anthony robbins - rapid planning method

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  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method



    RAPID PLANNING METHOD"The Fastest Way to Results"

    The RPM Philosophy

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    WelcomeYou can't manage your time if you don't have a plan for your life.

    The RPM Life Planner System Software is a mind revolution: it transforms your massive demands andresponsibilities into the exciting reali ation that you can accomplish something truly meaningful! "t helps you tofocus and define your life by ma#ing you as# yourself new $uestions! %nce you #now the results you are after& howto achieve them becomes immediately clear!

    'nthony Robbins( RPM Life Planner Life Management System Software is unli#e any scheduling software youmight have seen before! )ot only does it give you many of the functions you expect from scheduling software& itgives you functions you would only expect from a sophisticated pro*ect+planning system!,ere(s what the RPM Life Planner can help you do:

    Turn any idea into reality through a simple planning process Replace your "to-do" list with a daily plan that maximi es your time and guarantees your


    Enter all your action items once & and let your computer copy them over into different schedules

    Integrate the planning and the scheduling of personal and professional long+term and short+termpro*ects

    Create a compelling vision for the areas of life that matter most to you

    -and much& much more!

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    Getting the Most Out o R!M i e !lanner# $elp

    .e(ve created an on+line help file that we thin# is truly outstanding! ,ere(s a brief description of each of itselements:%uic& 'tart .ant to start planning that pro*ect right away/ 0et going on your life plan/ Polish your descriptions ofyour Roles/ This section lin#s you instantly to step+by+step instructions for using the most popular sections of theRPM Life Planner!

    Getting 'tarted with R!M This is the technical information you(ll need to get the software up and running and tonavigate through it! "t(s divided into two main sections:

    "nstallation 1"nstalling and Starting 2p& Registering 3our 4opy& System Re$uirements& Technical Support5 Software 6asics 1The ,ome Screen& the Main Menus& Screen 4onventions& 'bbreviations and "ndicators&

    and so on5

    The R!M !hilosophy This section ta#es you through the conceptual foundation of RPM!( Tour o the R!M 'o tware This section provides an overview of the RPM Life Planner software& with lin#s tothe step+by+step sections! .hether you(re new to the RPM Life Planner or an old hand& chec# this section out toget your bearings!Managing )our R!M *iles ,ere(s where you(ll find out& in an easy& $uestion+and+answer format& how to save&

    store& bac# up& copy& import and export the files you create with your RPM Life Planner software!'tep +y 'tep With the R!M i e !lanner# This is where you(ll find detailed instructions for using each section ofthe software!*(% .e(ve compiled a sampling of some of the most common $uestions we receive on the tech support line andforum!

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    %uic& 'tartThere are a number of ways to begin using your RPM Life Planner software! The section Step+by+Step .ith theRPM Life Planner provides detailed instructions for using the RPM Life Planner to:

    Create your vision

    Identi y your categories and roles

    !lan your wee&

    !lan your day

    !lan a pro,ect

    Manage your company

    14lic# an item to go to that 7how+to7 section!5

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    I TRO./CTIO 0 T$E *O/ .(TIO

    Outcomes1Results or this section

    8! To create a foundation for understanding the RPM system by explaining that the #ey to RPM is developinga new psychology+and that this psychology is based on teaching you to consistently as# and answer threesimple $uestions!

    9! To destroy the possibility of your ever ma#ing a to+do list again and instead providing you with a sense ofabsolute freedom and empowerment that comes from having a clear outcome or result and a strongreason why you want to do something!

    ! To help you understand that this system may ta#e a little longer to master& but that this system will helpyou experience far greater results and tremendous levels of fulfillment!

    ;! To start getting you excited about what this system will ultimately mean for your life + in terms of what youcontribute to others and most importantly& in the level of personal *oy& fulfillment& fun& and success you willexperience on a daily basis!

    !urpose o this section

    8! The time is now to start training you to thin# in an entirely new way!9! .e want to maximi e your understanding by explaining a couple of core principles that will aid in your

    overall understanding of the use of this system!

    ! 6ecause clarity is power< %nce you understand the essence of the system& learning the details of how touse it will be a lot simpler!

    ;! 6ecause we want to free you from your stress and to give you more choices& freedom& and certainty aboutwhat you can achieve and experience in your life!

    =! 6ecause you deserve to experience an extraordinary $uality of lifeohn Smith&7 you can call >ohn and certainly cross it off your list& but this does not guarantee that you trulyaccomplished something meaningful! "nstead& what if you had been clear about your result or outcome in advanceand decided that what you really wanted 1i!e! your result or outcome5 was& 7To connect with >ohn Smith so that hefeels totally supported and nurtured!7 This not only increases your chances of really achieving this& but it gives youa lot more flexibility + you can call >ohn& but you could also drop him a $uic# note& or send him an e+mail& or havedinner with him one evening!

    The &!rst ste( !$ RPM ) ec! !$% o$ the clear result or outco e you 'a$t to ach!e#e ) !s the most important step !$creat!$% your RPM (la$*

    OTE : .e will use the words 7result7 and 7outcome7 interchangeably throughout this guide and in your RPM

    software! The reason is that a 7result7 is usually a lot more specific and precise than an outcome! ,owever& whenyou are first thin#ing about what it is you truly want to achieve& it sometimes helps to thin# about your overalloutcome and then wor# to ma#e it specific and measurable!

    %uestion ;3 What is your !urpose6 Why do you want to do this6

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    P RP) , : The compelling reasons why you want to do something+reasons that will give you thenecessary drive to follow through on your plan!

    %nce you #now what it is you really want 1i!e! your result or outcome5& you need to associate to why you want to doit+your purpose for wanting to achieve this result!

    Reasons come first and answers come second!

    3our purpose will provide you with the emotional drive to follow through and to do whatever it ta#es to achieve the

    result you desire!

    Bor example& it(s one thing to have a result or outcome that says& 7" want to become a millionaire within sixmonths!7 "t(s another thing to add a compelling purpose to it by saying& 7" want to become a millionaire within sixmonths 1,2 , " will be able to help my children& 1,2 , " want to ma#e a difference in the world&1,2 , " want to develop the pride of #nowing that "(ve overcome so many challenges in my own life&1,2 , " want to be an example for other people+if " can do it& anyone can do it

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method



  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    I TRO./CTIO 0 MORE */ *I ME T

    Outcomes1Results or this section

    8! To help you understand that it(s ridiculous and impossible to create a plan for your time without a clear planfor your life!

    9! To help you understand the specific steps you need to ta#e in order to develop you life plan + specifically&to help you define the areas of life that matter to you most 1i!e! the categories of your life5 and organi ethem in a way such that they are ma#ing consistent progress in each of them!

    ! To give you the distinction of adding specific roles to each of the areas of your life as a way of expandingyour identity& creating more fun& and changing the emotions you associate to each area!

    ;! To show you how to tap into the seven forces that create vision and momentum in each area of your life!

    =! To give you a tremendous enthusiasm and belief that you can create the ultimate balance& results& andfulfillment you are after and eel enough dissatis action to want more8 to eelthe drive to grow and contri+ute2

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    My i e

    This next section is perhaps the most important section in your RPM software because what you are doing isputting the sta#es into the ground and deciding what areas of your life you are committed to focusing on andimproving on an ongoing basis! %nce you have completed this section& you will be reviewing it every wee# beforeyou create your wee#ly plan to ma#e sure that you are on trac#!

    To ma#e it simple& we are going to divide your life up into two main areas: your personal life and your professional life! .e call these 'reas of Management because they are specific areas of your life that you are going to manageon an ongoing basis!

    .ithin each of these areas of management& we are then going to decide on the specific categories you are going toconsistently focus on and improve & or your 4ategories of "mprovement !

    !ersonal Categories o ImprovementLet(s start with your personal life! .hat are some of the areas that you believe you must focus on and constantlyimprove in order for your life to be successful and fulfilling/ 1,")T: See below and the following page for someexamples5:

    ,")T: There is no right or wrong number of 4ategories of "mprovement< Some people might have8D or 89 areas of their personal lives that they want to focus on whereas others may have only fourto six areas! "n general& most people have eight to 8D Personal 4ategories of "mprovement!,owever& what(s most important is that you create categories for all of the parts you want to focuson in your personal life!

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    ome ,6amples ... Tony Ro++ins !aige (nderson Aane Carter $enry Thompson

    Physical Power: .orld+4lass,ealth N Bitness

    ,ealth+76uns of Steel7 Cmotional Bitness ,ealth N @itality

    Cmotional >uice Bun+7Bun was had by all7 Bamily ,eart N Soul Personal 0rowth%utstanding Bamily Life Bamily N Briends+7The

    6uddy System7Physical Prowess Bamily

    Cxtraordinary Briendships 4ommunity+7.hat can "give/7

    Borever Briendships Bun

    'bsolute Binancial Breedom Binancial +7Show me theMoneyR

    0racious 0iver Binancial Breedom

    4reator of the 0ood Life .ealth .i ard Cmotional .ell+beingCxtraordinary 4ommunity

    Leader N 4ontributor: Borcefor 0ood

    Spiritual Soul

    Spirit N Soul: Borce for 0od$I T : Remember the Power of Language: )otice how Tony spiced up the names of his Personal 4ategories of"mprovement by using language that inspired him! Ta#e a moment to refine your categories so that the titles ofthem are *uicy for you ++ use language that causes you to want to spend time in each of these areas of your life<

    !ro essional Categories o Improvement

    3ou(ve probably noticed that most people(s personal categories are very similar + people usually have categoriessurrounding their health& finances& familyGrelationships& emotional well+being& spiritual growth& etc! %n theprofessional side& however& people sometimes get a little overwhelmed at first because it can be more difficult toorgani e your professional life into distinct categories!To help you& we recommend two things:

    Birst& remember that you don(t need to do this perfectly< Second& ta#e a loo# at some of the examples we(ve included for you! 3ou may start to see some patterns

    that might apply to you!

    ,")T: 'gain& there is no right or wrong number of 4ategories of "mprovement< Some people mighthave 8D or 89 areas of their professional lives that they want to focus on whereas others may haveonly ;+I areas! "n general& most people have F+8D Professional 4ategories of "mprovement&however& what(s most important is that you create categories for all of the parts you want to focus

    on in your professional life!

    ome ,6amples ...Aolie Aen&ins8 (ctress .anielle Cross8 $omema&er B

    MomMargaret ewis8 !urchasing

    Manager Maximi ing 4urrent >obs+'ctingRoles

    Ouality id Time< Team Manager 1Purchasing Team5

    %btaining )ew >obs+'uditions %utstanding Meals N )utrition 4ommunications Master Management of >olie& "nc!+Managingmy managers N agents

    4aptain of 4leanliness Lean& Mean& 6uying Machine

    Cver+expanding 'cting S#ills+%ngoing training of my voice& etc!

    Lightning+Speed Laundry Secure N Maintain .orld+4lass@endors

    )etwor#er Cxtraordinaire+4onstantlyexpand my identity

    )urturing of ?anielle& "nc! Product Ouality 4ontrol

    ,ome "mprovements Manage N Master 4osts

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    0reat )eighbor Relations Proactive& Superior 4ustomer ServiceBantastic Bamily Bun 4')"< 'ny 'spect of the 6usiness

    oo& or !atterns3 People usually have a category about maximi ing their output or production 1sales numbers&acting roles& etc!5& improving their own s#ill sets in their *ob 1for example& ongoing training5& building their identity1through networ#ing& building relationships with other important team members& and so on5& communications1including empowering teams& managers& etc!5& and supporting clients and costs!

    "f you don(t wor# full+time& can you still treat your home li#e a business *ust as ?anielle has done above/ Mightthis increase not only your effectiveness& but your fulfillment/

    'picing up )our Categories with the !ower o Roles

    Let(s ta#e a moment to add some emotional power to your categories by spicing them up with some roles< Boreach category& what are the specific roles you play/ .ho are you in each of these categories of your life/ Borexample& perhaps your category title is 7Binancial .i ard&7 but within that category& there are several roles youfulfill& such as 7Protector of the Bamily 'ssets&7 7"nvestor Cxtraordinaire&7 and 6udget Master!7There are two reasons for adding roles to each of your categories:

    8! To ensure that each o your categories has all the appropriate te5tures2 "f you are simply focused onoutstanding finances without a sense of the roles you play in that category& you may not consistently focuson all the pieces of this category that are important to you + such as investing& saving& budgeting& assetprotection& or even saving for the purchase of fun toys or vacations!

    9! To give you more emotional ",uice" and ul illment2 Bor example& there is a difference betweenfocusing on a 4ategory called 7Bamily7 and focusing on a 4ategory called 7Bamily7 with the following rolesadded to it: %utstanding Parent& 6est Briend& Cxtraordinary Spouse N Lover& 'ma ing Son& and Sibling3ou 4an 4ount on! 'dding roles to your categories will give you more drive and purpose to followthrough!

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    )our @ision or 'uccess

    To maximi e the results you achieve in each of your 4ategories of "mprovement 1Personal and Professional5& youwill create your vision for each of these 4ategories! )ou will come +ac& to this vision every wee& to inspireyourself& #eep yourself associated to the reasons this is important& and to use it as a chec#list of all the results youare committed to achieving in each category!

    Then you can ma#e sure& as you create your wee#ly plans& you are on target in each of your categories!There are three pieces to define for each of your categories:

    3our 2ltimate @ision 3our 2ltimate Purpose

    3our Roles

    Most people spend one to three hours completing a vision for each category! The best use of your time might be tocomplete one category per wee#& ta#ing several wee#s to finish! 3ou will want to review your categories every yearand perhaps ma#e some minor changes as well as set new resultsGoutcomes for that year& but once the overallvision for each category is complete& you are finished with it What is the Result I7m committed to achieving6=;> What is my !urpose6= What is my Massive (ction !lan6

    R!M is a @isual Chun&ing 'ystem.hat ma#es RPM effective is that it is a @isual 4hun#ing ?evice + a fancy way of saying that the way the RPM6loc#s are organi ed on the page or screen is critically important to help you maximi e the system!

    't its essence& an day(s M'P is simply a group of RPM 6loc#s related to the ResultsG%utcomes that are mostimportant for that day!

    Similarly& a .ee#ly Plan is a group of RPM 6loc#s related to the ResultsG%utcomes that are most important for thatwee#!

    'nd a Pro*ect Plan is a group of RPM 6loc#s related to a specific sub*ect + an 2ltimate Result and an 2ltimatePurpose you are committed to achieving!

    )ow that you understand what an RPM 6loc# is and have a sense of where we are going& let(s loo# at the *iveMaster 'teps to !lanning ! These Bive Master Steps will show you how to put it all together + how to wal# youthrough the process of converting your vision into real& scheduled& actionable RPM plans!

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    The D Master 'teps o !lanning

    There are three main places where you create your RPM Plans: 3our ?aily Planner& 3our .ee#ly Planner& andyour Pro*ect Planner! .hether you are planning a day& a wee#& or a pro*ect& the Bive Master Steps of Planning arethe same!

    'tep :3 Capture Ideas8 Wants8 B eeds

    'tep ;3 Create )our R!M Master !lan'tep ust write 7?R&7 whichstands for ?aily Routine!

    9! 4loc& out chun&s of time when you will wor# on your RPM bloc#s!

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    'tep D3 Complete8 Measure B Cele+rate?

    Step five is called C-M-C : Complete what it is you(re going after to get your result& Measure whether you(re ontrac# or not& and then Cele+rate your results + your victories& your magic moments& your accomplishments!

    ,ere are the specific steps you will ta#e at the end of each day 1wee#Gpro*ect5:0o through each of your RPM bloc#s! Bor each action item in every RPM bloc#& note its status 1"n Progress& ?one&


    Ta#e a moment to capture everything that you(ve achieved and celebrate it! 'lso& thin# about any of the specialmoments + or what we call 7Magic Moments7 + that you want to include! .e(ve even given an entire screen in the>ournal section of your software *ust for recording Magic Moments and achievements!

    This process is vitally important to your planning for two reasons:

    3ou cannot manage what you don(t measure! 6y chec#ing in on a daily basis 1or at a minimum a wee#lybasis5& you will #now where you are on trac# and where you(re not so that you can correct your course a lotmore $uic#ly!

    3ou must #eep score of your wins! So often people wal# through their lives not reali ing *ust how muchthey are accomplishing& giving& experiencing+how much is really great in their lives if they *ust ta#e amoment to stop and appreciate it! Thin# about it: if an RPM bloc#& or a pro*ect plan was important enough

    for you to do& then it(s worth ta#ing a moment to thin# about what it is you gained from the process& isn(t it/

    Tips or !lanning )our Ideal .ay

    The first thing to do: chec# your Monthly 4alendar for an overview of your time! Remember that& for the ?aily Planner& Steps and ; occur on the same screen 1Schedule5! 3ou will enter

    the bloc# times during which you(ve committed to ma#e progress on specific ResultsG%utcomes& and youwill enter in the scheduled times for things that must occur at a specific time!

    3our ?aily Plan is actually the last set of screens that you will use! 3ou start at the level of your Life Plan13our 4ategories N Pro*ects5& then your wee# and then your days!

    So let(s now ta#e a loo# at how to use your .ee#ly Planner-

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    $ow to !lan )our Ideal Wee&

    REMEM4ER3 To create your wee#ly RPM plan& you will follow the same Bive Master Steps of Planning! ,ere is anoverview of how you use these five steps to plan a wee#!

    'tep :3 Capture Ideas8 Wants B eeds 'tep ;3 Create )our M(! =Massive (ction !lan>


  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    Th!s (rocess a1es se$se to e/ ,ut I o$.t u$ ersta$ ho' a$y o& th!s (la$$!$%relates to the l!&e (la$ I create !$ the (re#!ous sect!o$* Ho' ca$ I a1e sure that Ia a1!$% (ro%ress o$ all o& y 2ate%or!es o& I (ro#e e$t9

    Ho' o y 'ee1ly (la$s relate to y a!ly (la$s9 O$ce I.#e co (lete y (la$&or y 'ee1/ ho' oes th!s tra$slate !$to y ay9

    'tep ournal screenand answer the following $uestions:

    o What did I achieve this wee&6 .hat did " do well/ .hat did " accomplish that " am proud of/,ow did this wee# serve to enhance the $uality of my life/ .hat were some of my magic moments+ memories that you will cherish for wee#s& months or years to come/

    o What did I learn rom this wee&6 "f " didn(t get as much accomplished as " expected& why not/

    .ere my purposes compelling enough to drive me to follow through/ %r& did " simply have moreRPM 6loc#s than were realistic for me to really accomplish this wee#/

    In the end our lives are nothing +ut a series o moments2 So& ta#ing the time to really associate to thesemoments& to loo# at what was really great as well as some things that may have been challenging for you& is whatwill ensure that you experience a life of meaning and lasting fulfillment!This is one of the most important processes in the entire RPM system because it(s what allows you to learn andgrow from your past as well as to really celebrate your wins at the deepest level!

    The F!#e Master Ste(s+ Pla$$!$% Your I eal ***

    /sing !ro,ect !lans as !athways to !ower The speed at which you create your RPM plans increases geometrically once you begin to use this system! Thereasons for this are two+fold:

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    8! 3ou are constantly not only improving your speed at doing your plans& but as the RPM thought processbecomes second nature to you& you will +e thin&ing and creating plans at lightning speed !

    9! %ften you will create a plan + an RPM bloc#& a plan for your categories& or a plan for a pro*ect + that you willbe able to use again and again! This is because the same #inds of ResultsG%utcomes tend to show up inyour life consistently 1especially those related to your categories of improvement5!

    4apitali e on plans that have already been created + your own as well as other people(s plans! "f someone you#now has created a pro*ect plan to help him or her lose weight could you use this same plan as a basis with only afew modifications/

    "f so& it is a Pathway to Power: a pathway that has already produced results that you or anyone else can use toaccelerate not only the pace at which you complete your RPM plan& but the speed with which you produce theresult!$I T : "f you have access to the person who created the original plan& you might also want to as# them what wasgreat about their plan as well as if there is anything they might do differently in the future! 6y modeling theirsuccess& as well as their learning experiences& you can literally compress time!


    %ne of the most important principles of RPM Planning is that it is a top-down planning system! To be e ective +and& most important& ul illed + you must start at the level of your vision for your life and your life plan!

    Brom there& you will go to your 4ategories of "mprovement and your @ision for each 4ategory!

    Brom there& you will define your yearly and $uarterly ResultsG%utcomes!

    'nd& from there& you will finally complete your RPM plans for yourwee# and for your day!

    The single biggest error people tend to ma#e in their planning is to ocus on what it is they need to do on aparticular day +e ore they7ve irst re-associated to the +ig picture o what their li e is a+out !Bollowing the .ee#ly Planning Process will ensure that you do not ma#e this error<

    )our $our o !ower

    The .ee#ly Planning Process is perhaps the most important piece in the entire system because it is the very thingthat will ensure you are using and incorporating all of the elements of your life plan& your pro*ects + everything that(smost important to you + in your day+to+day life! The process will ta#e about an hour to an hour and a half tocomplete 1#eep in mind that it will li#ely ta#e a little longer the first few wee#s that you do it5!

    'tep I3 Connect to your .riving *orce3 D-: minutes

    3ou begin the process by reviewing the ?riving Borce section of your RPM Software! Read through your ultimate

    vision and ultimate purpose for your life& your identity& your code of conduct& your values and virtues& and yourpassions! Stop for a moment and thin# about what these things mean to you in your life!

    'tep II3 Own your Roles8 Goals8 and Resources3 : -:D minutes

    )ext& review the My Life section of your RPM Planner! Read through each of your Personal 4ategories of"mprovement and Professional 4ategories of "mprovement! Specifically loo# at your vision for each of thesecategories& the roles you play in these areas and the specific ResultsG%utcomes you have committed to achieveover the next year!

    'tep III3 Create your R!M !lan or an Outstanding Wee&3 < - D minutes

    This is where you do most of your planning for the wee#! There are four main parts to this step:

    8! earn rom the past3 Review last wee#(s RPM plan to determine your top 8D to 89 accomplishments aswell as the most important things that needed to get done and didn(t!

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    9! Review your R!M !ro,ect !lans to determine which RPM 6loc#s& if any& you need to ma#e progress onor complete this wee#!

    ! Bollow the D Master 'teps of Planning for your wee#!

    Step 8: Capture 1's you brainstorm& be sure to transfer over the items that your review indicatedneed attention this wee#!5

    Step 9: Create your R!M Master !lan

    Step : Commit

    Step ;: 'chedule

    Step =: Cele+rate

    ;! Review your R!M Wee&ly !lan and decide upon the most important three to five ResultsG%utcomes thatyou need to focus on this wee#! 1.e recommend that you chose three from your professional life and twofrom your personal life!5

    'tep I@3 'et )oursel /p to Win

    So often in planning people lament that& 7" had my plan completely done and then something outside of my controlchanged and " wasn(t able to complete my plan

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    0iving each other feedbac#

    Cncouraging each other

    Sharing Pathways to Power!

    'hare the entire R!M 4loc& or !ro,ect !lan with your 7leveragee7 when you leverage an action item tosomeone!

    Remember& you want to teach those around you to thin# in terms of ResultsG%utcomes as well! 'lso& by being clearabout the specific ResultG%utcome you are committed to achieving& the person you leverage things to might haveadditional ideas about how to achieve the result more $uic#ly& more effectively& and with the use of fewerresources!

    .eal with phone calls by using these two effective strategies:

    "f calls come in to you on a regular basis that you need to trac#& be sure to record them in the4ommunications Log section!

    "f you call someone and are unable to reach them& enter this fact in your 4ommunications Log as well!

    Feep trac& o ,uicy words?.hen you find words that create emotion for you& you might want to #eep trac# of them in one place so that youcan refer to them when you create your plans 1you might enter them in your >ournal5! 2sually you will find patternsin the words that consistently have the power to move you emotionally and create drive so you want to capitali eon them as much as possible!

    't the end of each day& ta#e a moment to as# yourself the $uestion 7 Who was I today / ,ow has this day addedvalue to my life and the lives of others/7 Remember& who you are is much more important than what youaccomplished!

    'cheduling R!M !lan /pdates

    There is no right or wrong schedule for updating your RPM! .e offer the following as a guideline!

    Once !er Wee&3

    4omplete the .ee#ly Planning Process to create your plans for your wee# 1and then the night before or morningof& create your RPM Plans for your day5!

    Once !er Month3

    Review all your Results1Outcomes or each o your categories and set new ResultsG%utcomes for thecurrent month!

    Review your month2 Record everything you accomplished this month& everything you failed toaccomplish& and any Magic Moments you want to remember!

    Record all o your Results1Outcomes or the ne5t month2

    Once !er %uarter3

    Review all of your ResultsG%utcomes for each of your 4ategories of "mprovement:

    Record everything you7ve accomplished that $uarter in this category! Record all o the results1outcomes that you are either +ehind on or ailed to accomplish this

    9uarter !

    /pdate or create a new set o results1outcomes or each category or the ne5t 9uarter !

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    Review all your pro,ects2 )ote where you are on trac# and where you might be off trac#& and modifyaccordingly! ?ecide if there are any new Pro*ect Plans that you need to create in order to stay on trac# ineach of your categories!

    Once !er )ear3

    Review your .riving *orce2 Refine your 2ltimate @ision& 2ltimate Purpose& "dentity& 4ode of 4onduct and@alues and Rules!

    Review all o your Categories o Improvement 1personal and professional5! 'dd& delete or modify yourcategories if necessary for the coming year! 4reate a new vision for new categories!

    Review all o your Results1Outcomes for each of your categories and set new %utcomesGResults for thenew year!

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    Chec&list or the *ive Master 'teps

    3ou can print this page to serve as a reminder!

    'tep :3 Capture

    ?id you thoroughly exhaust your list of actions& communications& etc! that you need to do/ 1Remember& this is *ust a place to dump ideas + to get them out ofyour head + so you can then create your plan!5

    'tep ;3 Create your R!M Master !lan


    "s your resultGoutcome specific and measurable/

    4ould it be made more specific/

    ?oes it re$uire more *ust one ResultG%utcome to achieve your ultimate result/ 1"f it re$uires more than one& this is a PR%>C4T and will most li#ely re$uiremore than a wee# or month to complete! Start a Pro*ect Plan now to improve the $uality of your life!5

    ?oes it contain words or phrases li#e 7create& establish& determine& begin& resolve& maintain& or ma#e ma*or progress on/7


    ?oes your purpose give you the necessary drive to ma#e you want to follow through/ "s it emotionally compelling/ ?oes it use =E words that give you more *uice/ 1's# yourself: .hy do " want this/ .hat will it give me and others/ ,ow will it ma#e me feel/5

    ?id you include the Role this ResultG%utcome fulfills/

    Massive (ction !lan =M(!>

    're your 'ctions specific activities that you could follow through on today/ 're they clear enough that anyone else could pic# up your RPM 6loc# andcomplete them/

    "s your action item ruthlessly specific/ ?oes it specify who& what& where& when& andGor how/


  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    'tep D3 Complete8 Measure B Cele+rate

    're you following through and actively ma#ing progress on your plans each day/

    't the end of each day& did you review your RPM plan and mar# items that are done& leveraged& in progress& moved or abandon/ 3ou cannot manage whatyou don(t measureohn Smith& itmight ta#e you 8D minutes to explain to him what to do and to follow up toma#e sure he completes it& but it might ta#e >ohn Smith D minutes toactually complete the action item! So you should dial in *ust 8D minutes&

    not ;D!

    )ot being specific enough with yourResult 4ommitmentsG %utcomes!

    ?id you use powerful& specific verbs such as 7create&7 7establish&77determine&7 7begin&7 7resolve&7 7maintain&7 or 7ma#e ma*or progress on/7

    're you listing a specific& measurable result such as a date by which youare committed to achieving it/ "s there a specific way to measure if you(veachieved it/ )ote the difference between 7To become more fit andhealthy7 and 7To sculpt my body into a 89= lb& 8FH body fat& energetic&vibrant& strong& and beautiful woman by May D& 9DD8!7

    )ot using language that moves you

    emotionally in your Purposes!

    Remember& sometimes a =E word has a lot more power to move you

    emotionally than a seemingly more sophisticated =DE word! There is noright or wrong answer to what belongs in your Purpose + as long as youuse phrases that drive you to want to complete the result! Bor example&7To foster a competitive spirit in the *urisdiction in which " wor#7 may notmove you as much as saying& 7To #ic# butt& ta#e names& and leave alegacy in this industry

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    and then wor# your way down into your Pro*ect Plans& .ee#ly Plans& and?aily Plans!

    4ommitting every single 'ction on your4ommit screen!

    Try committing only your ResultG%utcome and the Must 'ctions! This willallow you to chun# your plans at a little bit higher level so that they feelless overwhelming to you!

    4reating too many Pro*ects! 3ou may be over+chun#ing + creating Pro*ects where a simple RPM 6loc#will suffice!

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    *re9uently (s&ed %uestions

    .hat(s the difference between a 4ategory of "mprovement and Pro*ect/ %r between a Pro*ect and an RPM6loc#/ %r between an 'ction and a Result/

    ,ow many RPM 6loc#s should " have/ ,ow many 'ctions should " have in a typical RPM 6loc#/

    .hat does RPM really stand for/ "s it the 7Rapid Planning Method7 or 7Results+Bocused& Purpose+?riven&Massive 'ction Plan/7

    .hat(s the difference between an %utcome and a Result/

    .hen "(m creating my RPM bloc#s and "(m prioriti ing the individual action items& am " prioriti ing thembased on which is most important to accomplish& or based on the order "(m going to do them in/

    "t seems li#e RPM ta#es a lot of time to learn and use! .hy should " spend the extra time to do this/ 'ndwhy do you say RPM is the fastest way to results/

    .hat is the difference between a ResultG%utcome and a Purpose/

    ,ow do " schedule pro*ects from .ee#ly to ?aily more efficiently/

    "(m already overwhelmed< The RPM system sounds fabulous& but what an incredible amount of wor#!

    What7s the di erence +etween a Category o Improvement and !ro,ect6 Or +etween a !ro,ect and an R!M4loc&6 Or +etween an (ction and a Result6

    Categories o Improvement

    "f there is an area of your life 1personal or professional5 that re$uires consistent focus and improvement& then it(s a4ategory of "mprovement! This is an ongoing focus in your life and li#ely extends throughout a $uarter& year& orlonger and has several pro*ects associated to it!


    "f there are multiple results or outcomes re$uired in order to achieve the result you(re ultimately after& then it(s apro*ect! Most li#ely& this will re$uire more than a wee# or even months to accomplish!

    R!M 4loc&

    "f the result you(re after re$uires more than one action& at a minimum& it(s an RPM 6loc#! Most li#ely& this can bedone in a day or a wee#!

    (ction Item

    'n action item is one& simple& specific& measurable tas# that you can ta#e today! The true test of a well+formedaction is that you should be able to give it to a total stranger and they should be able to complete it without anyfurther clarification from you!

    $ow many R!M 4loc&s should I have6 $ow many (ctions should I have in a typical R!M 4loc&6

    .hile there is no absolute& as a general rule most people have:

    Six to eight RPM 6loc#s in their ?aily Plans Cight to twelve RPM 6loc#s in their .ee#ly Plans

    Cight to twelve RPM 6loc#s in their Pro*ect Plans 1although this tends to vary more widely depending onthe scope of the pro*ect5

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    Bour to Six 'ctions in their RPM 6loc#s 1fewer than three 'ctions is not really enough for a complete RPMbloc# + if this is the case& loo# for other ways to chun# your actions together into a related ResultG%utcome5

    What does R!M really stand or6 Is it the "Rapid !lanning Method" or "Results-*ocused8 !urpose-.riven8Massive (ction !lan6"

    The answer is: 6oth< The name of this life management system is the Rapid Planning Method& or RPM for short! To

    ma#e it simple for you to remember& however& we(ve also made the steps of RPM coincide with the initials of thename of the system: the Result you are after& the ! urpose that will drive you to follow through& and your Massive 'ction Plan 1or M'P5 to give you the specific steps to achieve your result! 'lso #eep in mind that RPM is a life management system and not a time management system! This is an importantdistinction because the most important thing for you to focus on in the process is what you want for your life beforeyou even begin to plan how you want to spend your time!

    What7s the di erence +etween an Outcome and a Result6

    Birst& a little bac#ground: %riginally& the name of the RPM system was O!( & which stood for Outcome+Bocused&! urpose+?riven ( ction Plan! .hen we first started teaching the %P' system& however& we began to notice threethings:

    People were having a little bit of difficulty coming up with %utcomes that were very specific andmeasurable + they were emotional& but tended to be a little more general in nature!

    People sometimes were confused by the difference between an %utcome and a Purpose! .hen we begansaying that an outcome is really a specific result that you are committed to achieving& people instantlyunderstood the difference!

    People tend to have a stronger level of resolve about going after a result they are committed to vs! anoutcome& primarily because the word 7result7 connotes a more definitive resolution!

    Bor these reasons& we changed the name of the system to RPM!6ut after all that& we reali ed that sometimes %utcome is simply the better word& so we decided to use both!The best way to #eep the two words straight is to as# yourself:

    7.hat is it that " really want/7 7.hat is my real %utcome/7

    7.hat is the specific& measurable Result " am committed to achieving/7

    When I7m creating my R!M +loc&s and I7m prioritiHing the individual action items8 am I prioritiHing them+ased on which is most important to accomplish8 or +ased on the order I7m going to do them in6

    The answer to this $uestion is to some extent based on personal preference< The way we teach the system is foryou to number your actions based on priority rather than order! The reason for this is that the RPM system isalways based on having you focus first on what(s most important to you! 'nd& another word for priority is7importance!7 "t(s very possible that the item you will probably complete last on your list 1because se$uentially youmay need to do some of the other things first5 is actually your highest priority and it(s important to remember thatwhen you are wor#ing on your plan! Most often& however& the priorities usually end up coinciding with the order inwhich you need to achieve them!The bottom line is that if you prefer to wor# based on the order in which you need to achieve them& you will still getthe same result! The most important thing is that you stay focused on your resultGoutcome first and that you stayassociated to your compelling purpose!

    It seems li&e R!M ta&es a lot o time to learn and use2 Why should I spend the e5tra time to do this6 (ndwhy do you say R!M is the astest way to results6

    RPM is a uni$ue philosophy and learning new ways of thin#ing always ta#e more time! 2sually& however& ifsomeone is really struggling with this issue it(s because they are missing *ust a couple of #ey distinctions that willallow them to maximi e their results and time using this system! There are several things you need to #eep inmind!

  • 8/12/2019 Anthony Robbins - Rapid Planning Method


    8! RPM does ta#e a little extra time to master +it(s li#e learning to drive a stic# shift car! 't first& you havedifficulty focusing on all the different elements+the stic# shift& the clutch& steering& watching the road& etc!+but once you master it& it becomes second nature to you! 3ou ultimately get to the point where you can notonly drive the stic# shift car effortlessly& but you can also tal# on the phone& listen to the radio& drin# yourcoffee& etc

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