a review article of ritu and ritu sandhi

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Tiwari et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Dr. Mamta Masram1, Dr. Sandeep Singh Tiwari

2* and Dr. Rambhool Singh


1PG Scholar; Department of Samhita and Siddhanta Babe Ke Ayurvedic Medical College and

Hospital, Daudhar, Moga.

2Assistant Professor, Department of Rog Nidna Evum Vikriti Vigyana, DAMCH, Bareilly.

3Associate Professor at Department of Ras Shastra and Bhaishajyakalpna, DAMCH, Bareilly.


Ayurveda is an Indian system of medicine which deals with health and

diseases. As described in Sushruta Samhita health means normal

physiological parameters, spiritual wellbeing, focused mind and mental

peace. Ayurveda deals with multiple aspects of health and focus is on

being healthy. First aim of Ayurveda is „Swasthyarakshan‟ i.e.

maintenance of health. To fulfill this aim, regimens according to

different seasons and for day to day life are given in great Trio.

Separate chapters are written on Dincharya and Ritucharya. Ritu

means season. In Ayurvedic literature year is divided into Uttarayana

and Dakshinayana. Each Ayana is divided into three Ritu. Hence total

6 Rituare present in one year. For every Ritu different food and routines are advised. At the

end of Ritucharya, Vagbhatta has described Ritusandhi. Ritu Sandhi is a time when seasons

meet. One week of former season and one week of later season forms the time of Ritusandhi.

This article is a review study of SamhitoktaRitu and Ritusandhi. The importance of Ritu and

Ritusandhi in present scenario is discussed in this review article. References and relevant

matter is compiled from Ayurvedic literature, internet and research articles. In different Ritu

environmental conditions are different. These conditions directly affect human body.

Therefore Ahaar –Vihaar which is in homologation with particular Ritu is described in

Samhita. The methods of shifting from one regimen to the other with changing season are

being discussed in this article.

KEYWORDS: Ritu, Ritusandhi, Ritucharya, Swasthyarakshana, Uttarayana,


World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research SJIF Impact Factor 8.074

Volume 8, Issue 9, 532-544. Review Article ISSN 2277– 7105

Article Received on

01 June 2019,

Revised on 21 June 2019,

Accepted on 12 July 2019

DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20199-15479

*Corresponding Author

Dr. Sandeep Singh Tiwari

Assistant Professor,

Department of Rog Nidna

Evum Vikriti Vigyana,

DAMCH, Bareilly.

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Tiwari et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Ayurveda is a way of life which guides us to overall development of human. In Tistrayeshana

Adhyayam, Acharya Charaka has described three basic needs of human life on earth. First is


, second is Dhaneshana[2]

and last is Parlokeshana.[3]

The first thing, for which

we should dedicate ourselves, is Praneshana. This means efforts to take care of our body and

mind at all levels. Praneshana is described with so much emphasis because rest of the two

needs of life depends on healthy body and sound mind. To keep ourselves healthy, there are

certain rules and regulations to be followed in different Ritu, which are suggested in


In Sanskrit, Ritu means season and Sandhi means the junction of two things. This implies

Ritusandhi is junction between two Ritu. In Charaka Samhita, before describing regimens for

various Ritu, Acharya said that the one who knows Ritusatmya and follow Ahaar - Vihaar

accordingly, remains healthy. His Bal, Varan increase.[4]

Ritusatmya means food and

activities which are in homologation with that particular season. Bal and Varan denotes

physical strength and skin complexion (Varan Vardhan doesn’t mean a fairer skin but even

complexion and luster present in the skin of healthy people). According to Lok-

Purushsamyaa Siddhanta[5]

each element in environment is also present in human body.

Change in environment directly affects the basic elements of human body. Human is unable

to control environmental changes as we cannot control the motion of celestial bodies like

Sun, Moon etc. They make tremendous impact on human physiology. Considering this, our

Acharyas has prescribed regimen for every season. Whatever we eat/consume is digested by

digestive fire and assimilated accordingly to give strength to body. In Adaan and Visarga

kala digestive fire gets affected[6]

by external environment hence our food and activities

should change according to our Jatharagni. Ayurveda dictates that imbalance of Dosha,

Dhatu and Mala leads to the disease and their equilibrium maintain the health.[7]


equilibrium of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala is maintained by following proper Dincharya,

Ritucharya, Sadvritta and Ratricharya.

Our diet changed substantially in the second half of 20th century, generally with increased

consumption of meat, dairy products, vegetable oils, fruit juice, and alcoholic beverages, food

affected by fertilizers and pesticides and decreased consumption of starchy staple foods, such

as bread, potatoes, rice, and maize flour. These observations suggest that the diets [or

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Tiwari et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

lifestyle] of different populations might partly determine the rates of cancer, and other

lifestyle disorders, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hormonal diseases.[8]

In 1900, the top three causes of death in the United States were pneumonia/influenza,

tuberculosis, and diarrhea. Communicable diseases accounted for about 60% of all deaths. In

1900, heart disease and cancer were ranked number 4 and 8, respectively. Since the 1940s,

the majority of deaths in the United States have resulted from heart disease, cancer, and other

degenerative diseases. And, by the late1990s, degenerative diseases accounted for more than

60% of all deaths.[9]

Already considered the diabetes capital of the world, India now appears

heading towards gaining another dubious distinction of becoming the lifestyle related disease

capital as well. A study conducted jointly by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences and

Max Hospital showsthat the incidence of hypertension, obesity and heart disease is increasing

at an alarmingrate, especially in the young, urban population.[10]

WHO statistics 2015 shows

that out of 56.4 million deaths worldwide in 2015 Ischemic heart disease and stroke

accounted for a combined 15 million deaths.[11]

Different studies given above shows that in

early 20th

century infectious diseases were the main cause of death and other life style

disorders were ranked lower; and in mid and late 20th

century non infectious diseases

accounted for more deaths than infectious diseases. This is the reason we are studying Ritu

and Ritusandhi in this article.


Rituis described in Brihattrayi while Ritusandhi is given by Vagbhatta

Rituaccording to Unaadi kosh:


It means the one whichcomes and goes again and again in cycles.Monier Williamsrecordsthe

meaning asany settled point of time, timeappointed for any action (especially for sacrifices

and other regular worship), an epoch, period, season, menstrual discharge in

women.Symbolic representation of number six.Rituis one which appears regularly.[13]

From all these references, we can deduce that Ritumeans the form inwhich nature expresses

itself in a particular sequence; and Ritusandhi means junction of two Ritu.

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Definition of Ritusandhi

The last seven days of ongoing Ritu and first seven days of next Ritu. The regimen prescribed

for Ritusandhiperiod is calculated to help in a smooth change over from one season to the


Vedic Time

The idea of Ritu and Ritusandhiis first seen in Vedicliterature itself. In Kaushitaki

Brahmana(Vi. 10-12) and Gopatha Brahmana (II1.19) the Chaturmasya sacrifices

areperformed in Ritu Sandhiand Ritu Sandhithe transition from one to another

causesillness. More than once the Vedic textsspeak of Ritu Mukha. In one passage, it

issaid that it is not easy to decide the face of the Ritu. Rituare double faced or theyface

two sides.[15]

In ShatpathBrahmana Pravargya and Upsad are described, where Pravargya means Sun

and Upsad means Ritu. These combinations are given together to show that Sun plays a

major role in all Ritu.[16]

In Natyashastra Bharata Munitalks aboutRitu in chapter 26. He dictated different

expressions to express different Ritu. Hemanta should be indicated by seeking the sun,

fire and warm clothing. Further Hemantais expressed through symptoms like Kujan,

Sitkara, trembling of head and lips and chattering of teeth.[17]

Winter is represented by smelling of flowers, drinking wine, and feeling of an unpleasant

wind. Vasanta is to be indicated by the representation of the act of rejoicing, enjoyment

and festivities and a display of various flowers, the summer is to be indicated through the

representation of heat of the earth, fans, wiping of sweat and feeling of hot wind,the rainy

season is to be indicated by the representation of Kadamba, kutaj and Nimba flowers,

Indragopa and group of peacock.[18]

Samhita Kala

Acharyadescribed Ritu and Ritucharya in their own way which is further elaborated by

commentators. But there is no direct reference of mentioning ofRitu Sandhi in Charaka and

Sushruta Samhita. InSamgrahakala: Vagbhatta mentionedRitusandhifor the first time in

Ritucharya chapter. Sharngadharadescribed this concept of Ritusandhito limit the periodto

fifteen days of Kartika and Margahsirshaand named it as "Yamadamshtra”.[19]


upon position of Sun, group ofthree seasons called Uttarayanaand group of three seasons

called Dakshinayanaare formed. Further each Ayana is divided into three Ritueach viz.,

Shishir, Vasanta, Grishma and Varsha, Sharad, Hemanta.

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Table 1: characteristics of Uttarayana and Dakshinayana.



Ritu-Shishir, Vasanta, Grishma

Sun and air –Teekshana, Ushana


Earth’s Saumyansh decreases

Tikta Kashaya, Katu Rasa



Varsha , Sharad ,Hemanta

Moon is strong ,Sun weaker, air colder

Due to clouds and rain earth cools


Amla , Lavana, Madhur rasa



Table 2: Considering the characteristics of these Rituis as following according to



Ritu Rukshata Snehansh Bal Rasa

Shishira + - +++ Tikta

Vasanta ++ -- ++ Kashaya

Grishma +++ --- + Katu

Varsha - + + Amla

Sharad -- + ++ Lavana

Hemanta --- +++ +++ Madhura

Following tables shows different Ritu with respect to Indian calendar

Table 3: time of specific Ritu According to Acharya Chakrapaani (Rasabalautpatti).[23]

Month Ritu

Margsheersha-Paush Hemanta

Magh- Falgun Shishir

Chaitra-Vaishakh Vasanta

Jayeshthha-Ashaad Grishma

Shravana-Bhadrapada Varsha

Ashwin –Kartika Sharad

Acharya Charaka followed this order while explaining Ritucharyaand mentioned ShishirRitu

first while naming. Vagbhattaand Sushruta also followed above pattern.

Table 4: according to Samshodhan Krama.[24]

Month Ritu

Paush- Magh Hemanta

Falgun- Chaitra Vasanta

Vaishakh- Jayeshthha Grishma

Ashaad- Shravana Pravritta

Bhadrapada- Ashwin Varsha

Kartika- Margsheersha Sharad

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Table 5: Signs of normal seasons according to Acharya Sushruta.

Season Signs


northern cold breeze, dusty and smoky weather,

haziness, freeze water resources, mating time for

crow, rhinoceros, buffalo, sheepand elephants,

flowering time for Symplocosracemosa, Callicarpa

macrophylla, Mesua ferrea


Chillier, cold wind blows and cloudy sky, rest of the

signs are same as Hemanta


Pleasant southern air blows , trees and plants are full

of new leaves, flowering time

of Chameli and Malti, Mangefera indica,Nelumbo

nucifera,Butea monosperma,Saraca asoka,Mimusops

elengi etc nightingales sing and bees buzz all

around.sky remains clear.


South west harsh wind blows, sun is intense, rise in

temperature, and wild animals roam in search of

water. Small plants and creepers dry up.


It is premonsoon season. Northern air blows and sky is

covered with clouds, scanty rain and thundershowers

are there, earth is covered with new soft sprouts of

dark colored grass. Flowering time

of AnthocephalusKadamba, Holarrhena

antidysentrica,Shorea robusta, Ketaki,small

earthworms start appearing.


Sky is full of clouds, and it rains heavily without much

noise,earth is fully covered with vegetation, there are

flowers of Nelumbo nucifera blooming on the water

bodies and rivers are flooded.


Sun is yellowish and intense,white colored high

clouds are present in the sky,lotus flowers bloom in

water bodies, earth is covered with mud, dry than


Table 6: Properties of Ahoratrawith respect to Rituas mentioned in Sushruta Samhita.[32]

Ahoratra Ritu Sanchaya Prakopa Prashaman

Purvahna Vasanta - Kapha -

Madhyahna Grishma Vata - Kapha

Aparahna Pravritta - Vata -

Pradosha Varsha Pitta Vata -

Ardharatra Sharada - Pitta Vata

Pratyusha Hemanta Kapha - -

Rituhas its influence from the time of conception until death. To maintain the proper

healthand to tolerate Kalaja disorders. It isessential to follow Ritusatmya. Ritusatmya isthe

regimen told for the specific Ritufor specificduration. The strength and luster of humanbeing

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who knows the suitable diet and regimenfor every season and practices accordinglyremains

healthy. Regimen and diet of one seasonis to be withdrawn slowly and gradually otherwise

itmay lead to Asatmyaja roga. Therefore in Ritusandhi the regimen of the preceding

seasonshould be discontinued gradually and that ofthe succeeding season should be

adoptedgradually. Particular sequenceis to be adopted, to avoid the disease during Ritusandhi.

Table 7: The following table representsAhaarkramafor 14 daysof Ritusandhiaccording

to AcharyaHemadri.[33]

Days of Ritusandhi Ahaarof Preceding season Ahaarof `Succeeding season

1st day of Ritusandhi 3part 1 part


day of Ritusandhi 4part -


day ofRitusandhi 2part 2 part


day ofRitusandhi 2part 2 part


day ofRitusandhi 3 part 1 part


day ofRitusandhi 1 part 3 part


day ofRitusandhi 1 part 3 part


day ofRitusandhi 1 part 3 part


day ofRitusandhi 2 part 2 part


day ofRitusandhi 2 part 2 part


day ofRitusandhi 2 part 2 part


day ofRitusandhi 2 part 2 part


day ofRitusandhi 2 part 2 part


day ofRitusandhi 1 part 3 part


day ofRitusandhi 4 part

Disease onset and relation of Ritu

Vataj Vyadhi-Pravritta

Pittaj Vyadhi -Sharad

Kaphaj Vyadhi- Vasanta

Raktaja Vyadhi– Sharad[34]

Above tables stipulate that Ritu has direct effect on Tridoshaand Dosha Vaishamyamanifests

disease. Hence knowledge of seasons and their regimens is necessary for healthy life.


The first aim of Ayurveda is to maintain health. To fulfill this purposeAyurvedic literature

described –Dincharya[35]

i.e. daily regimen, Ritucharya i.e.seasonal regimen, Ratricharya[36]


night regimen, Sadvritta[37]

- ethicaland moral activities; three pillar of human life.[38]


pillars are: Ahaar– rulesand regulations about dietintake, Nidra -rules and regulations about

sleeping; Brahmacharyameansrules and regulations to restrain oneself from indulging in

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certain foods, intoxicants, and behaviors (mental and physical) etc. This present study

elaborates importance of Ritucharyaand Ritusandhi in healthy life. The characteristics of

Ritudecide the regimen to be followed to maintainhealth and to prevent seasonaldisorders.

Ritusandhiis transition between two seasons, the durationis fourteen days. During this period

it isadvised to follow Ritusatmya with specific Krama. Going through the historical review it

seems that the concept ofRitu andRitusandhi was known from the period of Veda. It was very

popular in Sanskrit poetry and literature. This review article is an attempt to understand the

importance of Ritu, Ritusandhi and Ritucharya. All these factors help us to lead a healthy life.

Due to present life style, it becomes quite difficult to follow daily and seasonal regimen. With

the passage of time and due to many foreign invasions the rich heritage of Ayurveda is lost.

We no longer follow Indian calendar and it is long forgotten by young generation. Dincharya,

Ratricharya, Ritucharya are not routine practices as they were earlier. Therefore, as discussed

earlier, life style disorders are increasing. Science has made a lot of progress in medicine. But

due to unhealthy life style diseases are also progressing. Therefore the paths showed by our

ancestors must be followed.

To follow Ritucharya, first of all the knowledge of Ritu is mandatory. Coherence with Roman

calendar may help common man to understand this concept.

Ritu can be established by accessing criteria given by Acharya Sushruta.Acharya Charaka

mentioned a word Ghanatye[39]

in Tasyashitiyamadhyayam, while describing Sharad

Ritucharya. Acharya Chakrapaani explained Ghanatye as Pravyaktanam Shardi.[40]

It means

when Sharad is fully appeared. In very next line Acharya Charaka used the word


The logic behind using synonyms again and again is to put an emphasis on

the exact onset of Sharad Ritu.

In Ayurvedic literature qualities of each Ritu are given. According to these qualities

Ayurvedic physicisian can make a decision about ongoing Ritu. With the help ofYukti

Pramaan one has to decide if Ritu has changed or not. Once the Ritu is established, Ahaar –

Vihaar is to be followed accordingly. In Ayurveda knowledge of Ritu is also important for

treatment e.g Acharya Sushruta has mentioned that fractured bone heals easily in


Bandage of a wound is to be changed according to ongoing Ritu.[43]

“Atursya vikaarprashamanamch”[44]

issecond aim of Ayurveda. Hence knowledge of Ritu

plays an important role in treatment. Samshodhan is main treatment in Ayurveda and it is

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Tiwari et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

mentioned in classic text that Vaman Karma is to be done in VasantaRitu[45]

, RaktaMokshan

and Virechana in SharadRitu[46]

and Vastito be given in PravrittaRitu.[47]


To fulfill the aim of Ayurveda and of modern medicine that ‘prevention is better than

cure’theimportance of Ritu, RituSandhi and Ritucharya in the present scenario cannot be

declined. To follow seasonal diets and activities one should know the seasons according to

ancient Indian calendar. Need of the hour is to establish the concept of each season

practically so that it can be followed according to modern lifestyle. This article is a small

effort to understand this concept of season, seasonal diet and activities. This article is also an

attempt to understand the importance of Ritu while treating the patients.


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33. Vagbhatta.Ashtang Hridayam, with Sarvangasundara commentary by Acharya

Arunadatta and Ayurveda Rasayana by Acharya Hemadri. Edited by Pt. Hari

sadashivaShastri.Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2016; 47A.H . Su.3/42.

34. Agnivesha.Charaka-Samhita elaborated by Charakaand Dridhabalawith Ayurveda Dipika

commentary byAcharyaChakrapanidatta. Edited by VaidyaAcharya Yadavji Trikamji.

Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2014; 124 Ch.Su 24/10.

35. Vagbhatta.Ashtang Hridayam, with Sarvangasundara commentary by Acharya

Arunadatta and Ayurveda Rasayana by Acharya Hemadri. Edited by Pt. Hari

sadashivaShastri.Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2016; 23A.H . Su2/1.

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36. Vagbhatta.Ashtang Hridayam, with Sarvangasundara commentary by Acharya

Arunadatta and Ayurveda Rasayana by Acharya Hemadri. Edited by Pt. Hari

sadashivaShastri.Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2016; 32-34A.H.


37. Vagbhatta.Ashtang Hridayam, with Sarvangasundara commentary by Acharya

Arunadatta and Ayurveda Rasayana by Acharya Hemadri. Edited by Pt. Hari

sadashivaShastri.Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2016; 29-31A.H.


38. Agnivesha.Charaka-Samhita elaborated by Charakaand Dridhabalawith Ayurveda Dipika

commentary byAcharyaChakrapanidatta. Edited by VaidyaAcharya Yadavji Trikamji.

Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2014; 74 Ch.Su11/35.

39. Agnivesha.Charaka-Samhita elaborated by Charakaand Dridhabalawith Ayurveda Dipika

commentary byAcharyaChakrapanidatta. Edited by VaidyaAcharya Yadavji Trikamji.

Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2014; 48Ch.Su6/43.

40. Agnivesha.Charaka-Samhita elaborated by Charakaand Dridhabalawith Ayurveda Dipika

commentary byAcharyaChakrapanidatta. Edited by VaidyaAcharya Yadavji Trikamji.

Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2014; 48Ch.Su6/43.

41. Agnivesha.Charaka-Samhita elaborated by Charakaand Dridhabalawith Ayurveda Dipika

commentary byAcharyaChakrapanidatta. Edited by VaidyaAcharya Yadavji Trikamji.

Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2014; 48 Ch.Su 6/44.

42. Sushruta. SushrutaSamhita with Nibandhasamgraha commentary by Acharya Dalhana.

Edited by VaidyaAcharya Yadavji Trikamji. Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications;

Reprint, 2017; 416Su.Chi3/15.

43. Sushruta. SushrutaSamhita with Nibandhasamgraha commentary by Acharya Dalhana.

Edited by VaidyaAcharya Yadavji Trikamji. Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications;

Reprint, 2017; 89Su.Su18/27,35.

44. Agnivesha.Charaka-Samhita elaborated by Charakaand Dridhabalawith Ayurveda Dipika

commentary byAcharya Chakrapanidatta. Edited by VaidyaAcharya Yadavji Trikamji.

Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2014; 187 Ch.Su 30/26.

45. Agnivesha.Charaka-Samhita elaborated by Charakaand Dridhabalawith Ayurveda Dipika

commentary byAcharyaChakrapanidatta. Edited by VaidyaAcharya Yadavji Trikamji.

Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2014; 46 Ch.Su 6/23.

www.wjpr.net Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019.


Tiwari et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

46. Agnivesha.Charaka-Samhita elaborated by Charakaand Dridhabalawith Ayurveda Dipika

commentary byAcharyaChakrapanidatta. Edited by VaidyaAcharya Yadavji Trikamji.

Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2014; 48 Ch.Su 6/44.

47. Agnivesha. Charaka-Samhita elaborated by Charaka and Dridhabala with Ayurveda

Dipika commentary by Acharya Chakrapanidatta. Edited by Vaidya Acharya Yadavji

Trikamji. Varanasi: Chaukhamba publications; Reprint, 2014; 281Ch.vi 8/126.

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