augmenting world history

Post on 19-May-2015






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Fall 2011 project for Cultural Heritage with Augmented Reality at Georgia Tech.



Augmenting World History

Mobile AR & 9th Grade World History CurriculumInvestigators: Nettrice Gaskins & Laurie Marion

What is mobile Augmented Reality (AR)?


Augmented Reality superimposes virtual or digital content over a live view of the world.

Science is no longer fiction.

Other Key Terms To Know

Platform - A platform is a crucial element in mobile AR development. A platform might be simply defined as a place to launch application/software. The platform provider offers the software developer a coding environment in which to create the mobile AR application.

Software Development Kit (SDK) - This is typically a set of tools that allow for the creation of mobile AR applications (ex. pattern or frame-based AR).

Applications – Applications are designed to help users perform specific tasks (user experience, or interaction).

Mobile AR Development

Types of AR

Surface AR uses screens, floors, walls, etc. that respond to the user's touch to give them virtual information.

Pattern AR uses pattern recognition on a shape, marker, or face and replaces it with a static or moving virtual element, i.e. a 3D model, audio, video, etc.

Outline AR uses the hand, eye, or body outline that is picked up and merged with virtual elements.

Location AR uses GPS coordinates to locate a person, object, or building and overlay virtual information about it as you move through real space.

Hologram AR projects virtual overlays on physical space using cameras or projectors to track gestures or audio signals.

{A cylindrical panorama from multiple images taken in Second Life, stitched together using AutoStitch.

Virtual Panoramas

{A virtual timeline overlays content from the past on the present, in this case using Historypin.

Virtual Timelines

{Using a camera-enabled device an entire scene can reveal stories to users through AR placemarks.

Virtual Stories

What is an AR user experience?

KML (Keyhole Markup Language) + HTML and JavaScript are used to create a channel for media content in the Argon Augmented Reality browser. Subscribing to an Argon channel enables the user to view augmented reality displays on a mobile device.


The Qualcomm SDK contains frame markers that can be embedded in real objects like murals and used by the Argon Augmented Reality Browser (platform).

AR User Experience

Students use a camera-enabled mobile device, with Argon to view AR content.

Coding Argon for Frame MarkersThe KML file includes Javascript, placement of an image, and identification of the marker.

The name of the channel is on line 48. In Argon, when right arrow next to the channel is clicked, the description is displayed.

Modifying KML to Create an Argon Channel

The modified KML file (see right) contains specific AR marker content, including the Javascript function (“updatePlacemarkVisibility”) .

Working with Frame Markers

There are two options for working with frame markers: (1) Print markers onto card stock and cut out centers using an X-acto knife, or (2) Import/open the image(s) and associated Frame Markers using an imaging application (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, GIMP); merge (layers) and print.

We can demonstrate how AR Frame Markers work using large posters, images, or real objects from ancient civilizations. The screen overlays (see inset) and URLs were created by the students.

Partcipatory Design Process

Technology experts provide tutorials, resources, and tools to bring the project(s) together.

Teachers and students will provide input on the type of AR, user experience, interface and other design elements for the project(s).

Everyone will showcase the project(s) upon completion.

Special Thanks

William Schofield, Hall County Schools Superintendent

Dr. Sally Krisel, Hall County Schools Director of Innovative &Advanced Programs

West Hall High School Personnel • Greg Williams (Principal)• Chris Turpin• Laurie Ecke• Shannon Reed

Augmented Environments Lab (AEL)• Blair MacIntyre• Hafez Rouzati

Professor Jay Bolter

Professor Celia Pearce

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