asset identifier phau00422601 address wendover, 1-240 ...€¦ · wendover, 1-240,thurlow...

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Asset Identifier PHAU00422601Address WENDOVER, 1-240,THURLOW


Post Code SE17 2UF


Assessment Date 11/01/2018Assessment Version CurrentAssessor Name Jonathan Conlan





1.1.1 Contents -

1.1.2 Introduction -

1.1.3 Summary -

1.1.4 General Building Information -

1.1.5 Maintenance Schedules -

1.1.6 Fire Hazards and their Elimination and Control -

1.1.7 Fire Protection Measures -

1.1.8 Management of Fire Safety -





2.1.1 Introduction -

This Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) has been carried out by a competent Fire Risk Assessor onbehalf of the Responsible Person (Southwark Council) in accordance with Article 9 of therequirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO). This report is anassessment of the risk to life from fire and does not address the risk to property or businesscontinuity from fire.

In compliance with the scope of the FSO this FRA is limited to the common areas of thepremises. The site survey undertaken to produce the assessment is limited to a TYPE 1 (non-destructive) survey of common areas only, in accordance with the Responsible Person`sinstructions.

However, where it is deemed relevant, a sample dwelling(s) will be inspected to determine itsrelationship and dependence on the common areas to understand the nature of fire separationbetween dwellings and common areas.

Further investigation may be required by qualified and competent individuals to ascertain theappropriate fitment and fire protection of encased shafts, ducts, risers or voids where asampled non-destructive flat survey cannot confirm this.

In accordance with the limitations of the FSO risk assessment; this report does not include anassessment of external flame spread unless it is identified as impacting on the fire safety ofcommon areas. However, the report may make reference to such issue and/or recommendfurther investigation and assessment if it has been identified as being relevant to the overallfire safety of the premises.

Where appropriate, the FRA will make recommendations to ensure compliance with relevantfire safety legislation. However, it should be understood that this assessment does not replacethe Council's other obligations to carry out fire safety assessments such as those required bythe Health and Housing Safety Rating System (HHSRS) assessment to dwellings undersection 9 of the Housing Act 2004.

This FRA represents the best judgement of the Assessor involved in its preparation, and isbased, in part, on information provided by others.

It is understood by the Assessor that the responsible person has a policy of endeavouring toreduce or maintain the fire safety risk on all it's housing stock to a 'Tolerable' or lower risk level.The FRA includes an Action Plan that sets out measures to enable the Responsible Person toachieve this benchmark risk mitigation level, satisfy the requirements of the FSO and to protectRelevant Persons (as defined in Article 2 of the FSO), from the risks of fire.





3.1.1 Risk Rating HIGH MODERATE

Trivial: These risks are considered acceptable. No further action is necessary other than toensure that the controls are maintained.

Tolerable: No additional actions are required unless they can be implemented at very low cost(in terms of time, money and effort). Actions to further reduce these risks are assigned lowpriority. Arrangements should be made to ensure that the controls are maintained andmonitored

Low Moderate: Consideration should be given as to lowering the risk where applicable, to atolerable level, and preferably to a trivial level, but the costs of additional risk reductionmeasures should be taken into account unless these are managerial issues. The risk reductionmeasures should be implemented within a defined time period. Arrangements should be madeto ensure that the controls are maintained and monitored.

High Moderate: Considerable efforts should be made to reduce the risk to a tolerable level, andpreferably to a trivial level, but the costs of additional risk reduction measures may be takeninto account unless these are managerial issues.The risk reduction measures should be implemented within a defined time period.Arrangements should be made to ensure that the controls are maintained and monitored.

Substantial: Substantial efforts should be made to reduce the risk. Risk reduction measuresshould be implemented urgently within a defined time period. Consideration should be given tosuspending or restricting the use, or to apply interim control measures, until this has beencompleted. Controls should be maintained and monitored. Consideration should be given toconsulting with the Enforcing Authority.

Intolerable: These risks are unacceptable. Substantial improvements in risk controls arenecessary, so that the risk is reduced to a tolerable or trivial level. The activity should be halteduntil risk controls are implemented. If it is not possible to reduce risk the activity should remainprohibited. Enforcing Authority must be consulted.

3.1.2 Next Physical Assessment Due 2019

3.1.3 FRA Type PB

3.1.4 Storeys Ground and Above 10

3.1.5 Storeys Below Ground 0

3.1.6 Units 240

3.1.7 Status COMPLETE



3.1.8 Building Dimensions. Length, width and height.

255m x10m x 25m

3.1.9 List any tasks that once completed can reduce the risk ratingof this assessment.

Remove the stored items from the electrical intake cupboardsManage the housekeeping and anti social behaviour issues within the block

3.1.10 Does this assessment require a review? Yes No N/A




General Building Information

4.1.1 Building information

Construction: The building is a high rise general needs housing block that previously fell withinthe section 20 category now repealed. Construction typical of period for this type of building,consisting of a reinforced concrete panel and frame with masonry or render on metal lathinternal non-load-bearing walls. The roof is flat comprising concrete slab with mineral surface,five concrete stairs the walls of which are painted. The access deck is concrete with concretebalustrades, concrete slab finish, the windows to the block are metal framed. There are six liftstwo in cores 2, 3 & 4.

The building forms a block of flats over 10 floors with a foot print of approx 16m * 25m (thebuilding reduces to approx 10m deep over the second floor deck level) containing 240maisonettes and single storey flats. Entrance to dwellings are only on the second, fifth andeighth floors. Entry to the building is unrestricted via 5 stairwells three of which (cores 2-4) endon the second floor access deck. This deck has three external stairs leading to ground and isconnected to Wolverton 126-151 (stair core 3) and Wolverton 60-84 (stair core 1) by two raisedlinks. Stair cores are numbered 1 to 5 with 1 being at the north end of the block nearest EastStreet.

The ground floor is occupied by opened sided car-parking (unused), plant, stores and electricalintake rooms and lock-up store, access to lock-ups, stores and plant rooms was restrictedpreventing inspection of these areas.

At the south end of the block (nearest Burgess park) there is a small unused service lift whichappears to have served a commercial unit occupying the first to third floor at this end of theblock (it was not possible to inspected this unit). There is a cleaners compound located on thesecond floor access deck at the south end of the block. The external stairs provide access todisused communal facilities for the block, one of which was the laundry. At the north end of theblock there is a commercial unit occupying ground, first to third floors, which is occupied byInspire Youth Centre. This area falls outside the remit of this assessment and was notinspected. The six lifts provided are located in cores 2, 3 and 4 (2 per core) serving ground,second, fifth and eighth floors only.

The second floor Flat Entrance Doors (FEDs) open onto an open access balcony with twodirections of escape. FEDs on the fifth and eighth floor open on to protected corridors, mostlywith two directions of escape with the only exception being dwellings at either end of the blockwith have a single means of escape (FEDs 73-76, 152-156, 157-160, 237-240). The dwellingswith dead end conditions from the FED have a second means of escape through privatebalconies which lead to doors entering the stairwells in stair-cores 1 and 5 at a different level tothe FED. All other upper flats have a separate balcony escape originally designed to allowaccess through a pass door within the balconies at a different level to the FED it assumed thatthis then allows access back into the building through a neighbours flat.There are two bin chutes one at either end of the building with refuse areas at ground levelhousing large commercial metal skips the chute hoppers are located at 2nd 5th and 8th floorlevels within the stair located behind FD60 s SC fire doors.There are sealed off bin storage areas in the common areas. There are three dry-riser inlets tothe front of the building which serve outlets in cores 2, 3 and 4 within the lift lobby's on the fifthand eighth floor, and externally on the 2nd floor open balcony and roof level.





4.1.2 Any further building comments?

Flat layout:Grd floor: Car-park, service and plant rooms, lock-up units, refuse rooms and ommercial units1st floor: Commercial units, dwellings and communal facilities (disused)2nd floor: flats 1-72 open deck access approx 3.6m wide with FEDs recessed by a further 2m.The deck provides multiple directions of escape.3rd floor: dwellings and intake rooms.4th floor: dwellings and intake rooms5th floor: flats 73-156 (access level) all two directions of escape from FED except 73-76 & 153-156 which have single direction of escape from FED.6th floor: dwellings and intake rooms7th floor: dwellings and intake rooms8th floor: flats 157-240 (access level) all two directions of escape from FED except 157-160 &237-240 which have single direction of escape from FED.

9th floor: dwellings and access to service areas cores 2, 3 & 4. (escape doors into stair cores 1and 5)Roof level: tank rooms and lift motor rooms accessed by fixed ladder from service rooms tocores 2, 3 & 4.

As this property is designated general needs, it may be assumed that tenants are typical of thegeneral population. It may also be assumed that any specific requirements as regard disabilityand evacuation of tenants are brought to the attention of Southwark council.The scope of The Regulatory Reform ( Fire Safety ) Order 2005 is limited to the common partsof the building, therefore, areas within the dwellings, such as service ducts and ventilationfacilities for kitchens and bathrooms, risers for electrical, water and heating services were notaccessed at the time of this inspection. It is therefore recommended that any future stockcondition surveys or major works projects, take these areas into consideration and findingsrecorded and kept on file.

The building contains sleeping occupants in protected dwellings. It is not untypical of a socialhousing block or young persons of various ages, physical & mental health abilities andbehavioural styles to be in the premises by way of lawful and unlawful tenancies or visit. It isnot practical to identify all such persons on the premises. It is expected that lone workers areinformed of risks and have appropriate fire instruction & training.Storeys 10Number of dwellings: 240 Properties are single level flats and maisonettesNumber of lifts: 6 - serving all access floors in pairs within 3 coresNumber of stairwells: 5Exits: 5Roof: FlatEmergency lighting: Yes



Lightning Conductor: YesDry Riser: yes (x3)Secure Entry: noRoof Access: YesVentilation: to stair and corridor via PV, lift lobbies via openable windows.Refuse chute hatch within staircase.FD30s SC doors to all flat doors and cross corridor doors.FD60 SC to stairwell, lift lobbies and to open balconies

The current risk rating of this building is HIGH MODERATE this could be reduced toTOLERABLE if the following actions are completed.All High and Medium risk actions.Due to the combination of evidence of arson, drug-taking in common areas (smoking andneedles), unauthorised access to restricted areas and other antisocial behaviour including useof common areas by those not living in the block.These issues will need to be addressedmainly by a comprehensive management strategy. This block is due to be demolished by theend of 2019.




Maintenance Schedules

5.1.1 Maintenance Schedules

All equipment relating to fire fighting and fire protection in the building are subject to scheduledmaintenance which is recorded and stored off site. This maintenance will be in line with therequirements and test methods as given in the relevant British standard. Where no such recordexists or where maintenance has not been undertaken (or carried out appropriately), thesurveyor will make comments in the relevant section.This survey will be updated in the near future to provide the last test dates for all active firesafety measures installed in this building.




Electrical Sources of Ignition

6.1.1 Are there reasonable measures taken to prevent fires ofelectrical origin?

Yes No N/A

6.1.2 Are fixed installations periodically tested and inspected? Yes No N/A

6.1.3 Is the fuseboard/mains intake suitably fire resistant? Yes No N/A


Southwark Council undertake 5 yearly inspections and testing of the landlord's electricalinstallation. Records of any testing or maintenance are held on the Council's internal database.

No portable appliances were observed in communal areas which would be subject to PATtesting. Portable electrical appliances are used in the common areas by councils own staff andapproved contractors. The council has a system in place for testing its own portableappliances. Those appliances used by contractors are subject to the contractors owncompany's Health and Safety arrangements which are required by the council.

There is a mains electrical/service intake room or cupboards located in every stair core on 3rd,4th , 6th and 7th floors. In addition to this there are service rooms on the ground near all staircores.



6.2.1 Is there gas supplied in the area of inspection? Yes No N/A

6.2.2 Is gas equipment protected/located so as to preventaccidental damage?

Yes No N/A

6.2.3 Are gas installations and appliances free from any obviousdefects?

Yes No N/A


No observations were made on this inspection of any gas installations which may be prone toaccidental damage or have any defects, (gas pipe works was not evident during inspection).The building is heated by a district heating system therefore there should not be any gasboilers within the building, this installation is subject to the councils maintenance and testingregime in accordance with statutory compliance. Records of inspection and testing are held onthe councils database.



6.3.1 Is there evidence of smoking in areas where this has beenprohibited?

Yes No N/A

Evidence of smoking and the use of controlled substances in the internal common areas wasobserved at the time of inspection. It was witnessed that common areas of the block are beingused by people to smoke drugs. Action within arson section.




Evidence of smoking in the internal common areas was observed at the time of inspection.Smoking in the communal areas is not permitted, however it is understood that residents maysmoke within their own dwellings. No Smoking signs have been installed.



6.4.1 Does basic security against arson from outsiders appear to bereasonable?

Yes No N/A

Open access to building with no internal security measures applied. Evidence of previous firesetting was noted in several areas and anti social behaviour appears to be prevalentthroughout the stair cores and intake rooms.

No evidence of rough sleeping was noted at the time of assessment and many of the issueshighlighted in the previous FRA (25/07/17) were seen to have been rectified - Regular cleaningand inspection regimes appear to have been set up within the building.

6.4.2 Is there an unnecessary fire load within the building or in closeproximity of the premises which is available to ignition fromoutsiders?

Yes No N/A

Although minor infringements were noted the communal areas were generally in a cleancondition.

6.4.3 Is there any shrubbery that needs pruning or removing toprevent fire spread if ignited?

Yes No N/A



Portable Heaters and Heating Installations

6.5.1 Does the area of inspection have any portable heaters orheating installations?

Yes No N/A

No heating installation provided within the common areas.



6.6.1 Does the premises have a lightning protection system? Yes No N/A


The lightning conductor system is inspected and tested annually in accordance with BS EN62305. All records of such inspecting and testing are held centrally at Southwark Council`soffices.



6.7.1 Is the standard of housekeeping adequate? Yes No N/A



At the time of assessment it was evident that housekeeping has been much improved sincethe last FRA, however, a motorbike was noted stored within electrical intake 67 on the groundfloor along with various items of rubbish and leaves

6.7.2 Are combustible materials separated from any sources ofignition?

Yes No N/A

Combustibles stored within electrical intake - see 6.7.1


It was observed that rubbish and residents personal effects were being stored in some areas.These items may present a significant risk to safe escape/fire spread/access for emergencyservices, and should therefore be removed in accordance with the councils Zero TolerancePolicy. The council should ensure regular inspections are carried out and robust reinforcementis applied to maintain clear common areas.


Dangerous Substances

6.8.1 Are there any hazardous substances in the area ofinspection?

Yes No N/A

6.8.2 Are the general fire precautions adequate to address thehazards associated with dangerous substances used andstored on the premises?

Yes No N/A


No dangerous substances noted


Hazards Introduced by Contractors or Works

6.9.1 Are there contractors or works taking place in the area ofinspection?

Yes No N/A

6.9.2 Is there satisfactory control over works carried out by the onsite contractors (including hot works permits)?

Yes No N/A


No hot works were being carried out at the time of the inspection. The building is slowly beingdecanted over the next 18 months so as a property becomes vacant it is mothballed andboarded over, currently the boarding up is done with steel uni strut and plate spot welded overthe FED, although no evidence of incorrect or improper works was noted, the ceilingdecoration in each protected corridor is delaminating and in a parlous state, any incorrect hotworks may result in rapid flame spread due to the poor decoration, it is recommended thatpaintwork is scraped back to substrate to reduce the opportunity for flame spread. Issue dealtwith in 7.1.2

Contractors carrying out work at Southwark Council premises are pre-selected from anapproved list. They will have undergone a selection and training process prior to being allowedto carry out work at council premises. All contractors should receive a permit to work. Thereshould be no reliance on council staff to perform safety checks on hot works carried out bycontractor.









Measures to Prevent Fire Spread and Development

7.1.1 Is compartmentation suitable? Yes No N/A

Panels to service cupboards near FEDs are loose or not fixed in place in numerous location:Near FEDs -

, to be refixed. This task is shown as completed in the previous FRA butsome repairs are still outstanding.

7.1.2 Is there reasonable limitation of linings that might promote firespread?

Yes No N/A

No hot works were being carried out at the time of the inspection. The building is slowly beingdecanted over the next 18 months so as a property becomes vacant it is mothballed andboarded over, currently the boarding up is done with steel uni strut and plate spot welded overthe FED, although no evidence of incorrect or improper works was noted, the ceilingdecoration in each protected corridor is delaminating and in a parlous state, any incorrect hotworks may result in rapid flame spread due to the poor decoration, it is recommended thatpaintwork is scraped back to substrate to reduce the opportunity for flame spread.

7.1.3 Where ducting is provided can it be ascertained if firedampers are provided to prevent the spread of fire throughcompartments to protect the means of escape?

Yes No N/A


It is considered that the concrete slab and brick/block construction will provide the required fireseparation. However this form of construction is subject to general building conditions of age,and incorrectly installed/maintained services/works that can lead to smoke or fire spread. Forthis standard of construction we deem this risk to be medium to low. Any riser within thebuilding requires inspection for fire stopping between floors. These risks are continuallymonitored through post fire investigation and the void process. The common parts internalwalls are in a good order but it was not possible to ascertain the construction of compartmentwalls and floors within the individual flats. LBS have an ongoing programme of type 4 surveysto meet this risk.

Individual flats have boilers which are vented to an outside wall and external service vents areprovided in the building. Any internal service ducting should be inspected for fire stoppingbetween compartments. LBS have an ongoing programme of type 4 surveys to meet this risk.

No ventilation ducts were identified in communal areas which would allow the spread of fire orsmoke to other parts of the building. It should be confirmed however that no ducts exist insidethe flats which may allow the spread of fire or smoke to other flats or other parts of the building.

Access to the roof areas was not gained; LB Southwark has an ongoing programme of roofinspections.

No internal inspection of dampers/ducts and concealed spaces within the dwelling themselveshas been undertaken as part of this assessment. It is recommended that these areas areperiodically inspected and upgraded where required to ensure adequate fire protection andcompartmentation throughout the property. Ensure that there is adequate provision to preventthe spread of fire and smoke between ducts and concealed spaces.


Means of Escape from Fire

7.2.1 Are there adequate provisions for exits in the area assessed? Yes No N/A



7.2.2 Are exits immediately openable where necessary? Yes No N/A

On the 5th and 8th floor flat entrance doors lead into a ventilated corridor less than 30 metresin length between cross corridor doors with two directions of escape, with the exception of theflats at either end of the block which have a single means of escape. These corridors lead intolobbies (with lifts in cores 2-4) and then stairs which are ventilated. In two instances the escapedistance for dwellings with single direction of escape is in excess of 7.5metres (approx 15metres), corridors serving flats 6 it appears these dwellings weredesigned with an alternative means of escape via crossover balconies and a door leadingdirectly on to the stairs in core 5 which must be secured for their use to compensate forextended travel dead end conditions within the corridor. It must be remembered that thiscorridor has ventilation provision and that the extended travel is just over the limit imposedwithin PBBOF LGG guidance (10-15m pg 95).In the two instances the escape distance for dwellings with single direction of escape is inexcess of 7.5metres (approx 15 metres), corridors serving flats . It isrecommended that these flats are vacated as a priority when other tenancies becomeavailable. At the time of this assessment flats had been decanted and mothballed,the issue still exists for flats

7.2.3 Are the means for securing the exit doors appropriate? Yes No N/A

No access available to inspect secondary escape doors from dead end condition flats tostaircases

7.2.4 Is there suitable protection for the escape routes? This is toinclude any glazing.

Yes No N/A

All other upper flats that have a separate balcony escape originally designed to allow accessthrough a pass door within the balconies at a different level to the FED it assumed that thisthen allows access back into the building through a neighbours flat or into a protected stair.Access could not be gained to dwellings to verify this assumption.

Attention is drawn to a more detailed internal flat inspection which was carried out by(LBS Fire Safety Surveyor) around the 3rd July 2017 and the following was found:

Within the dwellings most doors were found to be existing fire doors in acceptable condition.However, some bedroom doors were hollow-core doors which will not meet a fire resistantstandard. Where the kitchen and living room are semiopen plan smoke detection has not beenprovided in the living room area. (fire detection devices were located in all other areas). In lightof this the following would be required to mitigate for the removal of the secondary escape: Alldoors within the dwellings should be FD30 fire doors (with exception of bathrooms and WCs).Given the risk fire detection should be provided to hall/stairs, bedrooms, living rooms andkitchens. This would include a smoke device in the living room where semi-open plan to akitchen.

7.2.5 Are there any inner room scenarios? Yes No N/A

7.2.6 Are the escape routes free from obstructions orelectrical/telecom installations likely to give rise to anobstruction in the event of a fire?

Yes No N/A



Individual flat entrance doors and the main front entrance door all open inwards against thedirection of escape. However, this is acceptable due to the nature of the premises and the lowevacuation requirements. It was noted through sampling that FEDs have mortise locks fittedwhich will prevent/delay escape through the door without the use of a key. It is considered thatthis met the standard at the time the door was installed and acceptable pending the renewal ofthe door through a planned programme of FED replacement to meet the current standard orthe final decant of the building which will precede demolitionIt is recommended that all final exit doors to open balcony escapes within the maisonettes arefitted with single action locks, which do not require a key to open them internally. Rather thanexpend funds and resources to remedy this issue it is advised that LBS take a view on thenecessity of this recommendation based on time frame to full building decant.There were communication and electrical cables running above the following FEDs no

, and other communal areas including all electrical intake accessrooms within the stair cores, these cables could become involved in any fire allowing them todrop presenting an entrapment risk to occupiers or firefighters. These cables should be fixedsecurely within a metal conduit or with substantial metal fixings.

7.2.7 Do any doors have additional security grilles or gates fittedover the means of escape that will hamper an individual in theevent of a fire?

Yes No N/A

7.2.8 Where final exit doors are fitted with electrical overrides toopen will this door open in the event of an electrical failure?

Yes No N/A

7.2.9 Do the travel distances in the common areas comply withthose escape distances specified in current/previous buildingregulations?

Yes No N/A


The building is approximately 27m (10 floors) from the ground to the to (habitable) upper floorsurface in height, 255m in length and 16.5m (the building reduces to approx 10.m deep overthe second floor deck level) wide giving a square footprint of 900m2. Entrance to dwellings areonly on the second, fifth and eighth floors. The internal dwelling layout could not be confirmedby external inspection, there was a limited access provided by residents. A defend in placeescape strategy has been adopted for the building. Where this type of strategy is adoptedcurrent guidance makes the following assumptions:1. A high degree of compartmentation which would ensure a reduced probability of firespread beyond the residence of origin.2. The enclosure of communal staircases to form protected staircases.3. The enclosure of common access corridors to form protected routes.4. Provision of smoke ventilating systems to maintain the escape routes clear of smoke.Individual flat entrance doors all open inwards against the direction of escape. However, this isacceptable due to the nature of the premises and the low evacuation requirements.



Means of escape: The second floor Flat Entrance Doors (FEDs) open onto an open accessbalcony with two directions of escape. FEDs on the fifth and eighth floor open on to protectedcorridors, mostly with two directions of escape with the only exception being dwellings at eitherend of the blockwith have a single means of escape (FEDs ). The dwellingswith dead end conditions from the FED have a second means of escape through privatebalconies which lead to doors entering the stairwells in stair-cores 1 and 5 at a different level tothe FED. All other upper flats have a separate balcony escape originally designed to allowaccess through a pass door within the balconies at a different level to the FED it assumed thatthis then allows access back into the building through a neighbours flat. It was noted that allthe escape balconies were blocked by personal storage and the escape doors into thestairwells could not be accessed to confirm they are servicable. These maisonettes have aprotected internal stair and Pt6 LD2 Grade D alarm system installed and cross corridor doorsnow restrict their travel distance to 15m within a protected ventilated corridor. On the 5th and8th floor flat entrance doors lead into a ventilated corridor less than 30 metres in lengthbetween cross corridor doors with two directions of escape, with the exception of the flats ateither end of the block which have a single means of escape. These corridors lead into lobbies(with lifts in cores 2-4) and then stairs which are ventilated. In two instances the escapedistance for dwellings with single direction of escape is in excess of 7.5metres (approx 15metres), corridors serving flats it appears these dwellings weredesigned with an alternative means of escape via crossover balconies and a door leadingdirectly on to the stairs in core 5 which must be secured for their use to compensate forextended travel dead end conditions within the corridor.The second floor FEDs open onto a wide open access deck 3.6 m wide, with doors recessedapprox 2.2m beyond this. All FEDs have two directions of escape along the access balcony tointernal stairwells and external stairs to rear. Travel distances are in accordance withdiagram8/table 1 with AD B (corridors) and section 7.3 of BS9991 (open access decks) to allflats and exit capacities would be acceptable for the number of persons in residence. This isassuming the secondary MOE to the flats with dead end conditions is available to them.There was a limited access into the maisonettes but those inspected had FD20 internal doorsand LD2 fire alarm system


Emergency Escape Lighting

7.3.1 Is Emergency Lighting provided and if so is there fullcompliance?

Yes No N/A


Emergency lighting has been installed within the building. It must be assumed that it is installedin line with BS5266: Pt. 1: 2011


Fire Safety Signs and Notices

7.4.1 Is there reasonable provision for all notices? Yes No N/A

7.4.2 Is there suitable signage for automatic, self closing and lockedfire doors?

Yes No N/A

7.4.3 Is the fire action notice fitted in the correct area and displayingthe correct information?

Yes No N/A

7.4.4 Are the 'No Smoking' signs fitted and are there sufficientnotices?

Yes No N/A



7.4.5 Have 'areas of special risks' such as boiler rooms, oiltransformer rooms, switchgear rooms and telecommunicationrooms been appropriately signed?

Yes No N/A


Directional escape signage is fitted throughout and is considered acceptable.


Means of Giving Warning in Case of Fire

7.5.1 Does the common area of the building have an automaticdetection and warning fire alarm system?

Yes No N/A

7.5.2 Is the extent of the detection fitted appropriate for theoccupancy and fire risk?

Yes No N/A

7.5.3 Is there the remote transmission of alarm signals to an AlarmReceiving Centre in place?

Yes No N/A


In Line with normal practice for purpose built and converted residential blocks designed tofacilitate a ‘defend in place’ evacuation strategy there is no need for communal automatic firedetection and alarm system to be fitted in the building. Such a system is not normally requiredfor purpose built residential blocks and is not required under the Building Regulations 2010,other than to activate any automatic opening vents.

LB Southwark are undergoing a major program of works to ensure all flats are fitted withsmoke detection, the design of this system is in accordance with BS 5839 (2013) part 6 LD2Grade D.

Random checks on several flats showed smoke detection has been fitted to LD2 grade Dstandard.


Smoke Ventilation Requirements

7.6.1 Is it considered that the premises has been provided withreasonable means of smoke ventilation in the event of a fire?

Yes No N/A

7.6.2 Is the building ventilated naturally? Yes No N/A

7.6.3 If permanently ventilated in the common area is theresufficient free area?

Yes No N/A

7.6.4 If permanently ventilated in the stair is there sufficient freearea?

Yes No N/A

7.6.5 Are vents/openings obstructed in any location where they arerequired?

Yes No N/A

7.6.6 Is the building ventilated naturally by AOV's, shutters ordoors?

Yes No N/A

7.6.7 Are detectors that operate AOV's, shutters and vents silentoperating?

Yes No N/A



7.6.8 Is the building ventilated by a mechanical smoke extractionsystem?

Yes No N/A


Ventilation: Corridors: Eight permanently open vents (POV) each 1.2m x 600mm within each30m corridor section. Ther are also openable windows which have been screwed shut.Staircase: POVs 2x 1.2m x 600mm at each access level. Lobbies: openable windows withrestrictors


Fire Brigade Access and Facilities

7.7.1 Is there suitable access for fire appliances with adequateprovision for a turning circle, hammerhead or other point avehicle can turn if required?

Yes No N/A

7.7.2 Are there any obstructions in the form of a gate, bollards orremovable posts that may hinder appliance access?

Yes No N/A

7.7.3 Is the building fitted with either a wet or dry rising main? Yes No N/A

The original dry rising main installation has two inlets at ground floor level and outlets at 2nd,5th, 8th and roof levels. As the building is scheduled for demolition in the near future the LFBhave been appraised of the shortfaslls of the current installled system (e-mailed 31/07/17)

7.7.4 Is the hose distance to the riser or dwelling acceptable? Yes No N/A

7.7.5 Does the front entry door have a firefighter's override? Yes No N/A

7.7.6 Is the current access provision suitable and sufficient forfirefighters? Is there an inappropriate level of security beforeentry is made into an affected dwelling by Firefighters?

Yes No N/A

7.7.7 Where locked do all firefighting facilities have FB locks? Yes No N/A

7.7.8 Are firefighting lifts installed? Yes No N/A

7.7.9 Do the lifts in the area inspected have firefighting overrides? Yes No N/A

7.7.10 Where fitted are all wet/dry riser outlets and inlets accessible? Yes No N/A

7.7.11 Is there suitable signage for firefighting facilities that wouldallow for effective use during firefighting operations?

Yes No N/A

7.7.12 Where panels are fitted for smoke ventilation and fire alarmsystems-have zonal charts been sited in a prominent positionwhich have easy to follow instructions and are accurate?

Yes No N/A

7.7.13 Does the building signage give correct directions to dwellingsin an emergency?

Yes No N/A

7.7.14 Where fitted does the Premises Information Box contain thecorrect and relevant information?

Yes No N/A




Fire appliance is able to gain access to the building from the main road to the front and toroads at bothe side elevations.

Storage within the common parts will obstruct firefighter access.

Flats and floors levels are clearly numbered.

Fire hydrant is located to the front of the building near stair core 2 and at the Kinglake Streetend of the buildinmg

The block has a dry riser facility fitted.


Fire Doors

7.8.1 Are all dwelling front entry doors and hardware (whererequired) compliant with certification carried out to BS476-22/BSEN 1634-1 or of a suitable notional value? (Considerseals and strips)

Yes No N/A

7.8.2 Are all cross corridor, stair and lobby doors certified to a testregime under BS476-22 or BS EN 1634-1 or of a suitablenotional value?

Yes No N/A

The cross corrdior door outside flat is missing an intumescent strip and cold smoke sealon the lock stile

7.8.3 Are all electrical intake/boiler/utility service room doorssuitably fire resistant as tested under the BS476-22 or BS EN1634-1 regime or of a suitable notional value?

Yes No N/A

7.8.4 Are all ancillary doors (in escape routes) suitably fire resistantas tested against BS476-22/BS EN 1634-1 or of suitablenotional value?

Yes No N/A

7.8.5 Are all doors leading to rubbish areas or bin chutes wherethey are in the escape routes suitably tested to BS476-22/BSEN 1634-1 regime or of a suitable notional value?

Yes No N/A

7.8.6 Do all fire doors have self closing devices compliant with BSEN 1154? Where not applicable are fire doors kept lockedshut?

Yes No N/A

7.8.7 Are any fire doors surveyed at this site constructed ofanything else other than wood?

Yes No N/A

7.8.8 Do doors on the means of escape open in the direction ofescape where necessary?

Yes No N/A

7.8.9 Are doors on the means of escape fitted with appropriatepanic bolts or latches where required?

Yes No N/A

7.8.10 Where applicable are doors appropriate for use by disabledindividuals?

Yes No N/A

7.8.11 Where applicable does the door have a vision panel fitted? Yes No N/A




FEDs: Timber FD30s SCCross-corridor doors: Timber FD30s SCLobby doors: Metal FD30s SCStair doors: Metal FD30s SCPlant rooms: MetalElectrical riser access rooms: metal .Bin chute doors: Metal FD60s SC


External Wall Finish

7.9.1 Is this building over 18 metres in height? Yes No N/A

7.9.2 Does this building have an external cladding system whichoverlays the original structure?

Yes No N/A

7.9.3 Does the building's exterior wall contain infill panels? Yes No N/A


All buildings at the time of construction and/or alteration the external walls would havecomplied with the building regulations at the time. Southwark Council has an assessmentprocess in place that will ensure the external fabric of a block is compliant to the currentbuilding regulations. This assessment not only includes the external finish of the wall but thematerials used for insulation and fire breaks and how these materials are fixed to the building.

All panels are being examined as part of a process. This includes any that form part of theexternal fascia and those on escape routes with a single direction of escape. Where found tobe deficient or the fire rating cannot be ascertained they will be replaced as part of the MajorWorks programme.




Procedures and Arrangements

8.1.1 Are procedures in the event of fire appropriate and properlydocumented?

Yes No N/A

8.1.2 Have staff and relevant individuals been given appropriate firesafety training?

Yes No N/A

8.1.3 Are checks carried out by staff on fire safety systems whereappropriate and logged?

Yes No N/A

8.1.4 Are external stairs and in particular those devised as a meansof escape regularly inspected, maintained and appropriate foruse in all weathers?

Yes No N/A


The fire evacuation policy for this building being a purpose built block of flats is; if in aprotected dwelling stay put unless affected by fire or smoke. If in the dwelling on fire or in thecommon parts, leave the building immediately, if safe to do so, and remain a safe distancefrom the building.

It is understood that tenants are provided with a planned evacuation policy in the tenant’sinformation pack which are given to them on tenancy sign up. Additionally fire action noticesdisplayed throughout the building forms a crucial part of the evacuation policy.

It is expected that the person discovering the fire will summon the fire service by telephone.Details of how to summon the fire service are contained within the tenants pack and on fireaction notices. It is not considered practicable to provide a controlled emergency evacuationassembly point for purpose built blocks of flats. It should be communicated to residents that inthe event of fire, all evacuees should wait in a safe place at a distance from the building so asnot to be affected by smoke, flame, possible explosion and fire fighting. Residents should alsounderstand that they should remain local to be available for liaison with the fire fighting crew.

Council Staff that frequently visit the building are given regular fire safety training. This trainingclearly informs them what to do in the event of fire. Employees from other organisations areexpected to have regular training on carrying out an evacuation in the event of an emergency.The training records are submitted to the council before these persons are allowed to visitcouncil property.

Southwark carry out a strict regime of inspection, testing, repair and maintenance of all buildingservices and systems in accordance with the relevant statutory regulations. Records relevantto testing & maintenance are available for inspection at the council’s offices but not on site as itis not practicable to store them.


Action Plan

Issue No:


Question Is the standard of housekeeping adequate?Issue a motorbike was noted stored within electrical intake 67 on the ground floor along with various

items of rubbish and leavesAction Remove all items from intake 67Status ResolvedTarget Date 10/02/2018




Issue No:


Question Is compartmentation suitable?Issue Panels to service cupboards near FEDs are loose or not fixed in place in numerous location:

Near FEDs -, to be refixed.

Action Replace or refix all loose panelsStatus ResolvedTarget Date 10/02/2018




Issue No:


Question Is there reasonable limitation of linings that might promote fire spread?Issue No hot works were being carried out at the time of the inspection. The building is slowly being

decanted over the next 18 months so as a property becomes vacant it is mothballed andboarded over, currently the boarding up is done with steel uni strut and plate spot welded overthe FED, although no evidence of incorrect or improper works was noted, the ceilingdecoration in each protected corridor is delaminating and in a parlous state, any incorrect hotworks may result in rapid flame spread due to the poor decoration, it is recommended thatpaintwork is scraped back to substrate to reduce the opportunity for flame spread.

Action Scrape back all delaminating paint on protected corridors to prevent accidental ignition and thepromotion of flame spread - contractor to survey exact extent of problem. Task should becompleted prior to other vacant dwellings being mothballed

Status OutstandingTarget Date 11/04/2018Comments Identified in previous FRA Ref APEX-HSI-1001747. In Major Works programme.






Issue No:


Question Are the escape routes free from obstructions or electrical/telecom installations likely to giverise to an obstruction in the event of a fire?

Issue Non metallic means of support can fail when subject to the effects of a fire which may lead towiring systems hanging across escape routes hindering evacuation and firefighting operations.A suitable fire resistant means of support retention must be provided to prevent electricalcables falling across the entrance to the staircases at ground floor level and the protectedcorridor outside flat .

Action Remove plastic cable fixings and replace with metal clipsStatus ResolvedTarget Date 15/04/2018




Issue No:


Question Is there suitable signage for automatic, self closing and locked fire doors?


Issue The following signage is required to the fire doors. Fire door keep shut to all plant andelectrical intake rooms within the stair cores 2-4, landing levels 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 15xsigns total. All metal doors

Action Install one sign to each metal door - 15 signs totalStatus OutstandingTarget Date 15/01/2019Comments Identified in previous FRA Ref APEX-HSI-1001828. In programme of work.

Issue No:


Question Are all cross corridor, stair and lobby doors certified to a test regime under BS476-22 r BSEN 1634-1 or of a suitable notional value?

Issue The cross corridor door outside flat is missing an intumescent strip and cold smoke sealon the lock stile

Action Replace missing intumescent stripStatus OutstandingTarget Date 15/01/2019

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