ahmed al dobouni resume

Post on 07-Jan-2017






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A H M E D A L D O B O U N I (219) 809-1854

aaldobou@pnw.edu USA Permanent Resident

O B J E C T I V E Obtain an entry level position in a company where my acquired education and demonstrated skills in project management as well as various CAD programs can be utilized in contributing to the company’s success.

E D U C A T I O N Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology, Graduated: May, 2016

Purdue University, Hammond, IN GPA 3.7/4.0

S E N I O R P R O J E C T & R E L A T E D R E S E A R C H Senior Project, Purdue University-Hammond, IN (August, 2015 – May, 2016)

Evaporative Cooler- Presented as Senior Project on April 29, 2016 Designed and built an Evaporative Cooler as a senior project utilizing HVAC principles, CAD programs, Project Management, and Risk Assessment in Occupational Safety & Health. The goal of the project was to design and fabricate a more environmental friendly cooling device that is economical to operate and maintain. Accomplished design and fabrication goal with a project budget under $500 (Al Dobouni, A., Noor, M.)

Honors College Research Thesis, Purdue University-Hammond, IN

“The Advantages of Using Evaporative Coolers Over Traditional Air Conditioning Units” (Dr. John Rowan, Honors College Dean, Thesis Supervisor)

S K I L L S -Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) -Risk Assessment in Occupational Safety & Health -Computer-Aided Drawing Software (AutoCAD, Inventor, SolidWorks) -Engineering Project Management

W O R K E X P E R I E N C E Purdue University, Hammond, IN

Supplemental Instructor: August, 2015 – May, 2016 -Applied Mechanics: Statics -Applied Strength of Materials

-Collaborated in tandem with professors to present and recapture each lecture for classes with more than 42 students

Tutor: January, 2016 – May, 2016 -Applied Mechanics: Statics -Applied Strength of Materials

International Programing and Orientation Mentor: May, 2014 – May, 2015

-Served in tandem with peer mentors and the International Programing Coordinator to plan and lead on-campus events, student field trips, airport pick-ups, and new students’ orientations

A D D I T I O N A L E D U C A T I O N A L E X P E R I E N C E Mechanical: -Applied Heating and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Electrical: -Electricity Fundamentals

-Digital Fundamentals -Computer System Architecture Manufacturing:

-Manufacturing Processes II -Introductory to Welding

-Production Planning & Control -Computer Integrated Design & Manufacturing using FEA

-Engineering Project Management & Economic Analysis

A C H I E V E M E N T S / P R O F E S S I O N A L A W A R D S -Member of Tau Alpha Pi (The National Honor Society for Engineering Technology) -Awarded as an Outstanding Student Spring, 2016 -Awarded the Dean's List Spring, 2014 – May, 2016 -Awarded the Semester Honors Spring, 2013 – May, 2016

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