biz 互動英語雜誌 no. 81

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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Contents No. 81 9 月號 ★ 課文朗讀 MP3 可於網路下載,請至 LiveABC 官方網站:『雜誌 MP3 下載區』上班族


Present Perfect! 商用英簡報力訓練營 Part One 3 堂課、8 步驟強化你對簡報的理解力

第一課「核心概念篇」(本期九月號) 第二課「設計/製作篇」(十月號)敬請期待



Convert Stress into Motivation7 妙招化工作壓力為助力職場壓力處處可見,如何將工作壓力轉化為職場



How Smart Are You?上班族變聰明就企業營運面來看,ERP 代表什麼? 十 離太陽最

近的行星為何? 十 洛杉磯有「天使之城」之稱,


25biz 嚴選聚焦 194 國

Business Focus趨勢哇哇哇全球第一架飛天車亮相 十 亞馬遜電子書銷量遠超

越精裝書 十 使用者破五億 Facebook 躍升「世界



▏PAGE 25


Maintaining Good Client Relations商務溝通速效英語商務應對必備句 十 對話應用:良好的顧客關係 & 協助顧客解決問題。速效你的商務英語溝通力。

30biz 嚴選聚焦 194 國

Industry Focus產業百態嚴選不可不知的業界大事件:可樂銷售大戰 十 agnès b. 咖啡概念店進駐台灣……

Business Focus 是飛機還是車?

Business Focus趨勢哇哇哇 全球第一架飛天車亮相 十 亞馬遜電子書銷量遠超越精裝書 十 Facebook 躍升「世界第三大國」



How to Write a Collection Letter除呆帳催款信寫作攻略大全必備字彙 十 寫作要點 十 速效應用句:1. 欠款催

繳信 2. 信用卡費催款信


Points of Interest上班族大小事 多元閱讀創造職涯豐富機會

SOHO 族越來越多 十 上班族腦力「老化 20 歲」

十 供不應求新興領域……


Taiwan’s Black Country 黑鄉――LV 級磚瓦這一行本篇專訪帶您經驗台灣傳統產業在時代洪流下由興



Fabulous Felines — ‘Cats’ Comes to Taiwan! 行家看的音樂劇――貓《貓》這齣創下多項驚人紀錄的音樂劇,究竟憑藉




Office Chitchat上班族熱問哈拉句說英語不要硬梆梆,道地的美式、英式口語、日常用


54全球熱話題 The Dream of Time Travel穿越時空異想成真?跟著愛因斯坦和霍金探索時光旅行的可行性……


Quotations from Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking 編輯精選愛因斯坦 十 霍金 智慧語錄精選兩位百年難得一見的天才對於人生的思索與實



Taiwan’s ‘Cockroach’ a Marvel of Persistence不死鳥郭泓志 傲人職涯新高點

隊友暱稱 the Cockroach、台灣網友以 K You All 讚之,不死鳥郭泓志為自己寫下傲人職涯新高點。


Bangkok, Thailand曼谷,泰國據估計,曼谷一年下陷達五公分,若不採取行



Office Chitchat上班族熱問哈拉句「我搞砸了」 vs. 「幹得好」十「她很有型」十 「上下班打卡」十「我累翻了」,一次教給你!

68 TOEIC Test 多益測驗模擬試題

77 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯

互動光碟收錄精采電影預告片及 MV:

“Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole”《貓頭鷹守護神》

“Going the Distance”《真愛零距離》

Charice ─ Pyramid夏芮絲:〈愛的金字塔〉

Taiwan’s ‘Cockroach’ a Marvel of Persistence 不死鳥郭泓志傲人職涯新高點

Taiwan’s Black Country黑鄉――LV 級磚瓦這一行

▏PAGE 60

▏PAGE 38

Part I


成功簡報 成就你的職場競爭力

LIKE a good report, a decent1 presentation

should incorporate well-researched content

and a coherent2 structure. However, there is

one important difference between the two: the

human element. A presentation conveys3 an

individual’s personality and leaves a more

lasting impression than a report. It can get you

noticed and send the message that you are

confident and can handle responsibility.

Setting the stage is vital.4 State the key idea

at the start, letting the target audience know

what your product, service or idea can do for

them. If you intend to discuss several points,

互動版》正常 MP3 - 1 /慢速 MP3 - 31朗讀版》Audio CD - 11

Get Yourself Noticed with an Effective Presentation

Get Yourself Noticed with an Effective Presentation成功簡報 成就你的職場競爭力帶你認識簡報在個人職涯競爭、升遷上的重要性,以


Core Concepts




Photo by Tom Coates

Present Perfect!


3 堂課、8步驟強化你對簡報的理解力


第二課「設計/製作篇」(十月號) 敬請期待

第三課「臨場互動篇」(十一月號) 敬請期待



Present Perfect!

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

1. decent [`disxt] adj. 相當不錯的

After the interview, Phyllis felt she had a decent chance of getting the job.

2. coherent [ko`h6r4nt] adj. 有條理的;合乎邏輯的

Every business needs to develop a coherent strategy to succeed.

3. convey [k4n`ve] v. 表達(思想、情感等)

Carmen often conveyed the impression that she was unfriendly, but she was simply shy.

4. vital [`va6ty] adj. 極其重要的

The computer technicians in our office are a vital part of our team.

5. sparingly [`sp5r6;l6] adv. 謹慎地

Syd spoke sparingly but always had something interesting to say.

6. cluster [`kl9st0] n. 群、組(+ of)

The weather was warm and sunny despite several clusters of clouds in the sky.

7. regulate [`r5gj4%let] v. 調整;控制

My mother has to take medicine to regulate her heartbeat.

8. channel [`t]1ny] v. 將……導向

The coach told the young football player that he needed to channel his aggression to improve.

outline these, then make it clear when you

have finished one and are transitioning to the

next. This technique is

favored by Apple CEO

Steve Jobs. Use graphics

and slides sparingly,5

and don’t overload them

with information. Jobs

usually uses just one idea per slide and avoids

distracting clusters6 of bullet points.

Regulating7 your voice, body language,

and facial expressions is important. Don’t

worry about nervousness: The best speakers

channel8 nerves into energy. Remember, if you

are enthusiastic about your topic, your audience

will be too. In sum, a good presentation is more

than just text and images. It’s a potential step

up the career ladder, so make sure you take full


90秒開場的 90 秒決定了簡報的成敗。盡可能在這




中文翻譯請見 p. 77

Photo by mylerdude

Photo by mac_filko


Part II

Core Concepts 核心概念特訓篇

簡報製作 8 步驟


Step 1



Step 2



Step 3



Part I 第一課「核心概念篇」

Part III

Step 4



Step 5



Step 6



Step 7



Step 8





Present Perfect!


Part I

Part II


Step 1. Decide your subject 決定你的主題

Step 2. Why am I making this presentation? 為什麼我要做這份簡報?

1-1 Do thorough research 充分進行研究

1-2 Know your audience 了解你的聽眾

2-1 Provide information 提供資訊

2-2 Inspire Action 激發行動

3-1 Need-to-know vs. Nice-to-know 「務必知道的」和「知道了也不錯的」

3-2 Flow structure 流程結構

Step 3. Data processing 資料處理

Design & Production 設計/製作篇


長度 1 分 18 秒

手機掃一掃,收看 動 英文

長度 1 分 21 秒

手機掃一掃,收看 動 英文

互動版》正常 MP3 - 2 / 慢速 MP3 - 32朗讀版》Audio CD - 2 2

互動版》正常 MP3 - 3 / 慢速 MP3 - 33朗讀版》Audio CD - 3 3

A Alex H Henry

A : Hello, Henry. How’s next week’s presentation coming along?

H : Hi, Alex. Actually, not too great. I’m not sure how to get started. Any advice?

A : Well, there are three core1 areas to concentrate2 on: content, design and delivery. For the first part, you need to do your research, organize your points, and then create an outline.

H : OK. Then I guess the design part is deciding about the software and graphics I use.

A : Exactly. Delivery is also key. Many people clam up3 when speaking in public, so visualization4 can help.

H : You mean I should imagine myself delivering the presentation?

H Henry A Alex

H : So how do I start researching my content?

A : Make a list of the information you need, where you’re going to get it, and how long it will take.

A : Not just any presentation, but the perfect presentation! Good delivery also helps ensure5 your audience gets your point, and that it effects the change you’re aiming for.

H : Anything else?

A : Well, you know about three P’s, right?

H : No, what are they?

A : First is “purpose.” What is your subject and why will it benefit the target group? Next is “people.” How much do the listeners know and what information do they need? Finally, “place” is important. Identify the room and equipment you’ll be using.



Understanding the Elements簡報基本要素

特訓重點● 簡報的 what 與 why● 簡報 3 核心要素:content、design、delivery● 簡報 3P:purpose、people、place

The Nuts and Bolts†

整理與規劃簡報資料特訓重點● 資料取得的 what、where、time● 區別資料是 need-to-know 或 nice-to-know● 簡報 outline 注意事項

Scene 1

Scene 2




Present Perfect!

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

1. core [kor] n. 核心(文中作修飾語)

The real estate agent’s core focus is on residential properties.

2. concentrate [`k3nsx%tret] v. 全神貫注(+ on)

With her housemates always partying, Cressida was unable to concentrate on her studies.

3. clam up (突然)沉默不語

Dean is outgoing among friends but clams up around people he doesn’t know well.

4. visualization [%v6.84la6`ze]4n] n. 想像;形象化

The design team presented its visualization for the new magazine cover to the editor.

5. ensure [6n`]8r] v. 確保;擔保

Alley was confident that her performance would ensure her promotion.

6. crucial [`kru]4l] adj. 關鍵性的

Rain forests are crucial to protecting the environment.

7. informed [6n`f7rmd] adj. 有見識的;消息靈通的

My coworker always keeps me informed about the latest stock market developments.

8. one-size-fits-all [w9n sa6z f6ts 7l] adj. 一體適用的

The European Union is often criticized for having one-size-fits-all policies.

† nuts and bolts 指「具體細節;基本要素」。

† 補充說明

seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 Usub 作字首字首 sub 有「次於;在……以下;低於」等意,常見應用如下:

sub +

culture 文化 = subculture n. 次文化

prime 主要的 = subprime adj. 次級的

zero 零度的 = subzero adj. 零下的

total 總計 = subtotal n. 小計

• Subprime lending was a major factor in the recent global fi nancial crisis.次級借貸是近期全球金融風暴的一項主因。

H : So if I need figures, for example, I’d contact sales.

A : Yep. And for info on how our product benefits the client, you’d go to marketing. Also, put your content into “need-to-know” and “nice-to-know” categories.

H : The first category is the crucial6 details, I suppose; the kind of stuff I should include on slides. What are the “nice-to-know”?

A : Those are just handy facts and figures that will make you seem more informed7 and help you deal with questions from your audience.

H : How will I know exactly what they “need-to-know”?

A : That can be tricky, as it can change depending on the audience. You should avoid one-size-fits-all8 solutions. Tailor your presentation to your target group.

H : All right. Any tips for drafting the outline?

A : Decide on your style and organize the content into three to five main points. Any more and you may lose your listeners’ attention. The details can be subpoints.

H : Thanks for all of your advice! You’ve been a great help.

A : Not a problem.

中文翻譯請見 p. 77


行家看的音樂劇──貓咖啡香四溢 agnès b.概念店進駐台灣

French fashion brand agnès b. opens its second flagship store in Asia this month. Stationed in Taipei’s Breeze Center, the store will be named agnès b. The Flying Heart. As well as the latest styles, customers will be able to enjoy coffee, French sandwiches, and delicious chocolate at the store. (照片翻攝自網路)

觀光旅遊「鮮」指標 2010 年五大宜居城市Ranking排名



2009 Ranking二○○九年排名

2008 Ranking二○○八年排名

1 Munich慕尼黑

connectivity, culture center, and abundance of green space連結便利性、文化中心與大量的綠色空間

4 2

2 Copenhagen哥本哈根

remains as charming — and as green — as ever魅力十足與綠意常在

2 1

3 Zürich蘇黎世

increasingly favored by smaller companies越來越受小公司歡迎的經商環境

1 4

4 Tokyo東京

adding new trees and green space增加樹木和綠色空間

3 3

5 Helsinki赫爾辛基

ranking may rise by adding bicycle lanes and enticing residents out of their cars增加自行車道並鼓勵居民不以車代步,名次就有可能升高

5 5

Source: Monocle 雜誌

Industry Focus 產業百態


Pepsi has reignited its r ivalr y with Coke with its latest commercial, aiming to promote Pepsi’s Max brand as a contender to Coke Zero. The ad is a remake of a 1995 Super Bowl commerc ia l , which saw a Coke delivery driver conver ted to Pepsi by his Pepsi counterpar t. Analysts think the commercial will benefit both sides.圖片提供:PepsiCo、Coca Cola




乾電池搖一搖 電量即刻滿載

The next time the TV remote is on the blink, you may be able to solve the problem in two shakes. Japanese company Brothers Industries Ltd has created a vibration-powered generator and battery to replace AA and AAA batteries.

Photo by comedy_nose (flickr)

中文翻譯請見 p. 79

吸收新知+超強英語力的加值學習,你可以一次擁有,就在 biz 部落!請至

▲ 搖搖左邊的充電器,右邊的電池即可完成充電

天仁 維他露 泰山

年底前展店目標 50家 1家 5-10家

今年集團營收目標 (新台幣)

18.5億元 70億元(包含瓶裝茶營收)



天仁、維他露、泰山飲料商 爭相開設茶飲店

Beverage companies like TenRen, Vitalon and Taisun apportion a large amount of their annual operating income to tea beverages, and with tea shops springing up everywhere, they are taking advantage. TenRen boasts 90 TenRen Tea Stores, dozens of Cha for Tea outlets, and plans to open 15-18 more TOGO Bars. Vitalon’s OH CHA focuses on the high-end tea market, while, buoyed by its success in China, Taisun has 5-10 stores opening this year, with franchise stores to follow.

• reignite [%ri6g`na6t] v. 再點燃

• contender [k4n`t5nd0] n. 競爭者

• apportion [4`p7r]4n] v. 分配

• buoy [b76] v. 鼓舞

• on the blink (機器等)失靈、出毛病

• in two shakes 馬上

Source: 業界與法人


Fun Idioms with Tea 「茶」俚語

• just one’s cup of tea 某人喜歡的類別

Thanks for inviting me, but opera isn’t really my cup of tea. 謝謝你邀請我,可是我真的不怎麼喜歡歌劇。

• not for all the tea in China 不管怎麼樣也不

I would not accept the deal for all the tea in China. 無論怎樣我都不接受這項協議。

• pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步 Did you hear Paul call me a liar? Talk about the pot calling

the kettle black. 你有聽到保羅說我是騙子嗎?他也沒好到哪去吧!

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線


According to stat ist ics

quoted by the Economist,

there were 12 million SOHOs

(small offices, home offices)

in the U.S at the end of last

year. It is expected that by

2015, this number will have

increased to 14 million, with

a corresponding1 r ise in

related business opportunities

predicted. For example, more

than 200 companies have

already been founded in the

U.S. and in Canada to provide

shared working spaces to

SOHOs so tha t they can

separate their work from family


A survey directed at the

brainpower of nine-to-fivers

shows that 50 percent of them

think they have attention deficit2

problems. More surprisingly,

the survey also shows that the

SOHO 族越來越多

上班族腦力「老化 20 歲」

Points of Interest 上班族大小事

average brain age for a 32-year-

old nine-to-fiver is actually 52,

indicating serious impairment3

of cognitive4 abilities, according

to physicians. Nutrition experts

suggest that high-protein foods

like chicken broth concentrate

and boiled eggs help to enhance

memory and improve mental


互動版》正常 MP3 - 15 /慢速 MP3 - 45朗讀版》Audio CD - 15







A Glimpse at Japan’s Economic Status:Economic Indicator : ●●●●●

Economic Growth Projection : 0.1%Stock Market Performance at Time of Press : -10.79%

Consumer Price Index Growth Rate : -1.2%

Q1 Consumption Expenditure Growth Rate : 0.7%

Unemployment Rate : 5.1%

Points of Interest

1. corresponding [%k7r4`sp3nd6;] adj. 相應的;一致的

2. defi cit [`d5f4s6t] n. 不足

3. impairment [6m`p5rm4nt] n. 損害

4. cognitive [`k3gn4t6v] adj. 認知的

5. coordinate [ko`7rdx%et] v. 協調

6. cheekily [`t]ikl6] adv. 放肆地

7. confi ne [k4n`fa6n] v. 侷限於

中文翻譯請見 p. 80

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

全職揪團主購 月薪比上班多

供不應求的三大新興領域Points of Interest 上班族大小事

Disce rn ing consumer s

are increasingly choosing to

join forces and shop online

to take advantage of the big

savings brought by Internet

purchases. Full-time shoppers,

who derive their incomes from

fees to coordinate5 online bulk

purchasing initiatives, can make

more than NT$30,000 a month,

according to local media reports.

A student from National

Taiwan College of Physical

Education has won a competition

to find the most impressive

résumé among college students.

The competition was launched

by Taichung Changhua Nantou

Region Employment Services

Center, and the résumé was

submitted for a potential opening

as a TV anchor. The winner

cheekily6 stamped the word

“hired” on the last page of the

résumé, a move that caught the

attention of the judges.

The fields of digital content,

green energy, and social work

are the three main sectors where

supply falls short of demand,

according to Common Wealth

magazine. Because the first two

sectors require cross-sector

expertise, students should not

confine7 their studies to one

specific area, experts explain.

互動版》正常 MP3 - 16 /慢速 MP3 - 46朗讀版》Audio CD - 16

蓋上「錄取」 創意酷履歷奪冠

A report released by Yomiuri

Shinbun in early July says the monthly

allowance of an average Japanese

office employee has decreased by

¥5,000 from last year. Japanese

citizens, it seems, are becoming

thriftier than ever in the wake of the

economic downturn.


• join forces 通力合作

• take advantage of 利用

• catch the attention of 吸引⋯⋯的注意

• fall short of 未達到

• in the wake of 緊跟在⋯⋯之後

hrase Focus / 片語威力通


Taiwan’s ‘Cockroach’ a

Marvel1 of Persistence2

不死鳥郭泓志 傲人職涯新高點

• The Cockroach(道奇隊友對他的暱稱)

• Kuotastic [gwo`t1st6k] 棒極了!(外國媒體讚美郭表現出色,由 Kuo 加 fantastic 組合而成)

• K You All(K 光你們,為台灣球迷對郭的暱稱)

• 郭泓志的各項台灣第一:



郭泓志Kuo Hong-chih

王建民Wang Chien-ming

胡金龍Hu Chin-lung

倪福德Ni Fu-te

• 年齡:28 歲

• 守備位置:投手(pitcher)

• 所屬球隊:洛杉磯道奇隊

(Los Angeles Dodgers)

• 年齡:30 歲

• 守備位置:投手

• 所屬球隊:華盛頓國民隊

(Washington Nationals)

• 年齡:26歲

• 守備位置:二壘手 (second b a s e m a n)、三壘手( t h i r d baseman)、游擊手(shortstop)

• 所屬球隊:洛杉磯道奇隊

• 年齡:27 歲

• 守備位置:投手

• 所屬球隊:底特律老虎隊

(Detroit Tigers)3 A

時間 特殊紀錄

二○○五年 第一位於大聯盟登板的台灣左投

二○○六年 第一位於大聯盟先發的台灣左投

二○○七年 第一位於大聯盟敲出全壘打的台灣選手

二○○八年 第一位於聯盟冠軍戰出賽的台灣選手

二○○九年 第一位於聯盟冠軍戰奪下勝投的台灣選手

二○一○年 第一位入選大聯盟明星賽的台灣選手


(照片翻攝自網路)(照片翻攝自網路)Photo by Keith Allison

表格資料更新至 2010/8/1

• 今年年薪:95萬美元

• 投打:左投左打

• 最快球速:159公里



Taiwan’s ‘Cockroach’ a Marvel of Persistence

1. marvel [`m3rvy] n. 令人驚奇的人事物

The biologists found several new marvels of nature in the rain forest.

2. persistence [p0`s6st4ns] n. 堅持

The reporter was known for his persistence when interviewing people.

3. undergo [%9nd0`go] v. 經歷

Bridie underwent several tests to find out the cause of her illness.

4. setback [`s5t%b1k] n. 挫折;阻礙

A series of legal setbacks prevented the book from being published.

5. utmost [`9t%most] adj. 極度的

Marty always showed the utmost respect for his elders.

互動版》正常 MP3 - 24 /慢速 MP3 - 54朗讀版》Audio CD - 24 29

h pinnacle [`p6n4ky] n. 頂點

h beset [b6`s5t] v. 困擾

h adversity [1d`v-s4t6] n. 逆境

h rehabilitation [%rih4%b6l4`te]4n] n. 復健;康復

h draft [dr1ft] v. 選拔

h epitomize [6`p6t4%ma6z] v. 成為⋯⋯的典範


IN a career of painful ups and

downs, 2010 has turned out

to be a highlight for baseball

player Kuo Hong-chih. In July,

Kuo became the first-ever

Taiwanese-born player to

appear in Ma jo r League

Baseball’s All-Star game. Kuo

played for the National League

t e a m , w h i c h b e a t t h e

American League 3-1.

His appearance in the All-

Star game is the pinnacleh of a

career beseth by adversity.h Kuo

has faced so many physical

challenges that he has spent

more time in rehabilitationh

than actually pitching. Draftedh

by the Los Angeles Dodgers in

1999, Kuo underwent3 elbow

surgeries in 2000 and 2003,

before making his debut with the

Dodgers in 2005. Even today, he

requires hours of treatment and

exercise to prepare for a game.

Kuo has had four elbow

operations. Yet, despite these

setbacks,4 he has managed to

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earn praise in a very competitive

sport. In 2008, fans voted him

the Setup Man of the Year.

Dodgers’ trainer Stan Conte has

the utmost5 admiration for Kuo.

“We call him, affectionately,

‘ the cockroach,’ because

you just can’t kill him,” Conte

told reporters, adding, “he

epitomizesh the ultimate player.”

Indeed, Kuo’s persistence

has earned him an enormous

amount of respect from his

teammates and fans alike.





中文翻譯請見 p. 81



中文翻譯請見 p. 78


Wouldn’t it be nice to escape the rush hour traffic by literally flying away? Terrafugia is one company

making this a reality with a flying car called the Transition. The vehicle, which flies at 185 kph and drives at 105 kph, has been hailed as the best of a new generation of

flying cars.


The publishing industry has become the latest victim of the digital era as Amazon has announced it is now selling considerably more e-books than hardbacks. For every 100 hardbacks purchased, 143 e-books were downloaded for the Kindle reader during the second quarter, Amazon revealed.

使用者破五億 Facebook 躍升「世界第三大國」

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has hailed the “moving and interesting ways” the site is being used as the number of users for the service grew to 500 million. The stats show one in 14 people has signed up and Zuckerberg called it “an important milestone.”

• hail [hel] v. 讚揚⋯⋯為

• considerably [k4n`s6d4r4bl6] adv. 相當多地




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