brazil 2010 trip journal

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A daily description of our short term missions trip to Lagoa Santa and Sao Paulo, Brazil this June.


Trip Journal

Lagoa Santa & Sao Paulo, Brazil

June 14th—June 29th, 2010

Gary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood Church

Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010

Gary and I want to thank each and every one of you that prayed for us

while we were in Brazil and for those whose financial support made our trip

possible. We have put together this trip journal to give you just a taste of our

time in Brazil. While we have done our best to summarize, words can not do

justice to all that was experienced as we came along side the work that God is

doing in Lagoa Santa, Brazil, through Rev. Len and Diane Warden and Pastor

Fernando and Esther Pedro.

We carried with us the blessed presence of God and left our blessings in

every home and place that welcomed us as Jesus told his disciples to do when he

sent them out. And we did our best to serve as His ambassadors making His

appealed to be reconciled to God through Christ.

Please enjoy this journal and please continue to pray with us for those

who have had seeds planted in their hearts and lives, that God will bring about a

tremendous harvest and that our time there will yield lasting fruit for His

kingdom and glory. Amen and Amen.

Team members from Left to Right: Chip and Jude Upjohn, Jeremy and

Bonnie Holmes, April Upjohn, Frederic Webb, and Janice and Gary Spencer

Trip Journal

Lagoa Santa & Sao Paulo, Brazil

June 14th—June 29th, 2010

Gary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood Church

Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010

Day One (June 14th & 15th): We scrambled out of bed at 7:00a.m. California time and grabbed our bags and a

mountain bike we were taking to give to Pastor Fernando Pedro (more on this later), and

we headed to SFO. Our chauffer was our good friend and past Brazil Team member,

Wayne Tonkin. We arrived at the airport only to find the security line was a mile long.

Eventually we got through the line and were able to make it to our gate only about 15

minutes before we were to board. It’s a good thing we didn’t leave any later.

Our first leg of the flight to Houston went well, and then we made our connecting

flight to Guarulhos with no problems. The first leg was about 3.5 hours air time not

counting boarding and deplaning. The second leg of the trip was supposed to be just

over 10 hours landing in Guarulhos at around 8:50a.m. Brazil time. About a half an

hour before landing, the plane began to circle and the captain told all that the airport

was fogged in at Guarulhos. We ended up being diverted to Rio De Janero where we sat

at a gate on the plane for over three hours before finally getting clearance to fly back to

Guarulhos. We finally landed at the intended destination around 2:00p.m.

We were met by our friend and host for the evening, Danilo Dantas. He and his lovely

wife, Suzana, have been our friends since our first trip in 2006, and it was so good to be

able to spend some time with them. Danilo drove us to their apartment where Suzana

was waiting with a big hug for both of us. We watched Brazil’s first World Cup match

in their home while snacking on grilled strip steak, smoked provolone cheese slices, and

palm hearts. Then we went out for Brazilian pizza (nothing like American pizza) to their

favorite...Giovanni’s. We had a great visit over dinner and by the time we got home and

tucked into bed it was 11:00p.m., making our first day of the trip 37 hours long!

Day Two (June 16th): We had a lovely breakfast with Danilo and Suzana, and then showered while he took

her to work. Then he came back and took us back to the airport for our short flight to

Confins near Belo Horizonte and our real destination, Lagoa Santa. It was a quick and

uneventful flight, and we soon found ourselves jamming our luggage and the bike into

the Warden’s FIT to head off to lunch and then to make a delivery. It was truly a delight

to see Len and Diane as we wheeled the luggage cart out through the security doors.

They are so very dear to us and it was so good to be with them again.

Trip Journal

Lagoa Santa & Sao Paulo, Brazil

June 14th—June 29th, 2010

Gary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood Church

Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010

Day Two Cont.: After catching up over lunch, we dropped by Pastor Fernando and Esther’s house to deliver the mountain bike that Adam Hagmann donated for him. This bike will be used

in a bike ministry which takes place on Sunday mornings (most churches meet on

Sunday evening and not in the morning). Pastor Fernando was so excited as he and Len

and Gary put the bike together and then he gave it a quick trial ride.

We said our Tchau’s and headed over to see the property that Len and Diane moved

to for the church just two week’s earlier. Their home is very rustic and charming with

stained glass windows in the bathrooms and white window shutters with heart cut outs.

Len gave us a tour of the grounds and told us of all the plans for the church and other

uses of the building and home.

That evening we went to a prayer meeting at the church, which was all in Portuguese,

except for when Gary and I prayed, and then back to Len and Diane’s. We turned in

hoping for a good night sleep.

Day Three (June 17th): We awoke to the rooster’s crowing...just like home for us. We had a common

Brazilian breakfast of pozinas (a bread roll) with white cheese slices and ham, and a

banana. Then we headed off to Belo Horizonte to help Len and Diane shop for groceries

for the meals for the team that would be arriving the next day. Then it was back for

lunch and a walk around the lake (we only made it about a third of the way around and

then doubled back) and found our way back to Len and Diane’s. They live just two

blocks up from the lake and have beautiful views from almost any window in the house.

That evening we went to the home of some of our other friends, Ricardo and Frances.

It was nice getting to see their beautiful home completed this trip. On our last visit it

was under construction. Their daughter, Victoria, gave us the grand tour after dinner,

and their son, Higor, made it home just in time for us to say goodnight and head back to

the Warden’s.

Part of the dinner conversation centered around a desire to see Higor be able to come

spend some time living with a family from our church and go to school here in the states

for a while and be involved in our church youth group. We are praying that God opens

up the right opportunity for this as a continued connection with our friends.

Trip Journal

Lagoa Santa & Sao Paulo, Brazil

June 14th—June 29th, 2010

Gary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood Church

Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010

Day Four( June 18th): We woke up and began preparing for the arrival of the rest of the team. Keep in

mind that of the other six people arriving, they were from three different states and

churches. We would all be spending that day getting to know each other before heading

to the location of our first English Weekend. All arrived safely, but three team members

arrived with no luggage (a situation that took the next two days to remedy). We got to

know each other over lunch, and then we loaded up the vehicles and headed to a

beautiful hotel hidden among the trees right at the edge of Lagoa Santa. We got situated

in our rooms and then waited for the arrival of our “Brazilian Friends.”

Most of the English Weekend participants arrived in time to have dinner with us at

8:00pm (yes, dinner was almost always that late or later). Then we got together for some

introduction games and a little fun before we were sent back to our rooms to visit with

out Brazilian room mate and to get some shut eye. I had two room mates for this

weekend. One was a team member named April and the other was a Brazilian Friend

named Jaqueline. We all hit it off quite well and I was able to make a good connection

with “Jackie.” Gary had only one room mate, a Brazilian friend named Arnaldo. The

made an immediate connection too, and Gary ended up sharing

his testimony with him that first night. It turns out that Arnaldo

and his wife are believers and are a very special couple. They

are the adoptive parents of two brothers who are just so lucky to

have such lovely people come into their young lives.

Day Five (June 19th): Busy was the word for this day. We scrambled from activity

to activity with our new Brazilian friends, challenging them to only speak English. For

some this was no problem, like for my room mate, Jackie. But for others it was a

challenge. We were able to have two “one on one” conversations this day, and I ended

up learning that one of our Brazilian friends, a young man named Kalino, was studying

English in order to get involved with medical missions. Kalino was also looking for a

local church in Lagoa Santa since he had just moved there a few months earlier, and I

was able to invite him to church that Sunday evening and get him connected with Len

and Diane and Fernando and Esther.

Trip Journal

Lagoa Santa & Sao Paulo, Brazil

June 14th—June 29th, 2010

Gary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood Church

Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010

Day Five Cont.: A big part of English Weekend is speaking English, but an even bigger part is making

new friends. We made several new friends, some of which we believe will become key

friendships for the future (like Gary’s friendship with Arnaldo).

That night we had a special treat. One of the participants in English

Weekend just happened to be a musician with a band, and they came

and gave us a performance of typical Brazilian Pop Culture music.

Toward the end of the evening, Gary & I were encouraged by a couple

of our Brazilian friends to take the stage and sing. Gary accompanied

me on the guitar as I sang “Heart of Worship.” It really touched several


Then we wrapped things up with a bonfire and marsh mellow roast. It was a bit

amusing trying to teach our friends how to make smore's. What fun!

Day Six (June 20th): We spent the morning and early afternoon finishing up our first English Weekend.

This is the day that we spoke a bit on a spiritual level with everyone. While there were

no huge break through moments, we did get to have some very good conversations.

After lunch, we had a gift exchange with our room mates and then parted ways. We

headed back to the Warden’s to watch World Cup soccer and prepare for the Sunday

Evening Church Service.

This was one of the highlights for Gary and I, because we were invited to give the

message. Our friend, Ricardo, served as interpreter. We shared a very simple message

from our hearts about entering into a deeper relationship with God and learning to

really understand and receive His incredible love that He lavishes on us. And we spoke

about how these two things should shape our relationships with each other. We were so

excited to see that our host family made it to church and seemed to be really engaged as

we shared.

Our host family took us home after church for a light supper and visit. We stayed

with our same hosts from our last trip, Leonel and Lara. They have two children, John

Pedro and Maria. We couldn’t resist getting out the gifts we brought for them which

included some Disney figures and a squishy ball that lights up when you toss it. We had

such fun playing and laughing, and the kids cried because they didn’t want to say

goodnight to Tio Gary and Tia Janice.

Trip Journal

Lagoa Santa & Sao Paulo, Brazil

June 14th—June 29th, 2010

Gary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood Church

Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010

Day Seven (June 21st): After the first English Weekend, we were all ready for a day of relaxation, so Len and

Diane arranged for us to meet at their home, have team devotions, and then head off

with some Brazilian volunteers from their church to take us to lunch out in the country

at a farm/restaurant called Panel De Pedra (which means pot of stone). Here they cook

everything in stone pots over open fires. The food was absolutely delicious and the

company was gracious.

We returned to the Wardens, and the guys watched soccer while the ladies had a

jewelry party. Diane had met a woman at the local Saturday flea market who makes

beautiful stone jewelry, so she invited her to bring her wares, and we had fun oooohing

and aaahing. I picked a few nice pieces to take home with me.

We were picked up by our host families for dinner and an evening at their home.

Lara prepared a chicken lasagna dish that was delicious. Even though Lara speaks only

a little English, we sure had fun communicating at meals and spending time together.

Leonel is conversant in English, so he was a big help at the times he was at home.

Days Eight - Ten (June 22nd-24th): So much for relaxation. Next it was time to get to work

helping with some renovations to prepare the building and

grounds for the church to move in to in a few months. The

guys worked very hard digging a narrow ditch the length of

the property for the pipes that will connect the bathrooms

being constructed to the existing sewer line. (This actually

took three days). The ladies worked in the yard, painted the

picket fence, and painted one of the walls inside the soon to be

sanctuary. Interspersed between digging, scraping, painting, sweeping, weed pulling,

etc., we would watch an occasional World Cup match, and we

enjoyed wonderful lunches home cooked from scratch by

Jilda. We ate very well and worked very hard! Then we

would get picked up by our host families and spend the

evenings with them.

Wednesday evening was a special treat at our host home

with Leonel and Lara. They invited their friends over to

have dinner with us, and Leonel grilled steak and veggies.

Trip Journal

Lagoa Santa & Sao Paulo, Brazil

June 14th—June 29th, 2010

Gary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood Church

Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010

We all did our best with a little English and a little Portuguese, and a lot of laughing as

we tried to share with each other about our lives and interests. It was probably the most

fun evening we had while in Lagoa Santa.

On Thursday evening, we had a Chuhasco (bar-b-q) at the

Wardens. All the attendees from the first English Weekend and

also from the church were invited. Leonel and his friend Anderson

grilled the meat, and we all sat around and enjoyed wonderful

food and equally wonderful conversation. We were happy to see

Kalino and also Arnaldo and his wife Frances and their two sons,

along with the host families and their children.

Len and Diane and Fernando and Esther were really thrilled

with the turn out for the evening and that both Anderson and

Leonel spoke to them about volunteering to help with maintenance once the church

moved to this new facility. This was a huge breakthrough!

Another highlight was our dinner with Arnaldo and Frances and Len and Diane. We

had some conversation in English and some in Portuguese, and we enjoyed pasta and

beef parmesan from chef Arnaldo’s cozinah. It was so gracious of our host family to

share us with this other family so that we could get to know each other a little better. It

was wonderful fellowship, and we hope that Len and Diane will stay connected with

Arnaldo and Frances.

A final observation from this time spend working on the grounds that will soon house

the church in Lagoa Santa is that it was a great time of bonding for the team. As we

worked, we shared life stories, talked about our church families, prayed with each other,

and shared in the unity in the body of Christ. What a blessing to be working together

with a common goal even though we were

from five different churches and states.

Day Eleven (June 25th): Today was our final breakfast with our

host family and our final time in the

Warden home. We had devotions and

prayed a prayer of consecration over the

property and then headed for the airport to

fly back to Sao Paulo.

Trip Journal

Lagoa Santa & Sao Paulo, Brazil

June 14th—June 29th, 2010

Gary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood Church

Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010

Day Eleven Cont.: We said our goodbyes to Pastor Fernando and Esther and boarded our flight to

Guarulhos. Upon arriving, we were met by our driver who would see us safely to the

location of our second English Weekend. We traveled by rented van to Ubatuba, a three

hour plus ride over the coastal mountains and down to the most beautiful beaches. The

drive was a bit unnerving but the scenery was spectacular!

Danilo and Suzana organized this English Weekend,

and we saw a few familiar faces from past visits. Among

then were Marlene (who was baptized a short time ago)

and Raquel, a young lady who aspires to become a judge.

My Brazilian room mate this time was Margarete, and she

was very nervous at first but then really began enjoying

the challenge of speaking only English. And Gary’s

Brazilian room mate was a young man named Denis. He

was a very mature 21 year old, and he drove us for some

shopping and sight seeing in Ubatuba during free time the

following day.

We enjoyed dinner and our introduction games again

with this new group, and Margarete showed me some

pictures of her family. It was very hard for her to make

the decision to be away from her husband and two small

children to participate in English Weekend, so she ended

the day with a call home. Then we said our goodnights and I slept well. Oh, and I

forgot to mention that I started the day waking up with no voice. This made

communicating even more interesting, but we managed and the Lord blessed the time.

Day Twelve (June 26th): It’s hard to imagine how we are able to pack so much

into one day, but we managed to find a way to do a

number of fun activities with our new Brazilian Friends

from Sao Paulo. And we got a nice surprise visit from

Eliana (who stayed in our home 3 years ago for 10 days)

and her brother and his girlfriend. We were so thrilled to

get to see her again and to meet a part of her family.

Trip Journal

Lagoa Santa & Sao Paulo, Brazil

June 14th—June 29th, 2010

Gary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood Church

Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010

Day Twelve Cont.: At the end of the day we met for a favorite English Weekend tradition in Sao Paulo,

and that’s Videoke! I had no voice, so I had to sit it out and enjoy the entertainment, but

Gary picked up the slack and hammed it up for the both of us! And Danilo had fun

doing Elvis among others. Suzana topped them both by singing “Smoke Gets in Your


Day Thirteen (June 27th): This was our final day to build friendships and

enjoy the atmosphere of English Weekend. I

especially enjoyed a one on one conversation I had

with two young ladies, Rachel and Ligia. Gary had a

good one on one with Denis. You just never know

what will develop when you share your heart with


These are all our new friends from Sao Paulo

along with a few friends from previous trips. We

exchanged gifts and hugs and then sent our Brazilian

Friends on their way home, and then we walked

down to the beach and splashed around and kicked the soccer ball around for a bit.

Then we relaxed until our debriefing meeting with Len and Diane and Danilo and

Suzana to talk about how both weekends went and to pray for all our new friends.

Afterward we enjoyed dinner and then tried to watch a movie together, but exhaustion

took over and we turned in about half way through.

Day Fourteen (June 28th—29th): We had our last time of devotions and then shared our last breakfast in Brazil. Then

we loaded our bags back on the rented van and made the drive back to Sao Paulo. We

dropped by the store to purchase coffee and a few other items to bring home and then

we made our first on only visit to a Chuhascaria. It was SO GOOD! We were joined by

Tim and Jolee Bubna, the Directors of the C&MA Missions Program for all of Brazil.

For those of you who haven’t yet heard about the legendary Brazilian Chuhascaria’s,

they are restaurants where meat is cooked on large skewers over open flames and the n

Trip Journal

Lagoa Santa & Sao Paulo, Brazil

June 14th—June 29th, 2010

Gary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood ChurchGary & Janice Spencer, Brentwood Neighborhood Church

Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010Journal for Gary & Janice Spencer, Brazil Short Term Mission 2010

Day Fourteen Cont.: sliced right onto your plate. It’s all you can eat in rapid succession one slice after

another! Then when you think you can’t possibly eat another bite, the desert tray comes

by. Gary and I shared a tasty treat called “crema de papaya” which is hard to describe

but very yummy. And finally, the small cups of espresso with whipped crème on top!

After lunch we headed to the airport to get there before the start of the World Cup

match with Chile. In Brazil, everything stops for their games, literally. We rolled into

the airport and found everything closed down (shops, flight check in counters,

everything) so we wheeled our luggage over to the crowd of people gathered around a

flat screen and watched the game. There must have bee 200 or more in that terminal

packed around the screen. And a roar of cheers would erupt with every goal or good


The game ended and we finished our last minute souvenir hunt and said our goodbyes

to the other team members and headed to the check in line. It was backed up almost

into the next terminal, and it took almost two hours just to get checked in to our flight.

We went through security and headed to our gate and boarded shortly after. The flights

home were uneventful, and we and our luggage arrived home safely. We were greeted at

the airport by Wayne (last person to see before leaving and first person to see upon

arriving back). We feel very fortunate to have Wayne as a friend and fellow lover of


It’s hard to explain how it feels to come home from these short term missions trips to

Brazil. A part of you is glad to be home with family and familiar things, but another

part longs to be back in Brazil. The people you meet are so welcoming. After a few

short days you are like family. You can’t go anywhere without getting genuine, loving

hugs and kisses. You are embraced when you arrive anywhere and embraced again

before you go. You are treated graciously and offered unfettered acceptance everywhere

you go. And when a new friend says if you ever need anything to let them know, they

really mean it and will do whatever they can to meet your request for help. What a

lovely country and people!

So once again we thank you all for your prayers for us while we were away and for

those of you who helped to send us with your financial support. Be assured that your

prayers and support made it possible for God to accomplish some very important key

things in His work in Lagoa Santa and in the lives of all who participated in the English

Weekends. We love you all and bless you with His abundant love and grace! G & J

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