bh mtlll a ,,, itlcri t h li · 2017-12-21 · i i eiound and i.htfed pearls lut tim evenln shirt...

Post on 11-Mar-2020






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I SHAPELY FEHIN1NB FOlKrSSSSSi nnmlior, and In successive! rowstlrttothoknoos.

I The Biding Habit Sets Off i ' ? ""H 1 T" ' flr ""I", Mot Ilodirr! Accrpt- -Contonr ana lolor line. wi m nd w,n,

Hj ..iby daughter arrives In a German" " straightway tho thrifty raothorsots

innonRPUlUn OUDIOTMA1 Dorothy chest with thollnost ofAll nUAbfl I n U bimiOlMH, tiu m09t 0xn.ulsito nocdlcwork.

M bltiof diver. against tho day whonB ildon shall become n brido. Tim

H anlotioto borrow In tlio solution ofBidfl --any rreparanon ior num. ,n is IirobloMi ,,,.,, ,, n9SUmiI Gifts to IiOVed 0n03. us features. Whon thn Incomo Is

H 'lirictntnn c.xpenso It Indoed bur- -

H - nd oven with n generous amount of

B l"' vexation of tho hurrlodA F..Mon. in Jewelry, ..rf th-s.-

o ,,, ono ,0lUllSlitrtlloldWomnif.rreientrancy )l(jr Umn onjoJoJ, Thoro are two

H Mode. M Come nnJ Go, but the Tnlloi r,tmas present which hurt whoro

allt Cotrt Kranliw In Totie-T- m Con n bless. Ono Is tho costly gift bo- -

idllT rtftrul-- A Girl's Dainty Koom tho ono wo mny glvo In return isH common: tlio othor In tho tingrn- -

VTomRnitnlmostthobctrhnlfoftliohimt nt W)cli t10Ut,u oxponsSO nminc field In Vnslnnd. and this your Bho In My )0lultlfU, i)0nn, ovidoneo of

pltntllul ami plcturosquo contingent of on 1C0nsjnrut0 thought In thoseloo- -oTnmeoK Ilrltlsh blood in women ns we ro,ia!dorlng tho oxpondlturo ofMmcn contains hunting globules. In Fom ,ots. l0 l)rnRnbout not nltocothor

thlt Is assurod by stirring babiold families IcsuiK onB mny j0 forgivenmiik t tho earliest opportunity with th ,, thllt (;lrstlllll3 ina nroimshola fox. And bostdos tho spirit stii lU,d f()r t10 RWCot c,,Ul i,cnrt

H tloe.moro exhilarating rush tin ouch tho al , kc(.n inviolate its fnlthM It,ttheho'inilt.lttlinwnotforlhnliil tth , i;r.,B tmdltlon. to whom a

I uddltlowl chirm of a elinneo for dlspliyini ,,,.,.., moro joy Unn dootndla-- L

tliiiyinselt'!!'1' outlines of a fine Ileum I oUla rown woman that rocotveBf ,,Bini'rtnMot tho riding habit, whlc rpjllco tho friction and watte of

I Jntlielrhunttns llold tafcos inngreat varlct ,,, lutte. why not Mart a ChristmasI cfitrlsnJ ndmts of a P'o'nc brllllaue , un ,ie tuc;P(i nvay tho daintyI f.neywotk completed In Idlo moll C ilnydayt or ions sununor morn

jJWE little remembrances picked upfPy 7 oio and tliero? And thon tintK Jy t weok. whon all tho othor womenjTvy s about In tho crowded uliops

MiA rtiltant prlcot for sonceleis lit- -

fT I Yj 'low dcllKhttul to apportion thoI 1 K tit Y ,0 Christmas chest uinonc one'sII l.Vl l ' n Httlo thought and euro not

I y I or liru-he- s t tho il

I VYA i I iiioporn, buutottiu liedrlddeit aunt.K vri I A &l lliuro uro always tho uontli'mon.

l f f 71 JlJV' Joy and despair ot womankind.I t 41 'jf(y insay only tho other day that hoI II Mr ' In-- hit sister-- , didn't stop mil: nK

I I 1 IP .l Jr oates tint nuthint: would l'o Into.I J IV jy ohtot cases that ho couldn't Ketyjr P put of. and luul.o Instead somoY J" "A to wrap his nlRht-hl- rt in whonJ ellinu. No nuittor wliero 1 tatty Ar XJ ir mirmcnt." Iio said. "It alnaisJ -- y top of tlio ban when I opon It to

'Jr u bruh or a A manljr a bntatoci on a llireo iIiivh"CL woman does, and tho nlitht'o talwnys pruscntins ltelt at tlio

liocrlp. cott pretty Krimy niter a. tiimblini: lounii with pipes and(B eolor. though ths pink" hunt eoat 1 matches iul tho rni.t. nnd it somorersly seen? Tho waistcoat Is a mattor diako mo anicoKray klml oraeaso.tsrtlcuUr importance and of much dlverslt .u.d laee.

0 ,;,."fwIn material, color, and cut, nnd very liorsoj,, t10 nntural color, nnd supposoInalL Lady Brooke, tho perfection of whos like a hie envelope, just lamowuestrlan attire Is a proverb with the ...-- - fn garment easily andHunt, wears somotlmos a lone-skirte- d coat 0"it you llko; n ,K riotion bowrou.h-surfaco- d Oxford crny cloth over th ot popples or bachelor a buttons,flouble-brcasto- d

-- .at of white plush loathpvill. tTr. fastonod with cold buttons bearing, ,et nil tho eduos that ean'tthe hunt cipher. On othor occasions n red buttonholed in a pattern: put rWlne coat "''?JK0!g r.ttmo?

5(1 breasted Test of buff velvet ca0 u( t)ll. klmi ls JUBt uni:i rile blue Bilk dots. Dark shades of blum.ieutiiui-silteho- d neatlyubout tho

green and brown, once favorite colors irfhreo XZequestrian attlro. are not considered at a T(lg eni 4, ..otntoa. ami hnsimnrt now except in the huntintt Held, an wrouKht with tlio silks in a pat- -

thon only when those tints belon to the clu ."Wa "Siwa's'fo'aicolors. A pretty woman member of anotna,t u neutly and tlo tho ribbons

n Hunt, who is conerally "thero outsliio.thereaboutj.-tousosport-

in. parlane. SM "SU!paolc or kills, has a uniform of cra,ullstlolc n pin without bcuilinca elnsle-breaste- d coat with a scarlet collat'O suppose you taken strip ot llan-an- d

a double-breaste- d crimson cloth watsfh.wido. roll it round nnd round

hUrc,,0, rolls a bandnue. untilcoat, with eold buttons encraved with a,,rlinp3 0iKi,tOi nine inches in

coronet. and. of course, ono Inch thlek.The tie Is with all business-lik- e rldln ;' sides with a cover made from

7 your lialf-woi- n Kloves. chooshu'women of some oft. washing material Ilk ulty hm,00f tan latlior ttianany-anva- a.

tied with great precision. Themador. embroldored in a dninti littlorose or rcon ribbon. Dine up

. wars, palo blue, or telluw or rose.n the circle a satin ribbon tho eolor

CST oldered ono. with just a tiny littleyfc'Si up. holdine a rineeroclietod ovorI Jf tick tho ribbon mil of black pinsV "JfT not too larco pins, jou know, and

nf!'-&-- . 3i strons wlilto ones on tlio sides.I PgiAai 1 hao u convenient little nlluirJJpP n will enjoy paeklna in his crip or( f or huie.tu. And if the manP i i X lany kind ot a craze which callsVil y rlnii of kueo lireeches. the cieostfl ij yC J "lu vvorld is a pair of lnc .ilkv s4LJ nltted of strcne llrm silk, all by

K ' r ir hands, ivnittlncis eoniinstntoft k'S V n' " '" 8,1-'- ll Pretty way to boHIT 1 - uiostic it showsu wlilto liiiud amiiPl inss tosuch perfoction.

1 I y t Is nlwn)t sfo tocivu a msn aMl 1 if he is married, fur tlio PestuiloK '' 's sumetlmes just a little nit

J l J laving her jiot Inie-fillle- d pillnusJ ylW Jund by lier careless lord ami ina-- -

1inViL AS I such a triumph for a man to liavoI ll n.)K Ills very own on every coiu'h In tlio

A V-- V Bi It his head or his feet on just as hoft WBOn j elcnr-ribbo- n pillows am alwaysl u Slii pay for men. iiudRoaretlioiiov.'lter- -

Mll lows which h.ivo the desii;n em- -.Al -I ' n and ruijulro only tlio plain HI litislaw Wr I (or a ilnish. And in tlio shopstT 1 buy beiiutltul bits of3, -- r tpestry. more artistic than nny- -

- I can eiubroidei. with which........ -.. ,r ui --. ..,MHw'. mntehlnii tlio lltures in tno' nr .iik urmimi timerarats as muoh at by her own nnd other lr! 'ri'r ioii 1 win n

S2II ton' noof, 'tiTlt "'' CO."niU I Us pill ', t i .PAWJ0? ??fnJ0?1M?tAlI.Vi." k tnew nl, I10t . ill-- . V.h. of Pillows ro m.ulo of mallS"i?-aili,fB.8-

Di oldered in tnposti y desi.nt inlatont leattier or ltusl. "i.iit..niLfeather boots, with tho Instop and nnklo '

, V?.,'01-- . ''r ,' "'". '''."., ' f mi

the stirrup foot well protected, and tho loir t ' ' 'to . VItblocked too hard, are those most patr ,1 n. I.,'.l.1,t ?, , i.;i , E'feed by ladlos. The round hard felt ?,,vm .Vr .AIIn. hats are proforred to tho tall s ,0, '",'" ' '.' V t.lH ,', n

ione., and the cover coat mado with lo' firi&?iffibaoks and strapped seams, is an ndlspon' ,'u,', tti'Jli ,, i, t .? , ,,', iNe feature of ho huntinu woman's out ', 'i"r ,,. ."i" ? ,With the safoty habits and Mfetr saddlns n I "J, ',',::m . "i'-- ' n metallicused women fear no danu'or. 1'oolhardy n 'i'.... "i . n.may take dancorous leaps, but women kno V ' Si",! ',n,?V.?,7iway round a man usually, and win their t ,V ", ,'"'"' ;.n.iu" J, . L '

irhleswith lass expenditure of life and lit ,V,"l "':. ," ? ." Si i1 ".?ti ll,,f'One hunt club In Oroat Britain hns a h 'ii'Vi.'fin '', .'';. ',d T ,''.:master of hounds as foarlBb and Bkllful ,,V 7 '' Vi'V'1 ,',',any sportsman In the flold. "". I lain at id- -

ot tin llulitni smilij4,', orlnrtlie bed

TUB KEXT ar.T.T. SKIRT. u does not nbicit all.. 'i unit" tlnii tlin pri'o eUuis you

Whtttta It Oltrrrt rrorn (h One tlint 11 '" him. oi tlin uu ktlm uii buy in

I.'. ideidutaiile i.i-- i. m hcnm.The eccentricities of the bodlcot aref" '" ' '""tt inMi-.tifn- l I.I.ic': nndplauant and so varied that In studylnc trl sl""jders witli .old ami Hivcron. quite overlook, the fact thit It is tho A 'HR'.iWn .Vr'.'C.'. Im.after all, which rhould en"oour attontJ - inou- ili.ui the ihiintiuttil;The fashionable bodice Is to a certain dei'V '.i"1'' ' l'"c' s '"' "" ",llllu ""an "tabllshod fact When tho two wAWr,.;?, ithorltiesof thomodofnllodtoaKroo at i. idjdl tlin biuu, amidress period which should dominate desiJ'fiuVi'nc i ."''''' ' '" ""wocompromised byacceptin. both Ideas VI M.lV&tiZSKuu&CllWtti

bin u have a houl .itmve.In. plcturosauonoss. nnd cl.iopln our clri'","1,,0,1 ','' ' n"v' "'"-i- .i tnl- - lino IstoeIvetheBrento-,tpoSsIbln!onct!iofwnl.t(uJ,,- Li. in .a

" ' JIJT.i j ,JOU',llV.'t ' 'ViUifor morains smartness, l'nshlon smiles u!r'"'u"'l vaelikn slmi. with acur Idiosyccraslos. and wo o on in our t'A V,'.0..


. pclunuB dishes, nnd into this thutiirod. l.inlsiucthe mvei a littlollVVv Pr"ll', "",'10 UD '.''-ra- nt as u roso' Kciiurnfiia jov.-cl- or a man ti,

WW nilted, liiitiinmri vv.isiiever knnwiifi. itcurlplns. and just nowlittle fad for ijinnlnu tho blmk lieorn with ovonlni: dress ilnvvu at thosmall pin lot mod o( a sin- - ,.,oHiinnut prusimi uny now

l lorolviieiy inttertiK areI tho nonest Uesisn Ih.ul.K-- .I I eiound and i.Htfed pearls lut timevenln shirt are i oiiHtilerul moatliiiiiioiil.ituli thoy urobet.otliiit

i the women tlio neonlowoman'H skillI (julle oxhuust itbclf. llesides alland doyllos, cases, and hauluits

y woman has already, liero am justI nss tlio may not hnvn nt nil, An

i L, a iic of rich and beautiful materials1T ucl! lo, carry, her fan, her opoin1 ft ,r handkerchief. Jotcnottc, smell.

ind bonbnniilCro, ovon a comb nndI Jk 'iwdur. It you know what nurJ ititnSr cnlni; cloak Is, match It iti color If

iti rial. Inr tint idea is to havo itIf 'lo Utl1 'I"3 i'"i!'lltf town tho"'' Ijrondenlnc Pocket or bn biramra airiiiull ourntroiti. "l" 'I'0'5'-- , and c.vciy womiin

"n lr'"1 ''i.lonl. tin n '.hei rt filum In theJ ' ot these bils of fomlnlno

Hkirt s mii I'1" 'U.t oneiHiiiaduof white" ''Vfliiilniiflmi or-- P'l with .lap-inns- thread

' wo try tn i iIuBiniorieilruiii in lorcoliiliist'. The llln htotti ,u softly Inrmoniiii; color- -.

"'". ' .' l '''" I" - '" '"H" "'th iiibri..l..ri.,rrll binr " ' ,h i1 -" "'ii..t..i, mo ,t ..'" ,'" ' '" fiil.-i- - 'l'rt ii.niii.n.llK.'lelileMn dainty' ''"""- - itl- -i (.., Int.i tin. Iia.:i.ei , r i aM-i- i til ...

"f "l" '"' "" "'"ll wash An, diintilynvo

l8 p.ll",-'-,- ( "ciOi.Wlieha 'ort o;t th,. odces ,n up torn" '" "s. 'I hoc, '. I" dellcAto colors. Tlio traysnnd down at the corners to admitbo eltliurtlartsoV , erlng well and tl.a

with bll of tapo to mnfco lite box cover shaperomtileto. Chamois plays n moro Imnoituntpirtlhnn over In fancy work, bnlni; largelyused In plcturo frames. In hook covers and InnilthoconvDnleticot for tho ilok or library,l.inen Is also iulto at much uod. at it lint theadditional merit of holm: easily restored whensoiled. Very pretty toloarnm oasosaro miuloof lino white linen with thowordt "Hpoclal(Had Tldlturt" st on In creen and coldacross tlin tiolot nnd wlrot which uocoratntliocovor. lnshlo. tho telcKraph blanks aro hold Inplneo by a eroeti ribbon. A cnrtlai.'o bat: in aUltt turn wnmait whodrlvot much. It Is tnndoof cloth like tho llnlui: of tho eurrlngo, waddednnd lined with lluht hill: or cashmere, nndinto It mademoiselle, thrusts her dainty slip-pered fcut. dtawiiii: tho mouth well up to herkneotto Insure comlort as alio dtlves to thoopera or Unit. All sorts and conditions! ofbookcovors. from butehnr's linen to Unmansatin, nro made, but of thorn nil those ofchamois, with elutters ot l'.iigljsli vlolots andcontaining Tennv urn's poems, nro tho favor-ite nt Motrin. Very protty Ihlncs for mylady's vwili basket havo come out this yent.Mil or kIovo mendeit In new liattoins.silvor stocking darners in tho formof n hollow ecc. tho top ot whichcomet otTnnd leavcHn place lor thndnrnlnr;Ilos. silver neodlo ensos. and shields of untiland silvor to protect the tip of tho first tinnerfrom beliic pticked and torn by the needle,silver nnd gold crochet noodles, silver knittingneodles. n largo lamlly of omorlu. and thodaintiest of shonrs In all slzos and In varietiesof all tlio old pattornt.

All these things mny bo purchased now at bomuch grontar ndvnntago tlian later In the sea-son, although indeed tlio shops aie Idling uprnpldlv. and it is dlfllcitlt already to haveorders for duplicates takon with tho promlto ofsure dollvory befotethe great Christmas Day.

.v rcurrcr ooir.v.s so.viiim.nvEn.Slniilied HlrcTO Itr-r-ul Wraith or Color

nt Shoulder ami Elbow.Blooven aro extravagances In which may be

tracod features bolonginglng to nil porlodsand peoples. An otherwise modest gown otsombro color breaks out in a blano ot color atthoshouldor or at tho elbow, whore gay ellkor satin or velvet flash through slashos In thematerial. AMion thsso slashos obtain at theshouldor the sloovo Is copied from tho tluguo-no- t

dress In tho sixteenth century, when thoslashos nppcnr at tho elbow It Is fromVonlco that tho fnncy comes. Anothermost sin prising kind ot a sleeve is that

which consists of a long drooping Miff, fallingwell toward tlio elbow, and slushed up tho en-

tire length on thn outside. Inside this jiutTthe arm appar- - eovered with a clo"0 sleovu nfrich and brilliant brocn.le. or nf silk in somevivid contrast to tlio uutildo. Tlio two sleevesmost worn are the Kmpiro. which has u veryfull, short pulT. with a long, close sleevo belowit. and the JSill sleeve, which lias a droopingpulT, sometimes nuite one nrd in clrcumfoi-nnc- e.

falling to tho elbow nnd supi lenientcdby a close cuff, freiiuontly of a ilitTcrcnt mate-rial. And if not content oven with this,over this pufl there may fall a drapery of

eolor. richly ombroidered or hiutdod. ora broad rulllo or velvet, four or live Inches Inwidth, lined with silk nnd box plaited into thnarmlnile. standing out ncgresslvelv lrom tlioshoulder until a little, slight wenian moasiiresfrom sleeve tip to sleevo tin a most astonish-ing nutnLer or inchos A black uioo.i'ln gownrecently worn at a function of groat Impor-tance had a crimson velvet outer cap to thosleeve, embroidered in gold and jewels thisbit of color giving nn nlrof great distinctionto tho othomiso sombro but rich gown.

stones cove Asn r.o,

Tint the Tnllor-mnd- c Ooun, (.'lOHr-nttln- j; nndElegant, ttocr. on Forever.

In the vain and transitory world of fashion,where modos may como nnd modes may go.the tallor-mnd- u gown goos on forever. Especi-ally at this tlmo or year nro they greatly in

when their ttimncs and neatness can-not bo destrojed evon by tlio fng and rainnnd mud ot oar delightfully 1 nglhh weather.'Ivvostiles prevail largely !n tho tailor gown.Ono - to make a short womanlook as well as she can in tliis iclguot tall


nwomen. It iins a perfectly i lain, iotin.1 sM-- twhich l.'ite! toml es the gros.nd. and v. hi n

Isdoeldidlj lu'lot lutn nf S.i- -t vcur. i.llithis skltt h num .illttle round ,o. t.

r.ti'i'ght around tho hii's and losingwith ono button it. front, or left oiitlrclopcn. i

ns ono fancies, over the gaic.l. smatl. -- t llille i the genius o the t!iil-.- cmiIovIho or tho iiinei'tiil ,'iiiiioui nf wnmiin'swaist Irjmo.tiilire. This w.nstcosi ju-- t n'iwis apt to bn light incoloi -- White, with a s ,., 1;

of bluoor of led: blue, vvitiiailot nf searl- -t ...f eliow. 'I hn v.nlstcnat uuint be douliln

breasted and havo leal pockets n nil a linirh i

precisely like n inati'h vest. Tno tour-i- n

hand tie. with u linen or t e renin collar amiculls, closed with link billtmi-- , heavy dogskingloves, very loiwo in lit, mil iMllsl.iu ImicI., nlUSl l0 Iilll-lie- il ill tllU ll!!U.lar way, a boutunr.t ie of green pinks, and igold cionoclu blruna una long jjoldcdiiiii, nl!

!"Hy- -

lililmmmam fniiure? 0f tills dross when worn by thoexce-hl- v iy swagger girl. Indeed, siimn , if thoswell iiiuins whii nifect this sou of thing whent thi-l- i ninrtiing walks nlunnd, havothe gown made of Hauls elntli. because "ItMiiell . i sinol.y.dun't von know," iuyoftentlin gnwn is vviini with a hooded eapn linedy it ho lor, ur vithu iy ll.iring wlmlu-bac- k

bo coat, with lapped scams and big pearlbuttons. 1 Im other stylo In tailor gowns isdesigned only for divinely tall woman, andhas a long Knell hIi frock coat, iloublobreaatod and showing tho lapels of a verybUtfiu waUtcoat above the ooat and Ju.t a

clTmpseof the color at the waist line, for thisrout Is veryproclsety buttoned and Is verv

Of course. In rlchorstjlo thon nlmuld he it's wife,

"above loproach." In the matter of (It. butreiillv the tailors make iiulto as many nnd de-plorable mlRllts ns (ho dressmaker". '1 he re-ran t decision of tho courts in thn long suitbetween llernhntdt and ono of her dress-makers nvor I tut bad til of a garment in fa-vor of tho actress hat demonstrated thofact that we nil have the right lowear porfoetlv lltting garments, tlio iw al-

lows it nnd the Court awards It." Hit wowaive our right nnd neenpt bodices that rl.loup In tho back nnd that wrlnklo In front,nnd pay a most nbominnbln, amount for tho

.privilege of wearing tliom. Some time, whennil other reforms nnd eitunlltles havo been

that nro ngltatlng tho woman'skingdom, sotno woman mnynrlse In her mightand begin n crusade against wnmnn s beingcompelled lo pny twlco nt much as tnnn forgarments that do not lit hor half so vyell. nndoverv woman with a grievance will fall In linoand hasten tlio moment, 1 lint will comn topass when tho womnn counsel shall lm readyto plead tho ease nnd tho woman Judgo togive tin, verdict, for how, shall a man mdgotho flue rnlnts of n woman's gown? If she beyoung nnd fair, he will think thn gown perfectanyway. Ir tho bo pat tho prime, hu won'tnottcoitat all.


Wm Hutaclcnt Daintily to Benntir-- Till.Girl' Jtoom.

"Show me a girl's room nnd I'll toll yonwhat manner of womnn sho Is," Ib an old sawIn tho woman's book of character study, nndtlio other day, when ushered Into nroomun-llknnn- y

othor In needed nooracle to nnnounco to tho wrltor that It wasIho nest of ladybird with Ideas and orlglnnl-Ity- .

a happy faculty of making tho host ofthings, and an artist by Instinct If not by pro-

fession. Tho first thing to attract attentionwas a wonderfully tunny window, with a sashcurtain of thin jellow silk covored withtho soft gray shadows of dancing vino loaves.Tho window hnd an unpleasant outlook,nnd tho silk for Its decoration had booncarrlod lo a vornnda. where a vino madotho Bhndow of Its graceful leaves upon thofloor, bho had laid the silk down whoro thoshadows wero most perfect, and thon hadlived them forever with soft gray water colorsand gathorod it In her window sash, llcnuaththe window sho had nrranged a littlo sentwith it jellow cushion, and draped across thoWindow polo nnd down ono side tho window acitttaiu of striped grenadine white, Willi jel-low and dull blue and ullve-l- n tho curtain.Uif-ld- e Itwus atevotvlngbookstand lllled Williniug.iinos and new books. A whlto furiugstielilicil nut Infinnt. and on this were morocushions, the heavy ones nt which fmni a so'it

Another thing to attract attention was onoof the guv l filmed Ou.iy.inull hummock",di.ipi diu'io-- t unn eiiclontthe room, tankingwith its fringes and tite-u- it. hilllliintilocoia-Uon- .

homo one bad given the hammock to thowoman who ,11, In t seo a veranda from onesu ill inert,) tlioheN'. Hut she had Ideas if shodidn't liavo the veranda, sn slio put up hooksin diagonal corners of the loom and sus-pended tho luxurious well thereon when showanted to forget how busy she was. Whenlint. In use morn hooks shnplv dtap, ,1

the bright netting against the, wall.And last ot all was noticeable thedinsMiig table, which was made after tintold duchess fashion, ample and low enoughtor Its pussc--or to utllie. resttully sittingin the low white chnlrwhMi stood before It.'I ho table was made of a wood sn fiame. whichshe herself designed, the top piddod. coveredwith palo giectisllosiii. and then with dottedmuslin. All about was frilled a curtain of thoslleslu. with tho muslin over it, a llutud frill atthe bottom, the top

Tho mirror was ono of thekind, with the upper half a picture, tho lowerhalf a glas-- . 'j hero were painted cupels intho pic'ure and thn muslin diaped down eaclisid, i nf it. On tlin table wereti.ivs with tvoiy brushes inlaid with a linyeyphei of silver on tho back, ami china pow-il-

bovns and hairpin bovosind all tho para-phernalia ot tho toilet in china recept icles.with ono nr two bits of silver polished tntho Inst degreo of brightness. One couldn'thelp loving the womnn alter onoglnnco attlio toilet table, which was tho daintiest overnnangod. except the one from which It wascopied, nnd which tliej will show j on still intho apaitment of Mine, do Uemusat. The li,lwas of brass with whlto hangings over thnfaint green linings, and with anvnhincoof nui-li- n heneith its coutitorpnnoofwhite, with green ribbons threaded iuatid outof its open-wor- k border.

inv. rtsiuavs .v jewelry.The I.ntcst linden In 4 orange nnd Htlck

I'lim-Oth- vr Noieltlt'.Included in the multiplicity of elegant trifles

of jewelry for feminine- adornment is a newdesign which Is meotiug with unmitigated fa-vor, and whMi to propeily npDreclatu onomust bo versed In tho history of arms a copyin miniature of tho sword, or a xariation ofthat weapon, including tho dagger, the fenc-ing foil, the ritplor. with und without a seab-hiii.-

and representative of different cias.Tho knightly sword of tho middle ages, witha hilt In tho foim of a eios: swortU andduggeis in use dating the English tlmo of thoCommonwealth and from thn sixteenth to thoeighteenth centuries; tho Indian nnd thotrench tapl". and u f, w c-imcus of tliotireek ami the It, imsa sword liuvu all a place.Ori.-inall- s the doslgn ;i penred in tho corsagepm nf inudium now It includes thosem in lug suvon and eight Inches. tU hatpin. the hair pin, thu pin, and thu ch it- -ehunupin. and leprosentin,,' a cost of from afew dotlirs up to several liundrc 1,- 'J hociosshilt-- n Invn-it- u design oftentimes a blareof diamonds nt nn i .ii'.it.i combination ofllCIKll eliiillii I and ir us stones. On thnothei hand, mativ execeitlnglv pleasing

are nf g. Id sinipli thiisi'd hi nn.imi'lled.'I no nn iliuni-si'.- e I .niietvi'f si,dv n,i imi-1..1- I11

pi tc tedngili.hi rln pi l.Mr.on iti. nionr-lug- s

i .1 s,ii,, leu : 111 nut 01nf.h'ibl.n' .1.1.1 d. on .iti'i! I litilih ll.ellil.'J li h is it,n hnd b ..ton. uii.aniS is ,1 li,st-- ,

.1 p' ttlu tl.i lip 1, I cnii tl.tlistthinii.ih ti'c ilii- -s II" , .: ml tlo naiipWVlillel), li,il,'OVer. OH' X. o l .1 til 1. ntidthuine.isii in I.- d ii.,) luvl 1,1111 ,u linisii,.,v.ilh il e o.ilri.u .'l . 111 osiniiing at tho'..n k. .11, d v.ith t. i. !...:. .ill o (.-h- alf nrpiom UIVI-- I. I1.1..WI. th" s,p. , ,j, ,. ;

Ik.i...o l.m l! do 1.11,11 tliMi-- r , t -- I:, .'1:.Vi", lioilllltl.l .1 ll I'l'i.'.V.. st,l i, hit.

I tig. e I lil'll 'I, ri tl to.s I.,, 1.sliu s too .i.els i.titi.illj eini mbli'ii in ,1lm 11 i eb 1: gi tit 111 hitch n to shi Is lll'ill .:tl.- -

,- - 11.0 ilthet side. Jtl t,.tJ "is-- ii'il I 11 11 i, s' ile n hilts lln'CMiiil-ui-v,iii,!ios nt ii lo Might no.. i.i an ,1bulb eal ! f.'.it 111 . in li ' - iisth.vili cu-ll pie patterns ami In tno iimiu 111. id, in p., tin 1- 1- nT iais(itelmtlle III 111" dllllllest Hull d,'s ,'

natural nil" rnaii.ellin.: In n t -.i I il

lactni tins -- eis,.u lr tim dm nralm ..fevi'i) vaiiel nT article nf .owelii wm 11 b bolhinv,i end women

11 ivmv in a' watch has a else ennm-idle- d

n cithfi side to icpre-- . nt singln pinyv.ith a diamond tint,, Imp ll. tin 'entre. Au-nt I, ei (,1-- n Is ilei ,.llii ! nil mie side Willi c p

"lianiello'l White Bpltt' dogs Itllllg meet ,,II tim it l.n mud unit, and nn the ntu.11 uilli aill 1 tin Inrgi " VH.ut' .llol '.Mi,

iinnl !..r Ilie ! 11.1111. nl.l'l 01 nfg Idnii gl .1 11 ( the wnr'd. tint

hillls In us ,ic..l e l.p k ellll-lie- Ii p.ins, Is all clilliely ilesifjn Hi I . ll II,..I. line ,iti h. 1 hu 1li.1l Is him (ititiil. i wlih ,1itdiiMte llui.,1 I'l'ilui III I'll' I iLunnil iiceti

etiPi'i e1.

lii' iiuliii en n 111'1't111. "I, Is s 11 liciie. 1 I " I luce w it i'Ii.

..el in a ill's ling in 11, noled ti'iHiiiliiiininil-- . iVspiietlie Minute ..

Iilcl, . 'li- -. Il.e w ileh Is h in! to keeii eveelletillinn. n oi'ii'.u ailielu n iiitf.idi v 'list now, lo. ii .n that it n bo m uletnhelVe till e ,i, i, petiilallt,which,, iii ids., i, iiiiuni lm lui'i.-ipi- ii andI'n nii'tilit' innan.ept ! ir .v luir.i 'I I n I c--tleshh at ago ileu d ili--l .1 ' III,

,11 11 simblllht. htlll'd'"! n'- - ei l,e ill'h i,i.mnndi. '1 hu , une thing 111 rn'elfts 1, ,,liuiMtvv id.iii) land, with Hie m N set c i.utngilhei in a low, ot a lilielv twis-n- but"iti.i'ly liaif w Mind overl.11 lug sl.glitl) ,uthe fiiht. mug. tim l,ite. nds mi iiii.'iitmiwilu ii'vvcl". In thn Ich cn-t- l ' v nielli's th.In !, ami tho h.1111 biiiielelnl vellow nr :eigold is tho xtilcihiiist In Use iufa-hln- ,i - realm,

(mid hall Plus nnd mills .11 i'l fashionnguiii. nun I that Is meant tlms n .nio nfsolid gild, as ie as emu n'- - I'b'tio- - in11ml or and Inttniseshcll niio.nte.l m gii'd,( nnsplcunua nniong tho la'tei is tho huge,1011111I top ennib, winch will bn much 111 vnginithis w Intel, suriiinuhtliig llm moderately highcoilTuru now so laslnouable. , very prettymodel nf hair nln ism amber topped.with 11

graceful wieath nf golden wheat, A solid guhlhe.irt'sluipcd hpnon, tlin l"wl appti Pltatt youtlined with an nnitnelnf i.ils, ,1 (orgcl-me-linl-

and the li.'inillo almnst , nvered with thosa.iie niliti'iioiitatioii, lludh phii'n am ng thn( hrl-tni- ninilties: also "Individual forksin gold moil) iirnaineiiti .1

Attiung tho hoveltlos 111 icv-li- y foe men sweal mo Vet niiltiiiih In teid Imin I lien tntwelve niadenf sllverot itold the latter p"i.In-Il- l plain, uilnicd, eliahcl. eiiainclled. andwith pieilous stones, and n'teatiuie.s bearingthn inmingram 01 erest nf the wearer. In scarf-plu- s

Hie suoiil an, I dagger appear ugaiti. andtliein uie all Borth of llsh designs nf 1. vers witnf illlliehsnms. 'I hn till tie. thn ( tali, t he n)stei.the clam, in various cmiiiilmitlniiixil gold andjewels, mo fuvotitn (hivlces: i.ltf) 11 tin) cod-1-

li of Wisconsin item I, with eyes, litis, andtall of diamonds. Yacht club Hags are amongthe popular scurf emblems of the moment.

There is a uew pencil out- -a Utile beauty. Inits war-inten- ded u auapceudst to th.


watch chain. The dimensions aro about twoInches long when clnsod. threo-olghth- s of nninch in diameter, nnd among Its diverse stylesot ornamentation thomott beautiful Is eithera continuous chain nf small .11 imonils twineddlngonnllv around Iho Pencil or tinv clustersof towels sot sotno littlo dlstaueo npnrt. butfollowing a dligonal lino. Tho "Indian"finger ring, richly carved and chased In Indinnstyle. It perhaps for tlio time being most pop-ular. Hlcovo buttons and links divide honors,but to tho fore in the medium-price- d vnrlotlosof each nrothnso dono In wlilto nnd fnncy en-amel, with and without gold oruamontntlon.

Ttn faxcy is ran dark oowxs,With Velvet Conts nr Cnpca In Rlch,nrlght

Hlin,l- -.

One very mnrkod foature of the season'sfashions Is tho fancy for wearing dark gowns,with coats or enpesof xclvot In rich, brightshades and very ornate and brilliant In def-loration, l'artlculnrly offoctlvo. bocauso as yetuncommon, nro tho coats of black or darkgreon volvotworn by tho tall, slight women,for which fashion evor rosorves her choicestproductions, Tluiso coats are cut much on thoold hasquu order, witli a very flaring skirtfulling out from thn waist, and deepshoulder ruffles, or several frilled capos with

sMEX"4Kv.isja'a high flaring collar. Very dressy nro those

of dark green velvet, with trimmings nfrich nnd liiiulsomo jet mid furbordeis. in the cut hns asolidjokoof jet. a fullHUT of velvet coveted with jet mid wit od Intothu shape desired, and a soft doop flouuco bo-lo-

that, which is of volvet in this case, butnuiv bo of rich Ineo for dressy wear. ParisianIiidlot nro wearing tlies coats in Velasuuo.led. with yokes of gold and jnt embroideryand honlors of 1 imti. Tho gown mustlm simply made, ulwnys of black, and of richmaterial.


lo In the Ten noun Draping Fnlr Woman,Bloht Perfect In Krone.

Tho tea gown hat been brought rathor Intodlttcptito of lato from tho fact that peoplethink they can " run thorn up at homo." andthat they can mako thomout of odds and ends,tied round witli a scarf of somethliigelse. untilthe woman who wears ono reminds you oflliloy's "rnggetv man" orannnimatod bar-gain counter. The t oifcet man. some ono hasBald, Is most perfect in motion. Hie perfect

ti 7s,'y' S k 1

,jji-jik- w

woman in rencs nnd whit so conducive tot lint Ideal grice of lestfulness as tho tea gownin its highc-- t form of Muessmn. ttil whatinoto Important gown thin this in which onePiesidcs at break last tl at must tijltig ofthe day. when it easy for .1 great beautyto be anjtlilng tit pi nn, . ml n plain womanto rise above hmng ugl). piitictilmlv if .me is"bilged even- - inuip ng tnsil iippnsite thniineman mi enth fnr li good opinion sho liasn miserable cravitg en tiling tight andlight and dun!) .r lies the fancy

very time, mid liel.s e ik bun f.uget Imwnverdono is thn t. ik imw uuderdono IhoinnlUns. and l.n I .'i nimbi lends

very prettily in the xn.-c- ies ofthis Mi 'out sol'. I' ll . printed eish-niei-

and India si'l. are matcilnls whichproduce .)lrin-- t as gritidltig results .is111. uioie ensllv lr" it's and velvets,1 imcy .1 pale blue.h .1 10 nib a llnvver pat-ter- n

iiir-l- ling inni .eeti lenvo. In thoback Hi" fid n ss f ll- -f a shlrird Wnttpnu

ng limn inn' veis nf gri en velvet.111 Imilt lbl'le Is ,1 lilt e i.ieki'S I'lfect withPro 111 levciS "I g ''I Velvet lltlll .1 fllllsli.tigl't gnwii,! in .I. th" bust with. ilo lied ..irf of vi iv.". ,n .1 ttlechnt, lain"i ,ig id I ice and ve v tall.' Ihe Inoi- -' boldl v. tim pern il i lid t. . es ,i,i tlio trouble,s li'tlc ti.i it t ii in - ilv.ajs fm get-ting v.h'ii r. rgctli s in ans a climb ntM,n o.-- thine I, . i's ill hi ill'. Vlldlieu ll'hjr ea fjr u. tea gown.

4'- - 'AH KsP

AmiAs --M

MmKi; . -

this time i : lain pi r.e.'a'o el o'd ioecriron.with i limit "I 'I I" du i lone, .ill

I Mill. I' ot ill" li". !;. mid an em-- I

rojil, led i i' . 'I, w.i Co I. "it full infill nfHie clip. dp i.l. evi'' li'1. couliil s,,lll.lll a Iln ilb v. with lose i till ngsIht.iug i. ci ' nt m.l I'oo ' II on lb" .;. iv li I"

ut i I tal'irvai "f l"- - '" iv iii'dnn, tl , sillsI i.tto'iliol d tub I la. I., and ill und nut Istlimiideil.i bionl ..'a I ill" li tiliiglnii b"Won eithei sd" n.r Hn' fi'int A d.iiutv ami modI'M little tucker i). I'liul i'"' I "''ps lipiu.iivo thollt'liu and levels tlio ucii. icciiiuiugls,

rn o ii o ' 1 v ntn .v.'.7..s,

AUrnrllTf of rt'i'Oii.iltlt. riirj Air ('mi.ililetu llii-lie- -s nmi ("ii. ir-"l-

The woman ilniiiin'or i n 'omi arntlieh newnnd uni'itio feaiuio "' I'.inieielal econom).Among the most s iccessf ,1 an Jlrs. I.. 31.

Hughes, who i,' icsents n e go hou'e on aS.llurj which, li.:ii!llc'sev, ir hliagngetieiositl.nnd Mrs. Davis, a (iolhaui pioduct. snrilland fair, with a ph 'isnnt and great tie.clsimi of charactei, who is lu! nil Hu, nerviestlittle eie.itine on the road ''wing lo In r at-

tractive cismialiiy Ylrs. D nl" is n mail, lorthu inasliei s iiisnieiii-,'- , but she handles himas sin does bur goods, without gliiic, andgeiioi.illy dlspofc- - of , i.'li ambitious reprc-sctilat- lvu

nt I he llrst lepulsf. Jlrs. Ilughnnis dink, sliitely and liaiiilsamo, who sellsspices und has a rnc-- little t.iucli of her pro-duct lo bir pernonalitr. bho allows htr vie--

tlms to pursue their frantlo struggles to mnknan Impression until thoy arrive at tho point otexchanging cards. Then sho prosentt. withgreat nonchnlonce. her business card contain-ing tho firm's and asks if Bhocan do anything for them. Usually her

In hor own line of butlnest become hergood comrades and friends, nnd when shoineots tlio boys at supper or at theatre partiesshe insists on paling her share of the ex-penses iitid being treated at one of thomsolvei.Mr- -. Hughes moots with little carping nt thoinnovation of thn woman drummer and entoysher work so much Hint sho says, of nil thingsin tlio world, next to being a womnn diummcrsho would llLo to bo a man drumuior.


To all budding and aspiring authors may bacommended tho statistics concerning novelsgiven in a late English publication. Duringtho last six yo.irs 1,000 novols havo been pub-

lished which havo succeeded so far that thoywore asked for at tho libraries. About thosatno numbor wero published whloh wero notasked for and failed. Those 1.000 books worewrltton by O'gg people, of whom liO form acompany far In ndvauco of tho rest, so far asponulaijty it concerned, and 70 form a com-pany woll behind tho llrst; l'JO make up aband who havo so far succoeded as to create asmall demand for their work, nnd thn cithershave reaped neither pecuniary advantage norfame. Which, being bummed up In llguros.Indicates that of thoso who writo one's ch.inciot being one of tho ."0 novelists in .unit tklxiowho succeed It and his chnneo of

in obseuiityainl neglect Is represent-ed by thn fraction ti'gii-Ilo- which is lathcradiscouraging certalntv.

Tho School of Design for women In Phila-delphia has two football teams, and evor sinceOctober twenty-tw- o young women havo en-

tered Into the sport withthe simo enthusiasm which distinguishestheir elTotts with tho brush. The sonhomoroteam of the University of I'onnsslv.inin. hear-ing of tho piowoss of those lair iiishors. sentin recently u letter addressing ttio manager ofthe art team as "Dear Mr" and desiring in-formation as to their open dates. After aperiod of Ing reflection, the v

tn the very flattering request of tho w oar-ers of tho I'ennsjlv.iuiu red nnd blue, was sentin tho shape of a red and blue Tarn o' hhanterof sugar, gorgeous with floating ribbons andlllled with siu'culcnk upon dates stuffed withcienm. It l.-- unite easy to imagine tlio girlart student "kicking tho goal." hut you cantrust her woman's wit to get thn bettor of tl.oUniversity team without tr ing it.

Members of the IIov. Edward 11 Hale's I enda Hand clubs in lioston havo established anoonday rost for women employed in tho citywltero thoy mny onjoy the lunches broughtfrom home with n cup of hot toi or broth, andmny he supplied with hot lunches smallcost. 'Iho diearln.'ss i,f eating cold food intint ' row, led and uncomfortable uunrters usti-all- y

iosei veil tor lunch looms, and tho ten-dency of thn lunch box to dostrov rather tlin iisatisfy all appetite for fond, cm be appreciatedonly bvtliosewho habitually make tho noon-day meal oil n bit nf the dinner roast and haltll - bread, lor tlio pnvileges of tho ilostuwoman pays ten cents a week.

The cultivated but impecunious gcntlowom-e- n

over thn s,a. dc-pit- their consorvntlvotraditions, display moro originality in takingill, odd lines of work nnd In elovatlng

callings to artl-ti- c and successfulprofessions than dn tlio American vvngo earn-or- s.

who press and jostlo'i iilong lu tholleldt or woman's work. Millinery,

fruit nnd flower farming, poultry rearing,anil business nf all kinds nro taken up bythese titled dniiies of high degree, who

tho futility of earning a livingI.; the more intellnetual pursuits, 'ihoWnmnn's lea Cnmpati) of I on. Ion Iscomposed entlrelv ot gentlewomen who rt

their nivn ten. blend, pack, it nit sell irthemselves m tho lien: I of faslunn iblo llmulsliect Tim tasting loom Is a pretty parlorxv hell nn,! is served with a enp of tea hi- - ageiitlewni'iiin in u w iittess's cap and nprmi.'Jbo emnp.iiy emplois sivty women agentsand owns itsowutea llelds. liil'nrisalSiironcssand n t milium of idles mako and mdl forcharity nil manner of i in c and ileheatel) pel-fil-

.1 sums, t. Met water', ilentlfrlces, jhiw--

ts, ,',c. It is mi II n the tiling tn havu tho soapstamped Ii'.h I itei later with the cre-- t. inItlals. or ninmrial I earingsof thu owner, andto have miiriv tinv littlo cakes, called law

hi ip. nn i large enough for onco using.Otiiilln.iil.ii Hip'i' ih.i long to v.-- of carriage,waiting vi'ii'i their mi licit mako their pur-- .

uses and chat vurh the Itaroness, who In al-ways tiic'toiit, stii ei vising thu buslnoss.

In thn legal profession the Amrlcnn womp.nis noil in:: her way against much opposition.As vi t mil a limited number of Mates admither tn tho lar. slill heven women hnvo beenadmitted 'o pr.i'tiso befoio tho Supremo Courtof the t nited .Mates. Jtolhlho llmiiiio I.i ,itl'mi iiinl the ' m 'i jo ,ii i mips aro edited bywomci law v ei-- , and several legal nssoci ill, insli. no i. .mii formed, including tlio J' juilv ('lull

t the 'A's Intel uatlmiu! l!ar Associa-tion lu W )' iinng mid Washington thn mixedJill) sj stem has been tiled with success, unitin Molilalia tlio greatest of nil triumphs liasbeen si ored by tin ulcitlon of 1.11 1

Knoulch to tlio ollicoof Utonini tionoral. nnhonor never befom accorded tnnvvomiin. giaduati of Hates Colli go. andstiidh d lier tuofessiou in tho J'ast, When shei.'ent tn Montmi i sho found that tho statutePirdilblted tinman's iidiiils-lo- n lo tin bar. buthliu bcciiied thu repeal nf the I iw, and has oversince bic-- practising with success and pto'lt.

Apiopos of what is now being written otMine, llenan'n cooperation in her husband swinks, the records show that many of thnwives of rencli men of lottcishnvo affordedvaliiiblu assistance to their lords. Alphonsnl'niu'ot not only iilscusncs tlio plots of hisnovels with Mine. 1) unlet, hut slut also helpsliiiu in wtitn thein. .Mine. IHculiifoi'b on-u-

'rut Inn in lier husband's scleiilitlc rulshionsmid writings has won lor her thn ted ribbon.Mire, I liiiuiplleurs, vthn was the pupil as wellas llm goddaughter ut Del executedn i n li" "I tho caricntuies in I h.impflci.rj'seninie works, and Mine, i'.siiuros Is Known tohnvo written a pottlnti of liei husband's " llis-toii- o


Dr. re'iolleld, a n specialist Inhyg'ciilii laws, looks on womnn as tho thirdliiu of defence against dlsea-- o tho flist beingpul. lie, and consisting of thn Health llnnidmid niiutury laws! the hpcnnd pinfesslmial,nn, I consisting f tim icgulir medical annvand tho third Pilvnte. aim consisting nuHnlV1,1 lr.lllll',1 llll'l sclentlflc IVolllell vnlllllteers inIlie lioine, 'I hn Dm tm Is getting 111, ii petitiontn have Ingleiie inlrodii ed moiu guncrull) lutlio higher schools lm women.

Mi. Ciladstone's resignallun of thn I'resl-tleti- o

of tho Woman's I.lberiil r. deration liasbeen received with much regret by the loud-nr-

Mrs. lilndstonn pica Is inctcaslnc caresand duties ns her excuse for relinquishing ihoresponsibilities ot such an office: but It Uvvollknown that tho seve.ancels lu consequence ofUj. diffloultles which have atUtn within th.

camp Itself owing to Mr. Gladstone's attitude ,r, 'f S'fM li'illrespecting thn onfrnnchlsoment of women. :'ei,. iV'S flrifiiMr Andrnw Clark sals Mrs Gladstono ie. i cp. I'Hlfmight to bocallod thu Orind Old Womnn. tor U 'WJl!Wisho Is as voting as herhusLand. or whnin sho 'tvl IliUifitakes such excellent fire. Although slut is "" lt?l tlfl'inighty sho has rmver known yet tho noed of "r- - Jfvl j jjliljnieetaclps, nnd when Mr. Uludstono speaka ny f!i r, Kljt isho Is always neni. waiting to wrap him up In Nw )H 'Kilwarm shawls mid to refresh him with hot fru Sitllttbroth or tea, when tho tpeoch 1h over. tn. ftil fjijjIS

Tlio Italian King ntuH.'ucen haveannonneo( A; K, II fllfljthntnt their coming sliver wedding thoy will (tn t'. if r.not accept glftt from the people, nor will thoy liAft ll ;ll yY'jeiicnuragn subscriptions for usoloss oxpnndl- - ,' I) j full iHire, but that HiDV will gladly accept' as marks, , IniJI iuJij jol tho good will nf the penplu tlio dedication of "' h Ttf Wf$any Institution of charity ur lliu Inauguration, rl,n' h I I'M tol tiny work of benevolence. f",,lr t Ji IrmA

"" li M ItBLrTho New Century Club of Wilmington, an Hu IMiorganbatlon ot but four years' growth, has r'i L'f

commenced tho erection of tho first distinct-- !' Ulwlu'lively woman's club hoii-- o In the country. The rl"t feIliiBiSlbuilding Is doing desigiii'd bv a woman, ' r'3la iMinerva I'.irkei .Nichols,.) Philadelphia. Hint heir mi-- j "J g)Mill bo owned and cmitinlled entirely by wo- - gnfl ntfiSi ilimen. Tint opject nf the nrgnin. itlnii is to el- - . tf! ftend the spliern of wnmnn s lullip nco. to In- - ., tmf t! tilereiso her e, mid lo advance hor ', BlniliBvlmental growth. "n H.Hitt flB II

Wl1 Swift flThemany admirers of Carmen Sylva In this nrd trllifftllcountry will lenrn with regiet that tho talented " r.Bmllryttoen is still in delic.ito health, and will bo ltt iiifll'tB Imini le to attend thn vvcdi'l'ig of l'rlnco 1'er- - '' Jiii I 1dmaud. It Is littlo inoiothiiti twenty jeirs ago

a lL!t i Mslncollin joutii: t.Hieeti, so active and linrotu- - .Mn. Hlmis tliat sho was'i as the " W'hlrlwliitl." ttH) lillilirushed down thn stairs vvltti Ipt usualvelocity, ,n,t UiU! Ifslipped, and fell, like tho lieinmos In thonnv- - ( rU'Bffr Rels. stialght into thn anus ol tho mini who fIt B jt 4Jlator becmiin herhiisband. I ate pursues with, " ' HlilHjlljJlutikindlj snvcrlly tim injiil won en id I.uropn. ... Il'.f! Ivllr W'1 hem Is thn I'.tnpi.)s of Austrii. a recluse. Ii J'i V viIII with melancholia from the death of In r ' IB if!sin: thn 1 mtir, ss of (.lorinans, wretched uuu" mil utm Mfrom tho ill tump," and Insane ex- - '" t'lilriflactions of lier sick nnd Inltalibt ubt- - !:Wffi,'iiiusband ami the 1'rlncess of Wales mourning ,n. II' (lift M

the death nf lier son and thn open ietldellly of e, ! Iiff4 8her spouse. Indeed, th" of liussi i . ) l!!limmay bn considered thn f then all. BIN tailthough tlioro is alw.ijs tin fear of - 'Pr0" BWlllIlMsin. furthuCarof all the llussias isvory niiicli com- - Eftiiilli!in lovnv.'itli his Danish wife and the houso ttw ' K Ml itll'iHllfonf the imperial family Is onj of great do- - nin. ffi 'H J lll.ilmestic happiuoss. .,e4 ILrililia

Mrs. Itorden. President of tho Now Mexico n,i t!1S--W. O. T. L".. lias been licensed to preach in tlio ' "" Plitlllli'ICongrcgationalist . hurch. Dining tho past ''J , f jBjj

car slio hat travelled 1,000 riiilos and mado , llillisillth,over thirty nddrcssct In hor tetapcranco work n llg llil! jlJtlB

Tho l!nv. Mary T. Whllnev. a minister of a i 0. UlSi'ttlndiirereut fiull). hat a, eonted a cill to the lltHlJItilfhecond I'nlliirinn Chmch in homorvllle. It Is )ijiJ:ilsaid that Jlr. Whitney, alto u imi'Iiiter, is xery ' II 111 HIV III

proud of his wife's nbilitv.ariduii mit occasion, ttn II sf IIwhen pleaching as a supplv. ho was compll- - IIiSHUniented on his sermon. "Do you call that a , fliBflisli!g.iod Bcrtllln," hu niisweted. "ou shoulil iHsilitilihear my w lie." They decided that they would IiJbJIJi'Ihhem- - his wife, and tint re ,ult v"us a uiiauimous livilHriHcall to tho vacant pulpit. Ullllhll

Thomas Hardy Intends to rewrite his iHSllwHlatest novel, now appearing in sorial form, bo- - P- - iMHSij!'fore it is put in book form. Thit is a case of "" hi'tlltlbiliterary fastidiousness, pot without parallel. ''' KifsillPtilbut noun tho less fastldlnus, inr .Mi. Hardy Is '"- -ono of those cnii I Mitiouswrit. is who neglect ted lircltwltvno touch which will pur a polish on his work. lrcii f (JiJ I iftvihllo al tlio same tinio making it npjioiir spun- - auu'l N'liiilJliifi.taiieousnud uiil.ibmed, befoio it is submitted ,,,,,. UtfHWr.iito llm public tlio ilit time. I'liOllriH

J.uella Cool, ono of the loading dentists IMIrHwoniof Eraric'lsco. lias charga of the dontistry nun- - mltlrli!at tsfnnford t'lilvislty. Owing to hnr large - fftRillHfliracticn slio can give l,ut ono day la tho week e'"i' nltil t'dai'to tlio univeisity work. no ' IIl!lHljji!

'U,B BlS ifi""" Pi m ft

Noten from tl.r I'nlverslllfB- -" jr. A." ftir n,"i IMhUIi'i!'l'o Iliirtui.l Anne. Girls. nil liilfliHl

Considering tlio rocect datoof the admission C1)ll.of women to tho .Scottish universities, nn un J. ii't'llll lroxpectodly largo number have availod thera- - JL'ij r?jsolves of thn privileges olTorod. In Edtn- - i th. I"i!)'ll'burgh nbout 10U women hnvn joined tho nrt ,JJJ I'iilljl''classes, Including IW that aro studying music, t."l lilljlil IIITho unlvorslty has mado no provision for n.e'n, lrll!irgiving a medical education to vromen, but ,' lt I' ItHltWover titty women aro studs Ing In the hehool of ' . li'lKiJlHlMediciLofor vvomcii. Mngcoub' hcjuaio. .pru llilititlirt iLrrrilHv

Glasgow University, in regard to the msd- - llllilllliiical I'duciitloti of Women, lends nil thootlinrs. II S l I tiiVcJuoen Vlargnret's College', which is nlllll- - ' ' 8 IrlPiili Iknti'.l with tho uiilvnisity, and recogrii7, d liy '"; MlJilillllfthoCourtmid tint ,uiatn as tho Women s Do-- ,, r llltmllr'ji.irtmclit in Modicum and Arts, bus l.iOstu- - K IUB rllntllllKduuts, of whom 4J aiodolng medical work, m. Illlltllllj"

Hbl., If iJllllK'In St. Andrew's nineteen women have ma- - ji.j4 lllillilll!

triLiilated in tint liieiilti or Arts, and liavo , , lf,ll Jfli!Iieuii iivvar.ii 1 Pursuit's nl various amounts. II til lilt'Tin women students look very plclures.juo in H(ll!!)itheir ted gowns and trenehor ciiis of tint reg. , LfilLHint undergraduate dms-- In Ahordeon tlio " ll 111 15.number ol vi.jiip n tlud'iits is pmnller, only Hill II 111!

cloven solar li.iviug Jpi'tied for admission. "A,w- - B ,J ISlHl

Tim M. A.pertlllc itn hit bocn awnrdod at iup-- j, K' fit tltlvthu Harvard Annnx in hut ti vming women. ,'i l'JJt.Miss 1 aiiiiin llolninti of imbridgt and Miss iKImlUslrdaiyr l.iicknnf West He, I inal honors . K. I'wIlillll.Hwent nwatiled for too 1'rst tim this vour to ,,,1,1. :MlIllllfHMiss huphiu 11 irt. In-- ti 11 tor at Wellosloy. Mtf!i 'lMliii

M;iss I'lora Mnvensnn, member of thnTdln- - luo , Mkibtiigh School Itomd, ti is been rnudo an Hon- - iHHInraiy 1 ellow nf fin ft.stltuteo! I fl,!-. otland. Miss Meyers oi is thn ilrst woman " ,1 7vflfui 011 whom llilhln in r has been conferred. " liBBliiil

'Ihe Woman's Cill'goof llaltimoro has 000 ..!students thijif ai 'Ihe li Vvirsityot MU'hi- - iHHiihas than ,".'J ) wop. 11 in its dlltorent '"fl' sAhibM.k'P..rtjy?ts. ;ii. EMK

Continuous and H:increased use 1 Iii!

attest the 5 lj----' itn- - B s)l ;1W

The8ale,of Mtlllm4? "Royal Baking Powder .. ITlCri t f." M 39

'r I J;Tt4'ft,during the month i li 'j!

' iJt'2.rv-- C Wof October, 189a, " i e' DSt-C-

" ""' miswere greater 'qwl Ithan during any WW

' M1V - Iother October Li.

n- hs9 h I7the history of 0rk-wrn- 1 '4 W-lI- l

the Company. AW. " ' 'ill ii IThis increase -w )" tilB1

alone exceeds in amount IjaOL Nk 1 l S " jilthe total sales per month of r

'"i fcjl '

any other baking powder. POWdSF ""I Wt

Park place. Now ,,, , fTJ Fll!ioik. runs out ut ' '"itT' 7 ""' ltiillroadway, .ipposltu Vrw? "" III fir'the l'ostoillcc. Among SfTV-jOTfJ- a f JP g"Its features is tli.tlurg- - M i y r?.f'A '. u. ) 'J 'Lf,est lamp Btnro in tho ft t 4V"x,vVM "J"11 JB5 "41'"world, that of tho fj h'WM "

f lJ3 'fltocheiter Lump Com- - . a.iS cZ&itd ' j" Hi illf, 'tis --spl

Ladles often like to go MMAs 'oul,, V sftlldown among tlio largo ''rrCWf' ' "h, 'illpjvvhul.'F.tlo houses and buy cWifv,' ' ( itiof llrst hands They will n .r N

j llnd ut Iti I'.irk pl.ico tho K ..,mt' & I fll and miist nrtlstiu I un,, Ipl iilisplai. of lampsiivershown jv '!r Qfl

over vmlilies .all ," (".f ify --, Jf ltho famuus "lioclic'Sters," ' l',,'v,i . !'"' iLtft.) ,Zand go 11 u inc. too. 'this '''"') i,U', W'' ghouse sells siuglo lampa. ?. - 'v' ,t bi 9 !. K

THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO,, -- . WlMS r.rk Pl.rt, 1 - -- , '!UT Uiu-U-j- r -- lft,w i- '.illHH

S . i

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