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Development Academy

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy Introduction

Amity AC Soccer has elected to adopt a club wide development program for its players in the U4 – U7 age groups. The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines to all the players, parents and coaches in Amity AC Soccer to implement a club-wide development plan and programs for our youth players.

When a club-based development plan is missing, continuity of training is lost. There needs to be a relationship between what is taught at, say, the U-7 age to that which is being taught at the U-8 age, and so on. Age-specific training priorities should be established, with a building block approach, which provide the players with the technical foundation before exposing them to advanced tactics. Without a master plan, coaches become mainly concerned with preparing their team for tomorrow’s game, without taking the long-term developmental needs into consideration. At the youth level, the player must come first! Every decision made by the club and the coach should be in the best interest of the individual players and not the team. The aim is to offer a systematic, progressive club-wide approach that will create the best possible environment for optimum player development while having tons of fun.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy Individual Concept vs. Team Concept As parents, naturally you are mainly concerned with the welfare and development of your child. When your child goes to school, you are really only interested in how he/she is progressing in school. Do you really care how the class is doing as a whole? As long as your child is doing well and the teacher is keeping pace with the required academic standards for his/her age, you are happy. You don’t go around boasting that your child’s class average was higher than the class next door. The class concept in school is seen as a logistical convenience where children of like-age are grouped together to learn academics and social skills within the dynamics of a group. Nothing more, nothing less. The same concept should be applied to youth sport. Just like a classroom, a youth team should be seen as a convenient way to group players of similar age and ability together, to learn how to play soccer, as well as develop social skills. Nothing more, nothing less. But parents and coaches seem to have a hard time accepting this notion. They let the team concept take over and become the focus of the soccer activity. It’s no longer “my son is going to play today”. It’s become “OUR TEAM is playing against THEIR TEAM today”. People want to be part of a team. They feel safe and comfortable. There are many positives in a team environment, such as building lifelong friendships, sharing common goals, learning to trust and depend on others. But when the team assumes too much importance or consumes your life, it can lead to tension and conflicts. Games become more stressful. The mood of the family unit for the rest of the day hinges on the game result. ‘What’s best for the team’ overrides what’s best for the individual players. The negative aspects of the team concept manifest themselves in many ways: The amount of playing time players get, rivalry between teams spilling over into arguments and even hostility, coaches fighting over players, referee abuse, etc. As parents, you should only be concerned with one thing: Is your child having fun? And is he/she being given the opportunity to play and learn the game? How the team is doing has absolutely no impact on the future well-being of your child. Mia Hamm did not play for the National Team because her U-10 team won the state championship. She is in the national team because she has developed into a skillful and athletic player. Your child might develop into a high level player or he/she might not. A lot of this depends on the genes and is pre-determined before your child was even born. As long as he/she is having fun and developing a lifetime habit of healthy participation in sport, that’s all you can ask for. Remember: The team is there to serve your CHILD’S needs. Your child is not there to serve the team’s needs. If the team’s performance produces strong emotions in you, you need to step back and take a deep breath and suppress these emotions. The team is just a logistical expediency to engage a bunch of kids in play. Nothing more, nothing less. Tomorrow, your child will be part of another team.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

The ASDA Curriculum follows the US Soccer Coaching Curriculum

The diagram below is from the Full US Soccer Coaching Curriculum. It defines where the focuses should be on player development. We will base our curriculum off of this diagram and then supplement it with detailed lesson plans.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy U4 Curriculum

Main objectives:

Week 1-2: Dribbling

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

Week 3-4: Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

Week 5-6: Ball Control & Turning

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

Week 7-8: Dribbling

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

Week 9: Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

U-4 Group Skill Priorities 1. Dribble 2. Footskills (Just teach the proper movement) 3. HAVE FUN!

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U4 Curriculum Week 1-2: Dribbling

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}


Circle time to review

 each other’s name.  G

et them to 

state their favorite color. 

Review how

 to dribble, NO NO M


E and then begin to dribble around in circle. 

Toe‐Touches and Tick‐Tock/Pendulum (Penguin) 

Get them

 used to dribbling around “traffic” (Other players), Lift their head up or they w

ill run in to each other.  Have Fun.  

Walk the Dog:  The Coach w

ill tell the players to walk 

their dog by dribbling slowly around the practice area. 

The coach will yell “O

h no, My dog got loose” and the 

players will ki ck their ball hard and chase it. But they 

need to be quick or the Dog Catcher (coaches) will get 

their dog. Once the players have their ball again the 

Coach will tell the players to “w

alk their dog”….Repeat 

several times 

Kick the Coach and Parents!   

Players will dribble around the field and chase the 

parents.  The parents need to be silly and go slow enough 

so that the players can kick the ball at them. 

Let them know

 that you only use your feet; that you kick the ball, and that you dribble the ball w

ith your feet to get it from one end of the field to the other and that the object of the 

game is to score goals. 

 We w

ant to have fun.  You will need to act silly w

it h this.  The objective here is get the kids used to have the ball at their feet.  This w

ill develop into a foot skill later on (about U‐6).   





Dribbling and Kicking:   Players w

ill dribble from one end of the field to the other 

and kick (Shoot ) the ball into the goal. Repeat at least three tim

es.  If they are having fun do it m

ore.  Use a cone as a rew

ard for shooting a goal if necessary.   

Get them

 used to dribbling around “traffic” (Other players), Lift their head up or they w

ill run in to each other. N

ow we are adding the finishing com

ponent of scoring. Have fun!  


All the previous objectives apply.  This adds to the congestion by having multiple parents 

running around and it helps the parents become involved in the child’s developm

ent.  Dribbling by keeping the ball close, look up to see w

here they are going.    This w

ill probably be the children’s favorite game of the season.   So  be prepared! 

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy 


5 Week 1‐2 ‐ Dribbling 


Circle time to review

 each other’s name.  G

et them to 

state their favorite color.  Review

 how to dribble, N



E and then begin to dribble around in circle.  Toe‐Touches and Tick‐Tock/Pendulum



Awareness, Running, Dribbling, Scoring: Egg 

Hunt  Get them

 used to dribbling around “traffic” (Other players), Lift their head up or they 

will run in to each other.  Have Fun. 


Egg Hunt  Scatter the balls at one end of the field. Have the players line up along the end line of the opposite end. O

n “GO” 

they run and find their egg (ball) and dribble back and put it in the basket (s core in the goal). 

Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage.  If that fails, jum

p to the Kick the Coach and Parents gam



Ask the players their nam

es(Tell them you forgot (you probably did) and repeat it to them

. Talk about the gam

e of soccer again by asking questions: D

o you score points by throwing the ball into the goal?

Do you use your hands?

Do w

e use our feet? A

sk them if they rem

ember how

to kick and let them show

you. This w

ill develop into a foot skill later on (about U‐6).  





Dribbling and Kicking:   Players w

ill dribble from one end of the field to the other 

and kick (Shoot) the ball into the goal. Repeat at least three tim

es.  If they are having fun do it m

ore.  Use a cone as a rew

ard for shooting a goal if nece ssary.   

Get them

 used to dribbling around “traffic” (Other players), Lift their head up or they w

ill run in to each other. N

ow we are adding the finishing com

ponent of scoring. Have fun!  



Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy 


5 Week 1‐2 ‐ Dribbling 


Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U4 Curriculum Week 3-4: Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}


Review how

 to dribble, NO NO M


E and then begin to dribble around in circle. 

Toe‐Touches and Tick‐Tock/Pendulum (Penguin),  Pull 

Back, Sole Drag 

 Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage.  If that fails, run 

another small sided gam

e of their choice. 

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U






Awareness/dribbling: Lost Dogs  

This helps with using “other peoples” balls 

Scatter the balls at one end of the field. Have the players line up along the end line of the opposite end. O

n “GO” 

they run and find a lost dog (ball), but not their dog and dribble back and find the dog’s ow

ner. And Pass the ball to the ow

ner. BUT w

atch out for the Dog Catchers!  

Look to see how well the kids are dribbling in free play/m

atch play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy 


5 Week 3‐4 Shooting &

 Running With Ball (RW


 Dribbling/Kicking: M

arbles 5‐7 minutes± 

Each Team will try and kick their ball into the Larger ball 

such that the large ball is knocked into the goal. They cannot kick the large ball w

ith their feet. If they do the ball is put back to start. Coaches w

ill need to retrieve balls from

 the net if they are accidentally kic ked in. 

This will teach controlling their kicks w

ith direction and force and help w

ith team


. Repeat several tim




Review how

 to dribble, NO NO M


E and then begin to dribble around in circle. 

Toe‐Touches and Tick‐Tock/Pendulum (Penguin),  Pull 

Back, Sole Drag 

 Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage.  If that fails, run 

another small sided gam

e of their choice. 

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U






Traffic Light or Red Light, Green Light:  Players start on 

one end of (Soccer city) grid with their soccer balls (car). 

Coach is the traffic cop. Coach shouts red light or green light  and players try to drive their soccer cars to Soccer tow

n at the other end of grid. On com

mand “red light” 

players need to stop their car with the sole of the foot 

and not move. If they m

ove they return to soccer city and start again. Play to see w

ho reaches  Soccer town first. 

Coaching Point:  Stopping the ball with the sole of the foot could also be called the Soccer 


Focus on getting the players to stop and control the ball. 

Look to see how well the kids are dribbling in free play/m

atch play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy 


5 Week 3‐4 Shooting &

 Running With Ball (RW


 Traffic Light Expanded:  (Add in additional calls) Red Light – Stop w

ith Soccer Pose Yellow

 Light – dribble real slowly 

Green Light – Dribble at com

fortable speed Super Highw

ay – Dribble as fast as you can  

This will teach controlling their kicks w

ith direction and force and help w

ith team


. Re peat several tim


   Demonstrate the change of pace/speed 

and makeup different locations to dribble 

to like Disney, Ice Cream Shop, Playground, 


Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U4 Curriculum Week 5-6: Ball Control & Turning

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}


Review how

 to dribble, NO NO M


E and then begin to dribble around in circle. 

Toe‐Touches and Tick‐Tock/Pendulum (Penguin),  Pull 

Back, Sole Drag 

 Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage.  If that fails, run 

another small sided gam

e of their choice. 

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U






Traffic Light or Red Light, Green Light:  Players start on 

one end of (Soccer city) grid with their soccer balls (car). 

Coach is the traffic cop. Coach shouts red light or green light  and players try to drive their soccer cars to Soccer tow

n at the other end of grid. On com

mand “red light” 

players need to stop their car with the sole of the foot 

and not move. If they m

ove they return to soccer city and start again. Play to see w

ho reaches  Soccer town first. 

Coaching Point:  Stopping the ball with the sole of the foot could also be called the Soccer 

Pose.  Focus on getting the players to stop and control the ball. This will teach controlling 

their kicks with direction and force and help w

ith teamwork…

. Make them

 follow you and 

you should perform several turns.  M

ake sure they control the ball and keep the ball close to them

 as they turn to avoid obstacles.  Pr ogressions: Add “yellow

 light” and make players do a stationary tictoc Repeat several 


Look to see how well the kids are dribbling in free play/m

atch play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy 


5 Week 5 – Ball Control &



e: What’s the tim

e Mr W

olf Coach starts as the big bad w

olf. Each little pig has a brick house (a cone) The Pigs shout “W

hat’s the time M

r Wolf” 

and the wolf shouts back a tim

e. Each player advances the ball the num

ber the wolf shouts out. Pigs ask again 

and repeat.  When the W

olf shouts “Dinnertime”, the pigs 

have to dribble their soccer balls back to their house and the w

olf chases and tries to kick their ball away.  

 Running With Ball in a controlled 


 Keep the ball close to their feet. 

Teaching points: Use soft touches to keep 

away from

 Wolf, and then dribble at spe ed 

and stop ball with feet only. 

 Progressions: Put cones in the way as trees 

that players avoid. Use m

ultiple wolfs, or 

place wolf close to houses so pigs have to 

get past.


Review how

 to dribble, NO NO M


E and then begin to dribble around in circle. 

Toe‐Touches and Tick‐Tock/Pendulum (Penguin),  Pull 

Back, Sole Drag 

 Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage.  If that fails, run 

another small sided gam

e of their choice. 

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U






Traffic Light or Red Light, Green Light:  Players start on 

one end of (Soccer city) grid with their soccer balls (car). 

Coach is the traffic cop. Coach shouts red light or green light  and players try to drive their soccer cars to Soccer tow

n at the other end of grid. On com

mand “red light” 

players need to stop their car with the sole of the foot 

and not move. If they m

ove they return to soccer city and start again. Play to see w

ho reaches  Soccer town first. 

Coaching Point:  Stopping the ball with the sole of the foot could also be called the Soccer 

Pose.  Focus on getting the players to stop and control the ball. This will teach controlling 

their kicks with direction and force and help w

ith teamwork…

. Make them

 follow you and 

you should perform several turns.  M

ake sure they control the ball and keep the ball close to them

 as they turn to avoid obstacles.  Pr ogressions: Add “yellow

 light” and make players do a stationary tictoc Repeat several 


Look to see how well the kids are dribbling in free play/m

atch play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy 


5 Week 6 – Ball Control &



e: Shark Attack Set up 3 Islands. Divide players onto the 3 Islands. Each player w

ith a ball. Coach starts as the shark in the m

iddle of the ocean. The shark holds a cone on his/her head, or hands to designate a shark fin, so everyone know

s they are the shar k. When Coach shouts 

“shark attack” the players have to swim

 (dribble) their balls to either of the other 2 islands. The shark attem

pts to kick soccer balls aw

ay. Any soccer balls kicked away, then that 

player also becomes a shark. Play until 1

person left.

 Controlled RWB ‐ Keep the ball close to their 



Teaching points: Use soft touches to keep 

away from

 Shark, and then dribble at speed and stop ball w

ith feet only.  Progressions: Put cones in the w

ay as trees that players avoid.  

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U4 Curriculum Week 7-8: Dribbling

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U4 Curriculum Week 9: Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy U5 Curriculum

Main objectives:

Week 1-2: Dribbling

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

Week 3-4: Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

Week 5-6: Ball Control & Turning

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

Week 7-8: Dribbling, Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

Week 9: Ball Control & Turning

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

U-5 Group Skill Priorities 1. Dribble 2. Footskills (Just teach the proper movement) 3. HAVE FUN!

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U5 Curriculum Week 1-2: Dribbling

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}


Circle time to review

 each other’s name.  G

et them to 

state their favorite color. 

Review how

 to dribble, NO NO M


E and then begin to dribble around in circle. 

Toe‐Touches and Tick‐Tock/Pendulum (Penguin) 

Get them

 used to dribbling around “traffic” (Other players), Lift their head up or they w

ill run in to each other.  Have Fun.  

Walk the Dog:  The Coach w

ill tell the players to walk 

their dog by dribbling slowly around the practice area. 

The coach will yell “O

h no, My dog got loose” and the 

players will ki ck their ball hard and chase it. But they 

need to be quick or the Dog Catcher (coaches) will get 

their dog. Once the players have their ball again the 

Coach will tell the players to “w

alk their dog”….Repeat 

several times 

Kick the Coach and Parents!   

Players will dribble around the field and chase the 

parents.  The parents need to be silly and go slow enough 

so that the players can kick the ball at them. 

Let them know

 that you only use your feet; that you kick the ball, and that you dribble the ball w

ith your feet to get it from one end of the field to the other and that the object of the 

game is to score goals. 

 We w

ant to have fun.  You will need to act silly w

it h this.  The objective here is get the kids used to have the ball at their feet.  This w

ill develop into a foot skill later on (about U‐6).   





Dribbling and Kicking:   Players w

ill dribble from one end of the field to the other 

and kick (Shoot ) the ball into the goal. Repeat at least three tim

es.  If they are having fun do it m

ore.  Use a cone as a rew

ard for shooting a goal if necessary.   

Get them

 used to dribbling around “traffic” (Other players), Lift their head up or they w

ill run in to each other. N

ow we are adding the finishing com

ponent of scoring. Have fun!  


All the previous objectives apply.  This adds to the congestion by having multiple parents 

running around and it helps the parents become involved in the child’s developm

ent.  Dribbling by keeping the ball close, look up to see w

here they are going.    This w

ill probably be the children’s favorite game of the season.   So  be prepared! 

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy 


5 Week 1‐2 ‐ Dribbling 


Circle time to review

 each other’s name.  G

et them to 

state their favorite color.  Review

 how to dribble, N



E and then begin to dribble around in circle.  Toe‐Touches and Tick‐Tock/Pendulum



Awareness, Running, Dribbling, Scoring: Egg 

Hunt  Get them

 used to dribbling around “traffic” (Other players), Lift their head up or they 

will run in to each other.  Have Fun. 


Egg Hunt  Scatter the balls at one end of the field. Have the players line up along the end line of the opposite end. O

n “GO” 

they run and find their egg (ball) and dribble back and put it in the basket (s core in the goal). 

Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage.  If that fails, jum

p to the Kick the Coach and Parents gam



Ask the players their nam

es(Tell them you forgot (you probably did) and repeat it to them

. Talk about the gam

e of soccer again by asking questions: D

o you score points by throwing the ball into the goal?

Do you use your hands?

Do w

e use our feet? A

sk them if they rem

ember how

to kick and let them show

you. This w

ill develop into a foot skill later on (about U‐6).  





Dribbling and Kicking:   Players w

ill dribble from one end of the field to the other 

and kick (Shoot) the ball into the goal. Repeat at least three tim

es.  If they are having fun do it m

ore.  Use a cone as a rew

ard for shooting a goal if nece ssary.   

Get them

 used to dribbling around “traffic” (Other players), Lift their head up or they w

ill run in to each other. N

ow we are adding the finishing com

ponent of scoring. Have fun!  



Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy 


5 Week 1‐2 ‐ Dribbling 


Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U5 Curriculum Week 3-4: Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}


Review how

 to dribble, NO NO M


E and then begin to dribble around in circle. 

Toe‐Touches and Tick‐Tock/Pendulum (Penguin),  Pull 

Back, Sole Drag 

 Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage.  If that fails, run 

another small sided gam

e of their choice. 

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U






Awareness/dribbling: Lost Dogs  

This helps with using “other peoples” balls 

Scatter the balls at one end of the field. Have the players line up along the end line of the opposite end. O

n “GO” 

they run and find a lost dog (ball), but not their dog and dribble back and find the dog’s ow

ner. And Pass the ball to the ow

ner. BUT w

atch out for the Dog Catchers!  

Look to see how well the kids are dribbling in free play/m

atch play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy 


5 Week 3‐4 Shooting &

 Running With Ball (RW


 Dribbling/Kicking: M

arbles 5‐7 minutes± 

Each Team will try and kick their ball into the Larger ball 

such that the large ball is knocked into the goal. They cannot kick the large ball w

ith their feet. If they do the ball is put back to start. Coaches w

ill need to retrieve balls from

 the net if they are accidentally kic ked in. 

This will teach controlling their kicks w

ith direction and force and help w

ith team


. Repeat several tim




Review how

 to dribble, NO NO M


E and then begin to dribble around in circle. 

Toe‐Touches and Tick‐Tock/Pendulum (Penguin),  Pull 

Back, Sole Drag 

 Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage.  If that fails, run 

another small sided gam

e of their choice. 

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U






Traffic Light or Red Light, Green Light:  Players start on 

one end of (Soccer city) grid with their soccer balls (car). 

Coach is the traffic cop. Coach shouts red light or green light  and players try to drive their soccer cars to Soccer tow

n at the other end of grid. On com

mand “red light” 

players need to stop their car with the sole of the foot 

and not move. If they m

ove they return to soccer city and start again. Play to see w

ho reaches  Soccer town first. 

Coaching Point:  Stopping the ball with the sole of the foot could also be called the Soccer 


Focus on getting the players to stop and control the ball. 

Look to see how well the kids are dribbling in free play/m

atch play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy 


5 Week 3‐4 Shooting &

 Running With Ball (RW


 Traffic Light Expanded:  (Add in additional calls) Red Light – Stop w

ith Soccer Pose Yellow

 Light – dribble real slowly 

Green Light – Dribble at com

fortable speed Super Highw

ay – Dribble as fast as you can  

This will teach controlling their kicks w

ith direction and force and help w

ith team


. Re peat several tim


   Demonstrate the change of pace/speed 

and makeup different locations to dribble 

to like Disney, Ice Cream Shop, Playground, 


Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U5 Curriculum Week 5-6: Ball Control & Turning

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}


Review how

 to dribble, NO NO M


E and then begin to dribble around in circle. 

Toe‐Touches and Tick‐Tock/Pendulum (Penguin),  Pull 

Back, Sole Drag 

 Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage.  If that fails, run 

another small sided gam

e of their choice. 

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U






Traffic Light or Red Light, Green Light:  Players start on 

one end of (Soccer city) grid with their soccer balls (car). 

Coach is the traffic cop. Coach shouts red light or green light  and players try to drive their soccer cars to Soccer tow

n at the other end of grid. On com

mand “red light” 

players need to stop their car with the sole of the foot 

and not move. If they m

ove they return to soccer city and start again. Play to see w

ho reaches  Soccer town first. 

Coaching Point:  Stopping the ball with the sole of the foot could also be called the Soccer 

Pose.  Focus on getting the players to stop and control the ball. This will teach controlling 

their kicks with direction and force and help w

ith teamwork…

. Make them

 follow you and 

you should perform several turns.  M

ake sure they control the ball and keep the ball close to them

 as they turn to avoid obstacles.  Pr ogressions: Add “yellow

 light” and make players do a stationary tictoc Repeat several 


Look to see how well the kids are dribbling in free play/m

atch play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy 


5 Week 5 – Ball Control &



e: What’s the tim

e Mr W

olf Coach starts as the big bad w

olf. Each little pig has a brick house (a cone) The Pigs shout “W

hat’s the time M

r Wolf” 

and the wolf shouts back a tim

e. Each player advances the ball the num

ber the wolf shouts out. Pigs ask again 

and repeat.  When the W

olf shouts “Dinnertime”, the pigs 

have to dribble their soccer balls back to their house and the w

olf chases and tries to kick their ball away.  

 Running With Ball in a controlled 


 Keep the ball close to their feet. 

Teaching points: Use soft touches to keep 

away from

 Wolf, and then dribble at spe ed 

and stop ball with feet only. 

 Progressions: Put cones in the way as trees 

that players avoid. Use m

ultiple wolfs, or 

place wolf close to houses so pigs have to 

get past.


Review how

 to dribble, NO NO M


E and then begin to dribble around in circle. 

Toe‐Touches and Tick‐Tock/Pendulum (Penguin),  Pull 

Back, Sole Drag 

 Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage.  If that fails, run 

another small sided gam

e of their choice. 

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U






Traffic Light or Red Light, Green Light:  Players start on 

one end of (Soccer city) grid with their soccer balls (car). 

Coach is the traffic cop. Coach shouts red light or green light  and players try to drive their soccer cars to Soccer tow

n at the other end of grid. On com

mand “red light” 

players need to stop their car with the sole of the foot 

and not move. If they m

ove they return to soccer city and start again. Play to see w

ho reaches  Soccer town first. 

Coaching Point:  Stopping the ball with the sole of the foot could also be called the Soccer 

Pose.  Focus on getting the players to stop and control the ball. This will teach controlling 

their kicks with direction and force and help w

ith teamwork…

. Make them

 follow you and 

you should perform several turns.  M

ake sure they control the ball and keep the ball close to them

 as they turn to avoid obstacles.  Pr ogressions: Add “yellow

 light” and make players do a stationary tictoc Repeat several 


Look to see how well the kids are dribbling in free play/m

atch play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy 


5 Week 6 – Ball Control &



e: Shark Attack Set up 3 Islands. Divide players onto the 3 Islands. Each player w

ith a ball. Coach starts as the shark in the m

iddle of the ocean. The shark holds a cone on his/her head, or hands to designate a shark fin, so everyone know

s they are the shar k. When Coach shouts 

“shark attack” the players have to swim

 (dribble) their balls to either of the other 2 islands. The shark attem

pts to kick soccer balls aw

ay. Any soccer balls kicked away, then that 

player also becomes a shark. Play until 1

person left.

 Controlled RWB ‐ Keep the ball close to their 



Teaching points: Use soft touches to keep 

away from

 Shark, and then dribble at speed and stop ball w

ith feet only.  Progressions: Put cones in the w

ay as trees that players avoid.  

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U5 Curriculum Week 7-8: Dribbling, Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

Week Three – Drill One

Office: 609-272-9232

Dribble to Corners

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to improve the player‟s technical ability when dribbling and running with the ball.

Field Preparation Entire Group, Area 20 x 20 yards, supply of balls, cones

Coaching Pointers: The whole group is positioned in a grid 20 yards x 20 yards. Four corners are marked off with cones and designated with numbers one through four. Each player has a ball and dribbles around the inside of the grid. Players must avoid each other. When the coach calls out a number, the players must then dribble the ball quickly to the corner selected while avoiding other players. First player into the corner wins a point. The coach should emphasize the following coaching points:

Maintain control over the ball at all times. Use a change of speed and direction. Keep your head up and scan the field.

Week Two – Drill One

Office: 609-272-9232

Slalom through Cones

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to develop close control while running with the ball.

Field Preparation 3 Players, Area 10 x 15 yards, Cones or flag poles, Supply of balls

Coaching Pointers: Two players are positioned at one end of the grid, with one player at the opposite side. Players alternate dribbling the ball at full speed through the line of cones. Cones are placed at 1-yard intervals across the full length of the grid.

The coach should emphasize the following coaching points:

Maintain close control over the ball. Build up speed gradually. Don‟t sacrifice quality for speed Use the outside and inside of the foot to dribble with the ball. Don‟t keep the eyes fixed on the ball. Scan the horizon.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U5 Curriculum Week 9: Ball Control & Turning

{See Lessons Plans for U4-U5}

Week Three – Drill Two

Office: 609-272-9232

Truck and Trailer

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to improve the player‟s technical ability when dribbling and running with the ball.

Field Preparation Entire Group, Area 20 x 20 yards, Supply of Balls, Cones

Coaching Pointers: Divide the group into pairs with each player having a ball. The group is positioned in a grid 20 yards x 20 yards. First player is the “truck” the second player the “trailer”. On the coach‟s command the “trailer” must follow the “truck” as closely as possible around the grid. The “truck” must change speed and direction as much as possible. Players reverse roles when the coach shouts „change”. Players must avoid colliding with other teams within the grid. The coach should emphasize the following coaching points:

Maintain control over the ball at all times. Use a change of speed and direction. Keep your head up and scan the field.

Office: 609-272-9232

Dribbling Knock Out

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to improve the player‟s technical ability in a variety of dribbling moves.

Field Preparation Entire Group, Area 20 x 20 yards, Supply of Balls, Cones

Coaching Pointers: The entire group is positioned in a grid 20 yards x 20 yards. All but one player has a ball. The practice is started with one defender placed in the center of the grid (Mad Max). The defender tries to kick the dribbling player‟s ball out of the grid. Once the player has been dispossessed, he then becomes a member of the Mad Max gang and has to help him kick the ball out of the grid. The last player remaining in possession of a ball is the winner.

Encourage the players to seek out defenders and not hide in corners. The dribbling players should use a variety of dribbling moves while scanning the grid for open spaces and defensive players. The winner of the practice becomes Mad Max in the following game. Players should also look to screen the ball whenever needed, using their arms to hold off pressurizing defenders.

Week Three – Drill Three

Office: 609-272-9232

Show me the Moves

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to improve the player‟s technical ability when dribbling and running with the ball.

Field Preparation Entire Group, Area 20 x 20 yards, Supply of Balls, Cones.

Coaching Pointers: The group is positioned in a grid 20 yards x 20 yards. Each player has a ball. The practice starts with the players dribbling their ball freely around the inside of the grid. The players must instantly react to a series of commands from the coach. The commands are;

Stop – Players must stop the ball using the sole of the foot. Turn – Players must change direction 180 degrees. Step Over – Players perform a step over move over the ball. Fake – Players must fake to pass or cross the ball. Explode – Players must change speed rapidly into an open area. Players

must avoid colliding with other teams within the grid.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy U6 Curriculum

Main objectives:

Week 1-2: Dribbling, Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Week 3-4: Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Week 5-6: Ball Control & Turning

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Week 7-8: Passing & Receiving

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Week 9: 1v1 attacking

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

U-6 Group Skill Priorities

4. Dribble out of trouble 5. Soft first touch 6. No kicking allowed except when shooting on goal 7. Footskills

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U6 Curriculum Week 1-2: Dribbling, Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Circle time to review

each other’s name. Get them

to state their favorite color. Review

how to dribble, N



R. BIG TOE and then begin

to dribble around in circle. Toe-Touches and Tick-Tock/Pendulum

(Penguin,Monkies, etc)



any can you do in 30 seconds?

Awareness, Running, Dribbling, Scoring: Egg

Hunt Get them

used to dribbling around “traffic” (O

ther players), Lift their head up or they will

run in to each other. Have Fun.

Egg Hunt Scatter the balls at one end of the field. Have the players line up along the end line of the opposite end. O

n “GO”

they run and find their egg (ball) and dribble back and put it in the basket (score in the goal).

Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage. If that fails, jum

p to the Kick the Coach and Parents gam


Ask the players their nam

es(Tell them you forgot (you probably did) and repeat it to them

. Talk about the gam

e of soccer again by asking questions: D

o you score points by throwing the ball into the goal?

Do you use your hands?

Do w

e use our feet? A

sk them if they rem

ember how

to kick and let them show

you. This w

ill develop into a foot skill later on (about U-6).





Dribbling and Kicking: Players w

ill dribble from one end of the field to the other

and kick (Shoot) the ball into the goal. Repeat at least three tim

es. If they are having fun do it m

ore. Use a cone as a rew

ard for shooting a goal if necessary. U

se cones as “potholes”. Avoid the potholes.

Get them used to dribbling around “traffic” (O

ther players), Lift their head up or they will run

in to each other. Now

we are adding the finishing com

ponent of scoring. Have fun!

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy


6 Week 1-2 - Dribbling

Circle time to review

each other’s name. Get them

to state their favorite food!

Review how

to dribble, NO



E and then begin to dribble around in circle. Talk about parts of the foot.

Toe-Touches and Tick-Tock/Pendulum (Penguin). How


can you do in 30 seconds? Repeat.

Get them

used to dribbling around “traffic” (Other players), Lift their head up or they w

ill run in to each other. Have Fun.

Walk the Dog: The Coach w

ill tell the players to walk their

dog by dribbling slowly around the practice area. The coach

will yell “O

h no, My dog got loose” and the players w

ill kick their ball hard and chase it. But they need to be quick or the Dog Catcher (coaches) w

ill get their dog. Once the players

have their ball again the Coach will tell the players to “w

alk their dog”…

.Repeat several times

Kick the Coach and Parents!

Players will dribble around the field and chase the parents.

The parents need to be silly and go slow enough so that the

players can kick the ball at them.

Let them know

that you only use your feet; that you kick the ball, and that you dribble the ball w

ith your feet to get it from one end of the field to the other and that the object of the gam

e is to score goals. W

e want to have fun. You w

ill need to act silly with this. The objective here is get the kids used

to have the ball at their feet. This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U

-6). THEY W




Dribbling and Kicking: Players w

ill dribble from one end of the field to the other

and kick (Shoot) the ball into the goal. Repeat at least three tim

es. If they are having fun do it m

ore. Use a cone as a rew

ard for shooting a goal if necessary. Place cones on ground “potholes”. Avoid the potholes!

Get them used to dribbling around “traffic” (O

ther players), Lift their head up or they will run

in to each other. Now

we are adding the finishing com

ponent of scoring. Have fun!

All the previous objectives apply. This adds to the congestion by having multiple parents

running around and it helps the parents become involved in the child’s developm

ent. Dribbling by keeping the ball close, look up to see w

here they are going. This w

ill probably be the children’s favorite game of the season. So be prepared!

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy


7 Week 1-2 - Dribbling

Week Three – Drill Two

Office: 609-272-9232

Truck and Trailer

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to improve the player‟s technical ability when dribbling and running with the ball.

Field Preparation Entire Group, Area 20 x 20 yards, Supply of Balls, Cones

Coaching Pointers: Divide the group into pairs with each player having a ball. The group is positioned in a grid 20 yards x 20 yards. First player is the “truck” the second player the “trailer”. On the coach‟s command the “trailer” must follow the “truck” as closely as possible around the grid. The “truck” must change speed and direction as much as possible. Players reverse roles when the coach shouts „change”. Players must avoid colliding with other teams within the grid. The coach should emphasize the following coaching points:

Maintain control over the ball at all times. Use a change of speed and direction. Keep your head up and scan the field.

Week Three – Drill One

Office: 609-272-9232

Dribble to Corners

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to improve the player‟s technical ability when dribbling and running with the ball.

Field Preparation Entire Group, Area 20 x 20 yards, supply of balls, cones

Coaching Pointers: The whole group is positioned in a grid 20 yards x 20 yards. Four corners are marked off with cones and designated with numbers one through four. Each player has a ball and dribbles around the inside of the grid. Players must avoid each other. When the coach calls out a number, the players must then dribble the ball quickly to the corner selected while avoiding other players. First player into the corner wins a point. The coach should emphasize the following coaching points:

Maintain control over the ball at all times. Use a change of speed and direction. Keep your head up and scan the field.

Week Two – Drill One

Office: 609-272-9232

Slalom through Cones

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to develop close control while running with the ball.

Field Preparation 3 Players, Area 10 x 15 yards, Cones or flag poles, Supply of balls

Coaching Pointers: Two players are positioned at one end of the grid, with one player at the opposite side. Players alternate dribbling the ball at full speed through the line of cones. Cones are placed at 1-yard intervals across the full length of the grid.

The coach should emphasize the following coaching points:

Maintain close control over the ball. Build up speed gradually. Don‟t sacrifice quality for speed Use the outside and inside of the foot to dribble with the ball. Don‟t keep the eyes fixed on the ball. Scan the horizon.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U6 Curriculum Week 3-4: Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Review how

to dribble, NO



E and then begin to dribble around in circle.

Toe-Touches and Tick-Tock/Pendulum (Penguin), Pull Back,

Sole Drag. How m

any can you do in 30 seconds?

Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage. If that fails, run another

small sided gam

e of their choice.

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U






areness/dribbling: Lost Dogs This helps w

ith using “other peoples” balls Scatter the balls at one end of the field. Have the players line up along the end line of the opposite end. O

n “GO”

they run and find a lost dog (ball), but not their dog and dribble back and find the dog’s ow

ner. And Pass the ball to the ow

ner. BUT w

atch out for the Dog Catchers!

Look to see how w

ell the kids are dribbling in free play/match play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy


7 Week 3-4 Shooting &

Running With Ball (RW


Dribbling/Kicking: M

arbles 5-7 minutes±

Each Team w

ill try and kick their ball into the Larger ball such that the large ball is knocked into the goal. They cannot kick the large ball w

ith their feet. If they do the ball is put back to start. Coaches w

ill need to retrieve balls from

the net if they are accidentally kicked in.

This will teach controlling their kicks w

ith direction and force and help w

ith teamw


Repeat several times

Review how

to dribble, NO



E and then begin to dribble around in circle.

Toe-Touches and Tick-Tock/Pendulum (Penguin), Pull Back,

Sole Drag

Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage. If that fails, run another

small sided gam

e of their choice.

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U





Traffic Light or Red Light, Green Light: Players start on one end of (Soccer city) grid w

ith their soccer balls (car). Coach is the traffic cop. Coach shouts red light or green light and players try to drive their soccer cars to Soccer tow

n at the other end of grid. O

n comm

and “red light” players need to stop their car w

ith the sole of the foot and not move. If they

move they return to soccer city and start again. Play to see

who reaches Soccer tow

n first.

Coaching Point: Stopping the ball with the sole of the foot could also be called the Soccer


Focus on getting the players to stop and control the ball.

Look to see how w

ell the kids are dribbling in free play/match play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy


7 Week 3-4 Shooting &

Running With Ball (RW


Traffic Light Expanded: (Add in additional calls) Red Light – Stop w

ith Soccer Pose Yellow

Light – dribble real slowly

Green Light – Dribble at comfortable speed

Super Highway – Dribble as fast as you can

This will teach controlling their kicks w

ith direction and force and help w

ith teamw


Repeat several times

Demonstrate the change of pace/speed and

makeup different locations to dribble to like

Disney, Ice Cream Shop, Playground, etc.

Office: 609-272-9232

Dribbling Knock Out

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to improve the player‟s technical ability in a variety of dribbling moves.

Field Preparation Entire Group, Area 20 x 20 yards, Supply of Balls, Cones

Coaching Pointers: The entire group is positioned in a grid 20 yards x 20 yards. All but one player has a ball. The practice is started with one defender placed in the center of the grid (Mad Max). The defender tries to kick the dribbling player‟s ball out of the grid. Once the player has been dispossessed, he then becomes a member of the Mad Max gang and has to help him kick the ball out of the grid. The last player remaining in possession of a ball is the winner.

Encourage the players to seek out defenders and not hide in corners. The dribbling players should use a variety of dribbling moves while scanning the grid for open spaces and defensive players. The winner of the practice becomes Mad Max in the following game. Players should also look to screen the ball whenever needed, using their arms to hold off pressurizing defenders.

Week Three – Drill Three

Office: 609-272-9232

Show me the Moves

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to improve the player‟s technical ability when dribbling and running with the ball.

Field Preparation Entire Group, Area 20 x 20 yards, Supply of Balls, Cones.

Coaching Pointers: The group is positioned in a grid 20 yards x 20 yards. Each player has a ball. The practice starts with the players dribbling their ball freely around the inside of the grid. The players must instantly react to a series of commands from the coach. The commands are;

Stop – Players must stop the ball using the sole of the foot. Turn – Players must change direction 180 degrees. Step Over – Players perform a step over move over the ball. Fake – Players must fake to pass or cross the ball. Explode – Players must change speed rapidly into an open area. Players

must avoid colliding with other teams within the grid.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U6 Curriculum Week 5-6: Ball Control & Turning

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Review how

to dribble, NO



E and then begin to dribble around in circle.

Toe-Touches (stationary, forward, backw

ard) and Tick-Tock/Pendulum

(Penguin), Pull Back, Sole Drag, V, outside outside inside inside

Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage. If that fails, run another

small sided gam

e of their choice.

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U





Traffic Light or Red Light, Green Light: Players start on one end of (Soccer city) grid w

ith their soccer balls (car). Coach is the traffic cop. Coach shouts red light or green light and players try to drive their soccer cars to Soccer tow

n at the other end of grid. O

n comm

and “red light” players need to stop their car w

ith the sole of the foot and not move. If they

move they return to soccer city and start again. Play to see

who reaches Soccer tow

n first.

Coaching Point: Stopping the ball with the sole of the foot could also be called the Soccer

Pose. Focus on getting the players to stop and control the ball. This will teach controlling their

kicks with direction and force and help w

ith teamw

ork…. M

ake them follow

you and you should perform

several turns. Make sure they control the ball and keep the ball close to them

as they turn to avoid obstacles. Progressions: Add “yellow

light” and make players do a stationary tictoc Repeat several tim

es Look to see how

well the kids are dribbling in free play/m

atch play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy


7 Week 6 – Ball Control &


Game: Shark Attack Set up 3 Islands. Divide players onto the 3

Islands. Each player with a ball. Coach starts as the shark in the

middle of the ocean. The shark holds a cone on his/her head, or

hands to designate a shark fin, so everyone knows they are the

shark. When Coach shouts “shark attack” the players have to


(dribble) their balls to either of the other 2 islands. The shark attem

pts to kick soccer balls away. Any soccer balls

kicked away, then that player also becom

es a shark. Play until 1 person left.

Controlled RWB - Keep the ball close to their


Teaching points: Use soft touches to keep aw

ay from

Shark, and then dribble at speed and stop ball w

ith feet only. Progressions: Put cones in the w

ay as trees that players avoid.

Review how

to dribble, NO



E and then begin to dribble around in circle.

Toe-Touches (stationary, forward, backw

ard) and Tick-Tock/Pendulum

(Penguin), Pull Back, Sole Drag, V, outside outside inside inside.

Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage. If that fails, run another

small sided gam

e of their choice.

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U





Traffic Light or Red Light, Green Light: Players start on one end of (Soccer city) grid w

ith their soccer balls (car). Coach is the traffic cop. Coach shouts red light or green light and players try to drive their soccer cars to Soccer tow

n at the other end of grid. O

n comm

and “red light” players need to stop their car w

ith the sole of the foot and not move. If they

move they return to soccer city and start again. Play to see

who reaches Soccer tow

n first.

Coaching Point: Stopping the ball with the sole of the foot could also be called the Soccer

Pose. Focus on getting the players to stop and control the ball. This will teach controlling their

kicks with direction and force and help w

ith teamw

ork…. M

ake them follow

you and you should perform

several turns. Make sure they control the ball and keep the ball close to them

as they turn to avoid obstacles. Progressions: Add “yellow

light” and make players do a stationary tictoc Repeat several tim

es Look to see how

well the kids are dribbling in free play/m

atch play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy


7 Week 5 – Ball Control &


Game: W

hat’s the time M

r Wolf

Coach starts as the big bad wolf. Each little pig has a brick

house (a cone) The Pigs shout “What’s the tim

e Mr W

olf” and the w

olf shouts back a time. Each player advances the ball

the number the w

olf shouts out. Pigs ask again and repeat. W

hen the Wolf shouts “Dinnertim

e”, the pigs have to dribble their soccer balls back to their house and the w

olf chases and tries to kick their ball aw


Running With Ball in a controlled environm

ent. Keep the ball close to their feet.

Teaching points: Use soft touches to keep aw

ay from

Wolf, and then dribble at speed and stop

ball with feet only.

Progressions: Put cones in the way as trees that

players avoid. Use m

ultiple wolfs, or place w

olf close to houses so pigs have to get past.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U6 Curriculum Week 7-8: Passing & Receiving

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Week Five – Drill Three

Office: 609-272-9232

The incredible Shrinking Box

Objective of the Practice: This practice is designed to improve the technical ability of the “Push Pass” with emphasis on “pace and accuracy”.

Field Preparation: Area 10 x 20 yards. Small group of players, balls and cones.

Coaching Points: A grid is marked off approximately 10 yards by 20 yards. A line of cones is placed across the middle of the grid, forming a box. A group of players with a ball each is positioned on one end of the grid. In turn, players try to pass their ball into the box. A point is awarded if the ball stays within the box. After all players have taken a turn they retrieve their ball and return to the starting position.

To make the game progressively challenging, the box is now reduced to half width and a new line marked across the grid using the cones. Players repeat the game until everyone has had a turn and return to their starting positions on the end line.

The box is once more reduced to half width and a new line marked across the grid using the cones. Players repeat the game until everyone has had a turn. Line up all the players and total the points.

Week Five – Drill Two

Office: 609-272-9232

Land on the Moon

Objective of the Practice: This practice is designed to improve the technical ability of the “Push Pass” with an emphasis on “pace and accuracy”.

Field Preparation: Area 10 x 15 yards. Small group of players, balls and cones.

Coaching Points: A grid is marked off approximately 10 yards by 15 yards and a circle is made with cones at one end of the grid. A group of players with a ball each are positioned at the opposite end of the grid. In turn, players have to try and land their rocket (ball) onto the surface of Mars (circle marked off by cones). A point is awarded for each successful mission. No points are awarded if the ball lands outside the circle. Session Plan: Elite Soccer U8-U9 Receiving 1

ACTIVITY #1Set up: Dribbling Warm-up 1v1

20 x 10 grid

Red players- no ball

Yellow players- have ball

Instructions: Coach yells go and yellow players try to dribble

over red's end line. Red players try to win the ball and dribble

over yellow's end line. If the ball is out of bounds then players

stop. All players start when the coach says go. 1 point for each time you cross the opponent's end line. Yellow starts with the ball 3 times and then Red has 3 rounds with the ball.

Coaching Points: Tight control of ball- keep the ball close.

Use fakes and attacking moves. Change speed and direction.

See the open space and attack it.

Never give up- find a new person to defend against if someone beats you.

Double-team (higher level)

ACTIVITY #2Set up: Passing/Recieving Diamond drill

20 x 20 yd grid in a diamond shape with a smaller diamond grid in the middle (10x10)2 soccer balls used at once

Instructions: Player 1 passes (inside foot) to Player 2. Player 2 receives pass with inside foot (right foot) and 1st touch is at 45degree angle into space. Player 1 moves and receives ball with open body position (left foot) and then passes ball to player 3. (continue counter clockwise). Player 4 passes to Player 5 and continues the activity (counter clockwise)Switch Directions after 45 seconds/Switch inside player after 90 seconds

Coaching Points: Open body position to receive the ball (foot farthest)1st touch- into space at 45 degree angleInside foot passAngle of run--/--Accurate pass--/--Correct Weight of Pass

ACTIVITY #3Set up: Passing/Recieving Diamond with defender

20 x 20 yd grid

Diamond shapeCones are 3 yards behind line as end zone

Instructions: Player 1 and Player 2 are defenders and can't cross

their half-line or the line where Player 3, 4, 5, and 6 are. One

defender in stays in each half so a 3v1 is always created.Defender wins the ball or a pass is behind outfield players out of the zone- then defender and passer switch.

Outside players: keep 1st touch away from defenders and pass away from pressure. receive with open body position (foot furthest away from defender) and stand back behind line so they create

space and time

Coaching Points: Open body position to receive the ball (foot

farthest)1st touch- into space at 45 degree angle

Inside foot passAngle of run--/--Accurate Pass--/--Correct Weight of Pass--/--Use

Fakes and disguises Session Plan: Elite Soccer U8-U9 Receiving 1

ACTIVITY #4Set up: Scrimmage

4 vs 4 or 3 vs 3 and GKS

5 vs 5 or 4 vs 4 and GKS

Instructions: Goalies or no Goalies depending on the topic.

Coaching Points:

Dribbling: Players should attack the space, use coerver moves

when in a 1v1 situation, change speed and change direction

Finishing: Players should look to score, use your laces for power

and keep that ankle locked, have a good prep touch

Recieving: Players should look to get in good passing lanes to

recieve the ball, Open their body up to the field, 1st touch into

space at a 45 degree angle, create triangles

Passing: Players must recognize when to pass or dribble, correct

weight (pace) and accuracy of the pass. Can players look for

passing combinations such as the give and go, overlap or up-back-through.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U6 Curriculum Week 9: 1v1 attacking

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy U7Curriculum

Main objectives:

Week 1-2: Dribbling, Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Week 3-4: Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Week 5-6: Ball Control & Turning

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Week 7-8: Passing & Receiving

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Week 9: 1v1 attacking

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7} U-7 Group Skill Priorities

1. Dribble out of trouble 2. Soft first touch 3. No kicking allowed except when shooting on goal 4. Footskills

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U7Curriculum Week 1-2: Dribbling, Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Circle time to review

each other’s name. Get them

to state their favorite food!

Review how

to dribble, NO



E and then begin to dribble around in circle. Talk about parts of the foot.

Toe-Touches and Tick-Tock/Pendulum (Penguin). How


can you do in 30 seconds? Repeat.

Get them

used to dribbling around “traffic” (Other players), Lift their head up or they w

ill run in to each other. Have Fun.

Walk the Dog: The Coach w

ill tell the players to walk their

dog by dribbling slowly around the practice area. The coach

will yell “O

h no, My dog got loose” and the players w

ill kick their ball hard and chase it. But they need to be quick or the Dog Catcher (coaches) w

ill get their dog. Once the players

have their ball again the Coach will tell the players to “w

alk their dog”…

.Repeat several times

Kick the Coach and Parents!

Players will dribble around the field and chase the parents.

The parents need to be silly and go slow enough so that the

players can kick the ball at them.

Let them know

that you only use your feet; that you kick the ball, and that you dribble the ball w

ith your feet to get it from one end of the field to the other and that the object of the gam

e is to score goals. W

e want to have fun. You w

ill need to act silly with this. The objective here is get the kids used

to have the ball at their feet. This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U

-6). THEY W




Dribbling and Kicking: Players w

ill dribble from one end of the field to the other

and kick (Shoot) the ball into the goal. Repeat at least three tim

es. If they are having fun do it m

ore. Use a cone as a rew

ard for shooting a goal if necessary. Place cones on ground “potholes”. Avoid the potholes!

Get them used to dribbling around “traffic” (O

ther players), Lift their head up or they will run

in to each other. Now

we are adding the finishing com

ponent of scoring. Have fun!

All the previous objectives apply. This adds to the congestion by having multiple parents

running around and it helps the parents become involved in the child’s developm

ent. Dribbling by keeping the ball close, look up to see w

here they are going. This w

ill probably be the children’s favorite game of the season. So be prepared!

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy


7 Week 1-2 - Dribbling

Circle time to review

each other’s name. Get them

to state their favorite color. Review

how to dribble, N



R. BIG TOE and then begin

to dribble around in circle. Toe-Touches and Tick-Tock/Pendulum

(Penguin,Monkies, etc)



any can you do in 30 seconds?

Awareness, Running, Dribbling, Scoring: Egg

Hunt Get them

used to dribbling around “traffic” (O

ther players), Lift their head up or they will

run in to each other. Have Fun.

Egg Hunt Scatter the balls at one end of the field. Have the players line up along the end line of the opposite end. O

n “GO”

they run and find their egg (ball) and dribble back and put it in the basket (score in the goal).

Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage. If that fails, jum

p to the Kick the Coach and Parents gam


Ask the players their nam

es(Tell them you forgot (you probably did) and repeat it to them

. Talk about the gam

e of soccer again by asking questions: D

o you score points by throwing the ball into the goal?

Do you use your hands?

Do w

e use our feet? A

sk them if they rem

ember how

to kick and let them show

you. This w

ill develop into a foot skill later on (about U-6).





Dribbling and Kicking: Players w

ill dribble from one end of the field to the other

and kick (Shoot) the ball into the goal. Repeat at least three tim

es. If they are having fun do it m

ore. Use a cone as a rew

ard for shooting a goal if necessary. U

se cones as “potholes”. Avoid the potholes.

Get them used to dribbling around “traffic” (O

ther players), Lift their head up or they will run

in to each other. Now

we are adding the finishing com

ponent of scoring. Have fun!

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy


6 Week 1-2 - Dribbling

Week Three – Drill Two

Office: 609-272-9232

Truck and Trailer

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to improve the player‟s technical ability when dribbling and running with the ball.

Field Preparation Entire Group, Area 20 x 20 yards, Supply of Balls, Cones

Coaching Pointers: Divide the group into pairs with each player having a ball. The group is positioned in a grid 20 yards x 20 yards. First player is the “truck” the second player the “trailer”. On the coach‟s command the “trailer” must follow the “truck” as closely as possible around the grid. The “truck” must change speed and direction as much as possible. Players reverse roles when the coach shouts „change”. Players must avoid colliding with other teams within the grid. The coach should emphasize the following coaching points:

Maintain control over the ball at all times. Use a change of speed and direction. Keep your head up and scan the field.

Week Three – Drill One

Office: 609-272-9232

Dribble to Corners

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to improve the player‟s technical ability when dribbling and running with the ball.

Field Preparation Entire Group, Area 20 x 20 yards, supply of balls, cones

Coaching Pointers: The whole group is positioned in a grid 20 yards x 20 yards. Four corners are marked off with cones and designated with numbers one through four. Each player has a ball and dribbles around the inside of the grid. Players must avoid each other. When the coach calls out a number, the players must then dribble the ball quickly to the corner selected while avoiding other players. First player into the corner wins a point. The coach should emphasize the following coaching points:

Maintain control over the ball at all times. Use a change of speed and direction. Keep your head up and scan the field.

Week Two – Drill One

Office: 609-272-9232

Slalom through Cones

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to develop close control while running with the ball.

Field Preparation 3 Players, Area 10 x 15 yards, Cones or flag poles, Supply of balls

Coaching Pointers: Two players are positioned at one end of the grid, with one player at the opposite side. Players alternate dribbling the ball at full speed through the line of cones. Cones are placed at 1-yard intervals across the full length of the grid.

The coach should emphasize the following coaching points:

Maintain close control over the ball. Build up speed gradually. Don‟t sacrifice quality for speed Use the outside and inside of the foot to dribble with the ball. Don‟t keep the eyes fixed on the ball. Scan the horizon.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U7Curriculum Week 3-4: Shooting & RWB (Running With Ball)

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Review how

to dribble, NO



E and then begin to dribble around in circle.

Toe-Touches and Tick-Tock/Pendulum (Penguin), Pull Back,

Sole Drag

Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage. If that fails, run another

small sided gam

e of their choice.

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U





Traffic Light or Red Light, Green Light: Players start on one end of (Soccer city) grid w

ith their soccer balls (car). Coach is the traffic cop. Coach shouts red light or green light and players try to drive their soccer cars to Soccer tow

n at the other end of grid. O

n comm

and “red light” players need to stop their car w

ith the sole of the foot and not move. If they

move they return to soccer city and start again. Play to see

who reaches Soccer tow

n first.

Coaching Point: Stopping the ball with the sole of the foot could also be called the Soccer


Focus on getting the players to stop and control the ball.

Look to see how w

ell the kids are dribbling in free play/match play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy


7 Week 3-4 Shooting &

Running With Ball (RW


Traffic Light Expanded: (Add in additional calls) Red Light – Stop w

ith Soccer Pose Yellow

Light – dribble real slowly

Green Light – Dribble at comfortable speed

Super Highway – Dribble as fast as you can

This will teach controlling their kicks w

ith direction and force and help w

ith teamw


Repeat several times

Demonstrate the change of pace/speed and

makeup different locations to dribble to like

Disney, Ice Cream Shop, Playground, etc.

Review how

to dribble, NO



E and then begin to dribble around in circle.

Toe-Touches and Tick-Tock/Pendulum (Penguin), Pull Back,

Sole Drag. How m

any can you do in 30 seconds?

Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage. If that fails, run another

small sided gam

e of their choice.

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U






areness/dribbling: Lost Dogs This helps w

ith using “other peoples” balls Scatter the balls at one end of the field. Have the players line up along the end line of the opposite end. O

n “GO”

they run and find a lost dog (ball), but not their dog and dribble back and find the dog’s ow

ner. And Pass the ball to the ow

ner. BUT w

atch out for the Dog Catchers!

Look to see how w

ell the kids are dribbling in free play/match play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy


7 Week 3-4 Shooting &

Running With Ball (RW


Dribbling/Kicking: M

arbles 5-7 minutes±

Each Team w

ill try and kick their ball into the Larger ball such that the large ball is knocked into the goal. They cannot kick the large ball w

ith their feet. If they do the ball is put back to start. Coaches w

ill need to retrieve balls from

the net if they are accidentally kicked in.

This will teach controlling their kicks w

ith direction and force and help w

ith teamw


Repeat several times

Office: 609-272-9232

Dribbling Knock Out

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to improve the player‟s technical ability in a variety of dribbling moves.

Field Preparation Entire Group, Area 20 x 20 yards, Supply of Balls, Cones

Coaching Pointers: The entire group is positioned in a grid 20 yards x 20 yards. All but one player has a ball. The practice is started with one defender placed in the center of the grid (Mad Max). The defender tries to kick the dribbling player‟s ball out of the grid. Once the player has been dispossessed, he then becomes a member of the Mad Max gang and has to help him kick the ball out of the grid. The last player remaining in possession of a ball is the winner.

Encourage the players to seek out defenders and not hide in corners. The dribbling players should use a variety of dribbling moves while scanning the grid for open spaces and defensive players. The winner of the practice becomes Mad Max in the following game. Players should also look to screen the ball whenever needed, using their arms to hold off pressurizing defenders.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U7Curriculum Week 5-6: Ball Control & Turning

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Review how

to dribble, NO



E and then begin to dribble around in circle.

Toe-Touches (stationary, forward, backw

ard) and Tick-Tock/Pendulum

(Penguin), Pull Back, Sole Drag, V, outside outside inside inside

Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage. If that fails, run another

small sided gam

e of their choice.

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U





Traffic Light or Red Light, Green Light: Players start on one end of (Soccer city) grid w

ith their soccer balls (car). Coach is the traffic cop. Coach shouts red light or green light and players try to drive their soccer cars to Soccer tow

n at the other end of grid. O

n comm

and “red light” players need to stop their car w

ith the sole of the foot and not move. If they

move they return to soccer city and start again. Play to see

who reaches Soccer tow

n first.

Coaching Point: Stopping the ball with the sole of the foot could also be called the Soccer

Pose. Focus on getting the players to stop and control the ball. This will teach controlling their

kicks with direction and force and help w

ith teamw

ork…. M

ake them follow

you and you should perform

several turns. Make sure they control the ball and keep the ball close to them

as they turn to avoid obstacles. Progressions: Add “yellow

light” and make players do a stationary tictoc Repeat several tim

es Look to see how

well the kids are dribbling in free play/m

atch play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy


7 Week 6 – Ball Control &


Game: Shark Attack Set up 3 Islands. Divide players onto the 3

Islands. Each player with a ball. Coach starts as the shark in the

middle of the ocean. The shark holds a cone on his/her head, or

hands to designate a shark fin, so everyone knows they are the

shark. When Coach shouts “shark attack” the players have to


(dribble) their balls to either of the other 2 islands. The shark attem

pts to kick soccer balls away. Any soccer balls

kicked away, then that player also becom

es a shark. Play until 1 person left.

Controlled RWB - Keep the ball close to their


Teaching points: Use soft touches to keep aw

ay from

Shark, and then dribble at speed and stop ball w

ith feet only. Progressions: Put cones in the w

ay as trees that players avoid.

Review how

to dribble, NO



E and then begin to dribble around in circle.

Toe-Touches (stationary, forward, backw

ard) and Tick-Tock/Pendulum

(Penguin), Pull Back, Sole Drag, V, outside outside inside inside.

Attempt to do a 3 v 3 scrim

mage. If that fails, run another

small sided gam

e of their choice.

Talk about the game of soccer again by asking questions:

Do you score points by throw

ing the ball into the goal? D

o you use your hands? D

o we use our feet?

Ask them

if they remem

ber how to kick and let them

show you.

This will develop into a foot skill later on (about U





Traffic Light or Red Light, Green Light: Players start on one end of (Soccer city) grid w

ith their soccer balls (car). Coach is the traffic cop. Coach shouts red light or green light and players try to drive their soccer cars to Soccer tow

n at the other end of grid. O

n comm

and “red light” players need to stop their car w

ith the sole of the foot and not move. If they

move they return to soccer city and start again. Play to see

who reaches Soccer tow

n first.

Coaching Point: Stopping the ball with the sole of the foot could also be called the Soccer

Pose. Focus on getting the players to stop and control the ball. This will teach controlling their

kicks with direction and force and help w

ith teamw

ork…. M

ake them follow

you and you should perform

several turns. Make sure they control the ball and keep the ball close to them

as they turn to avoid obstacles. Progressions: Add “yellow

light” and make players do a stationary tictoc Repeat several tim

es Look to see how

well the kids are dribbling in free play/m

atch play.

Amity AC Soccer Developm

ent Academy


7 Week 5 – Ball Control &


Game: W

hat’s the time M

r Wolf

Coach starts as the big bad wolf. Each little pig has a brick

house (a cone) The Pigs shout “What’s the tim

e Mr W

olf” and the w

olf shouts back a time. Each player advances the ball

the number the w

olf shouts out. Pigs ask again and repeat. W

hen the Wolf shouts “Dinnertim

e”, the pigs have to dribble their soccer balls back to their house and the w

olf chases and tries to kick their ball aw


Running With Ball in a controlled environm

ent. Keep the ball close to their feet.

Teaching points: Use soft touches to keep aw

ay from

Wolf, and then dribble at speed and stop

ball with feet only.

Progressions: Put cones in the way as trees that

players avoid. Use m

ultiple wolfs, or place w

olf close to houses so pigs have to get past.

Week Three – Drill Three

Office: 609-272-9232

Show me the Moves

Exercise Objectives: This practice is designed to improve the player‟s technical ability when dribbling and running with the ball.

Field Preparation Entire Group, Area 20 x 20 yards, Supply of Balls, Cones.

Coaching Pointers: The group is positioned in a grid 20 yards x 20 yards. Each player has a ball. The practice starts with the players dribbling their ball freely around the inside of the grid. The players must instantly react to a series of commands from the coach. The commands are;

Stop – Players must stop the ball using the sole of the foot. Turn – Players must change direction 180 degrees. Step Over – Players perform a step over move over the ball. Fake – Players must fake to pass or cross the ball. Explode – Players must change speed rapidly into an open area. Players

must avoid colliding with other teams within the grid.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U7Curriculum Week 7-8: Passing & Receiving

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7} Session Plan: Elite Soccer U8-U9 Receiving 1

ACTIVITY #1Set up: Dribbling Warm-up 1v1

20 x 10 grid

Red players- no ball

Yellow players- have ball

Instructions: Coach yells go and yellow players try to dribble

over red's end line. Red players try to win the ball and dribble

over yellow's end line. If the ball is out of bounds then players

stop. All players start when the coach says go. 1 point for each time you cross the opponent's end line. Yellow starts with the ball 3 times and then Red has 3 rounds with the ball.

Coaching Points: Tight control of ball- keep the ball close.

Use fakes and attacking moves. Change speed and direction.

See the open space and attack it.

Never give up- find a new person to defend against if someone beats you.

Double-team (higher level)

ACTIVITY #2Set up: Passing/Recieving Diamond drill

20 x 20 yd grid in a diamond shape with a smaller diamond grid in the middle (10x10)2 soccer balls used at once

Instructions: Player 1 passes (inside foot) to Player 2. Player 2 receives pass with inside foot (right foot) and 1st touch is at 45degree angle into space. Player 1 moves and receives ball with open body position (left foot) and then passes ball to player 3. (continue counter clockwise). Player 4 passes to Player 5 and continues the activity (counter clockwise)Switch Directions after 45 seconds/Switch inside player after 90 seconds

Coaching Points: Open body position to receive the ball (foot farthest)1st touch- into space at 45 degree angleInside foot passAngle of run--/--Accurate pass--/--Correct Weight of Pass

ACTIVITY #3Set up: Passing/Recieving Diamond with defender

20 x 20 yd grid

Diamond shapeCones are 3 yards behind line as end zone

Instructions: Player 1 and Player 2 are defenders and can't cross

their half-line or the line where Player 3, 4, 5, and 6 are. One

defender in stays in each half so a 3v1 is always created.Defender wins the ball or a pass is behind outfield players out of the zone- then defender and passer switch.

Outside players: keep 1st touch away from defenders and pass away from pressure. receive with open body position (foot furthest away from defender) and stand back behind line so they create

space and time

Coaching Points: Open body position to receive the ball (foot

farthest)1st touch- into space at 45 degree angle

Inside foot passAngle of run--/--Accurate Pass--/--Correct Weight of Pass--/--Use

Fakes and disguises Session Plan: Elite Soccer U8-U9 Receiving 1

ACTIVITY #4Set up: Scrimmage

4 vs 4 or 3 vs 3 and GKS

5 vs 5 or 4 vs 4 and GKS

Instructions: Goalies or no Goalies depending on the topic.

Coaching Points:

Dribbling: Players should attack the space, use coerver moves

when in a 1v1 situation, change speed and change direction

Finishing: Players should look to score, use your laces for power

and keep that ankle locked, have a good prep touch

Recieving: Players should look to get in good passing lanes to

recieve the ball, Open their body up to the field, 1st touch into

space at a 45 degree angle, create triangles

Passing: Players must recognize when to pass or dribble, correct

weight (pace) and accuracy of the pass. Can players look for

passing combinations such as the give and go, overlap or up-back-through.

Week Five – Drill Three

Office: 609-272-9232

The incredible Shrinking Box

Objective of the Practice: This practice is designed to improve the technical ability of the “Push Pass” with emphasis on “pace and accuracy”.

Field Preparation: Area 10 x 20 yards. Small group of players, balls and cones.

Coaching Points: A grid is marked off approximately 10 yards by 20 yards. A line of cones is placed across the middle of the grid, forming a box. A group of players with a ball each is positioned on one end of the grid. In turn, players try to pass their ball into the box. A point is awarded if the ball stays within the box. After all players have taken a turn they retrieve their ball and return to the starting position.

To make the game progressively challenging, the box is now reduced to half width and a new line marked across the grid using the cones. Players repeat the game until everyone has had a turn and return to their starting positions on the end line.

The box is once more reduced to half width and a new line marked across the grid using the cones. Players repeat the game until everyone has had a turn. Line up all the players and total the points.

Week Five – Drill Two

Office: 609-272-9232

Land on the Moon

Objective of the Practice: This practice is designed to improve the technical ability of the “Push Pass” with an emphasis on “pace and accuracy”.

Field Preparation: Area 10 x 15 yards. Small group of players, balls and cones.

Coaching Points: A grid is marked off approximately 10 yards by 15 yards and a circle is made with cones at one end of the grid. A group of players with a ball each are positioned at the opposite end of the grid. In turn, players have to try and land their rocket (ball) onto the surface of Mars (circle marked off by cones). A point is awarded for each successful mission. No points are awarded if the ball lands outside the circle.

Amity AC Soccer Development Academy

U7Curriculum Week 9: 1v1 attacking

{See Lessons Plans for U6-U7}

Coerver SeriesMoves to Beat an Opponent

Descriptions of Moves

Wiel Coerver is often credited as being the “Albert Einstein of Soccer.” Years ago, he studied the great players of the day (including Pele) and determined that a lot of the seemingly “instinctive” moves could actually be broken down and taught in a progressive series. Below are descriptions of many of the Coerver moves learned over the years. Although many of the same moves are referred to by different names (often named after the guy who invented them, known as their signature move), the point is not to learn the names as you would a list of the state capitols – but to learn the moves. The names just help to keep track of what you’ve learned and what you have done in the warm-up. Of course, the more moves beyond 3 that you master, the more dangerous you will be to opponents because they will not know how to defend you. There are over 20 skills, feints, turns, and moves in our basic warm-up for you to learn. Just imagine how deadly a player you can be.


Inside Roll - Roll the ball across your body from outside to inside with the inside and sole of the foot and stop the ball with the inside of the other foot.

Outside Roll - Roll the ball across your body from inside to outside with the outside and sole of the foot and stop the ball with the inside of the same foot.

Bell Touches

Step up and down to pass ball 4-6 inches between feet. Ball is passed between the feet with very soft, light touches. Be sure weight is forward on balls of feet. With each step you should be coming down on your toes first; then your heels. Knees stay bent at all times.

Move the ball forward and backward.Be sure you are stepping up and down; not sideways.Work at getting a comfortable rhythm.

Inside - Outside – Tap ball with the inside of the right foot across your body, tap with the outside of the left foot, then inside with the left foot and finish with outside of right.

Triangles – Tap forward with your right foot, pull back towards you with the sole of your left foot, then tap towards your right foot with the inside of your left. Repeat starting with opposite foot.

Vee – push ball forward and slightly to the outside right with inside of right, pull back and across your body with sole of right foot, then push ball forward and slightly to the outside left with inside of left, and pull back and across your body with sole of left foot.

Pull Instep Push - Push ball forward and pull it back with the sole, then tap ball forward with the instep of the same foot.

Pull a Vee - Push the ball forward and pull it back with the sole of the foot while turning and then take the ball with the inside of the same foot.

Pull & Take with Outside of foot - Push the ball forward and pull the ball back with the sole then push the ball diagonally forward with the outside of the foot.

Pull & Roll Behind - Push the ball forward and pull the ball back with the sole of the foot then pass the ball behind the standing leg with the inside of the foot. Control the ball with the sole of the other foot.


Pull Turn -Push ball forward with one foot and pull it back with the other while turning toward ball and take the ball in the opposite direction with the outside of the first foot.

Drag Back - Push ball forward with one foot and pull it back with the same foot while turning toward (and with) the ball. As you complete your turn, drop your foot from the top of the ball and take the ball in the opposite direction with the inside of the drag-back foot.

Inside Chop - Push ball forward, move past ball and turn toward ball and take it with the inside of the foot in the opposite direction.

Outside Cut - Push ball forward, move past ball and turn toward ball while taking it with the outside of the foot in the opposite direction.

Cruyff - Push the ball forward, fake kick with inside of foot, but instead pull ball behind the standing leg and change directions.

Stepover Turn – Push ball forward, step over ball with one foot in the following manner:

The step begins from the outside and moves across the body (Close the Gate fashion). The stepover foot plants alongside the ball with the outside of the stepover foot facing the ball and your legs are sort of crossed. Next: Bring the back (non-stepover) foot all the way around to the back of the ball whilst pivoting on the stepover foot and turning 180 degrees in the direction toward the ball… Continue the flow of the motion and carry the ball away with the non-stepover foot. Accelerate to space.

Step-on Turn – While dribbling forward, Stop the ball with the sole of your foot (“stepping” on it) and allow your body’s momentum to carry you over to the back side of the ball.

Stop your own forward progress once on the other side of the ball with your body should now be in a sideways-on relation to the ball. With you now positioned between the ball and the (real or imagined) defender you have effectively shielded the ball. With the outside of the foot which is now next to the ball, push accelerate and carry the ball back to the direction you came from and away from the defender.


Hip Swivel - Fake with inside of one foot by swiveling hips toward ball, then reverse direction and take the ball with the inside of the other foot. Accelerate to space.

Roll-Touch- While moving forward, pull ball across body with sole and touch in into space behind the defender with the inside of opposite foot. Accelerate to space.

Roll-Push - While moving forward, pull ball across body with sole and take with outside of opposite foot. Accelerate to space.

Inside-Outside (Mathews) - Fake with inside of foot nudging ball by dipping shoulder, then take ball in the opposite direction with the outside of same foot. (Explode)

Stepover – As covered above - With ball moving, stepover ball so ball is outside of stepover foot, turn and take the ball with the other foot.

Rivolino – Begin as with the Stepover: The step begins from the outside and moves across the body (Close the Gate fashion). The stepover foot plants alongside the ball with the outside of the stepover foot facing the ball and your legs are sort of crossed.

Next: Bring the back (non-stepover) foot up from behind and plant it next to the stepover foot.

Next: With the outside of the stepover foot which is still next to the ball, push accelerate and carry to space.

Body Swerve - Fake with outside of one foot, step behind and take with outside of opposite foot. Accelerate to space.

Scissors - step in front of or over ball with one foot in the following manner:

The step begins from the across the body and moves to the outside of the body (Open the Gate fashion). The motion is very similar to the Body Swerve motion – as though you were going to push it with the outside of the foot. The only real difference is that the fake comes over or in front of the ball rather than behind it.

The faking foot plants alongside the ball with the inside of the foot facing the ball and your legs wide open and you are rather straddling the ball. Next: Take the ball in the opposite direction with the outside of the other foot. Accelerate to space.

Ba-Dink (Cap) - Cut ball with inside of foot slightly backward and take ball ahead with the inside of the opposite foot. Accelerate to space.

***There are other moves out there. Some are very fancy and flashy, but perhaps not so practical (like the rainbow for example). In my opinion, if a player masters 3 or 4 moves that that they can execute consistently under pressure, that alone will make them a dangerous player.

Commit yourself to your own soccer future. Talent does not happen over night. Work hard. Have fun!

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