“discover how to unlock the key to your secret weapon – in ...€¦ · your secret weapon –...

Post on 01-Sep-2020






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“Discover How to Unlock the Key to

Your Secret Weapon – in Life, Business

and Relationships”

If You’ve Ever Questioned Why People React the Way They Do, or Why You React the Way You Do. The Key is in the Emotions.

With Emotional Intelligence YOU Can Remain Confident And Poised In ANY Situation, Be Seen As A Caring Leader &

Authority, Quickly Find Out EXACTLY What Other People Want, And Have Better Relationships Than You’ve Ever

Imagined Possible.

Dear Friend,

I wanted to take a quick second to introduce myself.

I’m Sandra Donati. I’ve made a career out of being a leader and teaching others to

be leaders, and to be honest, you simply can’t be successful without the power

and influence of leadership. Simply put, leadership is the ability to influence

others to accomplish goals. You do not have to be in a formal position of

authority to be a leader and you have many opportunities in your life to enact acts

of leadership in your home, life, work, and community.

My background and expertise is in organizational leadership development and

culture change. I have attended prestigious leadership development programs at

the Harvard Kennedy School for Executive Education, graduated from the

American University Key Executive Leadership Certificate Program, and George

Washington University Senior Leader Program. I am a credentialed International

Coaching Federation (ICF) executive coach, Gallup-certified Strengths Coach,

public speaker, and teach many leadership topics in the classroom, but back when

I was studying leadership development, I came across an interesting concept…

one major insight that transformed my life forever.

That transformation has made me a leader. It’s made me successful. And it’s given

me more influence and power than you could possibly imagine. Most

importantly, I’ve learned how to leverage tremendous influence through the power

of emotional intelligence.

Have you ever wished you could just read other people’s minds and know exactly

what it is they want and are thinking?

Are you tired of dealing with drama or being misunderstood?

Would you like to FINALLY understand what makes people tick?

Wouldn’t it be great to consistently be able to authentically connect with others

with compassion, and have lasting success in dealing with your friends, family and


Don’t worry…you’re not alone.

Many people, regardless of background or education, have difficulty truly

understanding what makes people do, act, and behave the way they do. These

challenge blocks are the ability to connect and relate to others. That’s when we

find that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t break through and establish a

solid connection…whether it’s with your family, your friends, or your clients and


But imagine what it would be like if you could…

You could give them what they want, and create win-wins EVERYWHERE…

You could stop arguing and start communicating…

You could live a life of ease, harmony and success on every front…

If only…

Well fortunately for you, the answer to the confusing mystery of human

interaction is found in one simple and common concept: EMOTION.

People don’t act based on logic and reason…they act from their emotions. Their

core needs and desires drive all of their choices, and needs and desires are

expressed through the language of emotion.

But where do you go to learn that language?

Right here.

Join me for this BRAND NEW, home study coaching program that will demystify

relationships once and for all.

Why EQ Outperforms IQ: Using Emotional Intelligence to Reach Peak Performance

$97.00 Value – Why EQ Outperforms IQ: Using Emotional Intelligence to

Reach Peak Performance Home Study Coaching Program. This is a highly

interactive, beautifully illustrated, and educational training program that will show


The five domains of Emotional Intelligence that impact your everyday life

and relationships.

The one secret strategy to strengthening your EQ so you can effectively

navigate through your emotions.

How to become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions in every

situation or setting.

The exact tactics you can use to create more personal success.

How to manage our social skills so that we can more effectively live and

work with others.

And much more.

Being able to read and respond to others on subtle levels is one of the most

valuable life skills you will ever learn. Once you understand what those around

you want and need, you can help them in more ways that you could ever imagine.

This highly educational training program is CHOCK FULL of useful information

and strategies that you can use IMMEDIATELY to…

Access your hidden potential and improve your personal life, career, and


Minimize misunderstandings…

Become more understanding, empathic and aware…

And maximize your overall effectiveness…at home AND at work.

And of course, this home study coaching program will help you do more than just

understand and touch the people around you…it will also help you come to greater

peace within YOURSELF.

I’m sure that you’ve had those moments when you’ve done or said something that

you wish you could take back.

You’re in the middle of a heated situation, and words fall out that leave you

wondering, “Why on earth did I say that???”

EQ will not only answer that question for you, it will also help you rein in your

emotional responses to guarantee that you’re able to control yourself, no matter

how excited or heated you get.

Understanding emotions and how they work is one of the greatest abilities you can

have, and you can start your training right here, by registering for this call RIGHT


Of course, you can continue going through life dealing with drama and constant

misunderstandings…but you’ve done that already, and it can be so much easier…I


There IS a better way, and I can show through my Why EQ Outperforms IQ:

Using Emotional Intelligence to Reach Peak Performance Home Study

Coaching Program.

Don’t waste another moment throwing away valuable friendships and career

connections. It’s much easier than you’re making it…and I can help you.

*Special Fast Action Bonuses*

Order Now & Gain More Influence and Power to

live the life of your dreams by mastering

emotional intelligence through my massive Free


A $9.95 value – 23-page e-book - Emotional Intelligence. An Introduction.

This is a perfect companion to my home study coaching program that includes an

overview on the basics of emotional intelligence, the emotional brain, how to

strengthen your emotional intelligence, and 10 exercises to strengthen your team’s

emotional intelligence. Anyone who wants to transform oneself needs to start

with this knowledge. This book provides you with that critical knowledge to

understand and increase your emotional intelligence.

A $9.95 value – Change Your Mind Change Your Life. We have all had those

moments in our life when we sense that things are not going exactly the way we

expected. It happens to all of us. The important thing is what you choose to do

about it. Do you simply ignore the feeling and go about life as usual? Do you

begin to feel frustrated, depressed or dragged down? Or, do you take it as a sign

that now is the time to finally pursue and accomplish the things in your life that

matter most? Extensive research conducted over the years shows that every person

who has achieved great success in their life had a clear vision and goal of what

they wanted. It was always at the forefront of their mind, as they focused on it, and

moved toward it. Having a clear vision and goal is the hallmark of every form of

high achievement and success. Dreams, goals, and your own innate potential are

useless if you don't follow through on them. This report will cover how you can

create your own vision and set a plan of action to be successful. There is no time

to delay, let’s begin immediately!

$5.95 Value – the Infinite Journey – a professionally recorded visualization

exercise that will help you to understand the power of visualization and goal

setting. You can listen to this over and over again to maintain the momentum of

fulling your dreams.

$5.95 Value – an audio training recording on the power of focus – listen to this

audio whenever you start getting off track with the daily distractions in life

$19.95 Value – Vision and Goal Setting, Begin with the End in Mind and Live

the Life You Want Today – a 6-part audio training program. Ever wonder

how the most successful people: Seem to achieve everything they set their minds

to? Appear to always be doing what it is they love and enjoy? Look so calm and

confident? Fulfill their dreams, passions and vision? The majority of people who

have achieved a high level of success in their life developed their success through

utilizing the same basic powerful principles. And you can have access to these

very same principles! There's no secret to success, because I am going to tell all in

my 6-part audio series on Visioning and Goal Setting.

$5.95 Value - 12-page Report – The Gift of You – How to Tap In To Your

Natural Talents and Abilities and Leave a Lasting Legacy. This may be the

most important document you will ever read and it is guaranteed to change your

life if you follow the recommended actions. It’s my secret gift to you that unlocks

your unique power and edge to obtain what you want in life.

$9.95 Value – 20-page Report – Vision and Goal Setting. 28 Questions to

Change Your Life. Every choice that you make in life, big or small, has a cause

and effect. Having a vision is important because without the direction of a clear

vision for guidance, it is unlikely you will live a life of fulfillment. Without a

vision you will not base your decisions on what you want and where you are

headed, but instead you will base them on circumstances of the moment. Answer

the 28 questions in this report to get clarity on your vision, passion, and purpose

for life. A customized goal setting action plan and bonus exercise included.

You are going to get these MASSIVE bonuses absolutely free when you order

Why EQ Outperforms IQ: Using Emotional Intelligence to Reach Peak

Performance Home Study Coaching Program today!

By giving you these free gifts, I’m going to help you get the most out of my home

study program and the freebies that comes with it to CHANGE your life.

And to be honest, you’re kind of stealing from me. You are getting far more

than your initial investment because I want you to be geared up and equipped to

live the life of your dreams. This is my mission and purpose of in life.

The financial value of this kind on how to start living the life of your dreams is

impossible to measure. People with a clear vision and goals for their life tend to be

more powerful, wealthier, and more successful.

But you’ll get all of my bonuses absolutely free when you order Why EQ

Outperforms IQ: Using Emotional Intelligence to Reach Peak Performance

Home Study Coaching Program today!

By giving you these free gifts, I’m going to help you get the most out of my home

study program.

People are willing to pay me massive amounts of money to take training and

receive EXECUTIVE-level coaching from me on how to change their lives. And

it’s easy to understand why.

The power of emotional intelligence has allowed thousands to make more money,

have incredible careers, and gain influence over other people. And, most

importantly, live the life of their dreams.

But don’t worry. I’m not going to charge you anywhere near $102.00.

I’m Giving You the Power that Only the Super Rich Have Been Able to


I’m on a mission to transforms lives. You matter to me.

In fact, I’m so certain that these tools will change your life; I’m offering you a 30

day money-back guarantee.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

$97.00 Value - Why EQ Outperforms IQ: Using Emotional Intelligence to

Reach Peak Performance Home Study Coaching Program is the single best

way to learn how to start living the life of your dreams. If you don’t love the

ability to be in charge of your life and your emotions … if you don’t love the

respect, admiration, and control… I’ll give you your money back! You have a full

30 days to try out these methods and experience the techniques I’ve used to build

an incredibly successful career and impact the lives of others. But if you don’t like

that power, you can simply ask for a full refund, no questions asked!

Power Through Your Career, Get the Respect You Deserve, and Develop

Admiration for Just $44.95 Today!

I don’t think I have to tell you how amazing this price is.

It’s a small fee to pay, and it will give you the power, techniques and skills to

transform your life.

Imagine the respect you will gain when people understand and appreciate you and

see you are on a path and have a clear vision to change your life.

Imagine the success, admiration, and money that can all be yours.

Imagine the circle of powerful, supportive people you will develop.

$97.00 Value - Why EQ Outperforms IQ: Using Emotional Intelligence to

Reach Peak Performance Home Study Coaching Program is guaranteed to

change your life if you apply its principles but YOU must put in the work! The

people who are the most successful in life put in the hard work and effort to

achieve their dreams. Reading these materials and not applying the practices will

not work. For just $44.95, you’re going to have all the same EXECUTIVE-level

coaching techniques I use every day with my clients to help them achieve their

dreams and be the absolute best version of them in every aspect, work, life, and


And you can finally get the respect, admiration, and influence you deserve!

So get that power today!

List Price - $165 Today's Price - Only $44.95

-- Sandra Donati


I’m glad you’re giving this offer some serious consideration.

When you think about all the ways Why EQ Outperforms IQ: Using Emotional

Intelligence to Reach Peak Performance Home Study Coaching Program can

change your life; it just makes sense to give this thing a try.

Especially when there’s a money-back guarantee.

But if you haven’t fleshed out the choices ahead of you, now is the time to think

about it.

Grab your copy of $97 value - Why EQ Outperforms IQ: Using Emotional

Intelligence to Reach Peak Performance Home Study Coaching Program, plus

all my FREEBIES right now for just $44.95.

I know you’ll prove me right. – Sandra Donati

List Price - $165 Today's Price - Only $44.95


One last question…

Being able to read and respond to others on subtle levels is one of the most

valuable life skills you will ever learn. Once you understand what those around

you want and need, you can help them in more ways that you could ever imagine.

And you can leverage these skills to get what YOU want to get ahead in life.

How close are you to living the life of your dreams right now?

A. Very close! I have a very clear vision and goals for my life.

B. I have an inkling of my dream life, but no clear vision and goals.

C. I have no idea of what I want for my life. Sometimes I feel stuck.

See, I believe that everyone deserves to live the life of their dreams.

You deserve to live the life of their dreams.

But right now, you probably aren’t on the path to living the life of your dreams.

And the only thing that’s holding you back is that you haven’t started using Why

EQ Outperforms IQ: Using Emotional Intelligence to Reach Peak

Performance Home Study Coaching Program. Wanting to be successful and

living the life of your dreams isn’t just a selfish desire. If you gain respect at work,

you can finally get the pay raise you deserve. That means you can better take care

of your family, you can relax when you’re at home with them, and you can finally

live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Being able to master your emotions to get what you want in life is a life-changing,

powerful gift.

I hope you enjoy that gift with me.

Thanks for reading.

-- Sandra Donati

List Price - $165 Today's Price - Only $44.95

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