biz互動英語雜誌 no.83


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Contents No. 83 11 月號 ★ 課文朗讀 MP3 可於網路下載,請至 LiveABC 官方網站:「雜誌 MP3 下載區」上班族


Quotations from Warren Buffett 編輯精選巴菲特大師的智慧語錄 巴菲特不僅被譽為「股神」,其處世的人生哲





Making Effective Cold Calls電話開發客戶會話術1. 電話開發客戶速效字彙、句型與常用句。2. 情境模擬對話應用:電訪潛在客戶 & 安排會面時間。


Six Ways to Manage Your Boss6 大心法管理上司 成就職場青雲路


Zappos: The Perfect Fit拆解 Zappos 跌破專家眼鏡的成功術一個曾讓投資人避之唯恐不及的計畫,十多年

後,謝家華卻讓 Zappos 的年營收超過十億美元,且在去年底被亞馬遜以十二億美元收購。

帶您來拆解謝家華稱為 WOW 的客服經營術。

圖片提供:Zappos、Kaikai Kiki Gallery

26biz 嚴選 聚焦194國

Industry Focus 產業百態全球網路精品銷售激增 + 印度媒體巨擘有意收

購米高梅影業 + 棉價創十五年新高 + 速食三



How Smart Are You?上班族變聰明在全球競爭力報告中拔得頭籌是哪一國? + 就

企業經營面而言,SOP 代表什麼? + 連續十



Zappos: The Perfect Fit拆解 Zappos 跌破專家眼鏡的成功術 ▏PAGE 20

Page 3: biz互動英語雜誌 No.83


Time for Tea 英倫下午茶巡禮本期的「社交/生活」,將帶您了解英式下午茶




Office Chitchat 上班族熱問哈拉句說英語不要硬梆梆,本篇道地的美式、英式口語



Franz Josef Glacier, South Island, New Zealand法蘭茲約瑟夫冰河,紐西蘭南島



42 廣告部企劃

Get to ITI and Make Big Strides toward Success外貿協會培訓中心助你邁向成功

68 TOEIC Test 多益測驗模擬試題

77 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯

互動光碟收錄精采電影預告片及 MV:“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I ”《哈利波特:死神的聖物 I》

“The Social Network”《社群網戰》

31biz 英語本月財經辭彙

Exchange Rate 匯率

33360 行‧設計這一行

Japan’s Warhol 村上隆 × 藝術 vs. 商業 村上隆在跨界與時尚品牌路易‧威登設計櫻桃包




38職場風雲起 Points of Interest上班族大小事白領兼職熱 + 基本工資微調 + 中國保鑣業前

景看好 + 機器人搶導遊飯碗⋯⋯

40biz 嚴選 聚焦 194 國

Trend Focus 趨勢哇哇哇二O一五年上太空旅遊 + T 恤用噴的 可重複穿脫、洗滌 + 不吃草、會吸地的電子羊 ⋯⋯


Present Perfect! 商用英簡報力訓練營 Part Three3 堂課、8 步驟強化你對簡報的理解力第一課「核心概念篇」(九月號) 第二課「設計/製作篇」(十月號)



Letters of Appreciation 商務感謝信速效寫作強化技 寫作要點 + 寫作速效句 + 1. 致函感謝顧客惠顧 2. 致函感謝同事協助

Japan’s Warhol村上隆×藝術 vs. 商業 ▏PAGE 33

Linkin Park ─ The Catalyst 聯合公園:〈催化劑〉 圖片提供:華納音樂



本月加入會員 免費送


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中文翻譯請見 p. 80


Space tourism could take off by 2015 with Boeing winning an US$18 million

contract for initial development of a 7-man capsule.1 The capsules would take a four-man space-station crew to the International

Space Station, leaving room for three tourists. No price has been set for the trips,

but similar flights on the Russian Soyuz capsule cost US$40 million.


People with no time for housecleaning will be happy to learn about the four-legged friend who can help out. Billed as a sheep-like device, the Instinct Vacuum Cleaner consults4 3-D models of its environment before setting about its work. The ovine5 assistant can get into difficult-to-reach areas and always chooses the most efficient route to get there.

T 恤用噴的 可重複穿脫、洗滌

A Spanish fashion designer has taken the expression second skin to its logical conclusion by creating spray-on clothing. Manel Torres teamed up with scientists at Imperial2 College London to invent a spray that turns into fabric3 upon contact with the body. The scientists involved hope the spray might be used in the future for other things like spray-on bandages.

互動版》正常 MP3 - 14 /慢速 MP3 - 42朗讀版》Audio CD - 14 18Trend Focus 趨勢哇哇哇

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

強化英語競爭力,來自英國的 James Baron 主播時間不可錯過,快上 biz 部落收看!



1. capsule [`k1psy] n. 太空艙

2. imperial [6m`p6r64l] adj. 帝國的

3. fabric [`f1br6k] n. 布料;織物

4. consult [k4n`s9lt] v. 查閱

5. ovine [`ova6n] adj. 似羊的


聚焦 194國嚴選biz

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村上隆 藝術 vs.商業有日本「現代藝術新希望」美譽的村上隆在跨界與時尚品牌路易‧威登合製動畫、設




圖片提供:Kaikai Kiki Gallery

Painting by Numbers 從數字看村上隆300,000,000 Sales for Murakami bags generated more than US$300 million for Louis Vuitton in 2003.


Murakami’s sculpture “My Lonesome Cowboy” sold for US$15.2 million at a Sotheby’s auction.村上的雕塑作品《我的寂寞牛仔》在一場蘇富比拍賣會上以 1,520 萬美元售出。

In 2008, Murakami made Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People” list, the only visual artist included.二○○八年,村上隆名列《時代》雜誌「百大最有影響力人物」,乃唯一入選的視覺藝術家。




33Oval Buddha ©2007-2010 Takashi Murakami / Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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Portrait of Takashi MurakamiArtwork ©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co.,Ltd.All Rights Reserved.Photo: Kenji YagiCourtesy Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris & Miami

PA S S I N G o f f 1 c o m m e r c i a l ,

everyday images as high-art is

nothing new. Andy Warhol was doing

it with cans of soup in the 1960s, and

Roy Lichtenstein† with comic book

panels even earlier. Warhol would

doubtless recognize a follower of his

p op a r t m ove me n t i n Ta ka s h i

Murakami, albeith with a distinctly

Japanese slant.h

Born in Tokyo in 1962, Murakami received

his Ph.D in traditional Japanese painting from

the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts

and Music. He soon lost interest in traditional

techniques and developed Superflat,† a style

that incorporates manga, anime and other

elements of otaku,† Japan’s geek2 culture. His

aim was to blur3 the line between pop culture

and art, a line that he says is less distinct in


Motifs4 such as eyeballs and mushrooms

recur5 in Murakami’s work, and one character

PA S S I N G o f f

everyday images as high-art is

nothing new. Andy Warhol was doing

it with cans of soup in the 1960s, and

Roy Lichtenstein

panels even earlier. Warhol would

doubtless recognize a follower of his

p op a r t m ove me n t i n Ta ka s h i

Murakami, albeit

Japanese slant.h

互動版》正常 MP3 - 10 /慢速 MP3 - 38朗讀版》Audio CD - 1012

村上隆 小檔案生日: 1962. 2. 1出生,現年 48歲

現職: 日本藝術家、Kaikai Kiki藝術製作公司負責人

Takashi Murakami, Miss ko2, 1997 Oil, acrylic, fiberglass, and iron, 188H x 89L x 64W cm ©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.



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▲ 色彩鮮豔且笑臉迎人的小花在村上隆的作品中極為常見


小花,好可愛 ©2010 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Right Reserved.

▲ 村上隆為 LV 製作的動畫廣告甚為成功

Japan’s Warhol

1. pass off 把⋯⋯充作The painting was passed off as an original Van Gogh but turned out to be a fake.

2. geek [gik] n. (對科技等領域專精的)狂熱者

Will spent most of his time at home playing computer games and was considered a geek by his classmates.

3. blur [bl-] v. 使模糊

The band’s music blurred the lines between jazz and rock.

4. motif [mo`tif] n. (設計等的)基本圖案

Targets and flags are some of the favorite motifs of the artist Jasper Johns.

5. recur [r6`k-] v. 反覆出現;再發生

Luigi’s nightmare recurred every night for a week.

6. embody [6m`b3d6] v. 具體表現

The politician said that rising drug use among teenagers embodied everything that was wrong with society.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

h albeit [7l`bi6t] conj. 儘管;雖然

h slant [sl1nt] n. 觀點;看法

h incarnation [%6nk3r`ne]4n] n. 化身;體現

h spew [spju] v. 噴出

h bile [ba6l] n. 膽汁


† Roy Lichtenstein為美國普普藝術家先驅之一,作品常取材自漫畫或廣告動畫。

† Superfl at 「超級扁平」為村上隆所提倡的概念,不只點明卡通動畫及漫畫影像的二維平面特質,據稱亦更深入地指向了


† otaku 「御宅族」指對某事物的狂熱者,通常是電腦遊戲、漫畫(manga)、動畫(anime)等。

† 補充說明

appears in many different incarnations.h Mr.

DOB, as the mouse-like creature is known,

embodies6 “kawaii,” the Japanese obsession

with cuteness. He’s not always portrayed

as cute though. Some works have him with

razor-sharp teeth or spewingh toxic bile.h As

well as this violent imagery, Murakami’s work

has combined cuteness with sexuality. “My

Lonesome Cowboy” and “Hiropon” are two of

Murakami’s more controversial works, where the

artist uses strong sexual imagery.

中文翻譯請見 p. 79



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互動版》正常 MP3 - 11 /慢速 MP3 - 39朗讀版》Audio CD - 11 15

Mu r a k a mi i s no t j u s t

an artist. As a curator,h he

pu t s to g e the r s hows to

promote contemporar y 1

Japanese art. He has also

tr ied his hand at fashion

with a range of handbags for

Louis Vuitton. The products

w e r e s n a p p e d u p 2 b y

eager celebs for US$5,000.

Then there’s Murakami’s

production company Kaikai

Kiki. Established as a base

for his many assistants, it has

grown into a collectiveh that

helps upcoming artists market,

distribute3 and sell their work.

T h e b i a n nu a l G E I S A I

f e s t i va l i s a n o t h e r way

Murakami supports emerging

artists. The show is one of

Japan’s few ar t fairs and

prides itself on being open to

artists of all levels. In 2009, a

GEISAI Taipei was launched,

and GEISAI Taipei 2 takes

place at Huashan Creative

Park this month.

Murakami’s work draws

mixed responses. His current

retrospective4 at France’s

Pa lace of Versa i l les has

caused a stink.h More than

11,0 0 0 pe op le s igne d a

petitionh stating the exhibition

degrades5 the UNESCO World

Heritage Site. Comparing him

with artists like Jeff Koons†

Takashi MURAKAMI, Tongari Kun, 2003-2004Fiberglass, steel, and oil, acrylic, and urethane paint, 276 1/4 x 138 inchesCourtesy Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York©2003-2004 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.




• Could you tell me how much concession tickets are for the gallery? 請問這間美術館的優待票是多少錢?

• May I have a map of the exhibition? 可以給我一份展覽地圖嗎?

• When is the next guided tour? 下場導覽是什麼時候?

• Can I rent an audio guide for this exhibition? 請問這個展有語音導覽可租借嗎?



• The artist has used vivid colors and strong symbolism in this work. 這個畫家在這幅作品中運用了鮮豔的色彩和強


• This work was inspired by Greek mythology. 這幅作品的靈感來自希臘神話。

• The plaque says that this sculpture is 250 years old. 解說牌說這個雕刻有二百五十年的歷史了。

▲ 東京表參道上的 LV專賣店以村上隆的 “Multicolor Spring Pallet”系列為主題

▲ 今年九月底至十二月中旬村上隆於法國凡爾賽宮舉行其個展




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Japan’s Warhol

1. contemporary [k4n`t5mp4%r5r6] adj. 當代的

I don’t like much contemporary fiction and prefer to read classic literature.

2. snap up 搶購Copies of the new video game were snapped up as soon as it went on sale.

3. distribute [d6`str6bj8t] v. 散佈;分發

To promote the nightclub, the owner employed people to distribute leaflets all over town.

4. retrospective [%r5tr4`sp5kt6v] n. 回顧展

The museum put on a retrospective of the photographer’s work shortly after he died.

5. degrade [d6`gred] v. 使受屈辱

The hip-hop artist was accused of using language that degraded women.

6. cynical [`s6n6ky] adj. 自利的

The government’s promises of tax cuts were seen as a cynical attempt to draw attention away from its poor performance.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

h curator [`kj8r%et0] n. (博物館、美術館等的)館長

h collective [k4`l5kt6v] n. 集體企業;集團

h stink [st6;k] n. 強烈抱怨

h petition [p4`t6]4n] n. 請願書

h unfazed [%9n`fezd] adj. 不擔憂的;不為所擾的


† Jeff Koons為美國當代藝術家,大膽運用俗豔的圖像或造型進行創作,為身價最高的在世藝術家。

† Damien Hirst 為英國當代藝術家,其作品常以動物雕塑為主。

† 補充說明

seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 Ubiannual vs. biennial 「一年兩次」還是「兩年一次」?


biannual [ba6`1nj84l]

• 一年兩次的

biennia [ba6`5ni4l]

• 兩年一次的

• (植物)二年生的

• The university encouraged students to attend the biannual careers fair.這所大學鼓勵學生參加一年兩次的就業博覽會。

• The biennial Taipei Auto Show will be held next month.兩年一次的台北汽車展將於下個月舉辦。

and Damien Hirst,† critics have

accused Murakami of cynical6

branding and market ing.

M u r a k a m i i s u n f a z e d . h

“Japanese people accept

that art and commerce will be

blended,” he says. “In the West,

it certainly is dangerous to

blend the two because people

will throw all sorts of stones. But

that’s okay — I’m ready with my

hard hat.”


• 油畫 = __________________________

• 水墨畫 = _______________________

• 裝置藝術 = _____________________

• 雕刻 = _________________________

• 水彩畫 = _______________________

中文翻譯請見 p. 79

解答請見 p. 79

Takashi Murakami, The Emperor's New Clothes, 2005, Fiberglass, resin, oil paint, lacquer, acrylic plates, fabric, iron89H x 110L x 104W cm©Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


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█ 全名:Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. 米高梅影業 █ 成立時間:1924 年█ 身價(value):據估約 24 億美元█ 目前負債(debt):約 40 億美元


• acquire [4`kwa6r] v. 收購(acquisition [%1kw4`z6]4n] 為名詞 )

• bid [b6d] n., v. 出價:投標

• merger [`m-d.0] n. 合併

• take over 接管、收購(takeover 為名詞 )


中文翻譯請見 p. 79

Industry Focus 產業百態

美 CIA 與 Google 聯手「記錄未來」

Google and the CIA have invested in a start-up that claims to help clients predict the future. Recorded Future bills3 itself as the world’s first temporal analytics engine. The company deciphers4 patterns by monitoring what it calls the “invisible links” between people, organizations and incidents on the Web.


A decade after the collapse of online fashion retailer, sites like and are thriving. According to consultants Bain & Co., online luxury sales worldwide were worth 3.6 billion euros last year. The upsurge1 is exemplified2 by Cyber Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving, when U.S. sales have gone through the roof in recent years.



Bollywood is making moves in Hollywood. Indian conglomerate5 Sahara India Pariwar announced a US$2 billion bid to take over the debt of MGM studios. The news came a day after MGM received a n e x t e n s i o n o n interest payments for its US$4 billion-debt. Sahara is just one of several interested parties.




聚焦 194國嚴選biz

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你 | 知 | 道 | 嗎?其他衣物材質英文這樣說

fur [f-] 毛皮leather [`l5\0] 皮革

flax [fl1ks] 亞麻(纖維)

nylon [`na6l3n] 尼龍

wool [w8l] 羊毛

silk [s6lk] 絲

中文翻譯請見 p. 79

強化英語競爭力,來自英國的 James Baron 主播時間不可錯過,快上 biz 部落收看!


McDonald’s is investing at least NT$300 million in its I’m Lovin’ It 2.0 project in Taiwan. Following the focus on services like the Made for You system and McDelivery, the company’s new goal is to transform its restaurants. Employing a “simple is trendy” concept, 100 restaurants will be made over in three years. Burger King has already undergone a similar revamp,6 and KFC is just starting the process.

McDonald’s KFC Burger King


店數346 家 140 家 41 家


店數三年內 100 家





• 現代感的設計

• 轉型為複合式餐廳

• 融入科技與時尚

• 各門市各有風格



Taiwan’s dairy industry is milking8 the fallout from the melamine9 scandal in China, according to statistics compiled by Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture. Exports of dairy products between January and August shot up an astounding 188 percent compared to the same per iod las t year, says the COA. The increase has been tied to public outrage over tainted-milk in China.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線


We’ve all heard about the credit crunch.7 Now analysts are talking about a cotton crunch. Droughts in

China, floods in Pakistan and export restrictions in India have pushed up the prices of cotton to a 15-year high. Casual clothing fans should make their purchases before prices rocket in the new year.

1. upsurge [`9p%s-d.] n. 激增

2. exemplify [6g`z5mpl4%fa6] v. 作為⋯⋯的例子

3. bill [b6l] v. 宣傳(或描述)成⋯⋯

4. decipher [d6`sa6f0] v. 解讀

5. conglomerate [k4n`gl3m4r6t] n. 企業集團

6. revamp [ri`v1mp] n. 改造

7. crunch [kr9nt]] n. 緊縮;短缺

8. milk v. 利用

9. melamine [`m5l4min] n. 三聚氰胺

Photo by Muffet

Photo by kimberlykv


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Zappos: The Perfect Fit

WHEN Nick Swinmurn approached investors with a plan to sell

shoes online in 1998, they wouldn’t touch him with a 10-foot

pole.† More than a decade on, Swinmurn’s brainchild1 Zappos.

com grosses over US$1 billion annually. The naysayersh must be

kicking themselves.2

One man who took Swinmurn seriously was Tony Hsieh, the

current CEO of Zappos. Hsieh, who made his fortune by selling

his start-up LinkExchange to Microsoft at the tender age of 24,

互動版》正常 MP3 - 5 /慢速 MP3 - 33朗讀版》Audio CD - 55

一個曾讓投資人避之唯恐不及的計畫,十多年後,謝家華卻讓 Zappos 的年營收超過十億美元,且在去年底被亞馬遜以 12 億美元收購。帶你來拆解謝家華稱為 WOW 的客服經營術。

█ 創立時間:1998年█ 員工人數:1,500人█ 總部:美國內華達州亨德森市(Henderson)█ 年營收:11.87億美元(2009年)█ 執行長:謝家華(上圖)

█ 產品:鞋子、手提包、眼鏡、配件等

Zappos 經營面小檔案


█ 19歲自哈佛畢業,勇奪全球程式寫作冠軍█ 24歲把公司賣給微軟,賺進人生第一桶金█ 28歲耗盡財產,只為追求一個夢想█ 36歲,身價高達新台幣 256億元,躋身 《財星》雜誌年輕富豪榜 9.91%


拆解 Zappos跌破專家眼鏡的成功術



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was initially skeptical.3 However, Swinmurn

convinced him and they founded,

which became Zappos (from the Spanish word

for shoes — zapatos). The company moved

to Las Vegas in 2004 to avail itself of4 the

city’s call centers. Zappos expanded offering

handbags, eyewear, clothing and watches. The

company’s success did not pass unnoticed and

seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 UKey Words 字 彙 最 前 線

1. brainchild [`bren%t]a6ld] n. (某人的)創作、主意

The charity was the brainchild of several local entrepreneurs.

2. kick oneself (因犯錯或喪失機會等而)懊悔

Vanya kicked himself when he realized he had missed the deadline for the job application.

3. skeptical [`sk5pt6ky] adj. 多疑的

Nathan was skeptical of the salesman’s claims about the product.

4. avail oneself of sth [4`vel] 利用(機會、提議等)

The guests availed themselves of the free champagne at the exhibition opening.

5. acquire [4`kwa6r] v. 收購

IBM recently acquired the data analytics company Netezza.

6. renowned [r6`na8nd] adj. 聞名的

The renowned scientist gave a speech at the university.

approach 的用法a 當動詞指「與⋯⋯接洽;找⋯⋯商談」,如本文第一段的用法。

• John approached the manager with a suggestion at the weekly meeting.約翰在週會議上向經理提出一項建議。當名詞

b 當名詞指「(待人接物或思考問題的)方式」,如本文第三段的用法。

• Experts have called for a new approach to dealing with world poverty.專家公開要求一個處理全球貧困問題的新方法。

中文翻譯請見 p. 78

h naysayer [`ne%se0] n. 唱反調的人

h espouse [6s`pa8z] v. 採納(主義、方針等)2000-2003 年受網際網路泡沫(dot-com bubble)影響,營收成長遲緩

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 (年)







01.6 8.6 32 70





1,014 1,187年營收首度超過十億美元

Photo by ursonate Photo by Robert Scoble

† not touch sb with a 10-foot pole 以「不願用十英尺長的桿


† 補充說明

late last year it was acquired5 by Amazon for

US$1.2 billion in cash and stock.

Zappos is renowned6 for its corporate

culture. The company espousesh what it calls a

WOW approach to customer service. Employees

are encouraged to be open and honest. If, for

example, a product is sold out, they will direct

customers to competitors. During a 4-week

training program, staff are “untrained” in habits

like trying to minimize call times for efficiency.

Incredibly, they are offered US$2,000 to quit at

the end of training. Hsieh stresses that only 1

percent of people accept the offer.

Zappos 營收倒吃甘蔗(百萬美元)


Zappos: The Perfect Fit

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Z a p p o s r e a l l y g o e s

whole hog† to enhance the

customer experience. Hsieh

says he wants to leave people

feeling, “That was the best

customer service I’ve ever

had.” In addition to keeping

i ts cal l centers mannedh

24/7,† Zappos ensures its

warehouse is open all hours.

The company also of fers

free shipping and a year-long

return policy.

From the beginning, Hsieh

dec ided that the way to

make Zappos stand out was

by providing unparalleledh

service. Emphasis is placed

on establishing personal and

emotional connections and

staff are told to do whatever

it takes to make customers

happy. Hsieh has commented1

that the key quality he looks

for in employees is not passion

for footwear but passion for

service. “We’re a service

company that just happens to

sell shoes,” he says. 中文翻譯請見 p. 78

E m p l o y i n g 2 a

loyalty business model,

Z a p p o s f o c u s e s

resources on increasing

customer satisfaction

rather than marketing.

In fact, this approach

has made sustained

advertising campaigns

unnecessa r y, w i th

w o r d - o f - m o u t h

r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s

a tel l ing3 factor in

the company’s rapid

growth. Impressed by the

outstanding service they have

received, customers tell friends

and relatives, and post up

glowing4 references all over

the Internet.

T h o s e m a k i n g t h e

recommendations are also

usually back for seconds.

Z a p p o s e s t i m a t e s t h a t

approximately 75 percent of

its business is from repeat

customers, who have become

hooke d h on the Z appos


▲ Zappos 獨特的 WOW 客服執行模式,鼓勵員工坦率、真誠



Page 15: biz互動英語雜誌 No.83

4 Deliver WOW through service. 透過服務來締造「哇」的購物體驗。

4 Embrace and drive change. 擁抱並追求改變。

4 Create fun and a little weirdness. 創造趣味和一點點的不尋常。

4 Be adventurous, creative and open-minded.


4 Pursue growth and learning. 追求成長與學習。

4 Build open and honest relationships with communication.


4 Build a positive team and family spirit.


4 Do more with less. 用更少的資源做更多的事。

4 Be passionate and determined. 熱情且堅定。

4 Be humble. 不自我膨脹。

Zappos 成功締造十億美元營收的秘訣就在於其團隊的十項核心價值,身為上班族的你,是否


Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

h man [m1n] v. 配置(人員)

h unparalleled [%9n`p1r4%l5ld] adj. 無可比擬的

h hooked [h8kt] adj. 對(某事物)著迷的


1. comment [`k3m5nt] v. 解釋;評論

The magazine article commented on the latest developments in computing.

2. employ [6m`pl76] v. 使用

The corporation employed a risky strategy to maintain its position as the industry leader.

3. telling [`t5l6;] adj. 強而有力的

A lack of planning is a telling factor in the failure of many small businesses.

4. glowing [`glo6;] adj. 熱烈讚揚的

My ex-boss gave me a glowing recommendation for my new position.

† go whole hog 指「徹底做某事;貫徹到底」。

† 24/7 為 24 hours a day, 7 days a week「一天廿四小時,一週七天」的


† 補充說明

Zappos’ Core Values從 Zappos核心價值檢測你的職場力

Photo by toprankonlinemarketing

▲ Zappos 的 1,500 名員工中,超過六成為客服人員


Zappos: The Perfect Fit

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As with most successful

online retailers, Zappos has

utilized1 social media to great

effect. The company’s Web

site contains blogs and vlogs

with employee-generated

contr ibut ions. Hundreds

of employees use Twitter,

providing a steady stream of

information and Hsieh boasts

more than a million followers.

Indeed, with his personalized

tweets,h the CEO has been

praised for understanding

th e PR p o te n t i a l o f t h e

microblogging site better than


Twitter has reinforced2

the Zappos commitment to

transparency. The company’s

aggregationh page provides

an unfiltered feedh of any

mentions of Zappos from

more than 1,000 industry sites

and personal blogs. Most

companies fear relinquishingh

contro l of what appears

互動版》正常 MP3 - 7 /慢速 MP3 - 35朗讀版》Audio CD - 79

on their site but Zappos is

confident the feedback will

be positive. Meanwhile, unlike

many CEOs, Hsieh is happy

to make himself visible and

frequently grants interviews.

Repor te rs a re inv i ted to

tour Zappos HQ and talk to

employees unrestrictedly.

Vendors also benefit from

this open-door approach with

an extraneth that lets them

gauge3 which products are

most profitable. There is even

an annual vendor appreciation


More than anything, it

has been Tony Hsieh’s bold

and innovative tactics4 that

have got Zappos to where

it is today. However, media

reports have pointed to a less

than transparent culture and

inferior5 customer service

at Amazon. Following the

takeover, there are fears that

this may tarnish6 the Zappos

brand. It will be up to Hsieh to

ensure Zappos doesn’t lose its

footing. 中文翻譯請見 p. 78

Photo by magnifynet

Photo by Robert Scoble

▲ 全球網路鞋王謝家華目前身價高達 256 億美元

▲ Zappos 的顧客享有愉悅的 WOW 購物體驗

▲ 執行長謝家華與幹部開會的氣氛輕鬆、愉悅



Page 17: biz互動英語雜誌 No.83

h tweet [twit] n. 微網誌推特(Twitter)上的推文

h aggregation [%1gr6`ge]4n] n. 聚集

h unfi ltered feed [9n`f6lt0d] 未經過濾的網站內容

h relinquish [r6`l6;kw6]] v. 交出;讓與(文中以現在分詞作


h extranet [`5kstr4%n5t] n. (企業)外聯網

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線


隨堂小測驗 請依提示改寫句子或選出最適合的答案。

1. The small details determine the success of a contract.(請改寫成強調句,強調部分為 the small details)


2. Jonathan reported the file missing this afternoon.(請改寫成強調句,強調部分為 Jonathan)


3. The farmer _____ a stream to power the mill.a. reinforced b. utilized

4. He fears that he will _____ his reputation if he disagrees.

a. tarnish b. gauge

1. utilize [`juty%a6z] v. 利用

We need to utilize our resources effectively to make this project a success.

2. reinforce [%ri6n`f7rs] v. 加強;加深

The loss of several major clients reinforced Dolette’s belief that her company was in trouble.

3. gauge [ged.] v. 判斷

The foreman visited the factory after the explosion to gauge how bad the damage was.

4. tactics [`t1kt6ks] n. 策略

Although the football team was not as skilled as its opponents, it won the game by using better tactics.

5. inferior [6n`f6r60] adj. 較差的

Eileen wanted to buy the MP3 player, but her brother told her it was inferior to one he had seen in another store.

6. tarnish [`t3rn6]] v. 損壞(名聲等)

The recall of faulty goods severely tarnished the electronics manufacturer’s reputation.

seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 Uit be . . . that . . . 強調句的用法要強調句子中的某個部分時,可將要強調的部分置於 it be和that中間,句型如下:

It be + 強調部分 + that + 剩下部分

文中要強調 Zappos能有今天的成就都是來自「謝家華大膽與創新的策略」,所以將 Tony Hsieh’s bold and innovative tactics置於 it has been和 that中間。


. . . it has been Tony Hsieh’s bold and innovative tactics that have got Zappos to where it is today.


• It was the change of management that improved the fi rm’s fortunes.扭轉這家公司命運的是管理階層的更替。 (強調管理階層的更替)

• I’d like to take credit, but it was Carlene who made this deal possible.雖然我想邀功,但卡琳才是讓這筆交易得以成功的人。


• It was at the park where I realized that I had lost my wallet.在公園時我才意識到我把錢包弄丟了。 (強調在公園裡)

若強調的部分是人,可將 that 改成 who,為地方副詞

片語時,則可改成 where。



解答請見 p. 78


Zappos: The Perfect Fit

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ASK anybody for a symbol of “Britishness,”

and they’ll likely name the British national

drink, tea. Although tea-drinking had been a

tradition in China for thousands of years, the

British promoted the idea of afternoon tea. What

started as an essential1 part of the day for the

互動版》正常 MP3 - 20 /慢速 MP3 - 48朗讀版》Audio CD - 2025

upper classes soon became a relatively

inexpensive luxury for the rest of society.

Tea was first drunk in England in 1662, when

Catherine of Braganza† brought the practice

with her from Portugal after she married King

Charles II. Thanks to regular trade with China,

the beverage grew in popularity. By 1750, it was

the United Kingdom’s national drink.

Time for Tea忙碌的工作之餘,抽空享用一客精緻的英式下午茶是不是個不錯的點子





社交 生活


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† Catherine of Braganza [br4`g3nz4] 原為葡萄牙公主,在嫁給


† the 7th Duchess of Bedford [`d9t]4s] 本名為 Anna Russell,乃英國維多利亞女王的摯友,開啟英國下午茶的風氣。

† sinking feeling 指「(恐懼、飢餓引起的)頹喪感、虛脫感」。

† 補充說明

h luncheon [`l9nt]4n] n. 午餐;(正式的)午餐會

h tiered [t6rd] adj. 分層的


The custom of

taking tea with light

snacks between the

hours of 3 and 5

p.m. originated in the

early 19th century.

Previously, two meals

a day had been the

norm,2 comprising

breakfast in the morning and dinner at 8 p.m. A

light luncheonh was then introduced, but for some

this wasn’t enough. The 7th Duchess of Bedford†

declared that she couldn’t stomach3 “that sinking

feelingӠ she had to endure between meals. So

she began indulging4 in afternoon tea and cakes

and invited her friends to join her.

Other social hostesses adopted the practice,

and it grew — as did the meal. What had begun

as tea and finger sandwiches expanded to

include scones, pastries and fruitcake, served in

a tieredh stand.

1. essential [6`s5n]4l] adj. 必要的

Soy sauce is an essential ingredient for many Chinese dishes.

2. norm [n7rm] n. 常態(前面常接 the)

A minimum tip of 15 percent is the norm in restaurants in the U.S.

3. stomach [`st9m4k] v. 忍受(常用於否定句或疑問句)

I can’t stomach the way Egbert makes fun of me every time he beats me at table tennis.

4. indulge [6n`d9ld.] v. 讓自己享受一下;放縱(+ in)

Patricia began to put on weight after indulging in rich desserts for many months.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

下午茶邀約社交應用對話 A : I know this wonderful English tea house just around the corner. Do you fancy a cup after work? 我知道附近有家很不錯的英式茶館。下班後去嚐鮮如何?

B : Sure. That sounds like a great idea. 好啊。聽起來是個很棒的點子。

A : How about going for some afternoon tea and cakes this weekend? 週末一起去享用下午茶和蛋糕如何?

B : Oh, I’d love to but I have something on. Let’s make it another time. 喔,我很想去,但我有節目了。改天吧。

A : Have you tried that new café in the neighborhood? It has great tea and sandwiches. 你有去過附近那家新咖啡廳嗎?他們的茶和三明治很棒。

B: No, I haven’t. Why don’t we go there this evening. 沒有耶。今天晚上一起去吧。

中文翻譯請見 p. 81

photo by Kellybeanz

Time for Tea!


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photo by raygunb

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Today, English afternoon tea

is enjoyed in much the same

way as it was 200 years ago.

Perhaps the biggest difference

is in the range of teas available,

after Earl Grey, Assam and

Darjeeling were introduced in

the 19th century. The tradition

was spread by the expanding

British Empire like butter on a 中文翻譯請見 p. 81

scone. Traditional afternoon teas

are still found in former Crown

Colonies.† The Peninsular Hotel

in Hong Kong and Raffles in

Singapore both serve colonial-

style afternoon tea.

In the Un i ted S ta tes ,

the practice is growing in

popularity, fueled largely by

tea’s antioxidant properties

and the desire to counter1

the effects of unhealthy diets.

In England, the beverage is

still in hot demand, but the

sandwiches and pastries no

longer sell like hotcakes. These

days they are seen by many

as an extravagance2 of the

well-to-do,h taking the practice

full circle back to its origins.

Cricketh is one of the few

institutions keeping the tradition

alive. Matches are interrupted

at four o’clock, so players can

retire3 to the pavilionh for a light


The practice of taking

an af te rnoon brewh wi th

sandwiches and scones

may have gone stale4 in its

birthplace, but it’s unlikely to

die out altogether. There are,

after all, few traditions that are

such an affordable luxury —

and what other custom is as

steeped in history?

Afternoon Tea Glossary

scone [skon] 司康餅

Battenberg [`b1tx%b-g]雙色蛋糕

cream puff 奶油泡芙

madeleine [`m1d4%la6n] 瑪德蓮(貝殼狀蛋糕)

photo by moonlightbulb

photo by jefferyw photo by yoshimov

社交 生活



Page 21: biz互動英語雜誌 No.83

h well-to-do [`w5lt4`du] adj. 富裕的(文中以 the + adj. 表名詞)

h cricket [`kr6k6t] n. 板球

h pavilion [p4`v6lj4n] n. (板球場等的)運動員更衣室、休息處

h pick-me-up [`p6kmi%9p] n. 提神的飲食

h brew [bru] n. 一次沖泡的茶


1. counter [`ka8nt0] v. 對抗

The government cut public spending to counter the effects of the recession.

2. extravagance [6k`str1v4g4ns] n. 奢侈品

In many developing countries, a television is an extravagance people cannot afford.

3. retire [r6`ta6r] v. 離開(尤指去僻靜處)

The maid retired to her room after serving the guests at the dinner party.

4. stale [stel] adj. 了無新意的;(長時間做某事而)厭倦的

When things started to go stale at work, Fern decided to move on to a new job.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 Uanti 作字首anti [̀ 1nt6] 作「反抗、對立」解,後面可接另一詞構成複合字,

表示「抗……(的);反……(的)」。文中的 antioxidant「抗氧

化劑(的)」由 anti 和 oxidant [̀ 3ks4d4nt] 「氧化劑」組成。其他


† Crown Colonies「皇家殖民地」指過去由大英帝國直轄的殖


† 補充說明

• sell like hotcakes 暢銷

The DVD of the singer’s concert sold like hotcakes upon its release. 這名歌手的演唱會 DVD一推出就造成熱賣。

• full circle (事情或經歷)兜了一圈回到原處

When Grant returned to manage the firm he had left as a young man, he felt he had come full circle.


• be steeped in sth 富含某特質

The brochure advertised the town as a beautiful location that was steeped in culture.


hrase Focus / 片語威力通

anti +

aging 老化的 = antiaging adj. 抗老的

biotic 生命的 = antibiotic n. 抗生素

social 社會的 = antisocial adj. 反社會的

trust 信任 = antitrust adj. 反托拉斯的

• The doctor gave the patient antibiotics to treat the infection.這名醫生給病人抗生素以治療其感染症狀。

• The video games company fi led an antitrust suit against its competitor.這家電玩公司向其競爭者提出反托拉斯的訴訟。

Assam [4`s3m] 阿薩姆茶

Darjeeling [d3r`d.il6;] 大吉嶺茶

Ceylon [s6`l3n] 錫蘭茶

pastries [`pestr6z] 油酥糕點;烘烤點心

Earl Grey [-l] [gre]伯爵茶

photo by Let Ideas Compete

Time for Tea!


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W : Earl Grey is popular.

M : Oh, I’ve had Earl Grey before. I’d like to

try something else.

W : We have Assam and Ceylon, which

have a maltyh flavor, or you could try

Darjeeling, which is more musky.h

J : Let’s go for the Ceylon.

W : One Ceylon afternoon tea service

coming up! (The waiter leaves and returns with

the tray.)

M : This is amazing. I love the cute tea cozy.h

We remove that before pouring, right?

W : Indeed, madam. Just replace it

afterwards. Ladies, enjoy your tea!

Jessie and Monica are taking afternoon tea at a British-style tea room.潔西和莫妮卡在一間英式茶館享用著下午茶。

Tea for Two下午茶時光英語不打結

長度 1 分 32 秒

手機掃一掃,收看 動 英文

互動光碟收錄真人影片 應用英會話

h clotted cream [`kl3t6d] 凝結奶油

h cucumber [`kjuk4mb0] n. 黃瓜

h horseradish [`h7rs%r1d6]] n. 辣根

h cheddar [`t]5d0] n. 切達乾酪

h pickle [`p6ky] n. 醃菜

h malty [`m7lt6] adj. 麥芽的

h musky [`m9sk6] adj. 有麝香氣味的

h tea cozy [`koz6] 茶壺保溫罩


W Waiter J Jessie M Monica

W : Good afternoon, ladies. How may I help


J : Well, to be honest, this is our first time

here. Can you tell us how it works?

W : Certainly, madam. Just select your

tea and we’ll take care of the rest.

The afternoon tea service includes a

three-tiered tray with bite-sized finger

sandwiches, scones with clotted creamh

and jam, and various tea cakes and


M : Mmmm, sounds delicious! What kind of

sandwiches do you have?

W : Cucumberh and cream cheese, roast

beef and horseradish,h and cheddarh

with pickles.h The cakes are Battenbergs,

madeleines, and cream puffs.

J : What tea would you recommend for first


中文翻譯請見 p. 81


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