a2 media studies - prop list

Post on 07-Feb-2017






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Throughout the music video, mobile phones will be used; to reinforce generic ideals of the youth, in relation to their technological interests. Furthermore, will be used as a visual reference to the lyrics, an example of such lyrics is: “rub my eyes and check my phone”. In context to the lyrics of the song, the image of the mobile phone will further reinforce the idea that mobile phones are used as a medium of primary contact of the youth. Furthermore, will be used to discover that remote contact enables people to engage in drug related activities.

Throughout the music video, green plants contained within plastic packaging will be used to visualise the implication of drugs, specifically marijuana. Furthermore, will be used as a visual reference to the lyrics, an example of such lyrics are: “get the herb rolled”. In context to the lyrics of the song, the image of the drugs will reinforce social issues, which within existing hip hop music videos, is commonly mentioned of within a songs lyrics.

Within the music video, sunglasses will be implemented as a visual feature of the artist. The implication of sunglasses is generically suggestive about an artist who interacts with abnormal behaviours; and is further visualised to maintain a secretive identity of the artist(device of safety). In relation to the songs lyrics, will enhance the mood of suspicion. Which can be conveyed by the artist acting secretively whilst engaged in the handling and consumption of drugs. Moreover, can act as a device of stealth, where in relation to the lyrics the artist would not want to be recognised within a social space, as he is “supposed to be in class”. Within existing hip hop music videos, sunglasses are commonly integrated into the artist's appearance, and so the artist can be associated to the hip hop genre; conforming to the genres expectancies, is the artists intended image.

Throughout the music video, conventions of cigarette interaction will be implemented via the usage of cigarettes and cigarette roll-up papers. Which will visualise the lyrics; in relation to the consumption of drugs. Lyrics such as: “Cause we tryin to get high get high get high” and “let's get the herb rolled”, will be visualised by generic visuals of cigarettes, that of smoke fumes and papers being rolled into circular motions. Which, will provide audiences with a reinforced image of the artist becoming ‘high’, in result to consuming drugs. Within existing hip hop music videos, cigarettes are commonly used, to reinforce social issues concerning drugs; mentioned within a songs lyrics.

Throughout the music video, money will be used to visualise the ideals of wealth; in relation to the lyrics. An example of lyrics that suggest this ideology is: “gotta work with watcha got”, viewers will be able to recognise the artist as being money-motivated. Within existing hip hop music videos, ideologies of wealth are commonly illustrated via the display of items in the form of valuable assets, or simply shown via the possession of money notes; whereby money symbolises authority. Which is another generic convention illustrated within music video texts(dominance).

Within the music video, eggs and syrup will be implemented to visualise the lyrics: “I’ll top it off with scrambled eggs” and “but no more syrup left in my bottle, damn”. In context to the songs lyrics, visualises a daily routine of the artist, in relation to narrative; which is breakfast. Inevitably, he consults to interacting with “eggs” in result of having “no syrup”. Which suggests that the narrative is an abnormality. In regards to existing hip hop music videos, the reference to breakfast is unusual and subverts the stereotype of artists generically relating to life events, rather than daily routines. This abnormality is suggested as a humorous device in attempt to maintain prolonged viewing.

Within the music video, bottles of alcohol will be implemented to suggest the artist's interaction with alcohol consumption. Which intends to be visualised by the lyrics: “but I don't give a f**k if the house a mess”. In regards to existing hip hop music videos, the reference to alcohol is commonly made, by the use of indirect imagery such of empty bottles. Which further suggests the past activities that had occurred within an environment; a social event. Social events are generic conventions within music videos, and highlight the identities of people.

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