animals love watching humans

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Josh WillsNursery Rhymes

Animals Love Watching Humans

Copyright 2014 Josh Wills Published by Josh Wills at Smashwords

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For Daniel, Sarah and Mariana

Home at nightThe dog and the cat wait for a bite.

Can you ice-skate with me? If the penguins can, why can´t we?

Do these monkeys have a wish?They want to have a banana and a fish.

The little boy stares at the fish."I’d like to be one of them", that’s his wish.

Who is watching who in the zoo?The people are, and the animals too.

The baby eagles are watching the climber."What’s he doing, where are his wings?"They wonder.

The sheep goes baa and the cow goes moo.As they look at the sky so beautiful and blue.

What’s that man cooking over there?May I have a share?

The blue dolphins squeak and skip.Look happy to see the ship.

Either on the desert or on the beach, anywhere you ever stay,The animals will be there night and day.

Other books by this author

    A dinosaur book made especially for kiddy in simple language and captivating illustrations. The book also presents details of more than 30 dinosaurs. Children will also love its interactive links. Parents, give your children this beautiful reminder of the prehistoric world. (for children aged 2­7)

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About the Author

      Josh  Wills  makes  educational  hand­crafted  toys,  and  in  his  spare  time, writes  and  illustrates  children’s  books.  His  inspiration  source  is  the Brazilian  rain  forest  as  well  as  inspiring  environment  that  are  so  vast  all over Brazil. He was born and raised in Brazil surrender by jungles, animals and wild nature. 

About the AuthorJosh Wills makes educational hand-crafted toys, and in

his spare time, writes and illustrates children’s books. His inspiration source is the Brazilian rain forest as well as

inspiring environment that are so vast all over Brazil. He was born and raised in Brazil surrender by jungles,

animals and wild nature.

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