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BIA-Report 3/96 Workshop "Microorganisms" (Mikroorganismen)

A Arbetslivsinstitutet

HVBG Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften

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Christoph Deininger

HVBG, Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit - BIA, Sankt Augustin

Göran Blomquist

Arbetslivsinstitutet, Umea, Schweden

Ute Warkalla HVBG, Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit - BIA

Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften (HVBG) Alte Heerstraße I II, 53754 Sankt Augustin Tel., 0 22 41 I 2 31 - 0 I Fax, 0 22 41 I 2 31 - 3 33

- April 1996 -

HVBG, Abteilung Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

kj-druck, ßonn

3-68383-405-X 0173-0387


Fragen zu Gefährdungen durch Mikro­organismen om Arbeitsplatz wurden in den letzten Jahren, nicht zuletzt wegen des lnkrafttretens der EU-Richt­linie 90/679/EWG "Schutz der Arbeit­nehmer gegen Gefährdung durch bio­lagisehe Arbeitsstalle bei der Arbeit" in zunehmendem Maße von den nationa­len Arbeitsschutzinstitutionen bearbeitet. Im Rahmen der notwendigen Umsetzung dieser Richtlinie in nationales Recht sind die Mitgliedsstaaten angehalten, ad­äquate Vorschriftenregelungen zu er­lassen.

ln diesem Zusammenhang veranstaltete das Berufsgenossenschaftliche Institut für Arbeitssicherheit - BIA im März 1995 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem schwedi­schen Arbetslivsinstitutet einen internatio­nalen Workshop zum Thema "Mikro­organismen", dessen Beiträge nunmehr

der hier vorliegende BIA-Report zusam­menfaßt. Ziel des Workshops mit Exper­ten aus acht europäischen Ländern war es, neben den grundsätzlich möglichen Risiken durch Exposition gegenüber bio­logischen Agenzien bei der Arbeit auch den Stand der Technik bei der Probe­nahme und Analyse von Bakterien und Pilzen zu erörtern. Ein wichtiger Punkt

war es zudem, die Arbeit der neuen und inzwischen konstituierten europäischen

Normungsgruppe WG 5 "Messung bio­logischer Arbeitsstolle" im CEN/TC 137 zu diskutieren. Nicht zuletzt wurde durch die Teilnehmer des Workshops die Eimeichung eines europäischen Pro­jektvorschlages bei der EU beschlossen, der die Entwicklung - z.T. neuer­standardisierter Meßmethoden für Mikro­organismen und Endotoxin am Arbeits­platz auf europäischer Ebene voranbrin­gen soll.


Problems concernlng hazards from microorganisms in the workplace have been dealt with to an increasing extent in recent years by the national Institu­tions concerning protection at werk, not least due to the EU directive 90/679/ EEC "Protection of Workers from Risks Related to Exposure to Biological Agents at Werk", which has recently come into force. The Member States are required to establish suitable regulations within the framework of the required implemen­tation of this Directive into their own national law to provide workers with protection against hazards to their health and safety arising from the handl­ing of biological agents in the course of their work.

ln this context the Berufsgenossenschaft­liches Institute for Occupotional Sofety, the BIA, held an international workshop in March 1995 on the topic of "Micro·

organisms" in coniunction with the Arbetslivsinstitutet, whose proceedings have now been summarised in this BIA report. The goal of the Workshop, which was attended by experts from eight countries, was to discuss the state of the art in sampling and analysing bacteria and fungi, in addition to the risks that are likely to be encountered through exposure to biological agents at work. A further major point was to discuss the work of the new Europeon standards group WG5 "Measurement of Biolo­gical Agents" in CEN/TC 137 that has now been constituted. And, not least, it was decided by the participants in the workshop to submit o proposal for a Europeon project to the EU aimed at promoting the development at Euro­peon Ievei of standardised measuring methods, some of them new, for micro­organisms and endotoxins in the work place.


Des problemes relatifs aux dangers 8ma­nant des micro-organismes au poste de trava\1 ont ete de plus en plus trait8s par \es institutions nationales de protection du travail, en particulier 0 cause de I' entree en vigueur de Ia directive 90/679/CEE «Protection des salaries contre les dangers dus a des substances de trovail biologiques pendant leur acti­vite professionnelle» de Ia CE. Dans le cadre de l'int8gration n8cessaire de cette directive dans le droit national, \es Etats membres sont tenus de promulguer des reglements odequots, ofin de prole­ger les solariSs contre les dangers qu'ils courent en matiere de sante et de secu­rite lors de Ia monipulotion d' agents bio­logiques o leur poste de trovoil.

Dans ce contexte, l'institut des Berufs­genossenschaften de Ia SEkurite du trovail (BIA) o orgonise en mors 1995 - en coop8ration avec l'institut suedois Arbetslivsinstitutet - un atelier internatio­nal qui avait pour theme «Les micro­organismes)), dont les contributions

sont maintenont r8unies dans le pr8sent ropport du BIA. L'objectif de l'atelier, qui a rossemble des experts de 8 poys europ8ens, 8tait d'8voquer non seule­ment les risques fondamentalement courus suite 0 I' exposition 0 des agents biologiques au poste de travail, mais egalement l'etat de Ia technique en motiere de prelevements d' echantillons et d'anolyses des bacteries et des champignons. La discussion sur le tra­vail du nouveau groupe de normali­sation europeen WG 5 «Mesure des substances de travail biologiques)), entre-temps constitue, au sein du CEN!TEC 137 etoit egalement un point important. Les participants a l'atelier ont en particulier decide de deposer oupres de Ia CE une propo­sition de projet europ8en, qui a pour objet de faire progresser le develop­pement o l'echelle europeenne de methodes de mesure standardisees - en partie nouvelles - des micro­organismes et des endotoxines aux postes de travail.


Los problemas respecto a los riesgos existentes en el puesto de trabajo a causa de microorganismos fueron en los Ultimos afios, tambien como consecuen­cia de Ia puesta en vigor de Ia directiva de Ia UE 90/679/CEE «protecci6n de los trabajadores de los riesgos emergentes de los materiales biol6gicos en el ejerci­cio del trabajo», un temo tratado con creciente interes por parte de las institu­ciones nacionales para Ia protecci6n la­boral. En el marco de Ia transposici6n de esta directiva o las legislaciones na­cionales, los Estados-miembro deben decretar reglamentaciones adeevadas para proteger a los trabajadores de perjuicios para Ia salud y Ia seguridod relacionados con Ia manipulaci6n de agentes biol6gicos en el puesto de trabajo.

En el marco de esta tem6tica, el lnstituto de las Berufsgenossenschaften para Ia Seguridad laboral (BIA), en colabora­ci6n con el instituto sueco Arbetslivs­institutet organiz6 en Marzo de 1995

un drculo internacional de trabajo sobre el tema «microorganismos», cuyas apor­taciones est6n resumidas en el presente informe BIA. EI objetivo del grupo de trabajo compuesto por expertos de 8 pa(ses europeos era el intercombio de experiencias en torno a todos los ries­gos posibles emergentes de Ia exposi­ci6n por porte de los trabajadores a los ogentes biol6gicos, asf como tambiEm en lo concerniente al estado de la tecni­ca para Ia toma de muestras y para el an6lisis de bacterias y hongos. Otro aspecto importante era tambien Ia di­scusi6n en torno ol trabajo de los nueve grupos europeos constitufdos de norma­lrzad6n WG 5 «medici6n de las sustan­cias biol6gicas» en el CEN/TC 137. los participantes del drculo de trabajo re­solvieren adem6s presentar a Ia UE una propuesta de proyecto tendiente a lo­grar un avance a nivel europeo en el desarrollo de los metodos est6ndares - en parte nuevos - de medici6n de microorganismos y endotoxina en los puestos de trabajo.



I nlroduction I I

Different Environments Carrying the Risk of Disease Caused by Exposure to Fungoi Spores - Swedish Experiences 17 Göron Blomquist, National Institute of Occupationai Health, Umea, Sweden

Microorganisms and their Products in Occupational Environments 29 John Lacey, IACR - Rothamsted, Harpenden, United Kingdom

Evaluation of Methods for Quantitative Assessment of Microorganisms in Highly Cantominated Werking Environments 43 Wijnand Eduard, National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo, Norway

Methods for Analysis of Microbial Sampies from the Work Environment 55 B. Crook, Microbiology Section; Biomedical Seiences Group, Health and Safety Laboratory, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Microbiological Sampling in Finland 67 Marjut Kotimaa, Kuopio Regional Institute of Occupational Health, Kuopio, Finland

Measurement of Microorganisms in the Werk Environment in Fronce 75 J.F. Fabries, Institut National de Recherche et de Securite (INRS), Vandceuvre, France


Measurements of Microorganisms in the Werk Environment in Denmark Birgitte Herbert Nielsen, Department ofT oxicology and Biology, National Institute of Occupational Health, Copenhagen, Denmark

Sampling of Biooerosols in lndoor Environments in Finland Aino Nevalainen, National Public Health Institute, Division of Environmental Heolth, Kuopio, Finland

The Development of Standardization Procedures for the Assessment of Bioaerosols in the Workplace W.D. Griffiths, and I.W. Stewart, AEA Technology, Harwell, United Kingdom

Harmonised Methods for Measuring Bioaerosols ot the Workploce in Germany Christoph Deininger, Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institute for Occupational Safety, Sankt Augustin, Germany








Einleitung 14

Erkrankungsrisiko durch Pilzsporen an verschiedenen Arbeitsplätzen Schwedische Erfahrungen 18 Göran Blomquist, Nationales Institut für Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz, Umea, Schweden

Mikroorganismen und ihre Produkte in der Arbeitsumgebung 30 John Lacey, IACR - Rothamsted, Harpenden, Großbritannien

Bewertung der Verfahren zur quantitativen Erfassung von Mikroorganismen an hochkontaminierten Arbeitsplätzen 44 Wijnand Eduard, Nationales Institut für Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz, Oslo, Norwegen

Verfahren zur Analyse von am Arbeitsplatz entnommenen, mikrobiellen Proben 56 B. Crook, Abteilung für Mikrobiologie, Arbeitsgruppe Biomedizin, Labor für Gesundheit und Sicherheit, Sheffield, Großbritannien

Mikrobiologische Probenohme in Finnland 68 Marjut Kotimaa, Regionalinstitut für Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz, Kuopio, Finnland

Messung von Mikroorganismen am Arbeitsplatz in Frankreich 76 J.F. Fabries, Nationales Institut für Forschung und Sicherheit (INRS), Vandceuvre, Frankreich



Messung von Mikroorganismen am Arbeitsplatz in Dänemark 82 Birgitte Herber! Nielsen, Abteilung für Toxikologie und Biologie, Nationales Institut für Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz, Kopenhagen, Dänemark

Probenohme von Bioaerosolen in Innenräumen am Beispiel Finnlands Aino Nevalainen, Nationales Öffentliches Institut für Gesundheit, Abteilung Umweltgesundheit, Kuopio, Finnland

Die Entwicklung standardisierter Verfahren zur Erfassung von Bioaerosolen am Arbeitsplatz W.D. Griffiths und I.W. Stewart, AEA Technologie, Harwell, Großbritannien

Standardisierte Verfahren zur Messung von Bioaerosolen

am Arbeitsplatz in Deutschland Christoph Deininger, Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheil - BIA, Sankt Augustin, Deutschland





ln addition to physical, mechanical and chemical influences at the work­place, workers can also be exposed to biological agents. This exposure to microorganisms (bacterio, moulds/ yeasts, viruses) and their constituents, as weil as to human endoparasites and cell cultures, can occur in the most varied of working environments.

ln addition to those areas in which there has been an early awareness of the potential risks from biological agents facing workers, particularly with regard to possible infection, and where the health and safety authorities have dealt with the problern at an early stage (e.g. in the medical professions, laboratories, abattoirs, tropical diseoses during periods spent abroad), this subject is becoming increasingly important in other areas of werk that also come to involve the unintentionol handling of biological agents. These include 11 classic" ex­amples such as agriculture, the timber industry, the metal processing industry (cool"1ng lubr"1cants), wholesale storage, sewage installations and areas in which circulating water systems are used in the working processes. However, the growing significance of the subject of "biologica\ agents" is also, not least, a result of the fact that over recent years, as new waste monagement and disposal strotegies have been pursued, a number of new areas has emerged

such as bio-composting, and the sorting and recycling of valuable materials.

ln EU directive 90/679/EEC the Euro­peon Commission has addressed the subject of biological agents. The aim of this directive is to protect workers from hazards caused by the materials to which they can be exposed at work, and also to ovoid these risks in the first place. Accordingly, in future, the type, extent and durotion of the workers' ex­posure must be determined for every ac­tivity where exposure to biological agents can occur, so that oll risks to the health and safety of the workers can be assessed and appropriate measures set out. The most importont criterion for assessing the risks is the classification of the biological agents according to the Ievei of risk involved. Also taken into account are the allergising ond toxic properties of microorganisms, since these can have significant effects, espe­cially whenever high concentrations of airborne germs arise in the event of unintentional use. Excessive concentro­tions can cause diseoses that obstruct the respiratory tract, extrinsic-allergic alveolitides ond 11 organic dust toxic syndrome".

This BIA report summarises the contribu­tions of an international "Microorgon­isms" workshop held by the BIA in March 1995. The aim of the workshop,



attended by I I scientists from 8 Euro­peon countries, was to discuss the cur­rent Ievei of knowledge, the occurrence and the measurement of microorganisms in the air at the workplace. ln addition to the fundamental danger posed by microorganisms, particular emphasis was also laid during the discussions on techniques for sampling and analysing bacteria and fungi. The problems that can arise in this area were also discussed.

This discussion, bringing tagether experts at a Europeon Ievei, was held following the suggestion from the BIA that, against the background of EU directive 90/679/ EEC, there should be some form of Europeon agreement and Europeon har­monisation with regard to meosuring biological agents. T o help achieve this, the BIA has been able to draw on the experience obtained at a national Ievei from the working group "Measuring Methods, Measuring Strategy'' (now Project Group 4 "Workplace Assess­ment" as part of the 11 ßiological Agents" committee under the ouspices of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs). This working group is chaired by the BIA and its task is to standardise methods of measuring microorganisms at the workplace, os

weil as to determine appropriate measuring strategy and parameters for different oreas of work. ln a wider con-


text, CEN!TC 137 "Assessment of Ex­posure at the Workplace" resolved to set up a WG5 "Measurement of Bio­logical Agents". An important aspect of the workshop was therefore to discuss the possible practical procedures in the Europeon standardisation committee and to acquire members for this committee in the form of interested Europeon experts. ln August 1995, the standardisation group started its work at the constituent meeting in Stockholm. lts aim is also to provide Europe with a uniform measur­ing procedure for assessing the micro­biological contamination of workplaces.

ln addition, the workshop participants resolved to initiate a Europeon project in the 4'' EU framework programme for Research and T echnological Develop­ment (RTD) within the field of Standards, Measurement and Testing (SMT), III "Measurements related to the Needs of Society''. ln addition to the development of new and/or improved detection methods for microorganisms at the workplace, the aim of the draft project "Bioaerosols - Development of Stan­dardised Measurements of Methods for Microorganisms and Endotoxin - lnter­Laboratory Comparison", submitted to the EU in November 1995, was also to harmonise the established standardised measuring procedures by way of carry­ing out Europeon inter-laboratory tests with standard contaminated filter samp-

les. The project, designed in 3 phases, is also intended to provide particular specialist support for the work of the Europeon standards committee CEN/ TC 137WG5.

The contributions from the 11 Micro­organisms" workshop, jointly organised and implemented by NIOH, Sweden ond BIA, Germony will be pr"tnted in

English. This is to ensure the Europe­wide distribution and acceptance of the present BIA report, the necessity of which can be seen from the current situation and the Europeon dimension of the subject of "biological agents". The numerous enquiries already made from other Europeon countries, outside the EU, are evidence of the interest in this report.


Different Environments Carrying the Risk of

Disease Caused by Exposure to Fungoi Spores

Swedish Experiences

Göran Blomquist, National Institute of Occupational Health,

Umea, Sweden


Airborne biological particles in the work environment which may cause allergic symptoms and other diseases ore oc­tinomycetes, algae, animol dander, bacteria, fungal propagules, mites and their faeces, pellen, spores, viruses and yeasts. T o study these diseases measurements that accurately describe the bioaerosol are necessary. Sampling of biological particles differs from other types of sampl·mg in that the partdes of biological origin are often viable, and that the sampling method should not af­fect the viability of the particle. The choice of method for sampling and analysis depends on many factors, such as environment, agent, Ievei of airborne microorganisms and analysis. When sampling microorganisms, the sampling time is a factor of crucial importance because the bioaerosol varies with time depending on different factors. This is also discussed in the article.

The different sampling methods thot have been used ore slit somplers, coscode impoctors (Andersen sompler) and filters. The disadvantage of the slit sampler is that they yield no infarmation on the size distribution of the bioaerosol, this is obtained by using the Anderson sampler. The methods used for analysis of the samples are discussed in the paper.

Measurements of different microorgan­isms have been performed in a variety of work environments in Sweden, such os wood-trimming deportments in sowmills; farms; pigsties; wood chip handling; citrus fruit handling; peat bogs; pototo storage; greenhouses; of­fices; museum ond waste sorting. These results are discussed in the paper. The highest Ieveis of airborne microorgon­isms are usuolly found in the form en­vironment, where Ieveis of airborne microorganisms higher thon 1 0 8/m3 have been registered.


Different Environments Carrying the Risk of Disease Caused by Exposure to Fungoi Spores

Swedish Experiences

Göran Blamquist, National Institute of Occupational Health,

Umea, Sweden


Airborne biological portides in the work environment that may cause allergic symptoms and other diseoses are pellen, mites and their faeces, animal dander, viruses, fungal propagules, spores, bacteria, yeasts, actinomycetes end algae. The nature of the partide that causes problems for the worker is strongly dependent on the work environ­ment. Thus, it has been shown that air­borne fungal spores and bacteria can cause allergic alveolitis (AA) or Organic Dust T oxic Syndrome (ODTS) in farms and in the wood trimming departments of sawmills, and during handling of wood fuel chips. [I, 2, 3]1n other cases airborne bacteria are mainly responsible for causing the disease, as for example in waste-water cleaning plants [4]. ln addition to the partides, secondary metabolites formed by the microorgan­ism or parts of the cell wall, such as endetaxins and glucans, are often suspected of causing problems for the worker. This complex situation puts greot demands an sampling to identify the actual exposure.

T o study these environments, measure­ments thot accurately describe the bioaerosol are necessary. Sampling of biological portides differs from other types of sampling in that the portides of biologicol origin are often viable, and

that the sampling method should not af­

fect the viability of the partide. The choice of method for sampling and analysis depends on many factors, such as env·1ronment, agent, Ievei of airborne microorganisms and analysis [5]. This poper will mainly discuss meosurements of fungol spores performed in different work environments in Sweden.

Sampling criteria

ln many work environments the process in question creotes o high Ievei of air­borne microorganisms, while in other environments mouldy materiols are handled, possibly causing problems for the worker.

Meosurements of airborne microorgan­isms are of the utmost importonce in in­vestigating o diseose. Another reason for performing measurements is thot the effect of action taken to diminish the concentration of airborne microorgan­isms can be controlled. A third reoson pertains to new processes or techniques thot emit microorganisms or involve an uncontrolled growth of microorganisms.

Before measurements are performed, it is important that underlying reasons should be considered carefully. ln the wood-trimming departments of sawmills or when wood fuel chips are handled,


Different Environments Carrying the Risk of

Disease Caused by Exposure to Fungoi Spores

Swedish Experiences

extrinsic allergic alveolitis or ODTS has been found to be caused by airborne fungal spores. High concentrations of bacteria in sewage-cleaning plonts can also cause health problems and in farms high Ieveis of airborne fungal spores ond bacteria or mites ore known to

cause diseases.

When sampling microorganisms, the choice of sampling time is o foctor of crucial importance. The bioaerosol varies with time depending on several factors. Outdoor airborne microorgan­isms vary, depending on the season. The highest Ieveis are usually registered in lote summer when the fungi sporulate; concentrations up to some 1 0,000 spores per cubic metre may occur. At an indoor workplace, the variation may be quite different. The concentration of airborne fungal spores emitted into the air in a potato storehause reoches its peak during winter. This is caused by the fact that the activities are highest du ring the winter seoson. When growth is suspected in humidifier or ventilation systems, the measurements should be performed when the ventilation system or humidifier is switched on. ln in­vestigating a disease, the times when the highest concentrations may be suspected should be chosen for making observations. Such measurements are called "warst case" measurements. By inspection of the workplace it is often


possible to decide when the warst case usually arises. ln farms the warst case occurs when straw, hay or grain are handled [6]. ln other cases it may be difficult to decide when the warst case occurs, in such cases a series of measurements must be performed during the day to identify the warst case. T able I shows the variation of airborne fungal spores at a heating plant using wood chips as fuel. As the table shows, the concentration varies drastically bet­ween different days.

Toble 1: Variation of oirborne fungol propogules ot a heoting plant using wood fuel chips as fuel. The measurements were performed when the chips were dumped from lorries at the heating plant. Six somples were collected an each occasion.

Date Before dumping CFU/m3

20/ 9 106 - 107

21/ 9 104

27/ 9 103 - 10'

29/ 9 104 - 106

1/10 lOS- 107

13/10 IO'

2/11 1 o3 - IO'

15/11 106 - 107

22/ 2 I 03 - IO'

24/ 2 104 - I 05

T able 2, Concentration of airborne fungal propagules during autumn and winter. The spores were collected on polycarbonate filters and analysed by cultivation (malt extract agar) or by acridine orange staining and microscopy. At least six samples were takenon each occasion.

Plant Autumn Winter CFU Total CFU

A 103 -3·106 9·106 2·104 - 6·105

B 2·106 - 3·106 2·107 6·103 - 8·104

c 8 ·I 05 - 107 9·107 104 -2·105

D 2·107 - 4· 107 4· I 07 - 6·1 07 8·103 104

E 6·106 - I 07 2·107 -5· 107 2· 103 - 2·106

F 2·107 - 3·108 5·10' -3· 108 2· 103 - 104

ßecause of aerosol-creating processes outside the workplace, the concentration might show extreme variation during the day. The choice of sampling method consequently depends on the environ­ment studied and of the fact that the microorganisms are viable. The sampling method chosen should not affect the viability of the microorganisms. On the other hand, when impactors such as slit samp\ers and Andersen samplers are used, it should be borne in mind that they are easily overloaded. [8] There­fore, different sampling techniques are usual/y used when sampling is per­formed in environments with low or high concentrations of airborne microorgan­isms.


A wide range of microorganisms occur in the work environment. The organisms may differ widely in size, as bacteria with a diameter of 0.5- I 0 11m and spores with diameters between l .um and I 00 iJ.m. Sampling of microorgan­isms in such an environment puts large demands on the sampling methods to enable a representative sample describ­ing the microbial flora to be obtained. Sometimes it is important that the sampl­ing method should not affect the viability of the microorganisms, as is the case when qualitative analysis is performed. ln other cases, measurement of only the total number of microorganisms is of


Different Environments Carrying the Risk of

Disease Caused by Exposure to Fungoi Spores

Swedish Experiences

interest, for example, when the risk of allergic alveolitis is investigated. The main principles for sampling microorgan­isms ore based on either impaction or filtration. The impaction may eilher be performed on a gel, tape or a liquid film. The filtration may be performed us­ing gelatine filters, polycarbonate filters or cellulose acetote - cellulose nitrate filters.


The most commonly used techniques for sampling microorganisms on gels by impaction enteil the use of slit samplers or cascade impactors, such as the Andersen sampler. ln 1941 Bauedillion described a slit sampler that could be used for sampling and enumeration of bacteria [9]. Slit samplers have since then been used routinely for sampling airborne bacteria, fungal spores and


The slit samplers are very useful at low Ieveis of airborne microorganisms and have therefore found application in hos­pitals and pharmaceuticol companies. Outdoor registration of pollens is

routinely performed to help people suf­fering from allergy. Lately, much interest has been focused on the problems caus­ed by microorgonisms in the indoor en­vironment. Slit samplers and cascade


impactors have been used in severa! studies, as in the office sickness project in northern Sweden [I 0]. ln these en­vironments the spore Ieveis rarely ex­ceed I 0 4 CFU/m3 air. ln the form environment or when wood fuel chips are handled, much higher concentrations of airborne micro-organisms are present. Concentrations between 1 0 7/m 3 and more than I 09/m 3 occur frequently [II]. ln these cases the slit samplers are rapidly overloaded and cannot be used. T o ovoid the problern of overloading, especially when fungal propagules are collected, air sampling can be perform­ed on special collection gels, which, after sampling, are either homogenised or melted in the laboratory, and then stepwise diluted and an aliquot spread on cultivation gels. With this technique slit samplers have been used even at concentrations of 1 08/m 3 and higher [ 12]. A Iimitation of the slit sampler is that lang sampling Iimes cannot be used because of water lass from the gel, which increases the distance between the gel and the slit, affecting the sampl­ing efficiency. Prolongation of the sampl­ing time can be effected by using an agar gel containing glycerol and water, instead of water.

Slit samplers provide no information about the size distribution of the por­tides collected. Accordingly, cascode impactors, such as Andersen samp-

lers [ 13] or a multistage liquid impinger, can be used. One impinger that has found great use in heavily contaminated environments is May's impinger [14]. The Andersen sampler is widely used in indoor as weil as industrial environ­ments.


Cellulose acetote filters, gelatine filters and polycarbonate filters have been us­ed for sampling microorganisms in dif­ferent environments. During the post decade, polycarbonate filters have been used for sampling microorganisms in dif­ferent work environments [15, 16]. They can easily be dispatched to occupa­tional hygienists for sampling and return­ed to the Iabaratory for analysis. Eduard et al showed that the method of trans­portation of the samples did not affect sample analysis [16]. According to the CAMNEA-technique, the microorganisms on the filter are first suspended in peptone-water solution and then analys­ed by cultivation and epifluorescence microscopy [I 7].

Eduard et al showed that the analysis of microorgonisms sompled on Nuclepore filters is dependent on the microscopic method used [16]. He found that, by electron microscopy or light microscopy, up to twice as many microorganisms

were discovered as cornpared with the CAMNEA-technique. Cultivation also gave a lower value since the non-viable microorgonisms are not registered.

The fungal spores in an aerosol consist of single spores and aggregates of two or more spores. The fungal aerosol was created by blowing air over a cultiva­tion plate containing Penicillium com­mune cultivoted for 20 days. The aerosol was collected on polycarbonate filters and analysed eilher by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or by epifluorescence microscopy (EP). The result showed, that when the aerosol was suspended in water or a peptone­water solution, the aggregates in the aerosol break down into single spores or smaller aggregates (table 3, see poge 24). When analysed by SEM, araund 30 o/o of the fungal particles are composed of aggregates of three spores or more, while only araund 20 % are detected with EP.


Measurements of different microorgan­isms have been performed in a variety of work environments in Sweden. ln wood-trimming deportments of sowmills, the Ievei of airborne funga\ spores varied between I 03 - I 05 spores1m3 du r­ing normal work. The wood was arti-


Different Environments Carrying the Risk of

Disease Caused by Exposure to Fungoi Spores

Swedish Experiences

T able 3, Analysis of fungol Spores sampled with polycarbonate filter by SEM and epifluorescence microscopy (EP).

Methad n/m3

SEM 3, I ·I 08

SEM 3.2·108

EP 2.2·108

EP 2.3·1 08

EP 2.3· 108

EP 1.9·108

ficiolly dried and sometimes became mouldy du ring that process. Under such conditions, Ieveis up to 1 0 8/m3 have been registered, using the CAMNEA­technique. The mostfrequent fungal species were Aspergillus fumigatus and Rhizopus rhizopodiformis.

A work area that developed rapidly under the eighties was wood chip handling. The wood chips were used as a substitute for oil at heating plants. Workplaces where AA was reported were found in different regions of Swe­den. The highest Ieveis of airborne microorganisms were usually registered during the autumn season with Ieveis of airborne fungol spores up to l 0 9/m 3


When fresh chips were handled, the Ieveis of oirborne microorganisms usually varied between I 0 4 and 106 Other



36 35 38 36 33 42

o/o of spores in aggregate of

2-3 > 3 spores

33 31 33 32 45 17 41 23 42 25 39 19

types of organic materials that that have found use as fuel for heating include peat and pellets made of bark and chaff. Measurement of stored pellets showed considerable fungal growth when the pellets were stored under humid conditions. At a peat bog the Ieveis of airborne fungol spores were up to 1 05/m 3 outside the tractor cabin. Because of the filter in the air in Iet, the Ieveis were about 1 02 lower inside the cabin. At these Ieveis no cases of ODTS or AA were registered in Sweden.

High Ieveis of airborne fungal Spores were also measured when mouldy books were handled at a museum. The fungal flora was mainly composed of Aspergillus versicolor. The concen­tration of viable spores was I 06 per m3 air while the total number was 108 .

A woman working with the mouldy books suffered from symptoms des­cribed as ODTS. [ 18] These high con­centrations of airborne fungal spores were even found in a fruit-sorting department of a large ware-hause for vegetables and fruits. [ 19] A man

Table 4,

engaged in sorting mouldy citrus fruits was exposed to 7 · 1 08 spores per m3 . The dominafing species was Penicillium italicum. Although sub­jected to this high exposure, the worker did not suffer from ODTS or AA.

Airborne, fungol spores in different work environments


Pig houses Wood chip handling

Citrus fruit handling

Peat bog

Potato storage




Waste sorting

ln other types of storage, such as potato storage, the workers are exposed to high amounts of fungal spores without suffering from any disease. ln Sweden potatoes are stored indoors at a temperature that prevents them from freezing during winter. The highest spare Ievels are registered during the winter months, when the

Numberlm3 AA.

>JOB Yes

>108 Yes

104 - 106 No 108 No?

103 - 105 No 103 -106 No 103 - 105 No

> 103 No ]Q8 Yes

103 - 105 No

potatoes are dry and when the pota­toes that have been damaged in harvesting have started to mould. The Ieveis at that time vary between I 04 CFU/m3 and I 0 6 CFU/m3 Lately, manual waste sorting has been used in Sweden to diminish hausehold waste. So far 1he Ieveis registered have not exceeded I 05/m3 No cases of AA or


Different Environments Carrying the Risk of

Disease Caused by Exposure to Fungoi Spores

Swedish Experiences

ODTS have so far been reported in Sweden.

ln the non-industriol indoor environment, the Ieveis of airborne fungal spores are much lower. A questionnaire was sent out to about 6,000 workers in about 160 buildings in northern Sweden. Fif­teen workplaces with a high prevalence of Siek Building Syndrome and 15 work­places with a low prevalence were chosen from the replies to the question­naire. The result showed that the Ieveis of colony-forming units per m3 varied between I 0 and 300 per m3

. The registered values did not differ from out­door measurements performed at the same time.


The choice of sampling method to be used is dependent on the environment studied. Thus, in the indoor environment, where very low concentrations of air­borne spores and bacteria are usually suspected, a sampler that collects the microorganisms an a gel or in a liquid is preferred. Sampling with the use of filters demands lang sampling times, which may affect the viability of bacteria in particular. ln the industrial environment, where high concentra­tions of airborne microorganisms are suspected, usually I 0 - I 06 Iimes higher,


sampling of microorganisms with the use of filters as collection media has been applied. The onalytical method used depends on the problem studied. Deter­mination of the total number of microorganisms is recommended when a disease is suspected, while cultivation must be undertaken when species analysis is performed.


[I J Rylonder, R., Lung diseases coused by organic dusts in the form environ­ment. Am. J. lndust. Med. I 0, 1986, 221 - 227

[2] Ko/modin-Hedmon, 8., 8/omquist, G., and Lölgren, F., Chipped wood os o source of mould exposure. Europ. J. of Respir. Dis. suppl. No. 154, Val. 71, 1987, 44- 51

[3] Be/in, l., Clinical and immunological data on wood trimmer's disease in Sweden. J. Respir. Dis. (Suppl.) I 07, I 980, I 69 - I 7 5

[4] Outkiewicz, J., Joblonski, l., ond 0/enchock, S.A., Am. J. lnd. Med 14, 1988, 605

[5] 8/omquisl, G., Sampling of Biological Particles. Analyst vol. 119, 1994, 53- 56

[6]lundgren, R., Bierrner, L., Rosen­hall, L., and Blomquist, G., Work with mouldy straw causes often allergic

alveolitis among farmers. ln, Swedish, läkartidningen 85A2, 1988, 3495- 3463

[7] Bovallius, A., Bucht, B., Roffey, R., and Aniis, P.: Three year investigotion of the natural airborne bacterial flora of four localities in Sweden. Appl. En­vironm. Microbiol., May 1978, 847- 852

[8] Blomquist, G., Palmgren, U., and Ström, G., lmproved techniques for sompling airborne fungal portides in highly contaminated enviromnents.

Scand. J. Work Environ. Health I 0, 1984, 253- 258

[9] Bourdillion, R.B., lidwe/1, O.M., and Thomas, J.C., A slit-sompler for collec­ting and counting airborne bacteria. J. Hyg. 41, 1941, 97 - 224

[10] Blomquist, G., and Andersson, B., ln, Proceedings of the workshop on health. lmplications of fungi, in Baarn nov. 1992, Editor Samsan R.

[I I] Malmberg, P., Rask Andersen, A., Polmgren, U., Höglund, S., Kolmodin­Hedmon, B., Stalenhielm G., Exposure to microorganisms, febrile and airvvay­obstructive symptoms, immune status

and lung function in Swedish farmers.

Scand J. Work Environ. Health II, 1985, 287 - 293

[I 2] Blomquist, G., Strom, G., and Strömqvist, L.H., Sampling of high con­centrations of airborne fungi. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health 10, 1984, 109- 113

[13] Andersen, A.A., New sompler for collection, sizing ond enumeration of

viable airborne partie/es. J. Bacteriol. 76, 1958, 471 - 484

[14] May, K.R., Multistage liquid imp­inger. Bact. rev. 30,3, 1966, 559- 570

[ 15] Blomquist, G., Palmgren, U., and Ström, G., Methodological aspects of measurement of exposure to mould.

Europ. J. of Repir. Dis. Suppl. No. 154, vol. 71, 1987,29-36

[16] Wiinand, E., Lacey, J., Karisson, K., Palmgren, U., Strom, G., and 8/om­quist, G., Evaluation of Methods for Enumerating Microorganisms in Filter Sampies from Highly Cantaminoted oc­cupational Environments. Am. lnd. Hyg. Assoc. J. 51 ,8, 1990, 427- 436

[I 7] Palmgren, U., Strom, G., Blomquist, G., and Malmberg, P., Collection of air­borne Microorganisms on Nudeopore filters, Estimation and Analysis -CAMNEA method. J. Appl. Bact. 61, 1986, 401 - 406


Different Environments Carrying the Risk of

Disease Caused by Exposure to Fungoi Spores

Swedish Experiences

[ 18] Kolmodin-Hedmon, B., Blom-quisl, G., ond Sikström, E., Mould ex­posure in museum personnel. lnt. Arch. Occup. Environ. Heallh 57, 1986, 321 - 323


[19] Strom, G., ond Blomquisl, G., Airborne spores from mouldy citrus fruit - A potential occupational hazord. Ann. Occ. Hyg. 30,4, 1986, 455- 460

Microorganisms and their Products

in Occupational Environments

John lacey, IACR - Rothamsted, Harpenden, Un.lted K"mgdom


Microorganisms occur in many work­

places, where they can be released from many different sources into the a·lr.

Depending on their specific properties, the exposure circumstances and the personal disposition of the workers, microorganisms can trigger various ill­nesses. Certain viruses, bacteria and fungi, occurring as pothagenie and/or opportunistic pothagenie species, can cause more or less specific infections.

ln addition, it is possible that through their allergising and toxic properties primarily non-infectious germs can make

the persons exposed ill. ln particular, this pothagenie effect of microorganisms also arises as a result of the quantitative effects of the various components that make up one microorganism. Examples of diseases transmitted in this way are obstructive respiratory tract illnesses and extrinsic allergic alveolitides (e.g. mould fungi, actinomycetes) as weil as "ergo­nie dust toxic syndrome" for which

endotoxins oct os the co-triggering agent. ln addition, fungi, which cantain mycotoxins, can have toxic effects.

Different microorgonisms and their con­stituents and products are described on the basis of their detection, by way of an exomple, ot various workplaces. Descriptions are also provided of the ill­nesses they cause. Viruses, bacteria (Chlamydia, Gram-negative bacteria, legionellae, Gram-positive cocci, bacilli, corynebacteria, mycobacteria, including actinomycetes) and filament fungi (ascomycetes, basidiomycetes) are men­tioned. The occurrence of protozoa (amoebae), insects and mites at the workplace is also dealt with. Discussion of the possible health risks caused by endotoxins, glucanes, enzymes, proteins and other allergenic and toxic consti­tuents of microorganisms, plants and animals forms the concluding section and rounds off the now very wide spec­trum of oll the possible biological Iadars that have a potential effect on the worker.


Microorganisms and their Products

in Occupational Environments

John Lacey, IACR - Rothamsted, Harpenden, United Kingdom


Airborne microorganisms of many dif­ferent types may occur on occupational environments and present hazards to the health of workers. They come from many different sources and their com­position depends on the source material and, often, the way in which this has been stored. Depending on their com­position, the immunological reactivity of the exposed workforce and the cir­cumstances of exposure, they may cause a range of occupational diseases, through infection and also through non­infectious and often immunological mechanisms.

lnfection may be caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi. Viruses and bacteria are often primary pathogens and usually originate from animal sources. Fungi are more often opportunistic pothogens originoting from plant Sources where they grow os saprophytes. lnfection may be aided by immunodeficiency, resulting from underlying diseose or therapeutic treatments, or perhops resulting from mycotoxins in the dust.

Non-infectious occupational diseases, resulting from the ollergenic ond/or im­munotoxic properfies of airborne biological agents, have been recognised in many diHerent situotions. The dassie examples are byssinosis and farmer's

lung, although similar occupotional lung diseases were described by Ramazzini as early as 1713. Endotoxins from Gram-negative bacteria have been im­plicated in byssinosis and airborne spores of thermophilic actinomycetes and, sometimes, fungi in farmer's lung. T ypical concentration ranges for some components of airborne dust on farms and related environments are shown in Table I (see poge 32). Recently, the development of biotechnological pro­cesses, utilising microorgonisms to pro­duce usefvl pharmacevtical prodvcts, enzymes and food substitutes, has created new environments where oc­cupational exposure to microorganisms can occur.

This article will describe the ran_ge of microorganisms implicated in occupa­tionol lung diseases. References are not given but will be found in Lacey and Dutkiewicz ( 1994).

Microorganisms in occupational enviranment


Two groups of viruses, referred to, respectively, as anthropogenic and zoonotic, can be implicated in occupo­tional infections. Anthropogenie viruses are carried in droplet aerosols produced


Microorganisms and their Products

in Occupational Environments

Table I, Concentrations of some microorgonisms and their products in some occupational environments (after Lacey and Dutkiewicz, 1994)

Agent Unit of Cow shed' measurement

Total micro-

organisms cells m- 3 -lQ-6 0.4 ~ 30.5

Viable (v) or total (t) fungi cfLI m-3.1Q-3 1.0- 7.2 ,,,

Viable (v) or total (t) bacteria dc m-3.10-3 43.9 ~ 281 ,,,

Aflatoxin !-lg/m3 N/D

Endotoxin ~g/m 3 0.001 ~ o.oJ? H

Plant (pj/ani-mal (a) ollergen t~glm 3 0.04 ~ 9.5 jo)

from infected people during coughing or sneezing and creote potential hazards for medical staff, dentists, Iabaratory personnel, social care workers ond teochers. They include rubella, Influenza, mumps, herpes simplex and respiratory-syncytial viruses, adenoviruses, reoviruses and cyto­megalovirus. Zoonotic viruses primarily cause disease in animals but can also infect farmers, poultry processing workers and others. They may be dispersed in dust, e.g., from poultny in­fected with Newcastle disease virus, or in droplet oerosols, e.g., from cattle ond pigs infected with foot and mouth disease or vesicular stomatitis viruses.


Harvesting grain Grainstore Sugar beet foctory

0.49~213 20.2 ~ 2860 N/D

3.5~210jtl 2.4 ~ 45 ,,, 0.8 ~ 2.3 (,)

0.08 ~ 37.8 (I) 20.2 ~ 12401,1 82~203(,)

up to 1.6 0.0~0.107 N/0

N/0 up to 54.9 0.003 ~ 0.03

N/D N/0 3.5 (p)

Bacteria and actinomycetes

Some spedes of bacteria cavse infection but the greatest hazard is usually cavs­ed through allergenic and/or immuno­toxic effects. The organisms most fre­quently implicated are Gram-negative bacteria and actinomycetes, often pre­sent in large numbers from plants or animals. Beeterio in work environments include:

Rickettsiae ond chlamydiae

The zoonotic species, Coxie//a burnetii, from sheep's wool end excreta, can

couse Q fever and Chlomydio psitfoci, in dust derived from the excreta of ducks, chickens, turkeys, geese, pigeons, parrots and other birds, can cause ornithosis.

Gram-negative bacteria

Bruceffa suis, the cause of brucellosis in man and swine, can be spread in oerosols through sloughterhouses while tularaemia bacilli (Francisella tularensis) occur in the air of sugar beet factories in Centrd end Eastern Europe, when roots ore washed ond in dust from grain, hay, straw and sugar beets, both as a result of contamination by infected rodents. legionella is probably the most impor­tant infectious non-zoonotic Gram-nega­tive bacterium but potentially infectious Salmonella spp. can occur in aerosols produced from sewage. Other Gram­negative bocteria may cause oppor­tunistic infections in immunocompromised people and/or in some specific en­vironmental conditions, e.g. Acineto­bocter calcoaceticus infection of faundry workers exposed to respirable metallic dust.

A wide range of Gram-negative bocte­ria of plant origin present potential respi­rotory hozards os sources of endotoxin and allergens. The best known is the

epiphytic Enferobacter agglomerans (syn. Pantoea agglomerans, Erwinia herbicola). This species occurs on a range af plants and plant products, especially on cereal grains and cotton bracts, and is characterised by chromo­genic, yellow, facultatively anaerobic, fermentative rods with peritr\chous flagella and it produces a strong endotoxin and is a cause of allergic alveolitis. Other Gram-negative bacteria common in organ·lc dusts include species of Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Alcali-genes ond Acinetobacter. Cytophago aflerginoe, Pseudomonas, including Ps. pseudoolcaligenes and Ps. tesfero­nilalcaligenes, Flavobaclerium and Aeromonas hydrophile may be present in aerosols produced by the holding tanks for cutting oils on metalworking machines, humidifiers end sewage treat­ment plants. Concentrations close to metalworking mochines may reoch I 0 3 to I 08 bacteria m-3 air.

Gram-positive cocci

Staphylococci and, less often, strep­tococci form a large proportion of the bocteria in bioaerosols in animol breeding and processing facilities. However, the role of these cocci in cousing respiratory disorders in exposed workers is still uncertain.


Microorganisms and their Products

in Occupational Environments

Spore-forming bacilli

Bacillus species are often numerous in organic dusts but they have seldom been implicated in respiratory disease. However, aeroso(s of B. subtifis and B. licheniformis were formed during bath­room remodelling, and B. subtilis was implicated in allergic alvealitis.


Like cocci, corynebacteria form a large part of the bioaerosol in animal breeding and processing facilities and they may also occur in /arge numbers in dusts of plant arigin. Arthrabacter spp. and Brevibacterium Jinens have been im­plicated in allergic alveolitis in Polish farmers.


lnfection with tuberde bacilli (Myco­bacterium tuberculosis) is, perhaps, an increasing hazord for clinicians and workers in medical diagnostic labora­tories. Acquisition is usually by aerosols generated at the bench, du ring the manipulation of cultures or specimens or at post-mortem examinations, during the removal of organs or the use of high­speed saws.



Actinomycetes are Gram-positive, filamentaus bocteria. Many species have spores about l mm diameter which easily become airborne and which penetrate deeply into the lung on inhalation. Some actinomycetes, e.g., Nocardia asteroides, can cause infec­tion, especially in immunodeficient pa­tients. Other species are implicated in allergic alveolitis, e.g. Saccharopoly­spora rectivirgula (Synonyms: Faenia rec­

tivirgulo, Micropolyspora faeni), Ther­moactinomyces vulgoris, T. thalpophilus and Saccharomonospora viridis. All these species are characteristic com­ponents of the microflora of hays that have been baled weiter than about 35 % water content and which have

heated to 50 to 65 °C, giving rise to up to l 0 10 spores m- 3 air. Thermoactine­myces sacchari occurs in bales of sugar cane bagasse, is present in fewer samples but is more often abundant and although Thermooctinomyces thalpophi/us is present in most samples, it is never found in such large numbers as T. sac­chari which seems to be the more im­portant cause of bagassosis. Thermo­monospora spp., especially T. fusca, T. curvata and T. chromogena, become abundant during composting for both mushroom production and the disposal of municipal wastes in which tempera­tures of 55 to 60 °C occur. Streplo-

myces spp. are also important in bio­oerasals originating from soil, hay and other plant materials. Streptomyces albus, S. olivaceus and S. thermohygro­scopicus have oll been implicated in the etiology of allergic alveolitis.


Filamentaus fungi

Fungi are ubiquitous in the environment, causing diseases of plants and animals, colonising plant surfaces as saprophytes and decomposing organic matter. Many species produce abundant spores which easily dispersed in the air. Many fungi are weil known as allergens but some species can cause infection and occupa­tional disease. Large numbers of fungal spores are present in the dust from both the cutter bar and the rear of combine harvesters when harvesting; cereal crops can contain up to about 2.0 · 108

spores m-3 air, while drivers can be exposed to about 10 % of this concen­tration. Cladosporium accounts for up to 75 % of the spores, Alternaria for up to 25 % and Verticillium lecanii for up to 10 %. No other spore type accounts for more than about 5 % of the total. Farm workers affected by the dust gave positive skin tests or yielded precipitins in gel diffusion tests to ex­tracts of V. lecanii which has spores

about 3 · I mm. Spores of some patho­gens of wheat, such as rusts (Puccinia graminis) and smuts (Ustilago and Tilletia spp.), which cannot be isolated in culture have caused rhinitis, asthma and coniunctivitis in farmers, millers, granary workers and others.

Fungoi spores are often abundant in stored hay and cereal grains, tagether with actinomycetes if the storage condi­tions are favourable, and many have been implicated in asthma and allergic alveolitis. Same species, particularly Eurotium spp. (Aspergillus glaucus group) and Wallemia sebi, are xerophilic and require media with low water activities for their isolation, such as DG 18. The predominant Aspergillus spp. generally give a good indication of the previous storage conditions and A. fumigatus is offen common in hay baled at about 35 % water content which has heated to 50 oc or above. Eurotium rubrum, a cause of farmer's lung in Finland is most abundant at water activities of about 0.85 Ow.

Other fungi implicated in allergic alveo­litis include Penicillium glabrum (syn. Penicil/ium frequentans) in suberosis; Cryptostroma corticale in maple bark disease; Aspergillus clavatus in malt worker's lung; Rhizopus microsporus vor. rhizopodiformis in respiratory disease of wood trimmers in Norway; Penicillium


Microorganisms and their Products in Occupational Environments

spp. also in wood dust and in cheese washer's disease; Aureobasidium pul/ulons and Graphium spp. in se­quoiosis, although both species are unusual in producing slimy spores that might not be expected to easily be­come airborne; Eurotium sp. from campest implicated in mushroom worker's disease in Japan; and Wo/­lemia sebi, a xerophile from dried fruit and flour in bakeries, from coffee beans, from hay and in indoor en­vironments.

Edible fungi (Basidiomycetes)

Spores of the commonly cultivated Pleurotus ostreotus (oyster mushroom), Lentinus edodes and Pholiota name­

ko are highly allergenic and can cause allergic alveol"1tis and asthma in exposed persons. However, none of these species will sporulate in culture although their spores may be counted by light or scanning elec­tron microscopy on spare trap slides. Symptoms of respiratory allergy have also been described in mushroom growers and processors of dried mushroom soups exposed to spores and mycelium of Agaricus bisporus and other mushroom species (Lenti­nus edodes, Boletus edu/is).



Amoebae of the genera Acanthamoeba ond Noeglerio ore found in a wide ronge of oquatic habitats, including in­dustrial humidification systems. They have been implicoted in infection ond humidHier fever in workers inholing the oerosol from contominated woter but confirmotion is required. These protozoo moy also serve os vectors of Legione/lo bacteria, trapping them within phago­cytic vocuoles ond so proteefing from destruction in chlorinated woter.


Airborne portides of insect origin, e.g., poisonous hairs, body frogments, ex­creto, moy couse asthma, rhinitis, con­junctivitis ond dermatitis. lnsects ore used widely in loborotories for reseorch purposes and allergy to them or to their products has been identified in Iabore­tory workers. Allergy has also been observed in foresters, silk producers, granary workers, workers of food in­dustry and farmers. Gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar), Douglas fir tussock moths (Orgyia pseudotsugata), silk­worms (Bombyx mori), locusts (Locusto migratoria), cockrooches (Periplaneta, Blatte/la), grain weevils (Sitophilus

granarius), mealworms (T enebrio), larvae of Chironomus, and cochineal insects (Coccus cactus) are among the strengest sensitizers. Seekeepers and people pro­cessing honey may become allergic to honeybee-body dust and hive particles. The strengest hause fly allergens were found in settled dust containing faecal material while locust allergens were most potent in the peritrophic mem­brane. Allergens to both insects were detected in air samples.


Hause dust mites (Dermatophagoides spp.) areweil recognised as potent allergens but much less attention has been paid to the role of storage mites in occupational allergy. Large populations of these mites can develop in stored hay and grain, often when these are too dry for fungal colonisation. However, there are also close interactions between mite populations and fungi. Mite respiration can release water and cause heating, making conditions more suitable for fungal invasion while some storoge mites are mycophagous and can feed and complete their life cycles only an fungi. The most numerous species found in hay, grain, flour and sometimes in houses include Acarus siro, A. farris, Lepidoglyphus destructor, Glycyphagus

domesticus, Tyrophagus putrescentiae, T arsonemus sp., Tydeus interruptus and Cheyletus eruditus. ßy analogy with hause dust mite allergy, sensitivity is probably associated with Inhalation of the faecal pellets.

Microbial products in occupational environments

Endetoxins and glucons


Endetoxins are highmolecularweight, heatstable lipopolysaccharides (LPS), consisting of a characteristic Iipid com­ponent, Iipid A, covalently bound to a heteropolysaccharide. They occur in the outer membrane of the cell walls of Gramnegative bacteria as hetero­polymers with profeins and phospho­lipids, and can easily be released in large quantities into ergonie dusts in the form of discoid portides (micro­vesicles) 30 lo 50 nm in diameter with a characteristic tripletracked membrane. The quantities of endetaxins in different ergonie dusts and in their source materials (groin, cotton, herbs), as determined using o specffic assay, the Limulus amoebocyte \ysate test ranged from I 0 2 to 106 ng g- 1

• Concentrations of airborne endotoxin reported from dif-


Microorganisms and their Products

in Occupational Environments

ferent types of farms and industrial set­tings in different countries ranged from l 0 1 ta I 0 5 ng m-3 Mast determinations

exceeded a suggested th reshold Ievei af 200 ng m-3 10.2119 m-3). The greatest concentrations, 103 to 105 ng m-3, were faund when grain and other vegetable materials were being handled.


Glucans are camponents of the cell walls of fungi and may also be secreted by Iew bacteria, e.g. A/ca/igenes fae­calis. Glucans from fungi consist of a chain d glucopyranose rings, united primarily by I I ~ 3)-ß-D-polyglucoside linkages. I I ~3)-ß-D-glucans can stimu­late the reticuloendothelial system and cause a variety of biological effects, primarily through an activation of macrophages. They cause a delayed effect appearing 3 to 7 days alter ex­posure and can also cause cell sen­sitization.

Recently, Rylander et al. have sug­gested that I I ~3)-ß-D-glucans, released from the cell walls of fungi or bacteria into airborne ergonie dusts, may cause ehrenie symptoms on inhalation, in­

cluding ehrenie byssinosis or sick hause syndrome lbuilding-related disease). Concentrations of glucans in the air of cotton cardrooms were within the range


of 280 to 4330 ng m-3 Although con­centrations in the air of sick office buildings were much smaller 10.06 to 0.55 ng m-3), there was still a signifi­cant correlation betvveen concentrations of I I ~ 3)-ß-D-glucan and the occurrence of respiratory symptoms in exposed workers. This could indicate a possible role for I I ~ 3)-ß-D-glucans in the etio­logy of chronic work-related diseases caused by the inhalation of the airborne ergonie dusts.


Mycotoxins are low-molecular-weight toxic secondary metabolites of fungi produced during their growth an grow­ing and stored crops and foods. Among the most important are aflatoxins pro­duced by Aspergillus flovus and A. pora­siticus, ochratoxin A produced by Peni­cil/ium verrucosum and Aspergillus alufa­ceus (A. ochroceus) and the trichothe­cenes and fumonisins produced by Fusarium spp. Mycotoxins characteristic of the species have been reported in the spores of Fusarium graminearum, F. spo­rotrichioides, F. moniliforme, Stachybotrys otro lsyn. Stachybotrys chartorum), Peni­cillium expansum, P. brevicompactum, Aspergillus versico/or and A. flovus!pora­siticus. Spores of A. f/avus and A. paro­silicus, which are often airborne when

affected crops are handled, may contain up to 84 to 200 119 aflatoxin g- 1

• There is circumstantial evidence, from their presence in settled dust deposits, that other mycotoxins can occur in air. For instance, secalenie acid D may occur in dust deposits in maize elevators and macrocyclic trichothecenes, including satratoxin H, in aerosolised spores of Stachybotrys afra isoloted from mouldy buildings. However, so far mycotoxins have been found in occupational cero­sals in only small quantities olthough heavy exposures to the spores of toxi­genic species may sometimes occur.

There is streng evidence that aflatoxins and some other mycotoxins, e.g., secalenie acid D, moy be airborne in /arge concentrations in some work en­vironments, as when processing peanuts and maize, and may be sufficient to cause toxic or carcinogenic effects.

Volotile metabolites produced by fungi couse musty odours in mouldy buildings and may cause o range of symptoms on inhalation. The predominant vol­otile produced by a ronge of fungi is 1-octen-3-ol but ethyl acetote, ethanol, butonol and other short-choin alcohols ond aldehydes con also be produced. The eorthy odour alten reported is due to 2-octen-1-ol and geosmin, the Iet­ter a product also of some actino­mycetes.

Enzymes and cell products

Enzymes are essential for the meta­bolism and growth of microorganisms and can be detected in their spores. lt is therefore not surprising that antibodies against enzymes from the spores of 5. rectivirgula have been demonstrated in farmer' s lung patients. However, many enzymes are now produced in­dustrially from microorganisms tagether with antibiolies and other microbial pro­ducts, some from genetically engineered species, and aerosols may form as a consequence of leaks in fermentation systems or when contoinment systems fail. Proteolytic enzymes of Bacillus sub­tilis (subtilisins) can be released into the air of factories during the production of "biological" washing pawders and couse pulmonary disorders in exposed workers. Göthe et al. (1972) found a meon concentrations in two detergent factories, respectively, of 17.5 ng subtilisins m-3 air (activity equivalent to 0.7 glycine units [GU] m-3) and 130.0 ng m-3 (5.4 GU m-3). The greater concentration exceeded the Ihreshold Ievei of 24 ng m-3 ( 1.0 GU m-3). There is little other data on amounts in the air but sensitisation has been reported an a number of occa­sions. Pharmaceutical and Iaboretory workers may also be exposed to aerosols of powdered enzymes of mam­mals such as pepsin ond trypsin.


Microorganisms and their Products

in Occupational Environments

Allergenie and toxic substances of plant origin

Apart from their content of microorgan­isms, airborne dusfs from crushed or pulverized plant materials may contain plant materials that may be allergenic.

These may include pollens, especially of grasses and, in some countries, rag­weed (Ambrosia spp.); dusts from tea, coffee, vanilla, soybean, castor beon, rice, herbs, buckwheat; the tuberaus root of devil 's tongue (Amorphophollus koniac cultivated in Japan, the source of "Moiko" dust); powdered plant tissues used as drugs, e.g., psyllium, ipeca­cuanha; plant proteases (papain from Carica papaya, bromelain from Ananas comosus) ond, perhaps, tannins. Plant allergens may also cause allergic alveo­litis, as in stipatosis caused by low molecular weight allergens in esparto gross (Stipo lenocissimaJ in Spoin. Wood dust, particularly from deciduous trees, such os oak and beech, appears to be linked to the occurrence of adenocar­cinoma of the nasal sinuses and, per­hops, also to lung cancer and Hodgkin's disease. The incidence of the adeno­carcfnoma is ab out l 000 tim es greater in woodworkers than in other people. Other wood dusts, chiefly exotic Woods and from western red cedar (Thuio plicota), may also couse der­matitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and asthma. T. pJicata cantoins plicatic acid, o !ow


molecular weight allergen. Pine resin cantoins colophony (rosin), a solid substance used as a flux in solder or as an additive to glues, which can cause occupational asthma in electronics workers exposed to soldering fumes.

Protein aerosols

Proteins are essential components of oll cells and may form aerosols whenever cells are broken. Thus, proteins from cereal grains occur in airborne flour dust during milling ond baking, from sugor beet in the slicing area of sugar fac­tories and from scampi in sea food pro­cessing plants. Scampi ore shelled using water jets which create fine aerosols containing up to 8.5 ,ug Scampi antigen m-3 air, as determined by large volume elecirostatic sampling and radioallergo­sorbent test (RAST) inhibition ossoy. Other allergies have been recorded to proteins from marine animals. For in­stance, hypersensitive lung disease may be coused in exposed workers by oller­genic portides from prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) ond snow crob (Chionoe­cetes opilio) during the production of sea food. Proteins of vertebrate animals can also give rise to asthma and allergic alveolitis, e.g., from fish meal and frogs; from epithelium, feathers and droppings of poultry; from egg allergen in egg-


processing plants; and from oerosols containing epithelium, hair, urine, faeces, milk and saliva ol cattle and other form animals.


Many different types of microorganisms can be found in the air of occupational environments presenting hazards of in­fection, mucous membrane irritation, im­mediate allergy and allergic alveolitis, toxic alveolitis ond, perhaps, carcino­genicity. Some types are hazardous in low concentrations while others require much more intense exposure to produce

symptoms. Some bioaerosols are com­posed of viable microorganisms, others ol non-viable particles. Consequently, different hazards require different sampl­ing strategies and different assay methods if representative samp\es are to be obtained, microorganisms are to be quantilied and their clinical signili­cance established.


Lacey, J., and Outkiewicz, J., Bioaero­sols and occupational lung disease. Journal ol Aerosol Science 25, 1994, 1371- 1404


Evaluation of Methods for Quantitative Assessment of Microorganisms in Highly Cantominated Warking Environments

Wijnand Eduard, National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo, Norway


Exposure to microorganisms can be measured by different methods. T radi­tionally, mainly viable methods have been used that detect microorganisms which are able to grow in culture, but also a non-viable method based on light microscopy. More recently, non­viable methods have been developed that are based on counting of micro­organisms by microscopic techniques or detection of microbial markers by chemical, bio-chemical and immuno­chemical methods. These methods may asess different microbial agents. At present, it is not clear which agents should be assessed, but viable methods are probably not satisfactory because

exposure to non-viable microbial agents may cause similar effects as exposure to viable agents. Relations between different methods must therefore be taken into account when resu\ts obtain­ed by different methods are compa­red.

ln this presentation, viable and non­viable microscopic methods for measure­ment of airborne microorganism Ievei and comparative studies of these methods are reviewed and evaluated for exposure assessment purposes in the working environment. The paper focuses

on exposure assessment of non-infec­tious microbial agents in epidemiological studies and the potential for compliance testing.


Evaluation of Methods for Quantitative

Assessment of Microorganisms in Highly

Cantominated Warking Environments

Wijnand Eduard, National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo, Norway


Exposure to microorganisms is common among workers handling biological materials, e.g. farmers, workers exposed to contaminated humidifiers and workers handling malt, cork, wood, waste and waste water (Lacey and Crook, 1988). Exposure to microorganisms may cause health effects, especially from the respi­ratory system. The viability of micro­organisms is probably not essential for development of these effects (Malm­berg, 1991).

Exposure Ieveis to airborne microorgan­isms have been assessed by different methods that are likely to yield different estimates. A main distindien is between viable methods which detect micro­organisms that are able to grow in culture and non-viable methods which estimate the sum of viable and non­viable microorganisms. Recently, new non-viable methods have been developed. Microorganisms may be counted by fluorescence microscopy (Palmgren er al., 1986) and scanning electron microscopy (Eduard et al., 1988). Markers of microorganisms may be determined by chemical (Sonesson et al., 1990), bio-chemical (Obayashi, 1990) and immuno-chemical methods (Topping et al., 1985; Campbell et al., 1989). As the latter methods are in their infancy for assessment of microorgan-

isms, only the methods using culture and microscopic methods are considered in the following.

ln this presentation, viable and micro­scopic methods for measurement of air­borne microorganism Ievei and com­parative studies of these methods are reviewed and evaluated for exposure assessment purposes in the working en­vironment. The paper focuses on ex­posure assessment of non-infectious microbial agents in epidemiological studies and potential for compliance testing.


Microorganisms systematically belang to different classes such as virus, bacteria, fungi, algae and protozoa. Among these, fungi and bacteria have been studied most frequently as risk factors of diseases and other health defects in the working environment. Two important groups of bacteria have been recogniz­ed: Gram-negative 1l bacteria that con­tain endetaxins in their cell wolls and

Gram-positive actinomycetes that have a similar life cycle as moulds and may produce large amounts of spores that

I) Bacteria can be devided by their abilitytobe stained by the Gram stoin that also devide bacteria by their cell wall structure


Evaluation of Methods for Quantitative

Assessment of Microorganisms in Highly

Cantominated Warking Environments

easily become airborne. Fungoi and bacterial Spores are therefore important components in microbiol aerosols. The size of spores from different species varies from 0.5 to I .5 11m for actino­mycetes to 2 to I 0 11m for moulds. Spores may also be present in aggre­gates of up to hundreds of spores, especially spores from actinomycetes (Karlsson and Malmberg, 1989). Vegetative bacterial cells may dominate in some working environments. Single bacterial cells have small aerodynamic size similar to bacterial spores, but bacteria may be present in aggregates with larger particles. The microbial aerosol may therefore contain respirable portides as weil as tracheabronchial and extra-thoracic particles.

There is some evidence that some species have a greater potency than other species to induce health defects but further data about dose-response relationships are needed to clarify this point (Thurston et al. 1979; Baselee et al. 1983; l'ogelmark et al. 1991). The viability of moulds and actinomycetes is probably of less importance in the work environment. Aerosolized extracts of moulds and actinomycetes are also used in provocation tests of patients with ex­trinsic allergic alveolitis and may cause fever attacks and pulmonary reactions (Pepys and Jenkins, 1965; Parkes, 1982). However, it cannot be ruled out


that viable microorganisms may induce a strenger response if, after deposition in the lung, they produce antigens that are not present in dead microorganisms.

lnstead of measuring viable or non­viable microorganisms, exposure to par­ticular toxic or allergenic constituents, metabolites and chemical markers can also be determined. Examples are the measurement of endotoxins, compo­nents of membranes of Gram-negative bacteria, (I ~3)-ß-D-glucons, compo­nents of cell walls of many moulds, allergens, mycotoxins and 3-hydroxy­fatty acids as markers for endotox­ins/Gram-negative bacteria. Measuring constituents and metabolites can have advantages compared to counting microorganisms as these agents may be present in the environment in measurable form even if whole microorganisms can­not be recognized (a), they are alten stable and can be measured with Ionger sampling times (b), and many consti­tuents and metabolites are of direct etiologic relevance (c). T able I g·1ves an overview of microbial agents that have been measured.

Methods for measurement of airborne microorganisms

The measurement of microorganisms in air involves aspiration of the bioaerosol,

Table I' Microbial agents

Agent Fungi Bacteria

Gram+ Gram-

Microbial portides

- spores + + 1+1 - vegetative cells + + - viable aggregates + + +

Constituents and metabolites

- antigens and allergens + + + e.g. glucans

- taxins mycotoxins endetaxins

- chemical markers

separation of the portides from the air stream and analysis of the collected particles. Many ·Instruments have been specifically designed for analysis by culture, except that filter samples can be analysed by culture, microscopic methods, gas chromatography mass spectrometry of chemica\ markers, immuno-chemical and biochemicol detection of constituents and meta­bolites, e.g. antigens and toxins.

The evaluated methods have been summarized under analytical method, sampling method 1 and assessed agent in table 2 {see poge 48). Fora description of viable methods and light microscopy see Gregony (1973), for scanning elec-

+ + +

tron microscopy Eduard et al. ( 1988) and Eduard ( 1993), and for fluor­escence m·,croscopy Palmgren et al. (1986).

Systematic errors

Several sources of sampling errors have been described. Aspiraf1on errors may be present for oll methods since none confirms the inhalable convention for meosurement of airborne portides ot the workplace (CEN, 1993a). lnhaloble aerosol sampling is possible for collec­tion on filters but this has not been des­cribed for microorgonisms. Microorgan­isms must also be separated from the


Evaluation of Methods for Quantitative Assessment of Microorganisms in Highly

Cantaminoted Working Environments

T able 2, Evaluated methods

Analytical method • Sampling method Agent

Culture impactorll, centrifugal sampler viable aggregates Jmpingerll, filter, cyclone, liquid scrubber dispersed viable



-light filter, impoctor2l spores

- fluorescence filter spores, vegetative cells

- scanning electron filter spores

II Both single stoge and multi-stage instruments have been described.

2) Multi-stage instrument

collected air. This eHiciency is high for most instruments except the centrifugal sampler (RCS) and the SAS sampler. Personal sampling is a necessity for ex­posure assessment in the working en­vironment. This is Straightforward for filter sampling. An impactor and an im­pinger have also been described for personal sampling, but oll other in­struments can only be used in the sta­tionary state. Strain during sampling may kill or weoken microorganisms and reduce their viability. This is an im­portant error in filter sampling of vege­tative cells, but spores may be collected with high eHiciency.

Airborne aggregates of microorganisms that are collected in liquid or are re­suspended before culture, may dispersex


and yield a higher colony count than directly cultured samples. lf this dif­ference between estimated agents is not taken into account, disruption of ag­gregates may introduce a positive bias.

Preparation Iosses are weil known from viable analysis using dilution series and similar errors hove been found for fluorescence microscopy. Growth of microorganisms in culture may be in­hibited or enhonced by the presence of other species. An issue that has not been assessed is the recognition of microorganisms, which is a possible source of error for microscopic methods.

The systematic errors of various methods have mainly been assessed by compa­rison of the methods in assumed homo-

geous Iobaratory ond workplace at­mospheres. Labaratory studies are usual­ly carried out with monodisperse aerosols of o single organism by which errors from disruption of aggregates in liquid Suspension are avoided. ln lield studies the bioaerosol may contain many different organisms perhops in large aggregates. These studies have been summorized in figures l to 4. For more details see Eduard (1993).

Studies o/ viable methods have been summarized by comparison with the 6-stage Andersen sampler. This sampler has generally shawn the highest yields among samplers that collect micro­organisms direct\y on nutrient p\ates, ligure I . The relative yield ol the lollow­ing methods was low: the centrifugal

' • arllt1meoc mean i I-range [

sampler, the SAS sampler, a personal impoctor and in tests with vegetative bacterial cells lilter samplers. Results from field studies were similar to Iabaratory studies.

Methods that collect microorganisms in liquid, or redisperse them alter collec­tion, are also compared with the 6-stage Andersen sampler, figure 2 (see poge 50). ln Iabaratory studies, these methods have lower yields than the Andersen sampler, although the relative yield of the all-glass impinger with im­poction distance 30 mm (AGI-30) is relotively high. Yields in field studies are much higher than the Andersen sampler, however, as may be expected as a consequence of disruption of aggre­gates.

laboratory swdies field studies

1mpactor Andcrsen sampler 2s Andersen sampler ls personal slit sampter SAS

' '

centrifugal samplcr lllter

• f--


• ~

• - -% 1000 %

Relauve yield 100 figure 1 :

Viable methods using direct culture compared with the 6-stage Andersen sampler


Evaluation of Methods for Quantitative

Assessment of Microorganisms in Highly

Cantominated Warking Environments

I ~ ~;,:",;etc m .. an 1 15,10

hodc1. ~s~ory

L--'----~ l~'_'c.,__ field studics -f/1------~~-­

imptnger all-g/ass 4mm all-glass 30mm personal multistage

resuspended filter

• --~---270

• ________ ", Figure 2: Viable methods using dilution plating compared with the 6-stage Andersen sampler

slit ~ampler cyclone

Different viable methods have also been compared with microscopic methods in field studies, Figure 3. These studies show large differences between methods, where non-viable methods may estimote Ieveis that are one or more orders of a magnitude higher than

viable methods.

Figure 3: Viable methods compared with microscopic methods

e anthmet1c mean -range

Andersen sampler 6st

Andcrsen samplcr Ist




field sturlies

% 100

Relative yield

• '----_j~-1::============~/:J,~w: 0 % 100 !00 % 200

Relative yteld

Differences have also been observed between non-viable methods, Figure 4. Fluorescence microscopy showed lower yields than scanning electron micro­scopy, even though bacterial cells were not observed with the scanning electron microscope.

Random errors

Probably the largest sampling error arises from the day-to-day variability of exposure Ieveis. Exposure measurements ollen follow a log-normal distribution. Distributions of 8 h time-weighted average microorganism Ieveis have been reported with geometric standard deviations (GSD) of 4 to 6, which is considerably higher than usually found for exposure to other pollutants in the working environment. ln consequence


Karlsson & Malmbcrg, 1989

Eduard et al.. 1990



LM D 0 100

Rdative yicld Figure 4:

FM= tluoresccnce microscopy LM = llght microscopy Fluorescence and light microscopy compared with scanning electro microscopy

o subset ofsamples with >50% fungi (Eduard, 1993)

the random error of a single measure­ment is high. For exomple, if the geo­metric meon is 4 · I 05 m-3 ond the GSD is 5, then the 95 % confidence in­tervol of one measurement is l ,6 · l 04

to I 07 m-3

Rendom errors from the onolyticol pro­cedure, the precision, have been studied for vioble methods in Iabaratory studies ond in field studies, Toble 3.

Only two studies hove adressed the precision of microscopic methods

Table 3, Analytical precision of viable methods




(Käpylä ond Penttinen, 1981; Eduord ond Aalen, 1988). These studies show thot the precision follows the voriobility expected for random counts (Poisson distributed) il the oggregote size is oc­counted for. A relative precision of 10 % moy then be achieved if 200 to 500 microorganisms are counted, depending on the oggregote size distribution (Eduord ond Aalen, 1988). The microscopic methods have the potential to conflrm the performance requirement for compliance testing,

Precision, CV

arlthmetic mean range

16% 6to3lo/o

23% 9 to 51%


Evaluation of Methods for Quantitative Assessment of Microorganisms in Highly

Cantaminoted Working Environments

whereas this seems difficult with vioble methods (CEN 1993b).

Potential for compliance testing

The results from the reviewed studies in­dicate the following aspects of methods for measurement of microorganisms that are important for future compliance testing by comparison with occupational exposure Iimits:

D The accuracy of sampling in micro­scopic methods, and non-vioble methods in general, is better than in non-viable methods because personal samples can be collected on lilters and inhaloble sampling seems possible. Sampling times can be varied over a large range, and usualfy permit sampling over 8 hours, which is not possible with vioble methods.

0 The onalytical precision of micro­scopic methods is sufficient to meet per­formance requirements for compliance testing. The variability of vioble methods is probobly too high.

D Non-viable ogents moy cause health effects and should be assessed. This is not possible with viable methods

Jdentificotion of species has not been discussed here. lt is not clear whether


species identification will be necessary, but this will be required if the health relevance of different species is studied in epidemiological studies of working populations. Viable methods hove the greatest potential for the identification of species. However, the non-viable have some potential for classification of species and moy also be necessary for identificotion of certain spedes thot are not able to grow in culture.


Boseler, M. W., Fogelmork, B., and Bur­re//, R., Differential toxicity of inholed Gram-negative bacteria. lnfect. Immun.

40, 1983, 133- 138

Campbe/1, A.R., Swanson, M.C., Fernondez-Coldas, E., Reed, C.E., May, J.J, and Pratt, D.S., Aeroallergens in dairy barns near Cooperstown, New York and Rochester, Minnesota. Am Rev. Respir. Dis. 140, 1989, 317- 320

Comite Europeen de Normalisation (CEN 1993a), Workplace otmospheres. Size fractions definition procedures for measurement of oirborne portides (EN481 ). ßrussels, Belgium, CEN

Comite Europeen de Normalisation (CEN 1993b), Workploce otmospheres. General requirements for the perfor-

mance of procedures for meosure­ment of chemical agents [CENfTC1371 WG2/N137). Brussels, Belgium, CEN

Eduard, W., Sandven, P., Johansen, B. V., and Bruun R.), ldentificotion and quontification of mou\d spores by scann­ing electron microscopy (SEM), Analysis of filter samples collected in Norwegian saw mills. Ann. Occup. Hyg. (Suppl 1) 32, 1988, 447 - 455

Eduard, W., and Aalen, 0., The effect of oggregotion on the counting predsion of mould spores on filters. Ann. Occup. Hyg. 32, 1988, 471 - 479

Eduord, W., Assessment of mould Spore exposure ond re\ations to symptoms in wood trimmers. Ph.D. diss., University of Wageningen, the Netherlands, 1993

Fogelmark, 8., Lacey, J., and Rylan-der, R.: Experimental allergic alveolitis ofter exposure to different microorga­nisms. lnt. J. Exp. Path 72, 1991, 387- 395

Gregory, P.H., Microbiology of the Atmosphere. 2'd ed. Aylesbury, leonard Hili, 1973

Käpylä, M., and Penttinen, A, An evoluation of the microscopic counting methods of the tape in Hirst-Burkard pollen and spare trap. Grane 20, 1981, 131 - 141

Kar/sson, K., and Mo/mberg, P., Charac­terization of exposure to moulds ond actinomycetes in agriculturol dusts by scanning electron microscopy, f\uor­escence microscopy and the culture method. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health 15, 1989, 353- 359

lacey, J., and Crook, 8., Review. Fungoi and actinomycete spores os pollutants of the workplace and occupa­tional allergens. Ann. Occup. Hyg. 32, 1988' 51 5 - 533

Malmberg, P.: Microorganisms. Criterio documents from the Nordic expert group 1991. Arbete och Hälse 50, 1991, 39- 69

Obayashi, L A new endotoxin-specific assay. Adv. Exp. Med. Bio\. 256, 1990, 215- 222

Pa/mgren, U ., Ström, G., 8/omquisl, G., and Malmberg, P., Collection of air­borne microorgonisms on Nuclepore filters: estimotion and onolysis -CAMNEA. Method. J. Bacteriol 41, 1986, 401 - 406

Parkes, W. L Occupational lung disorders. 2'd ed. Butterworths, london, 1982

Pepys, J., and Jenkins, P.A., Precipitin (F.l.H.) test in farmer's lung. Thorax 20, 1965,21-35


Evaluation of Methods for Quantitative

Assessment of Microorganisms in Highly

Cantominated Warking Environments

Sonesson, A., Larsson, A., Schüfz, A., Hagmar, L., and Hol/berg, T., Cam­parisan of the Iimuius amebocyte lysate lest and chromatography­mass spectrometry for meosuring lipopolysaccharides in airborne dust from poultry processing industries. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56, 1990, 1271 - 1278

Thurslon, J.R., Cysewski, S.J., Richard, J.L., Exposure of rabbits to


spores of Aspergillus fumigatus or Penicillium sp.• Survival of fungi and microscopic changes in the respiratory and gastraintestinal tracts. Am. J. Vet. Res. 40, 1979, 1443 - 1449

Topping, M.D., Scarisbrick, D.A., Luc­zynska, C.M., Clarke, E.C., Seaton, A., Clinical and immunological reactions to to Aspergillus niger among workers at a biotechnology plant. Br:t. J. lnd. Med. 42, 1985, 312-318

Methods for Analysis of Microbial Sampies from the Work Environment

B. Crook, Microbiology Section; Biomedicol Seiences Group, Health and Safety Laboratory, Sheffield, United Kingdom


There is a need to sample for micro­organisms in the work environment, either to ensure product quality or to assess the risk to the workforce from exposure to microorganisms. The Ietter consideration must take into account the possibility of infection, ollergy or toxi­cologicol effect upon the exposed worker. in many instances, the raute af expasure for the worker is via the air­borne raute. A number of sampling devices are available far measuring oir­borne biological materials (bioaerosols). the performonce of which have been reviewed previously.

Assuming that a suitable bioaerosol col­lection method has been used, there are a range af options from which to choose for analysing the collected material. T raditionally, analysis has been by culturing the microbiol content of the material, but this does not necessari\y provide full information, because it will only account for those organisms capoble of growing on Iabaratory media, wi\1 underestimate ce\\s that are difficult to culture ond will not account for ce\\ components such os endotoxins.

Any of these may also be important when assessing the risk of bioaerosols to the exposed worker. Therefore, to oug­ment information received from culturing, alternatives shovld also be considered. These alternatives include microscopic ana\ysis, immunodetection, meosure­ments of cell metabolism or cell consti­tuents and molecular techniques. Methods are ovailable for oll of these, with molecular techniques oHering perhops the most sensitive and specific meons, although adoptation moy be needed to make some of the techniques fit with bioaerosol collection.

Consideration must a\so be given to ways in which samples are collected and subsequently handled prior to onalysis, especially where biologicol material may be liable to changes ·,n its properlies (reduction in viability or multiplication of cell numbers) between collection ond onolysis. This paper con­siders individually the steps token in sample collection, transport, storage and analys·ls, and documents the crite­ria for success. Based on this informo­tion, recommendations are made for future progress in the analysis of bioaerosols.


Methods for Analysis of Microbial Sampies from the Work Environment

ß. Crook, Microbiology Section; ßiomedical Seiences Group, Health and Safety Laboratory, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Why is there a need to sample microorganisms in the workplace?

The presence of microorganisms in the work environment may compromise the quality of work material or the health of the exposed worker. A more obvious example af the former is food quality, where there is a clear need to monitor for potential contamination. Less op­parent is the problern that may be caus­ed by biological contamination of electronic components. For example, fungal spores settling on microprocessors end magnetic media can cause perfor­mance problems (McCain and Mirocha, 1994}, hence the need for weil-moni­tared clean room conditions during manufacture.

The health of workers may be com­promised by exposure to microorganisms via ingestion, ingress through cuts, punc­tures, abrasions or the mucous mem­branes, but the most likely form of expo­sure in the general workplace is through inhalation. This can result in infection (e.g. legionellosis and some dust-borne zoonoses such as chlamydiosis), toxi­cosis (e.g. inhalation fever from endo­toxin} and allergic lung disease (Crook and Olenchock, 1995}. ßoth inhalation fever (organic dust toxic syndrome} and a!Jergic Jung disease arise from exposure to large concentrotions of oirborne biological material (bioaerosols}, often

ossocioted with work in agriculture (Crook, 1994}. Respiratory sensitisation presents a serious burden to industry. for example in the UK some 3,500 new cases of work-reloted respiratory disease are recorded each year, with the associated industrial cost of loss of productivity and the social cost of lass of livelihood. Almost 40 % of these cases are occupational asthma, as outlined in o recent report from an ongoing survey (Sallie et al, 1994} and approximately I 2 to I 5 o/o of these may be attributed to exposure to materleis of organic origin. Consequently, there is a need to be able to measure workplace exposure to bioaerosols to enable a risk assessment to be made end, if appro­priate, to initiate prevention or control measures.

Sampling and Analysis of Workplace Bioaerosols

Several methods are available to measure bioaerosols, ronging from those designed specifically for recovery of air­borne biological material, to those adapted from methods to collect air­borne dust for gravimetric analysis (Crook, 1995a; 1995b}. following col­lection, the methods for analysis are those used for m·,crobiological assay in other applications. The complete pro-


Methods for Analysis of Microbial Sampies from the Work Environment

cess, from choice of the location and time of sampling, through to final data analysis and sample archiving, can be subdivided into six distinct activities, as listed in fable I . Each activity has Iimita­tions to its complete success which, if not overcome by taking actions such as those suggested, could by multiplication of their effects greatly reduce the ac· curacy of the analysis. However, the remedies to some of these limitations have yet to be fully researched.

Culturing Methods

The conventional method for counting and characterising ony microorganism is by culturing. ln some samples, biological material is deposited directly onto agor media (e.g. Andersen impactors and RCS centrifugal samplers), for others the material is collected into liquid (e.g. im­pingers and Aeroiet cyclone samplers) which can be diluted and used to in­oculate agar media, while for filtration samples the dry deposit generally is resuspended in liquid, then diluted as obove. ln this woy, a range of general purpese and selective ogar media can be inoculated, for incubation at suitoble temperatures for a sufficient period to allow growth, then the resulting colonles counted and the numbers expressed as colony-forming units (cfu)/m3 oir sompled.


The conventionol culturing method is the best, ond cheapest, method for characterising the microorganisms in a somple, but at the same time it makes o number of ossumptions, as listed below:

D the collected microorganism is vioble. Non~viable microorganisms represent no infectious hazord, but if the microorgon­ism is o potential ollergen it will remoin a hazard even when dead if the aller­genic protein or carbohydrate moiety remoins in o configurotion recognisable by the human immune system. Similarly, toxic components of cells, e.g., endo­toxin, will remain active even if the cell from which they have been secreted is dead. lndeed, more endotoxin may be released as Gram-negative bacterial cell walls break down alter death

D the collected microorganism is culturable. Some microorgonisms ore known to enter a metabolic state refer­red to as non-culturable but viable (NCBV; Co/weil et al, 1985). This is

especially important for certain patho­gens as they can escape detection by culturing but if they enter a suitable host they can "revive '' to cause infection.

D the collected microorgonism is readily culturable in a laborotory medium. While not entering the classification of NCBV, certain microorganisms are par­ticularly difficult to culture under labo-

Table I, Summary of procedures, from start to finish, for collecting and analysing bioaerosol samples, the limitations to successful sampling and ways to overcome them

Procedure Limitations Overcome by

I. Choice of sampling a} High risk werk not being done Sampling strategy; occupa-site/time/doy/seoson b) Right activity, wrang material tional hygiene observation;

c) Right activity, right material, communication with workforce amended procedure or workploce conditions

2, Choice of sampling a) lnefficient/unrepresentotive col- a) Choose, use, design, weil-method lection of aerosol in sampler characterised samplers

b) Tampering with sompler b) Communication w'1th workforce c) Physical inability to remove c) Test and design protocols for

deposit from sampler efficiently efficient removal d) Lass of viability or other pro- d) Sampier choice to minimise

perty of interest before removal stresses e) Lass of viability etc. during e) As c) and d)


3. Storage and tronsport Changes in viability du ring Optimise storoge conditions of sample from site storoge; i.e., losing viability, - use of a transport medium? -to anolyser goining it (multiplicotion), differen- storoge temperoture, RH,

tial changes; resulting in timescole effects unrepresentative somple

4. Sampie preparation a) Physical lass du ring preporation a) Need to optimise protocols and anolysis (dilution ond transfer)

b) Viability lass during preporotion b) b) As a) c) Choice of analytical method c) Need to identify and optimise


5, Counting and a) Counting precision/errors a) Need to optimise proteeals characterisation b) Non-representative growth, b) Choke of assay

overgrowth c) Chorocterisation errors c) Training; interlob. camparisans

6. Storage of sample o) Security of sample a) Need to optimise protocols ofter onolysis b) Repeatability of assoys - was b) Assoy portion of somple only

analysis oll or nothing? How best to store the rest?


Methods for Analysis of Microbial Sampies from the Work Environment

ratory conditions. For example the zoonotic bacterial pathogen Leptospire hardio can take up to 16 weeks to cultivate in an artificial Iabaratory medium (Bolin et al, 1985), while some potentially allergenic thermophilic actino­mycetes are also hard to grow (Lacey, 1995). Therefore a clinical diagnosis relying solely on culturing techniques has obvious limitations.

T o analyse those microbial cells which are readily cultured, samples of cal­lected bioaerosols are usually spread onto the surface of agar plates. Pour plates and most probable number (MPN) methods of analysis are less popular. Both general purpose and selective agar media are used, the latter to aid characterisation of the collected cells, but it must be noted that some selective agents may have a detrimental effect on the subsequent cultivation of previously aerosolised microorganisms. Physical stress such as dehydration, or exposure to ultraviolet light, or airborne pollutants, may have reduced their viability (Cox, 1987) and the additional metabolic stress of selective agents moy compromise further their ability to grow. T wo alternatives exist to overcome this

problem. Firstly, the initial inoculation could be made onto a general purpese medium without selective agents added. After allowing sufficient growth to occur for total colony numbers to be recorded,


colony material can be transferred onto a selective medium using a suitable blot­ting material. Possible drawbacks to this approach are the efficiency of the transfer or the possibility that slower growing organisms moy olreody have been out-competed by Iaster growing species. A secend alternative is to use methods to enhance the recovery of stressed cells before the plating out stage. The choice of an optimal liquid collection medium for use in impingers or to resuspend deposits from the surfoce of the filter may overcome aerosolisation stress; in our studies the mineral solts solution quarter strength Ringers, with 2 o/o inositol added1 gave best recovery of aerosolised bacteria (Crook et ol, 1988). Two phase systems hove been used successfully ta separate different groups of microorganisms (Biomquist et al, 1984) and they could be used in impingers both to collect microbial cells in conditions optimised to suit as many genera os possible and also to selectively isolote genera for sub­sequent charocterisation. T o maximise recovery during culturing, there is a need to ensure thot conditions for growth, such as pH, incubation temperature, ond water availobility, are optimum.

Subsequent choracterisotion of cultured cells is by the standerd microbiologi­cal techniques, combining gross ond

microscopic morphology with biochemi­ca! tests.

Alternatives to culturing

While culturing techniques are always likely to be the basis for analysis of bioaeroso\s, existing and potential alter­natives also need to be considered to augment the data available from cultur­ing. Seme of these are described below•


The use of light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and epifluorescence microscopy for direct counting and par­tial characterisation of collected bio­aerosols is weil established (Palmgren et al, 1986; Eduard et al, 1990). The techniques offer the advantage of enumeration of cells irrespective of their ability to grow, although further work is required to select the best fluoro­chromes for staining and counting accuracy and also to standardise pro­tocols so that automated image analy­sis can be used to overcome the labour intensiveness of the procedure. Greater specificity of analysis could also be achieved by the use of immuno-linked fluorochromes.


An alternative to microscopy for count­ing and characterising fluorescent - or immunofluorescent- tagged cells is flow cytometry. T agged cells in suspension are possed through a constricted chon­nel which forces them to flow in single file post a Iaser light source. Measure­ment of light scottering allows cells to be counted and their size, shape ond fluorescent property recorded, thereby allowing discrimination. The technique has been used for some microbiologicol analyses (Nelson, 1993) ond potentially could be used to anolyse cells collected from biooerosols. Microorganisms can be detected sensitively and specifically by ELISA-based immunoassoys bosed on monoclonol or polyclonal antibodies ond many tests are available commercially. However, many record only the pre­sence or absence of cells and work may be needed to establish a correlotion with ce\1 numbers.

Cell metobolism

Products of microbial cell metabolism, such os adenosine triphosphate (ATP) can be measured using the enzyme complex luciferin-luciferase. There are limitations to this method which would need to be oddressed. For example, ATP Ieveis fall rapidly os cells lose their


Methods for Analysis of Microbial Sampies from the Work Environment

viabi!ity, so such a measurement would be of actively metabolising cells only, also there are diHerences in the quantity of ATP present in different cell types, depending on their size and metabolic activity, so it may be difficult to relate data to cell numbers.

Cell constituents

Where Gram-negative bacteria form a significant proportion of the bioaerosols, measurement of endotoxin concentra­tions is dinically relevant due to their possible role in ODTS (doPico, 1986) and endotoxin assay is a widely used alternative to enumeration by culturing. However, at present the relationship between cell number and endotoxin Ieveis is not clearly defined and may dif­fer in different sample types. The assay, based on the Limulus amoebocyte lysate test, is highly sensitive and has improved in quality in recent years. Further work needed to improve detection of endo­toxin in bioaerosols includes optimisation of the collection method and the assay. Same researchers favour collection by filtration onto cellulose acetote mem­branes (Gordon et al, 1992), while others prefer teflon membranes (Rey­nolds and Milton, 1993). lt is also necessary to compare the two types of assay currently available, end-point ond


kinetic, if an optimised procedure is to be set up.

D Fungoi I - 3 ß glucans may also con­tribute to respiratory symptoms in ODTS following worker exposure to lorge con­tributions of contaminated dust (Rylander 1992). Methods to measure their con­centration in biooerosol samples have yet to be elucidated.

D As an alternative to counting growing colonies, recent studies have suggested detecting a chemical marker of the presence of contaminants. For example, muramic acid has been used to quantify the presence of bacterial peptidoglycan in dust samples, with analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometny (Fox and Rosario, 1994).

Molecu/ar techniques

Molecular biological methods offer the possibility to detect the presence of specific microorganisms in very small numbers in a sample even in the pre­sence of large quantities of other orga­nic material. Gene probes are used to recognise nucleotide sequences of the target organism and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be used to amplify the signal to a detectable Ievei (Pickup, 1991). lt is possible to apply these techniques to bioaerosol sampling to

detect microorganisms either at species or genus Ievei, although more werk is needed to make the techniques quan­tifiable.

Future progress on bioaerosol analysis

As described above, a range of ana­lytical techniques exist which may be applied to bioaerosol measurement. At present, there is no consensus in Europe on sampling and analytical methods, although work done by the Nordic Research Group (Nordisk Minsterrad, 1988) has provided a basis for establishing a common approach. ln USA, the Bioaerosols Committee set up by the American Congress of Govern­ment lndustrial Hygienists (ACGIH) is providing a similar function. There is a diverse range of environments where bioaerosol samples need to be taken. These include indoor and outdoor en­vironments at high and low concentra­tions, to recover fungi, bacteria, actino­mycetes and viruses. lndoor environ­ments include domestic premises, offices, agriculture (animal confinement and food storage}, manufacturing industry, bio­technology and clean room work, while out of doors the environments may in­clude measuring emissions from waste water treatment plants or monitaring

dispersal from the site of application of genetically modified organisms. lt is most likely therefore that no single sampling method or analytical procedure will be appropriate for oll applications.

As a starting point for detailed charac­terisation, filtration is probably best because of its simplicity, although de­hydration effects on collected cells may result in loss of viability of bacterial vegetative cells (less so for spare form­ing bacteria and fungi). The choice of filter membrane and filter holder is likely to be important. For example, the plastic monitor cassette used in the CAMNEA method (Palmgren et al, 1986) may be subject to collection Iosses because of electrostatic effects, whereas samplers such as the lOM head have been designed to conform to ISO standards for collection of inhalable portides (Mark and Vincent, 1986). lf the assays used are opti­mised for analysis of samples callected on filters they are likely also to be applicable to analysis of bioaero-sol samples collected by other means. For simplicity, culturing, counting and characterisation by conventional means should be the basic method, but this will need to be augmented by total and differential counting by microscopy, endotoxin assays, and techniques under development such as mo\ecular analy­sis.


Methods for Analysis of Microbial Sampies from the Work Environment

Consideration will need to be given to the way that samples are treated following collection and prior to analysis to ensure maximum survival. A recent study campared the performance of identical analytical procedures in two different laboratories, one analysing bioaerosol samples shortly alter collec­tion and one after three days transporta­tion an ice (Thorne et al, 1994). The study concluded that samples could be stored reliably prior to analysis with some restrictions, but the report high­lighted the following points,

0 ln some of the impinger collection media tested bacterial numbers increas­ed significantly in summer but remained unchanged in winter. Therefore more work is needed to develop an optimum collection/recovery medium.

D Although not addressed by the study, the results suggested that a liquid transport medium, similar to those used to maintain viability of micro­organisms on clinical swabs, could possibly be developed to maintain via­bility without multiplication of micro­organisms.

D The study did not record any data far samples stored for more than three days. Information is needed an the stability of samples stored for extended periods.


D The microorganisms collected were characterised only as total colony­forming units in groups defined by in­cubation temperature and isolation medium. No data was recorded for possible differences in the balance of different genera depending on the season, a factor which must be taken into consideration as it may alter their ability to survive and recover.

The best way to establish practical, representative and consistent results is by a thorough interragation, by repeated sampling, of the methods to be used. The procedures established should then be examined further by inter-laboratory comparisons to establish the margins of acceptable error.


B/omquist, G., Strom, G., Soder­strom, B., Separation of fungal pro­pagules by partition in aqueous poly­mer two-phase systems. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 47, 1984, 1316- 1318

Bolin, C.A., Zuerner, R.L., Trueba, G., Comparison of three techniques to detect Leptospire interragans serovor hardjo type hardjobovis in bovine urine. Amer. J. Vet. Res. 50, 1989, 1001 I 003

Co/weil, R.R., Braton, P.R., Grimes, D.J., Roszak, D.R., Hugo, S.A., Palmer, L.H., Viabie but non cuiturobie Vibrio cho­ierae and reiated pathogens in the en­vironment; implications for the release of genetically engineered microorganisms. Biotechnoiogy 3, 1985, 817 - 820

Cox, C.S., The Aerobioiogicai Pathway of Microorganisms. Wiley lnterscience, Chichester, 1987

Crook, B., Aerobioiogical investigation of occupational respiratory allergy in agriculture in the UK. Grana 33, 1994, 81 - 84

Crook, B.' Chapter 8 - inertial samplers: biological perspectives. ln: Wathes, C.M., and Cox, C.S. (eds.), Bioaerosois, o Handbook of Sampiers and Sampling. 1995, lewis Publ., USA, 241 - 262

Crook, B., Chapter 9- Non-inertiai samplers: biological perspectives. in: Wathes, C.M., and Cox, C.S. (eds.), Bioaerosols, a Hondbook of Sampiers and Sampiing. 1995, lewis Publ., USA, 263- 278

Crook, B., Higgins, S., Lacey, J., Methods for sampling airborne micro­organisms ot solid waste disposo\ sites. in, Houghton, D.R., Smith, R.N., Eggins, H.O.W. (eds.), Biodeterioration 7. Pro­ceedings 71

h International Biodeteriora-

tion Symposium. London, Elsevier, 1988, 791 - 797

Crook, B., 0/enchock, S.A., Chap-ter 18 - industrioi Workpioces. in, Wathes, C.M., and Cox, C.S. (eds.), Bioaerosols, o Hondbook of Sampiers ond Sompling. 1995, Lewis Publ., USA, 527-542

doPico, G.A.: Report on diseases. Amer. J. indust. Med. 10, 1986, 261 - 265

Eduard, W., Lacey, J., Karlsson, K., Pa/mgren, U., Strom, G., 8/omquist, G., Evaluation of methods for enumerating microorganisms in filter samples from highiy contominoted occupationai environments. Amer. lnd. Hyg. Assoc. J. 51' 1990, 427- 436

Fox, A., Rosario, R.M. L Quantificotion of muramic acid, a marker for bocterial peptidogiycan, in dust coiiected from hospital and hame air conditioning filters using gas chromatography-mass spec­trometry. indoor Air 4, 1994, 239- 247

Gordon, T., Ga/danes, K., Bras-seau, L.: Camparisan of sampling media for endotoxin-containing aerosols. Appi. Occup. Environ. Hyg. 7, 1992, 472 - 477

Lacey, L Sompiing and assoy of bio­oerasals ln: Aerosols, their Generation,


Methods for Analysis of Microbial Sampies

from the Work Environment

Behoviour and Applications. Proceedings 9th Aerosol Society Conference. Bristol, The Aerosol Society, 1995, 97- I 02

Mark, 0., Vincent, J.H., A new personal sampler for oirborne total dust in work­places. Ann. Occup. Hyg. 30, 1986, 89- I 02

McCain, J. W., Mirocha, C. J., Screen­ing computer diskettes and other magnetic media for susceptibility to fungal colonisation. International Bio­deterioration and Biodegradation 33, 1994, 255 - 268

Nelson, 0., Flow cytometry in bacte­riology. Rev. Med. Microbiol. 4, 1993, 215-221

Nordisk Minsterrad: Harmonisation of sampling and analysis of mould spores. Nordic Council of Ministers T echnical Report from Project 170.21-2.29, 1988

Palmgren, U., Strom, G., 8/omquist, G., Malmberg, P., Collection of airborne microorganisms on Nuclepore filters - estimation and analysis - CAMNEA


method. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 61, 1986, 401 - 406

Pickup, R. W., Development of molecular methods for the detection of specific bacteria in the environment. J. Gen. Microbiol. I 37, 1991, I 009 - I 019

Reynolds, S.J., Mi/ton, O.K., Camparisan of methods for analysis of airborne endotoxin. Appl. Occup. Environ. Hyg. 8, 1993, 761-767

Rylander, R., Persson, K., Goto, H., Yuasa, K., Tanaka, S., Airbornebeta 1-3 glucon may be related to symptoms in sick buildings. lndoor Environ. 1, 1992, 263 - 267

Sallie, 8.A., Ross, O.J., Meredith, S.K., McOonald, J.C., SWORD '93, Sur­veillance of work-related and occupa­tional respiratory diseose in the UK. Occup. Med. 44, 1994, 177- 182

Thorne, P.S., lange, J.l., 8/oebaum, P., Ku/Iman, G.L Bioaerosol sampling in field studies, can samples be mail ex­pressed? Amer. lnd. Hyg. Assoc. J. 55, 1994, 1072- 1079

Microbiological Sampling in Finland

Marjut Kof1maa, Kuopio Regional Institute of Occupational Health,

Kuopio, Finland


Although Initial microbiological investi­gotions in Finland concentrated on agricultural questions, for some years now, oll possible working environments have been the subject of microbiological studies. Whereas other sampling and analysis methods, such as collection on filters, were used relatively rarely, the Andersen cascade impactor was employed in a large number of studies to examine air contaminafton. Certain working environments stand out due to the high Ievei of mould and actino­mycetes contaminating the air, while in other areas a concentrafton of bacteria predominates.

The microbiology section of the Kuopio Institute of Occupational Health (FlOH) investigates exposure to microorganisms at the workplace and the ensuing conse­quences for health. On the basis of the workplace ana\ysis, work can begin on the planning of microbiological measure­ments. ln order to determine the source of the organism emission, material and/ or water samples as weil as surface samples can be Iaken. For studies of

the air the 6-step Andersen impactor is used. The choice of incubation tem­perature and nutrient medium for the culture depends on the aim of the microbiological analysis and will be described in more detail below. For personal sampling, filtration collectors are used in conjunction with polycar­bonate filters, which also allow measurements to be Iaken in highly contaminated areas. Easy-to-use cultur­ing methods in the analysis of micro­organisms have the advontage of also making it possible to identify individual species. On the other hand, methods whereby microorganisms are counted directly provide higher figures than would be possible by culturing on nutrient media. The most suitable method for a study relating to health problems at the workplace must be carefully selected in accordance with the aim of the analysis. Modern ·lmmuno-chemical and electron micro­scopic analysis methods are still to be developed further. To detect antibodies in the blood of persans exposed, the FlOH has currently developed six anti­gen sets for various occupational areas.


Microbiological Sampling in Finland

Marjut Kotimaa, Kuopio Regional Institute of Occupational Health,

Kuopio, Finland


Microbiologicol samplings were first cor­ried out in agricultural settings, e.g. in cow sheds and in hay barns in the early '80s in Finland. Sedimentation plates were used to deted airborne microbes. loter, an six-stage Andersen impoctor was used in oll kinds of occupational environments. Other sampling and analysing methods such as CAMNEA and filter collection with SEM (scanning electron microscopy) onolysis have been used in research projects more thon in routine service.

By Andersen impactor, it has been possible to find both quantitative and qualitative differences in different fields of occupation. Agriculture is characteris­ed by high-level exposure to airborne microbes arising from various materials used on farms. ln oddition to mesophilic fungi ond bacteria, thermotolerant fungi and thermophilic actinomycetes are often found. Wood chip handling may cause o similar type of exposure os is found on farms. The saw mill industry differs from the above-mentioned en­vironments, because there is usuolly only one source of moid, kiln-dried timber. Jt creates the exposure in "dry work . phases" in saw mills. Very high expo­sure to thermotolerant fungi have been measured in wood trimming depart­ments.

Certain work environments are char­acterised by the occurrence of high amounts of bacteria in addition to minor amounts of funga! spores. Examples of this kind of environment are waste water treatment plants, metal industry, textile industry and printing offices. The micro­bial exposure in the biotechnical industry is typically to the microbial strain used in the process.

Du ring the last few yeors, water­damaged buildings have gained Iot of publicity, and people have become aware of the possible health effects of quite low-level, but Iang-term ex­posure to fungol spores in these environ­ments. Today, the Microbiology Unit at the Kuopio Regional Institute of Occupational Health (FlOH) has two main octivities: to characterise the ex­posure to microbes in work environment, and the biological monitaring of the workers' exposure to microbes. The demand for field service and for bio­logical monitaring has increased about three-fold during the last year.

Steps in microbiological sampling

Gelhering the background informalion

\n oll work environments, it is essential to gother os much background informo­tion as possible to measure the right


Microbiological Sampling in Finland

impurities at the right moment, and to use correct methods for analysis.

Background information should include oll the possible sources of microbes in the work process, transmission routes of mkrobes from the source to the worker, the mechanism of exposure, perceived health effects of the workers, ventilation technique of the work place, ambient air temperature and relative humidity, and the main constructional features of the building itself, e.g. the history of pipe leaks or other water-damage and maisture problems.

On the basis of these data, a smart guess is made about the quantity and the quality of the microbial problem, and the sampling strategy can be


Sampling strategy

T o recognise the source of microbes, bulk samples are taken from the materia\s used in work environments, samples are also taken from suspected contaminated liquids, end wipe samples are taken from suspected contaminated surfaces into buffer solution. These samples are diluted and plated out onto proper cultivation media, which are then incubated at proper tempera­tures.


A six-stage Andersen impactor is used in air sampling. Because the ana!ysis of collected microbes is done after cultiva­tion, there is need for the selection of proper media, too. The selection of media is based on the information about the materials handled in the work en­vironment. The combination of media generally used is malt-extract-rose­Bengal-medium (incubation at 20 "C), dichloran-glycerol-medium (incubation at 20 "C) for fungi, and tryptone-glucose­yeast-extract-medium (incubation at 20 "C) for mesophilic bacteria. ln the environments where there is a probable source of thermotolerant fungi or ther­mophilic octinomycetes, correspondlng media (dichloran-glycerol-medium in­cubation at 40 "C ond halfstrength nutrient-agar incubation at 55 °C) are used. (n waste water treatment p!ants or on certain types of production in agri­culture (pigsties, swineries, hatcher\es etc.) Gram-negative bacteria ore ex­pected to be found. for their detection, eosin-methyl-blue-medium incubotion at 37 "C is used. in biotechnology plants, highly selective medium for the produc­tion organism ond incubation at the optimum temperature is used.

The Andersen impactor con only be used for environmental sampling, and not as a persona! sampler. H a personal air sample from the workers breathing zone is needed, collection onto the

Nuclepore filter is performed, and analysis is made using CAMNEA or SEM.

With the Andersen impactor it is poss­ible to collect for only short periods (some minutes), in very highly con­taminated environments samp\ing time has to be within seconds to ovoid the risk of overloading the sampling plates. By taking many successive air samples, the work period can be covered re­presentatively, but this increases the number of plates to be analysed. Some of the problems of Andersen sampling can be overcome by CAMNEA, which is a very useful method in occupational environments with high concentrations of airborne microbes. The detection Iimit of CAMNEA is quite high, thus it cannot be succesfully used in environments with only slightly elevated microbe concen­trations.

Problems in detecting microbes

When vioble methods are used, we always face the problem that the result is an underestimate of the total number of microbes in the air. The percentage of viable microflora varies araund 1 to I 0 % of oll microbes. Some of the fungal spores (e.g. Serpula lacrymons) are those not capable of growing on artificial media, thus their detection must

be based on other methods, e.g. micro­scopic counting or immunochemistry. Slowly growing species (e.g. Stachy­botrys atra) are easily overgrown by fast-growing fungal species, and thus other thon cultivation methods ore preferable. Some species have speciol requirements for growing and their detection needs speciol, selective media.

Although the viable methods' disadvan­tage is thot the number of microbes ob­toined os o result is an underestimate, the species con be identified eosily com­pored to microscopic counting methods, which give more reliable result for the total number of microbes.

Relevance of sampling and analysing methods to the existing health problems

Most common and best-known work­related health consequences caused by the exposure to microorganisms are infections, allergic rhinitis, allergic alveo­litis, asthma, ergonie dust toxic syn­drome (ODTS), chronic bronchitis and combination of unspecific symptoms. These health consequences are caused either by intoct orgonisms or by the"1r "natural" chemical components (endo­toxins or glucons) or secondary meta­bolites (mycotoxins).


Microbiological Sampling 1n Finland

lf the problern deals with occupational infection, viable methods with a highly selective medium for the detection of the particular pathogen have to be used.

As to allergens, it is difficult to decide whether viable methods with slightly selective media or microscopic counting methods should be used. Even non­viable microbes or microbederived portides are immunogenic. By viable methods, good specificity of the diag­nosis may be achieved because of the better identification of the microfiora. The enumeration of nonviable microbes by microscopic counting methods gives the estimate of "total microbial Ioad". ßy SEM even the identification of some fungi is possible. The combination of the two main analytical methods would be ideal.

lmmunochemical methods are not in wide-spread use in the anolysis of air­borne microbes. The problern in these methods (ELISA-inhibition, RAST-inhi­bition) is that every microbe needs its own method. Highly cross-reactive microbes, e.g. some plant pothagenie field fungi, are exceptions. lmmunoche­mical methods could be saved for those microbes which are not detected by other anolyticol methods. Their odvan­tage is that they are highly specific and can detect small amounts of microbe­specific profein in an air sample (some


nanograms/ml of sample suspension). The detection Iimit may, however, be quite high when the profein amount is converted to the number of spores (approx. I 0 4 spores/ml of sample sus­pension).

Biological monitaring of the exposure to microbes

Microbe-specific antibodies (immun­globulin class G) in workers' sera serve as a tool in biological monitoring. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is sensitive enough to detect even small antibody concentrations and can also be used in follow-up studies to indicate the difference in exposure. An­tibody determination can be used to evaluate the amount of Iang-term ex­posure and to motivate the worker to find ways of decreasing the exposure. Microbial antigens used in the assays are selected according to the exposure data. For practical use, only eight typical microbial antigens are selected to represent each work environment. At the moment, our Iabaratory has antigen sets for six different environments:

1.) forms,

2.) wood chip work

3.) saw mills

4.) greenhouses

5.) printing offices, and

6.) water damoged buildings

Combining the data and its interpretation

ln the ideal situation, oll the data ob­tained in different phases of the process support each other. ln practice, the in­terpretation of the results is quite a com­plicated task.

ln industrial environments, the source of airborne microbes is usually the material used in the work (wood, grain etc.). lf the concentrations of airborne microbes is high, and the workers have wark­related symptoms suggesting a microbial background, and the workers have an­tibodies to the microbes found in the air, action should be taken to lower the ex­posure by proper hygienic measures. ln some cases, the material itself used in work the environment is not the source (at the moment microbes are collected at the workplace), but if the source is the settled dust, then cleaning routines

should be changed to remove the dust from the collecting surfaces.

Usually, the comparison of the micro­flora of material/liquid, surface and air samples is made. lf the antibodies of ex­posed people have been determined, the comparison of the antibodies that are elevated with the microflora of whatever sample in that environment is done. lf the results of microbiological analyses and aerological findings are similar, the conclusion is that those people are exposed to microbes in that particular environment. A water­damaged building is a very complicated environment where serological findings are often positive but it is quite an effort to find "matching" microbes from the building. Often this requires removing of the carpet, wall or ceiling to get material samples from e.g. insulation materials which then may show mold growth. The concentrations of airborne microbes in water-damoged buildings is seldom high, thus the diagnosis of a moldy house is based moinly on the presence of indicotor orgonisms. At least in these coses, viable methods are preferred, because of the better iden­tification of fungal genero.


Measurement of Microorganisms in the Work Environment in France

J.F. Fabries, Institut National de Recherche et de Securite (INRS), Vandceuvre, France


After having recalled the main pro­blems raised by sampling microorgan­isms dispersed into the air at work­place, the guidelines of a study con­ducted by INRS and beginning in 1996 are presented. This study will be achiev­ed in collaboration with external labo­ratories having a good proctice in en­vironmental microbiology. Five main directions should be followed, choice of

some sampling and analysis methods for which reliable data are already availoble, and measvrement campaigns at some workplaces; extensive criti-cal analysis of the capabilities affered by the most commonly used methods; assessment of the physical characte­ristics of samplers; impact of sampling parameters an the biological activity of collected microorganisms; and finally optimisation of the sampling methods.


Measurement of Microorganisms 1n the

Work Environment in France

J.f. fabries, Institut National de Recherche et de Securite (INRS), Vandceuvre, France

The Europeon Directive 90/679/CEE of 26 November 1990 concerning the biological hazards at the workplace requires exposure assessment of workers to biological agents, including micro­organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, ... ). This directive has been translated into french law by the order 94-352 of 4 May 1994.

Exposure assessment to microorganisms dispersed into air, making bioaerosols, is an important challenge for the future, and prevention is now encouraged through the Directive. Biological hazards effectively constitute a new field of in­vestigation, parallel to physical and chemical hazards.

This theme has been retained by INRS for the next years. A seminar was organised by the institute in June 1993, followed by an instruction period obout what could be done by the Social Security Institution in that field, in order to answer the numerous questions that are periodically raised by inspectors and occupational physicians. Finally it was recently decided to start a research activity in bioaerosols measurement within our institute. lt could be followed by epidemiological studies in some par­ticular sectors where biological hazards are known to be relatively high, and other tasks including the preparation of

information and training services (data­base, seminars, courses, ... ).

Bioaerosol sampling

The assessment of biological hazards due to airborne microorganisms requires the availability of well-adapted sampling methods. Many techniques have been proposed, but oll the users are con­fronted with technical problems that could easily alter the significance of the results obtained.

As for non-biological particles, a sampl­ing device is characterised by its sampl­ing efficiency, which expresses the pro­bability for an airborne particle to be effectively collected onto the terminal substrate. This physical parameter reflects aerodynamic phenomena related to particle behaviour, in the vicinity of the sampling orifice or through the sampler itself. Sampling efficiency measures the contribuf1on of several factors in the ospiration ond collection processes. Aspiration efficiency is generather factors moy alter meosure­ments, like sompling time. For exomple, too lang sampling Iimes may affect viability, or alter the quality of the subsequent analysis. \n cantrast too short sompling times may affect ac­curacy or significance of the results.


Measurement of Microorganisms 1n

the Work Environment in France

Besides these sampling problems, other difficulties may arise from transportation of the samples, analysis and interpreta­tion of the data.

Considering oll these facts, bioaerosol sampling appears to be a very difficult task, with no absolutely reliable methods validated for every situation that can be encountered in occupational hygiene. Several institutes in charge of health prevention at the workplace have now taken this new dimension into account, and INRS has decided to focus on the metrological aspects for the next few years.

INRS study

This study will start in 1996. lt will be carried out by the Aerosol Measurement Laboratory, located in the research centre of Vandoeuvre (Nancy district). As the study will require two com­plementary skills, an external micro­biology Iabaratory (or perhops more) will be associated with the research pro­gramme. The investigation is expected to pursue five moin opproaches, detail­ed below,

1.) ln o first step some sampling tech­niques will be specifically selected, and the corresponding equipment purchased. For example the Bioaerosol Sampling


Subcommittee of ACGIH [I] gave some indication which are the useful choices of sampling device for indoor environ­ments. Other more recent recommenda­tions [2, 3] can be taken into account, although many samplers are not still completely characterised in terms of sampling efficiency or microorganism integrity during sampling. With these techniques and auxilliary analysis methods including colony counting, germ primary identification by means of bio­chemical screening assays, and direct observation and counting (classical or epifluorescence microscopy), some measurements will be performed at various workplaces in order to develop procedures adapted to each situation. The aim of this preliminary part is to provide the institutional users with sampling protocols and assay methods as soon as possible, and to start measurements in the field of bioaerosol hazards ot the workplace, in the event of registered comploints or clinical ob­


2.) An extensive critical analysis of the capabilities of oll the most commonly used methods will be carried out, on the bosis of a Iiterature review.

3.) The third part of the study will be

devoted to the physical aspects of aerosol sampling of biooerosol samplers. Although some recent studies yielded

again in the the knowledge of samp­lers' behaviour [ 4, 9], it would be of some interest to proceed to addi­tional measurements of aspiration and collection efficiencies for some samp­lers. Relevant parameters would be examined: particle aerodynamic dia­meter, external wind velocity, orien­tation of the sampler to the wind, inter­nal parameters, ... etc. Our new wind tunnel facility [I 0] could be used for this investigation.

4.) The impact of sampling para­meters on microorganism viability will be examined. This problern is more acute in the case of bacteria than with fungal spores, which are generally much more resistent to stress. Same microorganisms were recommended for this type of investigation [I I, 12]. Some authors [ 13], for example used Pseudomonas fluorescens as the test microorganism for studying the poten­tial effect of dessication. This part will preferebly be performed using existing test chambers availoble in our institute, after possible modifica­tion.

5.) Finally oll the methods that will have been retained for their best performance will be tested in the field, and the sampling and assay proce­dures will be optimised.


The work environment in France raises the same questions obout the hozords due to biooerosols os in other countries. As no orgonised measurement pro­gromme hos ever been performed for the ossessment of biooerosol chorocte­ristics ot the workplace, except in buildings [14], this important item will be studied extensively from 1996. lt is highly desirable that some standardised methods could emerge os soon os poss­ible from collaborative work at the Euro­peon Ievei, in order to prepore criteria with regard to air quality.


Burge, H.A., Chatigny, M.A., Fee-ley, J., Kreiss, K., Morey, P., Otten, J., Peterson, K.: American Conference of Governmental lndustrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Bioaerosols - Guidelines for assessment ond sompling of saprophytic bioaerosols in the indoor environment. Appl. lnd. Hyg., 2, 1987, RIO-RI6

Grilliths, W.D., DeCosemo, G.A.L., The ossessment of biooerosols : o criticol review. J. Aerosol Sei. 25 (8), 1994, 1425- 1458


Measurement of Microorganisms 1n

the Work Environment in France

Macher, J.M., Willeke, K., Performance criteria for bioaerosol samplers. J. Aero­sol Sei. 23 (suppl. 1), 1992, 647- 650

Nevalainen, A., Pasfuszka, J., Lieb­haber, F., Willeke, K., Performance of bioaerosol samplers : collection cha­racteristics and sampler design con­siderations. Atm. Env. 26A (4), 1992, 531 - 540

Macher, J.M., First, M. W., Reuter cen­trifugal air sampler : meosurement of effective oirflow rate and collection efficiency. Appl. Envir. Microbiol. 45, 1983, 1960- 1962

Fängmark, 1., Wikström, L.E., Henning­son, E.W., Collection efficiency of a personal sampler for microbiological aerosols. Am. lnd. Hyg. Assoc. J. 52 I I 2), I 991 ' 516-520

Henningson, E. W., Ahlberg, M.S., Evaluation of microbiological aerosol samplers , a review. J. Aerosol Sei. 25 (8), 1994, 1459- 1492

Uplon, S.l., Mark, 0., Douglass, E.J., Hall, D.J., Griffiths, WO., A wind tunnel evaluation of the physical sampl­ing efficiencies of three bioaerosol samplers. J. Aerosol Sei. 25 (8), 1994, 1493 - 1501


Grinshpun, S.A., Chang, C.-W., Nevalainen, A., Willeke, K., lnlet choracteristics of bioaerosol samplers. J. Aerosol Sei. 25 (8), 1994, 1503-1522

Wifschger, 0., Wrobel, R., Fabries, J.F., Görner, P., Renoux, A: A new expe­rimental facility for studying oerosol samplers. J. Aerosol Sei. 25 (suppl. I), 1994, 333- 334

Grilfilhs, W.O., Report an Bioaerosols Workshop- Europeon Aerosols Con­ference, Oxford 1992. J. Aerosol Sei. 24 (7), 1993, 973-976

Jensen, P.A., Todd, W.F., Davis, G.N., Scarpino, P.V., Evaluation of eight bioaerosol samplers challenged with aerosols of free bacteria. Am. lnd. Hyg. Assoc. J. 53 (10), 1992, 660- 667

Thompson, M. W., Oonnelly, J., Grinsh­pun, S.A., Juozaifis, A., Willeke, K.,

Method and lest system far evaluation of bioaerosol samplers. J. Aerosol Sei. 25 (8), 1994, 1579- 1593

Squinazi, F.: Microbiologic air con­tamination and building-ossocia­ted illness. Aerobiologia 6, 1990, 45- 50

Measurements of Microorganisms in

the Work Environment in Denmark

Birgitte Herbeet Nielsen, Deportment of Toxicology and Biology, National Institute of Occupational Health, Copenhagen, Denmark


The Institute of Occupational Health in Denmark consider meosurements of microorgonisms based on personal sompling techniques os the most valid estimate of the exposure Ievei. Full shift exposure is performed ofter the generol principles in determination of oerosols. Routine meosurements are executed on two membrane filters:

I.) Total particulate matter is collected on 25 mm 8.0 l'm cellulose nilrate filters using closed-face field monitors operat­ing at I . 9 Um in with a inlet velocity at 1.25 m/s. After grovimetric determinotion of total dust the filters are extracted and the suspension is further analysed for endotoxin. The endotoxin assay is cor­ried out by the kinetic-chromogenic ver­sion of the Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate test.

2.) Microorganisms ore measured according to the principles of the CAMNEA- method. Sampling is corried out on 25 mm 0.4 l'm polycarbonate filters placed in a closed- foce filter

cossettes with o pump colibrated to an airflow of I .0 Umin. After extraction the suspension is onalysed by culturing and by microscopy. Vioble counts ore per­formed in order to enumerote the colony forming units of live groups of culturoble microorgonisms: mesophilic bacterio, actinomycetes ond fungi (oll 25 oq plus thermophilic fungi (45 oq and actino­mycetes (55 oq. Se Ieeted isolates are occotionolly identified by dossie micro­biologicol procedures.

Total counts ore carried out by epi­fluorescence microscopy. Acridinorange is used as fluorochrome and the dyed microbial cells ore occumuloted on dark 0.4 l'm filters. The number of viable and non-viable microorganisms are counted in forty randomly chosen fields at 1250 times magnification grouping into bocteriol rods, bacterial spheres, yeast cells and fungi spores.

Basically oll analysis are quantitative methods used in order to estimate the exposure Ievei in the breath"mg zone for people employed in different work environments.


Measurements of Microorganisms in

the Work Environment in Denmark

Birgitte Herbert Nielsen, Department of T oxicology and Biology, National Institute of Occupational Health, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Institute of Occupational Health in Denmark has only worked intensively with measurements of microorganisms since 1989, but the institute has more than forty years of experience in measuring dust as aerosols in different werk environments. Measurements of aerosols in generd have focused on personal sampling techniques os the most valid estimate of exposure Ievei. Today, the moin approach for measure­ments of microorganisms is based on quantitative methods ond personal sompling is performed on filters alter the same principles as the general deter­mination of aerosols.

Sampling techniques

Total aerosols ore collected du ring Iu II work periods on membrane filters for subsequent analysis in the laboratory.

The routine sampling techniques are:

D T otol dust collection on 25 mm 8.0 pm cellulose nilrate filters (Sartorius) using closed-face lield monitors (Milli­pore) with o 5.6 mm inlet and operated at 1.9 Umin (1.25 m/s inlet velocity).

0 Bioaeroso! cdlection according to the CAMNEA-method [I] on 25 mm 0.4 pm polycarbonate filters placed in a closed­face filter cassettes (Nuclepore) with

a pump calibrated to an airflow of 1.0 Umin.

ln some investigations, the fraction of respiroble dust is collected using a modified Higgins and Dewell cyclone connected to the same equipment as for collection ol total dust [2].

Currenl Analyses

The routine analyses of the two different types of membrane filters are

I. o) Total dust

b) Endetoxin

2. a) Total counts ol bacteria and fungi by microscopy

b) Viable counts of culturable bacteria and fungi

Analysis of dust and endotoxin

Total dust

The moss of total particulote matter, total dust, is determined gravimetrically ot a 60 pg Iimit of detection. Pre- and post-weighings of filters are made in a climate chamber kept at a constant temperature and humidity. T o correct for any hygroscopic effects on filters, three blank filters are kept as a standard.


Measurements of Microorganisms in

the Work Environment in Denmark


Endetoxin assay is performed on the collected mass of the dust filters. The filters are extracted in I 0.0 ml sterile, non-pyrogenic water by orbital shaking at 250 rpm for 15 min ot room tempe­rature. The extraction fluid is stored at -20 oc until analysis by a chromogenic Limulus Amoebocyte L ysate ( LAL) assoy.

The analysis is performed in duplicate at 37 oC by the kinetic-chromagenic

version of the LAL assay (Kinetic-QCL kit from Bio Whittaker) using an automated microtiter reader (ThermoMax, Mole­cular Devices) connected to a computer with software for data analyses (Soft­Max, Molecular Devices). The endo­toxin reaction curve is measured by recording the absorbance at 405 nm every 30 s. during a 60 min. period. The reaction time for the absorbonce to increase 0.200 units is an estimate of the endotoxin concentration. Reference endotoxin E. coli 055,85 is used as standard. The concentration is given in endotoxin units per cbm air (EU/m3


which can be converted into nanogram­mes per cbm. The Iimit of detection is below 0.5 EU/m3

The kinetic approach has been used at the Danish institute since 1994. Pre­viously 1 the endotoxin ossoy was bosed on the principle of the end-point method


applied to chromogenic LAL-assay (Coatest Endotaxin kit from Chromo­genix, Kabi Pharmacia). Today the kinetic assay is considered to be o more occurate and sensitive method for quantificotion of airborne endotoxin. A further development of the kinetic assay makes it possible to determine interference in the analysis, e.g. Inhibi­tion or enhancement from other sub­

stances in the sample [3].

Analysis ol bacteria and lungi

Before analysing the microorganisms, the polycarbonate filters are extracted in the filter cassettes by adding 5.0 ml 0.05% Tween 80 solution and shok­ing for 15 min. at room temperature. Sampies for viable counts are imme­diately used for plating (see poge 84) while the rest is kept at -80 oc for later analysis by fluorescence micro­scapy (see poge 84). The fallawing counting techniques are performed ac­cording to the CAMNEA-method described by Palmgren et al. [I].

Total counts by fluorescence microscopy

Counting by epi-fluorescence micro­scopy is carried out by staining 1 ml extraction fluid with 0.3 ml 0.0 I %

acridine orange in acetote buffer (bioMerieux) for 30 s. and filtered through a dark 0.4 11m polycarbonate filter (Nuclepore). The number of microbial cells in forty randomly chosen fields is counted by epi-fluorescence microscopy at 1250 times magnifica­tion, grouping into bacterial rods, bacterial spheres, yeast cells and fungus spores. The concentration of m·lcroorganisms is given in total counts per cbm air (counts/m 3). The lowest countable concentration of microorgan­isms is approximately 3 · 1 03 counts per sample. Dependent an the sampled air volume, this corresponds to a Iimit of detection from 104 to 106 counts1m3


Using this method, both viable and non­viable microorganisms are enumerated. At present, the analysis is based on a manual counting technique, which is rather time-consuming. The Iimit of

Microorganisms Media

detection is rather high compared to other microbial analyse.

Viable counts by cultivation

Culturable bacteria and fungi are quan­tified by inoculation of suitable dilutions of the extraction fluid fram the filters an plates with selective medio for mojor groups of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi. After incubation, the colony form­ing units (du) are counted and the con­centration is calculated as cfu/m3 oir. The minimum detectable concentration of colony {orming units is 50 cfu/filter, which, depending on the volume of the oir somple, corresponds to a Iimit of detection between 102 and 103 cfu/m3

At present, the following media, incu­bation temperature 1 oq and incubation time (days) are used as the basic parameters for vioble counts of oir samples,

'C Days

Mesophilic bacteria Nutrient agar1l 25 7 Mesophilic actinomycetes 10% Nutrient agarll Mesophilic fungi DG 18 ogar2l Thermophilie fungi3l DG 18 agar2l Thermophilie actinomycetes Nutrient agar 1l


ll Nutnent agar (Oxo1d) w1th act1d1one (cydohex1m1de) 50 mg/l to prevent fungal growth 21 DG 18 agar (Oxo1d) D1chloran Glycerol ogar - the med1a mh1b1tS fast grawmg fung1 31 A;.perg1Uus fum1gatus ore determ1ned oller 3 days o{ mcubat1on

25 7 25 7 45 3 -7 55 7


Measurements of Microorganisms in the Work Environment in Denmark

On special occasions or for examino­tions of other types of samples, e.g. liquids or solid materiols, highly selective media moy be used for detection of specific genus or species. ldentification of selected isolates is performed by classicol microbiological principles.

Discussion of current and future methods

Sampling lechnique

Air contaminants, including aerosols, are to be expected in o spatially non­uniform distribution at workplaces in general. Therefore, personal sampling is used to abtein a valid estimate of the exposure Ievei in the breathing zone for people employed in different workplace environments [ 4].

Due to evaluating the hazards of the breathing atmosphere, different working groups in standordisation, ISO and ACGIH, have recommended that the collection of "total dust" be replaced by "inhalable dust" measurements. This new concept recognises the fact that only aerosols which pose o potential risk are those that enter the body through the nose or mouth during breathing. At present, the Donish institute is testing a personal lOM- sampler for collection of inhalable dust, but this approach has


not yet been implemented as a routine method, while the sampler has not been fully validated. lt has ta be emphasized that the IOM-sampler may cause a con­siderable increase in the Iimit of detec­tion of gravimetric analysis [5].

Membrane lilters

Cellulose-nitrate filters of pore size 8.0 11m have been used for dust measure­ments at the Danish institute for many years. When the endotoxin analysis was implemented it was obvious that the filter quality and the extraction pro­cedure had some influence on the results. These problems have previously been described by Olenchock el al. [6] and recently, Douwes et al. [7] have examined the influence of various dust sampling and extraction methods on the measurement of airborne endotoxin. Both studies emphasize the requirement for standardization of filters used for bioaerosols and standards of reference for further preparation and analyses of the samples.

Total caunts by epi-lluor­escence microscopy

Oirect detection of microorganisms using microscopy is a dassie way of determin­ing microscopic particles, i.e. by coun-

ting the individual microorganism cells. Especially in aerosols where the survival of microorganisms is compromised by a number of different factors [8], this direct method for quantification of viable and non-viable microorganisms is of great importance. ln different work environ­ments, non-viable microorganisms in bioaerosols may cause, e.g., allergic diseases or toxic reactions [9].

As mentioned above, the manual coun­ting technique is time-consuming and has a high detection Iimit. T o improve the method, the use of automatic image processing would be of great advan­tage. But this technique is only suitable where it is possible to differentiate between microbial cells and particles of non-microbial origin.

Viable counts by cultivation

Viable counts of microorganisms by counting colony forming units after plat­ing and incubation is also a dassie method first described by Koch in the last century. This technique is still the most common method in quantitative analyses of microorganisms in food and water. Most of the knowledge of air­borne exposures to microorganisms is based on measurements of viable counts, although only a minor fraction of the total number of microorganisms can

be detected by cultivation. Hence, to enable comparison with previous studies, it may be necessary to include some measurements of viable counts. Furthermore, the method is the most common way to cultivate specific isolates of microorganisms for iden­tification.

Future methods for analysis of bioaerosols

Endotoxin, or LPS from the cell wall of Gram-negative bacterio, is a well­defined biological agent which has been implicated in a number of occupationa\ diseoses in the work environment. ln­haled endotoxin causes inflammatory responses by activoting macrophages or epithelial cells from the lungs so mediotors causing the inflammotory reactions are released [I 0]. ln fungi, the cells have a major structural wo II com­ponent, ß- 1 ,3-D-glucan, which consists of polysaccharides. Glucans are also biological active and able to induce in­flammatory responses in humans [1 0] so an ossay to determine glucons will be considered in the future.

Biooerosols often contain a number of different microorganisms, and numerous other components of non-microbial origin may also contribute to possible biolo­gical eHects. Therefore, a general and


Measurements of Microorganisms in

the Work Environment in Denmark

simple dose-response relationship of microorganisms is difficult to apply in toxicological risk assessments of bio­aerosol exposure. To improve this, it would be of great importance to develop methods to determinate the "total biological effects" of bioaerosols or in other complex samples. For this purpose, the Danish institute has started to develop an in vitro assay for the quantification of the inflommatory poten­tial of bioaerosols. The measurements consist of ELISA analysis of interleukins, IL-6 and IL-8, secreted from human lung epithelial cells after stimulation with ex­tracts of bioaerosols. Hopefully, this ossoy will turn out to be a useful Supple­ment to the traditionol microbial cha­racterisotion of bioaerosol exposure.


[I] Polmgren, U., Ström, G., Blom­quist, G., Molmberg, P., Collection of airborne microorganisms an Nucle­pore filters, estimation and analysis -CAMNEA method. J. Appl. Bocte­riol. 61, 1986, 40 I - 406

[2] Higgins, R.l., Dewe/1, P., A gravi­metric size-selective personal dust sampler. ln, lnhaled portides and vapors. Edited by C.N. Davies, London, Pergarnon Press, 1967


[3] Hollander, A., Heederik, D., Vers­foot, P., Douwes, )_, Inhibition and enhancement in the analysis of airborne endotoxin Ieveis in various occupational environments. Ann. lnd. Hyg. Assoc. J. 54 I I I), 1993, 647 - 653

[4] Cohen, B.S., Horfey, N.H., Lipp­monn, M.: Bias in the air sampling techniques used to measure inhalation exposure. Ann. lnd. Hyg. Assoc. J. 45 (3), 1984, 187- 192

[5] Scheeper, B., Kromhoul, H., Bo-leii, J.S.M., Wood-dust exposure during wood-working processes. Ann. Occ. Hyg. 39 (2), 1995, 141- 154

[6] 0/enchock, S.A, Lewis, D.M., Mull, J. C., Effects of different extraction protocols on endotoxin analysis of air­borne grain dust. Scand.J. Work En­viron. Health 15, 1989, 430- 435

[7] Douwes, J., Versloat, P., Hol/an-der, A., Heederik, D., Doekes, G., ln­fluence of various dust sampling and ex­traction methods on the measurement of airborne endotoxin. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61 (5), 1995, 1763 - 1769

[8] Grifliths, W.D., DeCosemo, G.A.L., The assessment of bioaerosols - a criticol review. J. Aerosol Sei. 25 (8), 1994, 1425- 1458

[9]locey, J., Dutkiewicz, J., Biooero­sols and occupational lung disease. (review) J. Aerosol. Sei. 25 (8), 1994, 1371- 1404

[I 0] Rylander, L Symptoms ond mechanisms - inflammation of the lung. Ann. J. lnd. Med. 25, 1994, 19- 23


Sampling of Bioaerosols 1n lndoor Environments in Finland

Aino Nevalainen, National Public Health Institute, Division of Environmental Health, Kuopio, Finland


There are two porameters affecting the quality of microbiological indoor air dah the physical collection effi­ciency of the chosen sampling device and its biological collection behaviour. Detection of microorganisms by culture growth is one analytical approachi

besides, there are other analytical methods which do not require the use of viable material. Dependent on the expected germ concentration, it is possible to use impaction or fi\tration methods which can be completed by additional information collected on the premises (e.g. inspection, surface samplesl.


Sampling of Bioaerosols in lndoor Environments in Finland

Aino Nevalainen, National Public Health Institute, Division of Environmental Health, Kuopio, finland

Criteria in selecting a sampler for indoor air sampling - physical properfies -

ln sampling bioaerosol particles, the total efficiency of the method is a complex phenomenon that includes the physical properlies of the sampling device and the biological properlies of the analysis phase (Nevalainen et al., 1993). The biological proper­lies of the portides indude many variables, such as survival or altera­tion of the organisms during sampling. There is no method able to reveal everything about the whole bioaero­sol. One must decide beforehand what the targets of the sampling are and then select the sampling method, focusing on that particular " of bio­aerosol.

The physical collection efficiency of the sampler is influenced by the geo­metry and other physical characteristics of the sampling device, which deter­mine the inlet efficiency. ln practice, it is mainly the cut-off size (d50 ) of the sampler that the investigator will con­sider. The cut-off size is the diameter at which half the portides pass through the inlet (Willeke and Baron, 1993). ln indoor oir sampling, where bacteria and bacterial and fungal spores are the main interest, the cut-off of the sampler should be dose to I /.lffi.

Biological efliciency

Biological efficiency comprises many aspects. Where viable organ­isms are to be collected, it is essential to maintain their viability during the sampling process which may \ndude abrupt changes in pressure, desiccation and other ef­fects. Once collected, the viable organism must be detected. This can be done by cultivating it and detecting the colony formed. ln this case only the colanies of those organisms develop for which the nutritional, temperature and other growth requirements are met. How­ever, only I to I 0 % of the environ­mental organisms are culturable in Iabaratory conditions. The rest may be dead cells or "viable but not culturable". While most of the health effects are also caused by these particles, the total amount of cells or spores should be detected by direct counting of the partides. Other possibilities for detection are immunochemical methods (presence of an allergen) and those based on molecular biology, e.g., PCR (poly­mer chain reaction). The analysis may also be based on the detec­tion of the total amount ot micro-bial material, e.g., endotoxins of Gram-negative bacteria or the ergo­sterol of fungi.


Sampling of Bioaerosols 1n lndoor

Environments in Finland

Other important characteristics

Most bioaerosol sampling is carried out in practical situations, in workplaces, homes or schools, for the purpose of hygienic monitaring of the indoor air. Therefore, there are limitations on the sampler regarding its size, noise and collection time. The sampler must be portable, and its noise Ievei should not disturb the activities in the facilities to be

monitored. Sampling Iimes depend on the concentration Ievei. Again, sampling for more than o few hours is seldom possible, and much shorter tim es are preferred.

Creating a logical strategy for the moni­taring purposes also includes selecting reference material for the bioaerosol types and the environments to be sampl­ed. For bioaerosols, there are no TLV values and few guidelines for the sampl­ing have been published. Each investi­gator must, therefore, produce reference material for his own purposes: at least for the range of the expected concen­trations and enabling the analysis of the major factors regulating them.

Strategy for indoor sampling of fungi and bacteria

0 Andersen 6-stage impactor, loaded with 2 % MEA, DG 18 (fungi) or


TYG medium (bacteria) is mainly used for indoor air environments with no specific sources to producing massive loading. The media cover most meso­philic and xerophilic fungi and bacteria, especially actinomycetes.

0 Filter sampling with culturing in the above-mentioned media and epifluor­escence counting of total concentrations for indoor environments with expected high concentrations, e.g., during demoli­tion or repair (Rautiala et al. 1995).

0 When the microbiological status of the building is to be assessed, surface swabbing and material samples cultured in the Iabaratory are also used and recommended, in addition to, or instead of, air sampling.

Guidelines have been set up for the normal ranges of indoor bacteria and fungal concentrations (Reponen et al., 1992).


Nevalainen, A., Pastuszko, J., Lieb­haber, F., Willeke, K., Performance of bioaerosol samplers: collection cha­racteristics and sampler design consi­derations. Atm. Env. 26A (4), 1992, 531 - 540

Nevalainen, A., Willeke, K., Lieb­haber, F., Pastuszka, J., Burge, H., end Henningson, E.: Bioaerosol Sampl­ing. Chapter 21, in, Aerasal Measure­ment, Princ"lples, T echniques and Applicatians. Ed. by K. Willeke and P.A. Baron, von Nastrand Reinhald, 1993, 471 - 492

Rautiala, S., Reponen, T., Hyvärinen, A., Nevalainen, A., Husman, T., Vehvilä-

inen, A., Kalliokoski, P., Exposure to air-borne microbes during the repair of mouldy buildings AIHA J (in press).

Reponen, T., Nevolainen, A., Jontu­

nen, M., Pellikka, M., Kalliokoski, P., Normal range criteria for indoor air bocteria and fungal spores in a sub­arctic climate. lndoor Air 2, 1992, 26- 31


The Development of Standardization Procedures for

the Assessment of ßioaerosols in the Workplace

W.D. Griffiths, and I.W. Stewart, AEA Technalogy, Hanwell, United Kingdom


A broad spectrum of bioaerosols is released ot the most varied of work­places where they can result in negative consequences for the health of the workers exposed to them. Measure­ment of biooerosols in the workplace is therefore urgently required. Despite extensive studies and publications devoted to this subject in recent years, there are as yet no standardised instruc­tions available for ossessing air con­tamination caused by the presence of germs in working environments. The performance criteria for bioaerosol collectors must therefore be defined, standard protocols drawn up and stan­dardised measuring methods establish­ed. Measurements of the Ievei of air­borne organisms with filtration collectors are mainly carried out with polycarba­nate filters which, in particular, permit measurement of high concentrations of organisms. Whereas filters are ideal for the collection of robust mould fungus spores over Ionger periods of time, in the collection of sensitive microorgan­isms, such as bacteria and yeasts, the limitatians due to mortality rotes must be taken into consideration. Cyclone collec-

tors capture the aerosolised microorgan­isms in fluids. Some of the results pro­vided by different outhors indicote a higher detection rate with germs such as Saccharomyces cervisiae that are susceptible to drying out.

Efficient methods of producing mono and polydisperse bioaerosols are described below. Polydisperse bioaero­sols were produced by using simple glass atomisers and conventional nebu­lising devices. The ability of the micro­organisms (bacteria, yeasts) to survive in the aerosols is heovily dependent on the selected test conditions. Species-specific characteristics must also be duly con­sidered, as weil as the stress factors acting on the microorganisms. Griffiths et al. implemented a programme for developing biaaerosol standords. The bioaerosol lest chamber (BTC) deve­loped permits the aerosolisation of various microorganism suspensions (I 06 to I 09 cells/ml) within broad tem­perature and air humidity ranges. The BTC chamber is suitoble for the produc­tion of standardised aerosols of bac­teria, yeosts ond moulds and has al­ready been used successfully in enzyme and antibiotic studies.


The Development of Standardization Procedures for the Assessment of Bioaerosols in the Workplace

W.D. Griffiths, and I.W. Stewart, AEA Technology, Harwell, United Kingdom

Health Effects

Airborne microorganisms associated with different occupations and work environ­ments have for some time been impli­cated in causing occupational respira­tory diseases (ßennett, 1994). Such bioaerosols can be produced from air­borne portides which are biological in origin. These "particles" include boc­teria, fungal spores, actinomycete, fern spores, pollen, algae and plant cells, insect and mite frogments and excreta, proteins, enzymes and antibiofies from biotechnology processes, endotoxins, and mycotoxins.

The effects of certain pothagenie boc­teria, fungus and viruses hove been recorded in some environments, but the more common effects of exposure to occupotionol bioaerosols are due to mucous membrane irritation, bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, asthma, extrinsic alveo­litis and organic dust toxic syndrome (Locey and Dutkiewicz, 1994).

Bioaerosols can be produced in many occupations, and are present in a varie­ty of work environments such as farms, intensive animal houses, abattoirs, malt­ings, wood chip processing facilities, storage and handling facilities for orga­nic materials, ships' holds, engineer-ing workshops, medical and dental premises, food processing plants, water

purification plants, scientific research establishments, biotechnology plants, pharmaceutical plants, and many others. The problems associated with bioaero­sols are often related to production, pro­cess contamination, environmental ex­posure, as weil as occupational expo­sure (Griffiths and Sokhi, 1993).

Aerobiological Monitaring

The assessment of bioaerosols has been reviewed by Griffiths and DeCosemo ( 1994) , and they considered the main

. techniques available for sampling and

assaying airborne microorganisms. Fac­tars which can affect the survival of air­borne microorganisms and problems associated with the production of test bioaerosols were addressed.

Griffiths and DeCosemo also considered the need for aerobiological monitaring in occupational hygiene, containment of bioprocessing equipment, environmental exposures, deliberate release of micro­organisms, contamination of food and pharmaceutical products, and general scientific research. They reported that despite wide application of aerobiolo­gical monitoring, no standerd protocols exist for sampling bioaerosols. Thus, six criterio were identified by the authors for the monitaring of bioaerosols. Samp­Iers used to collect bioaerosols, and


The Development of Stondordizotion Procedures for

the Assessment of Biooerosols in the Workploce

assoy methods were also described, and areas of their opplication were highlighted. Henningson and Ahlberg ( 1994) reported an evaluation of numerous bioaerosol samplers and stated that there is a need for stondor­dizotion methods and recommended procedures for their use.

Filter Sampling

Membrane and gelatine filters (Macher and First, 1984) and polycarbonate filters (Biomquist et al, 1984a) have been used in conjunction with plastic cassette samplers for bioaerosol sampl­ing. One of the moin disadvantages of using filters to collect airborne micro­organisms is that they afford little pro­tection to the cells, so that the I arge volumes of air passing through the filter may cause a degree of desiccation. This may affect the viability of the collected microorganisms. For exomple, Stewart ( 1995) describes experiments where aerosolised cells from liquid cultures of Soccharomyces cerevisiae were collected on polycarbonate or gelatine filters in an lOM Personal lnspirable Aerosol Sampier (PIAS) (Mark and Vincent, 1986) for periods up to 180 minutes. Under standard conditions total and

culturable counts were made and bioluminescent assays of odenylote energy charge and total adenylate con-


centrations were performed. S. cere­visiae cells were aerosolised at relative humidifies of 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 %. Over this range, the results showed that the culturable fraction was highest at 70 % RH with a value of 0.21 com­pared with an unaerosolised value of 0.66. Generally less than I 0 % of the captured cells were culturable. The ratio of total odenylates to total count varied from 0.00 I to 0.007 compared with an unaerosolised value of 0.007. The lowest ratios were obtained with cells that had been captured an filters for up to 180 minutes at 30 % RH.

Robust moterials, such as fungol spores are little affected by aerosqlisation. Polycarbonate filters have been used extensively in Sweden with diverse types of plastic cassette filter holder to collect bioaerosols. ßlomquist et al., ( 1984b), Palmgren et al, ( 1986a and b), and Ström, ( 1986) used them to col­lect airborne fungol spores in highly con­tominated environments. Crook et ol., ( 1988a and b) used them to monitor air­borne microorganisms from domestic waste composting plants and in coffee warehouses. Recent work by Birch and Griffiths ( 1993) has further demonstra­ted the usefulness and limitations of Nuclepore and Anopore filters (Anotec, Oxon., UK.) in assessing airborne micro­orgonisms. The microorganisms collected in such a fashion are eilher washed off

the filter for detection (Palmgren et al, 1986b), or detected directly on the filter using staining techniques.

Blomquist ( 1995) has reported that the sampling of bioaerosols in Sweden is carried out using polycarbonate filters (presumably contained in a plastic cassette holder). The collection efficien­cy of such a cassette does not match the inhalation criteria relevant to health related sampling (ISO, 1991 ), compared with alternative personal samplers such as the lOM PIAS (Mark and Vincent, 1986), and the Health and Safety Ex­ecutive (HSE) 7-hole sampler (HSE, 1986). The matter of collection efficien­cy is fully discussed by Vincent ( 1989).

Blomquist reports that filters used to collect bioaerosols are routinely sent to d'Merent laboratories for assay. He pro­poses that this ' 1round-robin" exercise of analysis need not necessarily be car­ried out only in the country where the samples were collected. This procedure will facilitate the comparison of the analytical results of a series of samples obtained in a number of selected laboratories throughout Europe. This im­portant process will allow the establish­ment of the standardisation of measure­ments of bioaerosols collected in the workplace environment. Forthis to come about, bioaerosols must be collected us­ing an acceptable technique and sampl-

ing device, and analysed using an agreed methodology. ln addition to this, standard samples must be collected which accurately represent bioaerosols from a number of selected workplace environments.

Cyclone Sampling

Errington and Powell ( 1969) described two bioaerosol sampling cyclones that have liquid continuously sprayed into the sampler inlet. These sampling cyclo­nes are constructed in Perspex or stain­less steel, and have sampling rotes of 75 and 350 I min- 1

• Decker et al, ( 1969) characterised a large volume (< 1000 I min- 1

) glass sampling cyclo­ne (Aerojet-General Liquid Scrubber Sampling Cyclone), which has been fur­ther described by Buchanan et al., (I 972). As cyclones with spray-weiters have been found to be gentle with air­borne microorganisms, they help to maintain cell viability Ieveis.

The response of the Aerojet cyclone to large Windborne portides was assessed by May et al., ( 1976), who compared it to other samplers. Recent work by Upton et al., ( 1993 and 1994) and by Griffiths et al., ( 1993) has extended the range of this work to show that the col­lection efficiency of the sampler, Operat­ing at a sampling rate of 500 I min- 1


The Development of Standardization Procedures for

the Assessment of Bioaerosols in the Workplace

and with speeds up to 4 m s- 1, is bet­

ween 70 and I I 0 o/o for portides as large as 20 Jlm aerodynamic diameter. Penetration of the smallest lest portides (d50 ~ 1.5 11m) through the sampler was also observed. Rothwell et al., (1993), have used test aerosols of Escherichia coli, and S. cerevisiae to record similar collection efficiency as Upton et al. and show that the bioefficiency of the sampler was subjected to much varia­tion. Recovery agents in the wetting liquid were not tested in their work, and such agents may weil improve viability retention.

Stewart et al., ( 1994) aerosolised S. cerevisiae cells and collected them in an Aeroiet General Cyclone. Using standard conditions of buffer contact and biochemical reagent incubation times, total and culturable counts were trade and biofluorescent ossays of adenylate energy charge and total adenylate concentrations were perform­ed. S. cerevisiae cells were aerosolised at temperatures of 20 and 25 oc and

relative humidities of 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 o/o. Over the range of tempe­ratures and relative humidifies covered, the results showed that the metabolic activity of the microbial cells increased with increasing humidity. The ratio of culturable and total cell counts increased from 0.05 at 30 o/o RH to 0.50 at 70 o/o compared with the non-aerosolised


culturable fraction of 0.71. The mean ratio of total adenylates to total cell count ranged from 0.005 to 0.007 over the humidity range compared with 0.007 for non-aerosolised cells. These results show that the measurement of total adenylates can give a good estimate of total cell numbers for S. cerevisiae and the method yields results within 2 I /2 hours. The culturable fraction data also provided new insights into the oerostability of S. cerevisiae not previously observed.

Griffiths ( 1994) reported on the beha­viour of bioaerosols of E. coli, S. cere­visioe and Penicil/ium exponsum spores in an Aerojet cyclone. The experi-ments were carried out under control­led environmental conditions (20 °C, 30 o/o RH) in a specially designed Bioaerosol Test chamber (Griffiths, 1993 and Williamson and Griffiths, 1993). The collected microorganisms were assayed using a total count method, following the method of Jones ( 1979), and also by o standerd culturing techni­que (Koch, 1981). Griffiths found that aerosolisotion extensively affected the culturability of E. ca/i and S. cere-visiae, but had little affect on P. expan­sum spores. Only the Ietter species of microorganism oppears to be a potential condidate for o reference material. The results of the tests indicated that cultur­ing alone moy not be sufficient to ossess

the number of microorganisms accurate­ly, and that other techniques, such as total count, should also be used

Bioaerosol Generation and Survival

Methods for the production of poly­disperse ond monodisperse biooerosols from 1·1quid suspens·lon and from dry powder were described by Griffiths and DeCosemo (1994). The survival cha­racteristics of microorganisms were also discussed because they con significantly affect the selection of sampler and assay method appropriate to the micro­organism under consideration.

Simple glass atomisers and conventional nebulisers, such as the weil known Col­lison nebuliser, have been found to be effective in produöng controllable high concentrotions of polydisperse aerosols of bacteria cells and spores from liquid suspensions. The choice of liquid for suspending the m·lcroorgonisms in the generoter reseNoir has o sign·lficant effect on the oerosolised product in terms of concentration, size distribution, and viability. The quantitative loss of viability due to the process of aerosol generotion is related to many equipment porometers, ond to the species and state of the microorganism. lt is likely that the liquid (buffer or broth solution) used to moke up the stock Suspension,

the initial culturing procedure, and the residence time of the organisms in the supporting liquid prior to aerosolisotion may greatly affect the initial viability of the system. The size of the natural microorganism cell or spare con have an impact on the performance of the aero­sol generator: gloss atomisers have been found to be very effective for I arger cells such os 5. cerevisiae, while nebulisers have been found (ust os effec­tive for smaller cells, such as E. co/i and B. subti/is vor niger. The latter type of generoter concentrates \arger cell numbers in suspension and aerosolises the liquid part of the suspension.

Monodisperse aerosols of bacterial cells and spores can effectively be produced using a Spinning Disk Aerosol Genera­tor. The oerosol concentration Ieveis produced by conventionally air-powered devices tend to be low, thus limiting their use. Higher concentrotions of con­ventional aerosols hove been obtained by moking use of o modified version of the generator that is electrically powered.

Dry ergonie powders, such os pellen and fungal spores, can most effectively be mode oirborne by means of oir­jetting, but fluidised-bed techniques are also effective. Electrostatic charge equili­brotion by meons of ionising rodiation is recommended for such aerosols. Humi-


The Development of Standardization Procedures for

the Assessment of ßioaerosols in the Workplace

dity-related problems are frequently associated with dry powder techniques.

Griffiths and DeCosemo I 1994) and ather studies have shown that great care must be taken over the interpreta­tion of the term "non-viable", as it may not mean that the microorganism is dead. Cax I 1989) suggested that non­viable microorganisms be considered as microorganisms that have suffered some degree of darnage and may be repaired under some selected culturing con­


Dynamic physiological phenomena, whether directly or indirectly controlled by genetic mechanisms, are involved in the survival processes of microorgan­isms. Specific conclusions relating to phenomena which can influence the viability of airborne microorganisms are:

D the species and strains of micro­organism must be treated as separate entities; no general rules relating to the survival of microorganisms can be ap­


D bacterial and fungal spores survive better than vegetative cells,

D cell mutation can make it difficult to assess whether a certain strain of micro­organism will respond in a constant fashion to an applied stress over o period of time, and the survival proper-


ties of microorganisms are affected by the chemical properlies of the growth medium used; this introduces the possi­bility that storage time and conditions can influence subsequent survival,

D survival is dependent on the stres­ses imposed by the method used to generate the aerosol,

D the suspending medium land protec­tive additives which may be used) in the aerosol generoter reservoir can have an effect on the viability of the microorgan­isms; the period of time spent suspend­ed in this fluid lcontact time) can also affect the viability of the microorgan­isms,

D aerosol sampling can induce much stress and therefore greatly affect the viability of the collected microorganisms,

D collection fluids used in some samplers are usually based on simple salt solutions with protective additives which, along with the contact time and environmental conditions pertaining at the time of sampling, have an effect on the viability,

D the environment has a major in­fluence on the viability of airborne microorganisms; the most important factors are RH and oxygen Ieveis,

D other, less important environmental factors which con cause stress are radiation, temperature, air movement, and pollutants; the most influential pollu­tont process is the Open Air Foctor IOAF) caused by the reactions of ozone products,

D non-lethol events and repair mechon­isms have to be consideredi the degree ond permonence of damoge is depen­dent on species, environment, the stress which has been applied, and the ability of the microorgonisms to repair the damage.

Cell survival and the viability of bio­oerasals con be summarised in terms of o number of different factors and on the cumulative application of a series of dif­ferent stresses. These can be applied before, during, the airborne state, and on collection and assay, and ultimate survival is dependent upon the ability of the microorganisms to repair the damage caused by oll of these stres­ses.

ln conclusion, Griffiths and DeCosemo I 1994) outlined recommendations and a programme of research to assess the choracteristics and behoviour of bioaerosols prior to the considero­tion of the possible establishment of bioaerosal standards far test purpo­ses.

Bioaerosol Standards

The need for standard samples has already been demonstrated by Lewis et al., I 1993) and by Griffiths and Sokhi, I 1993) in their reports relating ta the National Measurement lnfrastructure far Aerosols and Particulates in the Air­borne Phase, VAM Scheme Project 14, Survey of User Needs, and The Re­quirements for Bioaerosol Standards. This survey was carried out mostly in the UK, but with important input from Europe and the USA, and showed that an overwhelming proportion of bioaero­sol users who were questioned wanted the establishment of bioaerasol stan­

dards and sampling guidelines. Many of the respondents were active in the field of occupational hygiene and work­place monitoring. The VAM survey demonstrated a need for the standar­disation of bioaerosols, and for the pro­dudien of reference microbiological material. Griffiths and Sakhi I 1993) reported on the results of the survey1

ond also outlined o programme of werk necessary to develop bioaerosol stan­dards. Same parts of this programme were carried out during 1993 ta 1994, and the results were reported by Grif­fiths I 1994). This publicatian considered the results of an experimental pro­gramme to examine the validity of culture techniques in the assessment of biooerosols, with particulor reference to


The Development of Standardization Procedures for

the Assessment of Bioaerosols in the Workplace

the effects aerosolisation moy have on the viability of microorganisms.

Griffiths reported thot microorganisms could reodily be oerosolised from liquid suspensions of I 06 to I 09 cells ml- 1

using the Bioaerosol Test Chomber (8TC) developed by Griffiths ( 1993) ond characterised by Williamson ond Grif­fiths ( 1993). The BTC can control lest atmospheres in the temperature ronge 20 to 40 'C, and relative humidities of 20 to 80 %. The 8TC hos been exten­sively used to study the effects of generafing aerosols from a number of biologically octive portides including S. cerevisioe (Stewort, 1994 and Stewart et ol, 1994) and an antibiotic (Farrell et al, 1994). Biooerosols have been successfully generated for collec­tion on filters, and into solutions by means of an Aerojet cyclone. ln addition to bacteria, yeast and fungal spores, the lest chamber has been used to pro­duce standerd bioaerosols containing specified enzymes and antibiotics.


Bennetl, AM., Heolth Hazords in Biotechnology. Chapter 7, in, Hamble­ton, P., Melling, J., and Solusbury, T.T. (eds.), Biosafety in lndustrial Biotechno­logy. 1994, Chopman and Hall, Lon­don


Birch, D.J., ond Griffiths, W.O., Personal Sampier Efficiencies. Warren Spring, Labaratory Research Paper W94009, 1993

8/omquist, G., Arbetsmiljöinstitutet, Umea, Sweden. Personal communica­tion, 1995

Blomquist, G., Polmgren, U., ond Ström, G., lmproved techniques for sampling airborne funeal portides in highly contaminated environments. Scand. J. Environ. Health I 0, 1984a, 252- 258

8/omquist, G., Ström, G., ond Ström­quist, L.H., Sompling of high concentra­tions of airborne fungi. Scand. J. Work Environ. Heolth I 0, 1984b, I 09- 113

Buchonon, L.M., Horstod, J. B., Phil-lips, J.C., Lofferty, E., Dohlgren, C.M., and Decker, H.M., Simple liquid scrub­ber for large-volume air sompling. Appl. Microbiol. 23 (6), 1972, I 140 - I 144

Cox, C.S .. ' Airborne bocteria and viruses. Sei. Pro. Oxf. 73, 1989, 469- 500

Crook, 8., Bordos, R.P., ond Locey, J., Domestic Waste composting plants as a source of airborne microorganisms. ( 1988o) Aerosols, Their Generation, ßehaviour ond Applications. Proceedings of The Aerosol Society 2'd Conference 22-24 March 1988

Crook, 8., Griffin, P., Topping, M.D., ond Locey, J., An opproisal of methods for sampling aerosols implicated as causes of work-related respiratory symptoms. I 1988b) Aerosols, Their Generation, Behaviour and Applica­tions. Proceedings of The Aerosol Socie­ty 2cd Conference 22-24 March 1988

Decker, H.M., Buchanan, L.M., ond fris­que, D.E.: Advonces in large-volume air sampling. Cantamination Control. 8, 1969, 13- 17

Errington, F.P., and Powe/1, E.O., A cyclone seporator for aerosol sampling in the field. J. Hyg. Camb. 67, 1969, 387- 399

Farre// C.D., Rowe/1, F.J., and Cum­ming, R.H., A Rapid, Specific ELISA for Monitaring Airborne Ceftazidime in ln­dustry. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Division Meeting on Research and Development. Topics in Analytical Chemistry, University of Hert­fordshire, I 8-19 July, 1994

Griffiths, W.O., Design requirements for a chamber to test airborne micro­organisms and samplers. I 1993) Warren Spring Labaratory Research Paper W94014

Grifliths, W.D., Annexe C Biologieall Microbiological Aerosol Standards. Final Report , The Effect of aerosolisation

Parameters on Viability, the Validity of Culturing Techniques. I 1994) AEA Technology Report AEA-TPD-233

Griffiths, W.D., and Sokhl, R.S., An-nex C: Specification for a study on bio­locgical/microbiological aerosol refe­rence materiols (final report). ( 1993) AEA-EE-0445. Annex C of T echnical Progress Report: National Measurement lnfrastructure for Aerosols and Par­

ticulates in the Gas Phase, Valid Ana­lytical Measurement Scheme, Pro-ject 14

Grilliths, W.D., and OeCosemo, G.A.L., The assessment of bioaerosols: a criti­cal review. J. Aerosol Sei. 25 (8), 1994,1425- 1458

Grilfiths, W.D., Upton, S.L., and Mark, 0.: An investigation into the collection efficiency and bioefficiency of a number of aerosol samplers. J. Aerosol Sei. 24 (Suppl. I), 1993, 541 - 542

Health and Safety Executive (HSE), General methods for the gravimetric determinotion of respirable and total inhalable dust. ( 1986) MDHS 14, HSE, London

Henningson, E.W., and Ahlberg, M.S., Evaluation of microbiological aeroso\ samplers: a review. J. Aerosol Sei. 25 (8), 1994, 1459- 1492


The Development of Standardization Procedures for

the Assessment of Bioaerosols in the Workplace

ISO, Air quality - Parfiele size fraction definitions for health related sampling. I 1991) T echnical Report ISO!TC 146 Doc No N338. International Standards Organisation, Geneva

Jones, J.G., A guide to methods for estimating microbiol numbers and biomass in freshwater. I 1979) Fresh­water Biological Association Scientific Publication N° 39

Koch, A.L., Growth Measurement. I 1981) Ch. II in Manual of Methods for General ßacteriology. Ger-hardt, P., Murray, R.G.E., Conist-low, R.N., Nester, E.W., Wood, W.A., Krieg, N.R., and Phillips, G.B. leds} American Society for Microbiology.

Lacey, J., et al: Harmonisotion of sampl­ing and Analysis of Mould Spores. Nor­dic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen 1988

lacey, J., and Dutkiewicz, L Bio­aerosols and occupational lung disease. J. Aerosol Sei. 25 18), 1994, 1371- 1404

lewis, G.N.J., Mitche/1, J.P., Griffiths, W.O., Mark, 0., and Sokhi, R.S., Na­tional Measurement lnfrastructure for Aerosols and Particulales in the Airborne Phase, VAM Scheme Project 14, Survey of User Needs. I 1993) AEA-EE-0442


Macher, J.M., and First, M. W., Perso­nal air samplers for measuring occupa­tionol exposure to biologicol hazards. Am. lnd. Hyg. Assoc. J. 45 12), 1984, 76- 83

Mark, 0., and Vincent, J.H., A new per­sonal sampler for airborne total dust in workplaces. Ann. occup. Hyg. 30 I 1), 1986, 89 - 102

May, K.R., Pomeroy, N.P., and Hibbs, S., Sampling techniques for I arge wind­bome particles. J. Aerosol Sei. 7, 1976, 55- 62

Palmgren, U., Ström, G., Malmberg, P., and Blomquisl, G., The Nuelepore filter method: A technique for enumeration of viable and non-viable airborne micro­organisms. American Journal of lndustrial Medicine I 0, 1986a, 325 - 327

Palmgren, U., Ström, G., Blomquist, G., and Malmberg, P., Collection of air­borne microorganisms on Nuclepore filters, estimation and analysis -CAMNEA method. J. Appl. ßact. 61, 1986b, 40 I - 406

Rothwe/1, G., Wi/liamson, P., and Grif­liths, W.O., An investigation into the bioefficiency of selected aerosol samplers. I 1993) Warren Spring, Labaratory Research Paper W940 18

Stewart I. W., Wi//iomson P., and Co/. !ins, L.J.: Bioluminescent Assay of Adenylate Energy Charge and Total Adenylates in Aerosolised Saccharo· myces cerevisiae. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference of the Aerosol Society, University of York, 21 · 23 March, 1994

Stewart, I. W.: Bioluminescent Assay of Adenylate Energy Charge ond Total Adenylates in Aerosolised Saccha· romyces cerev·rsiae. I 1994) AEA T ech· nology Report AEA.TPD·I65, Har· weil

Stewart, /. W.: ßioluminescent Assay of Adenylate Energy Charge and Total Adenylates in Aerosolised Saccharo· myces cerevisiae captured an Filters. I 1995) AEA T echnology Report in pre· paration

Ström, G., Qualitative and quantita· tive analysis of microorganisms. Par­ticularly funcal spores. Methodological developments. I 1986) Umea University

Medical Dissertation, New Series N" 175

Upton, S.L., Mark, D., Douglass, E.J., and Griffiths, W.D., A w·rnd tunnel evaluation of the sampling efficiencies of some bioaerosol samplers". Pro-c. 7'h Annual Conference of The Aerosol Society 11993). From, Aerosols- Their Generation, Behaviour and Applica­tions., 156

Upton, S.l., Mark, D., Douglass, E.J., Hall, D.J., and Griffiths, W.D., A wind tunnel evaluation of the sampling efficiencies of three bioaerosol somp­lers. J. Aerosol Sei. 25 18), 1994, 1493 . 1502

Vincent, J.H., Aerosol Sampling, Science and Practice. I 1989) Published by John Wiley and Sons, Chichester

Wi//iamson, P. W., and Griffiths, W.D., Characterisotion of a Biooerosol Test Chamber. I 1993) Warren Spring Labaratory Research Paper W940 15


Harmonised Methods for Measuring ßioaerosols

at the Workplace in Germany

Christoph Deininger, Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institute for Occupotionol Sofety, Sankt Augustin, Germony


Proteefing workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work has, over recent years, become an increasingly important aspect of heolth ond sofety ot work, also finding expression in EU directive 90/679/EEC, which is devoted to this very subject. ln this BIA report, Dr locey's orticle in particular goes into more detail about the potential risks to the heolth of workers exposed to biological agents, especially microorganisms. The Berufs­genossenschaftliches Institute for Occupotionol Sofety, the BIA, Iook up this subject very eorly on ond created its own microbiology section in 1992. ln the microbiology Iobaratory subsequently instolled ot the BIA, samples collected at workplaces are analysed for their bacteria and fungi content, ollowing, by determining the germ content, an ossessment to be mode of the workploce. This ossess­ment deols with the possible risk oris­ing from microorgonisms and pro-poses suitable protective measures if these prove to be necessary. Deter­mining the Ievei of organisms present in the air at the workplace is the main focus of BIA's testing activities which ore supplemented by material sompl­ing (e.g. from circulating water systems, air humidifiers and cooling lubriconts).


Project group 4 "Workploce Assess­ment" of the ßiologicol Agents Com­mittee (ABAS) which was set up by the Federol Ministry of lobour ond Sociol Allairs ond which is choired by the BIA, hos the tosk of estoblishing standardised measuring procedures for biologicol ogents ot the work-place - in the initial phase bacteria (generol) ond moulds/yeosts (generol) -and developing a suitable associated meosuring strotegy thot duly tokes into account the special characteristics of the biologicol ogents. ln oddition, the working group will propose suit­able microbiological meosuring para­meters (sum, group and key para­meters) for ossessing different types of workploce.

A first standardised measuring pro­cedure for determining moulds/yeasts in the oir ot the workploce was developed by PG4 under the averoll control of the BIA ond put out to tender for triol in the BIA-Arbeitsmoppe. The meosur­ing procedure is based on sampling by collection on membrane filters (e.g. polycorbonote, cellulose ester, gelotine) ond subsequent onolyticol determination by culturing on nutrient medio (malt extroct, DG 18 ogor). A direct method is also described which is porticulorly suitoble for low concen­trations of airborne organisms and orientating measurements, as is an

indirect method which also permits measurement in highly contaminated areas and long sampling times, e.g.

more than 2 hours. The results are then given in colony-forming units per m3 of air.


Hormonised Methods for Measuring Bioaerosols

at the Workplace in Germany

Christoph Deininger, Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institute for Occupational Safety, Sankt Augustin, Germany


The EU Directive 90/679/EEC, definitive­ly amended by the EU Directive 93/88/ EEC, aims to protect workers from safety and health hazards due to workplace exposure to biological agents; this pro­tection includes measures to prevent such hazards. Consequently, it will be necessary in future to determine the type, extent ond duration of workers' exposure for any activity related to biological exposure. lt appears useful, against the general background of the Directive, to develop suitable methods which can be us'ed to identify biologi­cal agents at the workplace. Those responsible for safety and health protec­tion at work should be provided with consistent methods for sampling and onalysing biological agents at the place of work.

''Measuring methods and strategies" - a task force

While transposing the above EU Direc­tlve into national law, the Federol Ministry for Labour and Sociol Affairs set up an expert committee for biological working agents (Ausschuß für Biologi­sche Arbeitsstoffe - ABAS), to act os a consulting body for the Ministny regard­ing any problem in connection with biological working agents (figure 1).


Figure 1: Committee for Biological Agents at Work [ABAS)

UA 1 lntended Use

UA 2 Unintended Use ---------i

PG 1 T ransposing EU-Directive 90/679/EEC

PG 2 lndustrial Medical Care Gen TSV

PG 3 Classification of Biological Agents

PG 4 Workplace Assessment _____ ___J

Part of this committee is the task force "Workplace assessment" (formerly "Measuring methods and strategies") which recently began its work. This task force, headed by the Berufsgenossen­schaftliches Institute for Occupational Safety, is entrusted with the following tasks:

1. T o harmonise methods for measuring biological agents at the workplace.

2. T o determine the corresponding measuring strategy

3. To develop different measuring parameters for assessing biological agents at different workplaces.

The tosk force was convened because standardised methods for measuring microorgonisms at the place of work were lacking and measuring results and methods for biological agents (keyword, living material) had always been largely

heterogeneaus in the post. For the pur­pose of comporoble workploce ossess­ments in terms of microbiologicol ex­posure, hormonisotion of meosuring methods therelore appeared urgently necessory.

Instruments for samp\ing bioaerosols must meet o number of special perfor­monce requirements, viz.:

0 The suction flow must be high enough to ensure that a sufficient quan­tity ol air is sucked in (which is important for little contominated working areas) and low enough to prevent micro­organisms (in particular bacteria) from drying out.

0 The suction velocity must be high enough to ensure thot even sma\l par­ticles (approx. < I 11m) are sucked in, and low enough to ovoid mechonical damage to the microorgonisms (in por­ticular bacteria).

0 The sampling volume must be precisely quantiliable.

0 The meosuring results must be ac­curate and reproducible.

0 The particle size distribution must be charocterisable.

0 Sampling must be possible in per­sonal and/or stotionary form.

D Even extremely high contaminotion must be quantiliable.

D The instrument must be easy to handle (e.g. battery-powered, size, weight).

0 Other specHic criteria must be lullilled.

Meosuring methods for germ determina­tion not only include

a) in-plant sampling, but also

b) storage and transportation to the laboratory,

c) sample preparation (at present mastly cultivation techniques),

d) analysis and finally

e) evaluation of measuring results.

The ossessment of atmospheric micro­biological workplace exposure can generally be carried out on the basis of different parameters (figure 2, see poge 116). As in most cases complex mixtures of d·1fferent microorganisms ore present at the workplaces - particularly when contact occurs unintentionally, os e.g. in the agriculture and waste disposal industry, the consideration of so-called sum parameters (i.e. the total number ol culturable (countable) bac­teria or moulds/yeasts), or group para-


Harmonised Methods for Measuring Bioaerosols

at the Workplace in Germany

Figure 2: Parameters for Assessment of Microbial Workploce Load

Sum Parameters

Beeterio Moulds/Yeasts

Group Parameters

Endetoxins Enterobocteriaceae Actinomycetes

lndicator Parameters

Aspergillus fumigatus Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli

lnfectious Agents

Legionella pneumophila Mycobacterium tuberculosis Pseudomonas aeruginosa

meters like endotoxins and enterobacte­rioceae) appears useful. This is particu­larly advantageaus whenever ollergising and toxic effects of microorganisms are to be ossessed, the lotter depending lar­gely on quantitative aspects (e.g. almost any mould fungus is a carrier of poten­tial allergens). ln addition, the use of


sum porameters allows a simplified and thus less costly analytical determination and indicotion of total figures as, for in­stance, by means of epifluorescence anolysis. For speciol workplaces it is also possible to indicate key organisms, os e.g. the Aspergillus fumigotus in com~ posting plants. last but not least, even detailed problems encountered in con­nection with infectious germs can be tackled by investigating individual species, e.g. Legionella pneumophila and Mycobocterium tuberculosis.

The tosk force "Workplace ossessment" drew up a Iist of workplaces which re­quire particular ottention in terms of work safety and the suitable measuring porameters for their ossessment (see figure 3). This Iist has not been complet­ed yet, but will continuously be updated.

As o first step, consistent meosuring methods for bacteria and maulds/yeasts in the atmosphere (ond in aqueous media) are being developed. Measuring methods for viruses and microorganisms on solid surfaces will be dealt with in a second step (figure 4, see poge 118). A first investigation will focus on three basic types of procedure, viz. filtration, impoction and impingement: methods for determining bacteria (in general) and moulds/yeasts (in generoll will be developed, harmonised and made

Figure 3: PG 4 "Workplace assessment"

Workplaces Measuring Parameters Discussed

waste sorting plants, composting plants bacteria, moulds/yeasts, Gram-negative bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, spore forming bacteria, actinomycetes, aspergilli {A. fumigatus), endetaxins

wastewater treatment plants bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, E.coli, endetaxins

waste deposits bacteria, moulds, an(aerobic)spore forming bacteria

soil decontamination Gram-positive, Gram-negative bacteria, specific germs (e.g. pseudomonades, Nocardia spec. )

food production bacteria, moulds/yeasts, staphylococci, coliforms

biotechnology specific germs{fermentation germs, contamination germs)

health care bacteria, moulds/yeasts, specific infectious germs (f.e. legionellae, klebsiellae, mycobacteria)

air-conditioning systems, air humidifiers bacteria, moulds, actinomycetes, pseudomonades, legionellae, specific germs (f. e. biofilters), en-dotoxins

metal working (cooling lubricants) bacteria, moulds/yeasts, pseudomonades enterobacteriaceae, endetaxins

wholesale/storage moulds, actinomycetes

timber industry

II All activities in the working areas cited-above are included, f.e. cleaning, maintenance, construction works.


Harmonised Methods for Measuring Bioaerosols

at the Workplace in Germany

Figure 4: PG 4 "Workplace ossessment"

Parameter Measuring Procedure Stole of Affairs

o) in the air

moulds/yeasts filtrotion procedure published for testing cultivotion

bacterio filtrotion procedure in preparation cultivation

bacterio impaction procedure in preparation moulds/yeasts centrifugal sompler

bocteria Impaction procedure in preparation moulds/yeasts cascade sampler

endetaxins in preparation

staphylococci in preparotion

aerobic, onaerobic spare in preporotion beoring bacteria

pseudomonades in preparation

enterobacteriaceae in preparation

actinomycetes in preparotion

b) in fluids

f.e. bacteria moulds/yeasts pseudomonades legionellae actinomycetes endetaxins enterobacteriaceae

c) on solid surfaces

{provided for future working out)

II First of oll procedures for measuring viruses ore not worked out in thc PG 4


available ta the user. The compatibi­lity af methods must of course be guaranteed. This is achieved by con­sidering the results obtained by means af the different methads during the test phase, by assessing and campering them.

Standardised method for measuring moulds/yeasts contamination

The very first "Measuring method for determining moulds/yeasts concen­trations in the workplace atmosphere" harmonised by the task force "Measur­ing methads and strategies" under the convenorship of the Berufsgenossen­schaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit (BIA) was published and released for testing in February 1995.

The measuring method embraces sampl­ing by Separation on o membrane filter (e.g. cellulose ester, polycarbonate, gelatine) and determination by cultiva­tion. The method enables a large con­centration range of moulds/yeasts in the air to be detected, thus covering not only clean areas but also highly conta­minated workplaces as they ore e.g. found in the waste disposal industry. ln the case of low moulds/yeasts con­centrations in the air, the loaded filters (e.g. cellulose ester) are placed directly on a culture medium, bred and counted

(direct method). ln the presence of higher concentrations, however, the fungi units on the loaded filters (poly­carbonate, gelatine) are washed off and, after preparation of a dilution series, brought onto the culture media, bred and counted (indirect method). The result is indicated in colony-forming units per m3 air (CFU/m3 air). The measuring method is split up into the following phases,


Any filter sampling device suitable for determining health hazards at the workplace can be used for sampling, on condition that it meets the special rules of bioaerosol sampling (e.g. possibility of Sterilisation, handling). Collection characteristks should olways be spe­cified. Particularly for personal sampling, the use of sampling devices camplying with the collection characteristic (inhal­able fraction) of EN 481 "Determination of particle size distribution for measuring airborne particles" is desirable. Such an Instrument is e.g. the BIA-sampling system for total dust GSP (volume flow 3.5 1/min, filter diameter 37 mm) in com­bination with a personal sampling pump. Sampling includes the determination of air humidity (% R.H.) temperature ( 0 C), air flow velocity (m/s) and air flow direction at the place of measurement.


Harmonised Methods for Measuring Bioaerosols

at the Workplace in Germany

Different types of membrane filters are used, cellulose ester filters (pore size 0.8 ,um) for the direct method and polycarbonate (pore size 0.8 ,um) or gelatine (pore size 3 ,um) for the indirect method.


Analysis is carried out by cultivation in an incubator at 22 °C± 1 oc and 30 oc± I oc or 25 oc± I oc for

2 to 7 days. The culture media are the following,

Malt extraet-agar (MEA) e.g.,

malt extract mycolog. peptone agar water pH 5.5±0.2

30.0 g/1 5.0 gl

15.0 g/1 1000 ml

and Dichloran-Giyceroi-(DG 18)-agar, e.g.,

peptone glucose potassium hydrogen sulphate magnesium sulphate dichloran chloramphenicol glycerol agar water pH 5.6±0.2


5.0 g/1 I 0.0 g/1

1.0 g/1 0.5 g/1

0.002 g/1 0.1 g/1 18 %

15.0 g/1 1000 ml

Oirect method: using a pair of tweezers the loaded filter is brought directly onto the culture medium in a Petri dish, where the gelatine filters are dissolved and the insoluble membrane filter absorbs the excess culture medium, i.e. the filter is diffused by the culture medium which thus provides the fungi with the neces­sary growth promoting substances. Since many fungi form bright-coloured col­onies, the use of grey filters (with a grid) has turned out to be most suitable.

lndirect method: using a pair of twee­zers the loaded filter is brought e.g. into I 0 ml of a 0.9% soll solution with 0.01 % Tween 80, where the gelatine filter is dissolved. The fungi units have to be washed off from the insoluble mem­brane filter (e.g. polycarbonate) by (heavily) agitating the solution. lf the filter is brought into a salt solution of dif­ferent volume, this must be taken into account when calculating the results. The original Suspension is further diluted in decimal steps (1,1, 1,10, 1,100 etc.). Then 0. I ml of every dilution is pipetted onto ot least two agar plates of the selected culture media and spread by means of a Drigalski-spattle.

Ca Ieuiotion

Assessment is done by counting the number of moulds/yeasts colanies grown

during the incubating phase an the culture medium.

Direct method: The following formula is used to calculate the result expressed in colony-forming units per m3 air:

colonies/filter · I 000 I CfU/ m3 ~ -------

sampling volume (I)

lndirect method: The total number of colanies grown on oll solution agar pla­tes (1,1, 1,10 etc.) are counted and the result in colony-forming units per m3 is calculated using the following formulae,

Lc c ~-----

C = weighted orithmetic mean value of oll colanies

E c = sum of oll colanies assessable for calculation (lowest ond next higher assessable) dilution

n 1 = number of plates with lowest ossess­able dilution

n2 = number of plates with the next higher dilution

Then the weighted arithmetic meon value c is multiplied by the dilution fac­tor d of the lowest assessable solution n1 (e.g. in the cose of I o- 2, d ~ 1 00) and by the factor I 00 resulting from the fact that only 0. I ml was spread on the agar plates and I ml of the original suspension of 10 ml used for preparing

the dilution series. lf a different suspen­sion volume was used, this has to be taken into account when doing the final colculation. The volue G represents the number of fungi units contained in the sompled oir volume ond suspended in lO ml ( ~ original Suspension).

G ~ c · d · 100

Consequently, the result in colony form­ing units per m3 oir is calculoted as followso

G · 1000 I CfU/m3 ~ -----­

Sampling volume (1\

Evaluation ol results

Only those fungi un"rts can be counted which are viable and capable of form­ing colonies; no statement can be mode concerning fungi units without cell divi­sion capacity. for this a (planned) detailed approach, e.g. epifluarescence analysis, is necessary.

T o ensure that a deviating value is im­mediately identified, the assessment of measuring results must always be cor­ried out against the background of reference values meosured in parallel in the outside atmosphere.

A wide ronge of moulds/yeosts con­centrations in the air can be detected


Harmonised Methods for Measuring Bioaerosols

at the Workplace in Germany

using the indirect method with separa­tion of the fungi units from the filter and preparation of a decimal dilution series. Moreover, this methods allows sampling Iimes of ;;;:; 2 h, thus enabling the oc­cupational mould exposure situation to be determined over a representative period of time, as in the case of chemieals (see EN 689). This includes the possibility of determining shift aver­ages and averages for certain process phases.

lf the results obtained by means of the direct ond indirect methods are not in complete accordance, this may be due to differences in methods (e.g. dissolu­tion of spare aggregates, Ionger incuba­tion when the indirect method is used). Naturally, attention must be poid to this aspect when ossessing the results.


Standardised measuring methods for biological working agents represent the essential basis for harmonised ossess­ment of microbial exposure at the place of work. T o achieve this aim, it will be necessary to elaborate a measuring strategy which takes due account of the particularities microorganisms moy pre­sent (e.g. determination of measurement task, sampling time, averaging time,


sampling location, workplace analy­sis, minimum number of samples, out­door reference measurement, physical atmosphere porameters etc.).

Meosurements for microorganisms in the workpface are carried out for different reasons. A measuring strategy should set up rules, how measurements for the detection of bioaerosols (with standar­dised measuring procedures) have to be done. Account must be taken of the following measurements tasks:

0 rough measurements for an approxi­mate estimation of a worker's exposure

0 measurements for the localisation of sources emitting microorgonisms (e.g. air humidifier systems)

0 measurements for detecting the shift average concentration of microorgan­isms. lf there is no threshold Iimit value (related to shift duration) for micro­orgonisms in the workplace atmosphere, measurements should be carried out to investigate a possible correlation between employees' exposure to bio­aerosols and health effects

0 meosurements for testing the efficien­cy of protective measures taken

0 furthermore, measurements could be done in the future to assess whether or not TLVs are observed

The practical realisation of sampling depends on the special measurement tosk quoted obove, e.g., Da I hove to sample in employees' breathing zone or

not? How lang do I have to somple? How many somples do I have to Iake?

This klnd of consistency is at the same time the prerequisite for defining Iimit values or occupational hygienic guid­ance concentrations whose potential role in the ossessment of biologically ex· posed workplaces is a contentious issue among experts.


EG-Richtlinie 90/679/EWG, Schutz der Arbeitnehmer gegen Gefährdung durch biologische Arbeitsstoffe bei der Arbeit

EG-Richtlinie 93/88/EWG, Änderung der Rl 90/679/EWG (v.a. Einstufungs. vorschläge biologischer Arbeitsstoffel

Deininger, C., Gefährdungen durch biologische Agenzien am Arbeitsplatz, BIA-Handbuch, 21. lfg.X/93. Hrsg., Be­rufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Bielefeld 1993

The American Conference of Govern­mental lndustrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Tl V/BEl Booklet 1994 · 1995

BIA-Arbeitsmoppe Messung von Gefahr· stoffen, loseblattsommlung, 14. lfg. 11/95, Erich Schmidt Verlag,

- 9400 MeBverfohren für biologische

Agenzien (einleitender Teil mit Vor. stellung des Arbeitskreises

- 941 0 Probenohme von Bioaerosolen om Arbeitsplatz (allgemeiner prakti­scher und theoretischer Hintergrund)

- 9420 Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Schimmelpilz/Hefenkonzentrationen in der Luft om Arbeitsplatz ( Probenohme mit Abscheidung auf einem Membran· filter und Bestimmung durch Kultivie· · rung)

Anforderungen an sichere Arbeitsplätze in Wertstoffsortieranlagen, Nieder­sächsisches Sozialministerium, Juni 1994

BG Druck und Papierverarbeitung und Fachinstitut für Gebäude-Klima e. V., Wartungssicherheit für den nygienisch einwandfreien Betrieb von luftbefeuch­tungsanlagen. lnformationsveranstaltung, Januar 1995


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