ttirli j)rrrllnc (keddy jnlnlnato ill nl.te the pain. onn riu.i.ous. cniinlllutloii of mibnrdtunlr...

. '" """"U - ..jfHumim ..i,,,,,,,!, , .. . , m, m B K III I II Hl ill l WypwW ; j TlflRTY-SIXT- H YEAR. NKW YOKK, FHIDAY, AUGUvST 20, 1809. " PIUCK TWO CKNTS, THE BLACKSMITH. ' iisai'1'i:aiiasck or (KEDDY mi-- : iriTXKs.1. the Tlilrr-lropcel- l,e llf llir lllrrhinnymeii A llirnld Km. IHiirilrrnl by bin IJuiag. f tho Fourth Ltiil Sixth Ward vcte In clover yenienla). They were tcattcreJ in Ibe various denn of lhal Stygian neighborhood, and each rejoiced ovi r a strategic movement which had teen made by tlulr temporary leader a moTement Vrhlch In designed tu result In the (urinal release of Ituldy tl c lllark'mlth, who is on Ms nay from San 1'ranclfco to the criminal bar of the Court of tlcn-cra- l Sension- - (ll'.sscn were clinked; burglars and tilrhwa)iucn ut o Imc been disorganized by tic ab- sence of their chieftain winked knowingly at each I ntheri ind Hie dlstlngulshe 1 Count do Vorley was '' honored wiln full bumper?. The apcculatlons of tlio i knights of the Jltiim) and the gnrrotcm, In rrgird lo tin liberation, were not grounded on .peculation merely. "The thing In fixed," said one of them, "and tti'll lane old ltrdd) Imck among us before Hcptimber. Then let Id eiictnlc look cut.' urtu:ioi iiiArriun.xcn or ntnov'n victim. 'I he rumor of thl ixiraordlnnry hilarity was com niuiileatcd lu a rc.crlrr of TilK Pes tart ctenlng, and bo fi.und. on Investigation, that It wan true. A trustworthy ofltrrr who wan h'.IIi .ome of the gntii when tiry bonded that the release of tho Hlarkinith Trn otdy a rnaltcr of time, confirmed the report. Tirr. (if, ic tes r.tathc thru had the following con Vernation with htm. , ItamnTtn How do they Intend to procure the re- - (oast) of Itcildy? Omcni-Ve- ii .Imply. In fact, he I vlrluulla out af the .crape, 1 "How J" I OrriCMi When Capt. Jcurdan bring" up lleddy f . lo tho Court of Mineral Mcluti., Jon will llml thai the prinilpal llne again! hlni the ilctlni whom lie has robbed will be nun "t. It really so? (llrroi'.Tcr.-1- . I am .uro of It. I have obtained the In-- t the principal mm of Neddy's What hate they douo with the .Look his head and laughed In a that the Iran. action wan a pio )tr.roiiTtii Have they murdered Mm ! Orricin No; but he's away, and he wilt bo (way when he la wanted. They've (lied things to lhat he won't appear agaln.t lleddy. JturoniBn lias he been Intimidated t k Orricin Ver) likely; ho won't appear, anyhow tactic to rnocuiiE itEiiin'a itkLKinti. Ititromrrt Hut tho trial mo) be postoncd until Ucddy'. victim .hall ho lorthcomlng. Ornci.ii-.N- o, no; I'll tell you how the thing In to 1)0 done. bin the case come, up for trial the wl". ncaa Tor ti c rrosccutlun will be called, but hu will not be irerrnt. llcddy'a counsel, .Mr. Howe, will then den.jiiid thatthe trial piocotd, and announce that he 1 ready to ahow that Itcddy la innocent of the charge pro. cried nplnsl him ; In fact, that .ome-- t body clc commuted all tho robberies laid at hi. l door. Then tho counsel for the it iplc, nflcr a 1 iauae, will loncede tho fact that the wltueo lor the J people U, .nd after a parley with Iteddy'a I liarrl.tcr, Ihe Court will d;achargc the chleltaln ot I the l"ouitli Want robber. -I . A few da) only lenuln until lleddy will atand at I Iho bjr of the Court of Ceurral Scision for trial : I then the truth of the report of the u: atri loua dtap- - ' of hl latctt nlctim will be tented. It tomcn from an aulhciitlr;.ourcc, and In rnrroboratcd. r Meantime, hu gang arc bti.j, an tho following will how ; UCRPCKOt'l ATTtCK tTOX A ItSrMLI) Mf. On Wedne'day night an employee of the Ifcraht pained thrcttga Fulton itrcrt on hi. way to Ida office Hi. face bore n atkn of the mont brutal violence. It waa liter ally black and blue. Ilia eyen were blood hot and wol!cn, and frenh blood trickled from Ida wound.. 0 ikhi a had been cut in rdn check by aome ) blunt liinlttitnent, and he emod to suffer lutcn.ily from Id injtirli. He went into Ilronan' nloon lullowed by arcpailcr of Tna Srx. and hating oh a K'af of ale, he the bar Italned going pant lleddy'. pile; In Chatham tlrect ut about t o'clici, when Keren orelglt tnembcr. of l.lngung rulod out. knocked me down, , ind kicked rre in the face and leg., while otrcrn s ( robbed inf. Thcv rifled my poeketn and took I.HJ cut or tlem. mid after lhe had .tolen the money they 1 i'tt on leillrg and kicking me becau.c I called the police. TI.ey then e.rapeil. I don't caro about tho mrincj I would hate been aatlnil 'd If they had ot crmn.llted .itch a irnrcleroun a"au1l upon me." Tho pool tolluw, who In known to bo quiet and here tourhed bin face With Id handker-tlitc- l to ill nl.te the pain. onn riu.i.ous. Cniinlllutloii of Mibnrdtunlr lulloio. Tor Until I it I Tlio llvbeknb Loilgo of the State of New afternoon, (I M. 1'iUt In the amendment lo the Constitution, Oraud Commltteemhe right of Dennly (Irand Mater., wan Itidefl An amendment Innlatlnx upon of nomination! for Or.ind ofil- - before election wa. adopted, A that a once rejected candldato by any other Lodge without fimt rejecting him, wna InJiDDltcly theCon.tltntlonof .ubnrdlnate candidate! whu hold withdrawal l their application, lor rcafflllatlon provided for rcjcejd novleen Cotiinilttro ou I.awa .ubmllted a of procedure for luhordlnntea, until next c.nn. Inn: Committee of Appeal, were Int. That appeal are not lime fixed by law ban expired; Lodge have a'rleht lo tote an entcitalnment of lilting for that purpose are the Urand Lougo It authorized to of tubordlnate Lodges by a on tho (irand Matrr a addre.. to tho recommenilatlons of the of a (Irand Lecturer, of special deputies to moral accepted, encouragement. Tho sc.lon the Committee on Lmnch of the Order) of a constitution lor Ktbekah charter fco at t'tf. The decided lhat widow of a who had tho ltebckah degree was lha degree. Medole was voted a 0. If. Jewel as his eminent services. lo the (Irand Lodge of I were Instructed to use all lawful repeal or the change of regalia. submitted a report, In budget at 10,039, and tho tax for M the cvxiitAJ4 i'Ahk 3irsn:itT. J Insjutat by Coronur Flynn-T- he llody In Rlllcbcll'a l'ood-- Va It n, AlurderT M Coroner Vyim lias begun an inquest la tho A ftrango caso of McHorloy, tho Central l'ark gar tm doner, whoso body was on Monday fouud lying lu Mitchell's pond. Tho teatlmony of James II, l'till- - m. Hps, a policeman, was tho oaly evidence offered, and even that left tho affair as mysterious ta It wan B before. Tho Coroner was decidedly of the opinion that It was an accidental death. Tho man was probably, a.n ho thinks, standing on tho cliff over- - LV looking tho pond, when he lost his poise, and, falling H forward, suuck w th Ins b 'ad loremnst ou the Jag;ed tonea b.low until he loll into tho water, where he W raa found by the officer. This hypotue.ia will ac- - count for the wounds on tho sldo uf tlio head, An lor tho wages (til) which ho received on the pie. uiua tlilurday, 110 had had fiom then until Ihe tune of hia death to spend Ids money. Hut who I mar account for the fx) cenls In curi ency notea that i Lfcfe found tilitly ciutcliol lo his baud at the time J 1 he was lound; and the position, too (perpendicular, f I nb hla rcu slightlir raised and itinied upwaru), 1 would argue a:amst tho theory of hla having fallru it gorvard 011 the rocks. tlcBorloy'a biolher, at any k istc, doea not accept tho Coroner's theory, and at ' I Lis rrcuut the Ui,uest was pottpoacd uatll next f Jtondai. TltK BllAKKK 1IA1WAS COKI'VS CASK. Thr Trlnl at IIudon-- A llnrU.lldlnB (Jnn-he- re nn the Hlmud Tho loaldr lilTr of tho !oelelv Tbrv hhako According lo Order Tlir-- Itoll Aronnrt 011 the I'loor nnd Kl. Kncb Otliel'n l'cct. Correircndenee of 1 tie sun Ilipnov, A up. 19. for day. I lie testimony- In the Shaker ca.c here ban been unlntcrentlns, but Ihe evidence of tho mother of the child Marion, given today, Mlllcan.o a stir. After telling how .he in- dentured her child to the Shakers, .he said! now .na gNpawuntn to kill una ArrncTio. I asked Antoinette two or three times If I inlht go and fee mi children, and he when lie thoiifht It w 11 a for irmlrttee thm. then .he would lei me Crot'crtlme .no did 1101 llilnk i wa. travelling from nat- ural aTcetionn nto nit . that she thonir,-- t It wa time 1 w. travi-ilini- from mv nattirn' artoctionsi thcalwiit. held trie ti ilnnon) up to ine that were ca led upo.i to navel aw.) tti.inail natural attrrtion it wan a topic of convrnatlon among the fhtii'r. shout traveling away from iiatnrnl affection, and 111,1 holding any renl Iceling 1 never frit ant change In tut townrds Ihe chlldrct ; I trli ,1 to il 1.0, hut eou d not i 'c oie the rl.tor I Rlu.y tried to .nppr,. alt itidencen of nntnral affcc'loni I did n tHouitpn t know that their be'iof und 0. I was trjtng to ro with them In their belle I. ami as I ha I a meamre of f iltn In It. I trleil to come nn to 11. rfMiuiie.nents ; twantoiu eytheddrr H'.tem, and alo t,v th. oilier, ..that whenever I had Ihe h .ft fe. llnir of lhat kind In toy heart for hit children or nnv I my natural relation. Ih it 1 mu.t make a eonfonelon of It, anil bear trftlm'ny neain.t It In trectlng. nd by following lhal coucm stiould find that it w ould help me. now nun was liasinsii to siiakk. t wn directed to .hake the e'denwa Hire ted Hi thev me to nhako .0 ..tohakoorr all ih. Xntotnrtle to t! me how wrona 1 wi . rlolnc. In- dulging n.tiual ntlerllon, and lhal I licedo.1 to labor out of Hi she then went on .)lna, what a itrcvVtll thW It wa to Indulge tu inch thlnr.. nearlng to-- tethnonr agnlnt It, and th.t I needeaT to rhsko tro-- It .he Ihcn ordered 1110 lo rh tic and I ill t .0. and Ihe verv ftrtll&tior m ctlnwe hat .iter ihtt she came tome nnd .aid she wanted I should coand heir lrtlmonv azalnnl nat'tinl feelings anl Hie tlrsh. nnd I did aa I M toitt tn t .puke hum CiMlomtiy with them, Hint I IhottKht It v.nwroiglo Indulge Mich fcdinvs, ttiat 1 Innoreil ncatnt it, and that I hated It, and tried to travel trom It. noLLtNti on Titx iLoort anii aissisn rnET. This a meeting of lha brolhera an t l.tera for la- bor .1 dcxirci"a ihoy say ; Hie or .haklng daueli.a, innrtliins, and .mikiu. thcihaklng will couinicnoe by Klder lrelTlck raving thnt 'The Fplrlt Ins a eonliovcr.v liero," .nd then he will coininerx o It hi civlng hi. foot a terrlMf stamp on the Poor anit then bosinaina lo shake, and all Join, if any do not Join, .otnotmien ihey will be c itlcd out by name unit itiii'i'teil to .ti , Iti y go iltrmi li nt ihcrt'inect-i'i- different of the boilv; .0 uv w III m .round tiowinj to Ih- - lirilicr. nn .1 lor, and rume go mound on tholr ; I .w o:,i voona hrother g'l around on hi l.nt-- and kl tin Inn ofulltbc hrrili- - rcti I hive .con them tnv down on the floor and roll from 0110 end of lie room to iho other 011 the brethren's siitei some nre taken with trcmcridonh.pi-llso- .imklmr and moatdag ; ome arc taken with li. of twirling like a lop on tholr feet, nnd other have illfTircni gift, plven ttiem a. llioy .uy. hv Ihe Splrlti, and Iheu they alt unite and go forth In these gifls. a nui r.xvviii.r. ron thr touno atnTXit. On Friday morning I wrnt to Antoinette llootittie anil n.ked If I m'ght go w Ith my father to the school house to te Minnie tohl inc liar, that I couldn't go, that I must not espect th.t every tune my naltit.l entne, to go over nnd tee Minnie, It was retting a very tmd ex- ample to tho yonng people to be o much with lov natural rcintlon when 1 a'urci her I had never hei n there with my natural rr ntion nut once, and lhat wa two year .go 11 1. Kept' ninrr, when mr mother nnd lroth.r wer 1111 to i e me; Antoolctte.nld, ' VtclMrilial'S'iillicli you nnv go. but I .1111 not Unit von .lould go over a'onc . 1 will .end one of the .Uteri with von . lam not w Illtre lh it ) on should gowithn world's mnii alone, not wul'e )ou wear a cap," rcfenlng to my fnthei. WANTKD TO LKAVR TIIK SHAKLkV pfV. 1 (list Inrorn.ed Ihe rnemt'Cr of the S cu ly thai I lntond,-- to leave ou hunil.v the Win day of dune 1 wa. wrtrhid I Me'ipcl I 1I0 nn . and anked father U he wouldiit step into tho ante room, a I had n llillo hii'ln.-i- , I w.iitel to trnnart with him. and wlo-t- i he came In 1 told him that 1 was Hud of bring there, nnd il.Matl'flcd, and wanted to go home; ho a.ked me If I meant whal nld; I told film I ill I: le sail he wn anrprleil hut If 11 irn mv w l'i to go home w Itn him, I mlcht go hv nil me in : he said, "Nat 101 more ahout il, hut .end for Cider rifitcrlc, and whatever you lo av, my before hlui!"hewn .enl for, nnd catnu ,nsl was befoie Antolnello wa there I sucge.tod sondlua tor her, anil .lie wn. sent for unil cainnt 1 toll her my dcslrci Antolnelle .okc then of Alnrlon, and said that Marlon would he teadr In Ihe morning to go with me . .he .aid of course vou wl'l exi-ec- to Ink. Ma- rlon with you ; I said or course, she Is tu) child, I ex- pect to tako her w Ith 1110, thr rtmiT roa thr cntt.n. e- Tuesday. thcCth of duly, futher ann myrlf wenttiack to th" rdmker.ll jgot lliere a few minutes 10 o'elocki llenjnmlti (l.tesiame in alter illnner, alter W u'cloe'c t 1 slated to those Hilton In thft olnre Hint I had come lo see Mlunlet t then asked Itenjatniu totieklnd enough to bring her In,. 1 wanted 10 see heri he then .aldt "I will bring her tn. but If you door lay anything to Influence her 1 will remove her from Die room t" he went out and tn a short time tie returned with tllnule aid two suteis the other three sisters who ware there still remained! shewalked la the doort I got up from my chair and went to meet hrri I took 1 cr In 111) arm. nnu sat her unmy lapi I would say that when oho caiue luto the room she looked the perrect picture of tear more like a culprit thsn snythlng else t 1 told Minnie si e mint not think I had gone away and left her willingly ; that I hap gone because 1 was de- ceived and been forced to go without her Uonjetntn dates then ordrre, me 10 sit the child In the chain I told hlni no. that 1 would hold her In my Iadi 1 hsd some confectionery and fruit with iner 1 offered them toheri he rcfured to accept of anyi 1 then show en her her lather's picture, andrhe rctused to look at lhal, SUAKRRS TIARINO A CHILD rROli ITS MOTIIIH. Itenjamln (late, then told mo again to put the child In thu chair to let her get downt I refused to do It, sajlng that I would hold hot In 111) t.pi when she w.s 111 my lap 1 had my iirmi around her walll holding tier looaelyi he men rune Iroin his chair, came lo tho mild, and took Hie child hy both ami. between tho elbow, and saoulders, and totd mo lo lot ko of her. and I snld 1 would not, at the same time lhat ho lotd mo to let go he wa a Jerking her, and I trying to hold her In my lap he Jeikcd her with mch force that mv holding oa to her, he pnllt-- me flom my chair and several sirpi aro. the floor t Minnie said,'1 Oh don't," and 1, Hist she was gelling hurt, lei loova of her t h then took her aud set her down In iho chair by my side. Tin nonrtiCLR TRACiitNns or thr siurrr. Harriet tloodwln stood ho.ldo her stroking her hair and patting her, nnd calling her hla child, and good rhddt we remained a short lime longer In Ihe ortlco, and then let! 1 think without another word wl h (laic. Marion, onHattirnny afternoon before I left, naked mo lor soino oranges nnd lemons I hsd both or.ogr and lemon, lo the basket that I bought her. and which she reinred lo receive t I w. tauictitlo hate eveij thing oulildo of our (lospel. for It Irclonged to llic worl I, tho and the davit t they call all wna aro not of their lellrf the world's people I never hoarn at any of their mcrllnns anr nndiblo prayer 1 was Ihcrc at Ihe lime of the death of luy child Kllxa It met with a v lolcnt death. Thin c'oicd the teatlmony for the day. The ex- citement is wry great. J.OVAL POLITICS. The Setrnth I'.nrly In (be I'lcld. The Seventh Ward Democratic Campaign Club met lal night, with Michael llayis in Ihe chair, Tho Club unanimously recommended tlielr patron, Kichard Walters, for nomination, on the Tammany ticket, as Alderman of tho Seventh Ward. Tnvrnllrth Aaarmblr Hepitblleana, The monthly meeting was held last eveulnir, Mr. James Jackson, l're.ldenl, in the Chair. Thu Kxecutive Committee recommended that the office of held by Mr. Nicholas llabcock, and that of 'I rrasurer held by Mr John Uautler, should be declared vacant, those gentlemen having Joined the Thlrty-lourt- street organization. The report wa. unanimously adopted, and Mr. Murtlmer K. Lee was dieted and tho Hon, Wm, A, Doolcy, Trcasutcr. The Ina nnd tbe Out W'AsniNriTON, Au. 19. Appraiser McElrath reported to thu Treasury Department that the cleri- cal foice In his office was Insdtquato for the prompt prriortnance of the large and Increasing Isbor requir- ed In Ihe offlce. He has avoided asking for inoro help, by detailing openers and packer., nut less than eleven of whom aro employed as clerks, sampteis, verifiers and messengers, (The absence of tlese persons from thtlr legitimate duties caused inconvinlcnce, and y he aska-- for an addltonsl clerk and messenger, whOH apgolntmcnl would release to their proper places several of hla men employed outside of their regular duties. This rcquost was approved, and David C, Hlurgls was appointed Clerk and Verifier, al 1, WO, and John Htewart, Messenger, at t'JW per annum. Tho following changes In the Appraiser's offlce were also approved; Ellsha W, Sinclair. Clerk and Verifier, at IIJSOO, vice Win. II. (Jrsce, resigned t and the following Urenern snd Packeri, at Id per day James J. 1'elllt, vice ftohert iirowne Mlrhsel fJumn.vlce Morris welch lhos, I'etlrldge, vice Wlilard L. Walti Oeo, W. fcl.geri, vies X Lt'JCkwell. ibcio remotaU were fur alleged lncCclcacy. Tbe bpurlous (Ireeuback.. WASHixaTox, Aug. 19. A counterfeit ten dol- lar greenback, of tbo same style sa those recently Is- sued, was received st tbe Treasury y Irora tbo Alio hany Hstlonal Hank or I'lttsburgh. Dealers In Imitation cuircncy aud photographed notes are ug audacious, and Hood the departments hero with circulars oflerlng to dispone ol their train on liberal terms, Another firm has been started In Chicago, probably a bauch of the Now York New Yorkers Itelurnlng from China Ban Francisco, Aujj. 18. Tho steamer China arrived here with the following-name- pas- sengers for New York ou board; Mr. Hooker and family, I'aul I'rank, aud tho following V. H. naval officers! J- W. Seville, F. W, Kennedy, Capt. K. 1', Carter,) Lieut Commanders A. It. Yates and II. I' Hintth, Dr. C. II. White-- , J. (1. Diolcrtcb. 1'. Miller, .1. 11, Ulakcly, aud C, M. Uurcliard. on itu a nr. Rev. Dr. Durns, Senior I'rofrssor of Chnrch nis-tor- r In Kuox College, Toronto, died yestordsy morning, aged U ear, Cadet Kngiueer James Steele, of tbo Albany, died at aeaon the isih nut. of foyer, said was burled In the . ocean thfoUoUigday. , ' 'jl. I LIFE IX TIIK MKTUOPOLIS. iiAsims 111:111; axi Tinnn: nr tiik M'.v.s- iit:votiri:its. The llntik t'ri'-hte- nl nnd the ellU(),0t)(l of hcliool I'iiihI--Jl- r. I'rvnr'a Web nf Itrd Tutu Ilrnkcn hv Judtrr Tbr I'rlannrr Itcmnitilcd. Oeotijtf II. ISnllcr, tin.' uhcoiiilni; Timiiipci banker, who In accaed of ombcaiilng tnOd.tXJO of the school funiln of Ihe Slate, aud who was arreted on Friday In Ihl.eltj.wan before Judge McCunn,tn the Superior Court, again Jctctday, on snndjourned healing upon Ihcwtlt ofAo.Voa corpus obtained for hla tclcane. Dl.lrlct Attorney llirvtn aald thatthe rcqnlltlon of tue (lotcrnor of Tennessee was on the way, an I would lo day reach do v. Hoffman t and he had besides a copy of tho commitment on fllo in Memphis, Tcnn. linger A. l'ryor, for tho prlnoncr, cl timed ti nt the eo nmllmcnt was Irregular, and lhat at any rate Iho prisoner coal I not be held, a. Ihe requisition had not bom received by (lov- lloflman. Judge McCunn remanded the prlnoncr until Tlio Chamber of (Jnininerco 1'ropn.tna to l'lirolin.o the hlln til tlio old I'o.t llrTJep. The .mull room in William street now tmed for the meeting, of the Chamber of Commerce has been found wholly Iniufflclcnt to accommoJale the bod)'. IsrgC aud Increasing mtmberhlp. On tho rolls of the organisation aro the names of about eight hundred hankers and nicrchanln, but tho apailmcnt used for the monthly sessions of thla Im- portant mercantile bony cuoriot bold more than a tithe of tho number. Homo lime ago the Kieutlvo Committee began ruUlng a fund lo erect a lirgc and beautiful building, cno which shou.d be commensu- rate with the glowing iiece.ll'ia and Importanceof tho Chamber; but a difficulty was experienced In selecting a .Itu for tho purpose. Tho prospective-removt- of th" Pont O'hce Irom .Nmnati street, however, has relieved the difficulty, and tho h mllng memhi rs now f iror a proi.wllion to purchase the old I'o.t Ofnee site. It said that the tnrttcr m to te brought beforo Ihe ineoilng of the organig itlon on the nrl Thur.dny In heplembi r. Tho old l'n( (irdco wan piirchvniil by the I'nlti d States (lovcrn-men- t In lmio hum the Collegiate lb formed Dutch I hiiroh for f'ysi.Otn The Tuilco lrmandrd J'Jili.nX). and riiuni'd tn sell It for baa, nnd the cxlra (.'0,0.10 Wis siihainhcvl by tlo- ptopeity holdtrs of the neighborhood, in order In havm tho Post Ufilc-- retained near tlielr place, of busine... Mow Inline Itrll llrougbt 11 Jrbti lo .In. lice air. Michael Siillirmi, of 231 Seventh avenue, in a gentleman of Hibernian extraction, who, until yeterdey, kept a coach lor the accommodation of the public, tho ribbons of which he waa not above handling himself. Hut our Jehu hid failings that aadly disqualified him for the offl.'e of charioteer a very abutvo tongue, a pendant for too much bourbon, and a dl.po.lllon for overcharging panncn-gcr- . Many ncru Iho people who had been the bultn or Michael's lu.olence and Intemperance, and who had luftered from Lis extortion. Hut, at length our hackmtn met bin match a nlghl or two part as he wan rcpoalng on his coach box, walling patiently for a fate. A chunky tiiacui:no of the Klephcn Doiigla style of aieinfc'iirt', arouse I him from Inn leverlc b; niiiiouuclng that he wauled tv be driven a ti rlain ili.l-nc- c up town. Michatl, of course, nimbly descended from Ids a ill, nnd opening the carriage dour lold tho alninstr In enter. Who ho wan cor hie had ro Idea, but from appearances he JmUed lhat hln passenger wan worth llcrelug. and he mado up hln mind to perform that profituhlii operation on him 1 ra they parted Tho trip lasted about an hour, for which tho legal thai go waatl. htiiltvau, how ever, had no Intention of let- ting the gentleman off thus cheat ly, but lli.lsted on being pud (3, and when his victim pi 1 mi mod to re- monstrate he poured on bis head a loncnl of abunc. Ultimately, Michael got hln f 3, and thu gentleman tho number of the otfciider'a roach. Our Jehu had, nevertheless, unwillingly caught a I'uitar. The stout .transcr happened to be a person in attthotlly, Isaac Hell, Kq., ouc or thu Comtiil. loner, ol Correction, who was neither tube In.ulicd nor Imtosed on witu Impunity, and who detoriiiinlng to make buliitsn an example: lo nil Insolent and hac drivers, summoned him bvlore Mar- shal Tookcr, aud had his llcemc revoked. Tbe New Member of Iho Police llonrd. Commissioner Henry Huilth went rusticating on Monday on oue of his own steamers of the day lino to Albany. On Tuesday Judge Itoawort 1 called s meeting of the Hoard, and alter the Jutgo had walled some time, Mr. Smith's horse and wagon came up. The Hoard assembled, but still Messrs. Smith and Hrennin wore absent. An orderly waa sent to look after Mr. Smith. He returned and Informed the President that tho horse and wagon had come without Mr. Hmlth: so, of course, there wss no meeting. On Wednesday morning the hor.o wa. again sent to the Pulice palace, and tho repe- tition of tho In. ult annoyed the President. Ye.ler-da- y morning, however, a .ennatlon waa created in the alaio when Mr Smith's wagon waa driven up behind a donkey. This was too much, Judgu h Immediately summoned Mr, Manlerrc. Juiiar JkiswoiiTii Manlerru, what Is the mean- ing or this! Mr. MANiinKR Meaning of what. Judge? Juimir II. Why, here have I been calling for a meeting of Ihe Hoard slnco Tuesday, and can't gel a 1 know Hrcnnan is looking artcr bis auorum. Smith has no excuse, except thst he Is look- ing after the C. Vlbbard and Daniel Drew. Mr. Mamirkiir Hi ms sent his representative. Ilermnn'a l.rvnryere Aanln Mr. Shearman, the well known lawyer, who failed to rodecmhis promise that the proceeds of Iho sale of the bounty thief's house should be distribu- ted among his victims, has mado a novel proposition to Assistant District Attorney Emerson, namely : Ho has offered to return the large number of papers of the soldiers who wero swindled by hln client on condition that ho shall receive a " Ice ' of auuii-thlii- Ilka 15 cents lor each. Commiasloncr O.born lortnally demanded the papers on the ground that they were records of the Court; but Shearman contends tnat ho has a legal Hen upon them. Mr. New combe, the special agent appointed to prosecutu the bounty robbers, haa rrpeatcdly and In vain applied for the discharge papera in order to return them to the aoldlcrs who own them, sad who hud ri corded tlielr names 011 his books for that purpose. District Attorney Kmerson, however, has informed Shearman, by an official letter, that he cannot charge "fees" for rotnrnlng the papers, and that he must deposit them In Court. Accident to Mr. (I. P. Piitnnm, Mr. Qeo. I', Putnam, tlio publisher, had a, nar- row escape from Instant death last Tuesday, While ho was standing in the hall of Mr. Ituthcrford 'a new house In Eighteenth street, a dumb waiter fell Irom the third story on his shoulders and back. Although he was very much bruised, no bones wero broken. Trouble for the Pennsylvania Republicans, Wasiiinqton, Aug. 18. The Hon. John Covode, Chairman of the Itepubllcan State Executive Com- mittee, came down from Philadelphia to see Commissioner Delano, und request him not to ad- minister tbe ltevonue laws so oppressively, par- ticularly lo regard to dealers la distilling spirits, who complain that honest manufacturers aro treated as rigorously as though they were engaged In defrauding the Government, There is a heavy wblikcy interest In Western Penn- sylvania, and appearances Indicate that il will be unanimously arrayed against tho Ilcpublican party unless consideration is shown them. Commissioner Dclsno informed Mr. Covode that the law was Im- perative, und that he had no discretion, snd was compe led to execute the law, Covode left la the noon train. The Close of the Merrick Camp Meeting! The camp meeting at Merrick closed last oven-lo- It was a success In a religious as well aa tn a pecuniary view. During the week Iho attendance waa latge. The meeting list evening waa closed In a novel ws) by tho Presiding Elder, who, after col- lecting all tbe worshippers within Ihe enclosure, placeti limit" at their head and marched them around lbs Camp, reWnlng to the enclosure when a pcrtnrinauce resembling Tight sue) left all around In a cotillion took place In order to give all a chance to shake eacb'.otbvr by the band, all slugtng the while ihe byuini " Ilorks and ilormi we'll fear no more W hen vare on that eternal shore t llolit the anchor, ratio the ssll, We aro huuud lor ihu heavenly v ale," The Hrohers Appealing without Avail, WAJiiiNaToy, Aug. 19. A committee of the New York Btock Eichange, consutlng of Messrs. Ilojt, Sloano. Oreeiilenf, nnd Van Scualk, with their actuary, A. N. Lewis, waited on Commissioner De- lano, aud requested him to reconsider his recent de- cision classifying them as bankers, snd requiring llicni tu psy that tax. They represent the decision as taxing money borrowed by brokers fur the use of their customers as capita). The Commissioner re- fuses lo rcopeu the question, having given it full cousldcrallou already. How tbe Government le Managed. Washington, Aug, 19. A gentleman went Into one of Ibe baresus In Washington y to transact some offlclsl business snd foond Die Commissioner snd Chiel Clerk absent snd bo one present except a messenger, wb.0 vf as mubll to speak EojUUu y, in aiTTrTafrfi.i'.ftiiiiisi if" K,''r&'sesifmm TUK nollOKHX ISA THUS. "An tvr .Imirner ttirli l.lfr. Iiel 11 Lite by tbo Vny"-T- he Clintnplon Kplem Inn. on Ibn llloomlnadnlf Itonil-Kntl- ug Lvlrii-nrdlnav- v. The lloboken Turtle Club In a Institution. It wan organised In IsH, and I one of tho loading organlaatlon of the kind in tho cottutty The meeting tcnlrrdayat the Pavilion, adjacent lo the Clatrinoiit Hotel on the Hlooinlngd.ile Komi, waa not ao well attended aa usual, be- cause many of its members aro on their tinii.1 sum- mer pilgrimage; but It waa certalnl) none the lens enjoyable became there was not a crowd, for there was an ample supply of the delicious In aliform. President Miller presided It would have HHtncd strnngc If he had not, fur he has occupied the position tor tnsny years. Loquacious, quirk nt rerai lee, lie keep. Ids end up in si) le. Vice Presi- dents i'owlcrand Orccn, and Secretary (llltann wero also In attendance; In lacl the only one of tin' off- icers absent wna Treasurer Ashman, who In ruftoat-tn- at Buffalo. Properly the meeting commenced In Ihe morning, when an excellent breaafast waa aertrd, tho .leaks being done to a turn. This, however, In an Informal affair, the dinner al i P. M. being Iho pilnclpal event of Iho day ; although many of thoso who go out with the dawn remain all day and are furnished Willi a lunch, Otbcia return In the allcrnoon or then for the dial time. vTho "spoon exercises" were begun punctually. The officer, wero dlperard at the heads of tho tables, Among tho gtienla wero Senator Norton, Cup I. Henry liedden, Manaccr Charley White of the Thealro Comliiue, Mr. Zlnger, of the Neplaiie Clnb ; .Mr Ansel Tay- lor, of the Mutual llaso It ill Club; Mr. J. H, McCunnell, of tlio Tax oQeo; Muasrn. IMward Petlinger, (leorgc Taylor, J. llooth, I)r lirmlng, W, Lawrence, A. C. Churchill, M. Perp-r- , J llrnee, T. ('. Dunn, L. N. Hlack, V. Hill, 1'. Itidabuck. II. W. S. llonaall, and John Tttrbell. Jim Martin never ttirnrJ out bettor soup, or more luscious steaks. lie was reitalnly the tight mini In the right place. He modestly attributed Ids succor, to 1.1 ...nei ites, Mc.srs. Tho.. C. Dunn and N. 11. Molt Mr. L. M. (Dark, once an In.tllullon at Ihe Astor llnli'c, mixed Iho pnnch. Mr. J.imen Moiun and Mr. II. M. Moll wero also prominent In the committee. The ftin did not ajipenr until Iho twelfth and fifteenth plate, were reached. Senitor Norton was the first to r.ll for hi. fifteenth plsle, and for the moment It was thought tint he would win the vigetahlo tnjuqutl: but Mniia-c- . Charley While bad qnlelly kept pace with the Senator, whom be heathy Ivvo pfa'e.. Tho bouquet, composed of ihe voida-IiIo- used In Iho soup, wan handed lo Mr White, who narrated several nmtt.lng stories. Prc'ldtnt Miller wa. Indian id, yet he managed tn cat no linn than Iwelvo plulcs, and, according to hln calculation, a many hard boiled eggs Those who devoted themselves to Ithck's punch itnlorluii'ilily forgot to keep account of their plate., Mers. Moran, Moll, and Morion were tint a binjr In hou. hut thai they could empty each ton platen. Thine who, like Oliver Twlnt, wauled more and took homo kettles lull of soup, included nearly all the party. After tho dinner an hour wnn panned pleasantly listening lo suns by Me.r., l'cttlngcr, llruce, ltlack, nnd Churchill. Spnecl.ea v.rro made by President Miller, Manager Charley While, and itherx. Thu party separated and rrliirned lo Ihe city by II o'clock. The medio of tlio Chili in: "A. vie Journey through Hie let us live hy lha way ;" and ahuulitn't we was n prevalent inquiry. ni:vi:xr Hvoimmt xi:.i. Tbe M11. 1 Spirited Yncht Hnceoribe Sen. on Vu br Tito Mlnulra An Upaet, but nn ltlvr--i lo. t. One of tho bent yacht races of Iho acason was contested yesterday ou (lowanua ll.ty, the competing boats being the J. I. Pcrrln, Comet. Julia, and the Anus, nil open sloop yachts. Tne prlar. were a sli- ver water pllc.her, given by Mr. J, I). Pcrrln, and flft for the second. Tne oourae wn Irom a stake-boa- t off Frank llates's Club Hotiso. (lowanua lliy, round the bay five Pines, making llltecn indca In all, Oirly four IkiuI started, thor leaving the stake In the following order, ailowaaoa lor llino belne made at the .tart t - . aV.K . aV. Comet tirsTrin) Julia 1 uAnna. j 3 a All in jachis got well off, Iho Julia, however, taking the lead In an early state of the rare, and maintaining It for first three rounds On innking tho second turn the Comet, which was then a clone third, broke her thwart halyards, which very materially her. The boata were all well handled, and the prises were awarded to the Pcrrln and Julia, the yachts coming tn in the following order) iY. it. d. . aV. a. Pcrrln ft is Aana 3 is ao Julia 3 IT On the fourth round the Comet, then holding a f:ood second plao eanfliad, which eflecluallr put of the race. The race throughout waa fluely contested. Tbe llnoilll-Coull- er Ilowlng Mutch I Ira ml II llrolrn by 100 Yards, Iirmnuunir, Pa., Aug. 19. Tho four-mil- e scull- ing race between llamlll and Coulter, on the upper Muuongahela course, for 13,000, waa cotitcated The referee, David Carroll, was scaled in n el 1 oared boat, which was rowed between the two rival boats Ihe entire length or the course. At the start llamlll took the lead, but was soon overtaken by Coulter, and It was an even race to the buoy, which Ihe boats turned al- most together. Coulter then shot ahead and con- tinued to lead to the alanine point, arrlvlmt In 37 tnltiutrs and SI seconds, snd besting llamlll about 100 yards. New Te.tnmenla na Prizes In a Voot Itnce. From the I'urtJirtlt (A'. J'.) OoutU. Aug, 13. A footrace canio off at Matamoraa 011 Tttcniluy afternoon of this week under tbe direction nf Con- stable V. D. Bhcpard aud C, P. Plutaner, of the Pike Couuiy House. The race was on Darker street, on the hank of the river, starting from M. Heltxuian'a House snd terminating near the Mat.vmoraa Hotel, passing Judge Dlmmlck'a residence, the distance six hundred feet, Twetty-on- boys between the ages of 111 snd 15 yearn entered In the race. The street on each side wat lined with ladies and gentlemen who cheered Ihe boys as they dashed along lha coone. The raco waa a spirited and well contested one, dlsplsylng great activity on the part of the boys. On the termination of tho race the prescnta were made by Couatkble Shrpurd. The first lour boys out received each a copy of the New Testament, and other presonls were made to the rest of the boys. The Hall and Hat. Tho Mamawelas of Orecnport wero badly beaten In a score of 49 to 9 by the Buffolks of Hunt lugton at Huntington yesterday. I Tho cmployocs of Apploton's will play a homo and homo game of base ball with the New York Printing Compsny'a boys on tho Union Dane Hall Grounds, Ilrovklyn, K. D. Tub KcxroBD at Ditboit. A private despatch from the champions states that 11 icy de'eatcd the Detroit Club on Wedneaday by a score of U to 111. Mutual ti. Hons. The return game of this match, at the Union grounds yestordsy, resulted In a signal victory for the MutuiJa, with tho score VI to 8. Tni Orirntau DersATin. A game was played yesterday between Ihe Orientals of New York "and the Maryland Club, which resulted In favor of the latter by IB to 8S. Uatuariks. vs. KiTSroNtj. The Haymakers beat the Keystones of Philadelphia yesterday, at the rounds of the former In Troy. Tbo score stood : f laymakera, ill ; Keystones, 9. Unitid vs. IIaous. An Interesting game of bsll was played yesterday on the llatlery irruundn between the above named Clubs of the Fourth Ward, which reaulted In the score or 30 to 30, In fsvor of the former. Visit or tui Krtttoxi Clou, This crack Club of the Quaker City will arrive In town this morning. This afternoon thoy will play Ihe Mutu-al- and on Haturdsy they will encounter the Cricket. Nrw York ti. I'ATSiisoa. Tho second elevens of these clubs plsyed yesterday on the ground of Iho latter at Paleraon, N. J. New York won by a score of TO to 80. Hmlth, of tbe New York, made tho bet t eorc-- 17. The Allen.Onllagher Fight. St. Louis, Aug. 19. It la said that Iho referee In tho late pnio light has re- viewed bis action and will give a final decision to- morrow. XOaYO ISLAND. The son or Mr. Wm. Robinson, of Jamaica, men- tioned tu Yiednciday's Bex ai having hydrophobia, is not dead, A mad dog was shot In tho vlllsge of Jauislcs but not until it hsd bitten a valuable hone SLd seycrslcawi that were grating In the sirveli. losses 11 r iriuu. Lust evening a bam rcsr of Mr. John Kirk's rf on Ihe KllnteUitown road. Newark, was bur ed. Two hones perished. Loss (A) no Insarsoce. A packing boi la J. IX A W. CreUhton'o dry.wids (tors. No. Ill Cheinut lUtat, llillaJslpUU, wss burned TUB OLD WORLD'S NI5WS. i.irrrr.nn nr.Twr.r.x nn: vuvs.uax 1 a i a vsrniA .v miNisTints. Wliv Von Wlnipfl'oii did tint Visit lll.ninrk-T- lit ri.irtiin Prr IHncrmt Tho Million III' till' MlUtlll'lil Ccrilllll! Mlc. YitsMtA, Aug. 19 - ll.iron von llomt ha re- plied to the recont nolo of llorr von Thlcle, the acting Prunlan Mlnlnlcr of l'or.'lgn Affairs. He S'.rrt. thai he thought a v explanation snRleicnt to r'movo the tnl.tindcr.tandlng betwocn tho two llovemincnt., and desired lev avoid useless The Prime Mlnlnlcr inn that what he .aid In committee wan of n pi Irate chiracler. Tho traii.acllnnn of a Paillnmentar) Committee arc not within tho cent id of foreign Government.. Allud- ing to tho interpretation by the Vienna Cabinet of the military treaties between Prtiinla and the South Herman Stale, bo nya that, In tho conciliatory de.patrh sent to tlin Atmli ln Minister at Itrrlln In March, 1807, nothing wa aai.t n. to whether the treat) of Praguo prevontcd the Houlhei 11 State 'rnm concluding treatlen w Ith tho olhcr Stale of (lermany. Toe circumstance that thero In. I hoc 11 nn Intercourse be tw 0011 thu Count von WluiplTcii, the Austrian and theCatint von HinmarK for some lime, In alluded to. The despatch explains that Ihla waa owing to Iho allTnilo aluence of I10II1 genllemen from Herlln from tho .prln? of IsfiS until the rloso of lhal year. After Iho return of III. mars, lenain well known, continuous and ilo!nt attack tn the public pre on Au-lr- gave theAustilan (loyern-mai- l cause to recommend that tho Count von W11npTt.11 should alrstnln fram vlvlllng llinmirk. The Au'lrlan Premier conclit ten by declaring lhat the reproach that Auntrla Inliii.le.l lopiuloug her nttiltidn nf reserve ctnnol lie beiler damned of tioin by rclcrrlng lo Iho iihlnlrtrupted inti icoiir.o liclwcen hlmneif and the II.11011 von Wcrlhcr, the Piusvan Mlnlitfr at Vienna. Tin: 1tv.ro1.vnos is svaix. Prenrli llmitnrw Hint Ibn Cnrllntnnrr Itccnin. lug Porinlilnblr. nrnl MvihiiI.Ii Itrporln ol their t'liptnro nnd lil.pnrrilnii, I'Aitu, Aug. ID. Tho iMiWs lo day nnnertnlhal Iho partlra of Carllitn on Spnnlnh .oil are Incrcasli g, and that In some canes they hato met vv Ith aurecsnes. It in claimed that they have captuicd nlno oHiccta and forty pilvale or the Sptnlih Army. Tho 'jfrls hints Hut within a month a great mllltaiy event, or tvldcii It givin no parllculars, will happen In Spain, after which Don Carlo will publlnh a manlleslo. Maiiuio, Aug. 19. Korty-iiiii- o Carliatn have been broucht f rlnoncrs Into Valencia. Several Car-ll- bandn linve been dispersed hy tho Iroops within the past two diys. Tbo Itiirvorila lu Ihrlr ,letv lit Itont. Iinnfimx, Aug. 19. The Harvard practised In a new host, built by Jew III. She measure. 41 del fl Inches long, and II) Inches ut Ihu vvl, lent part. The Oxonian, went over the cour.o taking Irom :rj In II .irokca kt inliitile. Tlie llarvarda rovvud oror loo courso at speed They mule n good start, lull n II inking wind Impc'cd tneir progren until they renched Hninaier.mith btldgr. Alter Unit Ihey Ind fair wind end smooth water, and rowed well to ihe end. The Oxford boat going over the same rour.e prcvhitmlr Hindu luster time, but thev had lair wind, nnd the lide na. inoro In Unit Ivvor. Two to one oth red on Oxlord, Willi no lakcta. Attempt tn Anni.liiiito Iho Hbnli of Pernio. Tr.nsrun, Aug. 19. A band of seclaries from Cottstnnlinoplo have lieen arnsled onc'iargo of con- spiring to ua.anHinate Iho Snah or Persia, Il aald that many eminent poisons aro Implicated In the conspiracy. The Persian Iroopn have capturrd da- rn tiela, and defeated the Turcomau lu a pitched balllo. cvhiositii:h or vitiMi:. An F.rrnnd Hoy Poisoning bin llmployoria. Mr. W. 11. Whitney and I!, D.Vosbttrgh, jowtl-Irrs- . of 17J Hreiadwsy.'nnrrowly isrnpcd poisoning ttsierday morning, nt Mr, Whitney's residence, IVl lloilfoid .VI nui. Wllllamvlitlrffh an errand linv rm. ployed by them having pui half an ounce or opium Into tie cotfee. Mr. Whlluey first obneived t rat the coffee bad a peculiar taste, snd he accused the boy, 'thereupon the little wretch Icapud out of the win- dow and ran, but waa captured. At the police sta- tion be mado a clean saying, however, that he meant only to put hla employers to sleep, no lint he could steal cuotigh to leuvo tnem, us they hsd hlni. He I. only IS year, of age. He ears his name la Theodore Eve. Tho poison was obtslned at a llioadwai drug store, on the slrentth of a nolo lo which Mr, Wbliucy'a name was forged. Tbe Worthies Cumberland Coal Ilonde. Ill the Cumberland coal bond case in llrooklyn yealerday, (leorge W. Chndwick teat Irani aafollows; TI c quotations at present for the Cumbct land Coal and Iron Company bonds are between W and W per ccnl,: the preferred slock isquolodntil-'lperc- nt ; thoso shown are not Ihe bonds 1 alluded to; thero Is not any qnolable market price for tho bonds shown; tiny uro classed as "miscellaneous ;" 1 have known Ihe bonds shown to sell for f5 Ir. money for a bond of MO, and to be exchangod for properly as high aa $100 per bund. Crusi.cxsmlned There aru aliv.ys buyers for such bunds as Ihese shown, when sold lor ioandlcs.; such worthless bonds are al- ways Hosting ahout; they bare been sold aa high aa fJo fur a 1 1J0 bond. The Itrturu of 11 Prodlgnl. Among Ihe passenger. In the .Sculls on Tues-els- y were Miss tieitlo Clark und her hrother, W. M. Clark. Mian Clark. It may bo remembered, became suddenly alllicled with a riiiolu tu shine as an ac- tress, alter a visit lo Wallack's Theatra lu tills city, lu pursuancu of this ambition she qull her home in Warwick, N. Y In Msy last. She waa met by a friend on the Erie Itailruad t:ie same day, and after- ward turneo up lu Inland, She was given an asy- lum by a kind woman in Cork during the lime re- quired to giv notice to her friends, whu immediately scut her brother to take her home. A llnrleni Temperance Lecture. An Inquest wan held ye.terditv in tlio llarlcra Police Station, by Coroner Klyun, over the body of Mary Louder, who died auddeuly at her residence on Third aveuue, near llhth street, on Mond'iy night last. The husband, William, was arrested on sus- picion, hut Ihe investigation proved that the woman died or "intrrnal hemorihagu from a ruulore of tho liver, the result nf violence, the causa of which is as yit unknown." The husband wan exoneraied, aud Ihe Jury erprcssed a belief that Mary "accelerated her ou dcUti bylougcoulliuud Intoxication." The Htroudaburn P.xrctillon. Our readers may icmcmber Iho hideous tale of tho bungling at the executlun or Ortne. a lew days ago, lu Slroudsburg, Pa. The facts of hla fuuerul ro 110 Icaa shocking. Upward of 1.000 persons wire present, At the cemcttry, thu Sheriff yielded lo Ihe pupular wish, aud exposid U.o lace of the corpse to the morbid curiosity seektri. A line was formed, and each peraon took a "last gaxe" at the depaited. The corpse allorded no evidence of bsuglug boyuud a slight sw elllug of the lips. jiuouici.iA. Assistant Alienor Marahsl scltod flvo barrels of whiskey at Pulton Terry. Jamea Furey, a laborer, building a sewer pipe In Ihe rear of Lawrence itrcetycilorday was prostrated by the best, A kerosene oil lamp standing on a table In Ihe houie of sir. K. Ledwith, 111 an iiurcn straet, near C alon sveuue. exp.oded. unci a.r. I.edwltti sud his wits were so aerlouily injured that thtir lives aro con- sidered lu dsnger. aVJir jiuism: Tho Jersey City Yacht Club will start on their an- nual cruise oa Monday. Krcderlck T. Farrier has been appolntnd Deputy (Irand Chincellor of the Kulghls uf Pythias for Hueisou Lily. A large and Influential meeting In Woodslde, near Newark, last evenlog, was addrened by U. O, Littlrjuhn, II. K. Low, and: Julius 11. 1' President of tl o fdontcletr Haliroal, Mr. O. U, lllnei, and others, lu behalf of the illdlau.l Kallruad. Chancellor Zabrlakie yeiterday refused to modify bis Injunction aalnal the Commnnlpaw Abattoir, 10 far aa lu relieve llietu from tho lost which ttiosa dealers haviDgctltlo there, and thoie who have them ou tlio way tnlther, will Inevitably sutler la consequence of bis liijuuctlon, rVUSOXAL 1STKLI.HIVXCE. Ocn. Hank and Scnitor Itamsey snd Fenton have arrived In Parla, Admiral Hon haa left the North Atlantic Squadron luehaigoof if. V. Queer. Tho President is expected In Washington next Tui sday, when another Cabluet meeting Is to be held There is much dliiitl-fnctlo- n In China st the re- moval of J, lies Uro w no from luo U. o Military, Gen. Lee will attend the Gettysburg reunion. Onr. Hoffman, Ocn. Meade, and other celtbretlea will participate la the grand ball al tho Continental Hotel, Long Urancb, this evening. Canfleld's Northern Pacific parly arrived In He- lena, Moalana, on Wedueiday evening. Thev pro- nounce the country entirely practicable for a railroad, Among the passengers by tbe China which srrlved st nan Francisco yesterday morning, wero J. Ilosa Urowue. toltsd Dtalei Minister to China, and finally, and 0. 11. cotton and Dr. Salter st Uaaicj. Iho latter f ttUItil OU lC4Tfl o siiiaocc. ., 1 m. " It CltKKUtSO A"Kir.1 VKOM VVttA Hpanlr.1i Forcrfi Drfrnlpit nnd inn do 1'rUon Htimlnrdt J)rrrllnc nnd Jnlnlna tb Cubnnn Cnbnnn Cnpturrd nrnr Iiifrto I'rlnclnr nnd KxrrutPd In tlio IMnrn. Waiimnutov, Aw. 19. The Utesl JfttC'.NBro n0 no Liter IlioOtti, but contain iiittonnl new. Afnrct (ipnt out hjr Ocn (iucfud ultnckeil ti Hpjn.Mj force mo Tins from Itcmrdliii to Join (len. Ici t Nae-ttu- . It w.iti the ciitiro fore? occupying tliit tIacp. Afur an rngiKcmcnt of in hour tbo Hp.inlinli fell bark nnd attempted to hoc re their retrrtt to Nne viLii. Col. Kcmro, commindlnir the Cubani, had inilo prrparnttnns for tlih and tho trnoji. ilntllns: their retreat cut off, nffuln formed, nnd, after nSort cit.icinont, wero dcfeAted. The entire force wan CtptiimK Tho Cubm Io ti repotted at IS killed ami frslttoumlrd, while Ihe ! of Hie Hpmbrdi wa 7 killed. W wounded, and rrhoncrn. Thl 4 tesnnled na an tin port an I triumph. (len. Jordan tent out a forcn tu reconnoitre near An attempt uan mile to capture them, w hen a II kM ensued which requite t lu the defeat of the HpnnUh force iinl the cipture of fifty sit On tho opening of tho flht, oer Bpinlardt denertod and joined tlic Culuui and took pari In the flzht. A umall portj conToyint; a train of provision neir Hagua U Grande, it la reported, were attacked bi i nuperlor force of Upanlarda and defeated and their Ir.iln copttirod. Another umall body wore captured near 1'iicrto rrinclpe, uumbennf; hO men, all of whom, It H aild, were oxecuted tn tbe Vl&. of tl at clly lmniet.latelf on their arrival. The fate of tticxe men createi internet excitement amons the Cuban, who demand Immediate rrtallatton. (len. (,)iieadi, lho-- lollcrr any, liopmjc for Intcrft'ronco on Iho ort of civilized (loTermeutr., ha uot yielded to the dc m.indri of Ida troop. Such Ner 111 the ('rinnr Scnd Havana, e 10. liccminoitrring jmrtioi re-- nlly aent out have attarketl and duatro)ud irvepl Imuicvnt cucumpmeuU within the Jurisdiction o. Citieo Villa. Captntn tleneril do lUnlai hu ordered the n of the II.ivmA , Tho Directora oftUolUr.ini lUtlroad b.iTO reinoxedlor m.iWi mtton nf tho fund of the eo n I anr, and arc held rcdpoii-dhl- by the tribunal. The book" of the cotnmny tin c ben deltered tu the Captain (IrncraPa Secretary ft examination, nnd ult election for iierr Dlrectoi-- tn been ordered. A IVrnonnl (Irlovnnep Slntr I'iiIoii. lo bo Kiirinrd-Co-oprruH- TC 0runiil7.nlloiii Hp pnonlireil lMnnm fur tbo (Suvrrumi'iil of llio Subordlnnto Itndlrn. I'iii t.AiKi.riii a. Aug. 19. Mr. Joint F. WaVilt, of New York, arone to aqueatlon of privlle&e. He read a cominnnfcatlon In a morning paper reflecting on hla courso In relation to the cipulMicn of all Anthony, nlludliifc to Mm ft nn Irlnhman, it c., and endeavoring to cat odium on him, He bdlcred It wn written by Pinion V. Kllirr, who had enjoyed peculiar privilege, At he wiw neither a delicate nor a rejHrter. ho dciniudcd thai he be removed from tbo reportrra atand, Mr ll. J Walti", of IV nnjW.inia, Chairman of tfie Cummittic, on urganlzatlou, prmcnlcd tho report t Itewirrd That tbe lreldent, at hi ear.leit conve- nience, aiiooint an c vteuti e rommlt tee from riu h Hi al e. iiAMoirtit, That cacti oxi'Htivc ofllrir a m ou ui'iiv flble tball, alter recrlvlna a)itntmnnt. proefdt to rail htito Com cntloni for the. purpnufl nt lorrntnti a HtaU' union: and uotll anch union In formed elmrti'ia are to be letmcd fiom tbe Nntiou it Lnbor Colon tiy rrmldrnt ot lor tl union, hut nt oon an llio Htate aro coiui leto tho ctiartem aliall como Trom the Mate union, iinotrett, 1lu( tbe lreldent of tbo Nation il Lnlor Union he and brrebr authorized to luna t lurter to Btate oritanlxattona whenever i.pplicjtlju U mr le by delegates from at lean tlve local tradci.Ubor.or orttitnlzation wblch meet at the call of tba Kxecutlvot'ommlltce. A'fMotceit, Tbateaeh Btate Labor Colon I entitled to bo rcpreiented In the National hit .or Colon uiroUim: One delegate to each Htate irrerpeetlvo ofnmuber of nielli hei enrolled in local Ctiloni, and one delegate lor eaeh and every '40,00 lor Iraciionni part thereof. oetaf. 1 hat each Hlalu Labor I In Ion hall make Mich lawi aud regutation for tu guidance and nupport at may to it appear most cflvctlve. provided ttiat inch law do not luanv way conflict with tho law 1 of the I.aleor Colon. Ueiatredj That the National Labor Cnlon par the nillcareoldtli-Rintfi- , by the nearevt and moit direct routa rrotn and to the nmanlxatlon titer retrosent fttwlrtxt. That the rf venue nf the K niton it Labor I Union t derived follow l.ach Hlaio orKaalxatlon I ahall at the etecined tluie report to the Crrehletit cf the 1 National Labor number of member reore- I auuted In the Htate iiruanuatlon.niid tho Crtsidrnt iliall I lff?r tax equal to Ave teat on each member no re- ported. The report wm considered Mrlatlm, anddUpotcd of aa follow a; Tbeflrat reaolutlon waa pmaed over Informally j the second renolution waa adopted ; the third waa paaaed over Informally, and It waa proposed to amend the drat oue by adding, "Kiccpt wbcro Htale orginlza-tlon- exist and euch orriniiitlon aa are connected with or represented In tola hody.M Mr. Charlea McLean, of Maaaschuiett, moved that the mIioIo report bn recommitted to the Committee, and that iMeara. Winn of California, Jeup nf Now York, and Gumming of Ma4iachusetta, bo added thereto, which was agreed to. Amotion that the Cong roan adjourn at .1 o'clock, and that there bo but oue evasion, laatin from 0 to a o'clock, wan adopted. A long preamble, with reaolutlon attached, with reference lo the proposed effort tu cMblln.i postal telegraph aystem, wa reid by Mr Dunn, and on djoUoii referred tu the Cotninlttru ou l'tatfurm. Unbar Ifriu. The Worklngmen'i Union mectn thla evening. The piano nukera itrike ended. Tho annual picnic take place lu Jonea'e Wood thla eventax H. N. Nutton l Informed ngiln that the Tailor' Co6icratlve Awoelation haa eitablMhed a cooperative clothing store ut 19 'I htrd avenue, np italrx, Tbo llrlrklayera Union No. 'J met but evening, Mr. It. .Malhewi pieatdlas A motion prevailed exnrrtnag ympaUiy with tne printer uow ou atriko. Tbe Central Kxecutive Committee of the Cigar makcra' Union h ive declarM Kerb' boi, SJUowerr, and lireallu & lloy le'a, .31 Water ttrcet, open, Notwlthntandlug the complaint of dull timet and itrliuientmoney uiaikrt, thodninnd for men at the Labor hxchamre In bau Krancltco coutlnuui to be In execaa of the enppty Tbe dry goods clerka of Brooklyn lat night elect ed W It. Jaimrui Treaiurur, and renolved to tot3rato lu the early closing moTtjineut with their New York brothern. The CarDentera Union of llrooklyn taat evening appointed a committee to confer with the earpenter of tvf.llari.sburgh and New York In regard tu aetitpng ritlegitc to rehreaeot them in the National Coat cbtton of that trade, which meets Bept. It, JOTTXiiUH AllOW TOWS, One hundred ard fifteen car toads of peaches ar- rived beio jetterday, Charlcn Carroll, who had fallen off tho roof of 31 1 Went itreet, died yeiterday. Bee advertUement of the Mutual Benefit Sivlogs Haulc In another column. Dr llirrl and his atatThavo moved Into tbclr new quartera on tne third noor of the police palace. The Merchants Union Kxpresi Company'a loi lu tho receut robbery near Albany is lea than $l(W,CW, Bhoo Cuttera Lodge. No. Ill, K. O. S. C.( meets ml evening at 03 Kait Uroadway. The Central William M. Tweed Democratic Asso- ciation will meet this etenlng at 4tKast Broadway, Isudgea No. 69, IU5. Ill), UUt 1 11. 147. and 913, will have a gisnd parade aud picnic on Monday next at Funk's hark. Mrs. Nellie Bruce will deliver her lecture on Democracy 10 America,' In Dod worth ilall, to mor- row evening. Wanted 80m ebody to take a contract for the re- moval of a dead horse from Gridiron square, opposite the Astor. Daniel Banks died suddenly yesterday at ft'! Mott street. Ihe body wss sent to the MuriEue. Uankshad been very Intemperate, Francis Callahan, aged 17, dropped dead yeiterday forenoon while riding with James Abbott in a lowing machine wagon. A dermal, tiwedcnborglan society bas been formed In lids cltr. 1 bey bold medium et cry Saturday at li Ludlow street. TLlrtr years ago a store on tbe northwest corner of Droadwarand Barnlay ttrcet, then considered the best location In tbe city, rented for 11.400 per aunuui. Half the basement now rents for tU.o0 a year. Mr Thomas 8, Breunao, Warden of Bellevue Hospital, suffered a great hereavement ) citerdir In the lussof hUullfl (In ehlldMrih) and ot his lofant child, both having died within a lew hours, Mlcnael Kelly, an employee of tho Croton Bond, oanowlyercapcdnltb his life while riling ao excava- tion at Hudson and Jane street yeterdv. While In the sewer he lighted a tamp which fgnllrd the gai escap- ing from a teak lu the pipe t he u:g Inhaled tne gai. Capt. Blur, or tbe London Fire Department, with the afetiopolHan r'lro CommUaloner and all Uin boys aud girls ofthi' hb'Vi'ulti audvintcentb Wauls, rovlewed The members of uur lire .Department yester- day In'ioiiipkius squstre. Mr Michael Poohy, of l;v5Thompon street. con tractor, is not ounceted with uuy gang f outlaws. Ihe thlovts. wluu anented, often giro the police the name of rutpecuble cilUcu, and thus, undoubtedly, Mr. L aoty um ins been mlsubtid. J.imea McOlnnls, committed to the Tomb by Alderman U'llrlen on a charea of bastardy, wa dis- charged yoiterdav by Judge MiCunnoua writ of iorvut, oullie grouudthai the blank space in the print cd form of comiutttueut was not filled lu witu the com plaluaou name. Two wltnesi-e- yesterday teitifled before Com mis-- t loner (Hborn that thev received money, either In pros eureorby eouseutof Tbos. M. Vpear, afuwu-- 3lou weigher, although ther never worked gim. The name or one wai forgtA to hisrril. Ja. u. 8watn, b pear's luccevaor, tt. stifled that meuwiohad Uoneuo woiK bad applitd to tua for pay aj wm their cuMom. A MUJIDKR FOR FIVE CENTS. UKSPitnATH r.scovNTitn orr.n a. GLASS or LAO Kit 11 Bit It, Tin I'Nlol narl thr lllndsron Asaln-rltrnr-- slr itIiIi n Woiiinnon n HldcirrnlU-mliost-I- nn n Mnn In Ihe Alutnui.n-G'oron- er Flfaai niiiinll the Wliilo a rcal mtilllliiJo or llilrntjr ciliiensirad aliens were philosophical!)-sippin- snd qnati; milages? Iiccr In ll.clr social haunts in thin cit on Weilaeada' nlxht, a ilcperato aCTrar took plnce OTcralasoI tho cxhllaratins; bei . race, which mill probaMr re- sult In ilcalh. Tho sanguinary conflict hail lis orltltt In tlio rrfit.! nf a doi.lhcail to pij fur his farorlia) drink the Insignificant Iritis ot Arc cc'.tn. rCKNH Or Tllll EXCOI'NTIR. The arTrajr occurred in frunt of the saloon st 4J8 West fVrtr nccoml street, near Ninth atcnoe. Tha place Is kipt Ijr Himon Hchmldt anil hit lr', an Jit ilocn not dllTcr nitich from lha onml second dins ol tircr hcrr nnlnonn on side street, except, prrhap.. In tho elais of enstemtr, who are sometime a "little rone.h " Al about half-pa- II o'clock on Wednesday nlnht, Tatrlrk McDonnell, oftOf, Wet Port ceonil street, went Into Schmidt's aalnon, snd called fur a clan, ol j laser and a cake 11c wa acrted br a woman, who, ' having nihil hln order, ilinnndcd fainent. Patrick tcplled thai there a " lime enough ti pay when he ' had flulnhtil " Tho reply won siven In rotuth lone, and attracted Iho attention of Hehmldt, who stopped 1 forward and lold him that lie must pay for what lis j had had. Patrick lold him he weald pay when lis had drnnk Inn User. .Schmidt persisted In hi dc-- mand for payraml. Patrick, howeer, lustra J ol ' coniplj In;, look op the class and hetan drlnlln; the I laser. Hehmldt, when ahout half tho contents of Ihe Class had dlnappoared, selred It and took II from Patrick, li'Illa blui at the same time to ecl out ol his place. rinding that Patrick would not go quietly. Pchmldl went behind the bar, look np hi clol. and forcibly rd the offender. On reaching the .lilenslk, Pslrick became cry abusiir, and Schmidt bade lilru "cliaroKav" Patrick said he would stay where lis aa, ai he was outside his place, and on the ubll. rtrect. Iiritalrd by his ahma and nolne at anch a lata lionr of the nlzht. Hehmldt rnn'ied at hlrn with hi club, when .Mrs. Schmidt sprang betnei-- them and tried to pretent her husband from slrlk-In- Patrick. In tplte, honercr, of her Intercession, Schmidt struck Patrick on the lc.1 lids cf tin tenn v wilh tho ctub. Mrs. Schmidt now aelied th. rii .ml forcibly took It frrom her husband's hand, and a soon as Patrick saw thai It wan Inthehaudi nf n woman, he sprang fownrd and raptured tt. Iluilrg the strtcgln which ensued Patrick threw Mrs. on Ihe .Idcwa'k, und wrenched Ihe cluh fiom her hand. While tfiry were .truillng Schmidt ran Into hi saloon and caught up ills ro roller, r'lmling un his return that lit wife had been knocked down.Sclitnidt IcielUtl hla rcrolrerat Patrick and fired, tho ball penetrating the abdomen, and producing a fatal wound. Patrick was then picked up by bis friends and taken to his house, I.KI Wct Korty-nfco- t street. A surgeon wa piompllv sent, and II was rcaolred lo search the went sldo for a pollcema-i- . After alone; search an ofttc r was lutind and bchmldl wu arrested. Yesterday morning, the wounded man wan .inking, anil tho I'nronor wan accordingly sum monctl. Deputy I'uroner Shlnn examined tho winiiid and found thnt the prubabllttien were that Patrick would die before thin morning. Having taken Patrick's anil tnorttm deposition, from which we take the foregoing details. Coroner Flynn sent Schmidt to Iho Tomb to await the result. Tin: ; st'so i 'itit a.v.v.i ir.i. Freight lllorkcd unil Knrploree Qulltlaa Ihr lloml-Kr- lo ItelnnliiB to Portrnrsl Through Prrlaht, und Tiii.n (fnrnrul.nloe. em Itelusliig to l'lrttge Tlielr Vole A Nrir Muddle, AtntNT, Aug. 19. Judge Ilarnaril has granted a .lay of proccdlnjn In Ihe attachment azalnst Mears. Pruyn, Itamsey, and Van YaUenburgh. Tbe two latter hare returned to the city to attend to business. Ills said that there la aMtlo dlBleulty al tlie lllnghamlon end ol the Susquehanna road. Th, Krla officials icfuso to forward any more throsgsj freight until back chargea are paid. 11 r. Ilanks II uot willing lo pay such utiarge without the constat of botti parties, and the Interest refuse, and they also object to the payment of laborera unleas the books of tlie company are produced. Thus and mcanttmo fi right In blocked snd the employees aro leasing. The latter illoieultr. It Is said, Is to be snlrrd by Mr. II inks, who will as- sume the respnnsibtllly of pajlnf the men. It Is tided that the prospects In regard lo th. election aro not very flattering to tho Erto party. Hie tominlsrlonera of the town of Colcsrllle, who had agreed lo sell, were hero a day or two ago for their cash, and nrefirred to dcllrer their atock to .Mr. Courier, who had agreed lo take It, They ncru informed that he was willing to pay Iho money If tho Commissioners would agree to tote their tlekrt at the coming election, but oue of them peremptorily declined to blud hlm.elf In that regard either wa The Commissioners returned without tho money, A largo number of contracts with towns are outstanding, and promises to piy after Iho elec- tion are freely made, protldcd the Town Comtnla eloriers rote the ticket. How many such pledges have been made, of course, cauuol be, sacertaiucu, but probably very low. si'Aiiks l'uoM rm: Ti:i.i:aiiAvn. A farmer from Missouri was robbed of $30,0001. Uaraha on Wednesday. Worthy Ham nil wa drowned near Albany oa Wednesday, while on a Sunday Bciiuul exiurilou. Over one thousand enrolled delegites are In at. tendance stthe Trenton Kducstionsl Convention. The Amerccan Science Association resumed it) s.ssjon lu Mass., eiterday. 99 Mr. remllrlon pnbllshe a letter accepting the f noiulnitlonfor the Gov ruorship ol Ohio, llistlowi am ipread before our readers elsewhere Theyare aearchlng In Iluffalo for swindler who have defrauded tlie farmer oo (tie line of the frontier ol o.oiij by means ot a spurious patent rtglit. OcorgeJ. Havens, clerk for Messrs, Graft A WIN son, clotrne s o( Albany, ha neen arrested on a chargt of robbing them ot goods valued at t,ouO. The schooner Abbey Dnrslcy, before reported I total toss on liluck lilsod, has beeu patnped out and towed lo Newport. Terrible floods on tlie river Ysntcc. In China have resulted In fearful destruction to the crops an( losses ot lue. Horses are already beginning to arrive in Spring, field, Mass., In anticipation of the fall meeting of lb. birlngtle:d Club. Oettysburgh In fast tilling up with visitors to the snpronchlnx reunion. It Is proposed tu close the labor! otllio odlcers with a gtand ball. Tlie Committee of the National Board of Trade, on the subject of a central line of navigation from trie West to liauii ton ItoAds, rial concluded Its session, aud will publish an ciatjorslc rcpirl. Ten thousand persons were si Ihe JTrnls Fad Grounds lesterdayat tbe exercises preliminary to lha dedication of the grouuds for a tsoldlers' orphans' Home. The body of J. I). Patterson, supposed to be ol tbe t'syinaiter's Dei srtnient In Washington, aged si or. no years, wiufoaud In the harbor of llallluore yes. tcrday. The 3 o'clock eipresi train east on the Net. Ilsven llallroad ran over and killed another man. tail light, near lliecnmch To. train ran a mile alter lb brakes were whittled down. I David Klnzmsn, who In Albany last April swor. false y lhal he waa worth 13.'M, In order that he mlehl leatceptcd as a boudsuian, has beu arrested ta War. wteu couuiy. The Treasuty Department Is In dally receipt ol letteisfroiu all pans of the country, containing United Stales greenbacks of various denominations, wttn les aa lo their trcouiieness. The HI ickfect Indians have been running olTstock between Helena and livuton, Montana, aud on Wednes, da Ihey killed Malcolm Clarke and badly wounded his son, tweuty-av- utiles from the lormer place. Tno steamer China which arrived at San Franelieo on Wednesday. brought l.ouo rssenirer., h'iO of whom are Chinese, llrrcar go contains 11 packages ot tea. andSM lackases of illkfor New Vork. A great storm passed over Hruges snd th. sur. ' rouodtog country lu Ifelgliini yeatentay, doing much d.inai:e to the crops, ei.eclally to fruit.. The ChurcU ' of HI. Andri was itruck by lightning, and destroyed. i Judge Daniels, of the Supreme Court of DufrsloL I refused to sppolot a uew receiver In the snlt of Marsh, as trustee, agatnil the Atluillc and Ureal W est. ; era llallroad Company. 1 The ltcvenue oflleo In Washington receives mans; J cojiplalnls from UiHerenl pari of tbe country, partto a ularf) ay rrotn large cities, of spurious deputy mar. 3 thai and rerenue detectives, who are levying black A matl, as In Ihe stockholders' meeting of the Western Con. 1 neettoo llallroad yesterday, in Hartford, Conn , the 1 Hartford, or Boutfi route ticket lor dtreclou waade- - 1 feato.i, uud tho North toute (tocted by t,W0 iharcs u The quarterly meeting of tbe Union Paclfle IUIV roadwa. Held lo lloalon tcslerday. There were pre. ' sent aa (Jjvauaienl l)lreetors,x-Vice-ITesldsn- l lia W'aJe the Hon. Hiram Price, and the Hon. James at Nclion, bolh of the talterof Iowa. Mr. hetseu nils that vacancy mi.te by tno removal oltliolloa.JinicslJrgosai I otNesrVors. I Colfax, Senator Stewart, Dr. Un-- I Herman uf the I'hdadtlphla Mint, snd others, aav sa pealed to Secretary lkmt.l! to allow tsa Iraaifsr of aiversl millions ot dollars from th. gua.Ti eaxaiy la H.i Krsuctsco. the smo.inl to, tie rsplaesal ta U. us ' stNew rieasnty Yoik,lorllovalhDartenlsUlagij la tbe money market, out iuva ncsiTed a, aauwM.

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Post on 27-Jun-2020




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Page 1: ttirli J)rrrllnc (KEDDY Jnlnlnato ill nl.te the pain. onn riu.i.ous. Cniinlllutloii of Mibnrdtunlr lulloio. Tor Until I it I Tlio llvbeknb Loilgo of the State of New afternoon, (I

.'" """"U - ..jfHumim ..i,,,,,,,!, , .. . ,m, m B K III I II Hl ill l WypwW




iisai'1'i:aiiasck or(KEDDY mi-- : iriTXKs.1.

the Tlilrr-lropcel- l,e llfllir lllrrhinnymeii A llirnld Km.

IHiirilrrnl by bin IJuiag.f tho Fourth Ltiil Sixth Ward

vcte In clover yenienla). They were tcattcreJ inIbe various denn of lhal Stygian neighborhood, andeach rejoiced ovi r a strategic movement which hadteen made by tlulr temporary leader a moTementVrhlch In designed tu result In the (urinal release ofItuldy tl c lllark'mlth, who is on Ms nay from San1'ranclfco to the criminal bar of the Court of tlcn-cra- l

Sension- - (ll'.sscn were clinked; burglars andtilrhwa)iucn ut o Imc been disorganized by tic ab-

sence of their chieftain winked knowingly at eachI ntheri ind Hie dlstlngulshe 1 Count do Vorley was'' honored wiln full bumper?. The apcculatlons of tlio

i knights of the Jltiim) and the gnrrotcm, In rrgirdlo tin liberation, were not grounded on .peculationmerely. "The thing In fixed," said one of them,"and tti'll lane old ltrdd) Imck among us beforeHcptimber. Then let Id eiictnlc look cut.'urtu:ioi iiiArriun.xcn or ntnov'n victim.

'I he rumor of thl ixiraordlnnry hilarity was comniuiileatcd lu a rc.crlrr of TilK Pes tart ctenlng,and bo fi.und. on Investigation, that It wan true. A

trustworthy ofltrrr who wan h'.IIi .ome of the gntiiwhen tiry bonded that the release of tho HlarkinithTrn otdy a rnaltcr of time, confirmed the report.Tirr. (if, ic tes r.tathc thru had the following con

Vernation with htm., ItamnTtn How do they Intend to procure the re- -

(oast) of Itcildy?Omcni-Ve- ii .Imply. In fact, he I vlrluulla out

af the .crape,1 "How J"I OrriCMi When Capt. Jcurdan bring" up lleddyf . lo tho Court of Mineral Mcluti., Jon will llml thai

the prinilpal llne again! hlni the ilctlni whomlie has robbed will be nun "t.

It really so?(llrroi'.Tcr.-1-

.I am .uro of It. I have obtained the In-- t

the principal mm of Neddy's hate they douo with the .Look his head and laughed In a

that the Iran. action wan a pio

)tr.roiiTtii Have they murdered Mm !Orricin No; but he's away, and he wilt bo

(way when he la wanted. They've (lied things tolhat he won't appear agaln.t lleddy.

JturoniBn lias he been Intimidated t

k Orricin Ver) likely; ho won't appear, anyhowtactic to rnocuiiE itEiiin'a itkLKinti.

Ititromrrt Hut tho trial mo) be postoncd untilUcddy'. victim .hall ho lorthcomlng.

Ornci.ii-.N- o, no; I'll tell you how the thing In to1)0 done. bin the case come, up for trial the wl".

ncaa Tor ti c rrosccutlun will be called, but hu willnot be irerrnt. llcddy'a counsel, .Mr. Howe, willthen den.jiiid thatthe trial piocotd, and announcethat he 1 ready to ahow that Itcddy la innocent ofthe charge pro. cried nplnsl him ; In fact, that .ome-- tbody clc commuted all tho robberies laid at hi.

l door. Then tho counsel for the it iplc, nflcr a1 iauae, will loncede tho fact that the wltueo lor theJ people U, .nd after a parley with Iteddy'aI liarrl.tcr, Ihe Court will d;achargc the chleltaln otI the l"ouitli Want robber.

- I . A few da) only lenuln until lleddy will atand atI Iho bjr of the Court of Ceurral Scision for trial :

I then the truth of the report of the u: atri loua dtap- -

' of hl latctt nlctim will be tented. Ittomcn from an aulhciitlr;.ourcc, and In rnrroboratcd.

r Meantime, hu gang arc bti.j, an tho following willhow ;

UCRPCKOt'l ATTtCK tTOX A ItSrMLI) Mf.On Wedne'day night an employee of the Ifcraht

pained thrcttga Fulton itrcrt on hi. way to Ida officeHi. face bore n atkn of the mont brutal violence. Itwaa liter ally black and blue. Ilia eyen were bloodhot and wol!cn, and frenh blood trickled from Ida

wound.. 0 ikhi a had been cut in rdn check by aome) blunt liinlttitnent, and he emod to suffer lutcn.ily

from Id injtirli. He went into Ilronan' nloonlullowed by arcpailcr of Tna Srx. and hating oh

a K'af of ale, he the bar

Italned going pant lleddy'. pile; In Chatham tlrectut about t o'clici, when Keren orelglt

tnembcr. of l.lngung rulod out. knocked me down,, ind kicked rre in the face and leg., while otrcrns

( robbed inf. Thcv rifled my poeketn and took I.HJ

cut or tlem. mid after lhe had .tolen the moneythey 1 i'tt on leillrg and kicking me becau.c I calledthe police. TI.ey then e.rapeil. I don't caro abouttho mrincj I would hate been aatlnil 'd If they had

ot crmn.llted .itch a irnrcleroun a"au1l upon me."Tho pool tolluw, who In known to bo quiet and

here tourhed bin face With Id handker-tlitc- l

to ill nl.te the pain.

onn riu.i.ous.Cniinlllutloii of Mibnrdtunlr

lulloio. Tor Until I itI Tlio llvbeknb

Loilgo of the State of Newafternoon, (I M. 1'iUt In the

amendment lo the Constitution,Oraud Commltteemhe right of

Dennly (Irand Mater., wan ItideflAn amendment Innlatlnx upon

of nomination! for Or.ind ofil- -

before election wa. adopted, Athat a once rejected candldato

by any other Lodge withoutfimt rejecting him, wna InJiDDltcly

theCon.tltntlonof .ubnrdlnatecandidate! whu hold withdrawal

l their application, lor rcafflllatlonprovided for rcjcejd novleen

Cotiinilttro ou I.awa .ubmllted aof procedure for luhordlnntea,

until next c.nn.Inn: Committee of Appeal, wereInt. That appeal are not

lime fixed by law ban expired;Lodge have a'rleht lo tote an

entcitalnment of liltingfor that purpose are

the Urand Lougo It authorized toof tubordlnate Lodges by a

on tho (irand Matrr a tho recommenilatlons of the

of a (Irand Lecturer,of special deputies to


encouragement. Tho

sc.lon the Committee onLmnch of the Order)

of a constitution lor Ktbekahcharter fco at t'tf. The

decided lhat widow of awho had tho ltebckah degree was

lha degree.Medole was voted a 0. If. Jewel ashis eminent services.

lo the (Irand Lodge ofI were Instructed to use all lawful

repeal or the change of regalia.submitted a report, In

budget at 10,039, and tho tax for

M the cvxiitAJ4 i'Ahk 3irsn:itT.

J Insjutat by Coronur Flynn-T- he llody InRlllcbcll'a l'ood-- Va It n, AlurderT

M Coroner Vyim lias begun an inquest la tho

A ftrango caso of McHorloy, tho Central l'ark gar

tm doner, whoso body was on Monday fouud lying lu

Mitchell's pond. Tho teatlmony of James II, l'till- -

m. Hps, a policeman, was tho oaly evidence offered, and

even that left tho affair as mysterious ta It wan

B before. Tho Coroner was decidedly of the opinionthat It was an accidental death. Tho man was

probably, a.n ho thinks, standing on tho cliff over- -

LV looking tho pond, when he lost his poise, and, falling

H forward, suuck w th Ins b 'ad loremnst ou the Jag;edtonea b.low until he loll into tho water, where he

W raa found by the officer. This hypotue.ia will ac- -

count for the wounds on tho sldo uf tlio head, An

lor tho wages (til) which ho received on the pie.uiua tlilurday, 110 had had fiom then until Ihe tune

of hia death to spend Ids money. Hut whoI mar account for the fx) cenls In curi ency notea thati Lfcfe found tilitly ciutcliol lo his baud at the time

J 1 he was lound; and the position, too (perpendicular,f I nb hla rcu slightlir raised and itinied upwaru),

1 would argue a:amst tho theory of hla having fallruit gorvard 011 the rocks. tlcBorloy'a biolher, at any

k istc, doea not accept tho Coroner's theory, and at' I Lis rrcuut the Ui,uest was pottpoacd uatll next

f Jtondai.


Thr Trlnl at IIudon-- A llnrU.lldlnB (Jnn-he- re

nn the Hlmud Tho loaldr lilTr oftho !oelelv Tbrv hhako According loOrder Tlir-- Itoll Aronnrt 011 the I'loornnd Kl. Kncb Otliel'n l'cct.

Correircndenee of 1 tie sunIlipnov, A up. 19. for day. I lie testimony- In

the Shaker ca.c here ban been unlntcrentlns, but Ihe

evidence of tho mother of the child Marion, given

today, Mlllcan.o a stir. After telling how .he in-

dentured her child to the Shakers, .he said!now .na gNpawuntn to kill una ArrncTio.I asked Antoinette two or three times If I inlht go andfee mi children, and he when lie thoiifht It w 11 a

for irmlrttee thm. then .he would lei meCrot'crtlme .no did 1101 llilnk i wa. travelling from nat-ural aTcetionn nto nit . that she thonir,-- t It wa time 1

w. travi-ilini- from mv nattirn' artoctionsi thcalwiit.held trie ti ilnnon) up to ine that were ca led upo.ito navel aw.) tti.inail natural attrrtion it wan a topicof convrnatlon among the fhtii'r. shout travelingaway from iiatnrnl affection, and 111,1 holding any renlIceling 1 never frit ant change In tut townrdsIhe chlldrct ; I trli ,1 to il 1.0, hut eou d not i 'c oie therl.tor I Rlu.y tried to .nppr,. alt itidencen ofnntnral affcc'loni I did n tHouitpn t know thattheir be'iof und 0. I was trjtng to ro with them Intheir belle I. ami as I ha I a meamre of f iltn In It. I trleilto come nn to 11. rfMiuiie.nents ; twantoiu eytheddrrH'.tem, and alo t,v th. oilier, ..that whenever Ihad Ihe h .ft fe. llnir of lhat kind In toy heartfor hit children or nnv I my natural relation. Ih it 1

mu.t make a eonfonelon of It, anil bear trftlm'nyneain.t It In trectlng. nd by following lhal coucmstiould find that it w ould help me.

now nun was liasinsii to siiakk.t wn directed to .hake the e'denwa Hire ted Hi

thev me to nhako .0 ..tohakoorr all ih.Xntotnrtle to t! me how wrona 1 wi . rlolnc. In-

dulging n.tiual ntlerllon, and lhal I licedo.1 to laborout of Hi she then went on .)lna, what aitrcvVtll thW It wa to Indulge tu inch thlnr..nearlng to-- tethnonr agnlnt It, and th.t IneedeaT to rhsko tro-- It .he Ihcn ordered1110 lo rh tic and I ill t .0. and Ihe vervftrtll&tior m ctlnwe hat .iter ihtt she came tomennd .aid she wanted I should coand heir lrtlmonvazalnnl nat'tinl feelings anl Hie tlrsh. nnd I did aa I Mtoitt tn t .puke hum CiMlomtiy with them, Hint I

IhottKht It v.nwroiglo Indulge Mich fcdinvs, ttiat 1

Innoreil ncatnt it, and that I hated It, and tried totravel trom It.

noLLtNti on Titx iLoort anii aissisn rnET.This a meeting of lha brolhera an t l.tera for la-

bor .1 dcxirci"a ihoy say ; Hie or.haklng daueli.a, innrtliins, and .mikiu. thcihaklngwill couinicnoe by Klder lrelTlck raving thnt 'TheFplrlt Ins a eonliovcr.v liero," .nd then he willcoininerx o It hi civlng hi. foot a terrlMf stamp on thePoor anit then bosinaina lo shake, and all Join, if anydo not Join, .otnotmien ihey will be c itlcd out by nameunit itiii'i'teil to .ti , Iti y go iltrmi li nt ihcrt'inect-i'i-

different of the boilv; .0 uv w III m .roundtiowinj to Ih- - lirilicr. nn .1 lor, and rume gomound on tholr ; I .w o:,i voona hrother g'laround on hi l.nt-- and kl tin Inn ofulltbc hrrili- -

rcti I hive .con them tnv down on the floor and rollfrom 0110 end of lie room to iho other 011 the brethren'ssiitei some nre taken with trcmcridonh.pi-llso- .imklmrand moatdag ; ome arc taken with li. of twirlinglike a lop on tholr feet, nnd other have illfTircni gift,plven ttiem a. llioy .uy. hv Ihe Splrlti, and Iheu theyalt unite and go forth In these gifls.

a nui r.xvviii.r. ron thr touno atnTXit.On Friday morning I wrnt to Antoinette llootittie

anil n.ked If I m'ght go w Ith my father to the schoolhouse to te Minnie tohl inc liar, that I couldn'tgo, that I must not espect th.t every tunemy naltit.l entne, to go over nndtee Minnie, It was retting a very tmd ex-ample to tho yonng people to be o much withlov natural rcintlon when 1 a'urci her I hadnever hei n there with my natural rr ntion nut once,and lhat w a two year .go 11 1. Kept' ninrr, when mrmother nnd lroth.r wer 1111 to i e me; Antoolctte.nld,' VtclMrilial'S'iillicli you nnv go. but I .1111 not

Unit von .lould go over a'onc . 1 will .end one ofthe .Uteri with von . lam not w Illtre lh it ) on shouldgowithn world's mnii alone, not wul'e )ou wear acap," rcfenlng to my fnthei.

WANTKD TO LKAVR TIIK SHAKLkV pfV.1 (list Inrorn.ed Ihe rnemt'Cr of the S cu ly thai

I lntond,-- to leave ou hunil.v theWin day of dune 1 wa. wrtrhid I Me'ipcl I 1I0nn . and anked father U he wouldiitstep into tho ante room, a I had n llillo hii'ln.-i- ,

I w.iitel to trnnart with him. and wlo-t- i he cameIn 1 told him that 1 was Hud of bring there, nndil.Matl'flcd, and wanted to go home; ho a.ked me If Imeant whal nld; I told film I ill I : le sail he wnanrprleil hut If 11 irn mv w l'i to go home w Itn him, Imlcht go hv nil me in : he said, "Nat 101 more ahout il,hut .end for Cider rifitcrlc, and whatever you loav, my before hlui!"hewn .enl for, nnd catnu ,nsl

was befoie Antolnello wa there I sucge.tod sondluator her, anil .lie wn. sent for unil cainnt 1 toll hermy dcslrci Antolnelle .okc then of Alnrlon, andsaid that Marlon would he teadr In Ihe morning to gowith me . .he .aid of course vou wl'l exi-ec- to Ink. Ma-rlon with you ; I said or course, she Is tu) child, I ex-pect to tako her w Ith 1110,

thr rtmiT roa thr cntt.n.e- Tuesday. thcCth of duly, futher ann myrlf wenttiackto th" rdmker.ll jgot lliere a few minutes 10

o'elocki llenjnmlti (l.tesiame in alter illnner, alter Wu'cloe'c t 1 slated to those Hilton In thft olnre Hint I hadcome lo see Mlunlet t then asked Itenjatniu totieklndenough to bring her In,. 1 wanted 10 see heri hethen .aldt "I will bring her tn. but If you door layanything to Influence her 1 will remove her from Dieroom t" he went out and tn a short time tie returnedwith tllnule aid two suteis the other three sisterswho ware there still remained! shewalked la the doortI got up from my chair and went to meet hrri I took1 cr In 111) arm. nnu sat her unmy lapi I would say thatwhen oho caiue luto the room she looked the perrectpicture of tear more like a culprit thsn snythlng else t1 told Minnie si e mint not think I had gone away andleft her willingly ; that I hap gone because 1 was de-ceived and been forced to go without her Uonjetntndates then ordrre, me 10 sit the child In the chain Itold hlni no. that 1 would hold her In my Iadi 1 hsdsome confectionery and fruit with iner 1 offered themtoheri he rcfured to accept of anyi 1 then show en herher lather's picture, andrhe rctused to look at lhal,

SUAKRRS TIARINO A CHILD rROli ITS MOTIIIH.Itenjamln (late, then told mo again to put the child

In thu chair to let her get downt I refused to do It,sajlng that I would hold hot In 111) t.pi when she w.s111 my lap 1 had my iirmi around her walll holding tierlooaelyi he men rune Iroin his chair, came lo tho mild,and took Hie child hy both ami. between tho elbow,and saoulders, and totd mo lo lot ko of her. and Isnld 1 would not, at the same time lhat ho lotd mo tolet go he wa a Jerking her, and I trying to hold her Inmy lap he Jeikcd her with mch force that mv holdingoa to her, he pnllt-- me flom my chair and severalsirpi aro. the floor t Minnie said,'1 Oh don't," and 1,

Hist she was gelling hurt, lei loova of her th then took her aud set her down In iho chair by myside.

Tin nonrtiCLR TRACiitNns or thr siurrr.Harriet tloodwln stood ho.ldo her stroking her hair

and patting her, nnd calling her hla child, and goodrhddt we remained a short lime longer In Ihe ortlco,and then let! 1 think without another word wl h

(laic. Marion, onHattirnny afternoon before Ileft, naked mo lor soino oranges nnd lemons I hsdboth or.ogr and lemon, lo the basket that I boughther. and which she reinred lo receive t I w. tauictitlohate eveij thing oulildo of our (lospel. for It Irclongedto llic worl I, tho and the davit t they call all wnaaro not of their lellrf the world's people I neverhoarn at any of their mcrllnns anr nndiblo prayer 1

was Ihcrc at Ihe lime of the death of luy child Kllxa Itmet with a v lolcnt death.

Thin c'oicd the teatlmony for the day. The ex-

citement is wry great.


The Setrnth I'.nrly In (be I'lcld.The Seventh Ward Democratic Campaign Club

met lal night, with Michael llayis in Ihe chair,Tho Club unanimously recommended tlielr patron,Kichard Walters, for nomination, on the Tammanyticket, as Alderman of tho Seventh Ward.

Tnvrnllrth Aaarmblr Hepitblleana,The monthly meeting was held last eveulnir,

Mr. James Jackson, l're.ldenl, in the Chair. ThuKxecutive Committee recommended that the officeof held by Mr. Nicholas llabcock,and that of 'I rrasurer held by Mr John Uautler,should be declared vacant, those gentlemen havingJoined the Thlrty-lourt- street organization. Thereport wa. unanimously adopted, and Mr. MurtlmerK. Lee was dieted and tho Hon,Wm, A, Doolcy, Trcasutcr.

The Ina nnd tbe OutW'AsniNriTON, Au. 19. Appraiser McElrath

reported to thu Treasury Department that the cleri-cal foice In his office was Insdtquato for the promptprriortnance of the large and Increasing Isbor requir-ed In Ihe offlce. He has avoided asking for inorohelp, by detailing openers and packer., nut lessthan eleven of whom aro employed as clerks,sampteis, verifiers and messengers, (The absenceof tlese persons from thtlr legitimate dutiescaused inconvinlcnce, and y he aska--for an addltonsl clerk and messenger,whOH apgolntmcnl would release to their properplaces several of hla men employed outside of theirregular duties. This rcquost was approved, andDavid C, Hlurgls was appointed Clerk and Verifier,al 1, WO, and John Htewart, Messenger, at t'JW perannum. Tho following changes In the Appraiser'sofflce were also approved;

Ellsha W, Sinclair. Clerk and Verifier, at IIJSOO, viceWin. II. (Jrsce, resigned t and the following Urenernsnd Packeri, at Id per day James J. 1'elllt, vice ftohert

iirowne Mlrhsel fJumn.vlce Morris welch lhos,I'etlrldge, vice Wlilard L. Walti Oeo, W. fcl.geri, vies

X Lt'JCkwell. ibcio remotaU were fur allegedlncCclcacy.

Tbe bpurlous (Ireeuback..WASHixaTox, Aug. 19. A counterfeit ten dol-

lar greenback, of tbo same style sa those recently Is-

sued, was received st tbe Treasury y Irora tboAlio hany Hstlonal Hank or I'lttsburgh. Dealers InImitation cuircncy aud photographed notes are

ug audacious, and Hood the departments herowith circulars oflerlng to dispone ol their train onliberal terms, Another firm has been started InChicago, probably a bauch of the Now York

New Yorkers Itelurnlng from ChinaBan Francisco, Aujj. 18. Tho steamer China

arrived here with the following-name- pas-sengers for New York ou board; Mr. Hooker andfamily, I'aul I'rank, aud tho following V. H. navalofficers! J- W. Seville, F. W, Kennedy, Capt. K. 1',Carter,) Lieut Commanders A. It. Yates and II. I'Hintth, Dr. C. II. White-- , J. (1. Diolcrtcb. 1'. Miller,.1. 11, Ulakcly, aud C, M. Uurcliard.

on itua nr.Rev. Dr. Durns, Senior I'rofrssor of Chnrch nis-tor- r

In Kuox College, Toronto, died yestordsy morning,aged U ear,

Cadet Kngiueer James Steele, of tbo Albany, diedat aeaon the isih nut. of foyer, said was burled In the

. ocean thfoUoUigday.

, ' 'jl. I


iiAsims 111:111; axi Tinnn: nr tiikM'.v.s- iit:votiri:its.

The llntik t'ri'-hte- nl nnd theellU(),0t)(l of hcliool I'iiihI--Jl- r. I'rvnr'aWeb nf Itrd Tutu Ilrnkcn hv Judtrr

Tbr I'rlannrr Itcmnitilcd.Oeotijtf II. ISnllcr, tin.' uhcoiiilni; Timiiipci

banker, who In accaed of ombcaiilng tnOd.tXJO ofthe school funiln of Ihe Slate, aud who was arretedon Friday In Ihl.eltj.wan before Judge McCunn,tnthe Superior Court, again Jctctday, on snndjournedhealing upon Ihcwtlt ofAo.Voa corpus obtained forhla tclcane. Dl.lrlct Attorney llirvtn aald thatthercqnlltlon of tue (lotcrnor of Tennessee was onthe way, an I would lo day reach do v. Hoffman t andhe had besides a copy of tho commitment on fllo inMemphis, Tcnn. linger A. l'ryor, for tho prlnoncr,cl timed ti nt the eo nmllmcnt was Irregular, and lhatat any rate Iho prisoner coal I not be held, a. Iherequisition had not bom received by (lov- lloflman.Judge McCunn remanded the prlnoncr until

Tlio Chamber of (Jnininerco 1'ropn.tna tol'lirolin.o the hlln til tlio old I'o.t llrTJep.The .mull room in William street now tmed

for the meeting, of the Chamber of Commerce hasbeen found wholly Iniufflclcnt to accommoJale thebod)'. IsrgC aud Increasing mtmberhlp. On thorolls of the organisation aro the names of abouteight hundred hankers and nicrchanln, but thoapailmcnt used for the monthly sessions of thla Im-

portant mercantile bony cuoriot bold more than atithe of tho number. Homo lime ago the KieutlvoCommittee began ruUlng a fund lo erect a lirgc andbeautiful building, cno which shou.d be commensu-rate with the glowing iiece.ll'ia and Importanceoftho Chamber; but a difficulty was experienced In

selecting a .Itu for tho purpose. Tho prospective-removt-

of th" Pont O'hce Irom .Nmnati street,however, has relieved the difficulty, and tho h mllngmemhi rs now f iror a proi.wllion to purchase theold I'o.t Ofnee site. It said that the tnrttcr m tote brought beforo Ihe ineoilng of the organig itlonon the nrl Thur.dny In heplembi r. Tho old l'n((irdco wan piirchvniil by the I'nlti d States (lovcrn-men- t

In lmio hum the Collegiate lb formed DutchI hiiroh for f'ysi.Otn The Tuilco lrmandrdJ'Jili.nX). and riiuni'd tn sell It for baa, nnd the cxlra(.'0,0.10 Wis siihainhcvl by tlo- ptopeity holdtrs ofthe neighborhood, in order In havm tho Post Ufilc--

retained near tlielr place, of busine...

Mow Inline Itrll llrougbt 11 Jrbti lo .In. liceair. Michael Siillirmi, of 231 Seventh avenue,

in a gentleman of Hibernian extraction, who, untilyeterdey, kept a coach lor the accommodation ofthe public, tho ribbons of which he waa not abovehandling himself. Hut our Jehu hid failings thataadly disqualified him for the offl.'e of charioteera very abutvo tongue, a pendant for too muchbourbon, and a dl.po.lllon for overcharging panncn-gcr- .

Many ncru Iho people who had been thebultn or Michael's lu.olence and Intemperance, andwho had luftered from Lis extortion. Hut, at lengthour hackmtn met bin match a nlghl or two part ashe wan rcpoalng on his coach box, walling patientlyfor a fate. A chunky tiiacui:no of the KlephcnDoiigla style of aieinfc'iirt', arouse I him from Innleverlc b; niiiiouuclng that he wauled tv be driven ati rlain ili.l-nc- c up town.

Michatl, of course, nimbly descended from Idsa ill, nnd opening the carriage dour lold tho alninstrIn enter. Who ho wan cor hie had ro Idea, butfrom appearances he JmUed lhat hln passenger wanworth llcrelug. and he mado up hln mind to performthat profituhlii operation on him 1 ra they parted Thotrip lasted about an hour, for which tho legal thai gowaatl. htiiltvau, how ever, had no Intention of let-ting the gentleman off thus cheat ly, but lli.lsted onbeing pud (3, and when his victim pi 1 mi mod to re-

monstrate he poured on bis head a loncnl of abunc.Ultimately, Michael got hln f 3, and thu gentlemantho number of the otfciider'a roach. Our Jehu had,nevertheless, unwillingly caught a I'uitar. Thestout .transcr happened to be a person in attthotlly,Isaac Hell, Kq., ouc or thu Comtiil. loner, ol

Correction, who was neither tube In.ulicdnor Imtosed on witu Impunity, and who detoriiiinlngto make buliitsn an example: lo nil Insolent and

hac drivers, summoned him bvlore Mar-shal Tookcr, aud had his llcemc revoked.

Tbe New Member of Iho Police llonrd.Commissioner Henry Huilth went rusticating

on Monday on oue of his own steamers of the daylino to Albany. On Tuesday Judge Itoawort 1 calleds meeting of the Hoard, and alter the Jutgo hadwalled some time, Mr. Smith's horse and wagoncame up. The Hoard assembled, but still Messrs.Smith and Hrennin wore absent. An orderly waasent to look after Mr. Smith. He returned andInformed the President that tho horse and wagonhad come without Mr. Hmlth: so, of course, therewss no meeting. On Wednesday morning the hor.owa. again sent to the Pulice palace, and tho repe-tition of tho In. ult annoyed the President. Ye.ler-da- y

morning, however, a .ennatlon waa created inthe alaio when Mr Smith's wagon waa driven upbehind a donkey. This was too much, Judgu h

Immediately summoned Mr, Manlerrc.Juiiar JkiswoiiTii Manlerru, what Is the mean-

ing or this!Mr. MANiinKR Meaning of what. Judge?Juimir II. Why, here have I been calling for a

meeting of Ihe Hoard slnco Tuesday, and can't gel a1 know Hrcnnan is looking artcr bisauorum.Smith has no excuse, except thst he Is look-

ing after the C. Vlbbard and Daniel Drew.Mr. Mamirkiir Hi ms sent his representative.

Ilermnn'a l.rvnryere AanlnMr. Shearman, the well known lawyer, who

failed to rodecmhis promise that the proceeds of Ihosale of the bounty thief's house should be distribu-ted among his victims, has mado a novel propositionto Assistant District Attorney Emerson, namely :

Ho has offered to return the large number ofpapers of the soldiers who wero swindled by

hln client on condition that ho shall receive a " Ice 'of auuii-thlii- Ilka 15 cents lor each. CommiasloncrO.born lortnally demanded the papers on theground that they were records of the Court; butShearman contends tnat ho has a legal Hen uponthem. Mr. New combe, the special agent appointedto prosecutu the bounty robbers, haa rrpeatcdlyand In vain applied for the discharge papera in orderto return them to the aoldlcrs who own them, sadwho hud ri corded tlielr names 011 his books for thatpurpose. District Attorney Kmerson, however, hasinformed Shearman, by an official letter, that hecannot charge "fees" for rotnrnlng the papers, andthat he must deposit them In Court.

Accident to Mr. (I. P. Piitnnm,Mr. Qeo. I', Putnam, tlio publisher, had a, nar-

row escape from Instant death last Tuesday, Whileho was standing in the hall of Mr. Ituthcrford 'a

new house In Eighteenth street, a dumbwaiter fell Irom the third story on his shouldersand back. Although he was very much bruised, nobones wero broken.

Trouble for the Pennsylvania Republicans,Wasiiinqton, Aug. 18. The Hon. John Covode,

Chairman of the Itepubllcan State Executive Com-

mittee, came down from Philadelphia to seeCommissioner Delano, und request him not to ad-

minister tbe ltevonue laws so oppressively, par-ticularly lo regard to dealers la distilling spirits,who complain that honest manufacturers arotreated as rigorously as though they wereengaged In defrauding the Government, Thereis a heavy wblikcy interest In Western Penn-sylvania, and appearances Indicate that il will beunanimously arrayed against tho Ilcpublican partyunless consideration is shown them. CommissionerDclsno informed Mr. Covode that the law was Im-

perative, und that he had no discretion, snd wascompe led to execute the law, Covode left la thenoon train.

The Close of the Merrick Camp Meeting!The camp meeting at Merrick closed last oven-lo-

It was a success In a religious as well aa tn apecuniary view. During the week Iho attendancewaa latge. The meeting list evening waa closed Ina novel ws) by tho Presiding Elder, who, after col-lecting all tbe worshippers within Ihe enclosure,placeti limit" at their head and marched themaround lbs Camp, reWnlng to the enclosure whena pcrtnrinauce resembling Tight sue) left all aroundIn a cotillion took place In order to give all a chanceto shake eacb'.otbvr by the band, all slugtng the whileihe byuini

" Ilorks and ilormi we'll fear no moreW hen vare on that eternal shore tllolit the anchor, ratio the ssll,We aro huuud lor ihu heavenly v ale,"

The Hrohers Appealing without Avail,WAJiiiNaToy, Aug. 19. A committee of the

New York Btock Eichange, consutlng of Messrs.Ilojt, Sloano. Oreeiilenf, nnd Van Scualk, with theiractuary, A. N. Lewis, waited on Commissioner De-

lano, aud requested him to reconsider his recent de-

cision classifying them as bankers, snd requiringllicni tu psy that tax. They represent the decisionas taxing money borrowed by brokers fur the use oftheir customers as capita). The Commissioner re-

fuses lo rcopeu the question, having given it fullcousldcrallou already.

How tbe Government le Managed.Washington, Aug, 19. A gentleman went Into

one of Ibe baresus In Washington y to transactsome offlclsl business snd foond Die Commissionersnd Chiel Clerk absent snd bo one present except amessenger, wb.0 vf as mubll to speak EojUUu y,

in aiTTrTafrfi.i'.ftiiiiisi if" K,''r&'sesifmm


"An tvr .Imirner ttirli l.lfr. Iiel 11 Liteby tbo Vny"-T- he Clintnplon Kplem Inn.on Ibn llloomlnadnlf Itonil-Kntl- ug Lvlrii-nrdlnav- v.

The lloboken Turtle Club In aInstitution. It wan organised In IsH, and I one oftho loading organlaatlon of the kind in tho cottuttyThe meeting tcnlrrdayat the Pavilion, adjacent lothe Clatrinoiit Hotel on the Hlooinlngd.ile Komi,waa not ao well attended aa usual, be-

cause many of its members aro on their tinii.1 sum-

mer pilgrimage; but It waa certalnl) none the lensenjoyable became there was not a crowd, for therewas an ample supply of the delicious In aliform.President Miller presided It would have HHtncdstrnngc If he had not, fur he has occupied theposition tor tnsny years. Loquacious, quirk nt

rerai lee, lie keep. Ids end up in si) le. Vice Presi-

dents i'owlcrand Orccn, and Secretary (llltann weroalso In attendance; In lacl the only one of tin' off-

icers absent wna Treasurer Ashman, who In ruftoat-tn-

at Buffalo.Properly the meeting commenced In Ihe morning,

when an excellent breaafast waa aertrd, tho .leaksbeing done to a turn. This, however, In an Informalaffair, the dinner al i P. M. being Iho pilnclpal eventof Iho day ; although many of thoso who go out withthe dawn remain all day and are furnished Willi alunch, Otbcia return In the allcrnoon or then

for the dial time. vTho "spoon exercises" werebegun punctually. The officer, wero dlperardat the heads of tho tables, Among thogtienla wero Senator Norton, Cup I. Henry liedden,Manaccr Charley White of the Thealro Comliiue,Mr. Zlnger, of the Neplaiie Clnb ; .Mr Ansel Tay-

lor, of the Mutual llaso It ill Club; Mr.J. H, McCunnell, of tlio Tax oQeo; Muasrn. IMwardPetlinger, (leorgc Taylor, J. llooth, I)r lirmlng,W, Lawrence, A. C. Churchill, M. Perp-r- , J llrnee,T. ('. Dunn, L. N. Hlack, V. Hill, 1'. Itidabuck. II.W. S. llonaall, and John Tttrbell.

Jim Martin never ttirnrJ out bettor soup, or moreluscious steaks. lie was reitalnly the tight mini In

the right place. He modestly attributed Ids succor,to 1.1 ...nei ites, Mc.srs. Tho.. C. Dunn and N. 11.

Molt Mr. L. M. (Dark, once an In.tllullon at IheAstor llnli'c, mixed Iho pnnch. Mr. J.imen Moiunand Mr. II. M. Moll wero also prominent In thecommittee.

The ftin did not ajipenr until Iho twelfth andfifteenth plate, were reached. Senitor Nortonwas the first to r.ll for hi. fifteenth plsle, and forthe moment It was thought tint he would win thevigetahlo tnjuqutl: but Mniia-c- . Charley While badqnlelly kept pace with the Senator, whom be heathyIvvo pfa'e.. Tho bouquet, composed of ihe voida-IiIo-

used In Iho soup, wan handed lo Mr White,who narrated several nmtt.lng stories.

Prc'ldtnt Miller wa. Indian id, yet he managedtn cat no linn than Iwelvo plulcs, and, according tohln calculation, a many hard boiled eggsThose who devoted themselves to Ithck's punchitnlorluii'ilily forgot to keep account of their plate.,Mers. Moran, Moll, and Morion were tint a binjr In

hou. hut thai they could empty each tonplaten. Thine who, like Oliver Twlnt, wauled moreand took homo kettles lull of soup, included nearlyall the party.

After tho dinner an hour wnn panned pleasantlylistening lo suns by Me.r., l'cttlngcr,llruce, ltlack, nnd Churchill. Spnecl.ea v.rro madeby President Miller, Manager Charley While, anditherx. Thu party separated and rrliirned lo Ihe

city by II o'clock. The medio of tlio Chili in: "A.vie Journey through Hie let us live hy lha way ;"and ahuulitn't we was n prevalent inquiry.

ni:vi:xr Hvoimmt xi:.i.Tbe M11. 1 Spirited Yncht Hnceoribe Sen. on

Vu br Tito Mlnulra An Upaet, but nnltlvr--i lo. t.

One of tho bent yacht races of Iho acason wascontested yesterday ou (lowanua ll.ty, the competingboats being the J. I. Pcrrln, Comet. Julia, and theAnus, nil open sloop yachts. Tne prlar. were a sli-ver water pllc.her, given by Mr. J, I). Pcrrln, andflft for the second. Tne oourae wn Irom a stake-boa- t

off Frank llates's Club Hotiso. (lowanua lliy,round the bay five Pines, making llltecn indca In all,Oirly four IkiuI started, thor leaving the stake Inthe following order, ailowaaoa lor llino belne madeat the .tart t -

. aV.K . aV.Comet tirsTrin)Julia 1 uAnna. j 3 a

All in jachis got well off, Iho Julia, however,taking the lead In an early state of the rare, andmaintaining It for first three rounds On innking thosecond turn the Comet, which was then a clone third,broke her thwart halyards, which very materially

her. The boata were all well handled, andthe prises were awarded to the Pcrrln and Julia,the yachts coming tn in the following order)

iY. it. d. . aV. a.Pcrrln ft is Aana 3 is aoJulia 3 IT

On the fourth round the Comet, then holding af:ood second plao eanfliad, which eflecluallr put

of the race. The race throughout waa fluelycontested.

Tbe llnoilll-Coull- er Ilowlng Mutch I Ira ml IIllrolrn by 100 Yards,

Iirmnuunir, Pa., Aug. 19. Tho four-mil- e scull-ing race between llamlll and Coulter, on the upperMuuongahela course, for 13,000, waa cotitcated

The referee, David Carroll, was scaledin n el 1 oared boat, which was rowed betweenthe two rival boats Ihe entire lengthor the course. At the start llamlll took the lead,but was soon overtaken by Coulter, and It was aneven race to the buoy, which Ihe boats turned al-

most together. Coulter then shot ahead and con-tinued to lead to the alanine point, arrlvlmt In 37tnltiutrs and SI seconds, snd besting llamlll about100 yards.

New Te.tnmenla na Prizes In a Voot Itnce.From the I'urtJirtlt (A'. J'.) OoutU. Aug, 13.

A footrace canio off at Matamoraa 011 Tttcniluyafternoon of this week under tbe direction nf Con-stable V. D. Bhcpard aud C, P. Plutaner, of the PikeCouuiy House. The race was on Darker street, onthe hank of the river, starting from M.Heltxuian'a House snd terminating near theMat.vmoraa Hotel, passing Judge Dlmmlck'aresidence, the distance six hundred feet,Twetty-on- boys between the ages of 111 snd 15 yearnentered In the race. The street on each side watlined with ladies and gentlemen who cheered Iheboys as they dashed along lha coone. The raco waaa spirited and well contested one, dlsplsylng greatactivity on the part of the boys. On the terminationof tho race the prescnta were made by CouatkbleShrpurd. The first lour boys out received each acopy of the New Testament, and other presonls weremade to the rest of the boys.

The Hall and Hat.Tho Mamawelas of Orecnport wero badly

beaten In a score of 49 to 9 by the Buffolks of Huntlugton at Huntington yesterday. I

Tho cmployocs of Apploton's will play a homoand homo game of base ball with the New YorkPrinting Compsny'a boys on tho UnionDane Hall Grounds, Ilrovklyn, K. D.

Tub KcxroBD at Ditboit. A private despatchfrom the champions states that 11 icy de'eatcd theDetroit Club on Wedneaday by a score of U to 111.

Mutual ti. Hons. The return game of thismatch, at the Union grounds yestordsy, resulted Ina signal victory for the MutuiJa, with tho score VI

to 8.Tni Orirntau DersATin. A game was played

yesterday between Ihe Orientals of New York "andthe Maryland Club, which resulted In favor of thelatter by IB to 8S.

Uatuariks. vs. KiTSroNtj. The Haymakersbeat the Keystones of Philadelphia yesterday, at therounds of the former In Troy. Tbo score stood :flaymakera, ill ; Keystones, 9.Unitid vs. IIaous. An Interesting game of

bsll was played yesterday on the llatlery irruundnbetween the above named Clubs of the FourthWard, which reaulted In the score or 30 to 30, Infsvor of the former.

Visit or tui Krtttoxi Clou, This crackClub of the Quaker City will arrive In town thismorning. This afternoon thoy will play Ihe Mutu-al-

and on Haturdsy they will encounter the

Cricket.Nrw York ti. I'ATSiisoa. Tho second elevens

of these clubs plsyed yesterday on the ground of Iholatter at Paleraon, N. J. New York won by a scoreof TO to 80. Hmlth, of tbe New York, made tho bet t

eorc-- 17.

The Allen.Onllagher Fight.St. Louis, Aug. 19. It la said that Iho

referee In tho late pnio light has re-viewed bis action and will give a final decision to-



The son or Mr. Wm. Robinson, of Jamaica, men-tioned tu Yiednciday's Bex ai having hydrophobia, isnot dead,

A mad dog was shot In tho vlllsge of Jauislcsbut not until it hsd bitten a valuable hone SLd

seycrslcawi that were grating In the sirveli.

losses 11 r iriuu.Lust evening a bam rcsr of Mr. John Kirk's rf

on Ihe KllnteUitown road. Newark, was bur ed.Two hones perished. Loss (A) no Insarsoce.

A packing boi la J. IX A W. CreUhton'o dry.wids(tors. No. Ill Cheinut lUtat, llillaJslpUU, wss burned


i.irrrr.nn nr.Twr.r.x nn: vuvs.uax1 a i a vsrniA .v miNisTints.

Wliv Von Wlnipfl'oii did tint Visit lll.ninrk-T- lit

ri.irtiin Prr IHncrmtTho Million III' till' MlUtlll'lil Ccrilllll!Mlc.

YitsMtA, Aug. 19 - ll.iron von llomt ha re-

plied to the recont nolo of llorr von Thlcle, theacting Prunlan Mlnlnlcr of l'or.'lgn Affairs. He

S'.rrt. thai he thought a v explanation snRleicntto r'movo the tnl.tindcr.tandlng betwocn tho twollovemincnt., and desired lev avoid useless

The Prime Mlnlnlcr inn that what he.aid In committee wan of n pi Irate chiracler. Thotraii.acllnnn of a Paillnmentar) Committee arc notwithin tho cent id of foreign Government.. Allud-ing to tho interpretation by the Vienna Cabinet ofthe military treaties between Prtiinla and the SouthHerman Stale, bo nya that, In tho conciliatoryde.patrh sent to tlin Atmli ln Minister at Itrrlln InMarch, 1807, nothing wa aai.t n. to whether thetreat) of Praguo prevontcd the Houlhei 11 State 'rnmconcluding treatlen w Ith tho olhcr Stale of (lermany.Toe circumstance that thero In. I hoc 11 nn Intercoursebe tw 0011 thu Count von WluiplTcii, the Austrian

and theCatint von HinmarK for some lime,In alluded to. The despatch explains that Ihla waa

owing to Iho allTnilo aluence of I10II1 genllemenfrom Herlln from tho .prln? of IsfiS until the rlosoof lhal year. After Iho return of III. mars, lenainwell known, continuous and ilo!nt attack tn thepublic pre on Au-lr- gave theAustilan (loyern-mai- l

cause to recommend that tho Count vonW11npTt.11 should alrstnln fram vlvlllng llinmirk.The Au'lrlan Premier conclit ten by declaring lhatthe reproach that Auntrla Inliii.le.l lopiuloug hernttiltidn nf reserve ctnnol lie beiler damned oftioin by rclcrrlng lo Iho iihlnlrtrupted inti icoiir.oliclwcen hlmneif and the II.11011 von Wcrlhcr, thePiusvan Mlnlitfr at Vienna.

Tin: 1tv.ro1.vnos is svaix.Prenrli llmitnrw Hint Ibn Cnrllntnnrr Itccnin.

lug Porinlilnblr. nrnl MvihiiI.Ii Itrporln oltheir t'liptnro nnd lil.pnrrilnii,

I'Aitu, Aug. ID. Tho iMiWs lo day nnnertnlhalIho partlra of Carllitn on Spnnlnh .oil are Incrcasli g,and that In some canes they hato met vv Ith aurecsnes.It in claimed that they have captuicd nlno oHicctaand forty pilvale or the Sptnlih Army. Tho 'jfrlshints Hut within a month a great mllltaiy event, ortvldcii It givin no parllculars, will happen In Spain,after which Don Carlo will publlnh a manlleslo.

Maiiuio, Aug. 19. Korty-iiiii- o Carliatn havebeen broucht f rlnoncrs Into Valencia. Several Car-ll-

bandn linve been dispersed hy tho Iroops withinthe past two diys.

Tbo Itiirvorila lu Ihrlr ,letv lit Itont.Iinnfimx, Aug. 19. The Harvard practised

In a new host, built by Jew III. She measure.41 del fl Inches long, and II) Inches ut Ihu vvl, lentpart. The Oxonian, went over the cour.otaking Irom :rj In II .irokca kt inliitile.

Tlie llarvarda rovvud oror loo courso at speedThey mule n good start, lull n II inking wind Impc'cdtneir progren until they renched Hninaier.mithbtldgr. Alter Unit Ihey Ind fair wind end smoothwater, and rowed well to ihe end. The Oxford boatgoing over the same rour.e prcvhitmlr Hinduluster time, but thev had lair wind, nnd the lidena. inoro In Unit Ivvor. Two to one oth red onOxlord, Willi no lakcta.

Attempt tn Anni.liiiito Iho Hbnli of Pernio.Tr.nsrun, Aug. 19. A band of seclaries from

Cottstnnlinoplo have lieen arnsled onc'iargo of con-spiring to ua.anHinate Iho Snah or Persia, Il aaldthat many eminent poisons aro Implicated In theconspiracy. The Persian Iroopn have capturrd da-rn tiela, and defeated the Turcomau lu a pitchedballlo.

cvhiositii:h or vitiMi:.

An F.rrnnd Hoy Poisoning bin llmployoria.Mr. W. 11. Whitney and I!, D.Vosbttrgh, jowtl-Irrs- .

of 17J Hreiadwsy.'nnrrowly isrnpcd poisoningttsierday morning, nt Mr, Whitney's residence, IVl

lloilfoid .VI nui. Wllllamvlitlrffh an errand linv rm.ployed by them having pui half an ounce or opiumInto tie cotfee. Mr. Whlluey first obneived t rat thecoffee bad a peculiar taste, snd he accused the boy,'thereupon the little wretch Icapud out of the win-dow and ran, but waa captured. At the police sta-tion be mado a clean saying, however, thathe meant only to put hla employers to sleep, no linthe could steal cuotigh to leuvo tnem, us they hsd

hlni. He I. only IS year, of age. He ears hisname la Theodore Eve. Tho poison was obtslned ata llioadwai drug store, on the slrentth of a nolo lowhich Mr, Wbliucy'a name was forged.

Tbe Worthies Cumberland Coal Ilonde.Ill the Cumberland coal bond case in llrooklyn

yealerday, (leorge W. Chndwick teat Irani aafollows;TI c quotations at present for the Cumbct land Coaland Iron Company bonds are between W and Wper ccnl,: the preferred slock isquolodntil-'lperc- nt ;thoso shown are not Ihe bonds 1 alluded to; theroIs not any qnolable market price for tho bondsshown; tiny uro classed as "miscellaneous ;" 1 haveknown Ihe bonds shown to sell for f5 Ir. money fora bond of MO, and to be exchangod for properly ashigh aa $100 per bund. Crusi.cxsmlned There arualiv.ys buyers for such bunds as Ihese shown, whensold lor ioandlcs.; such worthless bonds are al-

ways Hosting ahout; they bare been sold aa high aafJo fur a 1 1J0 bond.

The Itrturu of 11 Prodlgnl.Among Ihe passenger. In the .Sculls on Tues-els- y

were Miss tieitlo Clark und her hrother, W. M.Clark. Mian Clark. It may bo remembered, becamesuddenly alllicled with a riiiolu tu shine as an ac-

tress, alter a visit lo Wallack's Theatra lu tills city,lu pursuancu of this ambition she qull her home inWarwick, N. Y In Msy last. She waa met by afriend on the Erie Itailruad t:ie same day, and after-ward turneo up lu Inland, She was given an asy-lum by a kind woman in Cork during the lime re-

quired to giv notice to her friends, whu immediatelyscut her brother to take her home.

A llnrleni Temperance Lecture.An Inquest wan held ye.terditv in tlio llarlcra

Police Station, by Coroner Klyun, over the body ofMary Louder, who died auddeuly at her residence onThird aveuue, near llhth street, on Mond'iy nightlast. The husband, William, was arrested on sus-picion, hut Ihe investigation proved that the womandied or "intrrnal hemorihagu from a ruulore of tholiver, the result nf violence, the causa of which is asyit unknown." The husband wan exoneraied, audIhe Jury erprcssed a belief that Mary "acceleratedher ou dcUti bylougcoulliuud Intoxication."

The Htroudaburn P.xrctillon.Our readers may icmcmber Iho hideous tale of

tho bungling at the executlun or Ortne. a lew daysago, lu Slroudsburg, Pa. The facts of hla fuuerul

ro 110 Icaa shocking. Upward of 1.000 persons wirepresent, At the cemcttry, thu Sheriff yielded lo Ihepupular wish, aud exposid U.o lace of the corpse tothe morbid curiosity seektri. A line was formed,and each peraon took a "last gaxe" at the depaited.The corpse allorded no evidence of bsuglug boyuuda slight sw elllug of the lips.

jiuouici.iA.Assistant Alienor Marahsl scltod flvo barrels of

whiskey at Pulton Terry.Jamea Furey, a laborer, building a sewer pipe In

Ihe rear of Lawrence itrcetycilorday was prostratedby the best,

A kerosene oil lamp standing on a table In Ihehouie of sir. K. Ledwith, 111 an iiurcn straet, near

C alon sveuue. exp.oded. unci a.r. I.edwltti sud hiswits were so aerlouily injured that thtir lives aro con-sidered lu dsnger.

aVJir jiuism:Tho Jersey City Yacht Club will start on their an-

nual cruise oa Monday.Krcderlck T. Farrier has been appolntnd Deputy

(Irand Chincellor of the Kulghls uf Pythias for HueisouLily.

A large and Influential meeting In Woodslde,near Newark, last evenlog, was addrened by U. O,Littlrjuhn, II. K. Low, and: Julius 11. 1' Presidentof tl o fdontcletr Haliroal, Mr. O. U, lllnei, and others,lu behalf of the illdlau.l Kallruad.

Chancellor Zabrlakie yeiterday refused to modifybis Injunction aalnal the Commnnlpaw Abattoir, 10 faraa lu relieve llietu from tho lost which ttiosa dealershaviDgctltlo there, and thoie who have them ou tlioway tnlther, will Inevitably sutler la consequence of bisliijuuctlon,


Ocn. Hank and Scnitor Itamsey snd Fentonhave arrived In Parla,

Admiral Hon haa left the North Atlantic Squadronluehaigoof if. V. Queer.

Tho President is expected In Washington nextTui sday, when another Cabluet meeting Is to be held

There is much dliiitl-fnctlo- n In China st the re-

moval of J, lies Uro w no from luo U. o Military,Gen. Lee will attend the Gettysburg reunion.Onr. Hoffman, Ocn. Meade, and other celtbretlea

will participate la the grand ball al tho ContinentalHotel, Long Urancb, this evening.

Canfleld's Northern Pacific parly arrived In He-lena, Moalana, on Wedueiday evening. Thev pro-nounce the country entirely practicable for a railroad,

Among the passengers by tbe China which srrlvedst nan Francisco yesterday morning, wero J. IlosaUrowue. toltsd Dtalei Minister to China, and finally,and 0. 11. cotton and Dr. Salter st Uaaicj. Iho latterf ttUItil OU lC4Tfl o siiiaocc. .,


m. " It


Hpanlr.1i Forcrfi Drfrnlpit nnd inn do 1'rUonHtimlnrdt J)rrrllnc nnd Jnlnlna tb

Cubnnn Cnbnnn Cnpturrd nrnr IiifrtoI'rlnclnr nnd KxrrutPd In tlio IMnrn.

Waiimnutov, Aw. 19. The Utesl JfttC'.NBro n0no Liter IlioOtti, but contain iiittonnl new. Afnrct(ipnt out hjr Ocn (iucfud ultnckeil ti Hpjn.Mj forcemo Tins from Itcmrdliii to Join (len. Ici t Nae-ttu- .

It w.iti the ciitiro fore? occupying tliit tIacp.Afur an rngiKcmcnt of in hour tbo Hp.inlinli fellbark nnd attempted to hoc re their retrrtt to NneviLii. Col. Kcmro, commindlnir the Cubani, had

inilo prrparnttnns for tlih and tho trnoji. ilntllns:their retreat cut off, nffuln formed, nnd, after nSortcit.icinont, wero dcfeAted. The entire force wanCtptiimK Tho Cubm Io ti repotted at IS killedami frslttoumlrd, while Ihe ! of Hie Hpmbrdi wa

7 killed. W wounded, and rrhoncrn. Thl 4

tesnnled na an tin portan I triumph.(len. Jordan tent out a forcn tu reconnoitre near An attempt uan mile to capture them,w hen a II kM ensued which requite t lu the defeat ofthe HpnnUh force iinl the cipture of fifty sit

On tho opening of tho flht, oerBpinlardt denertod and joined tlic Culuui and tookpari In the flzht.

A umall portj conToyint; a train of provision neirHagua U Grande, it la reported, were attacked bi inuperlor force of Upanlarda and defeated and theirIr.iln copttirod. Another umall body wore capturednear 1'iicrto rrinclpe, uumbennf; hO men, all ofwhom, It H aild, were oxecuted tn tbe Vl&. of tl atclly lmniet.latelf on their arrival. The fate of tticxemen createi internet excitement amons the Cuban,who demand Immediate rrtallatton. (len. (,)iieadi,lho-- lollcrr any, liopmjc for Intcrft'ronco on Iho ortof civilized (loTermeutr., ha uot yielded to the dcm.indri of Ida troop.

Such Ner 111 the ('rinnr ScndHavana, e 10. liccminoitrring jmrtioi re--

nlly aent out have attarketl and duatro)ud irveplImuicvnt cucumpmeuU within the Jurisdiction o.Citieo Villa.

Captntn tleneril do lUnlai hu ordered the n

of the II.ivmA ,

Tho Directora oftUolUr.ini lUtlroad b.iTOreinoxedlor m.iWi mtton nf tho fund of the eo nI anr, and arc held rcdpoii-dhl- by the tribunal. Thebook" of the cotnmny tin c ben deltered tu theCaptain (IrncraPa Secretary ft examination, nnd ultelection for iierr Dlrectoi-- tn been ordered.

A IVrnonnl (Irlovnnep Slntr I'iiIoii. lo boKiirinrd-Co-oprruH- TC 0runiil7.nlloiii Hppnonlireil lMnnm fur tbo (Suvrrumi'iil ofllio Subordlnnto Itndlrn.

I'iii t.AiKi.riii a. Aug. 19. Mr. Joint F. WaVilt,

of New York, arone to aqueatlon of privlle&e. Heread a cominnnfcatlon In a morning paper reflectingon hla courso In relation to the cipulMicn of allAnthony, nlludliifc to Mm ft nn Irlnhman, it c., andendeavoring to cat odium on him, He bdlcred Itwn written by Pinion V. Kllirr, who had enjoyedpeculiar privilege, At he wiw neither a delicatenor a rejHrter. ho dciniudcd thai he be removedfrom tbo reportrra atand,

Mr ll. J Walti", of IV nnjW.inia, Chairman oftfie Cummittic, on urganlzatlou, prmcnlcd tho

report tItewirrd That tbe lreldent, at hi ear.leit conve-

nience, aiiooint an c vteuti e rommlt tee from riu h Hi al e.iiAMoirtit, That cacti oxi'Htivc ofllrir a m ou ui'iivflble tball, alter recrlvlna a)itntmnnt. proefdt to

rail htito Com cntloni for the. purpnufl nt lorrntnti aHtaU' union: and uotll anch union In formed elmrti'iaare to be letmcd fiom tbe Nntiou it Lnbor Colon tiyrrmldrnt ot lor tl union, hut nt oon an llio Htate

aro coiui leto tho ctiartem aliall como Tromthe Mate union,

iinotrett, 1lu( tbe lreldent of tbo Nation il LnlorUnion he and brrebr authorized to luna t lurter toBtate oritanlxattona whenever i.pplicjtlju U mr le bydelegates from at lean tlve local tradci.Ubor.or

orttitnlzation wblch meet at the call of tbaKxecutlvot'ommlltce.

A'fMotceit, Tbateaeh Btate Labor Colon I entitled tobo rcpreiented In the National hit .or Colon uiroUim:One delegate to each Htate irrerpeetlvo ofnmuber ofnielli hei enrolled in local Ctiloni, and one delegate loreaeh and every '40,00 lor Iraciionni part thereof.

oetaf. 1 hat each Hlalu Labor I In Ion hall makeMich lawi aud regutation for tu guidance and nupportat may to it appear most cflvctlve. provided ttiat inchlaw do not luanv way conflict with tho law 1 of the

I.aleor Colon.Ueiatredj That the National Labor Cnlon par the

nillcareoldtli-Rintfi- , by the nearevt and moit directrouta rrotn and to the nmanlxatlon titer retrosent

fttwlrtxt. That the rf venue nf the K niton it Labor I

Union t derived follow l.ach Hlaio orKaalxatlon Iahall at the etecined tluie report to the Crrehletit cf the 1

National Labor number of member reore- I

auuted In the Htate iiruanuatlon.niid tho Crtsidrnt iliall I

lff?r tax equal to Ave teat on each member no re-ported.

The report wm considered Mrlatlm, anddUpotcdof aa follow a ;

Tbeflrat reaolutlon waa pmaed over Informally j thesecond renolution waa adopted ; the third waa paaaedover Informally, and It waa proposed to amend thedrat oue by adding, "Kiccpt wbcro Htale orginlza-tlon-

exist and euch orriniiitlon aa are connectedwith or represented In tola hody.M

Mr. Charlea McLean, of Maaaschuiett, moved thatthe mIioIo report bn recommitted to the Committee,and that iMeara. Winn of California, Jeup nf NowYork, and Gumming of Ma4iachusetta, bo addedthereto, which was agreed to.

Amotion that the Cong roan adjourn at .1 o'clock,and that there bo but oue evasion, laatin from 0 toa o'clock, wan adopted.

A long preamble, with reaolutlon attached, withreference lo the proposed effort tu cMblln.i postaltelegraph aystem, wa reid by Mr Dunn, and ondjoUoii referred tu the Cotninlttru ou l'tatfurm.

Unbar Ifriu.The Worklngmen'i Union mectn thla evening.The piano nukera itrike ended. Tho annual

picnic take place lu Jonea'e Wood thla eventaxH. N. Nutton l Informed ngiln that the Tailor'

Co6icratlve Awoelation haa eitablMhed a cooperativeclothing store ut 19 'I htrd avenue, np italrx,

Tbo llrlrklayera Union No. 'J met but evening, Mr.It. .Malhewi pieatdlas A motion prevailed exnrrtnagympaUiy with tne printer uow ou atriko.Tbe Central Kxecutive Committee of the Cigar

makcra' Union h ive declarM Kerb' boi, SJUowerr,and lireallu & lloy le'a, .31 Water ttrcet, open,

Notwlthntandlug the complaint of dulltimet and itrliuientmoney uiaikrt, thodninnd for menat the Labor hxchamre In bau Krancltco coutlnuui tobe In execaa of the enppty

Tbe dry goods clerka of Brooklyn lat night elected W It. Jaimrui Treaiurur, and renolved to tot3ratolu the early closing moTtjineut with their New Yorkbrothern.

The CarDentera Union of llrooklyn taat eveningappointed a committee to confer with the earpenter oftvf.llari.sburgh and New York In regard tu aetitpngritlegitc to rehreaeot them in the National Coat cbttonof that trade, which meets Bept. It,


One hundred ard fifteen car toads of peaches ar-

rived beio jetterday,Charlcn Carroll, who had fallen off tho roof of 31 1

Went itreet, died yeiterday.Bee advertUement of the Mutual Benefit

Sivlogs Haulc In another column.Dr llirrl and his atatThavo moved Into tbclr new

quartera on tne third noor of the police palace.The Merchants Union Kxpresi Company'a loi lu

tho receut robbery near Albany is lea than $l(W,CW,

Bhoo Cuttera Lodge. No. Ill, K. O. S. C.( meetsml evening at 03 Kait Uroadway.

The Central William M. Tweed Democratic Asso-ciation will meet this etenlng at 4tKast Broadway,

Isudgea No. 69, IU5. Ill), UUt 1 11. 147. and 913, willhave a gisnd parade aud picnic on Monday next atFunk's hark.

Mrs. Nellie Bruce will deliver her lecture onDemocracy 10 America,' In Dod worth ilall, to mor-

row evening.Wanted 80m ebody to take a contract for the re-

moval of a dead horse from Gridiron square, oppositethe Astor.

Daniel Banks died suddenly yesterday at ft'! Mottstreet. Ihe body wss sent to the MuriEue. Uankshad

been very Intemperate,Francis Callahan, aged 17, dropped dead yeiterday

forenoon while riding with James Abbott in a lowingmachine wagon.

A dermal, tiwedcnborglan society bas been formedIn lids cltr. 1 bey bold medium et cry Saturday at liLudlow street.

TLlrtr years ago a store on tbe northwest cornerof Droadwarand Barnlay ttrcet, then considered thebest location In tbe city, rented for 11.400 per aunuui.Half the basement now rents for tU.o0 a year.

Mr Thomas 8, Breunao, Warden of BellevueHospital, suffered a great hereavement ) citerdir In thelussof hUullfl (In ehlldMrih) and ot his lofant child,both having died within a lew hours,

Mlcnael Kelly, an employee of tho Croton Bond,oanowlyercapcdnltb his life while riling ao excava-tion at Hudson and Jane street yeterdv. While Inthe sewer he lighted a tamp which fgnllrd the gai escap-ing from a teak lu the pipe t he u:g Inhaled tne gai.

Capt. Blur, or tbe London Fire Department,with the afetiopolHan r'lro CommUaloner and all Uinboys aud girls ofthi' hb'Vi'ulti audvintcentb Wauls,rovlewed The members of uur lire .Department yester-day In'ioiiipkius squstre.

Mr Michael Poohy, of l;v5Thompon street. contractor, is not ounceted with uuy gang f outlaws.Ihe thlovts. wluu anented, often giro the police thename of rutpecuble cilUcu, and thus, undoubtedly,Mr. L aoty um ins been mlsubtid.

J.imea McOlnnls, committed to the Tomb byAlderman U'llrlen on a charea of bastardy, wa dis-charged yoiterdav by Judge MiCunnoua writ ofiorvut, oullie grouudthai the blank space in the printcd form of comiutttueut was not filled lu witu the complaluaou name.

Two wltnesi-e- yesterday teitifled before Com mis-- tloner (Hborn that thev received money, either In pros

eureorby eouseutof Tbos. M. Vpear, afuwu-- 3louweigher, although ther never worked gim. Thename or one wai forgtA to hisrril. Ja. u. 8watn,b pear's luccevaor, tt. stifled that meuwiohad UoneuowoiK bad applitd to tua for pay aj wm their cuMom.


UKSPitnATH r.scovNTitn orr.n a.GLASS or LAO Kit 11 Bit It,

Tin I'Nlol narl thr lllndsron Asaln-rltrnr-- slr

itIiIi n Woiiinnon n HldcirrnlU-mliost-I- nn

n Mnn In Ihe Alutnui.n-G'oron- er Flfaainiiiinll the

Wliilo a rcal mtilllliiJo or llilrntjr ciliiensiradaliens were philosophical!)-sippin- snd qnati; milages?Iiccr In ll.clr social haunts in thin cit on Weilaeada'nlxht, a ilcperato aCTrar took plnce OTcralasoItho cxhllaratins; bei . race, which mill probaMr re-

sult In ilcalh. Tho sanguinary conflict hail lis orltlttIn tlio rrfit.! nf a doi.lhcail to pij fur his farorlia)drink the Insignificant Iritis ot Arc cc'.tn.

rCKNH Or Tllll EXCOI'NTIR.The arTrajr occurred in frunt of the saloon st 4J8

West fVrtr nccoml street, near Ninth atcnoe. Thaplace Is kipt Ijr Himon Hchmldt anil hit lr', an Jitilocn not dllTcr nitich from lha onml second dins oltircr hcrr nnlnonn on side street, except, prrhap..In tho elais of enstemtr, who are sometime a"little rone.h "

Al about half-pa- II o'clock on Wednesday nlnht,Tatrlrk McDonnell, oftOf, Wet Port ceonil street,went Into Schmidt's aalnon, snd called fur a clan, ol j

laser and a cake 11c wa acrted br a woman, who, 'having nihil hln order, ilinnndcd fainent. Patricktcplled thai there a " lime enough ti pay when he '

had flulnhtil " Tho reply won siven In rotuth lone,and attracted Iho attention of Hehmldt, who stopped 1

forward and lold him that lie must pay for what lis jhad had. Patrick lold him he weald pay when lishad drnnk Inn User. .Schmidt persisted In hi dc--

mand for payraml. Patrick, howeer, lustra J ol '

coniplj In;, look op the class and hetan drlnlln; the I

laser. Hehmldt, when ahout half tho contents of IheClass had dlnappoared, selred It and took II fromPatrick, li'Illa blui at the same time to ecl out olhis place.

rinding that Patrick would not go quietly. Pchmldlwent behind the bar, look np hi clol. and forcibly

rd the offender. On reaching the .lilenslk,Pslrick became cry abusiir, and Schmidt bade lilru"cliaroKav" Patrick said he would stay where lis

aa, ai he was outside his place, and on the ubll.rtrect.

Iiritalrd by his ahma and nolne at anch a latalionr of the nlzht. Hehmldt rnn'ied at hlrn with hi

club, when .Mrs. Schmidt sprang betnei--them and tried to pretent her husband from slrlk-In-

Patrick. In tplte, honercr, of her Intercession,Schmidt struck Patrick on the lc.1 lids cf tintenn v wilh tho ctub. Mrs. Schmidt now aelied th.rii .ml forcibly took It frrom her husband's hand,and a soon as Patrick saw thai It wan Inthehaudinf n woman, he sprang fownrd and raptured tt.Iluilrg the strtcgln which ensued Patrick threwMrs. on Ihe .Idcwa'k, und wrenched Ihecluh fiom her hand. While tfiry were .truillngSchmidt ran Into hi saloon and caught up ills roroller, r'lmling un his return that lit wife hadbeen knocked down.Sclitnidt IcielUtl hla rcrolreratPatrick and fired, tho ball penetrating the abdomen,and producing a fatal wound.

Patrick was then picked up by bis friends andtaken to his house, I.KI Wct Korty-nfco- t street. Asurgeon wa piompllv sent, and II was rcaolred losearch the went sldo for a pollcema-i- . After alone;search an ofttc r was lutind and bchmldl wuarrested. Yesterday morning, the wounded manwan .inking, anil tho I'nronor wan accordingly summonctl. Deputy I'uroner Shlnn examined thowiniiid and found thnt the prubabllttien were thatPatrick would die before thin morning. Havingtaken Patrick's anil tnorttm deposition, from whichwe take the foregoing details. Coroner Flynn sentSchmidt to Iho Tomb to await the result.

Tin: ;st'so i 'it ita.v.v.i ir.i.Freight lllorkcd unil Knrploree Qulltlaa

Ihr lloml-Kr- lo ItelnnliiB to PortrnrslThrough Prrlaht, und Tiii.n (fnrnrul.nloe.em Itelusliig to l'lrttge Tlielr Vole ANrir Muddle,

AtntNT, Aug. 19. Judge Ilarnaril has granteda .lay of proccdlnjn In Ihe attachment azalnstMears. Pruyn, Itamsey, and Van YaUenburgh.Tbe two latter hare returned to the city to attend tobusiness. Ills said that there la aMtlo dlBleulty altlie lllnghamlon end ol the Susquehanna road. Th,Krla officials icfuso to forward any more throsgsjfreight until back chargea are paid. 11 r. Ilanks IIuot willing lo pay such utiarge without the constatof botti parties, and the Interest refuse, andthey also object to the payment of laborera unleasthe books of tlie company are produced. Thus

and mcanttmo fi right In blocked sndthe employees aro leasing. The latter illoieultr. ItIs said, Is to be snlrrd by Mr. II inks, who will as-

sume the respnnsibtllly of pajlnf the men. It Istided that the prospects In regard lo th. election

aro not very flattering to tho Erto party.Hie tominlsrlonera of the town of Colcsrllle,

who had agreed lo sell, were hero a day or two agofor their cash, and nrefirred to dcllrer their atockto .Mr. Courier, who had agreed lo take It, Theyncru informed that he was willing to pay Iho moneyIf tho Commissioners would agree to tote theirtlekrt at the coming election, but oue of themperemptorily declined to blud hlm.elf In that regardeither wa The Commissioners returned withouttho money, A largo number of contracts with townsare outstanding, and promises to piy after Iho elec-tion are freely made, protldcd the Town Comtnlaeloriers rote the ticket. How manysuch pledges have been made, of course, cauuol be,sacertaiucu, but probably very low.

si'Aiiks l'uoM rm: Ti:i.i:aiiAvn.A farmer from Missouri was robbed of $30,0001.

Uaraha on Wednesday.Worthy Ham nil wa drowned near Albany oa

Wednesday, while on a Sunday Bciiuul exiurilou.Over one thousand enrolled delegites are In at.

tendance stthe Trenton Kducstionsl Convention.The Amerccan Science Association resumed it)

s.ssjon lu Mass., eiterday. 99Mr. remllrlon pnbllshe a letter accepting the fnoiulnitlonfor the Gov ruorship ol Ohio, llistlowi am

ipread before our readers elsewhereTheyare aearchlng In Iluffalo for swindler who

have defrauded tlie farmer oo (tie line of the frontier olo.oiij by means ot a spurious patent rtglit.

OcorgeJ. Havens, clerk for Messrs, Graft A WINson, clotrne s o( Albany, ha neen arrested on a chargtof robbing them ot goods valued at t,ouO.

The schooner Abbey Dnrslcy, before reported Itotal toss on liluck lilsod, has beeu patnped out andtowed lo Newport.

Terrible floods on tlie river Ysntcc. In Chinahave resulted In fearful destruction to the crops an(losses ot lue.

Horses are already beginning to arrive in Spring,field, Mass., In anticipation of the fall meeting of lb.birlngtle:d Club.

Oettysburgh In fast tilling up with visitors to thesnpronchlnx reunion. It Is proposed tu close the labor!otllio odlcers with a gtand ball.

Tlie Committee of the National Board of Trade,on the subject of a central line of navigation from trieWest to liauii ton ItoAds, rial concluded Its session, audwill publish an ciatjorslc rcpirl.

Ten thousand persons were si Ihe JTrnls FadGrounds lesterdayat tbe exercises preliminary to lhadedication of the grouuds for a tsoldlers' orphans'Home.

The body of J. I). Patterson, supposed to be oltbe t'syinaiter's Dei srtnient In Washington, aged years, wiufoaud In the harbor of llallluore yes.tcrday.

The 3 o'clock eipresi train east on the Net.Ilsven llallroad ran over and killed another man. taillight, near lliecnmch To. train ran a mile alter lbbrakes were whittled down. I

David Klnzmsn, who In Albany last April swor.false y lhal he waa worth 13.'M, In order that he mlehlleatceptcd as a boudsuian, has beu arrested ta War.wteu couuiy.

The Treasuty Department Is In dally receipt olletteisfroiu all pans of the country, containing UnitedStales greenbacks of various denominations, wttn

les aa lo their trcouiieness.The HI ickfect Indians have been running olTstock

between Helena and livuton, Montana, aud on Wednes,da Ihey killed Malcolm Clarke and badly wounded hisson, tweuty-av- utiles from the lormer place.

Tno steamer China which arrived at San Franelieoon Wednesday. brought l.ouo rssenirer., h'iO of whomare Chinese, llrrcar go contains 11 packages ot tea.andSM lackases of illkfor New Vork.

A great storm passed over Hruges snd th. sur. '

rouodtog country lu Ifelgliini yeatentay, doing muchd.inai:e to the crops, ei.eclally to fruit.. The ChurcU '

of HI. Andri was itruck by lightning, and destroyed. i

Judge Daniels, of the Supreme Court of DufrsloL I

refused to sppolot a uew receiver In the snlt of, as trustee, agatnil the Atluillc and Ureal W est. ;era llallroad Company. 1

The ltcvenue oflleo In Washington receives mans; Jcojiplalnls from UiHerenl pari of tbe country, partto aularf) ay rrotn large cities, of spurious deputy mar. 3thai and rerenue detectives, who are levying black Amatl, as

In Ihe stockholders' meeting of the Western Con. 1neettoo llallroad yesterday, in Hartford, Conn , the 1Hartford, or Boutfi route ticket lor dtreclou waade-- 1feato.i, uud tho North toute (tocted by t,W0 iharcs u

The quarterly meeting of tbe Union Paclfle IUIVroadwa. Held lo lloalon tcslerday. There were pre. 'sent aa (Jjvauaienl l)lreetors,x-Vice-ITesldsn- l liaW'aJe the Hon. Hiram Price, and the Hon. James atNclion, bolh of the talterof Iowa. Mr. hetseu nils thatvacancy mi.te by tno removal oltliolloa.JinicslJrgosai IotNesrVors. I

Colfax, Senator Stewart, Dr. Un-- IHerman uf the I'hdadtlphla Mint, snd others, aav sapealed to Secretary lkmt.l! to allow tsa Iraaifsr ofaiversl millions ot dollars from th. gua.Ti eaxaiy la H.iKrsuctsco. the smo.inl to, tie rsplaesal ta U. us 'stNewrieasnty Yoik,lorllovalhDartenlsUlagijla tbe money market, out iuva ncsiTed a, aauwM.