
Post on 21-Mar-2017






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The Amphitheater

The Amphitheater is an elliptical building used for public performances. In classical antiquity was used for Gladiator Games and venationes ,clashes between gladiators and

animals .The three amphitheatres in the Italy in order of magnitude are the:1. Colosseum

2. amphitheatre in Capua 3. Arena di Verona


Called by the ancient Romans, "Anphitheatrum Flavlum" (Flavian Amphitheatre), the Colosseum is the most famous and impressive monument of ancient Rome, and the biggest amphitheatre in the world. The name is definitely tied to the large size of the building but derives, above all, by the fact that nearby there was a colossal statue of Nero in bronze. In 1990, the Coliseum, along with the entire historic center of Rome, the Vatican in Italy and extraterritorial zones the Basilica of St Paul outside the walls, has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, while in July 2007 has been included among the new seven wonders of the world.


The amphitheatre Campano or capuan Amphitheater, is a Roman amphitheatre in the city of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, second in size only to the Colosseum, which probably served as a model ,having been, arguably, the first Amphitheater in the Roman world. It was the site of the first and widely renowned School of gladiators.Has a place of great importance in classical and modern culture, and worldwide, in the collective imagination as the place from which the Gladiator Spartacus led in 73 BC an uprising that he held for two years under attack Rome in the years immediately before the first triumvirate.Currently lies within the municipal area of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, in front of the October Square. Substantial part of its stones were used by Cameron in Norman times to erect the stone Castle of the town of Capua and some of his decorative busts, used in the past as keystones to the arcades of the theater, were placed on the façade of the Palazzo del comune di Capua. Since December 2014 the Museum, the amphitheatre and the mitreo are passed to the Polo museale della Campania.


The Arena of Verona is a Roman Amphitheater located in the historical centre of Verona, an icon of the city together with the figure of Romeo and Juliet. This is one of the great buildings that have characterized the Roman amphitheatre, ancient architecture and play with the best degree of conservation, thanks to systematic restorations since 600 . In summer hosts the famous opera festival and make you stop many international singers and musicians

Elisa Geri 1BuItalia

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