asia1005 communicating with asia - languages and societies semester...

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Unit study package code: ASIA1005

Mode of study: Internal

Tuition pattern summary: Note: For any specific variations to this tuition pattern and for precise information refer to the Learning Activities section.

Workshop: 1 x 2 Hours Weekly

This unit does not have a fieldwork component.

Credit Value: 25.0

Pre-requisite units: Nil

Co-requisite units: Nil

Anti-requisite units: Nil

Result type: Grade/Mark

Approved incidental fees: Information about approved incidental fees can be obtained from our website. Visit for details.

Unit coordinator: Title: DrName: Christian HarijantoPhone: +61 9266 XXXXEmail: Building: 209 - Room: 211

Teaching Staff:

Administrative contact: Name: Kat MinutilloPhone: +618 9266 2158Email: Building: 501 - Room: Level

Learning Management System: Blackboard (

Unit Outline

ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and Societies Semester 1, 2016

Faculty of HumanitiesSchool of Education

ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and SocietiesBentley Campus 11 Jan 2016 School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Page: 1 of 12CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Acknowledgement of Country We respectfully acknowledge the Indigenous Elders, custodians, their descendants and kin of this land past and present.

Syllabus This unit is designed to promote awareness of the variations in communication patterns in different Asian cultures , and to enhance the ability to communicate more effectively with Asia. It covers major East Asian societies explores the relationships between culture and language/behaviour, and potential cross-cultural communication problems that may arise from the differences between Asian and Australian societies.

Introduction This unit covers the main East Asian societies - Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese and Korean, and explores the relationships between culture and language/behaviour, and potential cross-cultural communication problems that may arise from the differences between Asian and Australian societies. 

Unit Learning Outcomes All graduates of Curtin University achieve a set of nine graduate attributes during their course of study. These tell an employer that, through your studies, you have acquired discipline knowledge and a range of other skills and attributes which employers say would be useful in a professional setting. Each unit in your course addresses the graduate attributes through a clearly identified set of learning outcomes. They form a vital part in the process referred to as assurance of learning. The learning outcomes tell you what you are expected to know, understand or be able to do in order to be successful in this unit. Each assessment for this unit is carefully designed to test your achievement of one or more of the unit learning outcomes. On successfully completing all of the assessments you will have achieved all of these learning outcomes.

Your course has been designed so that on graduating we can say you will have achieved all of Curtin's Graduate Attributes through the assurance of learning process in each unit.

Curtin's Graduate Attributes

On successful completion of this unit students can: Graduate Attributes addressed

1 Explain the differences between the Asian languages and Australian English in written spoken and non-verbal forms

2 Identify cultural backgrounds that relate to the language forms styles and use covered in the unit

3 Apply appropriate communication strategies in the four major Asian cultures in given situations

4 Evaluate and synthesize relevant information in specific topics and present it in oral and written forms

5 Compare and contrast the different cultural and communicative backgrounds when engaging with Asia

Apply discipline knowledge Thinking skills (use analytical skills to solve problems)

Information skills (confidence to investigate new ideas)

Communication skills Technology skillsLearning how to learn (apply principles learnt to new situations) (confidence to tackle unfamiliar problems)

International perspective (value the perspectives of others)

Cultural understanding (value the perspectives of others)

Professional Skills (work independently and as a team) (plan own work)

Find out more about Curtin's Graduate attributes at the Office of Teaching & Learning website:

Faculty of Humanities School of Education



ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and SocietiesBentley Campus 11 Jan 2016 School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Page: 2 of 12CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Learning Activities This unit consists of 8 weekly lectures and 4 presentation sessions. You will be working with your teacher in various activities during both the lectures and the presentations. You are encouraged to actively participate in the in-class discussion during lectures and presentations. In order to ensure the successful completion of this unit, it is also important that you complete relevant readings before you come to the class. Using Blackboard is an integral part of this unit and you are required to access at least once a week in order to check announcement, readings, iLectures and other activities.

For those of you with a session on Monday, you will not have any class for Teaching Week 7 (25 April 2016) due to ANZAC Day Public Holiday. You are thus encouraged to either attend another class (either the one on Tuesday or Thursday) for the same week or access the iLecture for this particular week to make sure you are up-to-date with the lecture and the materials.

Learning Resources Other resources

There is no prescribed text for this unit. The following readings are mostly available online through e-Reserve at Curtin Library or through Blackboard links. Please check BlackBoard (Study Area) for updates.


Intercultural Communication

1. Miike, Y. 2010. “Culture as Text and Culture as Theory: Asiacentricity and Its Raison D'etre in Intercultural Communication Research.” In Thomas K. Nakayama and Rona Tammiko Jalualani (eds.), The Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication, pp.190-215, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

2. Rowe, A. C. 2010. “Entering the Inter: Power Lines in Intercultural Communication.” In Thomas K. Nakayama and Rona Tammiko Jalualani (eds.), The Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication, pp.216-226, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

3. Tsuda, Y. 2010. “Speaking against the Hegemony of English: Problems, Ideologies, and Solutions.” In Thomas K. Nakayama and Rona Tammiko Jalualani (eds.), The Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication, pp.248-269, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


Chinese Module

1. Heisey, R. 2000. Chinese perspectives in rhetoric and communication. Stamford, Connecticut: Ablex publishing Corporation, Chapter 1, pp. 3-24.

2. Gao, G. and S. Ting-Toomey. 1998. Communicating effectively with the Chinese. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Chapter 4, pp. 53-68.

3. Chen-Hsin Tang and Grace Zhan. 2009. "A contrastive study of compliment responses among Australian English and Mandarin Chinese speakers." Journal of Pragmatics, 41(2): 325-345.

4. Seligman, S. D. 1999. Chinese business etiquette. New York/Boston: Warner Business Books, Chapter 10, pp. 180-194.


Japanese Module

1. Yamada, H. 1997. Different Games, Different Rules. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 3, pp. 37-51. 2. Sugimoto, N. 1998. "Norms of Apology Depicted in U.S. American and Japanese Literature on Manner and

Etiquette." International Journal in Intercultural Relations 22 (3): 251-276. 3. Mizutani and Mizutani. 1987. How to be polite in Japanese. Tokyo: The Japan Times, Part II Chapter 1 & 2. pp.

59-96. 4. Ide, R. 1998. "'Sorry for Your Kindness': Japanese Interactioonal Ritual in Public Discourse." Journal of

Pragmatics 29: 509-529.


Faculty of Humanities School of Education



ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and SocietiesBentley Campus 11 Jan 2016 School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Page: 3 of 12CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Korean Module

Park, M. S. and M. S. Kim. 1992. "Communication Practices in Korea." Communication Quarterly 40: 398-404.  

Indonesian Module

1. Sneddon, J. N. 2003. "Diglossia in Indonesian." Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- end Volkenkunde 159 (4): 519-549. 2. Jones, T. 2013. Culture, Power, and Authoritarianism in the Indonesian State: Cultural Policy across the Twentieth

Century to the Reform Era. Leiden: Brill, Chapter 6.


Summary Module

1. Guan, X., Park, H. and Lee, H. 2009. "Cross-cultural differences in apology." International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 33: 32–45.

2. Miyahara, A., Kim, M., Shin, H. and Yoon, K. 1998. "Conflict resolutions styles among “collectivist” cultures: A comparison between Japanese and Koreans." International Journal of Intercultural Relations 22: 505-525.

3. Sorrels, Kathryn. 2010. “Re-imagining Intercultural Communication in the Context of Globalization” in Thomas K. Nakayama and Rona Tammiko Jalualani (eds.),. The Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication, pp.171-189, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Faculty of Humanities School of Education



ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and SocietiesBentley Campus 11 Jan 2016 School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Page: 4 of 12CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Assessment Assessment schedule

Detailed information on assessment tasks

1. There will be online self-assessment tests for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Indonesian Modules. These tests, being self-assessment, are to be used to measure your participation in each study week in the unit. Each test will be available on BlackBoard for the week of a specific module (starting Monday) until Wednesday the following week.  

For Chinese Module, since there will be two weeks of lecture (Teaching Weeks 3 and 4), the test will be available fonly rom Monday Teaching Week 3 to Wednesday Teaching Week 5.

For Japanese Module, the test will be available only from Monday Teaching Week 5 to Wednesday Teaching Week 6.

For Korean Module, the test will be available only from Monday Teaching Week 6 to Wednesday Teaching Week 7.

For Indonesian Module, the test will be available only from Monday Teaching Week 7 to Wednesday Teaching Week 8.

Each test will last for 15 minutes in which you will be given 5 questions to answer. The questions are written in two forms: multiple choice and true/false questions. The marks for these tests will not be included into your final grade. The mark for online tests will be granted on the basis of your active participation in taking the tests for each module. Therefore, each test is worth 7.5 points towards you final mark. If you complete the whole 4 tests, regardless of the mark you get from the tests, you will get 30 points towards your final mark.

2. Presentation (20%):

The theme for your presentation is 'Changing Asia'.

You will be assigned one out of four countries in the unit, as well as a group, and you will prepare, within your group, a description of the changes and evolution of the communication styles in Japan, China, Korea and Indonesia, according to your allocated country, moving from a traditional to a more modern one. These changes can be in the form of mannerism, respect for elders, adoption of Western communication style, popular communication tools, etcetera. 

You will then present a PowerPoint presentation in the appropriate weeks: Teaching Week 8 for China, Teaching Week 9 for Japan, Teaching Week 10 for Korea and Teaching Week 11 for Indonesia. The presentation for each group should last for no more than 30 minutes and will be followed by Q&A.

Marking Rubric - Presentation (20 points)

Task Value % Date DueUnit Learning Outcome(s)



Online Exercises 30 percent Week: Teaching Weeks 5, 6, 7, 8 Day: Wednesday Time: 11:59 PM



Participation and Presentation 30 percent Week: Teaching Weeks 8, 9, 10, 11 Day: Workshop Day Time: Workshop Time



Essay 40 percent Week: Teaching Week 12 Day: Sunday, 5 June 2016 Time: 11:59PM



Faculty of Humanities School of Education



ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and SocietiesBentley Campus 11 Jan 2016 School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Page: 5 of 12CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS


Participation (10%):

Students are expected to actively participate in presentation sessions in Teaching Weeks 8 to 11. One comment or question for each presentation session will contribute towards 2.5% of your final mark with a maximum total of participation mark of 10%.

3. The theme for your essay is 'Diverse Asia'

Write a short essay of 1,500 words, excluding references and appendices, on one particular country (out of four discussed in this unit) that interests you other than the country for your group presentation. Your essay should describe and explain the co-existence of both the traditional and modern aspects of communication in that country.

Your essay should show the following points:

1. The non-static nature of Asia society; 2. The feasibility of simultaneous presence of both traditional and modern aspects of communication in

Asia; and 3. The relations between the traditional and modern aspects of communication in Asia - whether they are

mutually supporting or there is a sense of competition between both.

If you are not sure about the topic that you want to investigate for your essay, you can e-mail me your topic draft once and I will suggest you on the direction that you might take. The content should be relevant to the materials as well as the countries discussed in the unit, coherent, stimulating, insightful and well-structured, properly presented and referenced appropriately. Sources of research should be predominately formal publications - there is no prescribed number of references you use as long as they are relevant to your topic. The references used should also show that the student has shown initiative in looking for materials, and the essay should incorporate the sources cited (in-text referencing), where relevant.

Your essay should be submitted only in Microsoft Word format.

Marking rubric for this assessment is as follows.

Content: 10 points

1. Does the presentation provide insightful elements of the particular country’s mode of communication (both traditional and modern)?

2. Does the presentation provide meaningful data to support its arguments?

Structure: 5 points

1. Is the flow of argument in the presentation easy to follow? 2. Does the presentation show a good structuring of arguments?

Expression/Style: 5 points

1. The use of adequate and appropriate English style, tone, grammar and punctuation. 2. The clarity of expression.


Content and Argument: 20 points

1. Does the essay elaborate the existence of both traditional and modern communication styles in an Asian society?

2. Does the essay demonstrate a depth of analysis? 3. Are the arguments in the essay coherent, stimulating, insightful and well-structured? 4. Does the essay show a critical and independent thinking?

Faculty of Humanities School of Education



ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and SocietiesBentley Campus 11 Jan 2016 School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Page: 6 of 12CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Pass requirements

All Non Professional Experience Units:

To pass this unit all assessment tasks must be submitted and an overall mark of 50% or more must be achieved. Assessments are not considered as submitted if any required sections are incomplete, or if the electronic file is unreadable. It is a student’s responsibility to ensure that assessments are complete and have been successfully uploaded in a readable format.

A student who has received a fail (less than 50%) for an assessment but achieves at least 40% of the possible mark for an assessment that was handed in on time may be offered the opportunity to resubmit. The maximum a resubmission can be awarded is 50% of the possible mark and only one assessment resubmission per unit is possible.


Fair assessment through moderation

Moderation describes a quality assurance process to ensure that assessments are appropriate to the learning outcomes, and that student work is evaluated consistently by assessors. Minimum standards for the moderation of assessment are described in the Assessment and Student Progression Manual, available from

Late assessment policy

This ensures that the requirements for submission of assignments and other work to be assessed are fair, transparent, equitable, and that penalties are consistently applied.

1. All assessments students are required to submit will have a due date and time specified on this Unit Outline. 2. Students will be penalised by a deduction of ten percent per calendar day for a late assessment submission

(eg a mark equivalent to 10% of the total allocated for the assessment will be deducted from the marked value for every day that the assessment is late). This means that an assessment worth 20 marks will have two marks deducted per calendar day late. Hence if it was handed in three calendar days late and given a mark of 16/20, the student would receive 10/20. An assessment more than seven calendar days overdue will not be marked and will receive a mark of 0.

Assessment extension

A student unable to complete an assessment task by/on the original published date/time (eg examinations, tests) or due date/time (eg assignments) must apply for an assessment extension using the Assessment Extension form (available from the Forms page at as prescribed by the Academic Registrar. It is the responsibility of the student to demonstrate and provide evidence for exceptional circumstances beyond the student's control that prevent them from completing/submitting the assessment task.

The student will be expected to lodge the form and supporting documentation with the unit coordinator before the

Research and Sources: 10 points

1. The quality of sources you use to corroborate your arguments 2. The relevance of the sources you use 3. Overall research effort you put into your essay 4. Are sources appropriately acknowledged?

Expression/Style: 10 points

1. The use of adequate and appropriate English style, tone, grammar and punctuation 2. The clarity of expression in your essay

Faculty of Humanities School of Education



ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and SocietiesBentley Campus 11 Jan 2016 School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Page: 7 of 12CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

assessment date/time or due date/time. An application may be accepted up to five working days after the date or due date of the assessment task where the student is able to provide an acceptable explanation as to why he or she was not able to submit the application prior to the assessment date. An application for an assessment extension will not be accepted after the date of the Board of Examiners' meeting.

The lecturer or Unit Coordinator is responsible for determining whether the reason a student is not able to complete an assessment task by the due date is due to exceptional circumstances beyond a student’s control. Such exceptional circumstances that may warrant approval of an Assessment Extension include, but are not limited to:

l Injury, illness or medical condition l Family issues l Commitments to participate in elite sport l Commitments to assist with emergency service activities l Unavoidable and unexpected work commitments

Students must apply for an Assessment Extension on the appropriate form located at:  No extension can be approved unless the form has been submitted. The form, with supporting documentation, must be submitted to the lecturer before the assessment date/time or due/time. An application may be accepted up to five working days after the due date of the assessment task where the student is able to provide an acceptable explanation as to why he or she was not able to submit the application prior to the assessment date.

The lecturer or Unit Coordinator shall notify the student of the outcome of their application for Assessment Extension within five working days of the application.

For assignments or other submitted work an extension will normally be up to seven working days after the initial due date/time unless the circumstances warrant a longer delay.

If an application for Assessment Extension is rejected, the Unit Coordinator must provide reasons for his or her decision. Students have the right of appeal (to the Head of School).

Deferred assessments

If your results show that you have been granted a deferred assessment you should immediately check your OASIS email for details.

Supplementary assessments

Supplementary assessments are not available in this unit.

Referencing style

The referencing style for this unit is APA 6th Ed.

More information can be found on this style from the Library web site:

Copyright © Curtin University. The course material for this unit is provided to you for your own research and study only. It is subject to copyright. It is a copyright infringement to make this material available on third party websites.

Academic Integrity (including plagiarism and cheating) Any conduct by a student that is dishonest or unfair in connection with any academic work is considered to be academic misconduct. Plagiarism and cheating are serious offences that will be investigated and may result in penalties such as reduced or zero grades, annulled units or even termination from the course.

Plagiarism occurs when work or property of another person is presented as one's own, without appropriate acknowledgement or referencing. Submitting work which has been produced by someone else (e.g. allowing or contracting another person to do the work for which you claim authorship) is also plagiarism. Submitted work is subjected to a plagiarism detection process, which may include the use of text matching systems or interviews with

Faculty of Humanities School of Education



ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and SocietiesBentley Campus 11 Jan 2016 School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Page: 8 of 12CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

students to determine authorship.

Cheating includes (but is not limited to) asking or paying someone to complete an assessment task for you or any use of unauthorised materials or assistance during an examination or test.

For more information, including student guidelines for avoiding plagiarism, refer to the Academic Integrity tab in Blackboard or

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Expectations Curtin students are expected to have reliable internet access in order to connect to OASIS email and learning systems such as Blackboard and Library Services.

You may also require a computer or mobile device for preparing and submitting your work.

For general ICT assistance, in the first instance please contact OASIS Student Support:

For specific assistance with any of the items listed below, please contact The Learning Centre:

l Using Blackboard, the I Drive and Back-Up files l Introduction to PowerPoint, Word and Excel

Faculty of Humanities School of Education



ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and SocietiesBentley Campus 11 Jan 2016 School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Page: 9 of 12CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Additional information  

Assessment Appeals Any student dissatisfied with the mark awarded for an assessment task or the final result for a unit because they feel the mark or result is unfair or incorrect, may request a review of the mark or final result and if still dissatisfied, may lodge a formal assessment appeal.

In all cases, the process involves an initial review by either the lecturer, marker or unit coordinator and if still dissatisfied, a formal appeal. It is expected that most situations will be able to be resolved without the need for a formal appeal.

l Step 1 – Initial Request for Review l Step 2 – Formal Appeal

Corrupted or Unreadable Files Assessments are not considered as submitted if the electronic file is not readable. It is a student’s responsibility to ensure that assessments have been successfully uploaded in a readable format.

It is strongly recommended that students check all uploaded assessments by re-accessing Blackboard and attempting to open and read the uploaded file.

If a lecturer encounters a problem with a submitted file the student will be notified and must provide a readable file within 48 hours of this notification, after which it is considered late. Students must check their Curtin student email daily during the assessment marking period.

Student Support

Learning Centre

l Comprehensive support for many aspects of students’ learning is offered through face to face and online resources via the Learning Centre

Uni English

l This website has been designed to support students whose first language is not English. The Curtin University UniEnglish website contains English language resources, activities, support information, and links to diagnostic assessment tests.


l All Curtin students are entitled to access Curtin Counseling for free, confidential and professional services. This includes online students who may require individual counselling for personal, psychological, or study-related issues (although please note that the counselling service is not the appropriate avenue for pursuing assessment queries or debates).



It is your responsibility to ensure that your enrolment is correct - you can check your enrolment through the eStudent option on OASIS, where you can also print an Enrolment Advice.

Faculty of Humanities School of Education



ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and SocietiesBentley Campus 11 Jan 2016 School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Page: 10 of 12CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Student Rights and Responsibilities It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of all relevant legislation, policies and procedures relating to their rights and responsibilities as a student. These include:

l the Student Charter l the University's Guiding Ethical Principles l the University's policy and statements on plagiarism and academic integrity l copyright principles and responsibilities l the University's policies on appropriate use of software and computer facilities

Information on all these things is available through the University's "Student Rights and Responsibilities" website at:

Student Equity There are a number of factors that might disadvantage some students from participating in their studies or assessments to the best of their ability, under standard conditions. These factors may include a disability or medical condition (e.g. mental illness, chronic illness, physical or sensory disability, learning disability), significant family responsibilities, pregnancy, religious practices, living in a remote location or another reason. If you believe you may be unfairly disadvantaged on these or other grounds please contact Student Equity at or go to for more information

You can also contact Counselling and Disability services: or the Multi-faith services: for further information.

It is important to note that the staff of the university may not be able to meet your needs if they are not informed of your individual circumstances so please get in touch with the appropriate service if you require assistance. For general wellbeing concerns or advice please contact Curtin's Student Wellbeing Advisory Service at:

Recent unit changes Students are encouraged to provide unit feedback through eVALUate, Curtin's online student feedback system. For more information about eVALUate, please refer to

Recent changes to this unit include:

The assignments have been simplified and the instructions made more straighforward.

To view previous student feedback about this unit, search for the Unit Summary Report at See to find out when you can eVALUate this unit.

Faculty of Humanities School of Education



ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and SocietiesBentley Campus 11 Jan 2016 School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Page: 11 of 12CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Program calendar

Week Begin Date


Seminar Pre-

readings Assessment Due

Orientation 22 February Orientation Week

1. 29 February Teaching Week (TW) 1 - Introduction    

2. 7 March TW 2 - Intercultural Communication    

3. 14 March TW 3 - Chinese Module: Face and Politeness Chinese Module

4.  21 March TW 4 - Chinese Module: Guanxi and Indirectness Chinese Module  

5.  28 March Tuition Free Week

6. 4 April TW 5 - Japanese Module: Ambiguity; Giving and Receiving

Japanese Module

Self-Assessment Test (SAT) China

7. 11 April TW 6 - Korean Module: Understanding Koreans Korean Module SAT Japan

8. 18 April Tuition Free Week

9. 25 April TW 7 - Indonesian Module: Political Culture, Language and Nation

Indonesian Module SAT Korea

10. 2 May TW 8 - Presentation China   SAT Indonesia

11. 9 May TW 9 - Presentation Japan    

12. 16 May TW 10 - Presentation Korea    

13. 23 May TW 11 - Presentation Indonesia    

14. 30 May TW 12 - Summary Module: East-West Comparison; Critical Intercultural Communication

Summary Module Essay

15. 6 June Study Week    

16. 13 June Examination Week 1

17. 20 June Examination Week 2

Faculty of Humanities School of Education



ASIA1005 Communicating with Asia - Languages and SocietiesBentley Campus 11 Jan 2016 School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Page: 12 of 12CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

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