abstracts in alphabetical order

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Submitted Abstracts in Alphabetical OrderDCA European Conference 2016 | May 11 - 14, 206 | Istanbul, Turkey

3-D urban design guidelines for competition contests

A Holistic Approach To Interıor Desıgn Educatıon: From Conceptual Framework To Fınal Product

A peace of mind in the open office: Addressing the diverse needs with mobile acoustic partitions

A Review of the Current Uses of Digital Design and Visualization Techniques by the Students of Arch. at Gazi University

Across geography and culture: using Instagram for collaborative design education and community building

Advances in Material Performance of Solid Wood: Loop, the Environmental Summer Pavilion II

Aesthetic of natural light in Museums / Milwaukee Art Museum

Altasweer and Elm Alrasm: an investigation in representation, visual acuity, and the nature of graphic communication in Islam

An Experimental Approach to Architectural Studio I in AIBU 2014-15

Analytical Model Studies: Evocative Contemporary Design Interpretations

Architectural interventions in historic areas in Romania after December 1989

Architectural Role Playing Game: Mies in Levent

Architecture that Bows to the Artist: Musée Soulages

Atlas’: Deconstructing the digital mapping interface

Autonomous Design Thinking: An Emergent Paradigm

Benefitting Former Industrial Plants In Coastal Areas: A Reuse Suggestıon For Paşabahçe Glass Factory

Beyond Abstraction: Design Research as Augmenter and Catalyst to Non-Design Professions

Bioclimatic strategies in vernacular building at the moderate climate; case study: the North of Iran

Bridging the Gap between Photo Art and Abstract Art

Building Stake-Holder Consensus and Support in the Preservation and Development of UNESCO Cultural

Heritage Sites in Thailand: a case study

Challenges in Design Communication with Children: Experiencing Process by Practice

Changing context of contextual design studio

City as a Fashion Promenade

Co-Desıgn As A Strategic Move For Archıtectural Desıgn Practice

Collage Now: Digital Collage and Augmented Reality

Communication Beyond Studıo Hours In Architecture Schools: Problems & Prospects Of Usıng Facebook in A Developing Country

Comparison Of Sustainable Settlement Models: “Eco-City” And “Citta Slow” Examples in Turkey

Compositional Coincidence

Contemporary tendencies in the Transylvanian Saxon Landscape

Decline or Revival? Evaluation of Public Spaces by Space Typology

Design Studio Pedagogy: A Search for Strategy

Designing improved low cost toilets in Bangladesh: Generating fertilizer and implementing participatory approach

Designing public space with[out] public participation? A study on Hatir Jheel, Dhaka

Determination of the Architetural Language in The Context of Cultural Sustainability: The Case of Walled City Nicosia, Northern Cyprus

Developments of energy efficient and flexible panels’ use in residential furniture application

Dialogue for two Centuries between the Window and the Lens

Digital Synthesis of Parametric Art

Dissolution In Architecture: Rethinking Space In Terms Of The Digitally-Driven Structures In Movement

Dynamics of ‘today’s small houses designs and households typologies’.

Ecological study on earth sheltered housing in different climates

Education through Experimentation: Elucidating the Intersection between RIEA.ch and Design Thinking

Energy Consumption and Future Directions (Passive Solar Energy)

Ephemeral and temporal in the context of sustainability

Evaluation Of The Energetic Efficiency Of Some Technical Passive Coolıng In Tropical Weather. A Comparatıve Study With The Southern Spanish Weather

Examining Chinese Classical Feng Shui Principles in Contemporary Design Through Comparison with Green Design

Exercises on the Operative Role of Scale in Design Thinking

Experience the kinetic textile modules: A Research on interactive design process

Exploring spatial transformation through pedestrian dynamics

Explorıng The Lınks Between Buılt Envıronment And Socıal Sustaınabılıty Parameters

Fold-Ups: Finding/Making/Representing the Links Between Architecture & Place

Fredensreich Hundertwasser, A Visionary Of Ecologıcal Desıgn

From Campus to Brand – reading two campus buildings in Hong Kong

Gaining and Loosing: Between pencils and mouse

Graffiti Responses in Urban Spaces: The Significance of Inclusive Design Processes

Graphic Elements on Urban Architecture: Shopping Mall Samples

House For Every Age

Images and Cultures: teaching history of architecture through the history of representation

Impact Of Technology On Competency Of Desıgner And Industrıal Desıgn Educatıon

Inclusiveness in design by mixing discipline-specific media with crossover standard media.

Inclusiveness in Robotic Urbanism: “Rediscovering Urban Space through Interactive Data Driven Installations”

Inclusivity via Technology: Drawing by interactions, iterations, and interfaces

Industrial Design As An Intangible Resource For Developing Countires

Inquiring the ambiguity: a deliberate issue in communicate the interior space and the design object

Integrating GIS with Space Syntax to investigate the centers and sub-centers in Alexandria city, Egypt.

Integration of heritage in south Asian cities: Dhaka a case study

Interaction between traditional and modern architecture

Interdisciplinary Collaborative Project: A High Hurdles Race

Investigation of Spatial Configuration in Houses of Shiraz, Iran (Comparison the traditional and modern houses)

Learning to draw + drawing to learn

“Less Aesthetics, More Ethics”. The “function oblique” from the promenade architecturale to inclusive architecture

Lıvıng Wıth Harmony: Desıgn And Nature In The Buılt Envıronment Of Southwestern Chına

Mapping & Cognition: Representational Logic as a Framework of Design Inference

Mapping Atmosphere: Sketching the Ambient Qualities of Islamic Space

Marietta High School’s Haiti Restoration and Reclamation Container Building Research Project

Mitigating Urban Sprawl

Modrule: A Gamified Design Communication Platform

Morphological Change in an Urban Square: What might have been missed? –A Sample of Trabzon City

Nature Of Desıgnıng

New processes of architectural creation in contexts of complexity

NGO and University Driven Research By Design on Performative Wood

On The Basis Of Basıc Desıgn Studio

Opposites Attract: Intersecting Perspectives, Disciplines, and Contexts for Inclusive Design

Parametric Prototyping for Innovative Interior Surface Patterns

Participatory Design Process Create Sustaınable Built Environment: A Case Of Community Mosques in Dhaka City

Pinning and pencils: How the use of Pinterest can lead to understanding of graphics style.

Protection Of Herıtage Through Policies And Strategies Of Area Conservatıon: A Case Of Sonargaon, Bangladesh

Public Space Furniture: Sitting Units in Shopping Malls Waiting/Resting Areas

Random Addition To Historic Built Form May Lead To Threat To Architectural Heritage

Ray 3: The Performative Wall

Re-conceptualization of the Human-Machine Interaction in Responsive Environments

Regional Cultural Interferences in Saxon Villages from Transylvania

Representation and Ambiguity: reflecting on the role of purposely-incomplete and messy design communication methods.

Safety Issues in Developing Nations: What Can be Done Now

Senior Tourısm In Algarve: A Way To Promote The Regeneratıon Of The Territory And Of The Architectural Heritage

Sequencing Architectural Moments: Narrative / Sketch / Model / Video

Simulating Visibility and User Comfort in Small Public Spaces

Simulation as an Avant-garde Form Exploration Tool

Slower Consumption Over Technology And Connectıon Of Product Longevity

Spatial Derivatives and the Cinematic Field

Sustainability, Informality and Spatial Capacity Building: the Lotus Park Neighbourhood Centre

Sustainable Desıgn Educatıon / Desıgn Issues And Developing Nations

Sustainable Design: Mediator Between The Built and The Natural Environment, with Reflections on ANEC as a Participatory Agent in Design Issues

Symbiosis of Drawing and Modeling

Symphony of Music in Architecture: Integrating music archetype in architectural design process.

The city as educational environment

The Generatıve Methodology Of Natural Intellıgence In Creatıve Desıgn Thınkıng Process

The Impact of CAAD Education & Attitude on How CAD Programmes are Used as a Means to Solve Design by Architecture And Architecture Technology Students

The Influence Of Cad Tools On Desıgner’s Creatıvıty: A Proposal For Measuring

The matrix of values of the Saxon residential architecture

The Museum Of Gamers: Using Gamıfıcatıon For A Digital Heritage Project

The New Roles Of Design In Changing New Product Devlopment Dynamics And Challenges

The Path to Maturity: The Discipline of Communication Design

Thinking of the requirements for online collaborative environment in academia

Threat Mitigation through Design: Designing out threat in educational environment

Towards Lıveable Cıty Centres: A Survey Study In Famagusta, North Cyprus

Towards the Water Forts of Mughal Dhaka: a study based on Settlement Archeology, Historical Architecture & Cultural Heritage Management

Transmissable identity values in Saxon Cultural Landscape of Transylvania

Understanding Spatial Perception of Individuals with Autism using Augmented Reality Visualization

Urban Community And The Built Environment: A Case of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Urban living place as space of manipulating the residents’ mental state

Using your hands for instant modeling.

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