(I,) Al Jea.~11wo repteseritiltive, of the Union. (c) TI1e chair will rolnle 1\etween lhe Company ;md the U1uon.

l Function

{J\) ' ldcnli(y an(l re.o;olve prohlem~ und i~sues reh11ed health and ~ilfety.

(b\.R'eview proposed !leCJllh and ~nfet¥ initiill.ives ~nd udvise on effecllvenes~ ilnd implememmia>n plan-;.

UBPL Collective l:lnrgnmmg.Agreemeni. 2Cll7·2020

tel Evilluaie C)listing polit:ies, procedures artd Work practices and advise the Compnny on recommended cllnngcs. Tbis funcllon applies ponicularly ta .oafcry rules and 'VOik protection oode.

(d! Develop Joint Policies on HeAl!h and Snf~y i) Each employee fills lhe authority to slop ~;Mare work. Dud make every ~fftm.

w make the work safe.

(c) The commiuee will meet quacterly or as mutu:illy agreed.


Wilh 1wo (2) week~ notice, employees wl!I be given npprcipdul.e tinic off wilh p~y when they write their ccrtlfici11e/licence exnms, if lhe e7.amim1tioo is scheduled to be written dtlring the ¢mploycc's regularly scheduled .!!ltifl or the clay :ifrer working u nig)lt sb!fl. Eitotnlnntmo fees will be. reimbursed by the compauy

Work r..ila.ted ccniflcotf:ll. li,ences and ptofessionul due~ will be cmrered by the coropail}


This 11greement i~ i[I effeci v]Xlll rat.ifiC:Jtion nnd remains in effccl until Novcmbi:r l 5, .. wzo.

In lheevent Lhnt either pany desires to nmend the Agreement bul not to termi110.le the 'lame. ellher pany. by notice in writing nm more than QO days nod not less ihilt 30 days before the umtiversary dat~. serve not lee Qf the proposed Jmenrlme111s lllld both parties ~hull c..-01111nence lo nego1iate iJ.1 good faith with a view to arriving lit ao agreement on lhe propo~ed ~ineodments and nit provisions of tbe Agreemem . . other thnn lho~e propo5ocl (o be a.mended. shall contilltle in Ju 11 force aod effect. ·

BBl'L Collea1iw Bnrg11in111g Ag=mellt. 2017-2020


Nhjet I. Shifl illffercorial premillUl or 5% Is 10 be p:ud for 1111 stiif~ Wllrk 110uo; worked.

7, Employees mu~t meet sel OUL performance crilerin lo receive ~co11· nnnual increments. The Company ogree.s to provide tile Jlt:eessary u:iining and equlpmem for employees 10 uchievc the set out performnuce c:ri1eria defined within each crt\J)\oyee's progression

· plan. Sholl Id the employer fail to ~upply 1he necessary IJlUJling am! eq~1iprt1ent. progrcssioos will 001 be wllhh<1ld.

BSPL Collcc1f11c Borgnini1ig. Agreement., 2017·2020

lUl~ht'Of'l Be<ith Pow.L?r"'/P\iVV ColJuthvc Oarga1nlne. /\!tfoemrrir 21)17 - .1019 Stal•S

Eflacllve Nov 18, 2017 ~- EffeeUve Nov i&._2017 2.00!6 erJKtSye ,..,v 1&, 2017 ?.om& Technician Mfn Mld1 Ma1r;1 Max2 Admlu Assotlaf~ Min Mid ! Maxl M ak 2 Student Rate Ehtry Level .s J0.$3 s '32.49 $ 34.62 lt'llell $24,. $2627 $28.44 Lovel 1 $16.93 Leval 1 $ 36T7 $ 38.91 $ 41 .02 l.l!wl2 $3056 .$32:11 S34.85 $:17.03 Level 2 $ 43.18 $ 45,31 $ "7.47 Lud $ 49.61 s 5i .73 s 63.aa s 56.03

Eff.cll've Nov 161 2018 1.,00M at9dln Nov 16, 21118' 2.00. ElfectlvelNov 16, 2:018 200% 'Technkl•n Mi~ Mld1 Maxl M a• 2 Admln AHocJ.>t~ Min Mld1 M~k l M ai<l St11dent Min En.try level $30.94 $33, 14 $35.31 Levell $ 24.59 s 28.80 $ 29.ll1 Levell $16 .66 l•vel 1 $37.St $39,69 S4L84 Level'2 $ :n 11 3: 33.311 81 36,55 $. s1n levef'l $44.04 $48.21 S~0.42

Lead SS0.61 $52.77 SS4,95 llS7.1S

Effective Nov 18, 2Q19· 2.001' ElficUve N.oV 10,.2019 2.~ Effective NOV 16; Zll19 '2.IJOl' T@d\nid•u Min Mid l Malt1 Mul Ad min -.5.~cf;a\e- Min Mld.l. Ma•I M••? .Srudent Min

&myl.4v~I s.n.s& $31.80 $36'.0t Levql 1 S 25,QG !II 27.34 $ 2.9.59 Leve1 l $16.99 1evell $38.26 $41:>.46 5~2.68 bevel ~ s 31:79 $' 34.03 ~ 3626 ' 38.52 Lev•ll S44 92 $47.13 $49.39 Lead $51.62. $53.8l $56,(15 $58.29

DATED THIS f 1 "~ DAY OF -------'-----



BBPL Collective Barwiining Agreelilenr, 2017-2020

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