bicycle mechanics and repair decal mechanical engineering 98/198 spraang 14 lecture 11

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Touring Long-distance travel by bicycle


Bicycle Mechanics and Repair Decal Mechanical Engineering 98/198 spraang 14 Lecture 11 Logistics Last Chance to Make Up Missed Classes Shop hours/ attendance Essay Touring Long-distance travel by bicycle Whats Required You, determination and training Your bike Tent, cooking equipment, clothes and food Planning, planning, planning! Some Routes TransAmerica TrailLouis and Clark Trail Pacific Coast TrailAtlantic Trail The Touring Bike Touring Resources Bike Restoration Completely Disassemble Remove from the frame Fork Drivetrain Wheels Brakes Seatpost Stem/Handlebars Cover with tape All threads Bottom Bracet Headset Tape Sand down frame to remove rust and even out the surface. Wipe clean 1.Suspend the frame in dust free space 2.Use primer if possible 3.Paint many light coats instead of few heavy coats 4.Paint hard to reach areas first 5.Use clear coat after paint has had at least a day to dry 6.Allow clear coat to dry for at least a day (it will take two weeks to completely dry Buying a bike Part Two How to choose a bike on Craigslist and ebay: How does it fit? Do your research! Why is the buyer selling? Bring a friend. General Tips Find out the model/year What is the quality of the components? Estimate the general age Check the frame, components, and wheels Test ride! Be patient Additional resources: Places a Frame May Break Walmart bikes Carbon fiber lugged into aluminum Dented Car name Swiss bikes Right size Nos Bike Fit A novel by Daniel Rietz

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