benefits of breathing deeply

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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8 reason to breathedeeply

Benefits of Breathing Deeply

There are two things which can be learnt in less than 10 minutes, and I guarantee you that these two things will change your life.

First thing, is standing straight.

How to stand straight?

Stand against a wall with your head, shoulder blades, hips, calves, heels, pushed into the wall. 

This is thing number one.

Now you have to learn the second most important thing.

So, while standing erect, inhale deeply and you can notice clearly how much room your lungs have.  Breathe deeply and feel the air entering through your nosetrills and filling your lungs to their utmost capacity.

This is the ideal way of breathing, which you must practice.

Why should you learn to do this?

What are the benefits of breathing thus?

1. It purifies your blood and releases Toxins.

When you exhale your body releases as much as 70% of the toxins through breathing.  And therefore, just by breathing properly and effectively, you can get rid of the toxins which are continually accumulating in your body.

And therefore, you must breathe slowly, deeply and purposefully.

2. It relieves pain.

Oxygen naturally reduces lactic acid build up in muscles.

3. It massages your internal organs. 

When the diaphragm expands and contracts, it presses the entire digestive system and the cardiovascular system. 

Thus the very moment of diaphragm massages the vital organs and increases the flow of blood in them.  This entire process increases digestion and assimilation of food.

Needless to say it makes your lungs healthy and powerful, and cures a majority of the respiratory problems.

It also makes your heart stronger.

reason ?

Since the blood is already abundantly oxygenated, the heart can readily deliver oxygen through the blood stream.

4. It increases the circulation

It increases the circulation and the absorption of the nutrients and vitamins, and increases the metabolism.

5. It improves the posture. 

The most important thing about being in the correct posture is that you can breathe slowly, deeply and purposefully over the long durations of time.

6. It strengthens the central nervous system. 

The brain, the spinal cord and the nerves are superiorly nourished by this increased oxygen intake. It guarantees the overall health of the entire body. 

Secondly, you will also observe an improvement in your concentration, a better memory retention, and an enhancement in your physical stamina.

7. It regulates the body weight. 

if you are overweight, the extra oxygen burns the extra fat, if you are underweight, the extra oxygen will nourish the starving tissues by providing the adequate nutrition.

8. it increases the stamina. 

It increases the energy levels and improves the stamina.  It increases your cardiovascular capacity. It gives more benefits than any other form of exercises especially aerobics can ever give.

It is important to know that while doing aerobic exercises we use body fat as energy; and while doing anaerobic, we use glucose as energy.

And therefore, spend at least 30 minutes everyday in breathing thus.



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