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Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing





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Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


OrdnungspolizeiIdeological war and Genocide on the East front 1941 - 1942

The crimes of the German police battalions

These are some places where apocalyptic slaugh-

ters were perpetrated during summer 1941. Maybe

it would be enough to remember these names,

to give an idea of the involvement of the police

battalions in the ideological war broken out on the

eastern front. From June 27, 1941, this war erased,

like a hurricane, most of the Jewish communities

in the Baltic area, in Galicia, in Belorussia and in

Ukraine, with hundred thousands of victims.

A dozen of massacres perpetrated by the German

Ordnungspolizei on the East front have been exa-

mined in-depth. The context, the perpetrators and

the victims are described with many details and

above all, we have tried to explain «the whys» all of

this happened. In this sense, given the complexity

of the dynamics that lead to the jewish genocide

and that influenced the criminal behaviour of

hundreds of thousands of men, we think that

– in order to understand this «whys» – a multi-

disciplinary approach is needed, opened toward

psychological, social, philosophical and religious

contributions. An approach that we have tried to

suggest in the various chapters of the book.

· High detail in the research: over 1000 footnotes, tables, complete searchable indexes

· 50 never before published photos.

· A unique book. Never before has these massacres been revealed in the same detail

• Author: Massimo Arico

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 368

• Ca 50 photos

• ISBN: 9789185657209

• Price: £39.99 ⎢ $61.99

• Publishing date: February 2012


Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


· Complete Order-of-Battle for both sides in the battle

· Many never-before seen photos

· 5 complete gripping eyewitness stories from soldiers who participated and survived

· A unique book as this subject never has been published in English before

• Author: Eric Linderholm, Tim Dinan &

Chris Meadows

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 400

• 150 photos and 32 colour profiles 10 maps

• ISBN: 9789185657124

• Price: £49.99 ⎢ $71.99

• Publishing date: September 2012

Festung Posen vol 1:”Bastion an der Wache”

In January 1945 when the Red army launched their

massive winter offensive and smashed the German

forces standing in front of them, a number of

German occupied towns were declared fortresses

by Hitler. Only a handful of them were actually

prepared for their new designation. Most didn´t

even have a anti-tank ditch around the town. Even

fever actually had a garrison….

Posen was declared a fortress or Festung and they

actually had a garrison , being home for several

training establishments for the replacement army.

The town became surrounded and fought to the

death, being isolated and getting no outside help.

The garrison were a collection of various units and

their fighting capacity were well under the average.

And still they managed to hold the Red army at

bay for a full month. In this book 5 veterans of this

battle tells us their story from those eventful days.

Every bit of scary fighting and frustration over the

situation is there. Even the treatment of German

POWs by the Red army soldiers after the fighting

stopped is described in detail. This is a great read!!t

Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


The Dambusters vol 2: Bombing For Victory June 1944 – VE Day 1945

In the icy north of Norway’s sub Arctic region a dark

threat loomed large for the Allied convoys transporting

vital supplies to the Soviet forces engaged in total war

against their German foe. The battleship Tirpitz was the

Kreigsmarine’s final ace, potentially capable of crippling

the Arctic convoy’s as well as taking on the most power-

ful Allied vessel. Numerous attempts had been made to

remove this threat but none were successful. It was time

for the professionals to be called in: 617 Squadron.

The Squadron had already written its name into the

history books with raids on some of Germany’s toughest

targets, including the quite unbelievable Dams Raid, but

the three Tirpitz raids would see them push the bounda-

ries even further as they temporarily relocated to Soviet

Russia, the first Allied squadron to do so, utilised ground

breaking weaponry and pushed their aircraft and skills

to the very limits, all while facing German Flak, smoke

screens, the threat of interceptors and the fearsome fire-

power of the behemoth itself.

This book begins on the precipice of D-day and follows

617 Squadron’s technically demanding decoy flights

across the English Channel to help secure the D-day

landings, it then records every raid the squadron

conducted until the end of the war including attacks on

massive U-boat pens, V weapon bases, the viaducts and

bridges vital to powering the Ruhr Valley, and finally a

flight to the very doorstep of the Führer himself; Berch-

tesgaden beside Hitler’s Berghof residence.

· Complete coverage in detail of all the missions flown by the 617th Squadron “Dambusters”, including training missions.

· Complete coverage of all the equipment used by the squadron, including arma-ment, electronic devices and airplanes.

· Complete tables, indexes and descriptions of all flying personnel, losses, awards, airbases and targets.

· The most complete, encyclopedian description of the most famous RAF Bomber squadron during the war. Includes all information one would ever need.

· Colour profiles and maps by renowned artist Marie Gaetan, Bill Dady and Laurent Lecocq.

• Author: Sam Olsen

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 448

• 200 photos and 48 colour profiles 6 maps

• ISBN: 9789185657117

• Price: £59.99 ⎢ $81.99

• Publishing date: April 2012

He 162 ”Salamander”The Volksjäger Design, Production and Operations

The ”Salamander”, He 162, were designed,

constructed and produced all within 3 months. An-

other 3 months, and it was operational in the field.

The story is close to an industrial masterpiece, and

still it happens within seven months of the end of

the war. The He 162 worked and could have been a

quite effective fighter.

This is the story of a desperate last ditch weapon

system that in its creation, became a huge success

as a innovation, and could have become a effective

easy-to-use weapon, had the war lasted longer...

This is the He 162s story


Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


The Dambusters vol 2: Bombing For Victory June 1944 – VE Day 1945

In the icy north of Norway’s sub Arctic region a dark

threat loomed large for the Allied convoys transporting

vital supplies to the Soviet forces engaged in total war

against their German foe. The battleship Tirpitz was the

Kreigsmarine’s final ace, potentially capable of crippling

the Arctic convoy’s as well as taking on the most power-

ful Allied vessel. Numerous attempts had been made to

remove this threat but none were successful. It was time

for the professionals to be called in: 617 Squadron.

The Squadron had already written its name into the

history books with raids on some of Germany’s toughest

targets, including the quite unbelievable Dams Raid, but

the three Tirpitz raids would see them push the bounda-

ries even further as they temporarily relocated to Soviet

Russia, the first Allied squadron to do so, utilised ground

breaking weaponry and pushed their aircraft and skills

to the very limits, all while facing German Flak, smoke

screens, the threat of interceptors and the fearsome fire-

power of the behemoth itself.

This book begins on the precipice of D-day and follows

617 Squadron’s technically demanding decoy flights

across the English Channel to help secure the D-day

landings, it then records every raid the squadron

conducted until the end of the war including attacks on

massive U-boat pens, V weapon bases, the viaducts and

bridges vital to powering the Ruhr Valley, and finally a

flight to the very doorstep of the Führer himself; Berch-

tesgaden beside Hitler’s Berghof residence.

· Complete technical and productional coverage of the He 162.

· Complete operational history of the units using He 162.

· Appendixes of all technical and operational aspects.

· Artwork and profiles by Gaetan Marie, Bill Dady and Laurent Lecocq

• Author: Christopher Meadows

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 356

• 200 photos and 48 colour profiles 2 maps

• ISBN: 9789185657032

• Price: £49.99 ⎢ $71.99

• Publishing date: May 2012

He 162 ”Salamander”The Volksjäger Design, Production and Operations

The ”Salamander”, He 162, were designed,

constructed and produced all within 3 months. An-

other 3 months, and it was operational in the field.

The story is close to an industrial masterpiece, and

still it happens within seven months of the end of

the war. The He 162 worked and could have been a

quite effective fighter.

This is the story of a desperate last ditch weapon

system that in its creation, became a huge success

as a innovation, and could have become a effective

easy-to-use weapon, had the war lasted longer...

This is the He 162s story

Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


Target NorwayThe Air-Sea battles along Norways coast October 1944 - May 1945

October 1944 , the situation in the war on the

continent forced Germany to move a large number

of U-boat units from France to Norway. At the same

time Germany continued to ship the ever more

important, as the Belgian and French sources had

been liberated by the allies, Swedish iron ore along

the Norwegian coastline to the German industry.

And finally the Germans had started to move south

all the German forces fighting above the Polar

circle in the not strategically unimportant “Eismeer”

front. All of this would in turn make the coasts of

Norway a focal point in the last 8 months of the

war, as Allied air forces clashed with German naval

and air forces. This is the story of that battle.· Complete Order-of-Battle for both sides

in the battle

· Many never-before seen photos

· A high level of detail in the eye-witness reports

· A unique book as this subject never has been published in English before

• Author: Halvor Sperrbund

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 352

• 200 photos and 48 colour profiles 10 maps

• ISBN: 9789185657056

• Price: £49.99 ⎢ $71.99

• Publishing date: March 2012


Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


· First ever study published on a relatively unknown battle on the East front in 1944.

· Complete Order of Battle for both sides and all major units participating.

· Highly detailed description on the tactical level of the battle.

· Highly detailed study never before published, of the units participating in the battle the Free Polish forces and the Hermann Göring Panzer-Division

· Many unpublished photos

· Colour profiles and maps by renowned artist Laurent Lecocq and others

• Author: Tim Dinan, Peter Domanski,

Eric Linderholm

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 256

• 150 photos and XX 8 maps

• ISBN: 9789185657186

• Price: £39.99 ⎢ $61.99

• Publishing date: September 2012

Warsaw IIIThe battle for the Magnushev bridgehead August 1944 “Hermann Göring” Panzer Division vs 1st Polish Army

On the 1st of August 1944 troops of IVth Guards Rifle

Corps of 8th Guards Army captured a bridgehead on

the west–ern bank of Vistula River, near Magnushew,

centered on the town of Studzianski, that were to

become the bridgehead at Magnushew.

The Germans were taken by surprise at first, however

on the 2nd and 3rd of August they were already at-

tacking Soviet forces in the bridgehead. 45.Grenadier

Division and 1132. Grenadier Brigade were attacking

and the Fallschirm-Panzer-Division ”Hermann Goring”

and the 19.Panzer Division were sent as reinforcements.

Mainly troops of ”Hermann Goring” Division were active

in counterattacks against the Soviet bridge head.

The Headquarters of 1st Belorussian Front ordered

units of 1st Polish Army (1st, 2nd and 3rd Infantry

Divisions and lst Armoured Brigade) to move to brid-

gehead to sup–port the Soviet forces. At the same

time Hermann Göring Panzer-Division launched a

full scale counter attack to destroy the bridgehead.

The stage were set for the biggest tank battle the

free Polish forces participated in on the Eastern front

during the second world war. By the 16th of August

the battle was over. The result, a tactical draw but a

strategic defeat for the German side as the bridge-

head survived.

It is the first time ever that a detailed study of this

relatively unknown battle is published in English. The

study concentrates on the Hermann Göring Panzer-

Division and the Polish forces. It is a very tactical study

concentrating on a very small geographical area.

Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


Königsberg/Kurland vol 1:The battles for Germanys borders July – September 1944

22nd of June the Red army started what would

become known as the Cannae of Germanys Army

group Center on the Eastern front – Bagration.

One month later, Army group Center had in practical

terms ceased to exist. The following month the

whole front between the Baltic and the Black sea had

crumbled and the German army was in full retreat.

It took the German generals and leaders all their

improvement capacity and all reserves to bring

the Soviet juggernaut to a halt. Between July and

September the Eastern front was greatly reduced in

length and Germany lost most of the occupied terri-

tories they had occupied in the East since June 1941.

The war had reached the borders of Germany….

In this book the reader will be able to follow the

events that took place in the central and northern

sector of the Eastern front between July and Sep-

tember 1944.

It is a fluid battle and the fighting is very intense.

Included are the Red army offensive that brought

them into East Prussia and to the shores of the Baltic

in Latvia, and thus created the pocket known as


The fighting in Kurland and in East Prussia are con-

nected as the areas are very close and both areas

were trying desperately to merge into one.

• Author: Sam Olsen

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 400

• 200 photos and 16 colour profiles 12 maps

• ISBN: 9789185657179

• Price: £49.99 ⎢ $71.99

• Publishing date: June 2012

Kesselschlachten: Holding the Red Tide at Demyansk and Cholm 1942

On the 5th of December 1941 Stalin launched

a massive counter attack against the exhusted

German troops positioned on the doorstep to the

Sovier capital. The Soviet forces smashed through

the thin lines, sending many into a fully fledged

retreat and pushing deep into their rear areas. The

fate of the whole of Army Group Centre hung in

the balance.

Two positions, on the orders of the Hitler himself,

stood defiant, surrounded by Stalin’s forces – deep

behind enemy lines. In the small town of Cholm

’Kampfgruppe Scherer’, a force some 5000 men

strong from all branches managed to defend an

ever shrinking perimeter against ceaseless attacks

of the Red Army.

At the same time II German Corps with the

notorious Waffen SS division ”Totenkopf” in the

vanguard, managed to hold a much larger area

around the small town of Demyansk against even

larger Red Army formations.

Both locations were completely surrounded by the

Red Army. Both locations could only be supplied

by the air. And the effects of both battles would

be seen for the rest of the war in Germanys flawed

“hold at all costs”-defensive strategy…

· A unique study of two battles that decided the outcome of the Soviet counteroffensive outside Moskow in 1942, and that had a major influence on how the Germans conducted the encirclement battle at Stalingrad later the same year.

· Complete Order of Battle for both sides and all major units participating.

· Highly detailed description on the tactical level of the battle.

· Artwork and profiles by Nicolas Colacitti and Laurent Lecocq

· Appendixes of all technical and operational aspects.

· Many unpublished photos


Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


• A very detailed study of some of the most intense fighting on the Eastern front in 1944 never before published

• Complete order of battle for both participants

• Unique photo material

• Complete coverage in chronology of all battles

• Very detailed description of individual units and their performance in battle

• Great usage of previously unused German sources

• Author: Tim Dinan, Erik Linderholm,

Chris Meadows, Sam Olsen, Ulf Olsson

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 400

• 200 photos and 48 colour profiles 12 maps

• ISBN: 9789185657100

• Price: £49.99 ⎢ $71.99

• Publishing date: August 2012

Königsberg/Kurland vol 1:The battles for Germanys borders July – September 1944

22nd of June the Red army started what would

become known as the Cannae of Germanys Army

group Center on the Eastern front – Bagration.

One month later, Army group Center had in practical

terms ceased to exist. The following month the

whole front between the Baltic and the Black sea had

crumbled and the German army was in full retreat.

It took the German generals and leaders all their

improvement capacity and all reserves to bring

the Soviet juggernaut to a halt. Between July and

September the Eastern front was greatly reduced in

length and Germany lost most of the occupied terri-

tories they had occupied in the East since June 1941.

The war had reached the borders of Germany….

In this book the reader will be able to follow the

events that took place in the central and northern

sector of the Eastern front between July and Sep-

tember 1944.

It is a fluid battle and the fighting is very intense.

Included are the Red army offensive that brought

them into East Prussia and to the shores of the Baltic

in Latvia, and thus created the pocket known as


The fighting in Kurland and in East Prussia are con-

nected as the areas are very close and both areas

were trying desperately to merge into one.

Kesselschlachten: Holding the Red Tide at Demyansk and Cholm 1942

On the 5th of December 1941 Stalin launched

a massive counter attack against the exhusted

German troops positioned on the doorstep to the

Sovier capital. The Soviet forces smashed through

the thin lines, sending many into a fully fledged

retreat and pushing deep into their rear areas. The

fate of the whole of Army Group Centre hung in

the balance.

Two positions, on the orders of the Hitler himself,

stood defiant, surrounded by Stalin’s forces – deep

behind enemy lines. In the small town of Cholm

’Kampfgruppe Scherer’, a force some 5000 men

strong from all branches managed to defend an

ever shrinking perimeter against ceaseless attacks

of the Red Army.

At the same time II German Corps with the

notorious Waffen SS division ”Totenkopf” in the

vanguard, managed to hold a much larger area

around the small town of Demyansk against even

larger Red Army formations.

Both locations were completely surrounded by the

Red Army. Both locations could only be supplied

by the air. And the effects of both battles would

be seen for the rest of the war in Germanys flawed

“hold at all costs”-defensive strategy…

Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


• Author: Massimo Arico

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 560

• 5 maps, ca 90 photos

Ordnungspolizei vol 1:Encyclopedia of the German Police Battalions September 1939 - July 1942

• High detail in the research: over 3000 footnotes, 42 tables, complete searchable indexes.

• At least 90 never before published photos.

• A unique study of all Polizei-battalions.

• Encyclopedia over the German Police battalions and their actions during the first half of the war.

Murderous EliteThe Waffen-SS and its record of atrocities

• The only complete study on the market revealing the truth about the vaunted Waffen SS.

• Complete description of the crimes the Waffen SS committed during the Second World War.

• This book leave no doubt to the murderous involvement of the Waffen-SS in the final solution.

• This book is hard proof against all the apologists of the Waffen SS.

• Author: James Pontolillo

• Format: 305 x 212 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 480

• 100 b/w photographs

The Uniformed Police Forces Of The Third Reich, 1933 - 1945• A complete description of the organisation of the “Green”

army in Germany – The Ordnugspolizei.

• A complete listing of who-is-who in the German Police.

• A complete order of battle of the German police.

• The only Encyclopaedia of the Ordnungspolizei on the market today.

• Author: Phil Nix and George Jerome

• Format: 305 x 212 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 380

• 192 b/w illustrations

• ISBN: 9789185657988

• Price: £59.99 ⎢ $75.00

• Publishing date: April 2011

• ISBN: 9789185657025

• Price: £49.99 ⎢ $75.00

• Publishing date: March 1, 2010

• ISBN: 9789197589437

• Price: £29.99 ⎢ $58.00

• Publishing date: September 1, 2007


Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


• ISBN: 9789197589437

• Price: £29.99 ⎢ $58.00

• Publishing date: September 1, 2007

Tanks In The Winter War1939 – 1940

• The only study on the market of the actual tank operations that took place during the Winter war.

• The only complete order of battle for the tank forces of both participants.

• Many unique and previously unpublished photos.

• A unravelled level of detail in the descriptions of operations and units in the Winter war.

• Author: Maxim Kolomyets

• Format: 255x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 160

• Fully illustrated

• ISBN: 9789197589529

• Price: £25.99 ⎢ $48.00

• Publishing date: May 1, 2009

• Author: Janusz Ledwoch

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 400

• 200 photos, 48 pages of Colour profiles

Warsaw I: Tanks in the Uprising August 1944 - October 1944

• Complete Order-of-Battle for both sides.

• Many never-before seen photos.

• A high level of detail in eye-witness reports.

• A unique book as this subject never has been published before.

• ISBN: 9789185657049

• Price: £29.99 ⎢ $48.00

• Publishing date: August 2011

Warsaw IIThe Tank Battle at Praga, July to December 1944

• A never before published study of a very unknown battle in 1944 on the Eastern front.

• Full Order of battle for both participants.

• Many previously unpublished photos.

• A highly detailed description of the battle.

• Author: Norbert Bacyk

• Format: 255x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 272

• Fully illustrated

• ISBN: 9789197589543

• Price: £25.99 ⎢ $48.00

• Publishing date: May 1, 2009

Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


SS-Panzer- Aufklarungsabteilung 11The Swedish SS-Platoon in the Battles for the Baltics, Pomerania and Berlin 1943-45

• Complete order of battle of a unique Reconnaissance unit on the Eastern front 1943-45-

• The only book on the market with the complete story about the Swedish volunteers in the Waffen SS.

• Previously unpublished photos. • Unravelled detail in eye witness reports of the hardest battles

fought and survived on the Eastern front 1943-45.

• Author: Herbert Poller, Martin Månsson, Lennart Westberg

• Format: 255x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 384

• Author: Sam Olsen

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 400

Dambusters vol 1: The Rise of RAF Precision Bombing March 1943 – May 1944

• Complete coverage in detail of all the missions flown by 617 Dambuster Squadron, including training missions.

• Complete coverage of all the equipment used by the squadron, including armament, electronic devices and airplanes.

• Complete tables, indexes and descriptions of all flying personnel, losses, awards, airbases and targets.

• Colour profiles and maps by renowned artist Marie Gaetan, Bill Dady and Laurent Lecocq.

• 200 photos, 48 pages of Colour profiles

• ISBN: 9789185657049

• Price: £59.99 ⎢ $58.00

• Publishing date: September 2011

• Fully illustrated throughout

• ISBN: 9789197589550

• Price: £38.99 ⎢ $58.00

• Publishing date: July 1, 2010

SS-Schijäger Batallion ”Norge”Norwegian Ski Infantry on the East Front 1941-44• First ever study published on the unknown Norwegian

SS-Ski Infantry in the “Nord” division.

• Complete Order of Battle for all Norwegian sub-units in the division.

• Complete lists of losses.

• Never before published photos from private sources.

• Author: Geir Brenden, Arne Haakon Thomassen

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 256

• 300 photos

• ISBN: 9789185657063

• Price: £39.99 ⎢ $48.00

• Publishing date: June 2011


Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


• 200 photos, 48 pages of Colour profiles

• ISBN: 9789185657049

• Price: £59.99 ⎢ $58.00

• Publishing date: September 2011

Jagdtiger:Design, Production and Operations

• The only complete technical and operational history of the Jagdtiger.

• Complete coverage of the units using the Jagdtiger.

• Artwork and profiles by Thierry Vallet, Nicolas Colacitti and Laurent Lecocq.

• Appendixes of all technical and operational aspects.

• Many unseen photos of the Jagdtiger.

• Author: Chris Meadows

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 450

• 300 photos and 60 colour profiles 12 maps

• ISBN: 9789185657018

• Price: £49.99 ⎢ $55.00

• Publishing date: September 2011

• Author: Tim Dinan

• Format: 255 x195 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 336

HE 177 ”Greif”Design, Production and Operations

• Complete technical and production coverage of the He 177.

• Complete operational history of the units using He 177.

• Appendices of all technical and operational aspects.

• Artwork and profiles by Gaetan Marie, Bill Dady and Laurent Lecocq

• 200 photos, 48 colour profiles, 6 maps

• ISBN: 9789185657971

• Price: £49.99 ⎢ $55.00

• Publishing date: November 2011

Operation FreshmanThe Hunt for Hitler’s Heavy Water

• A unique study in all the attempts to destroy the heavy water plant in Norway.

• A full description of the successful attacks against the heavy water

• Rich description of the treatment measured out by the German forces against the captured Brittish commandoes

• A then-and-now description of the areas of operations described in the book.

• Author: Jostein Berglyd

• Format: 240x170 mm, hardback

• Number of pages: 190

• 80 b/w illustrations

• ISBN: 9789197589598

• Price: £17.99 ⎢ $36.00

• Publishing date: January 1, 2008

Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


Title Author ISBN Price

Dambusters vol 1: The Rise of RAF Precision Bombing March 1943 – May 1944

Sam Olsen 9789185657049 £59.99 $58.00

Festung Posen vol 1: ”Bastion an der Wache”

Eric Linderholm, Tim Dinan & Chris Meadows

9789185657124 £49.99 $71.99

He 162 ”Salamander” The Volksjäger Design, Production and Operations

Christopher Meadows

9789185657032 £49.99 $71.99

HE 177 ”Greif” Design, Production and Operations

Tim Dinan 9789185657971 £49.99 $55.00

Jagdtiger: Design, Production and Operations

Chris Meadows 9789185657018 £49.99 $55.00

Kesselschlachten: Holding the Red Tide at Demyansk and Cholm 1942

Sam Olsen 9789185657179 £49.99 $71.99

Konigsberg/Kurland The desperate defense of the Third Reich Borders July – September 1944

Tim Dinan, Erik Linderholm, Chris, Meadows, Sam Olsen, Ulf Olsson

9789185657100 £49.99 $71.99

Murderous Elite The Waffen-SS and its record of atrocities

James Pontolillo 9789185657025 £49.99 $75.00

Operation Freshman The Hunt for Hitler’s Heavy Water

Jostein Berglyd 9789197589598 £17.99 $36.00

Ordnungspolizei vol 1: Encyclopedia of the German Police Battalions September 1939 – July 1942

Massimo Arico 9789185657988 £59.99 $75.00

Title Author ISBN Price

SS-Panzer-Aufkla-rungsabteilung 11

The Swedish SS-Platoon in the Battles for the Baltics, Pomerania and Berlin 1943–45

Herbert Poller, Martin Månsson, Lennart Westberg

9789197589550 £38.99 $58.00

SS-Schijäger Batallion ”Norge”

Norwegian Ski Infantry on the East Front 1941– 44

Geir Brenden, Arne Haakon Thomassen

9789185657063 £39.99 $48.00

Tanks In The Winter War

1939 – 1940 Maxim Kolomyets 9789197589529 £25.99 $48.00

Target Norway The Air-Sea battles along Norways coast October 1944 – May 1945

Halvor Sperrbund 9789185657056 £49.99 $71.99

The Dambusters vol 2: Bombing For Victory June 1944 – VE Day 1945

Sam Olsen 9789185657117 £59.99 $81.99

The Uniformed Police Forces Of The Third Reich, 1933 - 1945

Phil Nix and George Jerome

9789197589437 £29.99 $58.00

Warsaw I: Tanks in the Uprising August 1944 – October 1944

Janusz Ledwoch 9789185657049 £29.99 $48.00

Warsaw II The Tank Battle at Praga, July to December 1944

Norbert Bacyk 9789197589543 £25.99 $48.00

Warsaw III The battle for the Magnushev bridge-head August 1944 “Hermann Göring” Panzer Division vs 1st Polish Army

Tim Dinan, Peter Domanski, Eric Linderholm

9789185657186 £39.99 $61.99



Leandoer & Ekholm Publishing


Title Author ISBN Price

Dambusters vol 1: The Rise of RAF Precision Bombing March 1943 – May 1944

Sam Olsen 9789185657049 £59.99 $58.00

Festung Posen vol 1: ”Bastion an der Wache”

Eric Linderholm, Tim Dinan & Chris Meadows

9789185657124 £49.99 $71.99

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