bj bulletin - november - december 2020

Post on 21-Oct-2021






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חושך לגרש באנו

בידינו אור ואש

כל אחד הוא אור קטן

וכולנו אור איתן

We have come to banish the darkness

In our hands, light and fi re

Each person is a little light

And all of us together make a great light

Fall Issue November - December 2020 Cheshvan-Kislev-Tevet 5781



Daily Minyan ServicesMonday - Saturday 7:45am

Sunday 9:00am

Saturday Aft ernoon 1:00pm

Sunday - Friday 6:00pm

National Holidays Times vary


(USPS 128-600) is published bimonthly for $1.00 per

year by Congregation B’nai Jacob,

75 Rimmon Road, Woodbridge, CT 06525-2098.

Periodical postage paid at New Haven, CT.

Subscription: $1.00 per annum

Bulletin Permit Number: 128600

Circulation: 400


Rabbi Rona Shapiro

Cantor and Barbara Haimowitz

Religious School Director

Office Manager Lynn Ginzberg

Bulletin Editors Lynn Ginzberg

Jeanette Kuvin Oren

Congregation B’nai Jacob

75 Rimmon Road

Woodbridge, CT 06525

Telephone • 203-389-2111

Fax • 203-389-5293


Monday - Friday 7:45amMonday - Th ursday 6:00pm Sundays 9:00am, 6:00pmNational Holidays Times vary


Friday Schmooze 6:00pmServices 6:30pm

Saturday Bread & Torah 9:00amServices 10:00am


For the foreseeable future, all of our religious services will be on zoom or livestreaming. Some services and events will also be in person. Please make sure we have your email so we can alert you to links and passwords.

Do we have your email address?If you don’t receive our emails you could be

missing a lot of great programs. Send yours to


Shabbat Toldot Nov 20-21 Candlelighting 4:10pm

Shabbat Vayera Nov 6-7 Candlelighting 4:22pm

Shabbat Chaye Sarah Nov 13-14

Movie Group Discussion Nov 15 Page 7

Candlelighting 4:16pm

Shabbat Vayeshev Dec 11-12 Candlelighting 4:05pm

Shabbat Vayetze Nov 27-28

Th anksgiving Interfaith

Service Nov 15 Page 7

Candlelighting 4:04pm

Shabbat Miketz Dec 18-19 Candlelighting 4:07pm

Shabbat Vayishlach Dec 4-5

Adullt Ed - Daniel Headrick Dec 6 Page 7

Candlelighting 4:05pm

Hanukkah begins the night of December 10Hanukkah Hop Dec 10-18 Page 9

Candlelighting 4:07pmShabbat Vayigash Dec 25-26














So, I would suggest that all of us get a little practice in saying

how we really feel and not feeling as if we have to put a big

smiley face on it all the time. You don’t have to go into a

long story — just knowing that I feel “covish” or anxious or

frustrated — is enough.

I have noticed of late that many people oft en seem particularly

on edge right now — impatient behind the wheel, quick

to anger in mundane interactions, intensely frustrated or

disappointed with things that don’t seem as if they should be

such a big deal. My guess is that if we were less caught up in

putting a good face on things, and more willing to say, “I’m

having a hard time right now,” it might soft en the edges a bit;

we might not have so much bottled up frustration that ends up

bleeding everywhere, and we might be able to act with a little

less anger, fear, and frustration.

Our tradition makes a lot of room for expressing and sitting

with one another’s feelings. So many of our traditions around

death are about confronting the loss and not pretending things

are otherwise — we don’t pretty up the corpse and exclaim on

how beautiful he looks — we don’t cover the hole with fake

astroturf and pretend there is no grave there — we shovel earth

into the grave, forcing ourselves to perform this diffi cult act and

hear the heartbreaking sound of earth hitting the casket. When

someone sits shiva, we go and sit with them to be with them in

their pain — we don’t try to cheer them up, or tell them it will

end soon, or that everything is all right — we just sit with them

where they are.

It seems to me as if we could use some of that wisdom right

now. I want our synagogue to be a real place, a place where we

can be real about what is going on with us and not just a place

where we show up to look good. I am encouraging us all to be

more honest about how hard all this is, how scared we are, the

many losses we are grieving.

And I also am encouraging us all to have compassion for one

another and to be forgiving when someone fl ies off the handle

or gets upset. As the saying goes, “Be kind, for everyone you

meet is fi ghting a hard battle.”

Th ere are many ways that in our physical distance from one

another these last months we have grown closer together, or,

to say it diff erently, the strong cords that connect us are much

more visible now. I think that if we can be more real, more

kind, and more forgiving of one another, we will create an even

deeper sense of connection, and, in so doing, we will further

strengthen our community.

So, I hope you are doing great right now, but if you’re not, you’re

in good company! And if you’re feeling “covish,” say it proud!


T he holidays are over; the skies are grayer; the days are

shorter, and the nights colder. I don’t know about you, but I am

feeling a little “covish.” Th at’s a new word I learned last week

to describe how many of us are feeling right now aft er seven

months of a pandemic with no end in sight — blah, grumpy,

irritable, frustrated, tired, angry, scared — “covish.”

I know that we all try to put a good face on things. And that has

its value — a quick, “How are you?” in the grocery store doesn’t

merit a full recounting of one’s troubles in response.

And we have all excelled at fi nding the silver linings — small

weddings can be very intimate; the birds and the trees are

enjoying cleaner air thanks to fewer airplanes; more quiet time

and time for refl ection is good for some of us; on zoom we can

visit with family and friends around the world or enjoy lectures

from Israel or California with the click of a button; it’s nice to go

to shul in my pajamas.

But sometimes, I think, we also just need to name it. Th is is

hard. Th is is anxiety-provoking. Th is is draining. Th is is scary. I

feel “covish.”

I watched a little youtube that a colleague sent me by a

psychiatrist named Dan Siegel. One of the techniques he uses in

his work with children, but it could be used by or with anyone,

is called, “Name it to Tame it” — that is by naming the diffi cult

emotion with which we are struggling, we oft en begin to feel


He actually off ers some brain theory on how this works, and

although I am certain I am vastly oversimplifying things, he

suggests that there is the “upstairs brain” — the cerebrum,

where thinking and planning take place — above the cortex,

and the “downstairs brain” — the cerebellum and brainstem

below the cortex, where emotions, arousal states, fi ght or fl ight

instinct all take place.

When we are in the grip of a negative feeling — say “scared”

— our downstairs brain is running the show. If we are able

to say out loud, “I feel scared,” we literally send soothing

neurotransmitters from the upstairs brain to the downstairs

brain and calm it down. Words have that power. We kind of let

our upstairs brain in on the action instead of letting downstairs

run the whole show.

On top of that, when we not only name our feelings but have

our feelings refl ected by someone else, either because they have

heard and acknowledged what we said, or perhaps even shared

that they feel similarly, we feel even better. We feel seen and

heard. We feel not alone.



What a tumultuous world is that in which we live. As we venture forward in a new year, I am confi dent that, together, we will make our future better than what we see in our rear view mirrors. We as a congregation and community have really provided for so many despite the challenges before us, and with your continued participation, we may exceed our expectations.

I commend you all for stepping up to the plate despite health and environmental challenges before us, as well as the increased antisemitism that we have unfortunately seen and experienced. As the late Congressman John Lewis said, "When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something." I am proud to say that this has (for as long as I can remember) been the mantra of B’nai Jacob. We do not sit and watch – we speak and we act.

Here at B’nai Jacob, we are privileged to have so many lay leaders who devote their time and resources to our collective betterment. Some are more visible, while countless others work tirelessly behind the scenes. I would like to thank our devoted rabbi for guiding us through this challenging holiday season, and welcome wth gratitude Cantor Haimowitz, who has added her expertise to our congregation.

While we have been kept physically distant from each other for health and safety concerns, many congregation members and B’nai Jacob staff have spent countless hours keeping us all together – visually and spiritually - while maintaining the distance necessary for our health and well-being.

I reiterate my gratitude to our many congregation members in the medical community. A special thanks to Stephanie Green, Steve Fleischman and Dena Springer for your wisdom and guidance. Behind the scenes, you have protected us and our community. From the beginning of this pandemic, we have been in constant contact with our medical experts who have guided us to proceed across those bridges shown to be safe, and they have advised us accordingly to walk a little farther down the road (or avoid the trip entirely) where health risks are foreseen.

While the Covid crisis threw us into uncharted territory, the silver lining was our ability to maintain connections with our members no matter where they were situated, as well as to meet new friends online. I have seen so much increased participation by so many in online minyan, for example, where we not only log in for our religious needs, but we see and speak with each other, making sure that everyone has what they need, whether it be just a smile or if someone knows whether an item is available at the grocery store. Th rough our various events, we have looked aft er each other to ensure we remain safe and sound.

Aside from the Covid challenge, we once again fi ght the disease longstanding disease that has not yet been rightfully eliminated and threatens our religious freedom and our very existence: antisemitism. Th is is central to our cause. You may have heard that silence is complicity. Here, our silence allows the disease to spread. We have seen this throughout our lives. Th e time has come, yet again, to stand up

against it and stop it. We must act and act now. We simply cannot walk away from antisemitism and leave it for others to combat. Consistent with our spiritual and moral fabric, each of us, as Jews, individually and collectively as this B’nai Jacob community, must confront it head-on. When someone recently painted a swastika on the JCC property here in Woodbridge, it raises memories of what has for too long been so very wrong. An attack such as this against the JCC is an afront to us all. Let us not ignore it. While we have various law enforcement personnel and a vigilant Anti-Defamation League, let us not simply leave it to others to address. To this date, the problem has not been fi xed.

While we have various synagogues throughout southern Connecticut, in varying denominations, we all have a unity of interest. Th e Jewish Federation and JCC provide us with valuable resources. We are best and most eff ective when we share our resources. We should not be separately siloed entities. We are a singular people who must work together.

I ask that we push back against the bigotry that targets our people. I ask that we stand together, unifi ed. Let us tell the world that we will not tolerate further antisemitism. We must act here and now.

How may we do this? Educate our youth. Educate our peers. Educate all. Let us change the way the world views us by presenting our best selves to the world each and every day. Inspire others to do the same. Remember that asking others to be inclusive requires being inclusive ourselves – let us not make assumptions about those whose backgrounds diff er from ours, but rather, let us inquire of those who are diff erent from us and ask them to tell us their stories. Our Jewish fabric is knit by the telling of stories, so let us intertwine with all of humanity so that the fabric may become more familiar and warm us all. Let’s make the next outbreak our overt kindness to others!

Our adult education and other community programs have set the example of lift ing up every member of the Jewish community and educating about other diverse communities. By this, we lead by example. Let us remain united in our goals of bettering our common existence and future so our children and grandchildren may come to synagogue and elsewhere without fear.

Despite Covid, our online and telephonic outreach integrates and educates those around us. Let’s improve the narrative of those who have preceded us, who we now are, and those who will follow in our footsteps.

I continue to welcome your ideas and suggestions. Please let me know how we may succeed together.

Best, Glenn



We are well over a month into our new CBJ Religious School Year! We have had three Sunday mornings on ZOOM, since the holidays, with Morah Irma in K through 2, Morah Rashi (with Alex Klee as her teaching assistant) in grades 3 through 5, me teaching grades 5 through 7, and Rabbi Shapiro teaching 7th later in the morning. On Wednesdays, Morah Revi teaches 5th grade and Morah Lauren teaches 7th.

We are working on Hebrew review, synagogue and tefi lah skills, some fun sprinkled in (such as Torah Kahoot quizzes and Parasha Puzzles). We recently had our fi rst virtual trip to Israel, led by our wonderful Israeli tour guide Rotem Shahar, to Jerusalem, visiting the Western Wall (Kotel HaMa’aravi), the City of David (Ir David) and the shuk in the center of town, the Machaneh Yehudah. In a few weeks, we hope to gather in person for a Mezuzah workshop in the social hall. Lastly, we are reviving the Madrichim program based on the teens’ interests and skills as virtual virtuosos.

We are also working toward future B’nai Mitzvah profi ciency. Th e B’nai Mitzvah are among the pride and glory of a shul. It is always a very proud moment to see the Bar/Bat Mitzvah called up for the fi rst time for their aliyah, surrounded by family and friends, whether on ZOOM or in person.

Half of my week - perhaps more - I have individual teaching time with CBJ’s upcoming B’nai Mitzvah. We review verse aft er verse of Haft arah or Torah; we chant Kabbalat Shabbat and Shacharit morning tefi lot. Th e fi rst few weeks into this process, the new students are a bit bewildered - this is diff erent from what they have ever done before in Religious School, and now they are accountable for their own success.

Within a few weeks, they adapt; they chant; they read; they practice. It is a happy experience for a Cantor, to see this steady progress toward the Bar/Bat Mitzvah. To help ensure that they are comfortable, confi dent, clear, and capable. Th e 4 C’s of B’nai Mitzvah preparedness, the same way you evaluate diamonds on their quality and shine. And shine they do, the CBJ B’nai Mitzvah.

In the runner-up years, the 5th, 6th and 7th graders get a fl avor of what it means to read a Haft arah. We just divided the Shabbat Shirah Haft arah (January 30th, 2021), so that all the 5th, 6th and 7th graders can chant a verse (or two). During this time, with a lack of connectedness, this is one of our Religious School’s ways to be a team. We literally all “take one for the team,” and together we chant our way through the liturgical year. Please let me say that it is a pleasure to work with your children. I greatly appreciate their resilience, their drive and motivation to work on their B’nai Mitzvah and Religious School progress during these pandemic times. Th ank you, parents!

Best regards,Cantor Barbara


Afew weeks ago on Simchat Torah we had a band. It was an impromptu band with Congregation B’nai Jacob members of all ages and all experiential levels. We had never practiced and it all came together beautifully for the Hakafot. A joyous moment on a busy and well-attended Sunday morning Holiday tent service, as we rolled back the Torah from v’Zot HaBracha to Bereishit. A moment of light and joy. Layehudim hayetah orah vesimkhah vesason vikar, ken tihyeh lanu (Megilat Esther, chapter 8, verse 16)! Translated, the Jews of old had light and happiness and joy and love — may it be so for us!

Fall and winter are months in which we have to fabricate our own sunshine, our own light and joy. Perhaps that statement was never more true than it is now, as we are again facing the formidable pandemic foe. Shared Havdalah and Hanukkah family ceremonies, Broadway sing-alongs, perhaps a Spelling Bee revue video, a shared yet virtual L’Chayim, a cooking class, a book club, a song, a smile, a conversation, a check-in. Building blocks of community connection.

I look forward to being with you, to getting to know you better over these cold and lonely winter months and to sharing my musical skills to bring you light and joy into your living rooms and on our CBJ grounds!



Jewish Movie Club Discussion Matinee

Sunday, November 15, 4pm on Zoom

Four Seasons LodgeDiscussion led by ELAINE EMERY, child of Holocaust survivors, and DR. BECCA LEVY, Yale expert on

psychology of aging. Th e movie is available for viewing before the event on Amazon Prime, and on Kanopy, with a few copies available at local libraries.

Released in 2008, “Four Seasons Lodge” focuses on one of the bungalow colonies in the Catskills, entirely owned and occupied by approximately fi ft y families of Holocaust survivors, most of them child survivors of the horrors of the Shoah. Th e documentary is directed by Andrew Jacobs of the New York Times. Th e documentary begins as the residents pack up their homes in Queens and elsewhere and head up to the Catskills, with great anticipation and excitement, to begin another summer at the Four Seasons Lodge. Th e movie refl ects the genuine and deep aff ection they have for each other, who have become surrogate family because most of them lost their entire families in the concentration camps, as they enjoy their many summer activities together. Th e documentary ends at the High Holidays, when the residents must vote on whether to continue the lodge, as they are all in their late 80’s or 90’s, and operating and maintaining the premises has become increasingly diffi cult with each passing year. Th e resiliency of the main characters, in the face of all the adversities they have faced and in light of their declining health, is inspiring. Th ey laugh; they cry; they celebrate; they go on, against all odds. ZOOM LINK WILL BE POSTED IN UPCOMING EMAILS.

Please join us outdoors on the Woodbridge Green

for this year’s Woodbridge Community Interfaith

Th anksgiving ServiceMonday

November 23, 2020 (Time TBA)

In order to gather together safely,

we are planning an outdoor candlelight service.

Meet near the gazebo on the Woodbridge Green. Please join us for this unique program of thanks and community

Co-sponsored by Congregation B’nai Jacob, First Church of Christ, Trinity Evangelical Church,

Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Church of Latter Day Saints.



Th e committee has been very active over the past few months with a number of Zoom meetings as well as regular visits to our properties. We all agree that capital improvements are absolutely necessary over the coming years. It is going to take time and money to upgrade the properties to where we all would like them to be. Over the coming months, the committee will be creating a 5-year capital plan from which a fundraising initiative can be launched.

Aft er extensive market research, prices will be going up as of January 1, 2021 to be more in line with other facilities. Grave prices will be $1,300 for members (up from $1,000) and $3,000 for non-members (up from $2,000).

Th e committee is also hard at work updating our bylaws to refl ect our current practices. When that is complete, they will be posted on a new page on B'nai Jacob's website that is dedicated to the cemetery.


Over the years, many have inquired about purchasing granite benches that people see at other cemeteries. Th is is now permitted with strict guidelines on size, color, and inscription as well as the amount of unused space required next to the grave so that vendor equipment will still have easy access and not risk damaging any benches.

Additionally, we will be replacing the four benches currently around the traffi c circle as you drive down the main entrance. If you are interested in purchasing one of these benches, please contact the synagogue offi ce.

Th e committee has a diverse group of skills. Between Jimmy Shure's professional expertise, Rick Epstein's institutional knowledge, Lynn Estra's operational comprehension, and Gary Leibowitz's prowess of buildings and grounds, we are well-positioned, but always seeking to add more volunteers.

On behalf of the committee,Paul Schatz

Havdalah HarmonicsIntroducing new twice-per-month zoom gatherings

Th ese sessions will be 20-30 minutes to say hello, make havdalah, and enjoy some time together. We will theme each one. Starting in December we will also feature musical guests!

November 14 —

Broadway Havdalah Sing-a-long w/ Cantor

Haimowitz (send song requests in advance to cantorbarbh@gmail.


November 21 -

Pajama Havdalah — come in your pj’s, break out some

milk and cookies, and we’ll make havdalah, tell some

stories, and sing some songs!

Join Zoom Meeting ID: 815 8287 1091Passcode: RIMMON

Shabbat Morning WalksNov 21 & Dec 19 • 8:30am

Join Rabbi Shapiro for

a thoughtful, prayerful,

meditative walk in the

woods. We will meet

at our usual spot, the

entrance to the Blue Trail,

behind the church in

Woodbridge Town Center.

Wear comfortable walking

shoes. Hope to see you there!

Weather permitting. Health recommendations


Tuesday Tea with Rabbi Join the rabbi for tea on zoom every Tuesday at 4pm starting November 10.

Pour yourself some tea and grab a cookie too! Come to connect with each other and share comfort, counsel and cheer! From time to time the rabbi will host special guests in conversation.

Topic: Tea with the RabbiTime: Th is is a recurring meeting, 4pm on Tuesdays

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 7548 6645Passcode: RIMMON




Our community is strong and as we brace ourselves for a Zoom winter, B'nai Jacob is here with fun and exciting ways for our community to

come together. Please mark your calendars for our upcoming ZOOM events. Prices and details to follow.

We'll start the year with our Healthy CBJ Community Challenge.

Signups start December 1 and the event starts January 1. We ask

participants to set goals for their health, whether that is for physical,

spiritual or emotional well being for yourself or your entire family.

We'll have checkins and motivational exchanges and will highlight

our eff orts in our weekly Happenings. Let our CBJ community

support your quest for better health. A healthier you and a healthier

CBJ for 2021.

Power of Ten Fundraiser ( Zoom interpretation)

Events are being planned for the week-end of January 23-24. We

will have special entertainers, speakers, singers, and demonstrations

throughout the week-end with some surprises! Th ere will be family

events available as well. We are really excited about our line-up.

In February, join us for Trivia and Bingo Night February 27 on Zoom.

We have hired professionals to lead the two events on the Saturday

night of Purim week-end. Join us for a rousing evening of fun and


Our annual Shalach Manot sale begins February 1!

Rosh Hashanah Day 2Yoga Journey thru the High Holidays

Hanukkah Hop!

Light candles with B’nai Jacob `every night of

Hanukkah! Locations will vary.

We kick off the holiday with another drive thru goodie bag pickup day on

Tuesday, December 8.

We light the fi rst candle on Th ursday night, December 10. Everyone is

invited to the Bnai Jacob parking lot — drive up, stay in your car or join

us outdoors for lighting of the big menorah, singing, and a treat!

Friday night, December 11, before Shabbat begins , we will light

together at Whitney Center at 4:00pm.

Saturday night, December 12, hop on zoom for Havdalah, Hannukah and SingAlong at 5:30pm.

Sunday-Th ursday, December 13-17, we are planning that each night we will light our big menorah in someone

else’s yard in a diff erent neighborhood. Every night will include lighting, singing, and treats!

More information will be in BJHappening emails and our website. Times listed here are tentative.



When I fi rst came to Bnai Jacob, I thought there were many Laurens — well actually there are — but there was one particular Lauren Miller who was here, there, and everywhere. With Jacqueline always at her side, she was running the gift shop with Joanna, heading the religious school board and, more recently, the cantor search committee with Leslie, vice president of the board, active at Federation, volunteering in the offi ce, always there on Sunday morning to help with school — I am sure I left out a few things. It seemed as if it was the work of at least 3 or 4 people, but I learned it was all the same Lauren. She is that “somebody” at the synagogue who is the somebody who gets everything done — you know, “somebody will take care of it” — she is that somebody! If she didn’t exist, we would have had to invent her. I know that if I ask Lauren to do something, not only will she say yes, but I know with certainty that the thing is off my plate, taken care of, perfectly executed, better than I would have done or thought of.

Sometimes, Lauren doesn’t value her contributions highly enough, and she worries that she won’t say it right or know the right answer. But having worked more closely with her over the last year, I have been deeply impressed by Lauren’s wisdom, her insight about situations, and her ability to fi nd a way to say something that is honest without hurting someone else’s feelings. Lauren, we want you to value your contributions as much as we do and to know how appreciated you are.

Scott is the strong and quiet presence by her side. I love when Scott is around because Scott is the kind of person you always want to have around. You can always engage him in an interesting conversation about a scientifi c topic, or anything, for that matter. Scott always has something interesting to say and a unique perspective to add. Of course, you all know that he is a distinguished scientist, holding the Irene duPont chair in chemistry, admitted just this year to the National Academy of Sciences, a huge honor. I tried to get online and read a little about Scott’s research, but I gave up at the title of the papers. Suffi ce it to say it is impressive.

In addition to shuttling kids back and forth, Scott also reads Torah at Bnai Jacob. We know from his sweat — literally — that this is a very diffi cult task for him, and he’s kind of busy guy. But neither lack of time nor diffi culty deters him. He just keeps at it again and again, adding verses, learning more, growing in skill and competence. Kol hakavod.

Together they have raised 3 fabulous children.

As we look to the future of our synagogue at this fi rst aliya of the new Torah year, we look to Lauren who will be our president in less than a year. We look forward to her leadership and to Scott’s steadfast support of her as she takes the reins. Th ey infuse our synagogue with their goodness in the same way that sunshine makes a day so much brighter. All of us owe them a debt of gratitude. Th ank you for your tireless support.

Joanie and Stuart are among the few people about whom I would say that I always knew that to ask them a question is to receive wise counsel.

Th ey were among the fi rst people I met here — Friday night regulars, even if Joanie was oft en late from working so hard. Quickly, they let me know how much they appreciated the rejuvenation of Friday night, and they became proud sponsors of the Shabbat Schmooze, a ritual I look forward to returning to.

Both of them are old New Haven. Stuart always has stories of his youth, the JCC on Chapel, Legion Avenue. An accomplished lawyer, Stuart helps more people who are in diffi cult situations, without ever charging them. He is a mentsch.

Joanie fi nally hung up her robes at the court aft er a lifetime of devoted service. Th eir loss is our gain. She and Stuart have had the time to be much more active in the synagogue — that is when they are not traveling to DC, Boston, or Moldova — to be with their children and their grandchildren about whom they are completely over the moon. I understand that Joanie was scheming on how to kidnap the little one and keep him here aft er his monthlong stay during the pandemic, but his father, for some reason, insisted on taking him home. Joanie has been an invaluable asset to our personnel committee and, of course, both of them give generously of their time and fi nances. More than that, they give generously of themselves — they are quick to praise, slow to criticize, judicious in their speech, and ready with wisdom, humor, or comfort, as the situation requires.

We are all better people, and we are a better community because they are here.



Hatan and Kallat Torah and Bereshit are special honors given

out on Simchat Torah to the individuals who have the last aliya

at the completion of the Torah and the fi rst aliya at the beginning.

Th is year we honored Joan and Stuart Margolis with Hatan

and Kallat Torah, and Lauren and Scott Miller with Hatan and

Kallat Bereshit. Honorees approached the Torah under a chuppah,

like the brides and grooms they are. Please join me in saluting

their contributions to our synagogue and join me in person next

Simchat Torah to celebrate next year’s honorees!

-Rabbi Shapiro


On Yom Kippur, the High Priest is presented

with two goats. One is sacrifi ced on the altar

to God; the Priest lays his hands on the other

goat’s head, confesses the sins of all the

people of Israel, and sends the goat out to

the wilderness. A session of Goat Yoga pre-

holidays was a fun and unique expeerience

for all who attended.

Our Shofar Service this year was held outdoors, drive-in

style, On a beautiful afternoon, we sat in, on, and near

our cars, listening to the sounds of the Shofar welcome in

the new year. 59 cars parked in the lot for this very special

gathering, which allowed us to come together safely.






WELCOMEnew members of b’nai jacob

Michael Buxbaum & Laurel Graeber

Steven & Ilene Radin

Regina Mooney


Marlene & Jerry Schweitzer on the birth of their new

great grandson, Harrison Jerome Landsman.

Audrey & Paul Greenberg on the engagemennt of their

son, Jeff rey.

Rabbi Rona Shapiro and David Franklin on their 25th

wedding anniversary.

Lynn & Jeff Ginzberg on their 30th wedding anniversary.

Judy & David Skolnick on their 50th wedding


Susan & Jimmy Millen on their 55th wedding


Elaine & Jack Lawson on their 60th wedding


Liz Edelglass on her new award-winning book,

published online in Sixfold, aft er winning the 2019

Reynolds Price Fiction Prize. “First Th ey Came for the

Torahs” will be reprinted this fall in CCAR Journal: Th e

Reform Jewish Quarterly.

Dianne & Ike Goodrich on the birth of their new

grandson, Elijah

Barbara & Mal Rashba on the wedding of their

granddaughter, Yaella.

Hyla & Barry Vine on the baby naming of their

granddaughter, Willa Rose.

Aimleee Laderman, proud to share that works of her late

husband, Ezra, will be released in the form of a CD by

Albany Records, Chamberworks of 2002-2013



WE REMEMBERRecent deaths of loved ones

Bonnie Karp Schwartz

Daughter of Joel and Iny Karp

Gail Zik

Wife of Howard Zik

Larry Hoff man

Husband of Debbie Hoff man

Father of Karen Zeid

Rita Benjamin

Mother of Cary Benjamin

Doris L. Shulman

Mother of Carol Lubin

Howard S Rubenstein

Father of Jennifer Zigun

Elliot Brause

Susan Babbitz

Wife of Stephen Babbitz

Mother of Mara Ginsberg



Please call the offi ce at 203-389-2111 to add or delete a

name on our Mi-Sheberach list. Names remain on the

list for one month. Aft er one month we need to hear

from you: Should the name be renewed? If we don’t hear

from you, we may have to remove the name from the list.

Please just let us know how long you need the name to be

on the list.



at home



Todah Rabah for sponsoring or co-sponsoring a

Kiddush in September or October:

Judy and David Skolnick

Stacy and Adam Dworkin

Barry and Hyla Vine

Rabbi Rona Shapiro and David Franklin

It takes a village to hand out Machzors and gift bags! Many thanks to all of those who volunteered to plan, carry, paste, stuff , tie, sort, assemble, deliver and greet including

Ros Sperling , Joanna Cooper , Mara Ginsberg, Dana Schwartz, Melissa Lawson, Barbara Berg, Judy Cooper, L. Faith Miller, Adele Messina, Carol Shanbrom, Ken Campbell, Robyn Teplitzky, Dena Springer, Sami Merit, Kate Ezra , Abby Silbert, Sue Skope, Ana White, Paul Schatz, Miriam Sivkin, Yoram Lirtzman, Suzanne Sugarmann, Debbie Sachs, and Jen Bayer.

Special thanks to Celin Garcia- our caretaker, greeter, and baker extraordinaire for baking the delicious honey apple cakes, and to Jimmy Shure for donating the yahrzeit candles; to Jodi Seidner for baking her famous cookies for out of state congregants, and our own fabulous artist Jeanette Kuvin Oren for making everything look fantastic!. We were thrilled to personally greet a majority of congregants, hand out hundreds of Machzors and provide over 200 gift bags- and we even made the evening news! Stay tuned for our next project! - Stacey Perkins

Please don’t forget to return any borrowed High Holiday prayer books to the offi ce.

We are pleased to introduce two new members of

the B’nai Jacob offi ce staff :

Barbara Goldstein is our new offi ce administrator. Hers is the warm and friendly voice on the phone, and the welcoming smile at the window. She keeps the offi ce organized and streamlined, and also handles cemetery matters.

Audra Tagliamonte is our new bookkeeper. She is in the offi ce Mon, Tues, and Th ursdays. Feel free to reach out to Audra with any questions about your account or to set up a payment plan.

Th ey are both great additions to our B’nai Jacob family!


BREAD & TORAH Every Shabbat morning 9:00am on zoom.


A Bride for One NightNovember,16,30, December 7, 14, 21, January 4, 11

In her engaging book, A Bride for one Night, Ruth Calderon rewrites talmudic

tales as richly imagined short stories, aff ording the reader an entrance into the

fascinating world of this core ancient text. We will embark on an imaginative

journey into the world of the Talmud and get to know it in new and surprising

ways. No background or Hebrew necessary. All are welcome.

Zoom Meeting ID: 857 8629 6869

Spring 2021



Interactive workshop for us all, led

by award winning teacher of the hearing impaired.

Hearing Loss: Listening and Communication



Almost all scientists, most political leaders (outside the

United States), and much of the public, especially young

people, agree that climate change is real, that it is caused

by anthropogenic greenhouse-gas emissions, and we must

start doing something soon to reverse it. Yet, the amount

of emissions continues to grow. In this talk I will argue that

and two powerful forces – developmentalism (or the love

of economic growth) and consumerism (and our way of

life) – stand the way of meaningful action. As a result, even

well-meaning people (like me) cannot help contributing to


Sunday, December 6, 10am

“Climate Change: A New Perspective”Th is talk draws on Professor

Headrick’s book, “Humans

Versus Nature: A Global

Environmental History.”

War on Hate

Federal attorney Henry Kopel will present from his new book on “how to stop genocide, fi ght terrorism and defend freedom.”

Class starts December 1 online, 7-8:30pmRegister at$72 for area synagogue members; $180 for non-membersEach student must have a rabbinic sponsor




“It’s a Mitzvah to Shop - Online!”

As we continue to spend more time at home - in front of our

devices- we have a brand new way to shop AND support B’nai


Th e Judaica Gift Shoppe is now online!All of our appreciation goes to Adam Fleischman who brought

our full selection of beautiful Judaica, gift items, jewelry and

books live on our new website:


Please visit us from home ANYTIME! If

there’s a gift item you don’t see on our

website, call the synagogue offi ce and the

Shoppe Girls will be happy to assist you.

Call the synagogue offi ce 203-389-2111 to

make an appointment.

Please buy Scrip cards and use AmazonSmile!

Th ese are easy and free ways to support B’nai Jacob.

Questions? Judy Taylor

Stay warm and healthy this season of gift giving. Use the CBJ

Scrip program to purchase gift cards for everyone on your list.

Some cards can even be emailed for immediate access. We can

also mail actual cards for you. Go to for a list of

vendors. B’nai Jacob makes a percentage of every card sold.

Contact Judy Taylor.

One of the ironies of the COVID19 pandemic is that it has greatly increased the need for social action at the same time that it also limits

the ways in which we can help. A dozen B’nai Jacob congregants met on Zoom on the second day of Rosh Hashanah to discuss social

action and came up with a plan to meet this challenge: each month until next Rosh Hashanah, we will promote an action that you can

take to repair some of the broken pieces of our world. In light of COVID19, many of these actions can be done safely from your home,

but we will also include some that can be done communally, with proper precautions. Acting together, even if apart, magnifi es our

impact and strengthens our community.

Plans are already in the works for our November action, which will be donating frozen turkeys

and canned and boxed foods to the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen for Th anksgiving dinners

for people experiencing food and housing insecurity. We are living through a moment when the

call to social action is stronger than ever. We welcome your ideas and experience in planning

future actions. Please contact Kate Ezra at if you want to be involved.

Th anksgiving will be diff erent this yearMany of us will have smaller gathering this year but still have room in our grocery carts and hearts to make sure that all who are hungry can enjoy a holiday meal. Th e CBJ social action committee would love for you to donate to the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK) so that they can provide holiday meals.

Th anksgiving Shopping List• Frozen Turkeys (Drop off only Sunday, Nov. 15 DIRECTLY to DESK, 311 Temple Street, New Haven, 11am-4pm.

Th e following may be dropped off at B’nai Jacob anytime between Nov 2 - Nov 17.• Reusable Shopping Bags • Stuffi ng (boxed) • Green Beans (canned)• Cranberry sauce (canned) • Yams (canned) • Corn (canned)• Broth (turkey, chicken, or vegetable)

DESK is also accepting monetary donations. Checks noted ‘Th anksgiving’ may be mailed to address aboove.



Shirlee Abrams

Anita Abrams

David Abrams

Jean Govrin Alderman

Charles Allman

Fannie Alpert

Sherman Alpert

Bernice Auerbach

Herman Babbitz

Ruth Babbitz

Elsie Badmann

Isadore Badmann

Esther Bailey

Morris Barez

Harry Bawarsky

Boris Becker

Sylvia Beckerman

Evelyn Bell

Nathan Beloff

Louis Bennet

Beatrice Bergstein

Anne Berk

Elihu Berke

Ralph Berkowitz

Louis Berkowitz

Rosalyn Berkson

Edward Bernstein

Richard Bersohn

Raymond Birdwhistell

Chris Birnie

Julia Blecher

Susan Fast Bloch

Irving J. Block

Marjorie Botwinik

Phillip Brisgalsky

Gloria Brodsky

Fannie Brodsky

Beatrice Brody

Bill Brogadir

Herman Brown

Sarah Brumel

Allan M. Campbell

Fay Campbell

Gertrude Caplan

Rochel Dvorah Caplowitz

Ella Casher

Bernard Chaffk in

Esther Cohen

Jacob Cohen

Samuel Cohen

Mollie Cohen

Anna Cohen

Sherwood Cohen

Daniel Michael Cohen

Gertrude Cohen

Nathan Cohen

Sidney Comen

Abraham Cooper

Ruth Cooper

Herman Copelon

Herman Cutler

Sadie Danzig

Irving Dauber

Sarah Davis

Michael Dermer

Joan Skidmore Detwiler

George Dickstein

Edith Doebrick

Eva Doff

Anna Dolin

Rebecca Dorman

Rebecca K. Drabkin

Louis Drazen

Anne Drutman

Arthur Eric Duchen

Michael Dunn

Samuel Egalka

Marshall Eisenberg

Benjamin Estra

Minnie Fabricant

Richard Factor

Irving Fannick

Sarah Farber

Solomon Feigina

Symee Ruth Feinberg

Stanley Feinberg

Helen Feinberg

Norman Fineberg

Abraham Finkelstein

Naomi Diamond Finn

Sidney Fishbein

Richard Fiske

Edward Franford

Allan Frankel

Hyman Freedman

Julius Friedenson

Fannie Friedenson

Samuel Friedenson

Mildred Gallen

Bruce Garber

Ida Gaynor

Susan Gell

Nora Ellen Gimbel

Bernard Abraham Ginsberg

Hannah Ginsberg

John Glassman

Bess Glazer

Sidney Glucksman

Harry Goldberg

Raymond Goldfarb

Sol Goldfeder

David Israel Goldstein

Rita Goldstein

Martin Gordon

Jeff rey Gordon

Bernard Gorenberg

Rhoda Gorenberg

Morris Gorenstein

Lea Spivak Gould

William Greenberg

Anita Greenberg

Elaine Greenberg

Jack Greengarden

George M. Grey

Jay Grossman

Frances Halper

Irwin Harrison

Max Hartzman

Emmy Heinrich

Zilli Heinrich

Lena Hillman

Kate Hirsch

Charles Hirschey

Milton S. Holiner

Frederic Hollander

Harold W. Hoos

Lillian Hordes

Nellie Horowitz

Sarah Horowitz

Max Horowitz

Abraham Horwitz

Paul Horwitz

Dora Hourwitz

Anne Van Hoven

Sidney Hurwitz

Isadore Hyman

Paul Isacoff

Samuel Isbit

Sara Israel

Morris Israel

Samuel Jacobson

Jerome Johnson

Ruth Josephs

Sarah Kadsivitz

Justin Kahn

Anna Kane

Louis Kaplan

George Kaplan

Janice Kapleau

Burton Kapleau

Jay Katz

Dora Katz

Martin Katzman

Pearl Katzman

David Kaye

Frances Ellen Keller

Pearl Kier

Morris Klein

Bernice Kliman

Klara Koenigsberg

Jack Konowitz

Jacob Korrick

Sarah Krevolin

Kate Krevolin

Charlotte Kroogman

Esther Labott

Eleanor Ladin

Fred Laiken

Saul Lappen

Irving Lasky

Anna Lazaroff

Bernard Lazaroff

Minnie Lebowsky

Benjamin Lebowsky

Nathan Ledewitz

Minnie Lefshetz

Harry Leibowitz

Helen Lendler

Harry Leopold

Ida Lesnik

Arthur Lesser

Fannie Levine

Seymour Levine

Julius Levine

Harold Levine

Morris Levy

Carol Lewis

James Lichtman

Ann Liebowitz

Benjamin Lipka

Evelyn Lipsher

Pauline Litsky

Mary Lurie

Fay Marcus

Julius Maretz

Arnold Markle

Grayce Markow

Gertrude Medvedow

Minnie Merberg

Freda Merriam

Edward Millen

Stanley L. Miller

Phillip Miller

Rebecca Miller

Burton Miller

Louis Mirsky

Anna Montlick

Rhea B. Morse

Richard Moskowitz

Herman Moss

Gregory Moss

Th elma Muff s

Isadore Murnick

Lucine Mutaw

Sarah Mutchnick

Ludwig Nadelmann

Florence Nash

Herbert Neitlich

Helen Newman

Asher Nicklesberg

Rose Offi tzer

Anne Krevit Orloft

David Parizer

Mollie B. Pearlman

Charles Perkins

Lawrence Perkins

Richard Perlman

Harry Perlman

Samuel Perlman

Samuel Philipson

Benjamin Pisetsky

Robert Pite

Pearl Podolsky

Ingeborg Poger

Fanny Polinsky

Morris Pollack

Blanche Potash

Jacob Press

Michael Rakieten

Helen Rakieten

Abraham Rappaport

Abraham Rashba

Bernard Reis

Elsie Resnik

Freda Kasowitz Rosen

David P. Rosen

Muriel Rosenberg

Jonathan Rosenberg

Max Rosenblatt

Dorothy Rosenblum

Faye Rosenkrantz

Grete Rosenweig

Sarah Rosner

Joan Rossner

Herta Roth

Lillian Rothberg

Jack Rubin

Morris Sachs

Rivilyn Salzburg

Louis Salzburg

Francisco Sanchez

Th eodore Satin

Molly Satin

Morris Savelewitz

Herbert Savitt

Alan Schaps

George Scharmett

Emil Schneelicht

Rose Schneider

Edward Schnitman

Rywa Schochat

Arthur Schpero

Max Schulman

Sylvia Schulman

Irving Schwartz

Charles F. Schwartz

Sarah Schwartz

Sydelle (Feinman) Schwartz

Harry Seymon

Lillian Shapiro

Leon Shapiro

Sidney J. Shapiro

Dorothy Sherman

Harold Shlensky

Marjorie Shore

Sandra Shulman

Sylvia Shulman

Robert Shulman

Betty Siegel

Dorothy Silverstein

Abraham Simon

Isaac Simon

Maytie Sivkin

Louis Sklar

Anne Skope

Esther Skowronek

Samuel Slifer

Sam Smith

Abe Smith

Pauline Sneideman

Max Sobel

Minnie Spector

Heidi Spector

Leonard Squinto

Esther Malka Stambler

Henry Stein

J. Maurice Stein

Walter Stier

Sarah Still

Mortimer Still

Leslie Stock

Lillian Snyder Stoltz

Esther Sutton

Rose Svirsky

Jenny Tapper

Abraham Tapper

Frank Teitelman

Max Teitelman

Celia Tendler

Sally Tenner

Louis Tenner

Samuel Teplitzky

Marvin Teplitzky

Jack Tepper

Benjamin Topf

Edith Toplitsky

Jennie Troyanksy

Samuel Vine

Rose Virship

Elia Giacomo Vitale

Cesar Vitale

Martin Vogel

Esta Vogel

Florence Wallack

Sue Allen Warren

William Weinberg

Joseph Weiner

Leonard Weiner

Jacob Weinstein

Eva White

Frieda L. White

Solomon Yoss

Bat-Sheva Zaretsky

Ben-Tzion Zaretsky

Golde Zaretsky

Huddel Zaretsky

Reuven Zaretsky

Ethel Zeluck

Sondra Zik

Martha Zik

Ruth Zimmerman

Stanley Zimmerman

Ella Burres Zitser

Abraham Zitser

Sidney Zolot

Rhoda Zommick

Harold Zuckerman

David Zudekoff

At our Daily and Shabbat Services the following Yarzeits will be observed from

November 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020 - 14 Cheshvan to 14 Kislev 5781.


DECEMBER YARZEITSAt our Daily and Shabbat Services the following Yarzeits will be observed from

December 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 - 15 Kislev to 16 Tevet 5781.

Harry Abdirkin

Benjamin Adler

Belle C. Alderman

Hyman Alpert

Joseph Alpert

Charles Amerling

George Arch

Selda Awerman

Gilbert Banever

Rebecca Eve Davis BarDayan

Marion Barnett

Dora Beloff

Lipman Bench

Esta Beresner

Roberta Lee Beresner

Isaak “Itch” Berkman

Max Berkowitz

Rebecca Bernstein

Clare Brause

David Steven Braverman

Gussie Breg

Anna Brenner

Shirley Brodner

Louis Brogadir

Abraham Brownstein

Joseph Brumberger

Sam Brumel

Viola Bryant

Evelyn Burnston

Henry Bushman

Sidney Cabin

Joseph George Canter

Murray Caplan

Ruth Caplan

Albert Caplan

Abraham Caplan

Janet Carpenos

Ruth Chargar

Doris Chartoff

Bessie Chevlin

Leonard Christenfeld

Benjamin Cleman

Helen Cobden

Sipora Cohen

David Cohen

Rose Cohen

Margarete Cohn

Miriam Cooper

Richard Cooper

Leo Cooper

Rose Margolis Croog

Kate Cutler

Ida Cutler-Benjamin

Louis Debin

Albert Detwiler

Lillian Dibner

Phillip Dinerstein

Lena Drazen

Norman M. Dube

Shirley Ehrlich

Alfred Eichenbaum

Mollie Eichenbaum

Natalie Eisenberg

Lester Elias

William Emery

Meir Engel

Claire Engleman

Helen Epstein

Samuel Estra

Ida Evans

Alexander Faigel

Jennie Fannick

Anne N. Fast

William Benjamin Feen

Herman Felix

Bruce Feuerstadt

Fannie Finkel

Hyman Fleischner

Beatrice Forman

Hannah Freedman

Kate Friedenberg

Richard Gallen

Samuel Gandelman

Edith Gandelman

Alex Gedansky

Rose Gedansky

Lillie Geller

Robert Gelman

Kay Cohen Gelman

Vera Hyatt Gerard

Ida Gershman

Fannie Gillette

Beatrice Gimbel

Lena Ginsberg

Harriet Ginsberg

William Glass

Eric Gofstein

Frank Gold

Morris Gold

Morton Goldberg

Ava Goldberg

George Goldberg

Louis Goldblatt

George Goldman

Albert Goldslager

Ethel Goldstein

Marian Goldstein

Mary Goldstein

Edmund E. Goodmaster

Michael Gordon

Charles Gordon

Esther Gordon

Jacqueline Greenberg

Alexander Greenberg

Rose Greenberg

Jacob Greenberg

Irving Greene

Albert Grodd

Deborah Gimbel Gross

Barbara Grossman

Isadore Grundfast

Minnie Hadelman

Robert Hess

Harold Himmel

Linda Hirsch

Aaron Hirsch

Pearl Hirshfi eld

Harold Hoder

Samuel Hoff man

Leonard Horwitz

Sherman Horwitz

Robert Hurowitz

Ruth Hyman

Lillian Hyman

Philip Jacobs

Max Jacobson

Samuel Jacobson

Max Jacobson

Adele Jacoby

Clarence Joseph

Sonya Kagan

Abraham Kahan

Cliff ord Matthew Kahn

Doris Kalter

Rose Kanowitz

Gertrude Karp

Natalie Karp

S. Samuel Kasden

Samuel Kasowitz

Rose Kasowitz

Edith Kaufman

Rosalyn Kaye

Paul Kent

Frederick Kessler

Th eodore Kittay

Ada Klein

Aaron Klein

Janet Kopel

Frieda Kornberg

Toba Krevit

Ida Bolton Krevolin

Helen Krosnick

Mary Labovitz

Nathan Laden

Maxine Larrison

Alvin Lazaroff

Gertrude Leben

Patricia Lee

Rose Lefk ofsky

Martin Leibowitz

Selma Leibowitz

Sophie Cohen Lerea

Paul Lerman

Barbara Lerner

Seymour Lesnik

Laurence Levin

Benjamin Levine

Samuel Levine

Hyman Levine

Minnie Levine

Pearl Levy

Henrietta Lewith

David Marc Lichter

Nathan Lichter

Anna Lipkin

Lowell P. Lippman

Benjamin Lipsher

Aladar Lowi

Abraham H. Lubowitz

Rose Lupion

Moe Maretz

Sarah Maretz

Leonard Margolis

Louis Marmitt

Isadore Medvedow

Leon Medvedow

Harry Meier

Ida Meltzer

Ethel Merberg

Daniel Meunier

Irving Meyerson

Shimson Millen

Philip Miller

Michael Mininberg

Anna Mirsky

Jordan Mitchell

Nora Morris

David Moss

Ida Mostow

Peter Myers

Kate Myers

Naft ale Nerenberg

Joseph F. Nitkin

Violet Nudelman

Meyer Nudelman

Ethyle Rubin Okrant

Aaron Ostroff

Jack Padroff

Mollie Parizer

Nathan Passell

Samuel Passell

Rosaline Passell

Herman Patashnik

Frances Perlman

Dora Pite

Irving Polayes

Shirley Ponn

Milton Potash

Ruth Jacobson Powell

Jerry Ravski

Robert Rayack

Alexander Reger

Minnie Resnick

David Resnick

Edward Resnik

Myra Rochow

Larry Rosen

Abraham Rosenberg

Sarah Rosenberg

Anna Rosenbloom

Sonia Rosenholtz

Yisroel Rosenstone

Louis Rosoff

Eva Ruda

Arthur Sachs

Bernard Salmonson

Hyman Salzberg

Shirley Salzman

Laura Savelewitz

Lorraine Schaefer

Hilda Schaff er

Samuel Scharr

Rose Scherr

Gerald Schine

Jennifer Schine

Joseph Schnirman

Shirley Schnitman

Jane Schnitman

Henrietta Schurowitz

Herbert Schurowitz

Joseph Schwartz

Benjamin Schweitzer

Morris Scott

Milton Seavey

Reuben Seidman

Maxim Seltzer

Fanny Shames

Walter Shanbrom

Henrietta Shapiro

Rose Shapiro

Seymour Shapiro

Joseph Sharpe

Sidney Sheiman

Manuel Shiff rin

Lena Shlank

Mary Shure

Harry Shure

Frances Siegel

Abraham Silverman

Sidney Silverstone

Estelle Silverstone

Oscar Sisken

Herman Slifer

Nathan Smernoff

Dorothy Smernoff

Marvin Smirnoff

Hilda Snyderman

Sondra Soloway

Ella Soloway

Shirley Spencer

Ken Sperling

Blanche Spinner

Julius Stein

Gladys Steiner

Irving Stier

Frank W. Stock

Phil Stone

John Stott

Harry Sviridoff

Lena Taylor

Albert Taylor

Jack Tevolitz

Angelo Tommasini

Henry Tulchin

Seymour Turk

Jerome VanHoven

Viola Vitale

Ann Lipsher Waitze

Lester Wasserman

Stanley Watsky

Marion Weinstein

Ida Weinstein

Lena Weisman

Pauline White

Gertrude White

Anna Widman

J. Arthur Winthrop

Morris Witten

Pearl Wiznia

Sidney Wolfe

Joyce Wolff

George Wolk

Muriel Wood

Rebecca Zamkov

Solomon Zamkov

Leon Zamkov

Myrna Zaret

Maxwell Zeidenberg

Hope Zimmerman

Frank Zolot

Eva Zudekoff

William Zwickler


If you have recently

lost a loved one,

please contact the

offi ce 203-389-

2111 with the

information for

yarzeit calendaring.

Provide the exact

time and date so that

we may be certain

the yarzeit is set up

properly. Please

supply the English

name (and Hebrew

name if you know

it) and how he or

she is related to you.

At our evening and

morning services, we

read a list of yarzeits

observed on that day.

If you would like the

name of a loved one

read on the Shabbat

evening before the

yarzeit, please contact

the offi ce.


Estelle AbrahamsBy June & Leon Baboff & Family

Moira AronsBy Marvin Arons

Joseph BernblumBy Bennett Bernblum

Newton D. BrennerBy Charlotte B. Brenner

Paul BrownBy Jay Brown

Edward CazesBy Lawrence & Joya Marks

Rabbi Arthur ChielBy Kinneret Chiel

Frances CroogBy Steve Croog

Willard FreedmanBy Ruth H. Freedman

Miriam GoldbergBy Ruth Frohman

Sara GoldmanBy Diane Levey

Etta GoldsteinBy Ruth Jacobson

Harriet GoldsteinBy Ruth Jacobson

Harold GreensteinBy Jackie Ertel

Sophie HarrisBy Ruth H. Freedman

Sibbie Hoff manBy Diane Olin

Hyman HolzmanBy Arnold Holzman

Anna HorenbeinBy Lillian Felix & Family

Louis JacobsBy Susan & Stephen Skowronek

Minnie KaletskyBy Th e Kaletsky Family

Jennie KoslowBy Andrew & Barbara Hodes

Henry KrystalBy John & Bonnie Krystal

Henry KrystalBy Esther Krystal

Burton LeveyBy Diane Levey

Samuel LippmanBy Alice Lippman

Josephine LipsherBy Julian Lipsher

Hyman LupionBy Blanche Shaft el

Sarah MininbergBy Andrea B. Robinson

Harriet NoretskyBy Barbara & Andy Hodes

Howard D. OldermanBy Rich Olderman

Samuel E. OldermanBy Richard Olderman

Morris OlmerBy Arleen Ganter

Fannie PotashBy Arnold & Madeline Potash

Gary RashbaBy Malcolm & Barbara Rashba

Abraham RendelsteinBy Barbara Fitzgeral

Michael Riff By Madeline & Arnold Potash

Stanley Rimland By Dale M. CohenSophie RitchBy Richard Simon

Julius RosenbergBy Arthur Rosenberg

Irwin RudichBy Lynn Rudich

David RudnickBy Amy Rudnick & Michael Zeldin

Lila RudnickBy Amy Rudnick & Michael Zeldin

Bessie SamuelsBy Dr. & Mrs. Natkin

Sadie SelkowitzBy Mara & Robert Friedman

Bill ShemitzBy Paula Shemitz

Hannah ShieldBy Marvin Arons

Irvin & Jeanne ShinerBy Jayne & Michael Shiner

Joseph ShulmanBy Carol, Charles, Jack & Elizabeth Lubin

George SkolnickBy Barbara & Andy Hodes

Hyman SpectorBy Barbara Fitzgerel

Isadore SpectorBy Barbara & Andy Hodes

Leon SteinBy Rose Rudich

Selma Th alenBy Julie Th alen, Stanley Th alen, & Paula Marker

Marilyn UngerBy Robert Unger

Abraham WeissBy Suzanne Weinstein & Marjorie Weinstein Kowal

Sadie WeissBy Jayne & Michael Shiner

Samuel Weiss By Jayne & Michael Shiner

Paul WhiteBy Steven & Ana White

Al WinnickBy Gillie Winnick

Bertha WinnickBy Gillie Winnick

Andy WolfBy Jimmy & Melanie Wolf

Herman (Harry) ZitserBy his 3 grandchildren

Herman (Harry) ZitserBy Suzanne Zitser

Sophie Zudekoff By Sue & Stu Rosenholtz

Adult Education FundIN HONOR OFTh e Rabbi’s 25th Wedding AnniversaryBy Roz & Stephen Atkins

Lauren Miller receiving the Shem Tov awardBy Peter Kaufman & Elanna BernsteinBy Betty Lou & Joe Blumberg

IN MEMORY OFGail ZikBy Roz & Stephen Atkins

Susan BabbitzBy Peter Kaufman & Elanna Bernstein

Michael & Joshua Atkins Endowment FundIN HONOR OFTh e birth of Jaime & Cindy Gerber’s grandsonBy Roz & Stephen Atkins

IN MEMORY OFSusan BabbitzBy Roz & Stephen Atkins

Elana Marcy Bell Memorial FundIN HONOR OFEllie Sophia RosenBy Linda & Leonard BellBy Janet & Brian Rosier

Jonathan Bell & Deborah Fernbach and the birth of their granddaughterBy Judy Cooper

BJ PlayersIN HONOR OFTh e birth of Abraham Grant GerberBy Howard Reiter & Jody Ellant

Lauren & Scott Miller being honored at B’nai JacobBy Ros Sperling

Joan & Stuart Margolisbeing honored at B’nai JacobBy Ros Sperling

IN MEMORY OFSusan BabbitzBy Th e Sperling Family

Marion BixonBy Ros Sperling

Elliott & Judy Brause Endowment FundIN MEMORY OFElliot BrauseBy Beverly & Robert LitskyBy Sarah-Ann & Hillel AuerbachBy Rhoda & Barry MyersBy Lillian & John ResnickBy Marcie & Richard SugarmannBy Madeline & Arnold PotashBy Rick & Debbie EpsteinBy Lois & Ed GogliaBy Pamela ReisBy Geb Slocum

Stan & Mindy Brownstein Endowment FundIN MEMORY OFLibby MandellBy Mindy & Stan Brownstein

Campbell Family FundIN MEMORY OFFaggie BrisgalskyBy Patricia Shure

Cantors Discretionary FundIN HONOR OFLeslie ZackinBy Lauren & Scott Miller

Chesed FundIN HONOR OFBarbara & Mal Rashba’s granddaughter’s wedding By Caryl & Michael Kligfeld

Abraham & Dorothy Cohen Memorial TrustIN MEMORY OFAbraham CohenBy Linda & Kenneth Cohen

Alan & Judy Cooper Endowment FundIN APPRECIATION OFJudy CooperBy Ana & Steven White

IN MEMORY OFHoward Rubenstein, Jennifer Zigun’s fatherBy Judy Cooper

IN HONOR OFJaime & Cindy Gerber and the birth of their grandson, AbrahamBy Judy Cooper

DONATIONS YARZEITContributions made from JULY 23, 2020 thru OCTOBER 16, 2020



Stuart & Joan Margolis Endowment FundIN HONOR OF Stuart & Joan’s Simchat Torah HonorBy Cindy & Jaime GerberBy Betty Lou & Joe Blumberg

Music FundIN MEMORY OFBenjamin, Lillian, and Martin Sachs By Joel Sachs

Susan BabbitzBy Nick and Debby AretzBy Marlene & Jerry SchweitzerBy Th e Goodless-Sanchez FamilyBy Miriam Kohn EdbergBy Th e Moritz FamilyBy Barbara BergBy Sami Merrit & Joshua DemskyBy Louise & Irwin EpsteinBy Th e Lubin FamilyBy Carol & Jim ShanbromBy Gary & Patricia GinsbergBy Rick and Debbie EpsteinBy Jewish Family ServiceBy Th e Bitterman FamilyBy Th e Duhl FamilyBy Joan & Kenny KreigerBy Seth & Barbara CohenBy Richard & Francee Sviridoff By Lauren & Scott MillerBy Sandra Jean RubinBy David & Elaine EmeryBy Amy & Steven RashbaBy Sean & Elizabeth FlahertyBy Barry & Hyla VineBy Louis EagleBy William & Sandy Carlson

Peter & Rhoda Myers Endowment FundIN MEMORY OFSidney FreedmanBy Rhoda Myers

Th e Olin Family Endowment FundIN MEMORY OFElliot StoneBy Diane Olin

Sue Cohen’s brotherBy Diane Olin

Mimi SetlowBy Diane Olin

Rabbi’s Discretionary FundIN APPRECIATION OFRabbi ShapiroBy Vivian KaplanBy Sheldon NatkinBy Audrey & Paul GreenbergBy Lauren & Scott Miller

Rabbi Shapiro & Cantor HaimowitzBy Betsy Fiske

IN GRATITUDE By Th e Babbitz family

IN MEMORY OF Max TeitelmanBy Pamela & David Teitelman

Richard LubowitzBy Sue Cohen

Albert & Esther Dennis FundIN MEMORY OFAlbert DennisBy Linda & Kenneth Cohen

Ditman Family Endowment FundIN HONOR OFTh e wedding of Bruce Ditman & Katie GoldenBy Lynne Ditman & Richard GoldbergBy John & Liz EdelglassBy Audrey & Paul Greenberg

IN HONOR OFAdam & Stacy Dworkin’s High Holiday Honors By Lynne & Richard Goldberg

IN MEMORY OFRuth KornreichBy Lynne & Richard Goldberg

Melvin DitmanBy Lynne Ditman

Mabel LearBy Lynne Ditman

Th e Edelglass Family FundIN MEMORY OFFannie RotetBy Patricia EdelglassPercy Rotet By Patricia EdelglassSarajane Edelglass HershBy Patricia Edelglass

IN GRATITUDE OFTh ose that ran the technology that enabled our beautiful virtual servicesBy John & Liz Edelglass

Richard & Debra Epstein Endowment fundIN MEMORY OFHoward S RubensteinBy Rick and Debra EpsteinGail Zik By Edith Goodmaster

David & Lillian Gandelman Endowment FundIN MEMORY OFLillian Schnirman GandelmanBy Betsy Fiske

Rebecca SchnirmanBy Betsy Fiske

Fred RosenBy Betsy Fiske

Mimi & Mitchell Garber FundIN MEMORY OFMimi Garber SetlowBy Betty Lou & Joe Blumberg

General Donation IN APPRECIATION OFTh e Jewish New YearBy Bruce & Zara BenjaminBy Judy CooperBy Alan & Bonnie WunschBy Dorothy PolayesBy Dr. Stanley Babit

Cantor Barbara HaimowitzBy Stephen & Susan SkowronekBy Jennifer & Benjamin Zigun

Rabbi Rona ShapiroBy Jennifer & Benjamin Zigun

IN HONOR OFSteven & Andrea Fleischman, Samantha, Julie, Zoe & AdamBy David Fleischman

Harrison Jerome Landsman, their new great grandsonBy Marlene & Jerry Schweitzer

Susan & Jimmy Millen’s 55th wedding anniversaryBy Howard & Martha Taubin

IN MEMORY OFBonnie Karp SchwartzBy Dan Oren & Jeanette KuvinBy Harold & Dana Schwartz

Susan BabbitzBy Harold & Dana SchwartzBy Nimrod & Rebecca Lavi

Gail Ann ZikBy Harold & Dana Schwartz

Elliot BrauseBy William SugarmannBy Pamela Reis

Augusta BrownBy Spencer & Rochelle Lauer

Yvette NatkinBy Spencer & Rochelle LauerBy Peter Depascal

Howard S RubensteinBy Jennifer & Benjamin Zigun

Glassman/Resnik Endowment FundIN HONOR OFWishing Bob Glassman a speedy recoveryBy Sara-Ann & Hillel Auerbach

Th e Goodrich Family Endowment FundIN HONOR OFTh e birth of ElijahBy Audrey & Paul Greenberg

Paul & Audrey Greenberg Endowment FundIN HONOR OFTh eir son, Jeff rey’s engagementBy John & Liz Edelglass

Hesh & David Greenblatt Minyan FundIN MEMORY OFHesh GreenblattBy Debbie Tendler

Robert & Rena Grodd Endowment FundIN MEMORY OFDavid FlaumBy Rena & Robert Grodd

Halprin Family Endowment FundIN MEMORY OFCharlotte Halprin GreeneBy Th e Halprin FamilyBy Shirley Halprin

Marion BixonBy Th e Halprin Family

Iny & Joel Karp Endowment FundIN MEMORY OFBonnie Karp SchwartzBy Debbie & Rick EpsteinBy Sue CohenBy Paul SchatzBy Barbara BergBy Betsy FiskeBy Howard & Martha Taubin

Harold & Shirley Kasowitz Endowment FundIN MEMORY OFMarion BixonBy Shirley Kasowitz & Family

Kiddush FundIN GRATITUDE OFLeslie Zackin’s Challah Baking Class By Carol Shanbrom

IN MEMORY OF Norman RashbaBy Kinneret Chiel

Gail ZikBy Dan Oren & Jeanette Kuvin

Howard RubensteinBy Joshua Dembsky & Sami Merit

IN HONOR OFJudy & David Skolnick’s 50th Wedding Anniversary

Th e Rabbi’s & David’s 25th Wedding AnniversaryBy Kinneret ChielBy Rhoda Myers & George Olshin

Elaine & Morris KleinEndowment FundWISHING A SPEEDY RECOVERY OFFran PonchikBy Elaine Klein, Lisa Klein & Mark Putney

IN MEMORY OFAllene GoldmanBy Elaine Klein & Family

Elliot StoneBy Elaine Klein & Family

Sherman & Evelyn Krevolin Endowment FundIN MEMORY OF Elliot StoneBy Evelyn Krevolin

Library FundIN HONOR OFLiz Edelglass receiving the 2019 Reynolds Price Fiction PrizeBy Lynne & Richard Goldberg

Dianne & Ike Goodrich’s new grandson, ElijahBy Susan Buxbaum

Contributions made from JULY 23, 2020 thru OCTOBER 16, 2020




Th elma Parker By Susan Parker Schachtel

Rabbi David CedarbaumBy Jesse & Linda Cedarbaum

IN HONOR OF Th e Rabbi’s & David’s 25th Wedding AnniversaryBy Richard WurtzelBy Chana & Michael BaronBy Linda & Lenny BellBy Rhoda Myers & George OlshinBy Judy CooperBy Betty Lou & Joe BlumbergBy Paul & Teri SchatzBy Lauren & Scott Miller

IN HONOR OFDr. Jeff rey Bitterman’sspecial birthdayBy Randi, Josh, Andrew, & Adam Grimes

Malcolm & Barbara Rashba Endowment FundIN HONOR OF

their granddaughter, Yaella’s weddingBy Judy Cooper

Religious School IN HONOR OFAlex Klee’s Bar MitzvahBy Marc & Lynn Estra

Lauren & Scott Miller’s Simchat Torah honorBy Cindy & Jaime Gerber

IN MEMORY OFSusan BabbitzBy Paul & Audrey GreenbergBy Scott & Joanna Cooper

Howard RubensteinLauren & Scott Miller

Norma A. & Marvin H. Schaefer Endowment Fund

IN MEMORY OF Bonnie Karp SchwartzBy Alan & Francine Ponchik

Nathaniel & Selma Scott FundIN HONOR OFElaine & Jack Lawson’s 60th anniversaryBy Tina & Dick Brogadir

Bertha Kahn’s birthdayBy Tina & Dick Brogadir

Rosh Hashanah honor opening the ArkBy Tina & Dick Brogadir

Jim & Carol Shanbrom Endowment FundIN MEMORY OFTh ea MaitinskyBy Sidney & Elinor Shanbrom

Charles & Sandra Sterling Endowment Fund

IN MEMORY OFAlex SterlingBy Charles Sterling & Norma Pisetsky

Robert SterlingBy Charles Sterling & Norma Pisetsky

Paula & Elliot Stone Endowment FundIN MEMORY OFElliot StoneBy Betty Lou & Joe Blumberg

Richard & Marcie Sugarmann Endowment FundIN HONOR OFthe birth of Milo Edward SteinlaufBy Marcie & Richard SugarmannBy Philip & Lenore Weisinger

Peter Weinstein Endowment FundIN MEMORY OF Ellen Casper By Sara-Ann & Hillel AuerbachBy Susan & Jimmy MillenBy Myrna & Peter Weinstein

Congregation B’nai Jacob, we did it! Together we raised $2,836 for supermarket scrip gift cards and collected 749 pounds of food! All of the gift cards are going to help families with food insecurity have a wonderful Th anksgiving dinner. Th e 749 pounds of food is already on the shelves and will be distributed this week!

But, who does JFS serve? Before the pandemic, the JFS food pantry served over 30 families each week in the greater New Haven area. However, since the start of the pandemic, JFS has sadly doubled the number of families they serve. Th ey are now giving away over 3000 pounds of food a week. Th anks to your generosity, we have made a diff erence!

Th is Isaiah’s Feast Food Drive, CBJ donated more than we ever have before surpassing our previous record of 2069 pounds of food and exceeding my goal of 3000 pounds or dollars combined. Th ank you! Specifi cally, I would like to thank the Parsons for helping us schlep the food and weigh it in at the JFS pantry and Mara Ginsberg and Lynn Ginzberg for helping us every step along the way. I hope that everyone knows that this was a community eff ort and that your support really made a diff erence.

!הבָּרָ הדָ וֹת- Alex Klee



Amudim / Pillar

$10,000 and above

Bell, Lenny and Linda

Epstein, Richard & Debra

Fleischman, Steven & Andrea

Lauer, Spencer and Shelly

Bonim / Builder


Grubman, Eric & Green, Stephanie

Perkins, Hap & Stacey

Reiter, Howard & Ellant, Jody

Sperling, Ros

Tzadikim / Benefactor


Atkins, Stephen & Rosalind

Bell, Jonathan & Fernbach, Deborah

Bergman, Stanley

Bobrow, Samuel & Paulette

Campbell, Kenneth & Barbara

Caplan, Michael & Burger, JoAnne

Cohen, Kenneth & Linda

Gerber, Jaime & Cindy

Gorelick, Adam & Judy

Hass, David & Lauren

Hirsch, Gerald & Seymon-Hirsch, Barbara

Kaufman, Richard & Susan

Lipson, Allen & Cheryl

Sapire, Joshua & Sara

Schatz, Paul & Teri

Schwartz, Dana & Harold

Shanbrom, James A. & Carol

Skolnick, David & Judy

Vine, Barry & Hyla

Watsky, Kalman & Fried, Deborah

Atkins, Stephen & Rosalind

Bedford, Andy & Levy, Becca

Bell, Jonathan & Fernbach, Deborah

Bell, Leonard & Linda

Bergman, Stanley

Bobrow, Samuel & Paulette

Campbell, Kenneth & Barbara

Caplan, Michael & Burger, JoAnne

Cohen, Kenneth & Linda

Cooper, Scott & Joanna

Epstein, Richard & Debra

Fleischman, Steven & Andrea

Gerber, Jaime & Cindy

Goodrich, Isaac & Dianne

Gorelick, Adam & Judy

Grubman, Eric & Green, Stephanie

Halprin, Gail

Hass, David & Lauren

Hirsch, Gerald & Seymon-Hirsch, Barbara

Jacobson, Ruth

Kaufman, Richard & Susan

Krystal, John & Becker, Bonnie

Lauer, Spencer & Rochelle

Lipson, Allen & Cheryl

Miller, Scott & Lauren

Nuland, Sarah

Perkins, Hap & Stacey

Potash, Arnold & Madeline

Reiter, Howard & Ellant, Jody

Reznik, Alan & Elizabeth

Saltzman, Stephen & Mary Beth

Sapire, Joshua & Sara

Schatz, Paul & Teri

Schnittman, Steven & Stock, Elyse

Schwartz, Dana & Harold

Shanbrom, James & Carol

Shapiro, Rabbi Rona & Franklin, David

Silbert, Jonathan & Abby

Skolnick, David & Judy

Sperling, Rosalyn

Taylor, Mark & Judy

Vine, Barry & Hyla

Watsky, Kalman & Fried, Deborah

Weinstein, Suzanne

Zaret, Barry & Drell, Renee


As of OCTOBER 28, 2020


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